Foundation of Professional Nursing Practice
Foundation of Professional Nursing Practice
Foundation of Professional Nursing Practice
Situation 1 - Mr. Ibarra is assigned to the triage area and while on duty, he assesses the
condition of Mrs. Simon who came in with asthma. She has difficulty breathing and her
respiratory rate is 40 per minute. Mr. Ibarra is asked to inject the client epinephrine 0.3mg
a. Reduce anaphylaxis
b. Relieve hypersensitivity to allergen
c. Relieve respirator distress due to bronchial spasm
d. Restore client’s cardiac rhythm
2. When preparing the epinephrine injection from an ampule, the nurse initially:
a. Taps the ampule at the top to allow fluid to flow to the base of the ampule
b. Checks expiration date of the medication ampule
c. Removes needle cap of syringe and pulls plunger to expel air
d. Breaks the neck of the ampule with a gauze wrapped around it
a Inject needle at a 15 degree angle' over the stretched skin of the client
b. Pinch skin at the Injection site and use airlock technique
c. Pull skin of patient down to administer the drug in a Z track
d. Spread skin or pinch at the injection site and inject needle at a 45-90 degree angle
4. When preparing for a subcutaneous injection, the proper size of syringe and needle
would be:
5. The rationale for giving medications through the subcutaneous route is;
Situation 2 - The use of massage and meditation to help decrease stress and pain have
been strongly recommended based on documented testimonials.
6. Martha wants to do a study on, this topic. "Effects of massage and meditation on stress
and pain." The type of research that best suits this topic is:
a. applied research
b. qualitative research
c. basic research
d. quantitative research
7. The type of research design that does not manipulate independent variable is:
a. experimental design
b. quasi-experimental design
c. non-experimental design
d. quantitative design
8. This research topic has the potential to contribute to nursing because it seeks to:
10. Client’s rights should be protected when doing research using human subjects. Martha
identifies these rights as follows EXCEPT:
a. right of self-determination
b. right to compensation
c. right of privacy
d. right not to be harmed
11. Mario listens to Richard's bilateral sounds and finds that congestion is in the upper
lobes of the lungs. The appropriate position to drain the anterior and posterior apical
segments of the lungs when Mario does percussion would be:
a. Client lying on his back then flat on his abdomen on Trendelenburg position
b. Client seated upright in bed or on a chair then leaning forward in sitting position then
flat on his back and on his abdomen
c. Client lying flat on his back and then flat on his abdomen
d. Client lying on his right then left side on Trendelenburg position
12. When documenting outcome of Richard's treatment Mario should include the
following in his recording EXCEPT:
13. When assessing Richard for chest percussion or chest vibration and postural drainage
Mario would focus on the following EXCEPT:
a. Amount of food and fluid taken during the last meal before treatment
b. Respiratory rate, breath sounds and location of congestion
c. Teaching the client's relatives to perform 'the procedure
d. Doctor's order regarding position restriction and client's tolerance for lying flat
14. Mario prepares Richard for postural drainage and percussion. Which of the flowing is
a special consideration when doing the procedure?
15. The purpose of chest percussion and vibration is to loosen secretions in the lungs. The
difference between the procedure is;
a. Percussion uses only one hand white vibration uses both hands
b. Percussion delivers cushioned blows to the chest with cupped palms while gently
shakes secretion loose on the exhalation cycle
c. In both percussion and vibration the hands are on top of each other and hand action is
in tune with client's breath rhythm
d. Percussion slaps the chest to loosen secretions while vibration shakes the secretions
along with the inhalation of air
Situation 4 - A 61 year old man, Mr. Regalado, is admitted to the private ward for
observation; after complaints of severe chest pain. You are assigned to take care of the
16. When doing an initial assessment, the best way for you to identify the client’s priority
problem is to:
17. Upon establishing Mr. Regalado's nursing needs, the next nursing approach would be
a. introduce the client to the ward staff to put the client and family at ease
b. Give client and relatives a brief tour of the physical set up the unit
c. Take his vital signs for a baseline assessment
d. Establish priority needs and implement appropriate interventions
18. Mr. Regalado says he has "trouble going to sleep". In order to plan your nursing
intervention you will.
19. Mr. Regalado's lower extremities are swollen and shiny. He has pitting pedal edema.
When taking care of Mr. Regalado, which of the following intervention would be the
most appropriate immediate nursing approach.
20. Mr. Regalado will be discharged from your unit within the hour. Nursing actions
when preparing a client for discharge include all EXCEPT:
Situation 5 - Nancy, mother of 2 young kids. 36 years old, had a mammogram and was
told that she has breast cysts and that she may need surgery. This causes her anxiety as
shown by increase in her pulse and respiratory rate, sweating and feelings of tension.
21. Considering her level of anxiety, the nurse can best assist Nancy by:
22. Nancy blames God for her situation. She is easily provoked to tears and wants to be
left alone, refusing to eat or talk to her family. A religious person before, she now refuses
to pray or go to church stating that God has abandoned her. The nurse understands that
Nancy is grieving for her self and is in the stage of:
a. bargaining
b. denial
c. anger
d. acceptance
23. The nurse visits Nancy and prods her to eat her food. Nancy replies "what's the use?
My time is running out. The nurse's best response would be:
a. "The doctor ordered full diet for you so that you will be strong for surgery."
b. "I understand how you fee! but you have 1o try for your children's sake."
c. "Have you told your, doctor how you feel? Are you changing your mind) about
d. "You sound like you are giving up."
24. The nurse feels sad about Nancy's illness and tells her head nurse during the end of
shift endorsement that "it's unfair for Nancy to have cancer when she is still so young and
with two kinds. The best response of the head nurse would be:
a. Advise the nurse to "be strong and learn to control her feelings"
b. Assign the nurse to another client to avoid sympathy for the client
c. Reassure the nurse that the client has hope if she goes through all statements prescribed
for her
c. Ask the other nurses what they feel about the patient to find out if they share the same
25. Realizing that she feels angry about Nancy's condition, the nurse Seams that being
self-aware is a conscious process that she should do in any situation like this because:
Situation 6 – Mrs. Seva, 32 years old, asks you about possible problems regarding her
elimination now that she is in the menopausal stage.
a. Hold urine, as long as she can before emptying the bladder to strengthen her sphincters
b. If burning sensation is experienced while voiding, drink pineapple-juice
c. After urination, wipe from anal area up towards the pubis
d. Jell client to empty the bladder at each voiding
27. Mrs. Seva also tells the nurse that she is often constipated. Because she is aging, what
physical changes predispose her to constipation?
28. The nurse understands that one of these factors contributes to constipation:
a. excessive exercise
b. high fiber diet
c. no regular tine for defecation daily
d. prolonged use of laxatives
29. Mrs. Seva talks about rear of being incontinent due to a prior experience of dribbling
urine when laughing or sneezing and when she has a full bladder. Your most appropriate
.instruction would be to:
30. Mrs. Seva asked for instructions for skin care for her mother who has urinary
incontinence and is almost always in bed. Your instruction would focus on prevention of
skin irritation and breakdown by
Situation 7 - Using Maslow's need theory, Airway, Breathing and Circulation are the
physiological needs vital to life. The nurse's knowledge and ability to identify and
immediately intervene to meet these needs is important to save lives.
31. Which of these clients has a problem with the transport of oxygen from the lungs to
the tissues:
32. You noted from the lab exams in the chart of Mr. Santos that he has reduced oxygen
in the blood.
This condition is called:
a. Cyanosis
b. Hypoxia
c. Hypoxemia
d. Anemia
33. You will nasopharyngeal suctioning Mr. Abad. Your guide for the length of insertion
of the tubing for an adult would be:
34. While doing nasopharyngeal suctioning on .Mr. Abad, the nurse can avoid trauma to
the area by:
a. Apply suction for at least 20-30 seconds each time to ensure that all secretions are
b. Using gloves to prevent introduction of pathogens to the respiratory system
c. Applying no suction while inserting the catheter
d. Rotating catheter as it is inserted with gentle suction
35. Myrna has difficulty breathing when on her back and must sit upright in bed to
breath, effectively and comfortably. The nurse documents this condition as:
a. Apnea
b. Orthopnea
c. Dyspnea
d. Tachypnea
Situation 8 - You are assigned to screen for hypertension: Your task is to take blood
pressure readings and you are informed about avoiding the common mistakes in BP
taking that lead to 'false or inaccurate blood pressure readings.
36. When taking blood pressure reading the cuff should be:
a. deflated fully then immediately start second reading for same client
b deflated quickly after inflating up to 180 mmHg
c. large enough to wrap around upper arm of the adult client 1 cm above brachial artery
d. inflated to 30 mmHg above the estimated systolic BP based on palpation of radial or
bronchial artery
37. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) in one of the leading causes of
death worldwide and is a preventable disease. The primary cause of COPD is:
a. tobacco hack
b. bronchitis
c. asthma
d. cigarette smoking
38. In your health education class for clients with diabetes you teach, them the areas, for
control . Diabetes which include all EXCEPT:
39. You teach your clients the difference between, Type I (IDDM) and Type II (NDDM)
Diabetes. Which of the following is true?
a. both types diabetes mellitus clients are all prone to developing ketosis
b. Type II (NIDDM) is more common and is also preventable compared to Type I
(IDDM) diabetes which is genetic in etiology
c. Type I (IDDM) is characterized by fasting hyperglycemia
d. Type II (IDDM) is characterized by abnormal immune response
40. Lifestyle-related diseases in general share areas common risk factors. These are the
following except
a. physical activity
b. smoking
c. genetics
d. nutrition
Situation 9 - Nurse Rivera witnesses a vehicular accident near the hospital where she
works. She decides to get involved and help the victims of the accident.
43. In the emergency room, Nurse Rivera is assigned to attend to the client with
.lacerations on the arms, while assessing the extent of the wound the nurse observes that
the wound is now starting to bleed profusely. The most immediate nursing action would
be to:
44. The nurse applies pressure dressing on the bleeding site. This intervention is done to:
45. After the treatment, the client is sent home and asked to come back for follow-up
care. Your responsibilities when the client is to be discharged include the following
Situation 10 - While working in the clinic, a new client, Geline, 35 years old, arrives for
her doctor's appointment. As the clinic nurse, you are to assist the client fiil up forms,
gather data and make an assessment.
a. Record pertinent information in the client chart for health team to read
b Assist the client find solutions to her health concerns
c. Understand her lifestyle, health needs and possible problems to develop a plan of care
d. Make nursing diagnoses for identified health problems
47. While interviewing Geline, she starts to moan and doubles up in pain, She tells you
that this pain occurs about an hour after taking black coffee without breakfast for a few
weeks now. You will record this as follows:
48. Geline tells you that she drinks black coffee frequently within the day to "have energy
and be wide awake" and she eats nothing for breakfast and eats strictly vegetable salads
for lunch and dinner to lose weight. She has lost weight during the past two weeks, in
planning a healthy balanced diet with Geline, you will:
a. Start her off with a cleansing diet to free her body of toxins then change to a
vegetarian, diet and drink plenty of fluids
b. Plan a high protein, diet; low carbohydrate diet for her considering her favorite food
c. Instruct her to attend classes in nutrition to find food rich in complex carbohydrates to
maintain daily high energy level
d. Discuss with her the importance of eating a variety of food from the major food groups
with plenty of fluids
49. Geline tells you that she drinks 4-5 cups of black coffee and diet cola drinks. She also
smokes up to a pack of cigarettes daily. She confesses that she is in her 2nd month of
pregnancy but she does not want to become fat that is why she limits her food intake. You
warn or caution her about which of the following?
a. Caffeine products affect the central nervous system and may cause the mother to have
a "nervous breakdown"
b. Malnutrition and its possible effects on growth and development problems in the
unborn fetus
c. Caffeine causes a stimulant effect on both the mother and the baby
d. Studies show conclusively that caffeine causes mental retardation
50. Your health education plan for Geline stresses proper diet for a pregnant woman and
the prevention of non-communicable diseases that are influenced by her lifestyle these
include of the following EXCEPT:
a. Cardiovascular diseases
b. Cancer
c. Diabetes Mellitus
d. Osteoporosis
Situation 11 - Management of nurse practitioners is done by qualified nursing leaders
who have had clinical experience and management experience.
52. Your head nurse in the unit believes that the staff nurses are not capable of decision
making so she makes the decisions for everyone without consulting anybody. This type of
leadership is:
53. When the head nurse in your ward plots and approves your work schedules and
directs your work, she is demonstrating:
a. Responsibility
b. Delegation
c. Accountability
d. Authority
54. The following tasks can be safely delegated' by a nurse to a non-nurse health worker
55. You made a mistake in giving the medicine to the wrong client You notify the client’s
doctor and write an incident report. You are demonstrating:
a. Responsibility
b. Accountability
c. Authority
d. Autocracy
Situation 12 – Mr. Dizon, 84 years old, is brought to the .Emergency Room for complaint
of hypertension flushed face, severe headache, and nausea. You are doing the initial
assessment of vital signs.
56. You are to measure the client’s initial blood pressure reading by doing all of the
following EXCEPT:
a. Determine if the client’s hemoglobin level is low and if he needs blood transfusion
b. Check level of client’s tissue perfusion
c. Measure the efficacy of the client’s anti hypertensive medications
d. Detect oxygen saturation of arterial blood before symptoms of hypoxemia develops
58. After a few hours in the Emergency Room, Mr. Dizon is admitted to the ward with an
order of hourly monitoring of blood pressure. The nurse finds that the cuff is too narrow
and this will cause the blood pressure reading to be:
a. Inconsistent
b. low systolic and high diastolic pressure
c. higher than what the reading should be
d. lower than what the reading should be
59. Through the client’s health history, you gather that Mr. Dizon smokes and drinks
coffee. When taking the blood pressure of a client who recently smoked or drank coffee,
how long should be the nurse wait before taking the client’s blood pressure for accurate
a. 15 minutes
b. 30 minutes
c. 1 hour
d. 5 minutes
60. While the client has the pulse oximeter on his fingertip, you notice that the sunlight is
shining on .the area where the oximeter is. Your action will be to:
a. Morality
b. Religion
c. Values
d. Bioethics
63. The most important nursing responsibility where ethical situations emerge in patient
care is to:
64. You inform the patient about his rights which include the following EXCEPT:
65. The principle states that a person has unconditional worth and has the capacity to
determine his own destiny.
a. Bioethics
b. Justice
c. Fidelity
d. Autonomy
Situation 14 – Your director of nursing wants to improve the quality of health care offered
in the hospital. As a staff nurse in that hospital you know that this entails quality
assurance programs.
66. The following mechanisms can be utilized as part of the quality assessment program
of your hospital EXCEPT:
a. Patient satisfaction surveys provided
b. Peer review clinical records of care of client
c. RO of the Nursing Intervention Classification
67. The nurse of the Standards of Nursing Practice is important in the hospital. Which of
the following statements best describes what it is?
a. These are statements that describe the maximum or highest level of acceptable
performance in nursing practice.
b. It refers to the scope of nursing as defined in Republic Act 9173
c. It is a license issued by the Professional Regulation Commission to protect the public
from substandard nursing practice.
d. The Standards of care includes the various steps of the nursing process and the
standards of professional performance.
68. You are taking care of critically ill client and the doctor in charge calls to order a
DNR (do not resuscitate) for the client. Which of the following is the appropriate action
when getting DNR order over the phone?
a. Have the registered nurse, family spokesperson, nurse supervisor and doctor sign
b. Have two nurses validate the phone order, both nurses sign the order and the doctor
should sign his order within 24 hours.
c. Have the registered nurse, family and doctor sign the order
d. Have 1 nurse take the order and sign it and have the doctor sign it within 24 hours
69. To ensure the client safety before starting blood transfusion the following are needed
before the procedure can be done EXCEPT:
70. Part of standards of care has to do with the use of restraints. Which of the following
statements is NOT true?
72. Your instructions to reduce or limit salt intake include all the following EXCEPT:
a. eat natural food with little or no salt added
b. limit use of table salt and use condiments instead
c. use herbs and spices
d. limit intake of preserved or processed food
73. Teaching strategies and approaches when giving nutrition education is influenced by
age, sex and immediate concerns of the group. Your presentation for a group of young
mothers would be best if you focus on:
Situation 16 – You are assigned to take care of 10 patients during the morning shift. The
endorsement includes the IV infusion and medications for these clients.
76. Mr. Felipe, 36 years old is to be given 2700ml of D5RL to infuse for 18 hours starting
at 8am. At what rate should the IV fluid be flowing hourly?
a. 100 ml/hour
b. 210 ml/hour
c. 150 ml/hour
d. 90 ml/hour
77. Mr. Atienza is to receive 150mg/hour of D5W IV infusion for 12 hours for a total of
1800ml. He is also losing gastric fluid which must be replaced every two hours. Between
8am to 10am. Mr. Atienza has lost 250ml of gastric fluid. How much fluid should he
receive at 11am?
a. 350 ml/hour
b. 275 ml/hour
c. 400 ml/hour
d. 200 ml/hour
78. You are to apply a transdermal patch of nitroglycerin to your client. The following
important guidelines to observe EXCEPT:
a. Apply to hairlines clean are of the skin not subject to much wrinkling
b. Patches may be applied to distal part of the extremities like forearm
c. Change application and site regularly to prevent irritation of the skin
d. Wear gloves to avoid any medication of your hand
79. You will be applying eye drops to Miss Romualdez. After checking all the necessary
information and cleaning the affected eyelid and eyelashes you administer the ophthalmic
drops by instilling the eye drops.
80. When applying eye ointment, the following guidelines apply EXCEPT:
a. squeeze about 2 cm of ointment and gently close but not squeeze eye
b. apply ointment from the inner canthus going outward of the affected eye
c. discard the first bead of the eye ointment before application because the tube likely to
expel more than desired amount of ointment
d. hold the tube above the conjunctival sac do not let tip touch the conjuctiva
Situation 17 – The staff nurse supervisor request all the staff nurses to “brainstorm” and
learn ways to instruct diabetic clients on self-administration of insulin. She wants to
ensure that there are nurses available daily to do health education classess.
82. When Mrs. Guevarra, a nurse, delegates aspects of the clients care to the nurse-aide
who is an unlicensed staff, Mrs. Guevarra.
83. Connie, the-new nurse, appears tired and sluggish and lacks the enthusiasms she give
six weeks ago when she started the job. The nurse supervisor should:
a. grievance
b. arbitration
c. collective bargaining
d. strike
Situation 18 - There are various developments in health education that the nurse should
know about.
86. The provision of health information in the rural areas nationwide through television
and radio programs and video conferencing is referred to as:
a. outreach program
b. hospital extension program
c. barangay health center
d. wellness center
88. Part of teaching client in health promotion is responsibility for one’s health. When
Danica states she need to improve her nutritional status this means:
a. Marriage counseling
b. Self-examination for breast cancer
c. Identifying complication of diabetes
d. Poison, control
90. Mrs. Ostrea has a schedule for Pap Smear. She has a strong family history of cervical
cancer. This is an example of:
a. tertiary prevention
b. secondary prevention
c. health screening
d. primary prevention
Situation: 19 - Ronnie has a vehicular accident where he sustained injury to his left ankle.
In the Emergency Room, you notice how anxious he looks.
91. You establish rapport with him and to reduce his anxiety you initially
92. While doing your assessment, Ronnie asks you "Do I have a fracture? I don't want to
have a cast.” The most appropriate nursing response would be:
a. "You have to have an X-ray first to know if you have a fracture."
b. "Why do you; sound so scared? It is just a cast and it's not painful"
c. "You seem to be concerned about being in a cast."
d. "Based on my assessment, there doesn’t seem to be a fracture."
1. C
2. B
3. D
4. D
5. B
6. B
7. C
8. D
9. B
10. B
11. B
12. C
13. C
14. D
15. A
16. A
17. C
18. B
19. A
20. C
21. D
22. C
23. D
24. D
25. C
26. D
27. C
28. D
29. D
30. C
31. B
32. C
33. C
34. C
35. B
36. D
37. D
38. B
39. B
40. C
41. D
42. B
43. D
44. D
45. C
46. C
47. D
48. D
49. B
50. D
51. D
52. C
53. D
54. B
55. B
56. C
57. D
58. C
59. B
60. C
61. D
62. C
63. D
64. C
65. D
66. D
67. A
68. D
69. D
70. C
71. B
72. B
73. D
74. D
75. B
76. C
77. -
78. B
79. B
80. C
81. C
82. B
83. C
84. C
85. B
86. B
87. A
88. D
89. C
90. B
91. B
92. C