Lesson Plan - Micro Teaching: Universidade Federal de São Carlos (Ufscar)
Lesson Plan - Micro Teaching: Universidade Federal de São Carlos (Ufscar)
Lesson Plan - Micro Teaching: Universidade Federal de São Carlos (Ufscar)
Eduarda Magossi Gonçalves Title of the lesson: Canada: How much we know about this country?
Timing: 50 minutes
Background knowledge: It is necessary Learning expectations: We expect the students to understand what
the students to have intermediate the video says about Canada. We also expect students to improve
vocabulary to understand different types their listening skill by setting the context and the specific
of information from audio and to characteristics of the genre informative video .
comprehend questions.
Teaching listening approach: top-down - start with the genre, with a whole part of language, with authentic
materials, and then going ahead with the smallest details inside the activities
Pre-listening: Firstly, we will prepare the students for the activity of listening (an informative video about
Canada) with some pre-set questions (attachment 3), asking the class if they know Canada (population, official
languages, location, etc). In this part, they do not need to have correct answers, this is just to warm-up the class.
The students will make a kahoot, a site with an online game. The teacher needs to share the link with the
students for them to access the game (attachment 4). This little game is for the teacher to know how much the
students know about Canada’s information and to create motivation by spectation for what they are going to
hear (attachment 1). This is important because when the students know what to expect to hear, they can listen
with a purpose and find the information easily. We will also explain a little bit about how an informative video is
constructed: a genre that has specific construction (attachment 5). The teacher will also discuss some key words
(attachment 6) from the video (attachment 1). (Around 15 minutes)
Listening: The class must be divided in pairs. The students will listen to the video (3 minutes - attachment 1)
about general topics about Canada. Then, to know if they understand the information, we will give them printed
sheets with multiple questions to be answered, one sheet for each pair. We might play the video twice
(Attachment 1), firstly without subtitles for them to find a general idea of the subject, and after, with subtitles in
English to help students localize more specific information and help those students with less listening ability. The
teacher might check the answers with the whole class and make some corrections if necessary, using the
blackboard. (Around 20 minutes)
● Extra activity: If the listening activity (attachment 1) ends before we have planned, we might play a
second video (3 minutes - attachment 2), about Canada's official languages, and again, give one printed
sheet for pairs, with multiple questions to be answered. The teacher might check the answers with the
whole class and make some corrections if necessary, using the blackboard. (Around 15 minutes)
Post-listening: To end the class, we will make a little discussion asking the students if they could understand the
video. The teacher must take notes of the discussion: how hard the activity was, what problems they had to
comprehend what was being said in the video, such as speed, accent, external distractions, etc, what was the
most difficult thing to understand, what the structure of the video make they think about the problems of
comprehension. The goal here is to focus on the functional part of the language and of the video, checking on
words, phrases, expressions they do not understand, talking about the formal structure of this genre of text
(informative) turned into a short video. (Around 15 minutes)
We can ask the students to research other facts about Canada they think are interesting and ask them to record
an audio about what they have researched, and send it to the teacher.
Next class: Now that we know the difficulties students had during the listening practice and took notes of it, in
the next class we are going to work with these problems, trying to solve them with smallest and individual
activities. This specific example of class corresponds to the bottom-up approach.
Listening in language learning. NUNAN, David
Attachment 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQrTIC7T-mw
6. Canada has ten provinces and three territories with many attractions to visit? Choose true or false
● true
● false
● I have no idea
9. More Canadians live in the countryside than live in the city limits?
● true
● false
● the video doesn’t say
a) Manitoba
b) Ontario
c) Quebec
d) New Brunswick
a) eighty-one percent
b) ninety-two percent
c) eighty-two percent
d) eighty-three percent
6. What’s the percentage of Canadians who speak English or French regularly at home?
a) ninety-five percent
b) eighty-three percent
c) ninety-one percent
d) ninety-four percent
7. True or false? One in four Canadians have French as their mother tongue or the language spoken at home.
● true
● false
● the video doesn’t say
● French
● English
● the video doesn’t say
9. What’s the purpose of the research of Statistics Canada presented in the video?
Attachment 3
Questions Answers
4. What is the number of Canada's population Around thirty-nine (39) million people
these days?
5. What principal countries did colonize Canada? France and Great Britain
7. How many territories are there in Canada? Three (3) territories, composed by The Northwest
Territories, the Yukon and Nunavut
Attachment 4
Attachment 5
General information about the structure of informative videos. It involves the metha generic language competence.
Attachment 6