Calculating Optimal System Parameters
Calculating Optimal System Parameters
Calculating Optimal System Parameters
I. Introduction
Bifurcations are well known phenomena in nonlinear systems, as many physical systems show their presence, which
may drive the system to chaotic behavior in some cases [1, 2]. Of the dierent types of bifurcations, saddle-node
bifurcations are of particular interest due to its catastrophic eects on the system [3]. In power systems (a certain
class of nonlinear systems), these types of bifurcations have been shown as one of the primary causes for \static" voltage
collapse problems, and hence have been thoroughly studied in many articles and reports written on the subject, e.g.,
[4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11].
This section presents a brief review of the relevant technical literature related to the particular matter of interest
to this paper, i.e., saddle-node bifurcation theory and its applications to power systems, and describes the content of
the present paper.
In the power system literature, several papers have shown the direct relation between saddle-node bifurcations and
voltage collapse problems, e.g., [12, 13, 14, 15]. In [12], the authors show the existence of saddle-node bifurcations in
power systems, discussing their relation to voltage collapse. The authors in [13] thoroughly study how these voltage
collapse problems occur in power systems by using center manifold theory of saddle-node bifurcations. In [14], the
Accepted for publication as a Regular Paper in the IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems|I: Fundamental Theory and Appli-
cations, May 1997.
This work was supported by the National Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada under Grant OGP0155287.
The author is with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON, Canada N2L 3G1.
authors present several dynamic simulations of voltage collapse in realistic power systems, showing the relation of these
events to particular singularities of the system Jacobian, i.e., saddle-node bifurcations. The author in [15] discusses
the issue of load modeling and how this aects saddle-node bifurcations and its relation to voltage collapse through
some academic and practical simulations.
Not all events of voltage collapse in power systems can be associated to saddle-node bifurcations, or other kinds
of bifurcations for that matter [9]. Some voltage collapse problems may be caused by fast dynamic events that have
nothing to do with bifurcation phenomena, such as large disturbances that push the system outside its stability
region producing voltage problems. For these reasons, voltage instabilities directly related to bifurcations have been
categorized as static voltage collapse problems, due to the specic way the system approaches the bifurcation point
with system parameters changing in a quasi steady-state manner. On the other hand, not all static voltage collapse
problems are caused by saddle-node bifurcations, as other bifurcations have also been shown to induce collapse, such
as Hopf bifurcations [16] or chaotic blue sky bifurcations [17]. This paper deals only with locations of saddle-node
bifurcations; thus, the scope of application in power systems of the proposed methodology is limited to this particular
area of voltage stability analysis.
The idea of minimum distance to static voltage collapse or saddle-node bifurcation points in power systems is
studied in [18]. The authors in that paper discuss how to calculate the distance to a closest saddle-node bifurcation
in the particular parameter space of the system load, for a nonlinear system model of certain characteristics; practical
implementations of this methodology are also discussed. The same concept is used by the authors in [19] to determine
an optimal direction for unloading the system to avoid saddle-node bifurcation points. The idea is generalized in
[20] for a variety of bifurcations of generic nonlinear systems. The current paper extends the concept of minimum or
maximum distance to saddle-node bifurcations for any system model and parameter space, so that it can be used to
calculate optimal parameters that maximize this distance.
The application of saddle-node bifurcation theory to determine optimal location of shunt compensation in a power
system to increase the distance to static voltage collapse points is presented in [21, 22]. The authors in [23] analyze a
similar problem with Static Var Compensators (SVCs [24]) applying the same methodology. In [25], the authors utilize
also bifurcation theory to study the problem of locating, dimensioning, and controlling SVCs and Thyristor Control
Series Capacitance (TCSCs [26, 27]) to increase the distance to a saddle-node bifurcation point. The latter paper
poses the question of how to dimension these particular Flexible AC Transmission Systems (FACTS [28]) devices to
increase the distance to collapse; the new methodologies proposed in this paper address that particular question.
Based on saddle-node bifurcation theory, the present paper concentrates on describing a new technique to control
the location of these bifurcations by changing various system parameters, so that the distance from a particular
operating point to a saddle-node bifurcation can be maximized, thus avoiding the related catastrophic events within
the desired operating ranges. A simple generator-line-load example is used to illustrate the eect of shunt and series
compensation on the distances to static voltage collapse, and to study the eect that changes on compensation have on
system stability. The proposed technique is used to illustrate the computation of \optimal" compensation to maximize
these distances in the sample system.
By increasing the distance to a saddle-node bifurcation from a given stable operating point, based on Lyapunov
stability concepts for nonlinear systems [29], one could expect an improvement on the stability of the system for that
operating point. This is particularly true in power systems if one observes proles of Transient Energy Functions or
TEFs (approximate Lyapunov functions [30]) for system parameter changes. In [31, 32], the authors show that, in
general, the \energy" distance between an stable equilibrium point (s.e.p.) an its closest unstable equilibrium point
(u.e.p.), which is a relative measure of the \size" of the stability region of the s.e.p., shows a quasi linear behavior as
the loading in the system increases, reaching a value of zero at the saddle-node bifurcation point where the s.e.p. and
u.e.p. merge. Hence, as the distance to a saddle-node increases by changing certain parameters in the system, one
would expect a set of \parallel" TEF proles for load changes, indicating that the size of the stability region at a given
loading condition increases, thus making the system \more stable." Determining the parameter values that maximize
the distance to a saddle-node bifurcation for a given system condition, may yield the maximum size of the stability
region. However, it is also important to analyze the stability of the equilibrium point as the parameters of interest
change to guarantee a s.e.p. at the given operating conditions, since the system may undergo Hopf bifurcations at
certain parameter values. The example presented in this paper is used to illustrate these ideas by studying the stability
of the test system using TEFs.
Section II presents brie
y the most relevant issues of bifurcation theory for this paper, and discusses the main
theorems and numerical techniques on which the new maximization methods are based. In this section, a known
methodology to determine closest saddle-node bifurcations is compared to the proposed technique, showing that this
is a specic case of the general method presented here. In section III, a simple power system model is used to illustrate
the use of the maximization methods in the calculation of \optimal" shunt and series compensation, and to study
the eect of these values on system stability with the help of TEFs. Finally, section IV highlights the new ideas
presented in the paper and discusses practical applications of the new techniques to power systems, particularly in
FACTS design.
This section discusses the basic theory behind the new proposed methodology, based on the main idea of maximizing
or minimizing the distance to a saddle-node bifurcation by varying several system parameters. The theory presented
here may be applied to any nonlinear dynamical system with generic saddle-node bifurcations in a known parameter
space; power systems are certainly a class of these types of systems.
A brief discussion of saddle-node bifurcations and the corresponding transversality conditions is presented rst, as
the main results in this paper are based on these principles. The proposed techniques are then stated as theorems
and formally demonstrated. A previously proposed method to directly compute a closest saddle-node bifurcation in a
particular power system model is shown to be a particular case of the main general theorem. Practical implementation
issues related to the use of the proposed methodology in real size systems are also discussed.
A. Saddle-node Bifurcations
Saddle-node bifurcations, also known as turning points or fold bifurcations, are generic codimension one local
bifurcations of nonlinear dynamical systems of the form
x_ = f(x; ) (1)
where x 2 <n are the state variables, 2 < is a particular scalar parameter that drives the system to bifurcation in a
quasi-static manner, and f : <n < 7! <n is a nonlinear function [1, 2].
System (1) exhibits a saddle-node bifurcation at the equilibrium point (xo ; o ), i.e., f(xo ; o ) = 0, if the correspond-
ing system Jacobian Dx f jo = Dx f(xo ; o ) has a unique zero eigenvalue, and the following transversality conditions
hold at that particular equilibrium point [2]:
Dx f jo v = DxT f jo w = 0 (2)
wT @f
@ 6= 0 (3)
wT [Dx2 f jo v]v 6= 0 (4)
where v and w are properly normalized right and left \zero" eigenvectors in <n of Dx f jo , respectively.
Transversality conditions (2), (3) and (4) are important as these allow, by means of center manifold theory, to
describe the meaningful dynamic phenomena that control the system close to the bifurcation point [1, 2]. Thus, using
the Lyapunov-Schmidt method [33], the relevant bifurcation dynamics of system (1) can be reduced, with the help of
a Taylor series expansion about the bifurcation point (xo ; o ), to the one-dimensional center manifold
1 T 2 2 T @f
x_ c = 2 w [Dx f jo v]v xc + w @ ( , o ) + o(x2c ; , o ) (5)
where xc is a scalar variable resulting from a linear transformation of the original state variables x.
Saddle-node bifurcations are typically identied by a couple of equilibrium points merging at the bifurcation point
as the slow varying parameter approaches a maximum local value o . The way this phenomenon takes place depends
on the approximate center manifold equation (5). Hence, the signs and magnitudes of conditions (3) and (4) determine
locally how the system bifurcates.
Local saddle-node bifurcations are generic, i.e., they are expected to occur in nonlinear systems with one slow
varying parameter, as opposed to other types of \singular" local bifurcations such as transcritical and pitchfork, which
require certain specic symmetries in the system to occur [2]. In particular, systems that have a constant @f=@
vector, which is the typical case in power systems with constant active and reactive power or PQ load models, can be
expected to bifurcate through a saddle-node, as condition (3) is generically met [16].
Typical power system models present an additional diculty, as these are systems represented by a set of dierential
and algebraic equations (DAE) of the form
2 3 2 3
x_ 5 4 f(x; y; ) 5
4 = = F(x; y; ) (6)
0 g(x; y; )
where x 2 <n and 2 < stand for the state variables and slow varying parameter, respectively, and f : <n <m < 7!
<n corresponds to the nonlinear vector eld; the vector y 2 <m represents the set of algebraic variables dened by the
nonlinear algebraic function g : <n <m < 7! <m . The stability of these types of systems is thoroughly discussed in
[34]. The main idea is that if Dy g(x; y; ) can be guaranteed to be nonsingular along system trajectories of interest,
the behavior of system (6) along the given trajectories is primarily determined by the local reduction
x_ = f(x; y,1 (x; ); )
where y = y,1 (x; ) comes from applying the Implicit Function Theorem to the algebraic constraints g(x; y; ) = 0 on
the trajectories of interest. The reader is referred to [35, 36] for a full discussion on the cases where the nonsingularity
of Dy g(x; y; ) cannot be guaranteed over the full range of operating conditions.
The nonsingularity assumption of the algebraic constraints Jacobian is used in [37] to demonstrate that the transver-
sality conditions at a saddle-node bifurcation point (xo ; yo ; o ) for system (6) are equivalent to
D(x;y) F jo v^ = D(Tx;y) F jo w^ = 0
w^T @F
@ o 6= 0
w^ T [D(2x;y)F jo v^]^v 6= 0
where v^ and w^ are the corresponding right and left zero eigenvectors of D(Tx;y) F jo, properly normalized. Thus, the
methods described in this paper also apply to DAE systems under a nonsingularity assumption for Dy gjo .
woT @f
@ o , (o , ) = 0
The vector wo 2 <n is a properly normalized left eigenvector of the unique zero eigenvalue of the system Jacobian
Dx f jo = Dx f(xo ; po ; o ).
Proof: This lemma can be demonstrated using a similar approach to the one discussed in [18, 20], i.e., show that
equations (8) are a solution to the following optimization problem:
Min. , 12 ( , )2 (9)
s.t. f(x; p; ) = 0
DxT f(x; p; ) w = 0
where w is assumed to be a properly normalized nonzero vector. Observe that the optimization constraints in (9)
force the solution to be a saddle-node bifurcation of system (7), as the rst condition guarantees an equilibrium point,
whereas the second one requires the system Jacobian to be singular for a nonzero left eigenvector w.
To solve optimization problem (9), the following Lagrangian function can be used:
L(x; p; ; w; ;
; ) = , 12 ( , )2 + T f(x; p; ) +
T DxT f(x; p; )w (10)
where 2 <n and
2 <n are known as the Lagrange multipliers. Hence, a necessary condition for a saddle-node
bifurcation point (xo ; po ; o ) to be a solution of (9) is [38]
rL(xo; po ; o ; wo ; o ;
o ) = 0 (11)
which can be rewritten as
@ L
,(o , ) + To @f T T 2
@ o = @ o +
o Dx f jo wo = 0
Dx Ljo = To Dx f jo +
oT DxT 2 f jo wo = 0
Dw Ljo =
oT DxT f jo = 0
Dp Ljo = To Dp f jo +
oT Dxp
T 2 f jo wo = 0
D Ljo = f jo = 0
Ljo = DxT f jo wo = 0
Now, since by assumption (xo ; po; o ) is a saddle-node bifurcation point, conditions (2), (3) and (4) apply at this point.
Therefore, a solution that satises the saddle-node bifurcation transversality conditions and optimality conditions (9)
can be shown to be o = wo ,
o = 0, and hence
f jo = 0
DxT f jo wo = 0
DpT f jo wo = 0
woT @f , ( , ) = 0
@ o o
Observe that the last equation ensures a proper normalization of w (transversality condition (3)).
Dobson et al. in [18] proposed a set of equations similar to the following set:
f(xo ; o ) = 0 (12)
DxT f(xo ) wo = 0
(o , )T + woT D f = 0
to compute a closest bifurcation point (xo ; o ) in the load parameter space for a power system model with constant
power loads of the form
~ + K
x_ = f(x; ) = f(x) (13)
where x 2 <n are the state variables, 2 <` (` n) represents the system loads with initial conditions , together
with a constant matrix K 2 <n` . Hence, f : <n <` 7! <n has the particular property of D f = K, with Dx f(x)
being only a function of x. Equations (12) can be simply shown to be a solution to the necessary optimality conditions
of the following optimization problem:
Min: 12 ( , )T ( , ) (14)
s:t: f(x; ) = 0
DxT f(x) w = 0
for a properly normalized left eigenvector w at the bifurcation point. In [18, 20], the proposed equations are actually a
slight modied version of (12), as a scaling factor k 2 < aecting wo is introduced to dene q = k(o , ) = DT f wo ,
which is shown to be a normal vector to the hypersurface formed in <` by the set of saddle-node bifurcation points
of system (13). The equation jjqjj = 1 is added to (12) in order to compute k, and to ensure that jjqjj =6 0 during the
solution process.
The methodology proposed in the current paper is of dierent nature than Dobson's, as equations (8) are used
to solve a dierent problem than (12). The latter set is based on a system where all parameters are capable of
driving the system to bifurcation, i.e., no particular parameter can be identied as the one taking the system to a
saddle-node bifurcation point, and hence the user is interested in addressing the issue of which particular values of all
these parameters yield an \optimal" location of the saddle-node bifurcation point. Equations (8), on the other hand,
are used to solve the problem of nding values of \non-bifurcating" parameters p that guarantee and optimal location
of a saddle-node bifurcation in terms of one bifurcating parameter . Thus, (8) can be used to calculate optimal
shunt and/or series compensation to maximize distance to a saddle-node bifurcation in a particular direction of load
variation, as shown in the examples below. The dierences are made clear by simply comparing the optimization
problem that each technique tries to solve, i.e., (9) and (14).
From this comparison, Theorem 2.1 below is proposed. This theorem addresses the issue of calculating values of
parameters p 2 <m for an optimal saddle-node bifurcation location when several bifurcation parameters 2 <` are of
interest. In other words, equations (8) and (12) are integrated in one set.
Theorem 2.1: Consider the following nonlinear system:
x_ = f(x; p; )
where x 2 <n represents the state variables, and p 2 <m (m n) and 2 <` (` n) stand for the system parameters,
with driving the nonlinear vector eld f : <n <m <` 7! <n to a saddle-node bifurcation at (xo ; po; o ) from the
initial value . Then, the necessary conditions for (xo ; po ; o ) to locally maximize the distance jjo , jj are
f jo = 0 (15)
DxT f jo wo = 0
DpT f jo wo = 0
DT f jo wo , (o , ) = 0
The last equation properly normalizes the vector wo 2 <n , which is the left eigenvector of the system Jacobian
Dx f jo = Dx f(xo ; po ; o ) for the corresponding unique zero eigenvalue.
Proof: As in Lemma 2.1, the proof of this theorem is simply based on showing that equations (15) are the necessary
optimality conditions for the following minimization problem:
Min: , 12 ( , )T ( , )
s:t: f(x; p; ) = 0
DxT f(x; p; ) w = 0
with properly normalized \zero" eigenvector w. Thus, the following Lagrangian function can be dened:
L(x; p; ; w; ;
; ) = , 12 ( , )T ( , ) + T f(x; p; ) +
T DxT f(x; p; )w
Based on transversality conditions (2), (3) and (4) at the saddle-node bifurcation point (xo ; po; o ), the Lagrange
multipliers that solve the necessary optimality conditions rLjo = 0, can be shown to be once more o = wo and
o = 0. These values lead to equations (15), where the last equation ensures a nonzero wo based on transversality
condition (3).
It is important to highlight the fact that the method presented in this paper, i.e., equations (15), pose no restrictions
with regard to the system model and its corresponding set of parameters and p, and hence could be applied to any
nonlinear system displaying saddle-node bifurcations where the bifurcating parameters are clearly identied. For
example, equations (15) could be used to determine closest saddle-node bifurcations for power systems with voltage
dependent load models.
Although equations (15) allow to compute the values of system parameters and p that maximize the distance to
a saddle-node bifurcation point, one is especially interested in calculating the values of p that maximize the distance
to the closest bifurcation point in space. To solve this particular problem with the help of these equations, the initial
guesses for the Newton-Raphson based methods used to compute the corresponding numerical solutions have to be
chosen with care. The next section discusses this issue with more detail, and an iterative method is presented so that
the desired solutions may be obtained. Examples that thoroughly illustrate this particular problem are presented in
section III.
to GRG methods by restating the bifurcation problem as an optimization one. The authors in [43] propose a similar
method to solve equations (12), based on the special structure of nonlinear system (13). The idea is that, once an
appropriate saddle-node bifurcation point is calculated, this point can be used to move in a particular direction on the
hypersurface of bifurcation points using predictor and corrector steps. Based on this general principle, the following
continuation algorithm is proposed to help solve the problem stated in equations (8):
1. Problem statement: In order to apply the GRG method, the problem has to be represented as an optimization
problem, i.e.,
Min: F(z) = , 12 k , k2 (16)
2 3
f(x; p; ) 5
s:t: c(z) = 4 T =0
Dx f(x; p; ) w
where z stands for all the system variables and parameters x, w, p and . A nontrivial solution that satises
the equality constraints is assumed to be available, so that jjwjj 6= 0. This initial condition can be calculated
based on the methodologies previously described, i.e., continuation or direct methods with xed p and a scalar
. Now, since c : <r 7! <t , with r > t (r = 2n + m + 1 and t = 2n), the optimization variables have to be split
into dependent variables z1 and independent variables z2 , where z1 2 <t and hence z2 2 <(r,t) . In (16), the
choice is apparently obvious, as x and w are basically dened by the equality constraints, whereas p and are
independent system parameters. However, in order to ensure that jjwjj 6= 0 during the solution process, an entry
wk 2 w is added to z2 , and a parameter pl 2 p is then moved to z1 , i.e.,
2 3 2 3
x 7 6
wk 7
z1 = 64 w~ 75 z2 = 64 p~ 775
6 7 6
where w~ is the eigenvector w without the corresponding wk entry, and p~ is the parameter vector p with the entry
pl removed.
2. Predictor step: Assuming that a set of initial values for z satisfying the constraints is known, say z k such that
c(z k ) = 0, the initial vector z k is changed by taking a step sk in the direction of the steepest descent on the
tangent plane to c(z) = 0 at z k . Thus,
z k+1 = z k + sk (17)
sk = , 2
ZZ T rz F(z k ) 3
, D ,1
c(z k )Dz c(z k )
Z = 4 z1 2
The scalar > 0 is used to change the size of the step so that F (z k+1) < F(z k ), and to guarantee that the
corrector step yields a solution, as discussed below. The matrix Z 2 <r(r,t) constitutes a basis for the null space
of Dz c(z k ) 2 <tr , i.e., Dz c(z k )Z = 0. Furthermore, based on the transversality conditions of a saddle-node
bifurcation point, the matrix Dz1 c(z k ) 2 <tt can be guaranteed to be nonsingular [44, 45].
3. Corrector step: The value z k+1 predicted by \linearized" step (17), must now be corrected to ensure that the
constraints are satised. Thus, the following modied Newton-Raphson iteration is used to obtain a solution for
z1 so that c(z) = c(z1 ; z2k+1) = 0, by using as an initial guess z11 = z1k+1 and keeping z2k+1 constant, i.e., wk and
all system parameters but one are kept xed:
z1i+1 = z1i , Dz,11 c(z1i ; z2k+1) c(z1i ; z2k+1) (18)
where i = 1; 2; . . . stands for the iteration number. The scalar constant > 0 is used to ensure a solution to
c(z) = 0 [46]. Hence, if no solution is encountered as the value of is reduced up to certain reasonable tolerance,
the vector z k+1 generated by the predictor step (17) is changed by reducing the value of . This process is
repeated until convergence of (18) is attained.
The predictor step (17) and corrector step (18) are taken sequentially until F (z) is minimized within an acceptable
Observe that the proposed continuation method requires repetitive solutions of c(z) = 0, which basically translates
into larger CPU times, as is the case with any continuation method when compared to its direct counterpart [22].
Nevertheless, the dimension of the problem is signicantly reduced, from 2n + m + 1 to 2n; furthermore, inadequate
initial guesses do not pose such a signicant problem as in the case of direct methods.
In this type of technique is relatively simple to introduce operational limits, as these can be enforced \on-the-
as the solution is approached; however, one must be aware of the possibility of reaching certain limits that signicantly
change the \shape" of the saddle-node bifurcation manifold (as dened by c(z) = 0), which could generate nontrivial
changes in the corresponding tangent surfaces, resulting on convergence and solution diculties during the continuation
process. A simple example of this type of problem in standard one-parameter bifurcation studies of power systems
is the \Q-limit" problem [22] or \Q-limit instabilities" [47]. Finally, as with any GRG-based method, one must be
also aware of the possibility of \zigzagging" during the computation process [38], which considerably slows down the
convergence process as demonstrated on one of the examples below.
When is multidimensional, i.e., 2 <` (` > 1), the proposed continuation method must be modied to allow for
the tracing of the proper constraint manifold, so that the nal solution meets the requirement of being the maximum,
closest saddle-node bifurcation on space. This can be accomplished by changing the constraints c(z) = 0 in (16) to
include the closest saddle-node bifurcation conditions, i.e.,
2 3
f(x; p; ) 7
c(z) = 664 DxT f(x; p; ) w 7= 0
DT f(x; p) w + ( , )
and then apply the same predictor and corrector steps with
2 3
x 7 2 3
6 w 7
6 7
z1 = 66 77 z2 = 4 2 5
6 1 7 p2
4 5
Observe that in this case one needs not to worry about w becoming zero, as the third constraint in (19) guarantees a
properly normalized nonzero eigenvector according to transversality condition (3). Thus, some of the system parameters
in and p are used as the independent variables z2 2 <m . The system parameters that are chosen for z2 depend on
the specic problem under study. From the problem set-up, a possible generic choice may be z2 = p; however, the idea
is to structure z2 so that zigzagging is avoided. A particular set of independent parameters is suggested for the power
system example discussed in the next section, based on several numerical tests and other heuristic criteria.
III. Examples
The simple generator-line-load model of Fig. 1 is used to illustrate the use of the proposed techniques, as thorough
calculations and intuition can be utilized to justify the results. The dynamic equations used to represent this system
correspond to a standard quasi-steady state phasor model typically employed in transient stability studies. Thus, the
generator is modeled using a second order representation of the mechanical system; the transmission system, which
includes the internal generator reactance, the transmission line and the series and shunt compensation, is represented
by a impedance model; the load is modeled as a constant active and reactive power (PQ) load with dynamic
frequency and voltage terms [15, 37]. These element models yield the following per-unit equation set:
!_ = M1 [Pm , Pe1(; V ) , DG !] (20)
_ = ! , D1 [Pe2(; V ) , Pd ]
_V = 1 [Qe(; V ) , Qd ]
= 1 , 2
Pe1(; V ) = G , V (G cos , B sin )
Pe2(; V ) = ,V 2G + V (G cos + B sin )
Qe (; V ) = ,V 2(B , BC ) , V (G sin , B cos )
G = R
R + (XL , XC )2
B = R2 +X(X L , XC
L , XC )2
The state variable ! stands for the angular speed deviation of the generator with respect to the reference speed (e.g.,
synchronous speed), and the mechanical power Pm is regularly changed to supply for system losses along system
trajectories, i.e., Pm = Pm (; V ), to guarantee the typical condition that ! is zero at all equilibrium points. The latter
is not necessary if transmission losses are neglected, i.e., Pm = Pd for G = 0, or if the generator is assumed to be
an innite bus, i.e., the generator inertia M = 1 and ! is a constant, which is a typical assumption. The variables
DG , DL and stand for various system constants that are of no particular interest for the studies presented in this
paper. No operational limits, such as generator or transmission line current limits, are considered here, as these would
only clutter the results with unnecessary information. Nevertheless, there is nothing particular about the proposed
methodologies that would prevent users from applying them to systems with all limits considered; this is especially
true for the proposed continuation technique.
In system (20), the state variables are x = [! V ]T , and the system parameters that one is interested in computing
to optimize the bifurcating parameters = [Pd Qd ]T , are p = [BC XC ]T . In other words, the proposed techniques
are used to calculate the optimal shunt and series compensation to maximize the minimum distance to collapse
k k2 = Pd2 + Q2d . If a particular direction of load increase is chosen by xing the load power factor, so that
Qd = k Pd for a given scalar value k, then the suggested methodologies can be used to compute the values of BC and
XC that maximize the active power = Pd delivered to the load.
A Transient Energy Function for a particular s.e.p. (0; o ; V o ) may be dened along any system trajectory as
follows [30, 31]:
#(!; ; V ) = 21 M!2 , B(V cos , V o cos o ) + 12 (B , BC )(V 2 , V o 2 ) , Pd ( , o ) + Qd ln VVo
This scalar function is used to determine the relative \size" of the stability area by evaluating its value at the corre-
sponding u.e.p. (this sample system has only two valid equilibrium points with V > 0 for a given set of parameter
values). Based on classical Lyapunov stability criteria applied to power systems, the larger the value of the \energy
distance" between the s.e.p. and corresponding u.e.p., the more \stable" the system is [31]. Thus, in this paper, the
eect that the system parameters Pd , Qd , BC , and XC have in the stability of the system is studied by monitoring
the proles of this energy distance as these parameters
0 , 1 0
Observe that for = [Pd Qd ]T , D f = 4 5 , whereas for a scalar parameter = P , @f=@ =
0 0 ,1
[0 , 1 , k]T . Hence, since these partial derivatives are constant matrices, \singular" bifurcations of system (20) are
expected to be of the saddle-node type, as wT D f 6= 0 in general. Furthermore, for this system, given the condition of
! 0 at equilibrium points, saddle-node bifurcations can be detected by looking for singular solutions of the following
set of equations (power
ow equations):
2 3
,V 2 G + V (G cos + B sin ) , Pd 7
6 ,V 2 (B , BC ) , V (G sin , B cos ) , Qd 777
F (^x; p; ) = 6
6 G , R2 + (XR , X )2 7= 0
6 L C 7
B , R2 + (XL , X C 2
L ,X )C
where x^ = [ V G B]. This can be easily justied by observing that equilibrium points of system (20) correspond to
solutions of equations (22), and that singularities of Dx f jo correspond to singularities of Dx^ F jo.
For per-unit values of R = 0:1 and XL = 0:5, and no compensation, i.e., BC = XC = 0, Fig. 2 depicts the
bifurcation diagram obtained by solving (22) for several values of Pd when Qd = 0:25Pd (k = 0:25). The corresponding
saddle-node (SN) bifurcation obtained by a direct method is Pdo = 0:66614 (Qdo = 0:16654), o = 32:327, and
Vo = 0:59171. This \initial" bifurcation point is depicted in (Pd ; Qd) space in Fig. 3, which illustrates the hypersurface
of saddle-node bifurcation points when both Pd and Qd are allowed to change, and is used to solve equations (12) to
obtain the closest bifurcation point Pdoc = 0:09615, Qcdo = 0:48077, oc = 0 , and Voc = 0:5. Whether these bifurcation
points are feasible or not, from the point of view of \reasonable" values of Pd , Qd , and V , it is not an issue in this
paper, as the sample system is mainly theoretical and only used to illustrate some of the possible applications of the
proposed techniques.
The question now is to determine optimal values of BC and/or XC to maximize the value of o = Pdo in the given
load direction Qd = 0:25Pd, or to maximize the \distance" k k2 to a closest bifurcation point co = [Pdoc Qcdo ]T . The
next sections discuss these issues in detail. Notice, however, that these compensation values are calculated here with
the idea of \optimizing" , and no other considerations are made with regard to the actual feasibility of these values
in a real system, as these values might be \too expensive" to actually implement or could create some additional
dynamic problems such as sub-synchronous resonance. Some of these additional constraints may be readily included
in the optimization problem as inequality constraints; however, some constraints may be dicult to consider during
the optimization process and may require of additional steady-state and dynamic studies.
formed by the saddle-node bifurcation points in dierent parameter spaces. The plots clearly show how the bifurcation
values of the parameters o = [Pdo Qdo ]T are aected by the values of shunt compensation BC , and in particular
illustrate the eect of BC on the closest bifurcation points co . Notice that the maximum distance k co k2 occurs again
at BC 2, as expected. This shunt compensation value is used to calculate an initial closest bifurcation point to solve
the direct method equations (15), which yield the desired maximum closest bifurcation point (Pdoc ; Qcdo ) = (2:5; 0) at
(oc ; Voc ) = (78:69; 2:54951), for BCo
c = 1:92308. This method fails to converge for a
at initial guess. The proposed
continuation method with modied constraints (19), converges to BCo c 1:91878 in 24 steps from a
at start.
methods yields the optimal solution BCo c = 1:17424, X c = 0:48809 at ( c ; V c ) = (6:791; 0:50353), for initial condi-
Co o o
tions XC = 0:5 and BC = 2; this method diverges for a
at start. The continuation technique yields BCo c 3:96528,
c 0:44890 in 57 steps (due to zigzagging) for a
at start, and fails to converge to an optimal solution for the
initial condition used in the direct method. The continuation method is implemented using z2 = [Pd XC ]T , which
were chosen due to the sensitivity of the system to these two parameters.
A new technique to calculate system parameters to maximize the distance to saddle-node bifurcations has been
presented. The technique has been thoroughly analyzed and justied for general nonlinear systems based on bifurcation
theory, demonstrating that the new method is a generalization of a previously proposed technique to calculate closest
saddle-node bifurcations. Practical numerical implementation issues have been discussed, and a continuation method
has been proposed to obtain reasonable solutions when system size and/or initial conditions pose a problem. Finally,
a simple power system has been thoroughly analyzed to illustrate the application of the new methods and study the
eect of dierent compensation levels in system stability, as measure by the TEF method.
This paper presents a solution to the problem of how to calculate system parameters to move away from saddle-node
bifurcations. In power systems, this is certainly an important issue, especially when determining the amount of shunt
and series compensation needed in a system, since one may expect in general, as demonstrated for the sample system in
the paper, that increasing compensation up to an \optimal" value leads to increased system stability. FACTS devices,
especially SVCs and TCSCs, could be dimensioned using the proposed techniques. Moreover, one could envision the
use of this new methodology in the design of \slow" controls that dynamically change the values of the SVCs and
TCSCs reactance to move the system away from static voltage collapse problems; tests in larger systems should lead
to a better understanding of this particular problem. Other possible areas of application in power systems could be in
the determination of optimal, closest saddle-node bifurcations for diverse steady state load models and various system
The concepts introduced here present new ideas and related methodologies to determine optimal compensation
levels in power systems. However, since power systems show rather complicated stability behavior, as demonstrated
by the stability analysis of the sample system, one must use these tools together with other analysis techniques to be
able to form a full picture of the behavior of the system, in a similar manner as what is currently done with any other
analysis tools used to study, operate and design power systems.
V. Acknowledgments
The author would like to thank Professor Ian Dobson, from the University of Wisconsin{Madison, and Professor
Ian Hiskens, from the University of Newcastle, Australia, as well as the reviewers of this paper for their comments and
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16 1 V 6 2
# G + jXL ,jXC
jBC ,
Pd [p.u.]
60 1
40 0.6
20 0.4
delta [deg] 0 0
V [p.u.]
Fig. 2. Bifurcation manifold in state-parameter space when = Pd. SN stands for the saddle-node bifurcation point.
0.5 closest
Qd [p.u.]
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8
Pd [p.u.]
Pd [p.u.]
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
Bc [p.u.]
Pd [p.u.]
100 3
80 2.5
60 1.5
40 1
delta [deg] 20 0
V [p.u.]
Fig. 4. Saddle-node bifurcations as shunt BC compensation changes for = Pd : (a) Parameter values at bifurcation points; (b)
bifurcation points in state-parameter space for values of BC from 0 to 5 p.u.
Qd [p.u.]
1 4
0.5 2
Pd [p.u.] 1
0 0 Bc [p.u.]
Qd [p.u.]
0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Pd [p.u.]
min. || [Pd Qd] || [p.u.]
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
Bc [p.u.]
Fig. 5. Saddle-node bifurcation hypersurfaces for = [Pd Qd ]T with shunt BC compensation changes: (a) Bifurcation points
in parameter space with closest bifurcations marked with ; (b) bifurcation points in space with closest bifurcations marked
with for values of BC from 0 to 1.6 p.u.; (b) minimum value of k k2 (objective function).
Pd [p.u.]
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Xc [p.u.]
Pd [p.u.]
20 2.5
0 2
−20 1.5
−40 1
delta [deg] −60 0.5
V [p.u.]
Fig. 6. Saddle-node bifurcations as series XC compensation changes for = Pd: (a) Parameter values at bifurcation points; (b)
bifurcation points in state-parameter space for values of XC from 0 to 1 p.u.
min. || [Pd Qd] || [p.u.]
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Xc [p.u.]
Pd [p.u.]
1 0.3
Bc [p.u.] 0.1
0 0 Xc [p.u.]
Fig. 8. Hypersurface of saddle-node bifurcations in parameter space. Optimal bifurcations are marked with .
min. || [Pq Qd] || [p.u.]
0.4 5
0.42 4
0.44 3
0.46 2
0.48 1
0.5 0 Bc [p.u.]
Xc [p.u.]
Fig. 9. Minimum k k2 as series XC and shunt BC compensation changes. Optimal closest bifurcation points are marked with
TEF [p.u.]
1 Bc=1.8
Bc=2.0192 Bc=1.5
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
Pd [p.u.]
Fig. 10. Transient Energy Function proles for the closest u.e.p. at dierent levels of shunt compensation BC as = Pd
changes. The system undergoes a Hopf bifurcation at BC = 1:923.