All About Tenkara
All About Tenkara
All About Tenkara
Tenkara History
Tenkara can trace its history back well over 2000 years to ancient Japan. The Tenkara
techniques have been re-introduced to the western world in recent years as the ideal method
for fishing small streams for smaller fish.
The simple tackle is light and easy to use. Modern materials allow for a very fine carbon
telescopic pole to be made that is capable of casting a fine line attached to the tip of the rod.
The fly is tied on the end of the line. There is no reel.
The Japanese are not the only ones fishing this way through history. This method is very similar
to those used by Izaak Walton and Charles Cotton in the most famous angling book ever written
"The Compleat Angler", that appeared in five editions between 1653 and 1676. They had long
poles with a line on the end with an artificial fly. Earlier than Mr Walton and Mr Cotton, the use
of artificial flies to catch fish was first recorded by the Roman Claudius Aelianus near the end of
the 2nd century. William Radcliff (1921) gives the credit to Martial (Marcus Valerius Martialis),
born some two hundred years before Aelianus, who wrote: “Who has not seen the scarus rise,
decoyed and killed by fraudful flies.” It is doubtful that they had reels in those days either.
Technique and Flies
The western world has been very preoccupied with finding the perfect fly. If the fish are not
biting then there has been a tendency to blame it on the fly rather than anything else. Tenkara
takes a slightly different approach and focuses on presentation and accuracy. It is said that
some of the early commercial Tenkara fishermen in Japan only ever used one pattern. This is
perhaps a little extreme, even for the most pure Tenkara fishermen today. Having said that, the
Japanese Masters have very limited patterns they use and trust. They say it is all about putting
the fly where the fish live.
Tenkara flies have traditional Japanese names like sakasa kebari or dry flies and gujo kebari for
wet flies. They are tied on a variety of hooks but the traditional look is to use a hook with no
eye, not even a spade end. The shape of the hooks is also slightly unusual to the western eye.
A loop of silk or similar is tied at the front to attach the line to. The hackle is swept forwards to
give it more action as it is bounced gently through the currents. Having said that you can tie
these flies with the normal eyed hooks you would use for western patterns. The choice is always
With such light tackle it is possible to present a fly accurately at range without any line on the
water to spook the fish. Repeated casting and more intensive coverage of a swim is therefore
quite possible.
Tenkara Rods
Historically Tenkara rods were possibly bamboo. Modern rods are telescopic hi modulus carbon
fibre. The modern rod is lightweight and strong. The tip of the rod is very fine carbon fibre
perhaps only 1mm or so thick depending on the rod. These fine tips need careful protection
when extending or collapsing the rod. On the end of the tip is a short length of braid called a
“lillian”. It is to this the Tenkara line is attached. When collapsed there is a stopper that plugs in
to prevent the rod extending when not required.
At the other end of the rod is the handle which is the same as a western fly rod grip. At the end
of the rod is the butt cap which unscrews to give access to the sections for taking apart and
cleaning. Only take apart the rod with extreme care and keep the sections in order and the right
way round. It's a nightmare trying to get the rod back together if you don't.
Rods are classified in terms of their flex. If you imagine the rod has 10 sections then the flex is
easier to explain. A soft 5:5 rod has 5 stiff sections and 5 flexible sections. This gives a large
curve to the rod and gentle casting action. The best casting stroke is the Tenkara style which is
much more "wristy". A 6:4 rod has 6 stiff sections and 4 flexible sections. These rods are the
middle ground and the most popular because they offer easy casting but with a bit more
backbone for handling larger fish. 7:3 rods are what the west would call a "fast action". With
only the top 3 sections flexing the rod is quite stiff and a more western style of casting works
Now here's the catch. Not all 6:3 rods are created equal. A 14 foot 6:3 will feel softer than a 12
foot 6:3. So for a longer rod I would consider a grade up in stiffness than my preference.
However, it also depends on the fish targeted. Use a stiffer rod for bigger fish.
As a general rule, choose the longest rod you can for the water you fish most. The longer rod
will give you better reach and line control.
Tenkara Lines
There is very little information on traditional Tenkara lines. However, lines made from horse
hair and plant fibres would be in keeping with the times. You can still get horse hair lines if you
really want them.
Modern Tenkara lines are very light and designed to be cast and help off the current out of the
water. Experiments with nylon and co-polymer level lines have not been as successful as
fluorocarbon. Especially the hi-viz fluorocarbon that is available. There are also tapered
fluorocarbon lines that provide a much more delicate presentation than the level lines. Japanese
line makers, Sunline, have invested a lot of research into developing fluorocarbon lines
specifically for the Tenkara. These lines have superior casting characteristics to the "off the
shelf" fluorocarbon that you might buy in larger diameters for sea fishing.
Level lines are all about the diameter. It doesn't make any sense to talk about lbs breaking
strain. Japanese line numbers that equate to diameters are as follows:
Size 1.5 (diameter 0.205mm = .008")
Size 2 (diameter 0.235mm = .009")
Size 3 (diameter 0.285mm = .011")
Size 4 (diameter 0.330mm = .013")
Size 5 (diameter 0.370mm = .0146")
Relating size to which rod is a common question. Here is a rough guide:
Best general purpose line but you won’t keep as much off the
6:3 4
water as a size 3.
What is Tenkara?
Tenkara is not “New”… it has a very long history with equivalents round the world.
Tenkara is not “Dapping” … There are a range of casting techniques employed to present the
Tenkara is not only for small fish … A stiffer rod can cast a heavier line and will tame much
larger fish.
Give Tenkara a chance and find a simplicity that will take moments to learn and a lifetime
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