Inversion Feasibility Study For Reservoir Characterization of Osi Field Onshore Niger Delta Basin A. Ogbamikhumi, O. I. Imasuen and O. I. Omoregbe
Inversion Feasibility Study For Reservoir Characterization of Osi Field Onshore Niger Delta Basin A. Ogbamikhumi, O. I. Imasuen and O. I. Omoregbe
Inversion Feasibility Study For Reservoir Characterization of Osi Field Onshore Niger Delta Basin A. Ogbamikhumi, O. I. Imasuen and O. I. Omoregbe
Fig. 1: Lithology and fluid discrimination in the objective CHU reservoir using well logs
Fig. 2: The raw logs, generated petrophysical logs and the defined CHU reservoir interval
Fig. 3: Derived rock–physics attribute logs and the objective reservoir interval
Results and Discussion According to Omudu and Ebeniro (2005), high lambda-rho
Five acoustic rock properties were selected for this study; values indicate greater incompressibility as typically evident
Vp/Vs ratio, P-wave impedance, lambda-rho, mu-rho and in shale and highly compact sandstone Lithologies. Burianyk
lambda-rho/mu-rho. P- Impedance and lambda-rho attribute (2000) argued that water filled sandstones are more
are derivative of P-wave velocity that can be generated from incompressible than gas filled sandstones, and that the Mu-rho
P-impedance inversion while Vp/Vs ratio, mu-rho and lambda- attribute is insensitive to fluid change in the pore space of
rho/mu-rho are complex derivative that has shear wave and rocks. As observed in the lambda-rho Vs Mu-rho plot (Fig. 5),
AVO effect that depends on the presence of shear wave and shale lithology has the lowest Mu-rho values than sands and
can only be generated from AVO inversion process. These can be used to discriminate shale from sand (Burianyk, 2000).
rock properties were evaluated, cross plotted and analysed for The hydrocarbon bearing zone was excellently separated from
their sensitivity to variation of lithology and fluid to present the brine filled sand along the lambda-rho axis indicating an
the best attribute, cross plot technique and inversion type that excellent sensitivity to fluid change. Also, the attribute was
will be suitable for characterization of the undrilled areas in able to conveniently discriminate between the two lithologies.
the field. Therefore, Lambda-rho attribute can serve as an excellent
Three cross plot techniques were adopted for this study; fluid and good lithology discriminant for the objective
Vp/Vs ratio Vs P-wave impedance, Mu-rho Vs Lambda-rho reservoir in the field. Low values of lambda-rho with little
and Lambda-rho/Mu-rho Vs Lambda-rho. variation in Mu-rho are indicative of hydrocarbon sands
Low Vp/Vs ratio value corresponds to a clean sand lithology presence (Burianyk, 2000; Dewar, 2001).
which could be hydrocarbon saturated while higher values The cross plot of lambda-rho/mu-rho ratio with lambda-rho
defines shale lithology (Assefa et al., 2003; Ebeniro et al., gave a very good result for both lithology and fluid
2003). P-impedance values are higher for shales due to greater discrimination. The lambda-rho/mu-rho ratio is a complex
compaction response in shales, but are generally lower for average similar to the Vp/Vs ratio. The attribute show a good
sand and much more lower for hydrocarbon bearing sands. separation between shale and sand on the vertical axis, and
The Vp/Vs ratio Vs P-wave impedance plot of the CHU fair fluid separation between brine sand and hydrocarbon sand
reservoir interval and the top bounding shale shows three better than the Vp/Vs ratio in Fig. 4. The lambda-rho attribute
distinct clusters of data points (Fig. 4); each of the cluster in this cross plot again shows its superiority for fluid and
zone defined by a particular colour ellipse in the cross plot lithology discrimination for the study field. A very high
panel (the right panel) corresponds to the depth interval values for Lambda-rho/Mu-rho ratio and Lambda-rho defined
defined by the same colour in the well log panel (the left the shale lithology cluster, low values for both attributes
panel). In the well log panel, the first two tract houses the define the brine sand while very low value for both cross
cross plotted rock physics attribute while the last two panels plotted attribute define the hydrocarbon sand.
are the gamma ray and resistivity log employed to define the From the rock physics attribute evaluated in the cross plot,
reservoir interval and hydrocarbon presence, respectively. The Vp/Vs ratio and Lambda-rho were the best lithology
cluster points within the ‘Red’ ellipse is defined by a very indicators while the Lambda-rho attribute gave the best fluid
low value of Vp/Vs ratio and the least value of P-impedance discrimination. Vp/Vs ratio is an AVO attribute that can be
and this corresponds to areas on the resistivity colour coded generated from AVO inversion that require acquired shear
region with high resistivity value indicative of hydrocarbon wave log. But the Lambda-rho attribute that has been
presence. The area of the plots clustered within the ‘Blue’ demonstrated to be the best attribute for lithology and fluid
ellipse is defined by greater values for Vp/Vs ratio and P- discrimination is a P-wave dependent attribute and can be
Impedance. The low value of resistivity within the cluster generated from P-Impedance inversion from seismic.
confirms that the region is a brine sand since their exist Therefore, for seismic base characterization of CHU reservoir
similarity in Vp/Vs ratio that resulted due to fluid content in the undrilled area of the study field, P-impedance inversion
variation. A horizontal line inserted along the Vp/Vs ratio axis is sufficient especially as there are no acquired shear wave
clearly separate the lithology. Hence we can conclude here logs present in the field.
that the attribute is a good lithology discriminant compared to
the P-impedance attribute. For fluid discrimination, both
attribute are required.
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Fig. 5: Cross section and cross plot of Mu-rho (Y-axis) against Lambda-rho (X-axis) colour coded with Resistivity
Fig. 6: Cross section and cross plot of Lambda-rho/Mu-rho (Y-axis) against Lambda-rho (X-axis) colour coded with
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