EC1403 Satellite Communication
EC1403 Satellite Communication
EC1403 Satellite Communication
EC1403 Satellite Communication ECE
8. Write the equations of losses for clear sky conditions.
9. What is an noise power spectral density?
10. What is an Intermodulation noise?
11. What are the types of antenna losses?
12. What is an antenna losses?
13. Define sky noise.
14. Define noise factor.
15. What is an Adsorptive n/w?
17. Define saturation flux density.
PART B (16 Marks)
1. Draw the block diagram & explain the Receive only home TV systems. (16)
2. Explain the indoor unit& outdoor unit. (16)
3. Draw the block diagram & explain the Master antenna TV system. (16)
4. Explain the EIRP& Transmission losses. (16)
5. Draw the block diagram& Explain the System noise temperature. (16)
PART A (2 Mark)
1. What is a single mode of operation?
2.What are the methods of multiple access techniques?
3. What is in CDMA?& its types?
4. What is a thin route service?
5. What is an important feature of Intelsat SCPC system?
6. What is a TDMA? What are the Advantage?
7. What is preamble?
8. Define guard time.
9. What is meant by decoding quenching?
10. What is meant by direct closed loop feedback?
11. What is meant by feedback closed loop control?
12. What is meant by telephone load activity factor?
13. What is meant by digital speech interpolation?
14. What are the types of digital speech interpolation?
15. What is meant by freeze out?
16. What is DSI?
17. What is the advantage of SPEC method over DSI method?
EC1403 Satellite Communication ECE
18. What are the demerits of conventional approach method?
19. Define space division multiplexing.
20. Define satellite switched TDMA?
21.What is processing gain?
22. What are the applications of Radar sat?
23. What is ECEF?
24. What is dilution of precision?
25. What is PDOP?
26. What is burst code word?
27. Define SIC.
28. What is a start of receiving frame?
29. What is meant by burst position acquisition & burst position synchronization?
30. What is ratio of bit rate IF bandwidth?
PART B(16 Marks)
1. Explain the operation of FDMA system with relevant diagram. (16)
2. Explain the operation of FDMA down link analysis. (16)
3. Draw the Frame format & explain the operation of TDMA system. (16)
4. Draw the data format & explain the Unique word detection. (16)
5. Explain the Satellite switched TDMA & CDMA. Draw the neat sketch. (16)
PART A(2 Marks )
1. Define GIS.
2. What are the types of Maps?
3. Define the term Projection and list out the types.
5. Define Raster data format.
6. Define Vector data format.
7. What is meant by Overlaying?
PART B(16 Marks)
1. Describe the difference between raster and vector data models used to represent
maps in a GIS. (16)
2. Analyze the raster and vector data by retrieval, reclassification, Overlaying and
buffering in GIS. (16)
3. Explain about data input hardware of GIS. (16)
4. Explain about data output hardware of GIS. (16)
EC1403 Satellite Communication ECE
5. What is Map? Explain its types. (16)
6. Discuss in detail about the integration of GIS and Remote Sensing. (16)
7. Explain about Water resource applications using GIS. (16)
8. Explain about Urban applications using GIS. (16)