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Operating instructions Description of the serial

interface RS-485


Bühler AG reserves all rights to this document and to the object thereof. Without
the prior written permission of Bühler this document may not, either in whole or
in part, be reproduced, copied, or, in any form, in whole or in part, made
accessible to a third party, or be used for any purpose other than that for which it
was made available to the recipient.


These Operating instructions include basic information on the design and

operating principle, the installation, start-up, operation and maintenance of the
control unit. All appendices are integral parts of the Operating instructions.


This control unit is built in compliance with the recognised safety engineering
principles. In spite of this, inexpert use may entail hazards to the health and life
of persons, or may cause damage to property.


Non-compliance with the Operating instructions will result in the lapse of

warranty; this also applies to alterations or repairs to the control unit without
permission in writing from Bühler in advance. Damage which is the result of
inexpert handling, disregard of our instructions, or operating errors made by
untrained personne, can under no circumstances be charged to the


Bühler is only liable for direct injury to persons and direct property damage
based on the applicable product liability law if the control unit is used within the
area specified in these operating instructions, or in a contractually agreed
Bühler is not obliged to reimburse damage not directly affecting the control unit
itself (exploitation losses, production downtimes and profit drop as well as other
direct and indirect damage).

These Operating instructions apply from program version MDDM_O V28A.
In version V26A the command “B” was amended.
In version V28A the command “E” was amended.
In version V29A the command “X” was amended.

The universal control system MDDR/T likewise supports the commands.

Table of contents

1 Safety ................................................................................................................... 5
1.1 General ......................................................................................................................5
1.1.1 Duty of instruction .........................................................................................5
1.1.2 Accident prevention ......................................................................................5
1.2 Notes on safety at work .............................................................................................5
1.2.1 Commissioning and installation ....................................................................5
1.2.2 Operation of the control unit .........................................................................6
1.2.3 Electrical installations ...................................................................................6
1.3 Safety concept for control units .................................................................................6

2 Short description and technical data ..................................................................... 7

2.1 Short description ........................................................................................................7
2.1.1 Serial data transfer .......................................................................................7
2.1.2 Definitions .....................................................................................................7
2.2 Technical data ...........................................................................................................8

3 Installation and configuration ................................................................................. 9

3.1 General ......................................................................................................................9
3.2 Wiring .........................................................................................................................9
3.3 Shielding ....................................................................................................................9
3.4 Terminal resistors ....................................................................................................10
3.5 Compensating currents, difference in potential .......................................................10
3.6 Protection against static charging ............................................................................10
3.7 Bias resistors ...........................................................................................................10
3.8 Setting the address ..................................................................................................10
3.9 Connection and switch setting (MDDM/O, MDDP/Q) ..............................................11
3.9.1 Bus terminal interface A (X10) ...................................................................11
3.9.2 Bus terminal interface B (X9) .....................................................................11
3.10 Connection and switch setting (MDDR/T, MDDP/Q Mark II) ...................................11

4 Protocol............................................................................................................... 12
4.1 General ....................................................................................................................12
4.2 Transmission procedure ..........................................................................................12
4.3 Timeout times ..........................................................................................................13
4.3.1 Timeout for reply ........................................................................................13

5 Protocol structure ................................................................................................ 14

5.1 Definitions ................................................................................................................14
5.2 Command message.................................................................................................14
5.3 NAK message ..........................................................................................................15
5.4 ACK message ..........................................................................................................15
5.5 Return data message ..............................................................................................16

6 Commands.......................................................................................................... 17

Bühler AG
Description of the serial interface MDDx-66411-2-21-en-1103
Safety 3
6.1 General ....................................................................................................................17
6.1.1 General examples ......................................................................................17
6.1.2 Example checksum calculation ..................................................................18
6.2 Data packets of the roller mill control unit MDDM/O standard protocol ..................19
6.2.1 Commands with nominal values.................................................................19
6.2.2 Commands with actual values in return data message .............................20
6.2.3 Parameter output ........................................................................................21
6.3 Data packets for the grinding master computer MDEF ...........................................22
6.3.1 Commands with nominal values.................................................................22
6.3.2 Commands with actual values....................................................................23
6.3.3 Status of the automatic grinding gap adjustment .......................................23
6.4 Data packets for host system with integrated grinding gap adjustment ..................24

7 Appendix ............................................................................................................. 26
7.1 Accessories .............................................................................................................26
7.1.1 Interface converter .....................................................................................26
7.1.2 Interface cable ............................................................................................26
7.2 Address of the after-sales service ...........................................................................26

Bühler AG
Description of the serial interface MDDx-66411-2-21-en-1103
4 Safety
1 Safety

1.1 General
These Operating instructions must always be kept ready and on hand near
the control unit.

1.1.1 Duty of instruction

The user is responsible for the training and safety of operating personnel. Thus, it
is very important that the documentation is actually handed over to these persons.
The operator and operating personnel of the control unit are obliged to note and to
observe the instructions in these Operating instructions.
Every person who is involved in the connection, operation, or maintenance of the
control unit must have read and understood the Operating instructions.
The control unit should only be operated by persons who have been instructed and
are aware of the dangers involved.

1.1.2 Accident prevention

The control unit is equipped ex factory with safety devices. When operated in
accordance with the intended purpose, these devices comply with the currently
valid international safety standards and the relevant accident prevention rules.
These Operating instructions include the safety rules for preventing accidents. In
addition, all generally valid local safety instructions and safety rules always apply.

Safety devices, warning and instruction signs must be kept clean and never
be removed or covered.
Immediately replace damaged warning and instruction signs with new ones.

1.2 Notes on safety at work

1.2.1 Commissioning and installation

The start-up, trial run and adjustment work should only be carried out by instructed
and (if necessary) authorised personnel.
Prior to the initial start-up of the machine, the operating personnel should
familiarise themselves with all instructions and regulations contained in these
Operating instructions.
Generally the countryspecific standards are to be observed.

Bühler AG
Description of the serial interface MDDx-66411-2-21-en-1103
Safety 5
1.2.2 Operation of the control unit

Work on the control unit may only be carried out by authorised personnel who have
familiarised themselves with all display and operating elements.

1.2.3 Electrical installations

All electrical installation and inspection work on the machine should be carried out
by local authorised personnel. Electrical installations and appliances must be
checked at regular intervals. Pay special attention to the following:
For all set-up and repair work on the control unit, the power supply has to be
interrupted by disconnecting all poles. The mains has to be secured against
switching on.
Immediately repair or replace any defective installations or devices.
Do not lay loose cables on floors.

1.3 Safety concept for control units

The control systems supplied by Bühler are an integrated part of the safety concept
for preventing accidents involving our machines and plants. With respect to the
operator, Bühler does not accept liability for malfunctions of control units or
damage resulting from such malfunctions.

Bühler AG
Description of the serial interface MDDx-66411-2-21-en-1103
6 Safety
2 Short description and
technical data

2.1 Short description

2.1.1 Serial data transfer

The data is transferred serially to the control units via an EIA standard RS-485
interface. All transferred characters are ASCII characters.
A command unit (master) transmits nominal values to every control unit (slave) and
receives actual values. Every nominal and actual value transfer is triggered by a
certain character (command).

2.1.2 Definitions
EIA Electronic Industries Association
RS-485 Transfer standard of the physical interface
ASCII U.S. standard code for data exchange
Bus system Conducting branch which is shared by several participants for
the data exchange
Master Device which controls the bus system according to protocol. It
determines which participant may transmit and when.
Slave Device which is queried by the master in the bus system
according to protocol
Host See master
Baud Transmission speed (1 baud = 1 bit/s)
Command Command which is sent by the master to the slave
Message Message which is transmitted
BCD Binary coded decimal numbers
Hex Hexadecimal (number system based on 16)

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Description of the serial interface MDDx-66411-2-21-en-1103
Short description and
technical data 7
2.2 Technical data
Type EIA standard RS-485
(electrically isolated)
Type of transmission Differential, bi-directional, serial,
Transmission speed MDDM_O / MDDP_Q
Terminal X9 4800
Terminal X10 4800 / 9600 / 19200
MDDR_T 4800 / 9600 / 19200
Character format 1 start bit
8 data bit (8th bit always zero)
1 stop bit
(no parity bit)
Number of participants max. 255

Rx receiver
+ 12 V to – 7 V
Maximum signal level
Input sensitivity ± 0.2 V
± 25 V
Transient consistency
12 kohms
Input resistance
Tx transmitter
+ 12 V to – 7 V
Maximum signal level
Output voltage, unloaded ±5V
± 1.5 V (load resistor = 54 ohms)
Output voltage, loaded
max. 150 mA
Short circuit current @ +5 V
Leakage current (disabled or off) max. ± 150 µA
± 25 V
Transient consistency
60 ohms
Output resistance
Length of cable max. 1200 m

Interface cable Shielded, 4-core stranded

(e.g. 2 x 2 x 0.5 mm²)
Response time 0.1 to 120 ms
(Time from last character of the
command message to the first character
of the NAK, ACK or return data
Rx-Tx change-over delay 1 ms
(Change-over delay from the reception
of the NAK, ACK or return data message
to the transmission of a new command

Bühler AG
Description of the serial interface MDDx-66411-2-21-en-1103
Short description and
8 technical data
3 Installation and configuration

3.1 General
When installing RS-485 interfaces (bus system) special attention must be given to
the correct installation of the data cable as well as the correct connection of the
shielding. The proper configuration of the individual participants is especially
important and is often the source of faults with problems in the data transfer.
The RS-485 data cables have to be installed separately from the high-voltage
cables. The minimum distance between the RS-485 data line and the high-voltage
lines has to be at least 5 cm. The only exception are the distribution boxes where
the distance between the terminals for RS-485 signals and the high-voltage
terminals has to be a minimum of 2 cm. In general, the greater the distance
between the data cables and the high-tension cables, the better.

3.2 Wiring
The RS-485 standard is based on an interface with a maximum of 32 devices. The
data line is wired from one device to the next. Star shaped wiring is not permitted.

first device last device

st nd rd th
1 device 2 device 3 device max. 255 device

3.3 Shielding
The shielding of the RS-485 data cables has to be connected at both ends as
closet as possible to the ground of the corresponding device.

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Description of the serial interface MDDx-66411-2-21-en-1103
Installation and configuration 9
3.4 Terminal resistors
In order to prevent reflections and therefore faults on the interface the bus system
has to be terminated at both sides with a 120 ohm resistor each (see switch
settings). This termination has to be provided at the first (normally the master) and
at the last device.
All other versions are incorrect!

3.5 Compensating currents, difference in potential

Unwanted compensating currents will flow across the shielding if there are
differences in potential between the ground of the devices. According to the
difference in potential the following measures must be taken:

<1 V Direct shield connection at both sides

>1 V Direct shield connection at both sides, additionally a potential
compensation line with a cross section 10 times of that of the
shielding has to be installed parallel to the data cable.

3.6 Protection against static charging

With a bus system which is totally electrically isolated the interface would be
completely isolated and as a result could become statically charged. In order to
prevent this the ground of the interface at one device must be connected to the
protecting ground via a 100 ohms resistor (see switch positions). 1)

3.7 Bias resistors

In order to always reach the required minimum level of ± 0.2 V even if all devices
are on reception, the two 470 ohms bias resistors have to be switched on at one
device (see switch positions). 1)
1) Preferably this is done at the master. If this is not possible it must be carried
out at the last device on the bus.

3.8 Setting the address

An address has to be set at each device. It has to correspond with the slave
address set in the master. On a bus system two slaves must never have the same
address. With the MDDM/O the address is set at the parameter *ADR.
For the MDDR/T and MDDP/Q Mark II, two addresses have to be configured:
Page 1 and Page 2 are present on one control system.

Bühler AG
Description of the serial interface MDDx-66411-2-21-en-1103
10 Installation and configuration
3.9 Connection and switch setting (MDDM/O, MDDP/Q)
According to requirement the serial interface can be connected at the terminals X9
or X10. With 2 masters it is also possible to occupy both interfaces simultaneously.

Shield 1 RXDTXD+ 1
RXDTXD+ 2 Serial interface Serial interface
X10 RXDTXD- 3 RS-485 to host X9 RXDTXD- 2
RS-485 to host
0V/Shield 3
0V 4 Interface A Interface B


S1:1 X10 X 22
X 20
X 21

3.9.1 Bus terminal interface A (X10)

Dip Signal designation Description of the function

S1:1 120 ohms bus terminal ON = 120 ohms switched on
S1:2 470 ohms pull-down ON = RS-485 – signal is switched with 470 ohms to 0 V
S1:3 100 ohms 0 V ON = 0 V is switched with 100 ohms to ground
S1:4 470 ohms pull-up ON = RS-485 + signal is switched with 470 ohms to 5 V

3.9.2 Bus terminal interface B (X9)

Jumper Signal designation Description of the function

X22 120 ohms bus terminal B = 120 ohms switched on

X20 470 ohms pull-down B = RS-485 – signal is switched with 470 ohms to 0 V
X21 470 ohms pull-up B = RS-485 + signal is switched with 470 ohms to 5 V

3.10 Connection and switch setting (MDDR/T, MDDP/Q Mark II)

The connection and jumper position are described in Operating instructions

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Description of the serial interface MDDx-66411-2-21-en-1103
Installation and configuration 11
4 Protocol

4.1 General
All control, address and data characters of a protocol are displayable ASCII
characters. Each telegram (message) contains a ‘>’ as a starting character and a
‘CR’ (carriage return) as a concluding character.
Program Teli for Windows:
The program Teli for Windows is used for tests with this serial interface. Versions
for Windows 3.1 and Win 95 are available. It is a program for the transfer of
telegrams and the reception of replies (master). The transmission and reception
data are continuously displayed. The data exchange takes place via the serial
interface of a PC. This interface can be configured as COM1 or COM2. An
interface converter (RS-232 RS-485) must be used.

4.2 Transmission procedure

The master operates each slave (MDDM/O) cyclically. Each slave has to have a
different address. The data exchange with a slave takes place as follows:
Master transmits command message
Slave replies in one of 3 different ways
Depending on the command message received the slave replies as follows:
Reception fault or unknown command
NAK message (NAK: not acknowledged)

Master Slave

Command message for Slave n

Start Timer tm

Start Timer ts

NAK message from Slave n

Repetition of the command message

for the Slave n

Start Timer tm

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Description of the serial interface MDDx-66411-2-21-en-1103
12 Protocol
Command message correctly received, do not transmit actual values
ACK message (ACK: acknowledged)

Master Slave

Command message for Slave n

Start Timer tm

Start Timer ts

ACK message from Slave n

Operate Slave n+1

Start Timer tm

Command message correctly received, transmit actual values

Return data message

Master Slave

Command message for Slave n

Start Timer tm

Start Timer ts

Return data message from Slave n

Operate Slave n+1

Start Timer tm

4.3 Timeout times

4.3.1 Timeout for reply

After the transmission of the command message, the master has to start the timer
tm. Within the time tm, the master has to receive the first character of the NAK
message, the ACK message or the return data message from the addressed slave
(MDDM/O). For every further character, tm is restarted.
Timeout value: tm = 300 ms

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Description of the serial interface MDDx-66411-2-21-en-1103
Protocol 13
5 Protocol structure

5.1 Definitions

ASCII-BCD Permitted ASCII-BCD characters are all ASCII characters from

‘0’ – ‘9’ (30 – 39 hex).
ASCII-hex Permitted ASCII-hex characters are all ASCII characters from
‘0’ – ‘9’ (30 – 39 hex) and ‘A’ – ‘F’ (41 – 46 hex)
-H- Represents the character with the highest value
-L- Represents the character with the lowest value

5.2 Command message

> Address Command Data field Checksum CR

-H- -L- -H- – -L- -H- -L-
1 2 1 0 – X 2 1

Number of ASCII characters

'>' Starting character of the command message

(ASCII ‘>’ corresponds to 3E hex)
Address Command message concerns the slave with the
corresponding address, the character with the higher value is
transmitted first (permitted characters: ASCII-hex)
Command Differentiation which nominal value is delivered to the slave or
which actual value is required by the master
(refer to the following chapter for valid commands)
Data field Nominal value for the addressed slave, the character with the
highest value is transmitted first
(permitted characters: ASCII-BCD or ASCII-hex)
Checksum Sum of the digits without carrying forward the HEX value of
the ASCII characters from address, command and data field
(without starting character ‘>’)
(master transmits checksum in ASCII-hex)
‘CR’ Final character of the command message
(ASCII 'CR' corresponds to 0D hex)

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Description of the serial interface MDDx-66411-2-21-en-1103
14 Protocol structure
5.3 NAK message

N Errorcode CR
-H- -L-
1 2 1

Number of ASCII

‘N’ Starting character of the NAK message

(ASCII ‘N’ corresponds to 4E hex)
Error code Fault code of the not accepted command message, the
character with the higher value is transmitted first
(permitted characters: ASCII-BCD)
Error code:
01 undefined command
02 incorrect checksum in command message
03 incorrect number of characters in command message
04 not used
05 incorrect character in command message
(not an ASCII-hex or ASCII-BCD character)
'CR' Final character of the NAK message
(ASCII 'CR' corresponds to 0D hex)

5.4 ACK message

1 1

Number of ASCII

‘A’ Starting character of the ACK message

(ASCII ‘A’ corresponds to 41 hex)
'CR' Final character of the ACK message
(ASCII 'CR' corresponds to 0D hex)

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Description of the serial interface MDDx-66411-2-21-en-1103
Protocol structure 15
5.5 Return data message

A Data field Checksum CR

-H- – -L- -H- -L-
1 0 – X 2 1

Number of ASCII characters

‘A’ Starting character of the return data message

(ASCII ‘A’ corresponds to 41 hex)
Data field Actual value or actual values of the addressed slave, the
character with the highest value is transmitted first
(permitted characters: ASCII-BCD or ASCII-hex)
Checksum Sum of the digits without carrying forward the HEX value of
the ASCII characters of the data field
(without starting character ‘A’) (checksum in ASCII-hex)
'CR' Final character of the return data message
(ASCII 'CR' corresponds to 0D hex)

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Description of the serial interface MDDx-66411-2-21-en-1103
16 Protocol structure
6 Commands

6.1 General
The commands in the command messages with nominal values consist of an
ASCII character represented by a capital letter.
The commands in the command messages without nominal values (collecting
actual values) consist of an ASCII character represented by a small letter.

6.1.1 General examples

The host transmits the status release to the slave (MDDM/O) with the set
decimal address 1.
Host transmits Command message:
> 01 S 0001 75 CR
Starting character = >
Address = 01 hex (1 decimal)
Command = S
Status = Release
Checksum = 75 hex
Final character = CR

Slave replies with ACK message:

Starting character = A
Final character = CR

The host demands the alarm number from the slave with the set decimal
address 161.
Host transmits Command message:
> A1 a D3 CR
Starting character = >
Address = A1 hex (161 decimal)
Command = b
Checksum = D3 hex
Final character = CR

Slave replies with Return data message:

A 0029 35 CR
Starting character = A
Alarm number = 0029
Checksum = 35 hex
Final character = CR

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Description of the serial interface MDDx-66411-2-21-en-1103
Commands 17
6.1.2 Example checksum calculation

Command message:
> 0 1 S 0 0 0 1 75 CR
The starting character is not considered for the checksum.

ASCII Hex value Decimal value

0 30 48
1 31 49
S 53 83
0 30 48
0 30 48
0 30 48
1 31 49
Sum 1 75 373
The sum is decimal 373. Since, however, it is only possible to transmit a value of
max. 255, the figure 256 has to be subtracted from the sum as many times as it
requires to get the figure below 256.
Checksum decimal = 373 – 256 = 117
Checksum hex = 75 hex
The checksum 75 hex is transmitted as 2 ASCII characters ‘7’ = 37 hex and
‘5’ = 35 hex.

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Description of the serial interface MDDx-66411-2-21-en-1103
18 Commands
6.2 Data packets of the roller mill control unit MDDM/O standard protocol

6.2.1 Commands with nominal values

Command Number of Data content / description

ASCII Hex characters
'S' 53 4 Setting of the status
This status is normally not required. The release always takes place
via a 24 V input (RELEASE). This function is used if an individual
passage has to be disengaged or if the residual discharge has to be
activated via the remote control.

(Must not be transmitted cyclically because the residual discharge can

also be released locally!) Beginning with V29A, the command may be
sent cyclically)

1 character ASCII-HEX: Bit 0: Release

Bit 1: Residual discharge
Bit 2: Acknowledge alarm
Bit 3 – 7: Spare
3 characters ASCII-HEX: Bit 8 – 14: Spare
Bit 15: TRUE=acknowledgement: new
data have been read
'B' 42 16 Setting operating data on the control display.
As a response to the command “B”, the data of the command “B” is
This command is used when the power consumption of the command
system is known and thus no power transformer is connected to the
MDDM. The values are shown on the control display. For the display of
the percentage utilisation, the parameter *MOT I must be set correctly.
The display is activated automatically as soon as the command B is
received after a restart. As long as no command B has been received,
OFF is displayed.

4 characters ASCII-BCD: Power consumption grinding motor top

4 characters ASCII-BCD: Power consumption grinding motor bottom
8 characters Spare (must be set to 0!)

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Description of the serial interface MDDx-66411-2-21-en-1103
Commands 19
6.2.2 Commands with actual values in return data message

Command Number of Data content / description

ASCII Hex characters
‘b’ 62 40 Current operating data
Standard command with all relevant operating data
(1st transmitted character)
4 char. ASCII-BCD: Current speed of the feed roll [RPM]

4 char. ASCII-BCD: Status of the feed roll adjustment

0000 OFF
0001 Manual
0002 Automatic
4 char. ASCII-BCD: Power cons. grinding motor top [x100mA]
4 char. ASCII-BCD: Power cons. grinding motor bottom [x100mA]
4 char. ASCII-BCD: Load grinding motor top [%]
4 char. ASCII-BCD: Load grinding motor bottom [%]
4 char. ASCII-BCD: Status of the automatic grinding gap adj.ment.
0000 OFF
0001 Manual
0002 Automatic
0003 Referencing
0004 Alignment
0005 Save
4 char. ASCII-BCD: Alarm (see manual 66411-1-1) ‘a’
2 char. ASCII-HEX: Current speed of the feed roll [%] 1)
2 char. ASCII-HEX: ADCT.T_MAX 1)
4 char. ASCII-HEX: Status message ‘s’
Bit 1 Inlet probe TRUE = covered
Bit 2 Hopper probe TRUE = covered
Bit 3 Back-up probe TRUE = covered
Bit 4 Residual discharge TRUE = active
Bit 5 FALSE = rolls engaged
Bit 6 TRUE = rolls manually disengaged
Bit 7 – 15 Spare
‘a’ 61 4 Alarm message
4 characters ASCII-BCD: Alarm (see manual 66411-1-1)
‘s’ 73 4 4 characters ASCII-HEX: Status message
Bit 1 Inlet probe TRUE = covered
Bit 2 Hopper probe TRUE = covered
Bit 3 Back-up probe TRUE = covered
Bit 4 Residual discharge TRUE = active
Bit 5 FALSE = rolls engaged
Bit 6 TRUE = rolls manually disengaged
Bit 7 – 15 Spare
‘t’ 74 2 Unit type (ASCII-BCD)
‘v’ 76 2 Program version (ASCII-BCD)
Number of installed program version

1) Only available at MDDR/T MDDP/Q Mark II.

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Description of the serial interface MDDx-66411-2-21-en-1103
20 Commands
6.2.3 Parameter output

It is possible to read out the parameters. Command E can be used for this
purpose. It has to be noted that the parameters are to be read only after a
command and not cyclically, because the operation is inhibited for a short time
during the query.

Command Number of Data content / description

ASCII Hex characters
‘E’ 45 5 Command:
“FIRST”: Starts parameter output
“NEXTx” x= space: Calls the next parameter
Reply on 34 Parameter string in ASCII format or, if all parameters are output, the
Command E end string

Parameter string:
2 characters ASCII-BCD: Address of the roller mill
8 characters ASCII: Parameter group
8 characters ASCII: Parameter name
16 characters ASCII: Parameter value
End string:
2 characters ASCII-BCD: Address of the roller mill
3 characters ASCII: “END” character string
29 characters ASCII:

Bühler AG
Description of the serial interface MDDx-66411-2-21-en-1103
Commands 21
6.3 Data packets for the grinding master computer MDEF
The following commands are intended for the grinding master computer
MDEF. Thus all these commands must only be used then when there is no
MDEF available.
The data can be queried directly at the MDEF!
(See Operating instructions 66391-1-1)

6.3.1 Commands with nominal values

Command Number of Data content / description

ASCII Hex characters
‘M’ 4D 20 Setting of new nominal values for automatic grinding gap adjustment
Display at handwheel Transmitted value
6:00 0600
6:30 0650
6:45 0675
4 characters ASCII-BCD: Nominal value grinding gap top left
4 characters ASCII-BCD: Nominal value grinding gap top right
4 characters ASCII-BCD: Nominal value grinding gap bottom left
4 characters ASCII-BCD: Nominal value grinding gap bottom right
4 characters ASCII-BCD: Status of the automatic grinding gap
0000 OFF
Data are not accepted 1)
0001 Manual
0002 Automatic
0003 Referencing
0004 Alignment 2)
1) Software version 28F
The activation can only take place locally! Set parameter *GAP to ON.
Software version 29A
The nominal values and the status of the grinding gap adjustment are unchanged.
2) The current actual values are set to the value of the transmitted nominal values.

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Description of the serial interface MDDx-66411-2-21-en-1103
22 Commands
6.3.2 Commands with actual values

Command Number of Data content / description

ASCII Hex characters
‘m’ 6D 36 Polling the nominal and actual values of the automatic grinding gap
Display at handwheel Transmitted value
6:00 0600
6:30 0650
6:45 0675

4 characters ASCII-BCD: Nominal value grinding gap top left

4 characters ASCII-BCD: Nominal value grinding gap top right
4 characters ASCII-BCD: Nominal value grinding gap bottom left
4 characters ASCII-BCD: Nominal value grinding gap bottom right
4 characters ASCII-BCD: Actual value grinding gap top left
4 characters ASCII-BCD: Actual value grinding gap top right
4 characters ASCII-BCD: Actual value grinding gap bottom left
4 characters ASCII-BCD: Actual value grinding gap bottom right
4 characters ASCII-BCD: Status of the automatic grinding gap
Description see below

6.3.3 Status of the automatic grinding gap adjustment

Number Status Description

0000 OFF The adjustment was deactivated. Activation can only take place
locally (*GAP ON).

For software version V29A and later, the status is not adapted
with 0000! The nominal values are not accepted either.
0001 Manual The adjustment is working in the manual operation mode
0002 Automatic The adjustment is working in the automatic operation mode
0003 Referencing The referencing is active or the roller mill is waiting for a
nominal value input from the command system.
(Caution: Referencing can only take place when the
engagement release is not present).
0004 Alignment A new 600 alignment was made.
0005 SavePositon The current actual values must be stored as new set values in
the recipe.
0006 Alignment after The rollers were changed and a new alignment was made.
roller change
0007 Restart There was a voltage interruption
(is transmitted only once on the first inquiry.)
0008 Roller change The adjustment is working in the roller change operation mode
(Nominal value command M is ignored)

Bühler AG
Description of the serial interface MDDx-66411-2-21-en-1103
Commands 23
6.4 Data packets for host system with integrated grinding gap adjustment

Command Number of Data content / description

ASCII Hex characters
‘x’ 78 74 Current operating data
Standard command with all relevant operating data
(1st transmitted character)
4 characters ASCII-BCD: Current speed of the feed roll [RPM]
4 characters ASCII-BCD: Status of the feed roll adjustment
0000 OFF
0001 Manual
0002 Automatic
4 characters ASCII-BCD: Power cons. grinding motor top [x100mA]
4 characters ASCII-BCD: Power cons. grinding motor bottom [x100mA]
4 characters ASCII-BCD: Load grinding motor top [%]
4 characters ASCII-BCD: Load grinding motor bottom [%]
4 characters ASCII-BCD: Status of the automatic grinding gap adjustment
4 characters ASCII-BCD: Alarm (see manual 66411-1-1) ‘a’
2 characters ASCII-HEX: Current speed of the feed roll [%] 2)
2 characters ASCII-HEX: ADCT.T_MAX 2)

4 characters ASCII-HEX: Status message ‘s’

Bit 1 Inlet probe TRUE = covered
Bit 2 Hopper probe TRUE = covered
Bit 3 Back-up sensor TRUE = covered
Bit 4 Residual discharge TRUE = active
Bit 5 FALSE = rolls engaged
Bit 6 TRUE = rolls manually disengaged
Bit 7 – 14 Spare
Bit 15 TRUE = new grinding gap status 1)
Polling the nominal and actual values of the automatic grinding gap adjustment.
Display at handwheel Transmitted value
6:00 0600
6:30 0650
6:45 0675

4 characters ASCII-BCD: Nominal value grinding gap top left

4 characters ASCII-BCD: Nominal value grinding gap top right
4 characters ASCII-BCD: Nominal value grinding gap bottom left (MDDO)
4 characters ASCII-BCD: Nominal value grinding gap bottom right (MDDO)
4 characters ASCII-BCD: Actual value grinding gap top left
4 characters ASCII-BCD: Actual value grinding gap top right
4 characters ASCII-BCD: Actual value grinding gap bottom left (MDDO)
4 characters ASCII-BCD: Actual value grinding gap bottom right (MDDO)

2 characters ASCII-HEX: Control system address

1) Bit 15 is set to TRUE as soon as a status is present, which is transmitted only once. The read
acknowledgement takes place via the status bit 15 in command x.

2) Only available at MDDR/T MDDP/Q Mark II.

Bühler AG
Description of the serial interface MDDx-66411-2-21-en-1103
24 Commands
Command Number of Data content / description
ASCII Hex characters
‘X’ 58 24 Setting of new nominal values for automatic grinding gap adjustment
Display at handwheel Transmitted value
6:00 0600
6:30 0650
6:45 0675
4 characters ASCII-BCD: Nominal value grinding gap top left
4 characters ASCII-BCD: Nominal value grinding gap top right
4 characters ASCII-BCD: Nominal value grinding gap bottom left (MDDO)
4 characters ASCII-BCD: Nominal value grinding gap bottom right (MDDO)
4 characters ASCII-BCD: Status of the automatic grinding gap adjustment –
(see 6.3.3 Status of the automatic grinding gap
0000 The status and nominal values are not
Setting of the status
This status is normally not required. The release always takes place via a 24 V
input (RELEASE). This function is used if an individual passage has to be
disengaged or if the residual discharge has to be activated via the remote
1 character ASCII-HEX: Bit 0: Release
Bit 1: Residual discharge
Bit 2: Acknowledge alarm
Bit 3 – 7: Spare

3 characters ASCII-HEX: Bit 8 – 14: Spare

Bit 15: TRUE = acknowledgement:
grinding gap status 1)

The command ‘x’ is returned as the response

1) Status bit 15, acknowledgement: grinding gap status read.

This bit is set by the host as soon as the data have been read.
The control system clears the current status and returns the next status.
This ensures that information that is sent only once is reliably received by the host.

Bühler AG
Description of the serial interface MDDx-66411-2-21-en-1103
Commands 25
7 Appendix

7.1 Accessories
The following accessories are available from Bühler AG by supplying the
corresponding information:

7.1.1 Interface converter

RS-232 RS-485, incl. RS-232 cable 1.8 m (DB9 socket – socket) and plug
adapter (DB9 plug – DB25 socket)

Designation Bühler No.

Interface converter RS-232/RS-485, 85-264 VAC EKP -85136-81

7.1.2 Interface cable

2 x 2 x 0.5 mm², shielded, stranded in pairs, outside diameter = approx. 8 mm

Designation Bühler No.

Cable shielded (2 x 2 x 0.5 mm²) UXE -30605-301

7.2 Address of the after-sales service

Bühler AG
Customer Service Grain Processing
CH-9240 Uzwil, Switzerland
Phone: +41 71 955 30 40
Fax: +41 71 955 33 05

The information on the identification plate is to be used to identify the device
when making any inquiries of Bühler AG.

Bühler AG
Description of the serial interface MDDx-66411-2-21-en-1103
26 Appendix

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