(4198) Body Parts Song For Kids - This Is Me! by Elf Learning - Elf Kids Videos - Youtube
(4198) Body Parts Song For Kids - This Is Me! by Elf Learning - Elf Kids Videos - Youtube
(4198) Body Parts Song For Kids - This Is Me! by Elf Learning - Elf Kids Videos - Youtube
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(4198) Body Parts Song for Kids - This is ME!
by ELF Learning - ELF Kids Videos - YouTube
Standard Skill (s)
(Writing and Speaking) Students will be able to recognize the parts of the human body in English.
Students will be able to say their body parts in English.
How does understanding the correct use of the body parts help students understand what others write
or say?
This lesson was designed to: present the Body parts in English language in a simple way for 5th grade
Teaching Procedures
Motivation /warm up- Start the class Tell the students you are going to listen to a song to help them
review their body parts. The teacher will play a video of the song “This is me” to introduce the
students the content of the lesson. The teacher will also write the lyric of the song on the board for the
student to sing it. 10 minutes (appendix 1)
Information / background knowledge– Since they are 5th grade students the teacher will present
the body parts showing them to the students in her/his own body. Also explain them how important
our body parts are for us, because they help us to do all the activities we do in our daily life. For
example (your feet are important because they help us walk, our hand is important because it help us
write, our mouth is important because make us drink and eat, our nose is important because makes us
breath.) so on and so forth. 8 minutes
After that with flashcards show the images of each body parts (head arms legs chest hands feet,
mouth, eye, nose) For example show an image and sei the name and ask the students to repeat after
you and also ask them to touch the body part mentioned. Do it for all of the body parts in parenthesis
and the teacher has to be sure that all the students participate in the activity. 10 minutes ( appendix
Practice– After the explanation of the P. P. Give worksheet where the Students are going to practice
what they learned.
Worksheet 3 ( see appendix) (3 minutes to do the exercises and 2 minutes to correct it)
Worksheet 4 ( see appendix) (3 minutes to do the exercises and 2 minutes to correct it)
Application: not applied
To finish the class the teacher will play a game with the students which is the “ The King Ordered”
This game will be played in order to let all the students to participate, so the teach can see if they all
learn the content. The teacher will explain the game to the students ( in this game the king ordered, I
will say the king ordered and I will say the name of each students at the time and what I said the king
ordered the student to do the student should do immediately. For example The king ordered Antonio
to touch his mouth. Antonio should touch his mouth right away. The king ordered Paula to touch her
hair, she has to touch her hair right away. The king ordered Paloma to touch her eye, she touch her
eye right away). 10 minutes
Finally the teacher dismiss the class by saying that they will continuing the activities in the next class.
2 minutes
Method (s) of Assessment: Attendance checklist , Materials/technology required: blackboard,
students participation. chalk, worksheet, flashcards with the body
parts, notebook, pencil.
Application –
Activity extension/ Homework: not apply
Specific vocabulary: Body parts, head arms legs chest hands feet, mouth, eye, nose
Reflection: end the class by thanking the students for their participation.
1 Lyric
This is ME!
This is ME!
Here we GO!
This is ME!
This is ME!
This is ME!
This is ME!
This is ME!
This is ME!