History Yr 11 20%
History Yr 11 20%
History Yr 11 20%
LEVEL: _________________
3. When was the native affairs ordinance created and how did it affect the Fijians?(2marks)
4. What was the pass-system? (1 mark)
5. State the major reason for migrating within the Pacific Islands (1 mark)
Resource Interpretation I
(There are two resource interpretation questions both are compulsory)
The 1977 election presented both the Alliance Party and the NFP with problems. The NFP not only
faced the same difficulties that it had in 1972, but it also had to contend with serious internal
rifts. For the Alliance Party there were two main trouble spots. One was disaffection with the
Indian Alliance. The other was the unknown extent to which Sakeasi Butadroka’s new party, the
Fijian Nationalist Party (FNP), would divide the native Fijian community. Each party sought to put
on a united face in public, but it was clear to most observers that this was little more than a
cosmetic gesture.
3) Differentiate between animism and totemism. (2marks)
Resource Interpretation III (5 marks)
2. Explain one of the contributions the leader stated in (i) made towards cultural interaction
in Fiji. (2 marks)