Animal Sorting Lesson Plan
Animal Sorting Lesson Plan
Animal Sorting Lesson Plan
Two- Three Assessed Identify Evidence: (What will you collect or record as data Academic Language:
Instructional Objective(s): The to demonstrate students have met your objective(s) and
student will be able to... skill?) Sort
Students will be able to I will have an ACTS sheet that I will be making marks and Separate
successfully sort a pile of animals anecdotal notes on. On this sheet, I will mark:
into different groups based on a - Y = Yes Procedural steps:
specific category (color, size, - M = Most
pairing, etc.). - S = Some 1. Take the time to familiarize yourself with the ACTS
- NY = Not yet data and get an idea of the students sorting abilities.
Students will be able to confidently 2. Lay out the animals on the table (make sure they
verbalize how they chose to sort Program Monitoring: (How will you aggregate or compile are lined up in random order).
the animals, explain their your evidence into a class or group view?) 3. Using the list/sorting data sheet, call students over
reasoning for separation, and one by one to participate in the task.
reference their work when I will create a bar graph that shows the percentage of 4. Sit students down at a table separated from other
explaining their process. students at each stage of sorting (Y, M, S, NY). activities going on in the classroom.
5. Ask the student, “Can you sort these animals into
different groups for me?” and let them sort how they
One Assessed Developmental see fit.
Skill: 6. In the event, they ask “How do you want them
sorted?” offer up a neutral answer, such as “I want
Communication – Students will be you to choose how they should be sorted.”
assessed on their ability to explain 7. Once students are done with their sorting, ask them
and describe their reasoning for questions about how they sorted the animals. A
sorting. simple prompt of “Tell me how you grouped the
animals” will begin the explanation. Take anectdotal
notes on their response.
Early Childhood Education
Learning Experience Template
Safety Considerations:
Authentic Materials: (Describe authentic real life, hands-on
Some of the animals are heavy materials.)
and have sharp parts to it, so it is
important to ensure that the Basket of different animals (birds, frogs, sea life, jungle,
students are throwing/tossing the farm, etc.)
animals around. Pen
Checklist/sorting sheet
Adult Roles:
Early learning and development standards. Ohio Department of Education. (n.d.). Retrieved February 28, 2023, from