Illuminating The Reaction Pathways of Viromimetic Assembly: Article
Illuminating The Reaction Pathways of Viromimetic Assembly: Article
Illuminating The Reaction Pathways of Viromimetic Assembly: Article
Illuminating the reaction pathways of viromimetic assembly
Hande E. Cingil, Emre B. Boz, Giovanni Biondaro, Renko de Vries, Martien
A. Cohen Stuart, Daniela J. Kraft, Paul van der Schoot, and Joris Sprakel
J. Am. Chem. Soc., Just Accepted Manuscript • Publication Date (Web): 22 Mar 2017
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7 Illuminating the reaction pathways of viromimetic assembly
9 Hande E. Cingil1, Emre B. Boz1, Giovanni Biondaro2, Renko de Vries1, Martien A. Cohen Stuart1,
10 Daniela J. Kraft2, Paul van der Schoot3,4 and Joris Sprakel1*
12 1. Physical Chemistry and Soft Matter, Wageningen University & Research, Stippeneng 4, 6708 WE, Wageningen, the
13 Netherlands
14 2. Soft Matter Physics, Huygens-Kamerling Onnes Laboratory, Leiden University, PO Box 9504, 2300 RA, Leiden, the
15 Netherlands
16 3. Theory of Polymers and Soft Matter, Eindhoven University of Technology, PO Box 513, 5600 MB, Eindhoven, the Neth-
17 erlands
19 4. Institute for Theoretical Physics, Utrecht University, Leuvenlaan 4, 3584 CE, Utrecht, the Netherlands
viruses, self-assembly, molecular sensors, pathway complexity, recombinant proteins, electrostatic complexation
24 ABSTRACT: The co-assembly of well-defined biological nanostructures relies on a delicate balance between attractive
25 and repulsive interactions between biomolecular building blocks. Viral capsids are a prototypical example, where coat
26 proteins exhibit not only self-interactions but also interact with the cargo they encapsulate. In Nature the balance be-
27 tween antagonistic and synergistic interactions is evolved to avoid kinetic trapping and polymorphism. To date it has re-
28 mained a major challenge to experimentally disentangle the complex kinetic reaction pathways that underlie successful
29 co-assembly of biomolecular building blocks in a non-invasive approach with high temporal resolution. Here we show
30 how macromolecular force sensors, acting as a genome proxy, allow us to probe the pathways through which a viromi-
31 metic protein forms capsids. We uncover the complex multistage process of capsid assembly, which involves recruitment
32 and complexation, followed by allosteric growth of the proteinaceous coat. Under certain conditions, the single-genome
33 particles condense into capsids containing multiple copies of the template. Finally, we derive a theoretical model that
34 quantitatively describes the kinetics of recruitment and growth. These results shed new light on the origins of the path-
35 way complexity in biomolecular co-assembly.
39 INTRODUCTION nate and why, and how they give rise to structural poly-
40 Supramolecular structures in Nature derive their func- morphism and kinetic trapping, is incomplete; not least
41 tionality from a precisely defined architecture, which in because experimental methods to probe them at the rele-
42 turn is formed by the assembly of biomolecular precur- vant length and time scales are scarce6. Radiation scatter-
43 sors1. Assembling these structures spontaneously, without ing methods, while offering excellent statistics, can be
intervention of the biochemical machinery of the cell, difficult to interpret due to the reciprocal space inversion
requires a finely-tuned balance of repulsive and attractive problem. By contrast, imaging methods, such as time-
interactions acting between multiple constituents. Con- resolved atomic force microscopy or electron microscopy,
trolling this delicate balance is often achieved through provide real-space insight into capsid formation but may
allostery, a highly cooperative process regulated through suffer from poor statistics and time resolution.
49 conformational switching2. Moreover, allosteric action
also controls the kinetic pathways of assembly; this is cru- Here, we present a new approach to resolve these chal-
cial to obtain well-defined structures with a high degree lenges and probe capsid assembly kinetics in detail. We
of fidelity. A case in point is the spontaneous assembly of employ morphology-sensitive luminescent polymers as
simple viruses, in which binding of the coat protein to its genome proxies, which act as optical sensors of their co-
genetic cargo sets in motion a cascade of events that leads assembly into linear virus-like particles with a recombi-
to successful co-assembly2c, 3. This route may involve a nant viromimetic protein. We find that capsid formation
multitude of competing pathways3b, 4, each of which in is initiated by the random binding of coat proteins onto
turn consists of a large number of elementary docking the template, after which a concerted capsid growth en-
and folding steps between individual molecules. This sues, caused by conformational switching of the protein.
gives rise to significant pathway complexity, a topic of Near conditions of charge compensation, the single-
intense study in the past decades, also in supramolecular genome assemblies condense into virus-like particles
chemistry5. Our understanding of what pathways domi- which carry multiple copies of the template. The binding
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and reorganization of proteins on the template is cap- tinct changes in its luminescence spectrum upon supra-
1 tured by a simple model in which aspecific unimolecular molecular stretching 12. The second sensor polymer 13
2 binding competes with cooperative multimolecular reor- (SP2) is used to evaluate if capsids contain a single copy of
3 ganization. These results shed new light on the origins of the template, or whether multiple copies become incor-
4 the pathway complexity that result from competing inter- porated at some stage along the assembly pathway.
5 actions, stoichiometry and the action of allostery in as- The proxy genome and sensor SP1 (Fig. 1a) exhib-
6 sembling biomolecular systems. its an optomechanical coupling between the confor-
7 mation of the polymeric backbone and its photolumines-
8 cence (PL). In a relaxed state, its PL spectrum features
9 three distinct vibronic bands: the 1-0 transition at 𝜆 = 418
Co-assembling species. We study the for-
10 nm dominates the luminescence, while minor transitions
mation of capsids from a recombinant coat protein in-
11 are visible as the lower energy 2-0 and 3-0 bands (Fig.1c).
spired by the structure of the tobacco mosaic virus
12 In this "naked" state, the conjugation length and delocal-
(TMV), whose design and production is described in de-
13 ized electronic structure along the backbone are limited
tail elsewhere 7 and in the SI. Coat proteins of the TMV
14 by rotations between the monomers and the conforma-
feature three distinct functionalities 8: I) a hydrophilic
15 tional flexibility of the chain 12-13. Upon application of a
domain that protects the capsid and its cargo against ag-
16 stretching force, e.g. by encapsulation in our virus-like
gregation, misfolding and enzymatic attack, II) a binding
17 particles, the conformational degrees of freedom are re-
domain with high affinity for the nucleic acids, and III) a
18 duced and the chain planarizes into a ribbon-like struc-
domain that, when folded, provides a specific attraction
19 ture12. This results in a distinct change in the vibronic
between neighboring capsid proteins. Our recombinant
35 Figure 1. Chemical structure of the mechano-optical molecular sensors (a) SP1 (Mw = 16.7 kg/mol) and (b) SP2 (Mw = 12.0 kg/mol).
36 Encapsulation of the polymers in a capsid can be detected spectrally; in absence of encapsulating protein, the luminescence spec-
37 trum of a relaxed chain features three visible vibronic bands, in which the 1-0 dominates ([SP1] = 0.06 M, 𝑓+ = 0, c). Upon en-
38 capsulation in a capsid, the sensor polymer is stretched and planarized which changes the vibronic fine structure, with the 1-0
39 band decaying and the higher energy bands growing in intensity ([SP1] = 0.06 M, 𝑓+ = 0.50, d). Addition of a benzothiadiazole
40 acceptor-moieity within the chain leads to conformation-dependent Förster resonance energy transfer, introducing an optical
41 read-out to chain bundling and condensation ([SP2] = 0.08 M, 𝑓+ = 0.70, e).
43 protein (Mw = 45 kDa), produced biosynthetically in Pich- transitions: the highest energy band decays and vanishes
44 ia Pastoris hosts, features a cationic binding block B com- upon full planarization, while the intensity of lower ener-
45 posed of 12 lysine residues (domain II), a silk-inspired gy transitions grows (Fig.1d). Here, we exploit this opto-
46 association domain S10 (domain III)9, and a gelatin-like mechanical coupling to detect stress-induced conforma-
47 random coil motif C (domain I)10. These proteins have tional changes of the polymer during co-assembly as a
48 been show to form stable viromimetic capsids through function of time. The second sensor polymer SP2
49 templated co-assembly with DNA 7, 11; however, the kinetic (Fig.1b&e), that allows us to probe bundling of template
50 pathways through which these rod-shaped viral capsids chains 13a will be discussed below.
51 form remain elusive. Capsid assembly kinetics. We initiate the co-
To probe its assembly kinetics, we replace the assembly by mixing protein with the proxy genome. We
nucleic acid polymer with an anionic conjugated polymer express the mixing stoichiometry of the two species as
that acts simultaneously as a proxy for the templating 𝑓+ = [+]/([+] + [−]), with [+] and [−] the molar concen-
genome and as a molecular sensor for the assembly pro- trations of cationic charges on the oligolysine binding
cess. We use two different sensor polymers: To study the block and the anionic charges on the template, respec-
early stages of capsid formation, in which we expect sin- tively. Polyionic charge equality is reached if 𝑓+ = 0.50.
gle template chains to become planarised upon encapsu- Directly after mixing, we begin recording PL spectra every
lation, we use a sensor polymer (SP1) that undergoes dis- 6 minutes for ~3 days, during which the vibronic fine-
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show below it in fact signals the emergence of a 3rd stage Reaction pathway model. To demonstrate that
1 in the pathway towards forming complete capsids. the assembly process involves more pathways than just
2 Upon increasing the overall concentration of co- binding and cooperative condensation, we quantify these
3 assembling species, the nucleation lag time decreases sig- two assembly steps in a kinetic reaction model, illustrated
4 nificantly by approximately a factor of 10 (Fig.2d), as to be schematically in Figure 3. First, free proteins randomly
5 expected for a nucleation-limited process. Again we ob- and reversibly bind to the template following first-order
6 serve that in the presence of an excess of coat protein, full kinetics, which is described by a Langmuir adsorption
7 coating of the template chains is not accomplished. Note model14. Subsequently, the adsorbed proteins associate
8 that for a reaction equilibrium, increasing the overall and condense along the template to form a rigid capsid, a
9 amounts of reactants, should push the equilibrium to the process we model by cooperative 𝑛-th order Hill-type
10 right (product) side. If we compare the data for 𝑓+ = 0.50 kinetics15. We presume that cooperatively bound mole-
11 at low (Fig.2c) and high (Fig.2d) concentrations, we ob- cules can only leave the template by first transitioning to
12 serve exactly the opposite; the plateau value of 𝛼 decreas- the Langmuir state and following that are able to desorb.
13 es with the overall concentration. We could presume that Conversely, only adsorbed molecules can undergo the
14 this counter-intuitive behavior is due to the competing transition to the co-operatively bound Hill state. The fact
15 self-assembly process in the solution referred to above. that template binding is a required intermediate between
16 However, as we shall show below using a different proxy free proteins and the final capsids they form is the es-
17 genome, that in fact the observation signals the transfor- sence of our model. A complete derivation of our theory
18 mation of the single-genome particles formed initially for the reaction pathways of viral capsid assembly is pro-
19 into particles that contain multiple copies of the template vided in the SI. We note that the sequence of binding
20 that need not be taut to accommodate interactions with followed by lateral assembly has also been considered in
21 the coat proteins. For single-genome particles, stretching previous theoretical efforts 16.
22 the template chain increases the probability that anionic In brief, we consider a solution of template
23 and cationic charges can form a tight electrostatic com- chains, at mole fraction 𝑥𝑡 , and proteins with mole frac-
24 plex, and is thus driven by the Coulombic interactions tion 𝑥𝑎 . Each template chain has 𝑀 binding sites, with a
25 between genome-binding domain on the protein and total number of available binding site 𝑀𝑥𝑡 . A fraction 𝜂(𝑡)
26 template. Once the condensation occurs, each cationic of these sites is occupied by cooperatively associated pro-
27 charge can opt to bond to several templates, which thus teins in a capsid, in a Hill state, whereas 𝜃(𝑡) denotes the
28 reduces the necessity for the template stretching, which fraction of the remaining 1 − 𝜂(𝑡)sites filled by bound but
29 in itself is unfavorable as it decreases the conformational unassociated molecules, in a Langmuir state. At 𝑡 = 0 all
30 entropy of the templating polymer. Thus, in the con- proteins are free in solution, and thus 𝜂(𝑡) = 𝜃(𝑡) = 0
31 densed capsid state, the coacervate core of the capsid al- and the fraction of free proteins 𝑥𝑎 (𝑡 = 0) = 𝑥𝑎 . During
32 lows the template to relax to some extent. 𝑓
protein binding, their total number $ 𝑥𝑎 = 𝑥𝑎 + (𝜂(𝑡) +
33 (1 − 𝜂(𝑡))𝜃(𝑡) )𝑀𝑥𝑡 is conserved. We describe the dy-
34 namics of aspecific binding by a Langmuir process 14:
36 𝑑𝜃 𝑑𝜂
37 = 𝐿+ [1 − 𝜃(𝑡)] − 𝐿− 𝜃(𝑡) − (1)
𝑑𝑡 𝑑𝑡
39 where 𝐿+ and 𝐿− are the time-dependent Langmuir ad-
40 sorption and desorption rates, respectively. In equilibri-
41 um we have:
43 𝑓
𝐾𝐿 𝑥𝑎 (𝑡)
44 lim 𝜃(𝑡) = lim 𝑓 (2)
𝑡→∞ 𝑡→∞ 1+𝐾𝐿 𝑥𝑎 (𝑡)
46 𝑓
with 𝐾𝐿 = 𝐿+ /𝐿− 𝑥𝑎 (𝑡) the dimensionless Langmuir bind-
47 ing constant. After binding, proteins can dock together by
forming -rolls along the template7, 9. We describe this
process of folding and cooperative self-assembly with the
Hill equation15:
53 Figure 3.Schematic illustration of the reaction pathway mod- = 𝐻+ [1 − 𝜂(𝑡)] − 𝐻− 𝜂(𝑡) (3)
54 el that describes capsid assembly as a combination of Lang-
55 muir adsorption of free proteins to a template, and the sub- in which the association and dissociation rates 𝐻+ and 𝐻−
56 sequent Hill-type co-operative reorganization of bound pro- of the Hill process are time-dependent. The Hill equation-
57 teins into a dense capsid of-state yields the fraction of coverage of dense and asso-
58 ciated capsids at equilibrium:
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