Biodegradation and Abrasive Wear of Nano Restorative Materials
Biodegradation and Abrasive Wear of Nano Restorative Materials
Biodegradation and Abrasive Wear of Nano Restorative Materials
Biodegradation and
Abrasive Wear of Nano
Restorative Materials
AB de Paula SBP Fucio GMB Ambrosano
RCB Alonso JCO Sardi RM Puppin-Rontani
Clinical Relevance
Some nanofilled restorative materials may provide superior resistance to biomechanical
dation and the exposure of fillers after me- Although it is possible to obtain improvement in
chanical degradation were visualized in mi- the microstructure and surface morphology with the
crographs. This study demonstrated that the incorporation of nanofillers in restorative materials,
nanotechnology incorporated in restorative one should consider that the restorative materials
materials, as in composite resin and resin- are constantly subject to thermal, mechanical, and
modified glass ionomer, was important for the chemical challenges in the oral cavity. The chemical
superior resistance to biomechanical degrada- challenges can be caused by acids produced by
tion. cariogenic biofilm,7 acidic diet,8,9 and salivary en-
zymes,10,11 leading to softening and increased sur-
INTRODUCTION face roughness of resin-based materials.11–13 When
brushed with dentifrice daily, these damaged sur-
Developed from concepts of molecular engineering, faces gradually would lose softened material (matrix
nanotechnology has enabled the structure of mate- and filler), causing loss of contour, change of color,
rials to be manipulated, to provide significant and roughening of the restoration surface again,
improvements in electrical, chemical, mechanical influencing its esthetic and clinical longevity.14
and optical properties, and to develop materials with Nevertheless, little is actually known about the
new features.1,2 In dentistry, nanoscale fillers or cumulative effects of an acidogenic biofilm and
nanofillers correspond to primary particles about 40 tooth-brushing abrasion on the surface characteris-
nm or 0.04 lm in size. However, the material tics of nanofilled restorative materials.
innovations are not exactly related to particle size,
Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate in
but to the possibility of increasing the nanofiller load
vitro the surface roughness and micromorphology of
in restorative materials,2 leading to better mechan-
nano restorative materials, a nano-ionomer, and a
ical behavior of materials.3 Some studies have shown nanocomposite, subjected to Streptococcus mutans
that nanocomposites presented higher surface hard- biofilm degradation (biodegradation) and three-body
ness values and lower brushing abrasive wear than abrasion (mechanical degradation), when compared
microfilled and hybrid composites.2,4 In addition, with other resin-modified glass ionomer cements and
resin-based nanocomposites offer high translucency, composites.
high polish, and polish retention, with a vast range
of shade and opacity options.5 Thus, the manufac- MATERIALS AND METHODS
turers indicate nanocomposites for both posterior
Specimen Preparation
and anterior restorations, since these materials
show high mechanical properties and superior Twenty specimens of each resin-modified glass
esthetics. ionomer cement and composite tested (described in
Table 1) were fabricated using sterilized Teflon
Recently, a new resin-modified glass ionomer
molds (5 mm in diameter; 2 mm deep) according to
cement (RMGIC) has been introduced for operative
the manufacturer’s instructions, under aseptic con-
dentistry. Ketac N100 light polymerizing nano-
ditions. The materials were manipulated, placed in
ionomer (3M ESPE) includes fluoroaluminosilicate the mold by one operator, covered, and pressed flat
glass, nanofillers, and nanofiller ‘‘clusters’’ combined with a sterilized glass slide. All specimens were
to improve mechanical properties, such as three- polymerized with a curing light unit (Elipar Trilight,
body wear resistance (3M ESPE Internal Data).6 In 3M ESPE, St Paul, MN, USA), according to the
addition, this material contains 2-hydroxyethyl manufacturer’s instructions, after the intensity of
methacrylate (HEMA), bisphenol glycidyl methacry- the light-curing unit was checked with a curing light
late (Bis-GMA), and triethylene glycol dimethacry- meter (Hilux Dental Curing Light Meter, Benlioğlu
late (TEGDMA) as resin monomers, different from Dental Inc., Demetron, Ankara, Turkey). After this,
the known RMGICs. It would be interesting to all disks were stored in 100% relative humidity at
compare this material with a traditional resin- 378C for 24 hours, and the polishing steps were not
modified glass-ionomer, as Vitremer, and with a performed to avoid surface contamination. Initially,
nano composite, as Filtek Z350, which has similar the specimens were distributed into two groups
filler characteristics and greater diversity of resin (n=10): the control group and biodegradation group.
monomers. Thus, it could establish if the nano- The control group was maintained in 100% relative
ionomer shows a behavior similar to ionomeric and humidity at 378C for 7 days, while the other group
composite classes, predicting its mechanical and was submitted to biodegradation for the same period
chemical properties. of time.
672 Operative Dentistry
Filtek Z350 Zirconia/silica cluster filler, 0.6-1.4 lm (cluster) 3M/ESPE, St Paul, MN, USA (8NU)
nonagglomerated silica filler, Bis-GMA,
5–20 nm (nanofiller)
TPH Spectrum Ba-Al-borosilicate glass, coloidal silica, 0.8 lm Dentsply Ind E Com Ltda, Petropolis,
Bis-GMA, Bis-EMA, TEGDMA RJ, Brazil (L797977)
Ketac N100 Paste A: silane treated glass, silane 1 lm (cluster) 3M/ESPE, St Paul, MN, USA (M3M3)
treated zirconia oxide silica, polyethylene
glycol dimethacrylate, silane treated silica,
5–25 nm (nanofiller)
HEMA, Bis-GMA, TEGDMA paste B:
silane treated ceramic, silane treated
silica, copolymer of acrylic and itaconic , 3.0 lm (glass)
acids, HEMA
Vitremer Powder: fluoroaluminosilicate glass, redox 3.0 lm 3M/ESPE, St Paul, MN, USA, (P:6LP/
system; liquid: aqueous solution of a L:6FH)
modified polyalkenoic acid, HEMA
Manufacturers’ information.
Abbreviations: Bis-EMA, ethoxylated bisphenol-A dimethacrylate; Bis-GMA, bisphenol glycidyl methacrylate; HEMA, 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate; TEGDMA,
triethylene glycol dimethacrylate; UDMA, urethane dimethacrylate.
Table 2: Surface Roughness Values (lm) (Mean and Standard Deviation in Parentheses) of Restorative Materials Submitted to
Relative Humidity (Control), Biodegradation, or Biomechanical Degradation (Biodegradation þ Abrasion)
Group Materials
Biomechanical degradation 0.24 (0.05)B 0.0.29 (0.03)B 0.46 (0.09)B 1.01 (0.46)A
Uppercase letters indicate comparison among materials (horizontal) within each group. Lowercase letters demonstrate comparison between storage groups (control
3 biodegradation). Symbols represent the differences between biomechanical degradation and control groups (asterisks) / biodegradation group (hash). Groups
denoted by the same letter/symbol represent no significant difference (p.0.05).
Figure 1. Scanning electron micrographs of Filtek Z350 (a, b, c), TPH Spectrum (d, e, f), Ketac N100 (g, h, i), and Vitremer (j, k, l), at an original
magnification of 10003. The first column shows the relative humidity storage groups (a, d, g, j), with porosities (small spherical and irregular shapes)
indicated by arrows. The second column represents the S mutans biofilm storage groups (b, e, h, k), with a severe degraded aspect of the matrix
pointed out by marking it with circles. The third column corresponds to biofilm storage plus abrasion groups (c, f, i, l), with many exposed particles at
the surface of materials (squares).
modified ionomer samples, particularly for the nano- material by reaction with its environment.15 Since
ionomer, which presented a degraded aspect of the corrosive wear is a continuous process occurring
matrix (Figure 1h). After the abrasion test of during the lifetime of the restoration, degradation
biodegraded specimens (biomechanical degradation characteristics of restorative materials are related to
group), all materials showed a discernible loss of their long-term clinical performance. While resin-
organic matrix, leading to irregular surfaces and based materials undergo the cleavage of polymer
protruding filler particles (Figure 1c,f,i,l). The chains to form oligomers and monomers, the iono-
difference in particle shapes and sizes among the meric cements present a complex process of absorp-
studied materials (nano 3 conventionals) was clearly tion, disintegration, and outward transportation of
visible. ions.16 The present study evaluated the biomechan-
ical degradation resistance of two composites and
DISCUSSION two resin-modified glass ionomers with important
Corrosive wear or biomechanical degradation results differences in their chemical composition, as dis-
from the joint action of chemical and mechanical cussed below.
forces and is associated with the mechanical removal Initially, the interaction of the studied materials
of degraded layers that form on the surface of a with a S mutans biofilm promoted the biodegrada-
de Paula & Others: Degradation of Nano Restorative Materials 675
tion process. The organic acids produced by bacterial fewer radicals will be generated and a lower degree
metabolism can change the environment pH,17 of conversion could be found in the Ketac N100
which started at about 7.3 and fell to about 4.0 for matrix than in Vitremer matrix. Moreover, Vitremer
composites and nano-ionomer and 4.5 for Vitremer shows a third polymerization setting reaction that
during the experimental period (7 days). According ensures that any HEMA not polymerized by irradi-
to Sarkar15, corrosive wear begins with water ation will set.25 Clinically, the removal of the
absorption that diffuses internally through the resin outermost surface by finishing-polishing procedures
matrix, filler interfaces, pores, and other defects, would tend to make the nanofilled RMGICs more
accelerated by low pH. Thus, the biodegradation resistant to biodegradation, and therefore, more
rates of different restorative materials depend esthetically stable restorative materials.21,22,26
greatly on their hydrolytic stability, which is related With regard to relative humidity storage, Vi-
mainly to resin matrix composition and polymeriza- tremer presented the highest surface roughness
tion reactions in this study. It is important to value in comparison with the other materials.
remember that the present study did not use any Composites and Ketac N100 exhibit an external
method of surface finishing in order avoid contam- hydrophobic film,20 arranged by different monomers,
ination of the aseptic surface of the specimens, since with different molecular structure and chemical
all available sterilization methods may affect the characteristics (Bis-GMA, TEGDMA, Bis-EMA, UD-
structure and properties of the restorative materi- MA, among others). The hydroxyl groups of HEMA
als.18,19 Therefore, the outermost surface subjected give a hydrophilic property to the polymer matrix of
to the biodegradation process was a resin-rich Vitremer.27 At 100% relative humidity, the water
surface layer (Figure 1a,d,g,j), due to organic vapor can adsorb to the Vitremer surface through
polymer migration to the surface of the material.20 hydrogen bridges with the hydroxyl of HEMA28 and
Furthermore, this superficial layer remains only promote a roughening of its superficial layer. Thus,
partly polymerized due to the oxygen inhibition of the protection of Vitremer surface with varnishes,
polymerization, producing inferior surface properties adhesives systems, or petroleum jelly is fundamental
of glass ionomer21 and composite resins.22 in order to avoid premature contact with water and
In this study, resin-modified glass ionomer and the filling of small surface voids and defects,
composite resins behaved differently with regard to reducing the uptake of stains, the loss of calcium
their surface roughness and morphology as a result and aluminum ions, surface erosion, and loss of
of the 7-day biodegradation period. The ethoxylated translucency.29 Moreover, Ketac N100 is a paste/
version of the Bis-GMA (Bis-EMA - ethoxylated paste ionomer, while Vitremer requires the conven-
bisphenol-A dimethacrylate) existing in the compo- tional powder/liquid mixing which promotes the
sition of Filtek Z350 and TPH Spectrum matrices incorporation of air bubbles (Figure 1j).
probably contributed to their hydrolytic and bio- The wear resistance can be ascribed to several
chemical stability due to the hydrophobicity of this factors, such as the size, hardness, and percentage of
monomer.12 Whereas the nanofilled resin-modified surface area occupied by filler particles and the
glass ionomer, Ketac N100, significantly presented filler/matrix interaction,13 as well as the degree of
the highest roughness value in comparison with the conversion of the polymer resin matrix.29 The
other materials subjected to biodegradation, it was selective abrasion of the resin matrix and exposure
the only material with higher roughness values of filler particles were observed for all materials
when compared with the control group (humidity). studied (Figure 1c,f,i,l). It is known that there is a
A reasonable explanation for this severe biodegra- difference between filler and matrix hardness in
dation, also observed in the micrographs of Ketac resin-based materials,30 mainly when this surface is
N100 specimens (Figure 1h), is the other resin a resin-rich layer, partially polymerized (oxygen
monomers in addition to 2-hydroxyethyl methacry- inhibition) and softened by the biodegradation
late (HEMA) present in this material, such as Bis- process. With regard to three-body wear (tooth-
GMA and TEGDMA. Some studies have shown that brushing), it is necessary to establish two evalua-
in the presence of water, Bis-GMA/HEMA undergoes tions: the effect of wear alone (biodegradation 3
microphase separation, the hydrophilic tertiary biomechanical degradation groups) and the cumula-
amine and hydrophobic camphoroquinone tend to tive effect of biofilm plus abrasion (control 3
exist in the hydrophilic HEMA phase and hydropho- biomechanical degradation groups).
bic Bis-GMA phase, respectively.23,24 This decreases When previously biodegraded, only Ketac N100
the chance of their coming into contact; therefore, specimens presented no increase in roughness
676 Operative Dentistry
values after tooth-brushing abrasion; only Filtek presented the highest roughness values after the
Z350 specimens retained similar roughness values cumulative changes, probably due to larger and
before and after biomechanical degradation. In the irregular filler visualized in the micrographs of its
micrographs the removal by abrasion of the super- specimens (Figure 1l).
ficial exposed layer of all materials was observed as
soon as it reached a critical degree of softening as a CONCLUSION
result of the biodegradation process. However, the The nanofilled composite Filtek Z350 exhibited the
surface roughness value of Ketac N100 was already best resistance to cumulative challenges (biofilm
high after this process due to its matrix composition, plus tooth-brushing abrasion), since both tests
as related above. Therefore, there was probably no promoted the exposure of its regular and small
statistical difference between the abrasion values particles. Although Ketac N100 contains the nano-
obtained from the biodegraded specimens of Ketac technology, its outermost matrix was fragile under
N100. Further clinical studies are necessary to the biodegradation process, suggesting the require-
confirm the effectiveness of this recent nano-ionomer ment of finishing-polishing procedures after restora-
as a restorative material able to withstand all tion treatment. Differently, Vitremer presented a
adverse conditions of the oral environment, as well satisfactory resistance to biodegradation alone, but
to inhibit the growth of bacteria and caries progres- the exposure of its particles after abrasion promoted
sion by means of fluoride release. the highest roughness values in this study. It would
The biomechanical degradation resistance of nano- be interesting to select carefully the restorative
composite Filtek Z350 is basically related to its material for intra-oral sites where there are frequent
chemical composition. With regard to filler particles, accumulation of dental biofilm and brushing abra-
this material is formulated using a combination of sion, giving special attention to the shape and size of
nano-sized particles with the nanocluster formula- fillers, since these will certainly be exposed and will
tions.5 The higher filler loading with smaller particle determine the surface characteristics of tooth-col-
size provides a reduction in the interstitial spacing, ored restoratives.
which effectively protects the softer matrix, reduces
the incidence of filler exfoliation, and enhances the Acknowledgements
overall resistance of the material to abrasion.31
Financial support received from CAPES (Coordenação de
When the nanocomposite undergoes toothbrush Aperfeiçoamento Profissional de Nı́vel Superior) is gratefully
abrasion, only nano-sized particles are plucked acknowledged. The authors wish to thank 3M ESPE and
away, leaving the surfaces with defects smaller than Dentsply for providing the materials and Department of
Diagnostic Oral, Microbiology and Immunology Area, Piraci-
the wavelength of light.5 The larger and irregular caba Dental School, University of Campinas, Piracicaba, SP.
filler particles of Vitremer (Figure 1l) may be easier
to ‘‘pluck out’’ as whole filler particles from the resin (Accepted 11 September 2010)
matrix, which could then act as an additional
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