The Influence of Shopping Lifestyle and Fashion Involvement On Impulse Buying

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Enrichment: Journal of Management, 12 (1) (2021) 647-652

Published by: Instiute of Computer Science (IOCS)

Enrichment: Journal of Management

Journal homepage: www.



Zahara Meutia

Retail Management, Battuta University, Medan, Indonesia


Business in Indonesia growth rapidly. One of the factors that

influence the growth of the retail business is the very rapid
growth in the number of consumers, especially middle-class
consumers in Indonesia. Currently, shopping is not only to meet
Keywords: needs, the influence of trends in the community creates an
Fashion Involvement impulse to view that shopping is a necessity and demands to buy
Shopping Lifestyle the product or item. The era of globalization has brought people
Impulse Buying into consumptive behavior, where shopping has become a
lifestyle. Therefore, the researcher intends to determine the
effect of shopping lifestyle and fashion involvement on impulse
purchases. The method in this study is a literature study based
on previous research with criteria that are in accordance with
the research variables. Based on several studies above, shopping
lifestyle and fashion knowledge are important aspects in the
occurrence of impulse buying. The influencing indicators are
Trend, positive emotion, product brand, consumer
characteristics, fashion knowledge, buying behavior, self-
confidence and advertising,

E-mail: Copyright © 2021 Enrichment : Journal of Management. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction
Bussiness in Indonesia growth rapidly. One of the factors that influence the growth of the
retail business is the very rapid growth in the number of consumers, especially middle-class
consumers in Indonesia. Currently, shopping is not only to meet needs, the influence of trends in the
community creates an impulse to view that shopping is a necessity and demands to buy the product or
item. The era of globalization has brought people into consumptive behavior, where shopping has
become a lifestyle.
Levy (2009) states that a shopping lifestyle is a lifestyle that is based on how the individual
lives, how the individual allocates the time and money he has, then the buying actions made by the
individual, to the attitude in the environment they live in. The nature of consumers who are easily
bored with a trend and always want new things This is certainly related to consumer involvement in a
product, one of which is consumer involvement in fashion products (fashion involvement).
The fashion that a person chooses can show the lifestyle he chooses. Fashion is the main goal
of consumers visiting a mall or boutique, there is women's clothing. The digital era demands retail
businesses to switch from offline stores to online stores. The presence of social media and online
shopping platforms makes it easier for retail businesses to develop and make it easier for consumers
to shop by making transactions anywhere and anytime. The economic condition of each individual
makes consumers consumptive so that when they see something they think is interesting, they will buy
it even at a fairly high price, and this has been widely recognized by the public.
The majority of people do not think about the considerations in buying the goods they will
buy. When they see an item that is considered good and looks striking, they will be drugged and unable
to think so without thinking they will buy the item. Therefore, for business actors, especially in the
fashion sector, consumer behavior or impulse buying behavior has a positive influence on them.
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(Rifatin & Sudarwanto, 2021) One of the positive influences is to provide benefits from consumer
shopping behavior that arises because consumers buy without making a plan or careful thought
(Amrullah, et al, 2019).
According to Mowen and Minor (2002), impulse purchase (impulse purchase) is
an act of buying that was not previously recognized consciously as a result of consideration, or
intention to buy formed before entering the store. Themba, (2019) stated that impulse buying was an
unexpected consumer buying behavior with a relatively fast decision-making rate and an emotional
impact on demand satisfaction. According to Febriani & Purwanto (2019) shopping lifestyle and
fashion involvement significantly affected impulsive purchases. Welsa, et al (2021) stated Fashion
Involvement and shopping lifestyle variable has a positive and significant effect on the Impulse Buying

2. Method
Denney and Tewksbury (2013) define a literature study as a series of activities related to the
methods of collecting library data, reading and taking notes, and managing writing materials. The
search was conducted using Google Scholar using keywords, namely Impulse Buying, Fashion
Involvement, Shopping Lifestyle. All studies use quantitative analysis. The study discusses fashion
products that are purchased through online stores and offline stores. The articles used in this study
amounted to 12 with the following details:
N Research, Year, Journal Title Variabel
1 Suchida, I (2019) The Influence of Fashion X1: Fashion Involvement
At-Tadbir: Jurnal Ilmiah Involvement, Shopping X2 :Shopping Lifestyle
Manajemen Vol. 3 No. 1 Lifestyle, Hedonic Shopping X3 : Hedonic Shopping
(2019) 1-10 Value and Positive Emotion Value
on Impulse Buying of X4 : Positive Emotion
Fashion Products to Duta Y : Impulse Buying
Mall Banjarmasin
2 Rifatin,Y., Sudarwanto,T. The Effect of Shopping X1 : Shopping Lifestyle
(2021) Lifestyle and Fashion X2 : Fashion Involvement
BIMA : Journal of Business Involvement on Impulse Y : Impulse Buying
and Innovation Management Buying (Study on Dhyhijab
Volume 3 Nomor 3, Juni Jombang Clothing Store
2021 Consumers)
Halaman 367-379
3 Fauziyyah, Oktafani (2018) The Effect of Shopping X1 : Shopping Lifestyle
Jurnal Riset Bisnis Dan Lifestyle and Fashion X2 : Fashion Involevement
Manajemen Volume VIII Involvement on Impulse Y : Impulse Buying
Nomor 1 (April 2018) Buying Behavior (Study of Behavior
Bandung City Society)
4 Febriani,S.F.,Purwanto,N. The Influence of Shopping X1 : Shopping Lifestyle
(2019) Lifestyle and Fashion X2 : Fashion Involvement
JMD: Jurnal Riset Involvement on Impulse Y : Impulse Buying
Manajemen dan Bisnis Buying on Consumers of
Dewantara. Vol 2 No 2, Hijab Boutique Rabbani
Desember 2019. Jombang

Enrichment, Vol.12, No.1 November 2021: 647-652

Enrichment: Journal of Management e-ISSN 2721-7787  649

5 Anggraini, Anisa (2020) The Effect of Shopping X1 : Shopping Lifestyle

Business and Economics Lifestyle and Fashion X2 : Fashion Involvement
Conference In Utilization of Involvement on Impulsive X3 : Positive Emotion
Modern Technology (2020) Buying on Shopee Fashion Y : Impulse Buying
Magelang Consumers with
Positive Emotion as a
Mediation Variable
6 Welsa, H., Cahyani, P.,D., The effect of fashion X1 : Fashion Involvement
Siahaan, S.N. (2021) involvement and shopping X2 : Shopping Lifestyle
Stability Journal of lifestyle on impulse buying Y : Impulse Buying
Manajemen and Bussiness through positive emotion
Vol 4 no1 tahun 2021 as intervening variabels
(case study on Yogyakarta
outler biru customers)
7 Imbayani, Novarin (2018) The Influence of Shopping X1 : Shopping Lifestyle
Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen & Lifestyle, Fashion X2 : Fashion Involvement
Bisnis Volume 3, No. 2, Involvement and Positive Y : Impulse Buying
Desember 2018 Emotion on Impulse Buying
8 Febrianti R, A, M, Tambalean The Influence of Brand X1 : Brand Image
M, and Pandhami G. (2021). Image, Shopping Lifestyle X2 : Shopping Lifestyle
Review of International and Fashion Involvement X3 : Fashion Involvement
Geographical Education to the Impulse Buying Y : Impulse Buying
9 Umboh, Z., Mananeke, L., The Influence of Shopping X1 : Shopping Lifestyle
Samadi, R. (2018) Lifestyle, Fashion X2 : Fashion Involvement
Jurnal EMBA Vol.6 No.3 Juli Involvement and Sales X3 : Sales Promotion
2018, Hal. 1638 – 1647 Promotion To Impulse Y : Impulse Buying
Buying Behavior of Women
Consumer at Mtc Manado
1 Susanti D.N, Sari A.P The Effect of Hedonic X1: Hedonic Shopping
0 Jurnal Ekonomi dan Teknik Shopping Motivation on Value
Informatika Vol.9 No. 2 2021 Impulse Buying through X2 : Fashion Involvement
Shopping Lifestyle and X3 : Shopping Lifestyle
Fashion Involvement Y : Impulse Buying
(Study on Online Fashion
Consumers on Instagram)
1 Yoga Prathama Putra, Impulse Buying at X1 : Lifestyle
1 Nuruni Ika Kusuma W. Tokopedia E-Commerce X2 : Discount
Dinamika Administrasi: During the Pandemic X3 : Impulsif Buying
Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi
dan Manajemen 4(1) 2021
1 Sumarmi, Prasyanti (2021) Impulsive Buying in X1: Shopping Lifestyle
2 Journal Ilmiah Manajemen Fashion Retail: Evidence at X2: Fashion Involvement
dan Bisnis Volume7, No.1 the Department Store in X3: Store Atmosphere
Maret 2021, pp36-48 Daerah Istimewa Y: Impulse Buying

3. Result and Analysis

3.1 The effect of shopping lifestyle on impulse buying
A shopping lifestyle is a way for someone to allocate money and time for various fashion,
services, products, technology, entertainment, or pleasure. A lifestyle that continues to develop makes

The Influence Of Shopping Lifestyle And Fashion Involvement On Impulse Buying (Zahara Meutia)
650  e-ISSN 2721-7787

shopping one of the most popular places to fulfill their needs. Often this shopping activity is motivated
by a person's consumption pattern in spending money and time.
The lifestyle of consumers in following the current trend shows that the number of consumers
who do impulse buying on some products with well-known brands. This is triggered by inner
satisfaction when the standard will be a trend or style his life can be fulfilled. (Kusuma, Putra: 2021).
It can be seen from the good responses of respondents regarding the clothing products in the
online application suitable for use for activities, considering that everyone has a different lifestyle, then
this lifestyle will affect the consumer's consumption culture. As stated by Fauziyyah and Oktafani
(2018) lifestyle will affect a person's desire to behave and ultimately determine consumer choices.
Consumers who shop at the blue outlet have a sudden urge to make an unplanned purchase
because the blue outlet provides the latest products with the latest models with more than one brand.
The blue outlet makes it easy for consumers to group the most popular products. (Welsa et al, 2021).
Respondents stated that the shopping lifestyle of Matahari Department Store consumers in
Semarang is included in the fairly high category because Matahari Department Store has always been
the main choice for shopping and every time they visit Matahari Department Store, respondents
always make purchases, the majority are interested because of the attractiveness of their products and
special offers and accompanied by a fairly high frequency of shopping. The fashion products provided
by Matahari Department Store are sufficient to follow the fashion trends that are currently developing,
the variety of existing products is quite good and the brands provided are quite well-known brands.
Shopping lifestyle hijab Rabbani shows a response positive from Rabbani hijab consumers
towards impulse buying. Lifestyle changes that continue to develop make consumers want to always
follow its development. Consumer needs are very influential on style life or lifestyle, shopping
activities are one of the most favored by someone to meet their needs (Febriani & Purwanto, 2019).
The higher the shopping lifestyle of a suitable consumer needs, the higher the positive
emotion or rational mood in decision making. This can be interpreted if the shopping lifestyle that is
described by the activities, interests, and opinions of a person (activities, interests and opinions) can
encourage a positive mood. This causes impulse buying. Consumers will be willing to sacrifice
something to fulfill their lifestyle and that will tend to lead to impulse buying behavior (Japarianto and
Sugiharto, 2011). Shopping Lifestyle has a role for consumers in influencing consumer decisions in
making impulse purchases or impulse buying. (Imbayani & Novarini, 2018).
3.2 The influence of fashion involvement on impulse
A shopping lifestyle reflects a person's choice in spending time and money with the availability
of time consumers will have a lot of time to shop and with consumer's money will have high
purchasing power. This is certainly related to consumer involvement in a product, one of which is
consumer involvement in fashion products (fashion involvement) which also affects the occurrence of
impulse buying behavior. Fashion Involvement has a positive effect on Impulse Buying Behavior. This
means that Fashion Involvement has an important role because it has an impact on consumer
decisions in impulse buying (Imbayani & Novarini, 2018).
Fashion Involvement also has a significant positive effect on Impulse Buying Behavior. Fashion
Involvement is someone's involvement with a fashion product because of the needs, interests,
attachments, interests, and value of a product, determined by factors of consumer characteristics,
knowledge of fashion, and purchasing behavior. Consumers' interest in being more deeply involved
with various things related to fashion products consumers feel happy about involvement will
encourage impulsive behavior. Self-actualization needs require self-confidence to motivate consumers
to look attractive, fashionable and follow fashion trends to increase Impulse Buying Behavior.
According to consumers, clothing is the most important thing and is different from other matters, and
clothes can show a person's characteristics.
Fashion involvement is the involvement of consumers in a fashion product, namely clothing
(clothing) which is driven by the need and interest in buying the product or in other words, the
customer's interest in fashion products. People who have a high level of involvement with fashion have
more fashion products and they know every fashion product they buy. A positive relationship between
the level of involvement and fashion buying clothes is that consumers with fashion involvement prefer

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to buy clothes. Therefore, it is assumed that hijab consumers at Rabbani boutique prefer impulse
buying. (Febriani & Purwanto, 2019).
In fashion marketing, Fashion Involvement refers to the interest in the fashion product
category (such as accessories). Fashion Involvement is used primarily to predict behavioral variables
related to clothing products such as product involvement, buying behavior and consumer
characteristics. The results showed that Fashion Involvement did not affect the Impulse Buying
Behavior of female consumers of MTC Manado. This shows that the Fashion Involvement of MTC
Manado female consumers is not influenced by changes in Shopping Lifestyle (Umboh, et al 2018). The
results of this study contrary to the research conducted by Rifatin & Sudarwanto (2021) fashion
involvement has a partial effect on impulse buying for consumers of Dhyhijab Jombang clothing stores.
Suchida (2019), fashion involvement has no significant and negative effect on impulse buying.
This means that the higher the fashion involvement of Duta Mall Banjarmasin customers, the less
influence on impulse buying. This is contrary to the statement of Rifatin & Sudarwanto (2021) which
states that fashion involvement has a partial effect on impulse buying for Dhyhijab Jombang clothing
store consumers. Research conducted by Fauziyyah & Oktafani (2018) in the city of Bandung explains
that business people are required to provide a variety of fashions that become consumer tastes by
paying attention to aspects of shopping lifestyle and fashion involvement of business people to attract
consumers to do impulse buying behavior. This is evidenced by the partial test results, that shopping
lifestyle and fashion involvement have a significant effect on impulse buying behavior.
Anggraini & Anisa (2020), conducted research on e-commerce users, especially shopee. The
high number of Shopee visitors of 90.7 million monthly is one of the reasons the research was
conducted. The results showed that there was no significant effect between fashion involvement on
impulsive buying. However, other variables such as positive emotion can mediate fashion involvement
in impulsive buying so that indirectly fashion involvement through positive emotion has a significant
influence on impulsive buying.Febrianti, et all (2021) It is known that the fashion involvement variable
influences impulse buying. This is because consumers have motivations that arise from certain stimuli
or situations through appearance characteristics. According to Fatmawati Clothing is closely related to
personal characteristics. Consumers will pay attention to information sourced from advertisements
related to the products that consumers will choose and give more effort to understand these
advertisements and focus attention on product information related to them. Fashion involvement is
closely related to personal characteristics and fashion knowledge which in turn influences impulse
buying. This is in line with research (Sari & Yasa, 2021).
The higher the fashion involvement of a consumer, the higher positive emotion or rational
mood in decision making so it can encourage a positive mood. The majority are attracted because of
the attractiveness of their products as well as special offers and accompanied by a fairly high frequency
of shopping. Highly engaged consumers have a habit of being fashionable and following trends. Biru
outlets have up-to-date brands as well as following trends and are fashionable brands because their
products have good designs and high product turnover rates (Welsa et al, 2021).Anggraini & Anisa
(2020), conducted research on e-commerce users, especially shopee. The high number of Shopee
visitors of 90.7 million monthly is one of the reasons the research was conducted. The results showed
that there was no significant effect between fashion involvement on impulsive buying. However, other
variables such as positive emotion are able to mediate fashion involvement on impulsive buying so
that indirectly fashion involvement through positive emotion has a significant influence on impulsive

4. Conclusion
Based on several studies above, shopping lifestyle and fashion knowledge are important
aspects in the occurrence of impulse buying. The influencing indicators are Trend, positive emotion,
product brand, consumer characteristics, fashion knowledge, buying behavior, self-confidence and

The Influence Of Shopping Lifestyle And Fashion Involvement On Impulse Buying (Zahara Meutia)
652  e-ISSN 2721-7787

5. Reference
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Enrichment, Vol.12, No.1 November 2021: 647-652

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