Equipment Tolerances

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FS Phil Philspec AG&P SIGBC
Accepted 814 666 238 59
Waiting for result 1 5 4 0
Cancelled 87 35 4 0
Reject 5 0 0 0
Total 907 706 246 59

FS Phil Philspec AG&P SIGBC
On-schedule 486 576 226 59
Re-schedule 230 65 17 0
Additional 192 82 18 0
Total 908 723 261 59
MRI SJ E&I Insulation
76 48 0 1901
4 0 0 14
0 0 0 126
0 0 0 5
80 48 0 2046

MRI SJ E&I Insulation
67 33 0 1447
13 2 0 327
1 13 0 306
81 48 0 2080
Inspection Notification Log Sheet
Inspection Schedule
Inspection Party
Inspection Inspection
SN Log Date Inspection Detail Activities Area / Location
Notification Number SC VPCI PMC Date

3 / 647
Time Subcontractor Inspector Discipline Remarks

4 / 647
Inspection Notification Log Sheet
Inspection Result
Inspection Notification Inspection Party Inspection
SN Log Date Number Inspection Detail Activities Area / Location Date

Surface Preparation by SSPC-SP11 prior to Application of

Primer Coat
1 22-Jan-19 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0711 Painting & Coating Area 300 H W SW 23-Jan-19
Seam Weld - Radiant Sidewall Grid 11 A-F; Grid 12 A-F;

Application for Surface Preparation Inspection (SSPC-

2 22-Jan-19 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0714 Painting & Coating Ambulong Shop H W SW 23-Jan-19
SP10) prior to primer coat application

Post-Weld Heat Treatment (G-SC-PWHT-0007)

3 22-Jan-19 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0706 PWHT Ambulong Shop H SW/R R 23-Jan-19
A09A5001-P-29065-01 Jt. 2,3,5,6,8,9,10,12,13,14,15,16,17

Astec Laboratory
4 22-Jan-19 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0713 Laboratory Testing 7 Days Compressive Strength Test for STR-0903 Pedestal H W W 23-Jan-19

Welding Qualification Test

Jeromel B. Virtucio (PSP-W-104)
5 22-Jan-19 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0710 WQT Ambulong Shop H W SW 23-Jan-19
Edel S. Gregorio (PSP-W-105)
Adonis S. Almariego (PSP-W-106)

Welding Inspection (Post)

6 22-Jan-19 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0704 Welding Modification of Gusset Plate @ EL+74500 for STR-0904 @ Area 900 H W SW 23-Jan-19
Area 900

Bolt Tightening Inspection of STR-0401 Grating Flatform

7 22-Jan-19 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0705 Bolt Tightening Area 400 H W SW 23-Jan-19

Visual Welding Inspection (Post)

8 22-Jan-19 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0707 Welding Ambulong Shop H W SW 23-Jan-19
Report No.: DWR-PHS-0178

Final inspection of the relocation of Flow Transmitter FT-

7016 at Area 700 including:
•Cable re-routing and cable testing
9 22-Jan-19 JGSS1EP-SJEI-IN-0004 Final Inspection Area 700 H W SW 23-Jan-19
•Field instrument installation
•Instrument piping and tubing inspection
•Instrument piping and tubing test and final inspection

5 / 647
Compressive Testing of Structure 0604 Grouting Sample at ASTEC, Calamba
10 22-Jan-19 JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP-0189 Erection Work H SW SW 23-Jan-19
ASTEC Laboratory in Calamba, Laguna Laboratory

Receiving Inspection for Equipment No. E-0619B, E-0623B

JG Summit Site
11 22-Jan-19 JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP-0190 Material Inspection Dwg # A3-JGS1EP-HAN-DD-E0619B, A3-JGS1EP-HAN- H W R 23-Jan-19
AREA 600

Witness for the anchor bolt tightening (snug tight) for JG Summit Site
12 22-Jan-19 JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP-0185 Erection Work H W SW 23-Jan-19
column C022, C023, C028 and C029 of Structure 0604 AREA 600 / S-0604

Final Bolt Tightening Inspection at Structure 0604 Grid 05-

JG Summit Site
13 22-Jan-19 JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP-0186 Erection Work Fd1 - 05-Fe/05-F1a-05-F2. A1-JGS1EP-EPC1-A06-DD-15- H W SW 23-Jan-19
AREA 600 / S-0604
3D Rev.2

Final Dimensional Survey for column plumbness of

Structure 0604 Grid 05-Fd1-05-Fe/05-F1a-05-F2. See JG Summit Site
14 22-Jan-19 JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP-0187 Erection Work H W SW 23-Jan-19
attached drawing no. A1-JGS1EP-EPC1-A06-DD-15-3D AREA 600 / S-0604

Final Dimensional Survey for elevation checking of

Structure 0604 Grid 05-Fd1-05-Fe/05-F1a-05-F2. See JG Summit Site
15 22-Jan-19 JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP-0188 Erection Work H W SW 23-Jan-19
attached drawing no. A1-JGS1EP-EPC1-A06-DD-15-3D AREA 600 / S-0604

Aboveground Earthing 1. Size & Location Check

16 22-Jan-19 JGSS1EP-SJEI-EL-0017 Area 500 H W SW 23-Jan-19
Installation 2. Bonding & Grounding Connection

17 22-Jan-19 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0712 Painting & Coating Primer Inspection prior to Application of Intermediate Coat Area 300 H W SW 23-Jan-19

Compressive Strength Test (after 7 days of grouting) for

ASTEC, Calamba
18 22-Jan-19 JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP-0191 Laboratory Testing Equipment No. D-0690 H SW SW 23-Jan-19
Dwg # A3-JGS1EP-HAN-DD-D-0690

Grouting Inspection for Equipment No. E-0401B Dwg # A3- JG Summit Site
19 19-Jan-19 JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP-0174 Grouting H W SW 23-Jan-19

6 / 647
Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation, Formworks and
20 21-Jan-19 JGSS1EP-VPCI-FSP-0905 Concrete Pouring Concrete Placement Inspection of Lean Concrete of LF- Area 800 H W SW 23-Jan-19

Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation, Formworks and

21 21-Jan-19 JGSS1EP-VPCI-FSP-0906 Concrete Pouring Concrete Placement Inspection of Lean Concrete of LF- Area 700 H W SW 23-Jan-19
7001, LF-7002, LF-7003 & LF-7004.

Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation, Formworks and

22 21-Jan-19 JGSS1EP-VPCI-FSP-0907 Concrete Pouring Concrete Placement Inspection of Lean Concrete of LF- Area 600 H W SW 23-Jan-19
6137 & LF-6138.

Radiographic Test Report (NR-PHS-RT-0045)

A07A5001-P-07087-T1 Jt. 3,4,5,8,10,12,14
23 22-Jan-19 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0709 NDE A07A5001-P-27001-T1 Jt. 2,8,9 Ambulong Shop H SW/R R 23-Jan-19
A07A5001-P-27004-T1 Jt. 2,3,4
A07A5001-P-27005-T1 Jt. 3

7 / 647
Inspection Schedule
Inspection Notification Inspection Party Inspection
SN Log Date Number Inspection Detail Activities Area / Location Date

8 / 647
Time Subcontractor Inspector Discipline Result

0800H Philspec Ermer Valdez Painting Accepted

0800-1200H Philspec Ermer Valdez Painting Accepted

0800H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule

0900H Philspec Allan Magadia Structural Waiting for result

0900H Philspec Ramon Castillo Welding On-schedule

0900H Philspec Allan Magadia Structural Accepted

0900H Philspec Allan Magadia Structural Accepted

0900H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule

0900H SJ E&I R. Arago Instrument Accepted

9 / 647
0900H AG&P Allan Magadia Structural Waiting for result

to AG&P Ramon Castillo Mechanical On-schedule

0900H AG&P Allan Magadia Structural Accepted

0900H AG&P Allan Magadia Structural Accepted

1000H AG&P Allan Magadia Structural Accepted

1000H AG&P Allan Magadia Structural Accepted

1000H SJ E&I, Inc. Charmaine Perez Electrical Accepted

1300H Philspec Ermer Valdez Painting Accepted

to AG&P Arvin Balitaan Mechanical On-schedule

to AG&P Arvin Balitaan Mechanical Accepted

10 / 647
1330H Fsphil Allan Magadia CIVIL Accepted

1330H Fsphil Allan Magadia CIVIL Accepted

1330H Fsphil Allan Magadia CIVIL Accepted

1900H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule

11 / 647
Time Subcontractor Inspector Discipline Remarks

12 / 647
Inspection Notification Log Sheet

Inspection Inspection Party

SN Log Date Notification Inspection Detail Activities Area / Location Inspection Date

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Sampling of Joint inspection/witness (16mm Ø, TBM 2/Heater

1 17-May-18 H H R 19-May-18
FSP-0001 Deformed steel bar 12mmØ, 20mmØ) Fdn

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Sampling of Joint inspection/witness (Ø10mm,
2 18-May-18 Calamba City, H H R 19-May-18
FSP-0002 Deformed steel bar Ø12mm, Ø16mm, Ø20mm, Ø25mm).
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Joint Inspection/Checking of Bored pile
3 22-May-18 Pre-pouring Heater FDN H H R 23-May-18
FSP-0003 location @ H-305.

Joint Inspection/Checking of Bored pile

4 23-May-18 Pre-pouring rebar cage fabrication prior to installation Laydown H H R 24-May-18
for H-305, Heater Foundation.

Joint Inspection/Checking of Bored pile

5 23-May-18 Pre-pouring rebar cage installation prior to concreting Heater FDN H H R 24-May-18
for H-305.
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Concrete placement inspection of Test
6 24-May-18 Concrete Pouring Heater FDN H H R 25-May-18
FSP-0005 Pile @ H-305

Joint Inspection/Checking of Bored pile

rebar cage fabrication prior to installation
7 26-May-18 Pre-pouring for H-305, Heater Foundation. Pile Rebar Laydown H H R 28-May-18
Length; (11m - 19 pcs), (13m - 2 pcs),
(15m - 1 pc), for Test Pile (1 pc)

13 / 647
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Concrete placement inspection of Test
8 29-May-18 Concrete Pouring Heater FDN H W SW 30-May-18
FSP-0007 Pile @ H-305
Checking of Bored pile rebar cage
9 4-Jun-18 Pre-pouring fabrication prior to installation for H-305. Laydown H W SW 5-Jun-18
Pile Rebar Length (11m- 1 pc).
Checking of installation of Bored Pile
10 4-Jun-18 Pre-pouring No.1 prior to concrete pouring. (Pile Heater FDN H W SW 5-Jun-18
Rebar Length = 11 m) @H305
Checking of installation of Test Pile No.2
11 4-Jun-18 Pre-pouring prior to concrete pouring. (Pile Rebar Heater FDN H W SW 5-Jun-18
Length = 11 m @H305
Concrete placement inspection of Test
12 5-Jun-18 Concrete Pouring Pile 2 and Bored Pile No.24, Seq. 1 @ H- Heater FDN H W SW 6-Jun-18
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Concrete Trial Joint inspection/witness of trial batch DMCI Batching
13 6-Jun-18 H W SW 6-Jun-18
FSP-0012 Batch (Concrete Strength = 28Mpa) Plant
Elevation, rebar, forms, concrete
14 6-Jun-18 Concrete Pouring placement inspection for Bored Pile No. Heater FDN H W SW 6-Jun-18
7, Seq. 17 @ H-305

Elevation, rebar, forms, concrete

15 7-Jun-18 Concrete Pouring placement inspection for Bored Pile No. Heater FDN H W SW 7-Jun-18
15, Seq. 3 & Test Pile No. 2 @H-305

7th day Compressive Strength Test of Brgy

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Test Pile No. 1 Concrete Cylindrical Pinamucan
16 7-Jun-18 Laboratory Testing H SW SW 7-Jun-18
FSP-0015 Sample (24 mpa @ 28 days) @ DMCI Ibaba, Batangas

Elevation, Rebar, Forms, Concrete

17 7-Jun-18 Concrete Pouring placement inspection for Bored Pile Heater FDN H W SW 8-Jun-18
No.26, Seq. 28 @ H-305

14 / 647
Elevation, Rebar, Forms, Concrete
18 7-Jun-18 Concrete Pouring placement inspection for Bored Pile No.6 Heater FDN H W SW 8-Jun-18
@ H-305
Elevation, Rebar, Forms, Concrete
19 8-Jun-18 Concrete Pouring placement inspection for Bored Pile Heater FDN H W SW 9-Jun-18
No.28, Sequence No. 24 @ H-305
Elevation, Rebar, Forms, Concrete
20 8-Jun-18 Concrete Pouring placement inspection for Bored Pile Heater FDN H W SW 9-Jun-18
No.16, Sequence No. 25 @ H-305
Elevation, Rebar, Forms, Concrete
21 9-Jun-18 Concrete Pouring placement inspection for Bored Pile Heater FDN H W SW 11-Jun-18
No.17, Sequence No. 21 @ H-305
Elevation, Rebar, Forms, Concrete
22 11-Jun-18 Concrete Pouring placement inspection for Bored Pile Heater FDN H W SW 12-Jun-18
No.10, Sequence No. 23 @ H-305
Elevation, Rebar, Forms, Concrete
23 11-Jun-18 Concrete Pouring placement inspection for Bored Pile Heater FDN H W SW 12-Jun-18
No.27, Sequence No. 26 @ H-305
Elevation, Rebar, Forms, Concrete
24 11-Jun-18 Concrete Pouring placement inspection for Bored Pile Heater FDN H W SW 12-Jun-18
No.25, Sequence No. 27 @ H-305
7th day Compressive Strength Test of
Bored Pile No. 24, Bored Pile No. 7 and
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Pinamucan
25 12-Jun-18 Laboratory Testing Trial Batch Concrete Cylindrical Sample H SW SW 13-Jun-18
FSP-0024 Ibaba, Batangas
(28 mpa @ 28 days) @ Quantum
7th day Compressive Strength Test of Brgy.
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Bored Pile No. 15, Bored Pile No. 9 Pinamucan
26 13-Jun-18 Laboratory Testing H SW SW 14-Jun-18
FSP-0025 Cylindrical Sample (28 mpa @ 28 days) Ibaba, Batangas
@ Quantum Laboratory. City
Elevation, Rebar, Forms, Concrete
27 14-Jun-18 Concrete Pouring placement inspection for Bored Pile No.6, Heater FDN H W SW 14-Jun-18
Sequence No. 14 @ H-305

15 / 647
Elevation, Rebar, Forms, Concrete
28 14-Jun-18 Concrete Pouring placement inspection for Bored Pile No.5, Heater FDN H W SW 15-Jun-18
Sequence No. 18 @ H-305

Elevation, Rebar, Forms, Concrete

29 14-Jun-18 Concrete Pouring placement inspection for Bored Pile Heater FDN H W SW 15-Jun-18
No.11, Sequence No. 19 @ H-305
7th day Compressive Strength Test of Brgy.
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Bored Pile No. 26 Concrete Cylindrical Pinamucan
30 14-Jun-18 Laboratory Testing H SW SW 15-Jun-18
FSP-0029 Sample (28 mpa @ 28 days) @ Ibaba, Batangas
Quantum Laboratory. City
Elevation, Rebar, Forms, Concrete
31 15-Jun-18 Concrete Pouring placement inspection for Bored Pile No.4, Heater FDN H W SW 15-Jun-18
Sequence No. 16 @ H-305
7th day Compressive Strength Test of Brgy.
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Bored Pile No. 28 Concrete Cylindrical Pinamucan
32 15-Jun-18 Laboratory Testing H SW SW 16-Jun-18
FSP-0031 Sample (28 mpa @ 28 days) @ Ibaba, Batangas
Quantum Laboratory. City
Elevation, Rebar, Forms, Concrete
33 15-Jun-18 Concrete Pouring placement inspection for Bored Pile No.8, Heater FDN H W SW 16-Jun-18
Sequence No. 22 @ H-305
Elevation, Rebar, Forms, Concrete
34 16-Jun-18 Concrete Pouring placement inspection for Bored Pile No. Heater FDN H W SW 16-Jun-18
23, Sequence No. 9 @ H-305

7th day Compressive Strength Test of

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Bored Pile No. 16 and Bored Pile No. 17
35 16-Jun-18 Laboratory Testing Heater FDN H SW SW 18-Jun-18
FSP-0034 Concrete Cylindrical Sample (28 mpa @
28 days) @ Quantum Laboratory.

Elevation, Rebar, Forms, Concrete

36 16-Jun-18 Concrete Pouring placement inspection for Bored Pile No. Heater FDN H W SW 18-Jun-18
22, Sequence No. 4 @ H-305

16 / 647
Elevation, Rebar, Forms, Concrete
37 16-Jun-18 Concrete Pouring placement inspection for Bored Pile No. Heater FDN H W SW 18-Jun-18
13, Sequence No. 8 @ H-305
Elevation, Rebar, Forms, Concrete
38 16-Jun-18 Concrete Pouring placement inspection for Bored Pile No. Heater FDN H W SW 18-Jun-18
5, Sequence No. 18 @ H-305
Inspection/Witness Sampling of ASTEC,
39 16-Jun-18 Laboratory Testing Deformed Reinforcing Steel Bar Calamba City, H W SW 18-Jun-18
(Ø10mm). Laguna.
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Inspection/Witness Sampling of Soil
40 16-Jun-18 Laboratory Testing Calamba City, H W SW 18-Jun-18
FSP-0039 Sample for Quality Test.
Elevation, Rebar, Forms, Concrete
41 18-Jun-18 Concrete Pouring placement inspection for Bored Pile No. Heater FDN H W SW 19-Jun-18
3, Sequence No. 12 @ H-305
Elevation, Rebar, Forms, Concrete
42 18-Jun-18 Concrete Pouring placement inspection for Bored Pile No. Heater FDN H W SW 19-Jun-18
14, Sequence No. 2 @ H-305
Elevation, Rebar, Forms, Concrete
43 18-Jun-18 Concrete Pouring placement inspection for Bored Pile No. Heater FDN H W SW 19-Jun-18
20, Sequence No. 10 @ H-305

7th day Compressive Strength Test of

Bored Pile No. 27 and 14th day
44 19-Jun-18 Laboratory Testing Compressive Strength Test of Trial Batch H SW SW 20-Jun-18
FSP-0043 Laboratory
Concrete Cylindrical Sample (28 mpa @
28 days) @ Quantum Laboratory.

Elevation, Rebar, Forms, Concrete

45 19-Jun-18 Concrete Pouring placement inspection for Bored Pile No. 2 Heater FDN H W SW 20-Jun-18
@ H-305
Elevation, Rebar, Forms, Concrete
46 19-Jun-18 Concrete Pouring placement inspection for Bored Pile No. Heater FDN H W SW 20-Jun-18
19,@ H-305

17 / 647
Elevation, Rebar, Forms, Concrete
47 19-Jun-18 Concrete Pouring placement inspection for Bored Pile No. Heater FDN H W SW 20-Jun-18
29 (Test Pile #2) @ H-305
7th day Compressive Strength Test of
Bored Pile No. 10, Bored Pile No. 25 and
48 20-Jun-18 Laboratory Testing Bored Pile No. 6 Concrete Cylindrical H SW SW 21-Jun-18
FSP-0047 Laboratory
Sample (28 mpa @ 28 days) @
Quantum Laboratory.
Elevation, Rebar, Forms, Concrete
49 20-Jun-18 Concrete Pouring placement inspection for Bored Pile No. 1 Heater FDN H W SW 20-Jun-18
@ H-305

JGSS1EP-VPCI- 7th day Compressive Strength Test of Quantum

50 21-Jun-18 Laboratory Testing Bored Pile No. 4 and Bored Pile No. 8 H SW SW 22-Jun-18
FSP-0049 Laboratory
Concrete Cylindrical Sample (28 mpa @
28 days) @ Quantum Laboratory.
Elevation, Rebar, Forms, Concrete
51 21-Jun-18 Concrete Pouring placement inspection for Bored Pile No. Heater FDN H W SW 21-Jun-18
18 @ H-305
Elevation, Rebar, Forms, Concrete
52 22-Jun-18 Concrete Pouring placement inspection for Bored Pile No. 2 Heater FDN H W SW 22-Jun-18
@ H-305
Elevation, Rebar, Forms, Concrete
53 22-Jun-18 Concrete Pouring placement inspection for Bored Pile No. Heater FDN H W SW 22-Jun-18
29 @ H-305
Elevation, Rebar, Forms, Concrete
54 22-Jun-18 Concrete Pouring placement inspection for Bored Pile No. Heater FDN H W SW 22-Jun-18
19 @ H-305
7th day Compressive Strength Test of
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Bored Pile No. 23, Bored Pile No. 11 Quantum
55 22-Jun-18 Laboratory Testing H SW SW 23-Jun-18
FSP-0054 Concrete Cylindrical Sample (28Mpa @ Laboratory
28 days)

18 / 647
Elevation, Rebar, Forms, Concrete
56 23-Jun-18 Concrete Pouring placement inspection for Bored Pile No. Heater FDN H W SW 23-Jun-18
21 @ H-305
Elevation, Rebar, Forms, Concrete
57 23-Jun-18 Concrete Pouring placement inspection for Bored Pile No. Heater FDN H W SW 23-Jun-18
13 @ H-305
Elevation, Rebar, Forms, Concrete
58 23-Jun-18 Concrete Pouring placement inspection for Bored Pile No. Heater FDN H W SW 25-Jun-18
12 @ H-305
Elevation, Rebar, Forms, Concrete
59 23-Jun-18 Concrete Pouring placement inspection for Bored Pile No. Heater FDN H W SW 25-Jun-18
29 @ H-305
7th day Compressive Strength Test of
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Bored Pile No. 22, Bored Pile No. 5 Quantum
60 23-Jun-18 Laboratory Testing H SW SW 25-Jun-18
FSP-0059 Concrete Cylindrical Sample (28 Mpa @ Laboratory
28 days)
14th day Compressive Strength Test of
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Bored Pile No. 16, Bored Pile No. 17 Quantum
61 23-Jun-18 Laboratory Testing H SW SW 25-Jun-18
FSP-0060 Concrete Cylindrical Sample (28 Mpa @ Laboratory
28 days)
7th day Compressive Strength Test of
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Bored Pile No. 3, Bored Pile No. 14 Quantum
62 25-Jun-18 Laboratory Testing H SW SW 26-Jun-18
FSP-0061 Concrete Cylindrical Sample (28 Mpa @ Laboratory
28 days)
7th day Compressive Strength Test of
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Bored Pile No. 20 and Bored Pile No. 1 Quantum
63 26-Jun-18 Laboratory Testing H SW SW 27-Jun-18
FSP-0062 Concrete Cylindrical Sample (28 Mpa @ Laboratory
28 days)
7th day Compressive Strength Test of
Bored Pile No. 18 and 28th day
64 27-Jun-18 Laboratory Testing Compressive Strength Test of Test Pile H SW SW 28-Jun-18
FSP-0063 Laboratory
No. 1 Concrete Cylindrical Sample (28
Mpa @ 28 days)

19 / 647
7th day Compressive Strength Test of
65 28-Jun-18 Laboratory Testing Bored Pile No. 2 Concrete Cylindrical H SW SW 29-Jun-18
FSP-0064 Laboratory
Sample (28 Mpa @ 28 days)

7th day Compressive Strength Test of

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Bored Pile No. 21, Bored Pile No. 19 and Quantum
66 29-Jun-18 Laboratory Testing H SW SW 30-Jun-18
FSP-0065 Bored Pile No. 13 Concrete Cylindrical Laboratory
Sample (28 Mpa @ 28 days)

7th day Compressive Strength Test of

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Bored Pile No. 29 and Bored Pile No. 12 Quantum
67 30-Jun-18 Laboratory Testing H SW SW 02-Jul-18
FSP-0066 Concrete Cylindrical Sample (28 Mpa @ Laboratory
28 days)
Joint Inspection/Witness Sampling of ASTEC,
68 2-Jul-18 Laboratory Testing Deformed Reinforcing Steel Bar Calamba City, H W SW 3-Jul-18
(Ø32mm). Laguna.

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Joint Inspection/Witness of Field Density

69 3-Jul-18 Laboratory Testing Area 600 H W SW 4-Jul-18
FSP-0068 Test (By Sand Cone Method) @D-0690

Joint Inspection/Witness of Field Density

70 3-Jul-18 Laboratory Testing Test (By Sand Cone Method) @ G- Area 600 H W SW 4-Jul-18

28th day Compressive Strength Test of

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Bored Pile No. 24 and Bored Pile No. 7 Quantum
71 3-Jul-18 Laboratory Testing H SW SW 4-Jul-18
FSP-0070 and Trial Batch No. 1 Concrete Laboratory
Cylindrical Sample (28 Mpa @ 28 days)

Joint Inspection/Witness Sampling of ASTEC,

72 4-Jul-18 Laboratory Testing Deformed Reinforcing Steel Bar Calamba City, H W SW 4-Jul-18
(Ø20mm). Laguna.

20 / 647
DMCI, Batching
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Joint Inspection/Witness of Trial Batch Plant, Brgy.
73 4-Jul-18 Laboratory Testing H W SW 4-Jul-18
FSP-0072 (Concrete Strength = 24 Mpa & 10 Mpa) Simlong
Batsangas City

28th day Compressive Strength Test of

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Bored Pile No. 15 and Bored Pile No. 9 Quantum
74 4-Jul-18 Laboratory Testing H SW SW 5-Jul-18
FSP-0073 Concrete Cylindrical Sample (28 Mpa @ Laboratory
28 days)
Joint Inspection/Witness Sampling of ASTEC,
75 5-Jul-18 Laboratory Testing Deformed Reinforcing Steel Bar Calamba City, H W SW 6-Jul-18
(Ø12mm). Laguna.

28th day Compressive Strength Test of

76 5-Jul-18 Laboratory Testing Bored Pile No. 26 Concrete Cylindrical H SW SW 6-Jul-18
FSP-0075 Laboratory
Sample (28 Mpa @ 28 days)

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Elevation, Location and Formworks

77 6-Jul-18 Concrete Pouring Area 600 H W SW 6-Jul-18
FSP-0076 Inspection for Lean Concrete of D-690
Elevation, Location and Formworks
78 6-Jul-18 Concrete Pouring Inspection for Lean Concrete of G- Area 600 H W SW 6-Jul-18
Joint Inspection/Witness Sampling of ASTEC,
79 6-Jul-18 Laboratory Testing Deformed Reinforcing Steel Bar Calamba City, H W SW 6-Jul-18
(Ø28mm). Laguna.
28th day Compressive Strength Test of
80 6-Jul-18 Laboratory Testing Bored Pile No. 28 Concrete Cylindrical H SW SW 7-Jul-18
FSP-0079 Pinamucan
Sample (28 Mpa @ 28 days)
Ibaba, Batangas

21 / 647
Joint Inspection/Witness of Field Density
81 7-Jul-18 Laboratory Testing Test (By Sand Cone Method) @ STR- Area 900 H W SW 7-Jul-18
Joint Inspection/Witness of Field Density
82 7-Jul-18 Laboratory Testing Test (By Sand Cone Method) @ G-0610 Area 600 H W SW 7-Jul-18
Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Formworks and Concrete Placement
83 7-Jul-18 Concrete Pouring Area 900 H W SW 7-Jul-18
FSP-0082 Inspection for Lean Concrete of STR-

Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,

84 7-Jul-18 Concrete Pouring Formworks and Concrete Placement Area 600 H W SW 9-Jul-18
Inspection for Foundation of D-0690

28th day Compressive Strength Test of Laboaratory,
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Bored Pile No. 16 and Bored Pile No. 17 Brgy.
85 7-Jul-18 Laboratory Testing H SW SW 9-Jul-18
FSP-0084 Concrete Cylindrical Sample (28 Mpa @ Pinamucan
28 days) Ibaba, Batangas

Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,

86 9-Jul-18 Concrete Pouring Formworks and Concrete Placement Area 600 H W SW 10-Jul-18
Inspection for Foundation of G-610A/B

Material Inspection of Delivered Anchor

87 10-Jul-18 Material Inspection Bolts (M30 Type 1, M36 Type 1, M48 Laydown H W SW 11-Jul-18
Type 1, M42 Type 1, M56 Type 1)

22 / 647
28th day Compressive Strength Test of
Bored Pile No. 27 Concrete Cylindrical
88 10-Jul-18 Concrete Pouring Sample (28 Mpa @ 28 days) and 7th day H W SW 11-Jul-18
FSP-0087 Laboratory
Compressive Strength Test of Trial Batch
(10 Mpa and 24 Mpa @ 28 days.)

28th day Compressive Strength Test of

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Bored Pile No. 10, Bored Pile No. 25 and Quantum
89 11-Jul-18 Laboratory Testing H SW SW 12-Jul-18
FSP-0088 Bored Pile No. 6 Concrete Cylindrical Laboratory
Sample (28 Mpa @ 28 days)

28th day Compressive Strength Test of

Bored Pile No. 4 and Bored Pile No. 8
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Concrete Cylindrical Sample (28 Mpa @ Quantum
90 12-Jul-18 Laboratory Testing H SW SW 13-Jul-18
FSP-0089 28 days) and 7th day Compressive Laboratory
Strength Test of Lean Concrete @ D-
0690, Area 600.
Checking of rebar installation prior
91 12-Jul-18 Pre-pouring formworks closure of Pedestal @ D- Area 600 H W SW 13-Jul-18
0690, Area 600.

Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Rebar Works, Formworks and Concrete
92 12-Jul-18 Concrete Pouring Area 900 H W SW 13-Jul-18
FSP-0091 Placement Inspection for Foundation of
Structure-0904 @ Area 900

23 / 647
28th day Compressive Strength Test of
Bored Pile No. 23 and Bored Pile No. 11
Concrete Cylindrical Sample (28 Mpa @
JGSS1EP-VPCI- 28 days) and 7th day Compressive Quantum
93 13-Jul-18 Laboratory Testing H SW SW 14-Jul-18
FSP-0092 Strength Test of Lean Concrete @ G- Laboratory
0610A/B, Area 600 and Structure -0904
@ Area 900. Cylindrical Sample (10 Mpa
@ 28 days)

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Witness of Pile Load Test @ H-305,

94 14-Jul-18 Laboratory Testing Heater FDN H W SW 14-Jul-18
FSP-0093 Heater Foundation

Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Formworks and Concrete Placement
95 14-Jul-18 Concrete Pouring Heater FDN H W SW 14-Jul-18
FSP-0094 Inspection for Lean Concrete @ H-305
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Post Concrete Checking of surface preparation prior to
96 14-Jul-18 Area 600 H W SW 16-Jul-18
FSP-0095 Placement backfilling @ D-0690.
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Post Concrete Checking of surface preparation prior to
97 14-Jul-18 Area 600 H W SW 16-Jul-18
FSP-0096 Placement backfilling @ G-0610A/B.
28th day Compressive Strength Test of
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Bored Pile No. 5 and Bored Pile No. 22 Quantum
98 14-Jul-18 Laboratory Testing H SW SW 16-Jul-18
FSP-0097 Concrete Cylindrical Sample (28 Mpa @ Laboratory
28 days).

24 / 647
Elevation, Location,Anchor Bolt Setting,
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Formworks and Concrete Placement
99 14-Jul-18 Concrete Pouring Area 600 H W SW 16-Jul-18
FSP-0098 Inspection for Pedestal @ D-0690, Area

28th day Compressive Strength Test of

Bored Pile No. 3 and Bored Pile No. 14
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Concrete Cylindrical Sample (28 Mpa @ Quantum
100 16-Jul-18 Laboratory Testing H SW SW 17-Jul-18
FSP-0099 28 days) and 7th day Compressive Laboratory
Strength Test of Foundation @ D-690,
Area 600 (24 Mpa @ 28 days).

Elevation, Location, Rebar Works

101 16-Jul-18 Pre-pouring Inspection prior to fomworks closure of Area 900 H W SW 17-Jul-18
Pedestal @ Structure-904, Area 900.

JGSS1EP-VPCI- 15th day Compressive Strength Test of Quantum

102 17-Jul-18 Laboratory Testing H SW SW 18-Jul-18
FSP-0101 Trial Batch (10 Mpa @ 28 days.) Laboratory

JGSS1EP-VPCI- 14th day Compressive Strength Test of Quantum

103 17-Jul-18 Laboratory Testing H SW SW 18-Jul-18
FSP-0102 Trial Batch (4 Mpa @ 28 days.) Laboratory

28th day Compressive Strength Test of

104 17-Jul-18 Laboratory Testing Bored Pile No. 20 Concrete Cylindrical H SW SW 18-Jul-18
FSP-0103 Laboratory
Sample (28 Mpa @ 28 days)

28th day Compressive Strength Test of

105 17-Jul-18 Laboratory Testing Bored Pile No. 1 Concrete Cylindrical H SW SW 18-Jul-18
FSP-0104 Laboratory
Sample (28 Mpa @ 28 days)

28th day Compressive Strength Test of

106 18-Jul-18 Laboratory Testing Bored Pile No. 18 Concrete Cylindrical H SW SW 19-Jul-18
FSP-0105 Laboratory
Sample (28 Mpa @ 28 days)

25 / 647
Elevation, Location,Anchor Bolt Setting,
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Formworks and Concrete Placement
107 18-Jul-18 Concrete Pouring Area 900 H W SW 19-Jul-18
FSP-0106 Inspection for Pedestal @ Structure-904,
Area 900.

Elevation, Location,Surface Preparation,

108 19-Jul-18 Concrete Pouring Formworks and Concrete Placement Area 600 H W SW 20-Jul-18
Inspection for Lean Concrete of D-654

Elevation, Location,Surface Preparation,

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Formworks and Concrete Placement
109 19-Jul-18 Concrete Pouring Area 900 H W SW 20-Jul-18
FSP-0108 Inspection for Lean Concrete of F3 DPG-
2, Area 900

7th day Compressive Strength Test of

110 19-Jul-18 Laboratory Testing Foundation @ S-904, Area 900 (24 Mpa H SW SW 20-Jul-18
FSP-0109 Laboratory
@ 28 days).

28th day Compressive Strength Test of

111 19-Jul-18 Laboratory Testing Bored Pile No. 2 Concrete Cylindrical H SW SW 20-Jul-18
FSP-0110 Laboratory
Sample (28 Mpa @ 28 days)

DMCI, Batching
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Joint Inspection/Witness of Trial Batch Plant
112 19-Jul-18 Laboratory Testing H SW SW 20-Jul-18
FSP-0111 (Concrete Strength = 15 Mpa @ 28 days) (Brgy.Simlong,
Batangas City)

DMCI, Batching
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Joint Inspection/Witness of Trial Batch Plant
113 19-Jul-18 Laboratory Testing H SW SW 20-Jul-18
FSP-0112 (Concrete Strength = 24 Mpa @ 3 days) (Brgy.Simlong,
Batangas City)

Visual Inspection of concrete surface

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Post Concrete
114 20-Jul-18 prior to backfilling of Foundation and Area 900 H W SW 21-Jul-18
FSP-0113 Placement
Pedestal @ S-904, Area 900.

26 / 647
7th day Compressive Strength Test of
115 20-Jul-18 Laboratory Testing Lean Concrete @ H-305 Heater H SW SW 21-Jul-18
FSP-0114 Laboratory

Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Rebar Works, Formworks and Concrete
116 20-Jul-18 Concrete Pouring Area 600 H W SW 21-Jul-18
FSP-0115 Placement Inspection for Foundation of
D-654, Area 600

Elevation, Location, Anchor Bolt Setting,

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Formworks and Concrete Placement
117 20-Jul-18 Concrete Pouring Area 900 H W SW 21-Jul-18
FSP-0116 Inspection for Pedestal @ S-0904, Area

28th day Compressive Strength Test of

118 20-Jul-18 Laboratory Testing Bored Pile No. 21 Concrete Cylindrical H SW SW 21-Jul-18
FSP-0117 Laboratory
Sample (28 Mpa @ 28 days)

28th day Compressive Strength Test of

119 20-Jul-18 Laboratory Testing Bored Pile No. 19 Concrete Cylindrical H SW SW 21-Jul-18
FSP-0118 Laboratory
Sample (28 Mpa @ 28 days)

28th day Compressive Strength Test of

120 20-Jul-18 Laboratory Testing Bored Pile No. 13 Concrete Cylindrical H SW SW 21-Jul-18
FSP-0119 Laboratory
Sample (28 Mpa @ 28 days)
JGSS1EP-VPCI- 1 day Compressive Strength Test of Trial Quantum
121 21-Jul-18 Laboratory Testing H SW SW 21-Jul-18
FSP-0120 Batch (24 Mpa @ 3 days) Laboratory

Elevation, Location,Surface Preparation,

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Formworks and Concrete Placement
122 21-Jul-18 Concrete Pouring Area 600 H W SW 21-Jul-18
FSP-0121 Inspection for Lean Concrete of D-652,
Area 600 including D-653.

27 / 647
Elevation, Location,Surface Preparation,
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Formworks and Concrete Placement
123 21-Jul-18 Concrete Pouring Area 600 H W SW 21-Jul-18
FSP-0122 Inspection for Lean Concrete of D-653,
Area 600

JGSS1EP-VPCI- 3 days Compressive Strength Test of Quantum

124 21-Jul-18 Laboratory Testing H SW SW 23-Jul-18
FSP-0123 Trial Batch (24 Mpa @ 3 days) Laboratory

28th day Compressive Strength Test of

125 21-Jul-18 Laboratory Testing Bored Pile No. 29 Concrete Cylindrical H SW SW 23-Jul-18
FSP-0124 Laboratory
Sample (28 Mpa @ 28 days)

28th day Compressive Strength Test of

126 21-Jul-18 Laboratory Testing Bored Pile No. 12 Concrete Cylindrical H SW SW 23-Jul-18
FSP-0125 Laboratory
Sample (28 Mpa @ 28 days)

Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Formworks and Concrete Placement
127 23-Jul-18 Concrete Pouring Heater FDN H W SW 23-Jul-18
FSP-0126 Inspection for Lean Concrete @ H-305,
Heater Foundation (Gridline D-A)

Joint Inspection/Witness of Field Density

128 23-Jul-18 Laboratory Testing Test (By Sand Cone Method) @ D-0652 Area 600 H SW SW 24-Jul-18
and D-0653, Area 600
Visual Inspection of concrete surface
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Post Concrete
129 23-Jul-18 prior to backfilling of Foundation and Area 900 H W SW 24-Jul-18
FSP-0128 Placement
Pedestal @ S-0904, Area 900.

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Trial Batch ( Re-Trial Batch of 24 Mpa @ Quantum

130 23-Jul-18 Laboratory Testing H SW SW 24-Jul-18
FSP-0129 3 days) Laboratory

28 / 647
Elevation, Location, Anchor Bolt Setting,
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Formworks and Concrete Placement
131 23-Jul-18 Concrete Pouring Area 600 H W SW 24-Jul-18
FSP-0130 Inspection for Pedestal @ D-0654, Area

Elevation, Location,Surface Preparation,

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Formworks and Concrete Placement
132 24-Jul-18 Concrete Pouring Area 900 H W SW 24-Jul-18
FSP-0131 Inspection for Lean Concrete of F1 DPG-
2, Area 900 and S-903

Joint Inspection/Witness of Field Density

133 24-Jul-18 Laboratory Testing Test (By Sand Cone Method) @ DPG-2 Area 900 H SW SW 24-Jul-18
F1, Area 900

JGSS1EP-VPCI- 28th day Compressive Strength Test of Quantum

134 24-Jul-18 Laboratory Testing H SW SW 25-Jul-18
FSP-0133 Trial Batch 2 (24 Mpa @ 28 days.) Laboratory

JGSS1EP-VPCI- 28th day Compressive Strength Test of Quantum

135 24-Jul-18 Laboratory Testing H SW SW 25-Jul-18
FSP-0134 Trial Batch 3 (10 Mpa @ 28 days.) Laboratory

DMCI, Batching
1 day Compressive Strength Test of Trial
136 25-Jul-18 Laboratory Testing Batch ( Re-Trial Batch of 24 Mpa @ 3 H SW SW 25-Jul-18
FSP-0135 (Brgy.Simlong,
Batangas City)
JGSS1EP-VPCI- 7th day Compressive Strength Test of Quantum
137 26-Jul-18 Laboratory Testing H SW SW 27-Jul-18
FSP-0136 Trial Batch (15 Mpa @ 28 days.) Laboratory
JGSS1EP-VPCI- 3rd day Compressive Strength Test of Quantum
138 26-Jul-18 Laboratory Testing H SW SW 27-Jul-18
FSP-0137 Re-Trial Batch (24 Mpa @ 3 days) Laboratory
Visual Inspection of Installed
Reinforcement Bottom Bar, Size,
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Post Concrete
139 26-Jul-18 Lapslice Length, Spacing and number of Area 300 H W SW 27-Jul-18
FSP-0138 Placement
pieces of Foundation at H-305, Area 300
Heater Foundation.

29 / 647
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Welder's Qualification Test (3 Fillet
140 26-Jul-18 Pre-qualification Laydown H W SW 27-Jul-18
FSP-0139 Welders)

Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Rebar Works, Formworks and Concrete
141 27-Jul-18 Concrete Pouring Area 900 H W SW 27-Jul-18
FSP-0140 Placement Inspection for Foundation of
F3 DPG-2, Area 900

7th day Compressive Strength Test of

142 27-Jul-18 Laboratory Testing Pedestal @ S-904, Area 900 (24 Mpa @ H SW SW 28-Jul-18
FSP-0141 Laboratory
28 days).
7th day Compressive Strength Test of
143 27-Jul-18 Laboratory Testing Foundation @ D-0654, Area 600 (24 Mpa H SW SW 28-Jul-18
FSP-0142 Laboratory
@ 28 days).
Visual Inspection of concrete surface
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Post Concrete
144 27-Jul-18 prior to backfilling of Foundation and Area 600 H W SW 28-Jul-18
FSP-0143 Placement
Pedestal @ D-0654, Area 600.

Visual Inspection of Installed

Reinforcement Top Bar, Size, Lapslice
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Post Concrete
145 27-Jul-18 Length, Spacing, number of pieces and Area 300 H W SW 28-Jul-18
FSP-0144 Placement
Formworks of Foundation at H-305, Area
300 Heater Foundation.

Elevation, Location,Surface Preparation,

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Formworks and Concrete Placement
146 28-Jul-18 Concrete Pouring Area 900 H W SW 28-Jul-18
FSP-0145 Inspection for Lean Concrete of
Structure-903 (F5) DPG-2, Area 900

Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Rebar Works, Formworks and Concrete
147 28-Jul-18 Concrete Pouring Area 300 H W SW 30-Jul-18
FSP-0146 Placement Inspection for Foundation of
H-305 Heater Foundation, Area 300

30 / 647
7th day Compressive Strength Test of
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Lean Concrete @ H-305 (Gridline D-A) Quantum
148 28-Jul-18 Laboratory Testing H SW SW 30-Jul-18
FSP-0147 Heater Foundation, Area 300 (10 Mpa @ Laboratory
28 days).

Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Rebar Works, Formworks and Concrete
149 28-Jul-18 Concrete Pouring Area 900 H W SW 30-Jul-18
FSP-0148 Placement Inspection for Foundation of
F3 DPG-2, Area 900

Joint Inspection/Witness of Field Density

150 28-Jul-18 Laboratory Testing Test (By Sand Cone Method) @ Area 900 H SW SW 30-Jul-18
Structure-903 (F5) DPG-2, Area 900

Elevation, Location,Surface Preparation,

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Formworks and Concrete Placement
151 30-Jul-18 Concrete Pouring Area 900 H W SW 31-Jul-18
FSP-0150 Inspection for (remaining) Lean Concrete
of Structure-0903 (F1) DPG-2, Area 900

7th day Compressive Strength Test of

152 30-Jul-18 Laboratory Testing Lean Concrete @ Structure-0903 (F1) H SW SW 31-Jul-18
FSP-0151 Laboratory
DPG-2, Area 900 (10 Mpa @ 28 days).

Joint Inspection/Witness of Field Density

153 30-Jul-18 Laboratory Testing Test (By Sand Cone Method) @ R-0902, Area 900 H SW SW 31-Jul-18
Area 900

Elevation, Location,Surface Preparation,

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Formworks and Concrete Placement
154 28-Jul-18 Concrete Pouring Area 900 H W SW 28-Jul-18
FSP-0153 Inspection for Lean Concrete of
Structure-903 (F5) DPG-2, Area 900

31 / 647
JGSS1EP-VPCI- 28th day Compressive Strength Test of Quantum
155 31-Jul-18 Laboratory Testing H SW SW 1-Aug-18
FSP-0154 Trial Batch 2 (24 Mpa @ 28 days.) Laboratory

JGSS1EP-VPCI- 28th day Compressive Strength Test of Quantum

156 31-Jul-18 Laboratory Testing H SW SW 1-Aug-18
FSP-0155 Trial Batch 3 (10 Mpa @ 28 days.) Laboratory

7th day Compressive Strength Test of

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Pedestal @D-0654, Area 600 and Lean Quantum
157 31-Jul-18 Laboratory Testing H SW SW 1-Aug-18
FSP-0156 Concrete @ D-0652 & D-0653, Area 600 Laboratory
(24 Mpa @28 days)

28th day Compressive Strength Test of

158 2-Aug-18 Laboratory Testing Lean Concrete @ D-0690, Area 600 (10 H SW SW 3-Aug-18
FSP-0157 Laboratory
mpa @ 28 days).

JGSS1EP-VPCI- 14th day Compressive Strength Test of Quantum

159 2-Aug-18 Laboratory Testing H SW SW 3-Aug-18
FSP-0158 Trial Batch (15 Mpa @ 28 days.) Laboratory

Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Rebar Works, Formworks and Concrete
160 2-Aug-18 Concrete Pouring Area 600 H W SW 3-Aug-18
FSP-0159 Placement Inspection for Foundation of
D-0652 & D-0653, Area 600.

Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Rebar Works, Formworks and Concrete
161 2-Aug-18 Concrete Pouring Area 900 H W SW 3-Aug-18
FSP-0160 Placement Inspection for Foundation of
Structure-0903 (F1) DPG-2, Area 900.

32 / 647
Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Rebar Works, Formworks and Concrete
162 2-Aug-18 Concrete Pouring Area 900 H W SW 3-Aug-18
FSP-0161 Placement Inspection for Foundation of
Structure-0903 (F5) DPG-2, Area 900.

Joint Inspection/Witness of Field Density

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Test (By Sand Cone Method) @ R-0902
163 2-Aug-18 Laboratory Testing Area 900 H SW SW 3-Aug-18
FSP-0162 DPG-2,
Area 900.
28th day Compressive Strength Test of
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Lean Concrete @ S-0904, Area 900 and Quantum
164 3-Aug-18 Laboratory Testing H SW SW 4-Aug-18
FSP-0163 G-0610A/B, Area 600 (10 mpa @ 28 Laboratory
Joint Inspection/Witness of Field Density
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Test (By Sand Cone Method) @ G-0600
165 3-Aug-18 Laboratory Testing Area 600 H SW SW 4-Aug-18
FSP-0164 A/B,
Area 600. (Under Foundation)

Elevation, Location,Surface Preparation,

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Formworks and Concrete Placement
166 3-Aug-18 Concrete Pouring Area 600 H W SW 4-Aug-18
FSP-0165 Inspection for Lean Concrete of G-0600
A/B, Area 600.

Joint Inspection/Witness of Field Density

167 3-Aug-18 Laboratory Testing Test (By Sand Cone Method) @ 1st Area 600 H SW SW 4-Aug-18
Layer & 2nd layer of D-0654, Area 600.

Joint Inspection/Witness of Field Density

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Test (By Sand Cone Method) @ 3rd
168 3-Aug-18 Laboratory Testing Area 600 H SW SW 4-Aug-18
FSP-0167 Layer of
D-0690, Area 600.

33 / 647
Joint Inspection/Witness of Field Density
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Test (By Sand Cone Method) @ 3rd
169 3-Aug-18 Laboratory Testing Area 900 H SW SW 4-Aug-18
FSP-0168 Layer of
Structure-0904, Area 900.
Concrete Placement Inspection for
170 4-Aug-18 Concrete Pouring Foundation of (F3) Structure-0903 DPG- Area 900 H W SW 6-Aug-18
2, Area 900
Elevation, Location,Surface Preparation,
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Formworks and Concrete Placement
171 4-Aug-18 Concrete Pouring Area 900 H W SW 6-Aug-18
FSP-0170 Inspection for Lean Concrete of R-0902,
Area 900
Joint Inspection/Witness of Field Density
172 6-Aug-18 Laboratory Testing Test (By Sand Cone Method) @ D-0600, Area 600 H SW SW 6-Aug-18
Area 600.
Elevation, Location,Surface Preparation,
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Formworks and Concrete Placement
173 6-Aug-18 Concrete Pouring Area 600 H W SW 6-Aug-18
FSP-0172 Inspection for Lean Concrete of D-0600,
Area 600
28th day Compressive Strength Test of
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Foundation @D-0690, Area 600 (24 mpa Quantum
174 6-Aug-18 Laboratory Testing H SW SW 7-Aug-18
FSP-0173 @ Laboratory
28 days).
7th day Compressive Strength Test of
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Lean Concrete @Structure-0903 &DPG- Quantum
175 6-Aug-18 Laboratory Testing H SW SW 7-Aug-18
FSP-0174 2 (F1 & F5), Area 900 (10 mpa @ 28 Laboratory
7th day Compressive Strength Test of
176 6-Aug-18 Laboratory Testing (Temporary Facility) VPCI Slab (24 mpa H SW SW 7-Aug-18
FSP-0175 Laboratory
@ 28 days).
28th day Compressive Strength Test of
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Foundation @ G-610A/B, Area 600 (24 Quantum
177 7-Aug-18 Laboratory Testing H SW SW 8-Aug-18
FSP-0176 mpa @ Laboratory
28 days).

34 / 647
Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Rebar Works, Formworks and Concrete
178 7-Aug-18 Concrete Pouring Area 600 H W SW 8-Aug-18
FSP-0177 Placement Inspection for Foundation of
G-0600A/B, Area 600.

Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Rebar Works, Formworks and Concrete
179 7-Aug-18 Concrete Pouring Area 600 H W SW 8-Aug-18
FSP-0178 Placement Inspection for Foundation of
D-0600, Area 600.

Visual Inspection of concrete surface

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Post Concrete
180 7-Aug-18 prior to backfilling of Foundation @ Area 900 H SW SW 8-Aug-18
FSP-0179 Placement
Structure-0903 & DPG-2 (F1), Area 900.

Visual Inspection of concrete surface

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Post Concrete
181 7-Aug-18 prior to backfilling of Foundation @ Area 900 H SW SW 8-Aug-18
FSP-0180 Placement
Structure-0903 & DPG-2 (F3), Area 900.

Visual Inspection of concrete surface

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Post Concrete
182 7-Aug-18 prior to backfilling of Foundation @ Area 900 H SW SW 8-Aug-18
FSP-0181 Placement
Structure-0903 & DPG-2 (F5), Area 900.

21st day Compressive Strength Test of

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Pedestal @ D-0690, Area 600/Lean Quantum
183 8-Aug-18 Laboratory Testing H SW SW 9-Aug-18
FSP-0182 Concrete @ D-0654, Area 600 (24 mpa Laboratory
@ 28 days).
Elevation, Location, Anchor Bolt Setting,
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Formworks and Concrete Placement
184 8-Aug-18 Concrete Pouring Area 600 H W SW 9-Aug-18
FSP-0183 Inspection for Pedestal @ D-0652 & D-
0653, Area 600.

35 / 647
Elevation, Location, Rebar Works
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Inspection prior to fomworks closure of
185 8-Aug-18 Pre-pouring Area 600 H W SW 9-Aug-18
FSP-0184 Pedestal @
D-0652 &D-0653, Area 600.
Elevation, Location, Rebar Works
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Inspection prior to fomworks closure of
186 8-Aug-18 Pre-pouring Area 900 H W SW 9-Aug-18
FSP-0185 Pedestal @ (F1) Structure-0903 & DPG-
2, Area 900.
Elevation, Location, Rebar Works
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Inspection prior to fomworks closure of
187 8-Aug-18 Pre-pouring Area 900 H W SW 9-Aug-18
FSP-0186 Pedestal @ (F3) Structure-0903 & DPG-
2, Area 900.
Elevation, Location, Rebar Works
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Inspection prior to fomworks closure of
188 8-Aug-18 Pre-pouring Area 900 H W SW 9-Aug-18
FSP-0187 Pedestal @ (F5) Structure-0903 & DPG-
2, Area 900.
28th day Compressive Strength Test of
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Foundation @ S-0904, Area 900 (24 mpa Quantum
189 9-Aug-18 Laboratory Testing H SW SW 10-Aug-18
FSP-0188 @ Laboratory
28 days).
21st day Compressive Strength Test of
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Lean Concrete @ F1 & F3 Structure- Quantum
190 9-Aug-18 Laboratory Testing H SW SW 10-Aug-18
FSP-0189 0903 & DPG-2, Area 900 (10 mpa @ 28 Laboratory
Concrete Placement Inspection for
191 9-Aug-18 Concrete Pouring Foundation of H-0305 Heater Area 300 H W SW 10-Aug-18
Foundation, Area 300.

28th day Compressive Strength Test of

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Lean Concrete @ H-0305 Gridline F-D, Quantum
192 10-Aug-18 Laboratory Testing H SW SW 11-Aug-18
FSP-0191 Heater Foundation, Area 300 (10 mpa @ Laboratory
28 days).

36 / 647
Visual Inspection of concrete surface
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Post Concrete
193 10-Aug-18 prior to backfilling of Foundation @ D- Area 600 H SW SW 11-Aug-18
FSP-0192 Placement
0652 & D-0653, Area 600.

Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Rebar Works, Formworks and Concrete
194 10-Aug-18 Concrete Pouring Area 600 H W SW 11-Aug-18
FSP-0193 Placement Inspection for Foundation of
D-0600, Area 600.

7th day Compressive Strength Test of

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Foundation @ D-0652 & D-0653, Area Quantum
195 11-Aug-18 Laboratory Testing H SW SW 13-Aug-18
FSP-0194 600 Laboratory
(24 Mpa @ 28 days).
7th day Compressive Strength Test of
196 11-Aug-18 Laboratory Testing Lean Concrete @ D-0600 / G-0600A/B, H SW SW 13-Aug-18
FSP-0195 Laboratory
Area 600 (10 Mpa @ 28 days).

7th day Compressive Strength Test of

197 11-Aug-18 Laboratory Testing Foundation @ F3 & F5 Structure-0903 & H SW SW 13-Aug-18
FSP-0196 Laboratory
DPG-2, Area 900 (24 Mpa @ 28 days).

7th day Compressive Strength Test of

198 13-Aug-18 Laboratory Testing Foundation @ F1 Structure-0903 & H SW SW 13-Aug-18
FSP-0197 Laboratory
DPG-2, Area 900 (24 Mpa @ 28 days).

Joint Inspection/Witness of Field Density

199 13-Aug-18 Laboratory Testing Test (By Sand Cone Method) @ R-0902, Area 900 H SW SW 14-Aug-18
Area 900

Joint Inspection/Witness of Field Density

200 13-Aug-18 Laboratory Testing Test (By Sand Cone Method) @ Area 900 H SW SW 14-Aug-18
Structure-0905, Area 900

37 / 647
Joint Inspection/Witness of Field Density
201 13-Aug-18 Laboratory Testing Test (By Sand Cone Method) @ Area 900 H SW SW 14-Aug-18
Structure-0905, Area 900
Elevation, Location,Surface Preparation,
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Formworks and Concrete Placement
202 13-Aug-18 Concrete Pouring Area 900 H SW SW 14-Aug-18
FSP-0201 Inspection for Lean Concrete of R-0902,
Area 900

Elevation, Location,Surface Preparation,

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Formworks and Concrete Placement
203 13-Aug-18 Concrete Pouring Area 900 H SW SW 14-Aug-18
FSP-0202 Inspection for Lean Concrete of
Structure-0905, Area 900

Elevation, Location,Surface Preparation,

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Formworks and Concrete Placement
204 13-Aug-18 Concrete Pouring Area 600 H SW SW 14-Aug-18
FSP-0203 Inspection for Lean Concrete of STR-
0601, F2

Elevation, Location, Anchor Bolt Setting,

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Formworks and Concrete Placement
205 13-Aug-18 Concrete Pouring Area 900 H W SW 14-Aug-18
FSP-0204 Inspection for Pedestal @ F1 Structure-
0903 & DPG-2, Area 900.

Elevation, Location, Anchor Bolt Setting,

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Formworks and Concrete Placement
206 13-Aug-18 Concrete Pouring Area 900 H W SW 14-Aug-18
FSP-0205 Inspection for Pedestal @ F3 Structure-
0903 & DPG-2, Area 900.

Elevation, Location, Anchor Bolt Setting,

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Formworks and Concrete Placement
207 13-Aug-18 Concrete Pouring Area 900 H W SW 14-Aug-18
FSP-0206 Inspection for Pedestal @ F5 Structure-
0903 & DPG-2, Area 900.

38 / 647
Joint Inspection/Witness of Field Density
208 14-Aug-18 Laboratory Testing Test (By Sand Cone Method) 1st & 2nd Area 600 H SW SW 15-Aug-18
Layer @ D-0652 and D-0653, Area 600

Joint Inspection/Witness of Field Density

209 14-Aug-18 Laboratory Testing Test (By Sand Cone Method) 3rd Layer Area 600 H SW SW 15-Aug-18
@ D-0654, Area 600
Joint Inspection/Witness of Field Density
210 14-Aug-18 Laboratory Testing Test (By Sand Cone Method) 4th Layer Area 600 H SW SW 15-Aug-18
@ D-0690, Area 600

Joint Inspection/Witness of Field Density

211 14-Aug-18 Laboratory Testing Test (By Sand Cone Method) 4th Layer Area 900 H SW SW 15-Aug-18
@ Structure-0904, Area 900

Elevation, Location, Anchor Bolt Setting,

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Formworks and Concrete Placement
212 14-Aug-18 Concrete Pouring Area 600 H W SW 15-Aug-18
FSP-0211 Inspection for Pedestal @D-0600, Area
28th day Compressive Strength Test of
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Pedestal @ D-0690, Area 600/Lean Quantum
213 15-Aug-18 Laboratory Testing H SW SW 16-Aug-18
FSP-0212 Concrete @ D-0654, Area 600 (24 mpa Laboratory
@ 28 days).

Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Rebar Works, Formworks and Concrete
214 16-Aug-18 Concrete Pouring Area 600 H W SW 16-Aug-18
FSP-0213 Placement Inspection for Foundation of
F2 @ Structure-0601, Area 600.

28th day Compressive Strength Test of

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Lean Concrete @ F1 & F3 Structure- Quantum
215 16-Aug-18 Laboratory Testing H SW SW 17-Aug-18
FSP-0214 0903 & DPG-2, Area 900 (10 mpa @ 28 Laboratory

39 / 647
JGSS1EP-VPCI- 28th day Compressive Strength Test of Quantum
216 16-Aug-18 Laboratory Testing H SW SW 17-Aug-18
FSP-0215 Trial Batch (15 Mpa @ 28 days.) Laboratory

Elevation, Location, Anchor Bolt Setting,

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Formworks and Concrete Placement
217 16-Aug-18 Concrete Pouring Area 600 H W SW 17-Aug-18
FSP-0216 Inspection for Pedestal @D-0600, Area
Joint Inspection/Witness of Field Density
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Test (By Sand Cone Method) @
218 17-Aug-18 Laboratory Testing Area 900 H SW SW 17-Aug-18
FSP-0217 Structure-0903 & DPG-2 (F1), Area 900,
1st & 2nd layer
Joint Inspection/Witness of Field Density
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Test (By Sand Cone Method) @
219 17-Aug-18 Laboratory Testing Area 900 H SW SW 17-Aug-18
FSP-0218 Structure-0903 & DPG-2 (F3), Area 900,
1st & 2nd layer
Joint Inspection/Witness of Field Density
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Test (By Sand Cone Method) @
220 17-Aug-18 Laboratory Testing Area 900 H SW SW 17-Aug-18
FSP-0219 Structure-0903 & DPG-2 (F5), Area 900,
1st & 2nd layer

Joint Inspection/Witness of Field Density

221 17-Aug-18 Laboratory Testing Test (By Sand Cone Method) 5th Layer Area 900 H SW SW 17-Aug-18
@ Structure-0904, Area 900

Joint Inspection/Witness of Field Density

222 17-Aug-18 Laboratory Testing Test (By Sand Cone Method) 3rd - 6th Area 600 H SW SW 17-Aug-18
Layer @ D-0652 and D-0653, Area 600

Joint Inspection/Witness of Field Density

223 17-Aug-18 Laboratory Testing Test (By Sand Cone Method) 4th -65th Area 600 H SW SW 17-Aug-18
Layer @ D-0654, Area 600
Joint Inspection/Witness of Field Density
224 17-Aug-18 Laboratory Testing Test (By Sand Cone Method) 5th Layer Area 600 H SW SW 17-Aug-18
@ D-0690, Area 600

40 / 647
Visual Inspection of concrete surface
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Post Concrete prior to backfilling of Foundation and
225 17-Aug-18 Area 900 H SW SW 18-Aug-18
FSP-0224 Placement Pedestal @ Structure-0903 & DPG-2
(F1), Area 900.
Visual Inspection of concrete surface
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Post Concrete prior to backfilling of Foundation and
226 17-Aug-18 Area 900 H SW SW 18-Aug-18
FSP-0225 Placement Pedestal @ Structure-0903 & DPG-2
(F3), Area 900.
Visual Inspection of concrete surface
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Post Concrete prior to backfilling of Foundation and
227 17-Aug-18 Area 900 H SW SW 18-Aug-18
FSP-0226 Placement Pedestal @ Structure-0903 & DPG-2
(F5), Area 900.
28th day Compressive Strength Test of
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Pedestal @ Structure-0904, Area 900 / Quantum
228 17-Aug-18 Laboratory Testing H SW SW 18-Aug-18
FSP-0227 Foundation @ D-0654, Area 600 (24 mpa Laboratory
@ 28 days).
7th day Compressive Strength Test of
229 17-Aug-18 Laboratory Testing Pedestal @ D-0652 & D-0653, Area 600 H SW SW 18-Aug-18
FSP-0228 Laboratory
(24 mpa @ 28 days).
7th day Compressive Strength Test of
230 17-Aug-18 Laboratory Testing Foundation @ D-0600, Area 600 (24 mpa H SW SW 18-Aug-18
FSP-0229 Laboratory
@ 28 days).

Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Rebar Works, Formworks and Concrete
231 17-Aug-18 Concrete Pouring Area 900 H W SW 18-Aug-18
FSP-0230 Placement Inspection for Foundation @
Structure-0905, Area 900.

Elevation, Location, Anchor Bolt Setting,

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Formworks and Concrete Placement
232 17-Aug-18 Concrete Pouring Area 600 H W SW 18-Aug-18
FSP-0231 Inspection for Pedestal @ F2 Structure-
0601, Area 600.

41 / 647
Elevation, Location,Surface Preparation,
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Formworks and Concrete Placement
233 18-Aug-18 Concrete Pouring Area 900 H W SW 18-Aug-18
FSP-0232 Inspection for Lean Concrete of D-0910,
Area 900.
Checking of rebar installation prior to
234 18-Aug-18 Pre-pouring formworks closure of Pedestal @ Area 900 H W SW 20-Aug-18
Structure-0905, Area 900.

Elevation, Location,Surface Preparation,

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Formworks and Concrete Placement
235 18-Aug-18 Concrete Pouring Area 600 H W SW 20-Aug-18
FSP-0234 Inspection for Lean Concrete of F2
Structure-0604, Area 600.

Joint Inspection/Witness of Field Density

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Test (By Sand Cone Method) 3rd Layer
236 18-Aug-18 Laboratory Testing Area 900 H SW SW 20-Aug-18
FSP-0235 of F1, F3 & F5 @ Structure-0903 & DPG-
2, Area 900.
28th day Compressive Strength Test of
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Lean Concrete @ H-0305 Gridline D-A, Quantum
237 18-Aug-18 Laboratory Testing H SW SW 20-Aug-18
FSP-0236 Heater Foundation, Unit 300 (10 mpa @ Laboratory
28 days).
Elevation, Location,Surface Preparation,
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Formworks and Concrete Placement
238 18-Aug-18 Concrete Pouring Area 900 H W SW 20-Aug-18
FSP-0237 Inspection for Lean Concrete of D-0909,
Area 900.
28th day Compressive Strength Test of
239 20-Aug-18 Laboratory Testing Lean Concrete @ F1 Structure-0903, H SW SW 21-Aug-18
FSP-0238 Laboratory
Area 900 (10 mpa @ 28 days).

7th day Compressive Strength Test of

240 20-Aug-18 Laboratory Testing Pedestal @ F1, F3 & F5 Structure-0903 H SW SW 21-Aug-18
FSP-0239 Laboratory
& DGP-2, Area 900 (24 mpa @ 28 days).

42 / 647
Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Rebar Works, Formworks and Concrete
241 20-Aug-18 Concrete Pouring Area 900 H W SW 21-Aug-18
FSP-0240 Placement Inspection for Foundation @
D-0910, Area 900.

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Witness of Pile Integrity Test @ H-305,

242 20-Aug-18 Laboratory Testing Heater FDN H SW SW 21-Aug-18
FSP-0241 Heater Foundation, Area 300.
Elevation, Location,Surface Preparation,
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Formworks and Concrete Placement
243 21-Aug-18 Concrete Pouring Area 900 H W SW 22-Aug-18
FSP-0242 Inspection for Lean Concrete of D-0909,
Area 900.
28th day Compressive Strength Test of
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Pedestal @D-0654, Area 600 / Lean Quantum
244 21-Aug-18 Laboratory Testing H SW SW 22-Aug-18
FSP-0243 Concrete @ D-0652 & D-0653, Area 600 Laboratory
(24 Mpa @28 days)
7th day Compressive Strength Test of
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Lean Concrete @ Structure-0905, Area Quantum
245 21-Aug-18 Laboratory Testing H SW SW 22-Aug-18
FSP-0244 900 Laboratory
(10 mpa @ 28 days).
Visual Inspection of concrete surface
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Post Concrete
246 22-Aug-18 prior to backfilling of Foundation and Area 600 H SW SW 23-Aug-18
FSP-0245 Placement
Pedestal @ D-0600, Area 600.
Visual Inspection of concrete surface
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Post Concrete prior to backfilling of Foundation and
247 22-Aug-18 Area 600 H SW SW 23-Aug-18
FSP-0246 Placement Pedestal @ Structure-0601 (F2), Area
Joint Inspection/Witness of Field Density
248 22-Aug-18 Laboratory Testing Test (By Sand Cone Method) 1st to 4th Area 600 H SW SW 23-Aug-18
Layer @ D-0600, Area 600.

Joint Inspection/Witness of Field Density

249 22-Aug-18 Laboratory Testing Test (By Sand Cone Method) 1st to 4th Area 600 H SW SW 23-Aug-18
Layer of F2 @ Structure-0601, Area 600.

43 / 647
Joint Inspection/Witness of Field Density
250 22-Aug-18 Laboratory Testing Test (By Sand Cone Method) of F2 @ Area 600 H SW SW 23-Aug-18
Structure-0604, Area 600.

Joint Inspection/Witness of Field Density

251 22-Aug-18 Laboratory Testing Test (By Sand Cone Method) 7th Layer Area 600 H SW SW 23-Aug-18
@ D-0652 & D-0653, Area 600.

Joint Inspection/Witness of Field Density

252 22-Aug-18 Laboratory Testing Test (By Sand Cone Method) 7th Layer Area 600 H SW SW 23-Aug-18
@ D-0654, Area 600.
Joint Inspection/Witness of Field Density
253 22-Aug-18 Laboratory Testing Test (By Sand Cone Method) of F1 @ Area 600 H SW SW 23-Aug-18
Structure-0601, Area 600.

Elevation, Location,Surface Preparation,

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Formworks and Concrete Placement
254 22-Aug-18 Concrete Pouring Area 600 H W SW 23-Aug-18
FSP-0253 Inspection for Lean Concrete of F2 @
Structure-0604, Area 600.

Elevation, Location,Surface Preparation,

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Formworks and Concrete Placement
255 22-Aug-18 Concrete Pouring Area 600 H W SW 23-Aug-18
FSP-0254 Inspection for Lean Concrete of F1 @
Structure-0601, Area 600.

7th day Compressive Strength Test of

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Foundation of F2 @ Structure-0601, Area Quantum
256 22-Aug-18 Laboratory Testing H SW SW 23-Aug-18
FSP-0255 600 / Lean Concrete @ R-0902, Area Laboratory
900 (24 mpa @ 28 days).
7th day Compressive Strength Test of
257 23-Aug-18 Laboratory Testing Pedestal @ D-0600, Area 600 (24 mpa H SW SW 24-Aug-18
FSP-0256 Laboratory
@ 28 days).
Concrete Placement Inspection for
258 23-Aug-18 Concrete Pouring Foundation of H-0305 Heater Area 300 H W SW 24-Aug-18
Foundation, Area 300.

44 / 647
7th day Compressive Strength Test of
Foundation @ Structure-0905, Area 900 /
259 24-Aug-18 Laboratory Testing F2 Pedestal @ Structure-0601, Area H SW SW 25-Aug-18
FSP-0258 Laboratory
600 / Lean Concrete @ D-0910 (24 mpa
@ 28 days).
Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Rebar Works, Formworks and Concrete
260 25-Aug-18 Concrete Pouring Area 900 H W SW 28-Aug-18
FSP-0259 Placement Inspection for Foundation @
Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,
Rebar Works, Formworks, Anchor Bolt
261 27-Aug-18 Concrete Pouring Setting and Concrete Placement Area 900 H W SW 28-Aug-18
Inspection for Pedestal @ S-0905, Area

Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Rebar Works, Formworks and Concrete
262 27-Aug-18 Concrete Pouring Area 900 H W SW 28-Aug-18
FSP-0261 Placement Inspection for Foundation @
D-0909, Area 900.

Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,

Rebar Works, Formworks, Anchor Bolt
263 27-Aug-18 Concrete Pouring Setting and Concrete Placement Area 300 H W SW 28-Aug-18
Inspection for Pedestal (P3) @ H-305,
Heater Fdn.

Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,

264 27-Aug-18 Pre-pouring Rebar Works Inspection prior to closure Area 900 H W SW 28-Aug-18
of Pedestal @ D-0910, Area 900

Joint Inspection/Witness of Field Density

265 27-Aug-18 Laboratory Testing Test (By Sand Cone Method) 1st to 4th Area 600 H SW SW 28-Aug-18
Layer @ D-0600, Area 600.

45 / 647
Joint Inspection/Witness of Field Density
266 27-Aug-18 Laboratory Testing Test (By Sand Cone Method) 1st to 2nd Area 600 H SW SW 28-Aug-18
Layer of F2 @ Structure-0601, Area 600.

Joint Inspection/Witness of Field Density

267 27-Aug-18 Laboratory Testing Test (By Sand Cone Method) of F2 @ Area 600 H SW SW 28-Aug-18
Structure-0604, Area 600.

Joint Inspection/Witness of Field Density

268 27-Aug-18 Laboratory Testing Test (By Sand Cone Method) 7th Layer Area 600 H SW SW 28-Aug-18
@ D-0652 & D-0653, Area 600.

Joint Inspection/Witness of Field Density

269 27-Aug-18 Laboratory Testing Test (By Sand Cone Method) 7th Layer Area 600 H SW SW 28-Aug-18
@ D-0654, Area 600.
Joint Inspection/Witness of Field Density
270 27-Aug-18 Laboratory Testing Test (By Sand Cone Method) of F1 @ Area 600 H SW SW 28-Aug-18
Structure-0601, Area 600.
28th day Compressive Strength Test of
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Lean Concrete @Structure-0903 &DPG- Quantum
271 27-Aug-18 Laboratory Testing H SW SW 28-Aug-18
FSP-0270 2 (F1 & F5), Area 900 (10 mpa @ 28 Laboratory
28th day Compressive Strength Test of
272 27-Aug-18 Laboratory Testing (Temporary Facility) VPCI Slab (24 mpa H SW SW 28-Aug-18
FSP-0271 Laboratory
@ 28 days).
Joint Inspection/Witness of Field Density
273 28-Aug-18 Laboratory Testing Test (By Sand Cone Method) @ Analyzer Area 600 H SW SW 28-Aug-18
Shelter #13, Area 600.

Elevation, Location,Surface Preparation,

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Formworks and Concrete Placement
274 28-Aug-18 Concrete Pouring Area 600 H W SW 28-Aug-18
FSP-0273 Inspection for Lean Concrete of Analyzer
Shelter #13, Area 600.

46 / 647
Joint Inspection/Witness of Field Density
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Test (By Sand Cone Method) 4th Layer of
275 28-Aug-18 Laboratory Testing Area 900 H SW SW 28-Aug-18
FSP-0274 F1, F3 & F5 @ Structure-0903 & DPG-2,
Area 900.

Joint Inspection/Witness of Field Density

276 28-Aug-18 Laboratory Testing Test (By Sand Cone Method) 6th - 7th Area 900 H SW SW 28-Aug-18
Layer @ Structure-0904, Area 900

Visual Inspection of concrete surface

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Post Concrete
277 28-Aug-18 prior to backfilling of Foundation @ H- Area 300 H SW SW 28-Aug-18
FSP-0276 Placement
0305, Heater Foundation, Area 300.
Joint Inspection/Witness of Field Density
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Test (By Sand Cone Method) 1st - 5th
278 28-Aug-18 Laboratory Testing Area 300 H SW SW 28-Aug-18
FSP-0277 Layer @ H-0305, Heater Foundation,
Area 300.

Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Rebar Works, Formworks and Concrete
279 29-Aug-18 Concrete Pouring Area 600 H W SW 29-Aug-18
FSP-0278 Placement Inspection for Foundation of
F2 @ Structure-0604, Area 600.

1st Day Compressive Strength Test of

P3 @H-0305, Heater Foundation, Area
280 29-Aug-18 Laboratory Testing 300 / Foundation @ D-0909, Area 900 / H SW SW 29-Aug-18
FSP-0279 Laboratory
Lean Concrete @ Analyzer Shelter #13,
Area 600 (24 Mpa @ 3 days).

Visual Inspection of concrete surface

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Post Concrete
281 29-Aug-18 prior to backfilling of Foundation and Area 900 H SW SW 30-Aug-18
FSP-0280 Placement
Pedestal @ Structure-0905, Area 900.

Visual Inspection of concrete surface

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Post Concrete
282 29-Aug-18 prior to backfilling of Foundation @ R- Area 900 H SW SW 30-Aug-18
FSP-0281 Placement
0902, Area 900.

47 / 647
Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Rebar Works, Formworks and Concrete
283 29-Aug-18 Concrete Pouring Area 600 H W SW 30-Aug-18
FSP-0282 Placement Inspection for Foundation of
F1 @ Structure-0601, Area 600.

Elevation, Location,Surface Preparation,

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Formworks and Concrete Placement
284 29-Aug-18 Concrete Pouring Area 900 H W SW 30-Aug-18
FSP-0283 Inspection for Lean Concrete of F3 @ K-
0901 Compressor Shelter, Area 900.

Elevation, Location,Surface Preparation,

Formworks and Concrete Placement
285 29-Aug-18 Concrete Pouring Inspection for Lean Concrete of Base Area 900 H W SW 30-Aug-18
Mat @ K-0901 Compressor Shelter, Area

Elevation, Location,Surface Preparation,

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Formworks and Concrete Placement
286 29-Aug-18 Concrete Pouring Area 600 H W SW 30-Aug-18
FSP-0285 Inspection for Lean Concrete @
Structure-0606, Area 600.

7th day Compressive Strength Test of

Foundation @ D-0910, Area 900 / Lean
Concrete of F1 @ Structure-0601, Area
287 29-Aug-18 Laboratory Testing 600 / Lean Concrete Concrete @ D- H SW SW 30-Aug-18
FSP-0286 Laboratory
0909, Area 900 / Lean Concrete of F2 @
Structre-0604, Area 600 (24 mpa @ 28

Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Rebar Works, Formworks and Concrete
288 29-Aug-18 Concrete Pouring Area 600 H W SW 30-Aug-18
FSP-0287 Placement Inspection for Foundation @
Analyzer Shelter #13, Area 600.

48 / 647
Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Rebar Works, Formworks and Concrete
289 29-Aug-18 Concrete Pouring Area 600 H W SW 30-Aug-18
FSP-0288 Placement Inspection for Foundation of
G-0600A/B, Area 600.

Visual Inspection of concrete surface

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Post Concrete
290 30-Aug-18 prior to backfilling of P3 Pedestal @ H- Area 300 H SW SW 31-Aug-18
FSP-0289 Placement
0305 Heater Foundation, Area 300.
Joint Inspection/Survey of Actual As-Buit
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Post Concrete Location & Elevation of Anchor Bolts of
291 30-Aug-18 Area 300 H SW SW 31-Aug-18
FSP-290 Placement P3 Pedestal @ H-0305 Heater
Foundation, Area 300.
7th day Compressive Strength Test of
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Foundation @ H-0305 Heater Quantum
292 30-Aug-18 Laboratory Testing H SW SW 31-Aug-18
FSP-0291 Foundation, Area 300 (24 mpa @ 28 Laboratory

3rd Day Compressive Strength Test of

P3 @H-0305, Heater Foundation, Area
293 30-Aug-18 Laboratory Testing 300 / Foundation @ D-0909, Area 900 / H SW SW 31-Aug-18
FSP-0292 Laboratory
Lean Concrete @ Analyzer Shelter #13,
Area 600 (24 Mpa @ 3 days).

Elevation, Location, Rebar Works

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Inspection prior to fomworks closure of
294 30-Aug-18 Pre-pouring Area 300 H W SW 31-Aug-18
FSP-0293 P2 Pedestal @ H-0305 Heater
Foundation, Area 300.

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Partial Handover of H-0305, Heater

295 31-Aug-18 Handover Area 300 H SW SW 31-Aug-18
FSP-0294 Foundation Pedestal (P3).

49 / 647
Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,
Rebar Works, Formworks, Anchor Bolt
296 31-Aug-18 Concrete Pouring Setting and Concrete Placement Area 300 H W SW 1-Sep-18
Inspection for Pedestal (P2) @ H-305,
Heater Foundation, Area 300.

Visual Inspection of concrete surface

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Post Concrete
297 1-Sep-18 prior to backfilling of Foundation @ Area 600 H SW SW 3-Sep-18
FSP-0296 Placement
Analyzer Shelter #13, Area 600.

28th day Compressive Strength Test of

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Foundation @ D-0652 & D-0653, Area Quantum
298 1-Sep-18 Laboratory Testing H SW SW 3-Sep-18
FSP-0297 600 / Lean Concrete @ D-0600 & G- Laboratory
0600, Area 600 (24 mpa @ 28 days).

28th day Compressive Strength Test of

299 1-Sep-18 Laboratory Testing Foundation of F3 & F5 @ Structure-0903 H SW SW 3-Sep-18
FSP-0298 Laboratory
& DPG-2, Area 900 (24 mpa @ 28 days).

28th day Compressive Strength Test of

300 1-Sep-18 Laboratory Testing Foundation of F1 @ Structure-0903 & H SW SW 3-Sep-18
FSP-0299 Laboratory
DPG-2, Area 900 (24 mpa @ 28 days).

2nd Day Compressive Strength Test of

301 3-Sep-18 Laboratory Testing P2 @H-0305, Heater Foundation, Area H SW SW 3-Sep-18
FSP-0300 Laboratory
300 (24 Mpa @ 3 days).
Visual Inspection of concrete surface
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Post Concrete
302 3-Sep-18 prior to backfilling of P2 Pedestal @ H- Area 300 H SW SW 4-Sep-18
FSP-0301 Placement
0305 Heater Foundation, Area 300.

50 / 647
7th Day Compressive Strength Test of
P3 @H-0305, Heater Foundation, Area
303 3-Sep-18 Laboratory Testing 300 / Foundation @ D-0909, Area 900 / H SW SW 4-Sep-18
FSP-0302 Laboratory
Lean Concrete @ Analyzer Shelter #13,
Area 600 (24 Mpa @ 3 days).

3rd Day Compressive Strength Test of

304 3-Sep-18 Laboratory Testing P2 @H-0305, Heater Foundation, Area H SW SW 4-Sep-18
FSP-0303 Laboratory
300 (24 Mpa @ 3 days).
Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,
Rebar Works, Formworks, Anchor Bolt
305 4-Sep-18 Concrete Pouring Setting and Concrete Placement Area 600 H W SW 5-Sep-18
Inspection for Pedestal @ G-0600A/B,
Area 600.

Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,

Rebar Works, Formworks, Anchor Bolt
306 4-Sep-18 Concrete Pouring Setting and Concrete Placement Area 600 H W SW 5-Sep-18
Inspection for Pedestal of F2 @
Structure-0604, Area 600.

Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,

Rebar Works, Formworks, Anchor Bolt
307 4-Sep-18 Concrete Pouring Setting and Concrete Placement Area 900 H W SW 5-Sep-18
Inspection for Pedestal @ D-0910, Area

Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,

Rebar Works, Formworks, Anchor Bolt
308 4-Sep-18 Concrete Pouring Setting and Concrete Placement Area 900 H W SW 5-Sep-18
Inspection for Pedestal @ D-0909, Area
Joint Inspection/Witness of Field Density
309 4-Sep-18 Laboratory Testing Test (By Sand Cone Method) @ G- Area 900 H SW SW 5-Sep-18
0909A/B, Area 900.

51 / 647
7th Day Compressive Strength Test of
310 4-Sep-18 Laboratory Testing F2 Foundation @ Structure-0604, Area H SW SW 5-Sep-18
FSP-0309 Laboratory
600 (24 Mpa @ 28 days).
7th Day Compressive Strength Test of
311 4-Sep-18 Laboratory Testing Foundation @ R-0902, Area 900 (24 Mpa H SW SW 5-Sep-18
FSP-0310 Laboratory
@ 28 days).
7th Day Compressive Strength Test of
312 4-Sep-18 Laboratory Testing Pedestal @ Structure-0905, Area 900 (24 H SW SW 5-Sep-18
FSP-0311 Laboratory
Mpa @ 28 days).
Elevation, Location, Rebar Works
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Inspection prior to fomworks closure of
313 4-Sep-18 Pre-pouring Area 300 H W SW 5-Sep-18
FSP-0312 P1 (GL F-11m& F-12) Pedestal @ H-
0305 Heater Foundation, Area 300.
Elevation, Location, Rebar Works
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Inspection prior to fomworks closure of
314 4-Sep-18 Pre-pouring Area 300 H W SW 5-Sep-18
FSP-0313 P1a (GL-E-11) Pedestal @ H-0305
Heater Foundation.
Surface Preparation, Formworks, Anchor
Bolt Setting and Concrete Placement
315 4-Sep-18 Concrete Pouring Inspection for P1 (GL F-11, F-12) Area 300 H W SW 5-Sep-18
Pedestal @ H-0305 Heater Foundation,
Area 300.

Surface Preparation, Formworks, Anchor

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Bolt Setting and Concrete Placement
316 4-Sep-18 Concrete Pouring Area 300 H W SW 5-Sep-18
FSP-0315 Inspection for P1a (GL E-11) Pedestal @
H-0305 Heater Foundation, Area 300.

7th Day Compressive Strength Test of

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Foundation @ Analyzer Shelter #13, Area Quantum
317 5-Sep-18 Laboratory Testing H SW SW 6-Sep-18
FSP-0316 600 / F1 Foundation @ Structure-0601, Laboratory
Area 600 (24 Mpa @ 28 days).

52 / 647
1st Day Compressive Strength Test of
318 6-Sep-18 Laboratory Testing P1 @H-0305, Heater Foundation, Area H SW SW 6-Sep-18
FSP-0317 Laboratory
300 (24 Mpa @ 3 days).
1st Day Compressive Strength Test of
319 6-Sep-18 Laboratory Testing P1a @H-0305, Heater Foundation, Area H SW SW 6-Sep-18
FSP-0318 Laboratory
300 (24 Mpa @ 3 days).
Joint Inspection/Witness of Field Density
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Test (By Sand Cone Method) 6th - 7th
320 6-Sep-18 Laboratory Testing Area 300 H SW SW 7-Sep-18
FSP-0319 Layer @ H-0305, Heater Foundation,
Area 300.

Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,

Rebar Works, Formworks and Concrete
321 6-Sep-18 Concrete Pouring Placement Inspection for Paving @ H- Area 300 H W SW 7-Sep-18
0305 (Gridline C-F), Heater Foundation,
Area 300.

7th Day Compressive Strength Test of

Foundation @ G-0600 A/B, Area 600 /
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Lean Concrete @ Structure-0601, Area Quantum
322 6-Sep-18 Laboratory Testing H SW SW 7-Sep-18
FSP-0321 600 / Lean Concrete @ K-0901 Laboratory
Compressor Shelter, Area 900(24 Mpa @
28 days).

Joint Inspection/Witness of Field Density

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Test (By Sand Cone Method) of Sub-
323 6-Sep-18 Laboratory Testing Area 300 H SW SW 7-Sep-18
FSP-0322 Base Coarse @ H-0305, Heater
Foundation, Area 300.
Visual Inspection of concrete surface
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Post Concrete prior to backfilling of P1 Pedestal (Grid-
324 6-Sep-18 Area 300 H SW SW 7-Sep-18
FSP-0323 Placement line F) @ H-0305 Heater Foundation,
Area 300.

53 / 647
Visual Inspection of concrete surface
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Post Concrete prior to backfilling of P1a Pedestal (Grid-
325 6-Sep-18 Area 300 H SW SW 7-Sep-18
FSP-0324 Placement line E) @ H-0305 Heater Foundation,
Area 300.
Elevation, Location, Rebar Works
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Inspection prior to fomworks closure of
326 7-Sep-18 Pre-pouring Area 300 H W SW 7-Sep-18
FSP-0325 P1 Pedestal (Grid-line A)@ H-0305
Heater Foundation, Area 300.
Elevation, Location, Rebar Works
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Inspection prior to fomworks closure of
327 7-Sep-18 Pre-pouring Area 300 H W SW 7-Sep-18
FSP-0326 P1a Pedestal (Grid-line B)@ H-0305
Heater Foundation, Area 300.
Formworks, Anchor Bolt Setting and
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Concrete Placement Inspection for P1
328 7-Sep-18 Concrete Pouring Area 300 H W SW 7-Sep-18
FSP-0327 (Pedestal Grid-line A)@ H-0305 Heater
Foundation, Area 300.
Formworks, Anchor Bolt Setting and
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Concrete Placement Inspection for P1a
329 7-Sep-18 Concrete Pouring Area 300 H W SW 7-Sep-18
FSP-0328 (Pedestal Grid-line B)@ H-0305 Heater
Foundation, Area 300.
Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,
Rebar Works, Formworks, Anchor Bolt
330 7-Sep-18 Concrete Pouring Setting and Concrete Placement Area 600 H W SW 8-Sep-18
Inspection for Pedestal @ G-0600A/B,
Area 600.

Elevation, Location,Surface Preparation,

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Formworks, Rebar works and Concrete
331 7-Sep-18 Concrete Pouring Area 600 H W SW 11-Sep-18
FSP-0330 Placement Inspection for Foundation (F2)
@ Structure-0606, Area 600.

54 / 647
Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,
Rebar Works, Formworks, Anchor Bolt
332 7-Sep-18 Concrete Pouring Setting and Concrete Placement Area 600 H W SW 8-Sep-18
Inspection for Pedestal of F2 @
Structure-0604, Area 600.

333 7-Sep-18 Handover Handover of Str-0904, Area 900 Area 900 H W SW 11-Sep-18

28th day Compressive Strength Test of

334 8-Sep-18 Laboratory Testing Pedestal @ D-0652 & D-0653, Area 600 H SW SW 8-Sep-18
FSP-0333 Laboratory
(24 mpa @ 28 days).
28th day Compressive Strength Test of
335 8-Sep-18 Laboratory Testing Foundation @ D-0600, Area 600 (24 mpa H SW SW 8-Sep-18
FSP-0334 Laboratory
@ 28 days).
3rd day Compressive Strength Test of
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Pedestal (P1 & P1A) @ H-305, Heater Quantum
336 8-Sep-18 Laboratory Testing H SW SW 8-Sep-18
FSP-0335 Foundation, Area 300 (24 mpa @ 3 Laboratory
7th day Compressive Strength Test of
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Pedestal (P2) @ H-305, Heater Quantum
337 8-Sep-18 Laboratory Testing H SW SW 8-Sep-18
FSP-0336 Foundation, Area 300 (24 mpa @ 3 Laboratory
3rd day Compressive Strength Test of
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Pedestal P1 (G.L A) and P1A (G.L B) @ Quantum
338 8-Sep-18 Laboratory Testing H SW SW 10-Sep-18
FSP-0337 H-305, Heater Foundation, Area 300 (24 Laboratory
mpa @ 3 days).
Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,
Rebar Works, Formworks, Anchor Bolt
339 8-Sep-18 Concrete Pouring Setting and Concrete Placement Unit 900 H W SW 11-Sep-18
Inspection for Pedestal @ D-0910, Area

55 / 647
Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,
Rebar Works, Formworks, Anchor Bolt
340 8-Sep-18 Concrete Pouring Setting and Concrete Placement Unit 900 H W SW 11-Sep-18
Inspection for Pedestal @ D-0909, Area

Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,

Rebar Works, Formworks, Anchor Bolt
341 8-Sep-18 Concrete Pouring Setting and Concrete Placement Unit 900 H W SW 11-Sep-18
Inspection for Pedestal @ R-0902, Area

Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Rebar Works, Formworks and Concrete
342 8-Sep-18 Concrete Pouring Unit 900 H W SW 11-Sep-18
FSP-0341 Placement Inspection for Base Mat
Foundation @ K-0901, Area 900.

28th day Compressive Strength Test of

Pedestal @ F1, F3 & F5 Structure-0903
343 10-Sep-18 Laboratory Testing & DGP-2, Area 900 / Lean Concrete of H SW SW 11-Sep-18
FSP-0342 Laboratory
F2 @ Structure-0601, Area 600(24 mpa
@ 28 days).

Joint Inspection/Witness of Field Density

344 10-Sep-18 Laboratory Testing Test (By Sand Cone Method) 8th Layer Area 300 H SW SW 10-Sep-18
@ H-0305, Heater Foundation, Area 300.

Joint Inspection/Witness of Field Density

345 11-Sep-18 Laboratory Testing Test (By Sand Cone Method) @ G- Area 900 H SW SW 11-Sep-18
0909A/B, Area 900.
Joint Inspection/Witness of Field Density
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Test (By Sand Cone Method) 6th - 7th
346 11-Sep-18 Laboratory Testing Area 300 H SW SW 12-Sep-18
FSP-0345 Layer (Grid-line C - A) @ H-0305, Heater
Foundation, Area 300.

56 / 647
28th day Compressive Strength Test of
347 11-Sep-18 Laboratory Testing Lean Concrete @ Structure-0905, Area H SW SW \
FSP-0346 Laboratory
900 (10 mpa @ 28 days).
7th day Compressive Strength Test of
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Pedestal P1 & P1a (Grid-line E - F) @ H- Astec
348 11-Sep-18 Laboratory Testing H SW SW 12-Sep-18
FSP-0347 0305, Heater Foundation, Area 300 (24 Laboratory
mpa @ 3 days).
1st day Compressive Strength Test of
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Concrete Pavement (Grid-line F - C) @ Astec
349 11-Sep-18 Laboratory Testing H SW SW 12-Sep-18
FSP-0348 H-0305, Heater Foundation, Area 300 (24 Laboratory
mpa @ 3 days).
Joint Inspection/Witness of Field Density
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Test (By Sand Cone Method) @ G-
350 12-Sep-18 Laboratory Testing Area 900 H SW SW 12-Sep-18
FSP-0349 0908A/B / G-0910A/B / G-0907AB, Area
Elevation, Location,Surface Preparation,
Formworks and Concrete Placement
351 12-Sep-18 Concrete Pouring Inspection for Lean Concrete @ G- Area 900 H W SW 12-Sep-18
0908A/B / G-0910A/B / G-0907A/B, Area

Elevation, Location,Surface Preparation,

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Formworks, Rebar works and Concrete
352 12-Sep-18 Concrete Pouring Area 600 H W SW 12-Sep-18
FSP-0351 Placement Inspection for Foundation (F2)
@ Structure-0606, Area 600.

Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,

Rebar Works, Formworks and Concrete
353 12-Sep-18 Concrete Pouring Placement Inspection for Paving @ H- Area 300 H W SW 12-Sep-18
0305 (Gridline C-F), Heater Foundation,
Area 300.

57 / 647
Elevation, Location,Surface Preparation,
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Formworks and Concrete Placement
354 12-Sep-18 Concrete Pouring Area 900 H W SW 12-Sep-18
FSP-0353 Inspection for Lean Concrete @ G-
0909A/B, Area 900.
Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,
Rebar Works, Formworks, Anchor Bolt
355 12-Sep-18 Concrete Pouring Setting and Concrete Placement Unit 600 H W SW 13-Sep-18
Inspection for Pedestal of F1 @
Structure-0601, Area 600.
28th day Compressive Strength Test of
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Foundation (F2) @ Structure-0601, Area
356 12-Sep-18 Laboratory Testing Calamba City, H SW SW 13-Sep-18
FSP-0355 600 / Lean Concrete @ R-0902, Area
900 (24 mpa @ 28 days).

Joint Inspection/Witness of Field Density

357 13-Sep-18 Laboratory Testing Test (By Sand Cone Method) 1st Layer Area 900 H SW SW 13-Sep-18
@ Structure-0905, Area 900.

28th day Compressive Strength Test of

358 13-Sep-18 Laboratory Testing Pedestal @ D-0600, Area 600 (24 mpa H SW SW 14-Sep-18
FSP-0357 Laboratory
@ 28 days).
7th day Compressive Strength Test of
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Pedestal P1 & P1a (Grid-line A-B) @ H- Quantum
359 13-Sep-18 Laboratory Testing H SW SW 14-Sep-18
FSP-0358 0305, Heater Foundation, Area 300 (24 Laboratory
mpa @ 3 days).
3rd day Compressive Strength Test of
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Concrete Pavement (Grid-line F - C) @ Quantum
360 13-Sep-18 Laboratory Testing H SW SW 14-Sep-18
FSP-0359 H-0305, Heater Foundation, Area 300 (24 Laboratory
mpa @ 3 days).
1st day Compressive Strength Test of
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Concrete Pavement (Grid-line C - A) @ Quantum
361 13-Sep-18 Laboratory Testing H SW SW 14-Sep-18
FSP-0360 H-0305, Heater Foundation, Area 300 (24 Laboratory
mpa @ 3 days).
Joint Inspection/Witness of Field Density
362 13-Sep-18 Laboratory Testing Test (By Sand Cone Method) 2nd - 4th Area 900 H SW SW 14-Sep-18
Layer @ Structure-0905, Area 900.

58 / 647
Elevation, Location,Surface Preparation,
Formworks, Rebar works and Concrete
363 13-Sep-18 Concrete Pouring Placement Inspection for Foundation of Area 900 H W SW 14-Sep-18
Base Mat @ K-0901 Compressor Shelter,
Area 900. Location, Surface Preparation,
Rebar Works, Formworks, Anchor Bolt
364 13-Sep-18 Concrete Pouring Setting and Concrete Placement Unit 600 H W SW 14-Sep-18
Inspection for Pedestal of F2 @
Structure-0606, Area 600.
Visual Inspection of concrete surface
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Post Concrete
365 14-Sep-18 prior to backfilling of Foundation and Area 900 H SW SW 15-Sep-18
FSP-0364 Placement
Pedestal @ D-0909, Area 900.
Visual Inspection of concrete surface
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Post Concrete
366 14-Sep-18 prior to backfilling of Foundation and Area 900 H SW SW 15-Sep-18
FSP-0365 Placement
Pedestal @ D-0910, Area 900.
Visual Inspection of concrete surface
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Post Concrete
367 14-Sep-18 prior to backfilling of Foundation and Area 900 H SW SW 15-Sep-18
FSP-0366 Placement
Pedestal @ R-0902, Area 900.
28th day Compressive Strength Test of
Foundation @ Structure-0905, Area 900 / ASTEC,
368 14-Sep-18 Laboratory Testing F2 Pedestal @ Structure-0601, Area Calamba City, H SW SW 15-Sep-18
600 / Lean Concrete @ D-0910 (24 mpa Laguna.
@ 28 days).
7th day Compressive Strength Test of
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Pedestal (F2) @ Structure-0604, Area
369 14-Sep-18 Laboratory Testing Calamba City, H SW SW 15-Sep-18
FSP-0368 600 / Pedestal @ G-0600A/B, Area 600
(24 mpa @ 28 days).

Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,

Rebar Works, Formworks and Concrete
370 14-Sep-18 Concrete Pouring Placement Inspection for Remaining Area 300 H W SW 14-Sep-18
Pavement @ (North Side) H-0305,
Heater Foundation, Area 300.

59 / 647
Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,
Rebar Works, Formworks and Concrete
371 14-Sep-18 Concrete Pouring Placement Inspection for Remaining Area 300 H W SW 14-Sep-18
Pavement @ (South Side) H-0305,
Heater Foundation, Area 300.

Elevation, Location,Surface Preparation,

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Formworks, Rebar works and Concrete
372 14-Sep-18 Concrete Pouring Area 600 H W SW 14-Sep-18
FSP-0371 Placement Inspection for Lean Concrete
(F1) @ Structure-0606, Area 600.

Visual Inspection of concrete surface

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Post Concrete prior to backfilling of Foundation and
373 15-Sep-18 Area 600 H SW SW 15-Sep-18
FSP-0372 Placement Pedestal @ Structure-0601 (F1), Area
Visual Inspection of concrete surface
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Post Concrete prior to backfilling of Foundation and
374 15-Sep-18 Area 900 H SW SW 15-Sep-18
FSP-0373 Placement Pedestal @ Structure-0604 (F2), Area
4th day Compressive Strength Test of
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Concrete Pavement (Grid-line C - A) @ Quantum
375 15-Sep-18 Laboratory Testing H SW SW 17-Sep-18
FSP-0374 H-0305, Heater Foundation, Area 300 (24 Laboratory
mpa @ 3 days).
Joint Inspection/Witness of Field Density
376 17-Sep-18 Laboratory Testing Test (By Sand Cone Method) @ E-0914, Area 900 H SW SW 17-Sep-18
Area 900.
Joint Inspection/Witness of Field Density
377 17-Sep-18 Laboratory Testing Test (By Sand Cone Method) @ E-0917, Area 900 H SW SW 17-Sep-18
Area 900.
Joint Inspection/Witness of Field Density
378 17-Sep-18 Laboratory Testing Test (By Sand Cone Method) @ Z-0901 Area 900 H SW SW 17-Sep-18
& Z-0902, Area 900.

60 / 647
Elevation, Location,Surface Preparation,
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Formworks, Rebar works and Concrete
379 17-Sep-18 Concrete Pouring Area 600 H W SW 17-Sep-18
FSP-0378 Placement Inspection for Foundation @
G-0910A/B, Area 900.

Elevation, Location,Surface Preparation,

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Formworks, Rebar works and Concrete
380 17-Sep-18 Concrete Pouring Area 600 H W SW 17-Sep-18
FSP-0379 Placement Inspection for Foundation @
G-0909A/B, Area 900.

Elevation, Location,Surface Preparation,

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Formworks, Rebar works and Concrete
381 17-Sep-18 Concrete Pouring Area 600 H W SW 17-Sep-18
FSP-0380 Placement Inspection for Foundation @
G-0907A/B, Area 900.

Elevation, Location,Surface Preparation,

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Formworks, Rebar works and Concrete
382 17-Sep-18 Concrete Pouring Area 600 H W SW 17-Sep-18
FSP-0381 Placement Inspection for Foundation @
G-0908A/B, Area 900.

Elevation, Location,Surface Preparation,

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Formworks, Rebar works and Concrete
383 17-Sep-18 Concrete Pouring Area 600 H W SW 17-Sep-18
FSP-0382 Placement Inspection for Foundation (F1)
@ Structure-0606, Area 600.

Elevation, Location,Surface Preparation,

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Formworks and Concrete Placement
384 17-Sep-18 Concrete Pouring Area 900 H W SW 17-Sep-18
FSP-0383 Inspection for Lean Concrete @ E-0914,
Area 900.
Elevation, Location,Surface Preparation,
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Formworks and Concrete Placement
385 17-Sep-18 Concrete Pouring Area 900 H W SW 17-Sep-18
FSP-0384 Inspection for Lean Concrete @ E-0917,
Area 900.

61 / 647
Elevation, Location,Surface Preparation,
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Formworks and Concrete Placement
386 17-Sep-18 Concrete Pouring Area 900 H W SW 17-Sep-18
FSP-0385 Inspection for Lean Concrete @ Z-0901,
Area 900.
Elevation, Location,Surface Preparation,
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Formworks and Concrete Placement
387 17-Sep-18 Concrete Pouring Area 900 H W SW 17-Sep-18
FSP-0386 Inspection for Lean Concrete @ Z-0902,
Area 900.

Elevation, Location,Surface Preparation,

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Formworks, Rebar works and Concrete
388 17-Sep-18 Concrete Pouring Area 900 H W SW 18-Sep-18
FSP-0387 Placement Inspection for Foundation @
E-0914, Area 900.

Elevation, Location,Surface Preparation,

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Formworks, Rebar works and Concrete
389 17-Sep-18 Concrete Pouring Area 900 H W SW 18-Sep-18
FSP-0388 Placement Inspection for Foundation @
E-0917, Area 900.

7th day Compressive Strength Test of

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Concrete Pavement (Grid-line F - C) @
390 17-Sep-18 Laboratory Testing Calamba City, H SW SW 18-Sep-18
FSP-0389 H-0305, Heater Foundation, Area 300 (24
mpa @ 3 days).
Visual Inspection of concrete surface
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Post Concrete prior to backfilling of Foundation of Base
391 18-Sep-18 Area 900 H SW SW 19-Sep-18
FSP-0390 Placement Mat @ K-0901 Compressor Shelter, Area
Joint Inspection/Witness of Field Density
392 18-Sep-18 Laboratory Testing Test (By Sand Cone Method) @ D-0640, Area 600 H SW SW 19-Sep-18
Area 600. 6th & 7th layer
Elevation, Location,Surface Preparation,
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Formworks and Concrete Placement
393 18-Sep-18 Concrete Pouring Area 600 H W SW 19-Sep-18
FSP-0392 Inspection for Lean Concrete @ D-0640,
Area 600.

62 / 647
7th day Compressive Strength Test of
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Concrete Pavement (Grid-line F - C) @
394 18-Sep-18 Laboratory Testing Calamba City, H SW SW 19-Sep-18
FSP-0393 H-0305, Heater Foundation, Area 300 (24
mpa @ 28 days).

7th day Compressive Strength Test of

Pedestal @ R-0902 / D-0909 / D-0910, ASTEC,
395 18-Sep-18 Laboratory Testing Area 900 / Lean Concrete @ G- Calamba City, H SW SW 19-Sep-18
0909A/B / G-0910A/B / G-0908A/B / G- Laguna.
0907A/B, Area 900 (24 mpa @ 28 days).

7th day Compressive Strength Test of

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Foundation of F2 @ Structure-0606 /
396 18-Sep-18 Laboratory Testing Calamba City, H SW SW 19-Sep-18
FSP-0395 Pedestal of F1 @ Structure-0601, Area
600 (24 mpa @ 28 days).
7th day Compressive Strength Test of
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Concrete Pavement (Grid-line C - A) @ Quantum
397 18-Sep-18 Laboratory Testing H SW SW 19-Sep-18
FSP-0396 H-0305, Heater Foundation, Area 300 (24 Laboratory
mpa @ 3 days).
Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,
Rebar Works, Formworks, Anchor Box
398 19-Sep-18 Concrete Pouring Setting and Concrete Placement Area 900 H W SW 20-Sep-18
Inspection for Pedestal @ G-0910A/B,
Area 900.

Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,

Rebar Works, Formworks, Anchor Box
399 19-Sep-18 Concrete Pouring Setting and Concrete Placement Area 900 H W SW 20-Sep-18
Inspection for Pedestal @ G-0909A/B,
Area 900.

Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,

Rebar Works, Formworks, Anchor Box
400 19-Sep-18 Concrete Pouring Setting and Concrete Placement Area 900 H W SW 20-Sep-18
Inspection for Pedestal @ G-0907A/B,
Area 900.

63 / 647
Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,
Rebar Works, Formworks, Anchor Box
401 19-Sep-18 Concrete Pouring Setting and Concrete Placement Area 900 H W SW 20-Sep-18
Inspection for Pedestal @ G-0908A/B,
Area 900.

28th day Compressive Strength Test of

Foundation @ D-0910, Area 900 / Lean
Concrete of F1 @ Structure-0601, Area ASTEC,
402 19-Sep-18 Laboratory Testing 600 / Lean Concrete Concrete @ D- Calamba City, H SW SW 20-Sep-18
0909, Area 900 / Lean Concrete of F2 @ Laguna.
Structre-0604, Area 600 (24 mpa @ 28

7th day Compressive Strength Test of the

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Remaining Pavement @ (North Side) H-
403 19-Sep-18 Laboratory Testing Calamba City, H SW SW 20-Sep-18
FSP-0402 0305, Heater Foundation, Area 300 (24
mpa @ 28 days).

Elevation, Location,Surface Preparation,

Formworks, Rebar works and Concrete
404 19-Sep-18 Concrete Pouring Placement Inspection of Pre-Cast Area 300 H W SW 20-Sep-18
Foundation @ Catch Basin (CB-NP01),
Heater Foundation, Area 300.

Elevation, Location,Surface Preparation,

Formworks, Rebar works and Concrete
405 19-Sep-18 Concrete Pouring Placement Inspection of Pre-Cast Area 900 H W SW 20-Sep-18
Foundation @ Catch Basin (CB-NP02),
DPG-2, Area 900.

64 / 647
Elevation, Location,Surface Preparation,
Formworks, Rebar works and Concrete
406 19-Sep-18 Concrete Pouring Placement Inspection of Pre-Cast Area 900 H W SW 20-Sep-18
Foundation @ Catch Basin (CB-NP03),
DPG-2, Area 900.

Elevation, Location,Surface Preparation,

Formworks, Rebar works and Concrete
407 19-Sep-18 Concrete Pouring Placement Inspection of Pre-Cast Area 900 H W SW 20-Sep-18
Foundation @ Catch Basin (CB-NP05),
DPG-2, Area 900.

Elevation, Location,Surface Preparation,

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Formworks and Concrete Placement
408 20-Sep-18 Concrete Pouring Area 300 H SW SW 20-Sep-18
FSP-0407 Inspection for Lean Concrete @ Analyzer
Shelter #12, Area 300.

Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,

Rebar Works, Formworks and Concrete
409 20-Sep-18 Concrete Pouring Placement Inspection for Spill Wall Area 300 H W SW 20-Sep-18
(North & West) @ Heater Foundation,
Area 300.

28th day Compressive Strength Test of

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Foundation @ H-0305 Heater
410 20-Sep-18 Laboratory Testing Calamba City, H SW SW 21-Sep-18
FSP-0409 Foundation, Area 300 (24 mpa @ 28

7th day Compressive Strength Test of the

Remaining Pavement @ (South Side) H- ASTEC,
411 20-Sep-18 Laboratory Testing 0305, Heater Foundation, Area 300 / Calamba City, H SW SW 20-Sep-18
Lean Concrete @ Structure-0606 (F1) Laguna.
(24 mpa @ 28 days).

65 / 647
Elevation, Location,Surface Preparation,
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Formworks and Concrete Placement
412 21-Sep-18 Concrete Pouring Area 400 H W SW 21-Sep-18
FSP-0411 Inspection for Lean Concrete @ Quench
Piperack, Area 400 (F2)

7th day Compressive Strength Test of

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Foundation (Base Mat) @ K-0901
413 21-Sep-18 Laboratory Testing Calamba City, H SW SW 22-Sep-18
FSP-0412 Compressor Shelter, Area 900 (24 mpa
@ 28 days).
Elevation, Location,Surface Preparation,
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Formworks and Concrete Placement
414 21-Sep-18 Concrete Pouring Area 600 H W SW 21-Sep-18
FSP-0413 Inspection for Lean Concrete @ Z-0651,
Area 600.

Elevation, Location,Surface Preparation,

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Formworks and Concrete Placement
415 22-Sep-18 Concrete Pouring Area 400 H W SW 22-Sep-18
FSP-0414 Inspection for Lean Concrete @ Quench
Piperack (F1), Area 400.

Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Rebar Works, Formworks, Anchor Bolt
416 22-Sep-18 Concrete Pouring Area 900 H W SW 22-Sep-18
FSP-0415 Setting and Inspection for Pedestal @ E-
0914, Area 900.

Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Rebar Works, Formworks, Anchor Bolt
417 22-Sep-18 Concrete Pouring Area 900 H W SW 22-Sep-18
FSP-0416 Setting and Inspection for Pedestal @ E-
0917, Area 900.

66 / 647
Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,
Rebar Works, Formworks, Anchor Bolt
418 22-Sep-18 Concrete Pouring Setting and Concrete Placement Area 600 H W SW 22-Sep-18
Inspection for Pedestal (F1) @
Structure-0606, Area 900.

Elevation, Location,Surface Preparation,

Formworks, Rebar works and Concrete
419 22-Sep-18 Concrete Pouring Placement Inspection of Pre-Cast Area 900 H W SW 22-Sep-18
Foundation @ Catch Basin (CB-NO02),
DPG-2, Area 900.

Visual Inspection of concrete surface

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Post Concrete
420 22-Sep-18 prior to backfilling of Foundation and Area 900 H SW SW 24-Sep-18
FSP-0419 Placement
Pedestal @ G-0910A/B, Area 900.
Visual Inspection of concrete surface
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Post Concrete
421 22-Sep-18 prior to backfilling of Foundation and Area 900 H SW SW 24-Sep-18
FSP-0420 Placement
Pedestal @ G-0909A/B, Area 900.
Visual Inspection of concrete surface
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Post Concrete
422 22-Sep-18 prior to backfilling of Foundation and Area 900 H SW SW 24-Sep-18
FSP-0421 Placement
Pedestal @ G-0907A/B, Area 900.
Visual Inspection of concrete surface
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Post Concrete
423 22-Sep-18 prior to backfilling of Foundation and Area 900 H SW SW 24-Sep-18
FSP-0422 Placement
Pedestal @ G-0908A/B, Area 900.
Elevation, Location,Surface Preparation,
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Formworks, Rebar works and Inspection
424 22-Sep-18 Pre-pouring Area 400 H W SW 24-Sep-18
FSP-0423 for Foundation @ Quench Piperack (F1),
Area 400.
Elevation, Location,Surface Preparation,
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Formworks, Rebar works and Inspection
425 22-Sep-18 Pre-pouring Area 400 H W SW 24-Sep-18
FSP-0424 for Foundation @ Quench Piperack (F2),
Area 400.

67 / 647
Elevation, Location,Surface Preparation,
426 22-Sep-18 Pre-pouring Formworks, Rebar works and Inspection Area 600 H W SW 24-Sep-18
for Foundation @ Z-0651, Area 600.

Elevation, Location,Surface Preparation,

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Formworks and Concrete Placement
427 22-Sep-18 Concrete Pouring Area 600 H W SW 24-Sep-18
FSP-0426 Inspection for Lean Concrete @
Structure-0605, Area 600.

Visual Inspection of concrete surface

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Post Concrete prior to backfilling of Foundation and
428 24-Sep-18 Area 600 H SW SW 25-Sep-18
FSP-0427 Placement Pedestal @ Structure-0606 (F1 & F2),
Area 600.
Joint Inspection/Witness of Field Density
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Test (By Sand Cone Method) @
429 24-Sep-18 Laboratory Testing Area 600 H SW SW 25-Sep-18
FSP-0428 Structure-0601 (F1), Area 600. 1st-8th
Joint Inspection/Witness of Field Density
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Test (By Sand Cone Method) @ G-
430 24-Sep-18 Laboratory Testing Area 900 H SW SW 25-Sep-18
FSP-0429 0910A/B / G-0909A/B / G-0907A/B / G-
0908A/B, Area 900.

Elevation, Location,Surface Preparation,

Formworks and Concrete Placement
431 24-Sep-18 Pre-pouring Inspection for Lean Concrete @ Catch Area 900 H W SW 25-Sep-18
Basin (CB-NP02 / CB-NP03 / CB-NP05)
DPG-2, Area 900.

7th day Compressive Strength Test of

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Foundation @ G-0909A/B / G-0907A/B / Quantum
432 24-Sep-18 Laboratory Testing H SW SW 25-Sep-18
FSP-0431 G-0910A/B / G-0908A/B (24 mpa @ 28 Laboratory

68 / 647
7th day Compressive Strength Test of
Foundation (F1) @ Structure-0606 /
433 24-Sep-18 Laboratory Testing Pedestal (F2) @ Structure-0606, Area H SW SW 25-Sep-18
FSP-0432 Laboratory
600 / Lean Concrete @ E-0914 / E-0917,
Area 900 (24 mpa @ 28 days).

Visual Inspection of concrete surface

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Post Concrete
434 25-Sep-18 prior to backfilling of Foundation and Area 900 H SW SW 26-Sep-18
FSP-0433 Placement
Pedestal @ Structure-0905, Area 900.

Joint Inspection/Witness of Field Density

435 25-Sep-18 Laboratory Testing Test (By Sand Cone Method) 6th-7th Area 900 H SW SW 26-Sep-18
Layer @ Structure-0905, Area 900.

Joint Inspection/Witness of Field Density

436 25-Sep-18 Laboratory Testing Test (By Sand Cone Method) 1st-4th Area 600 H SW SW 26-Sep-18
Layer @ Structure-0606, Area 600.

Elevation, Location,Surface Preparation,

Formworks, Rebar works, Embedded
FS Phil
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Items and Concrete Placement
437 25-Sep-18 Pre-pouring Fabrication H W SW 26-Sep-18
FSP-0436 Inspection of Pre-Cast Wall @ Catch
Basin (CB-NP01), Heater Foundation,
Area 300.

Elevation, Location,Surface Preparation,

Formworks, Rebar works, Embedded FS Phil
438 25-Sep-18 Pre-pouring Items and Concrete Placement Fabrication H W SW 26-Sep-18
Inspection of Pre-Cast Wall @ Catch Shop
Basin (CB-NP02), DPG-2, Area 900.

69 / 647
Elevation, Location,Surface Preparation,
Formworks, Rebar works, Embedded FS Phil
439 25-Sep-18 Pre-pouring Items and Concrete Placement Fabrication H W SW 26-Sep-18
Inspection of Pre-Cast Wall @ Catch Shop
Basin (CB-NP03), DPG-2, Area 900.

Elevation, Location,Surface Preparation,

Formworks, Rebar works, Embedded FS Phil
440 25-Sep-18 Pre-pouring Items and Concrete Placement Fabrication H W SW 26-Sep-18
Inspection of Pre-Cast Wall @ Catch Shop
Basin (CB-NP05), DPG-2, Area 900.

28th Day Compressive Strength Test of

441 25-Sep-18 Laboratory Testing F2 Foundation @ Structure-0604, Area H SW SW 26-Sep-18
FSP-0440 Laboratory
600 (24 Mpa @ 28 days).
28th Day Compressive Strength Test of
442 25-Sep-18 Laboratory Testing Foundation @ R-0902, Area 900 (24 Mpa H SW SW 26-Sep-18
FSP-0441 Laboratory
@ 28 days).
28th Day Compressive Strength Test of
443 25-Sep-18 Laboratory Testing Pedestal @ Structure-0905, Area 900 (24 H SW SW 26-Sep-18
FSP-0442 Laboratory
Mpa @ 28 days).
Joint Inspection/Witness of Field Density
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Test (By Sand Cone Method) @
444 26-Sep-18 Laboratory Testing Area 600 H SW SW 26-Sep-18
FSP-0443 Structure-0601 (F2), Area 600. 3rd-9th
Joint Inspection/Witness of Field Density
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Test (By Sand Cone Method) @
445 26-Sep-18 Laboratory Testing Area 600 H SW SW 27-Sep-18
FSP-0444 Structure-0604 (F2), Area 600. 1st-5th

Joint Inspection/Witness of Field Density

446 26-Sep-18 Laboratory Testing Test (By Sand Cone Method) @ Z-0901, Area 900 H SW SW 27-Sep-18
Area 900. prior to lean concrete

70 / 647
Joint Inspection/Witness of Field Density
447 26-Sep-18 Laboratory Testing Test (By Sand Cone Method) @ Z-0902, Area 900 H SW SW 27-Sep-18
Area 900, R-0902. prior to lean concrete

Visual Inspection of concrete surface

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Post Concrete prior to backfilling of Foundation and
448 26-Sep-18 Area 900 H SW SW 27-Sep-18
FSP-0447 Placement Pedestal @ DPG-2 Piperack (East Side),
Area 900.

28th Day Compressive Strength Test of

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Foundation @ Analyzer Shelter #13, Area
449 26-Sep-18 Laboratory Testing Calamba City, H SW SW 27-Sep-18
FSP-0448 600 / F1 Foundation @ Structure-0601,
Area 600 (24 Mpa @ 28 days).

28th Day Compressive Strength Test of

Foundation @ G-0600 A/B, Area 600 /
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Lean Concrete @ Structure-0606, Area
450 27-Sep-18 Laboratory Testing Calamba City, H SW SW 28-Sep-18
FSP-0449 600 / Lean Concrete @ K-0901
Compressor Shelter, Area 900(24 Mpa @
28 days).

7th Day Compressive Strength Test of

Pedestal @ G-0909A/B / G-0907A/B / G- ASTEC,
451 27-Sep-18 Laboratory Testing 0910A/B / G-0908A/B / Foundation @ E- Calamba City, H SW SW 28-Sep-18
0914 / E-0917, Area 900 (24 Mpa @ 28 Laguna.

71 / 647
7th Day Compressive Strength Test of
Lean Concrete @ Z-0651, Area 600 /
Pre-Cast Foundation @ CB-NP01, CB-
JGSS1EP-VPCI- NP02, CB-NP03, CB-NP05 / Lean
452 27-Sep-18 Laboratory Testing Calamba City, H SW SW 28-Sep-18
FSP-0451 Concrete @ Quench Piperack, Area 400 /
Spill Wall @ H-0305 (North & West),
Heater Foundation, Area 300 (24 Mpa @
28 days).

Joint Inspection/Witness of Field Density

453 27-Sep-18 Laboratory Testing Test (By Sand Cone Method) 1st - 3rd Area 900 H SW SW 27-Sep-18
Layer @ D-0909 / D-0910, Area 900.

Joint Inspection/Witness of Field Density

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Test (By Sand Cone Method) @ Humper
454 27-Sep-18 Laboratory Testing Area 400 H SW SW 27-Sep-18
FSP-0453 Area (Chemical Injection) near Structure-
0406, Area 400.
Visual Inspection of concrete surface
prior to Concrete Placement of
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Post Concrete
455 27-Sep-18 Foundation @ K-0901 Compressor Area 900 H SW SW 27-Sep-18
FSP-0454 Placement
Shelter (F1, F2, F3, F4 & Girder), Area

Elevation, Location,Surface Preparation,

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Formworks, Rebar works, Concrete
456 28-Sep-18 Pre-pouring Area 600 H W SW 28-Sep-18
FSP-0455 placement inspection for Paving @
Analyzer Shelter #13.

Joint Inspection/Witness of Field Density

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Test (By Sand Cone Method) @ K-0901
457 28-Sep-18 Laboratory Testing Area 900 H SW SW 28-Sep-18
FSP-0456 Compressor Shelter (F1, F2, F3, F4 &
Girder), Area 900.

72 / 647
7th day Compressive Strength Test of
Pedestal @ Structure-0606 (F1), Area
600 / Lean Concrete @ Quench Piperack
JGSS1EP-VPCI- (F1), Area 400 / Spillwall @ H-0305
458 28-Sep-18 Laboratory Testing Calamba City, H SW SW 29-Sep-18
FSP-0457 (South Side), Heater Foundation, Area
300 / Pre-Cast Foundation @ Catch
Basin (CB-NP02 ) DPG-2, Area 900 (24
mpa @ 28 days).
Joint Inspection/Witness of Field Density
Test (By Sand Cone Method) In-between
459 28-Sep-18 Laboratory Testing Analyzer Shelter #13, D-0600 and G- Area 600 H SW SW 28-Sep-18
0600A/B, Area 600. prior to concrete
Elevation, Location,Surface Preparation,
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Formworks and Concrete Placement
460 29-Sep-18 Pre-pouring Area 900 H SW SW 29-Sep-18
FSP-0459 Inspection for Lean Concrete @ Z-0901,
Area 900.
Elevation, Location,Surface Preparation,
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Formworks and Concrete Placement
461 29-Sep-18 Pre-pouring Area 900 H SW SW 29-Sep-18
FSP-0460 Inspection for Lean Concrete @ Z-0902,
Area 900.

Elevation, Location,Surface Preparation,

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Formworks, Rebar works and Concrete
462 29-Sep-18 Pre-pouring Area 900 H W SW 29-Sep-18
FSP-0461 Placement Inspection for Foundation @
Z-0901, Area 900.

Elevation, Location,Surface Preparation,

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Formworks, Rebar works and Concrete
463 29-Sep-18 Pre-pouring Area 900 H W SW 29-Sep-18
FSP-0462 Placement Inspection for Foundation @
Z-0902, Area 900.

Concrete Placement Inspection for

464 29-Sep-18 Concrete Pouring Foundation @ Quench Piperack (F1), Area 400 H W SW 1-Oct-18
Area 400.

73 / 647
Concrete Placement Inspection for
465 29-Sep-18 Concrete Pouring Foundation @ Quench Piperack (F2), Area 400 H W SW 1-Oct-18
Area 400.
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Concrete Placement Inspection for
466 29-Sep-18 Concrete Pouring Area 600 H W SW 1-Oct-18
FSP-0465 Foundation @ Z-0651, Area 600.
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Concrete Placement Inspection for
467 29-Sep-18 Concrete Pouring Area 900 H W SW 1-Oct-18
FSP-0466 Pedestal @ E-0914, Area 900.
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Concrete Placement Inspection for
468 29-Sep-18 Concrete Pouring Area 900 H W SW 1-Oct-18
FSP-0467 Pedestal @ E-0917, Area 900.
Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,
Rebar Works, Formworks, Anchor Bolt
469 29-Sep-18 Concrete Pouring Setting and Concrete Placement Area 600 H W SW 1-Oct-18
Inspection for Foundation @ D-0640,
Area 600.
Elevation, Location,Surface Preparation,
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Formworks and Concrete Placement
470 29-Sep-18 Concrete Pouring Area 900 H SW SW 1-Oct-18
FSP-0469 Inspection for Lean Concrete @LP-0601,
Area 600.

Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,

Rebar Works, Formworks, Anchor Bolt
471 29-Sep-18 Concrete Pouring Setting and Concrete Placement Area 600 H W SW 1-Oct-18
Inspection for Pre-Cast Foundation @ E-
0690, Area 600.

Joint Inspection/Witness of Field Density

472 29-Sep-18 Laboratory Testing Test (By Sand Cone Method) 1st & 2nd Area 600 H SW SW 1-Oct-18
Layer @ G-0610A/B, Area 600.

74 / 647
Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,
Rebar Works, Formworks and Concrete
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Placement Inspection for Foundation
473 29-Sep-18 Concrete Pouring Area 900 H W SW 1-Oct-18
FSP-0472 and Girder @ K-0901 Compressor
Shelter (F1, F2, F3, F4 & FG1), Area

Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Rebar Works, Formworks and Concrete
474 29-Sep-18 Concrete Pouring Area 900 H W SW 1-Oct-18
FSP-0473 Placement Inspection for Foundation @
C-0902, Area 900.

Joint Inspection/Witness of Field Density

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Test (By Sand Cone Method) 5th - 6th
475 1-Oct-18 Laboratory Testing Area 600 H SW SW 2-Oct-18
FSP-0474 Layer @ Structure-0606 (F1 & F2), Area
Joint Inspection/Witness of Field Density
476 1-Oct-18 Laboratory Testing Test (By Sand Cone Method) @C-0903, Area 900 H SW SW 2-Oct-18
Area 900.
Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,
Rebar Works, Formworks and Concrete
477 1-Oct-18 Concrete Pouring Placement Inspection for Concrete Area 400 H W SW 2-Oct-18
Pavement @ Chemical Injection, Area
Elevation, Location,Surface Preparation,
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Formworks and Concrete Placement
478 1-Oct-18 Concrete Pouring Area 900 H SW SW 2-Oct-18
FSP-0477 Inspection for Lean Concrete @ C-0903,
Area 900.

Elevation, Location,Surface Preparation,

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Formworks and Concrete Placement
479 1-Oct-18 Concrete Pouring Area 600 H SW SW 2-Oct-18
FSP-0478 Inspection for Lean Concrete @
Structure-0605, Area 600.

75 / 647
Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Rebar Works, Formworks and Concrete
480 1-Oct-18 Concrete Pouring Area 600 H W SW 2-Oct-18
FSP-0479 Placement Inspection for Foundation @
Structure-0605, Area 600.

Elevation, Location,Surface Preparation,

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Formworks and Concrete Placement
481 2-Oct-18 Concrete Pouring Area 600 H SW SW 2-Oct-18
FSP-0480 Inspection for Lean Concrete @ D-0693,
Area 600.

Elevation, Location,Surface Preparation,

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Formworks and Concrete Placement
482 2-Oct-18 Concrete Pouring Area 600 H SW SW 2-Oct-18
FSP-0481 Inspection for Lean Concrete @ LP-
0601, Area 600.

Elevation, Location,Surface Preparation,

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Formworks and Concrete Placement
483 2-Oct-18 Concrete Pouring Area 600 H SW SW 2-Oct-18
FSP-0482 Inspection for Lean Concrete @ E-
0623B, Area 600.

Elevation, Location,Surface Preparation,

Formworks, Rebar works, Embedded
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Items and Concrete Placement
484 2-Oct-18 Concrete Pouring Area 300 H W SW 2-Oct-18
FSP-0483 Inspection of Pre-Cast Wall @ Catch
Basin (CB-NP01), Heater Foundation,
Area 300.

Elevation, Location,Surface Preparation,

Formworks, Rebar works, Embedded
485 2-Oct-18 Concrete Pouring Items and Concrete Placement Area 900 H W SW 2-Oct-18
Inspection of Pre-Cast Wall @ Catch
Basin (CB-NP02), DPG-2, Area 900.

76 / 647
Elevation, Location,Surface Preparation,
Formworks, Rebar works, Embedded
486 2-Oct-18 Concrete Pouring Items and Concrete Placement Area 900 H W SW 2-Oct-18
Inspection of Pre-Cast Wall @ Catch
Basin (CB-NP03), DPG-2, Area 900.

Elevation, Location,Surface Preparation,

Formworks, Rebar works, Embedded
487 2-Oct-18 Concrete Pouring Items and Concrete Placement Area 900 H W SW 2-Oct-18
Inspection of Pre-Cast Wall @ Catch
Basin (CB-NP05), DPG-2, Area 900.

Elevation, Location,Surface Preparation,

Formworks, Rebar works, Embedded
488 3-Oct-18 Concrete Pouring Items and Concrete Placement Area 900 H W SW 3-Oct-18
Inspection of Pre-Cast Wall @ Catch
Basin (CB-NO01), DPG-2, Area 900.

Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Rebar Works, Formworks and Concrete
489 3-Oct-18 Concrete Pouring Area 600 H W SW 3-Oct-18
FSP-0488 Placement Inspection for Paving @
Analyzer Shelter #13, Area 600.

Elevation, Location, Rebar Works

490 3-Oct-18 Pre-pouring Inspection prior to fomworks closure of Area 900 H W SW 4-Oct-18
Pedestal @ C-0902, Area 900.

Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Rebar Works, Formworks and Concrete
491 3-Oct-18 Concrete Pouring Area 900 H W SW 4-Oct-18
FSP-0490 Placement Inspection for Foundation @
C-0903, Area 900.

77 / 647
Elevation, Location, Rebar Works
492 3-Oct-18 Pre-pouring Inspection prior to fomworks closure of Area 600 H W SW 4-Oct-18
Pedestal @ Z-0651, Area 600.
Elevation, Location, Rebar Works
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Inspection prior to fomworks closure of
493 4-Oct-18 Pre-pouring Area 400 H W SW 4-Oct-18
FSP-0492 Pedestal @ Quench Piperack (F1), Area
Elevation, Location, Rebar Works
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Inspection prior to fomworks closure of
494 4-Oct-18 Pre-pouring Area 400 H W SW 4-Oct-18
FSP-0493 Pedestal @ Quench Piperack (F2), Area
Visual Inspection of concrete surface
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Post Concrete
495 4-Oct-18 prior to backfilling of Foundation @ Z- Area 900 H SW SW 4-Oct-18
FSP-0494 Placement
0901 & Z-0902, Area 900.

Elevation, Location,Surface Preparation,

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Formworks and Concrete Placement
496 4-Oct-18 Concrete Pouring Area 500 H SW SW 4-Oct-18
FSP-0495 Inspection for Lean Concrete @ D-
0510C, Area 500.

Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Rebar Works, Formworks and Concrete
497 4-Oct-18 Concrete Pouring Area 600 H W SW 4-Oct-18
FSP-0496 Placement Inspection for Concrete
Pavement @ D-0600, Area 600.

Visual Inspection of concrete surface

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Post Concrete
498 4-Oct-18 prior to backfilling of Foundation @ K- Area 900 H SW SW 5-Oct-18
FSP-0497 Placement
0901 Compressor Shelter, Area 900.
Visual Inspection of concrete surface
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Post Concrete
499 4-Oct-18 prior to backfilling of Foundation @ E- Area 900 H SW SW 5-Oct-18
FSP-0498 Placement
0914, Area 900, including pedestal.
Visual Inspection of concrete surface
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Post Concrete
500 4-Oct-18 prior to backfilling of Foundation @ E- Area 900 H SW SW 5-Oct-18
FSP-0499 Placement
0917, Area 900, including pedestal.

78 / 647
Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Rebar Works, Formworks and Concrete
501 5-Oct-18 Concrete Pouring Area 600 H W SW 6-Oct-18
FSP-0500 Placement Inspection for Foundation @
E-0623B, Area 600.

28th day Compressive Strength Test of

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Pedestal (F2) @ Structure-0604, Area
502 5-Oct-18 Laboratory Testing Calamba City, H SW SW 6-Oct-18
FSP-0501 600 / Pedestal @ G-0600A/B, Area 600
(24 mpa @ 28 days).
Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,
Formworks, Anchor Bolt Setting and
503 6-Oct-18 Concrete Pouring Concrete Placement Inspection for Area 400 H W SW 6-Oct-18
Pedestal @ Quench Piperack (F1), Area

Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,

Formworks, Anchor Bolt Setting and
504 6-Oct-18 Concrete Pouring Concrete Placement Inspection for Area 400 H W SW 6-Oct-18
Pedestal @ Quench Piperack (F2), Area

Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Rebar Works, Formworks and Concrete
505 6-Oct-18 Concrete Pouring Area 500 H W SW 6-Oct-18
FSP-0504 Placement Inspection for Foundation @
D-0510C, Area 500.

Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,

Rebar Works, Formworks and Concrete
506 6-Oct-18 Concrete Pouring Placement Inspection for Concrete Area 600 H W SW 6-Oct-18
Pavement @ Structure-0601 (F2), Area

79 / 647
Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,
Rebar Works, Formworks and Concrete
507 6-Oct-18 Concrete Pouring Placement Inspection for Concrete Area 400 H W SW 6-Oct-18
Pavement @ Chemical Injection, Area

Joint Inspection/Witness of Field Density

508 6-Oct-18 Laboratory Testing Test (By Sand Cone Method) 7th - 8th Area 600 H SW SW 6-Oct-18
Layer @ Structure-0606, Area 600.

Joint Inspection/Witness of Field Density

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Test (By Sand Cone Method) Sub-Base
509 6-Oct-18 Laboratory Testing Area 600 H SW SW 6-Oct-18
FSP-0508 @ Structure-0601 (F1), Area 600 prior to
concrete pavement.

Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,

Rebar Works, Formworks and Concrete
510 6-Oct-18 Concrete Pouring Placement Inspection for Spill Wall @ Area 600 H W SW 6-Oct-18
Analyzer Shelter #13, D-0600 &
Structure-0601, Area 600.

Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Rebar Works, Formworks and Concrete
511 6-Oct-18 Concrete Pouring Area 600 H W SW 8-Oct-18
FSP-0510 Placement Inspection for Foundation @
D-0693, Area 600.

Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Rebar Works, Formworks and Concrete
512 6-Oct-18 Concrete Pouring Area 600 H W SW 8-Oct-18
FSP-0511 Placement Inspection for Foundation @
Lp-601, Area 600.

Elevation, Location, Rebar Works

513 6-Oct-18 Pre-pouring Inspection prior to fomworks closure of Area 600 H W SW 8-Oct-18
Pedestal @ Structure-0605, Area 600.

80 / 647
Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,
Rebar Works, Formworks and Concrete
514 8-Oct-18 Concrete Pouring Placement Inspection for Concrete Area 600 H W SW 8-Oct-18
Pavement @ Structure-0601 (F1), Area

Elevation, Location,Surface Preparation,

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Formworks and Concrete Placement
515 8-Oct-18 Concrete Pouring Area 700 H SW SW 8-Oct-18
FSP-0514 Inspection for Lean Concrete @ R-
0701C, Area 700.

Elevation, Location,Surface Preparation,

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Formworks and Concrete Placement
516 8-Oct-18 Concrete Pouring Area 600 H SW SW 8-Oct-18
FSP-0515 Inspection for Lean Concrete @ E-0624F,
Area 600.

Elevation, Location, Rebar Works

Inspection prior to fomworks closure of
517 8-Oct-18 Pre-pouring Pedestal/Column (1st Lift of Column) @ Area 900 H W SW 9-Oct-18
Base Mat, K-0901 Compressor Shelter,
Area 900, including Pedestal P1.

7th day Compressive Strength Test of

Foundation @ Z-0651, Area 600 / Pre-
518 9-Oct-18 Laboratory Testing Cast Wall @ Catch Basin CB-NP01, Area H SW SW 9-Oct-18
FSP-0517 Laboratory
300, NP02, NP03 & NP05, DPG-2, Area
900 (24 mpa @ 28 days).

28th day Compressive Strength Test of

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Concrete Pavement (Grid-line F - C) @ Quantum
519 9-Oct-18 Laboratory Testing H SW SW 9-Oct-18
FSP-0518 H-0305, Heater Foundation, Area 300 (24 Laboratory
mpa @ 28 days).

81 / 647
7th day Compressive Strength Test of
Foundation @ Z-0901, Z-0902, Area 900,
JGSS1EP-VPCI- D-0640, Area 600 / Lean Concrete @ Z- Quantum
520 9-Oct-18 Laboratory Testing H SW SW 9-Oct-18
FSP-0519 0901, Z-0902 & C-0903, Area 900 / Pre- Laboratory
Cast Wall @ CB-NO01, DPG-2, Area 900
(24 mpa @ 28 days).

7th day Compressive Strength Test of

Foundation @ Quench Piperack (F1 &
521 9-Oct-18 Laboratory Testing F2), Area 400 / Lean Concrete @ D- H SW SW 9-Oct-18
FSP-0520 Laboratory
0693, LP-601 & E-0623B, Area 600 (24
mpa @ 28 days).
Joint Inspection/Witness of Field Density
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Test (By Sand Cone Method) 1st Layer
522 9-Oct-18 Laboratory Testing Area 400 H SW SW 10-Oct-18
FSP-0521 @ Quench Piperack (F1), Area 400 and
2nd layer

Joint Inspection/Witness of Field Density

523 9-Oct-18 Laboratory Testing Test (By Sand Cone Method) 1st Layer Area 400 H SW SW 10-Oct-18
@ Quench Piperack (F2), Area 400.

Joint Inspection/Witness of Field Density

Test (By Sand Cone Method) In-between
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Structure-0903, DPG-2 Piperack, R-
524 9-Oct-18 Laboratory Testing Area 900 H SW SW 10-Oct-18
FSP-0523 0902, E-0914, E-0917 , G-0906A/B, G-
0907A/B, G-0908A/B, G-0909A/B & G-
0910A/B, Area 900. 6th and 7th layer

28th day Compressive Strength Test of

Pedestal @ R-0902 / D-0909 / D-0910,
525 9-Oct-18 Laboratory Testing Area 900 / Lean Concrete @ G- H SW SW 10-Oct-18
FSP-0524 Laboratory
0909A/B / G-0910A/B / G-0908A/B / G-
0907A/B, Area 900 (24 mpa @ 28 days).

82 / 647
28th day Compressive Strength Test of
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Foundation of F2 @ Structure-0606 / Quantum
526 9-Oct-18 Laboratory Testing H SW SW 10-Oct-18
FSP-0525 Pedestal of F1 @ Structure-0601, Area Laboratory
600 (24 mpa @ 28 days).

7th day Compressive Strength Test of

Foundation @ K-0901 (F1, F2, F3, F4 &
JGSS1EP-VPCI- FG1), C-0902, Area 900 / Pedestal @ E- Quantum
527 9-Oct-18 Laboratory Testing H SW SW 10-Oct-18
FSP-0526 0914 & E-0917, Area 900 / Concrete Laboratory
Pavement @ Chemical Injection, Area
400 (24 mpa @ 28 days).

7th day Compressive Strength Test of

528 9-Oct-18 Laboratory Testing Concrete Pavement @ Analyzer Shelter H SW SW 10-Oct-18
FSP-0527 Laboratory
#13, Area 600 (24 mpa @ 28 days).

Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Rebar Works, Formworks and Concrete
529 10-Oct-18 Concrete Pouring Area 700 H W SW 10-Oct-18
FSP-0528 Placement Inspection for Foundation @
R-0701C, Area 700.

Elevation, Location,Surface Preparation,

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Formworks and Concrete Placement
530 10-Oct-18 Concrete Pouring Area 600 H W SW 10-Oct-18
FSP-0529 Inspection for Lean Concrete @ E-0690,
Area 600.
Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,
Rebar Works, Formworks, Anchor Bolt
531 10-Oct-18 Concrete Pouring Setting and Concrete Placement Area 600 H W SW 11-Oct-18
Inspection for Foundation @ E-0690,
Area 600.

83 / 647
Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Formworks, Anchor Bolt Setting and
532 10-Oct-18 Concrete Pouring Area 600 H W SW 11-Oct-18
FSP-0531 Concrete Placement Inspection for
Pedestal @ Z-0651, Area 600.

Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Formworks, Anchor Bolt Setting and
533 10-Oct-18 Concrete Pouring Area 900 H W SW 11-Oct-18
FSP-0532 Concrete Placement Inspection for
Pedestal @ C-0902, Area 900.

Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Formworks, Anchor Bolt Setting and
534 10-Oct-18 Concrete Pouring Area 900 H W SW 11-Oct-18
FSP-0533 Concrete Placement Inspection for
Pedestal @ C-0903, Area 900.

28th day Compressive Strength Test of

JGSS1EP-VPCI- the Remaining Pavement @ (North Quantum
535 10-Oct-18 Laboratory Testing H SW SW 11-Oct-18
FSP-0534 Side) H-0305, Heater Foundation, Area Laboratory
300 (24 mpa @ 28 days).

7th day Compressive Strength Test of

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Lean Concrete @ D-0510C, Area 500 / Quantum
536 10-Oct-18 Laboratory Testing H SW SW 11-Oct-18
FSP-0535 Concrete Pavement @ D-0600, Area 600 Laboratory
(24 mpa @ 28 days).
Elevation, Location, Rebar Works
537 11-Oct-18 Pre-pouring Inspection prior to fomworks closure of Area 900 H W SW 11-Oct-18
Pedestal @ C-0902, Area 900.
Elevation, Location, Rebar Works
538 11-Oct-18 Pre-pouring Inspection prior to fomworks closure of Area 900 H W SW 11-Oct-18
Pedestal @ C-0903, Area 900.
Elevation, Location, Rebar Works
539 11-Oct-18 Pre-pouring Inspection prior to fomworks closure of Area 600 H W SW 11-Oct-18
Pedestal @ Z-0651, Area 600.

84 / 647
Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Formworks, Anchor Bolt Setting and
540 11-Oct-18 Concrete Pouring Area 600 H W SW 12-Oct-18
FSP-0539 Concrete Placement Inspection for
Pedestal @ Structure-0605, Area 600.

Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,

Formworks, Anchor Bolt Setting and
541 11-Oct-18 Concrete Pouring Concrete Placement Inspection for Area 900 H W SW 12-Oct-18
Pedestal F1, & F4 @ K-0901
Compressor Shelter, Area 900.

28th day Compressive Strength Test of

the Remaining Pavement @ (South ASTEC,
542 11-Oct-18 Laboratory Testing Side) H-0305, Heater Foundation, Area Calamba City, H SW SW 12-Oct-18
300 / Lean Concrete @ Structure-0606 Laguna.
(F1) (24 mpa @ 28 days).

7th day Compressive Strength Test of

Foundation @ C-0903, Area 900,
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Structure-0605, Area 600 / Lean
543 11-Oct-18 Laboratory Testing Calamba City, H SW SW 12-Oct-18
FSP-0542 Concrete @ Strcuture-0605, Area 600 /
Concrete Pavement @ Structure-0601
(F2), Area 600 (24 mpa @ 28 days).

Elevation, Location,Surface Preparation,

Formworks and Concrete Placement
544 12-Oct-18 Concrete Pouring Inspection for Lean Concrete @ Area 600 H SW SW 12-Oct-18
Structure-0604 (F3), Area 600 & spillwall
@ STR-601 (F1)

Elevation, Location, Rebar Works

545 12-Oct-18 Pre-pouring Inspection prior to fomworks closure of Area 700 H W SW 12-Oct-18
Pedestal @ R-0701C, Area 700.

85 / 647
Elevation, Location, Rebar Works
546 12-Oct-18 Pre-pouring Inspection prior to fomworks closure of Area 500 H W SW 12-Oct-18
Pedestal @ D-0510C, Area 500.
Elevation, Location, Rebar Works
547 12-Oct-18 Pre-pouring Inspection prior to fomworks closure of Area 600 H W SW 12-Oct-18
Pedestal @ D-0693, Area 600.
Elevation, Location, Rebar Works
548 12-Oct-18 Pre-pouring Inspection prior to fomworks closure of Area 600 H W SW 12-Oct-18
Pedestal @ E-0623B, Area 600.
Elevation, Location, Rebar Works
549 12-Oct-18 Pre-pouring Inspection prior to fomworks closure of Area 600 H W SW 12-Oct-18
Pedestal @ LP-601, Area 600.

28th day Compressive Strength Test of ASTEC,

550 12-Oct-18 Laboratory Testing Foundation @ K-0901 Compressor Calamba City, H SW SW 13-Oct-18
Shelter, Area 900 (24 mpa @ 28 days). Laguna.

7th day Compressive Strength Test of

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Pedestal @ Quench Piperack (F1 & F2),
551 12-Oct-18 Laboratory Testing Calamba City, H SW SW 13-Oct-18
FSP-0550 Area 400 / Spillwall @ Chemical Injection
@ Area 400 (24 mpa @ 28 days).

7th day Compressive Strength Test of

Foundation @ D-0510C, Area 500, E- ASTEC,
552 12-Oct-18 Laboratory Testing 0623B, Area 600 / Spillwall @ Analyzer Calamba City, H SW SW 13-Oct-18
Shelter #13, D-0600 & Structure-0601 Laguna.
(F2), Area 600 (24 mpa @ 28 days).

Elevation, Location,Surface Preparation,

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Formworks and Concrete Placement
553 13-Oct-18 Concrete Pouring Area 800 H SW SW 15-Oct-18
FSP-0552 Inspection for Lean Concrete @ G-0805,
Area 800.

86 / 647
Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,
Formworks, Anchor Bolt Setting and
Concrete Placement Inspection for
554 13-Oct-18 Concrete Pouring Pedestal F1 (Gridline Pa), F2, F3 & F4 Area 900 H W SW 15-Oct-18
(Gridline Pb) / 1st Lift of Column of Base
Mat @ K-0901 Compressor Shelter, Area

7th day Compressive Strength Test of

Foundation @ D-0693 & LP-601 / Lean ASTEC,
555 13-Oct-18 Laboratory Testing Concrete @ R-0701C / Concrete Calamba City, H SW SW 15-Oct-18
Pavement & Spillwall @ Structure-0601 Laguna.
(F1 & F2) (24 mpa @ 28 days).

Elevation, Location,Surface Preparation,

Formworks and Concrete Placement
556 15-Oct-18 Concrete Pouring Inspection for Lean Concrete Area 600 H SW SW 15-Oct-18
(Remaining, East Side) @ Structure-
0604 (F3) , Area 600.

Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Anchor Bolt Setting and Concrete
557 15-Oct-18 Concrete Pouring Area 500 H W SW 16-Oct-18
FSP-0556 Placement Inspection for Pedestal @ D-
0510C, Area 500.

Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Anchor Bolt Setting and Concrete
558 15-Oct-18 Concrete Pouring Area 700 H W SW 16-Oct-18
FSP-0557 Placement Inspection for Pedestal @ R-
0701C, Area 700. "Octagon"

Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Anchor Bolt Setting and Concrete
559 15-Oct-18 Concrete Pouring Area 600 H W SW 16-Oct-18
FSP-0558 Placement Inspection for Pedestal @ D-
0693, Area 600.

87 / 647
28th day Compressive Strength Test of
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Foundation @ G-0909A/B / G-0907A/B /
560 15-Oct-18 Laboratory Testing Calamba City, H SW SW 16-Oct-18
FSP-0559 G-0910A/B / G-0908A/B (24 mpa @ 28

28th day Compressive Strength Test of

Foundation (F1) @ Structure-0606 / ASTEC,
561 15-Oct-18 Laboratory Testing Pedestal (F2) @ Structure-0606, Area Calamba City, H SW SW 16-Oct-18
600 / Lean Concrete @ E-0914 / E-0917, Laguna.
Area 900 (24 mpa @ 28 days).

Elevation, Location,Surface Preparation,

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Formworks and Concrete Placement
562 16-Oct-18 Concrete Pouring Area 800 H SW SW 15-Oct-18
FSP-0561 Inspection for Lean Concrete @ D-0811,
Area 800.

Elevation, Location,Surface Preparation,

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Formworks and Concrete Placement
563 16-Oct-18 Concrete Pouring Area 800 H SW SW 15-Oct-18
FSP-0562 Inspection for Lean Concrete @ G-
0811A/B, Area 800.

Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Rebar Works, Formworks and Concrete
564 16-Oct-18 Concrete Pouring Area 800 H W SW 17-Oct-18
FSP-0563 Placement Inspection for Foundation @
G-0811A/B Area 800.

Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Rebar Works, Formworks and Concrete
565 16-Oct-18 Concrete Pouring Area 800 H W SW 17-Oct-18
FSP-0564 Placement Inspection for Foundation @
D-0811 Area 800.

88 / 647
Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,
Rebar Works, Formworks, Anchor Box
566 16-Oct-18 Concrete Pouring Setting and Concrete Placement Area 800 H W SW 17-Oct-18
Inspection for Foundation @ G-0805
Area 800.
7th day Compressive Strength Test of
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Foundation @ R-0701C, Area 700 / Lean
567 16-Oct-18 Laboratory Testing Calamba City, H SW SW 17-Oct-18
FSP-0566 Concrete @ E-0624EF, Area 600 (24
mpa @ 28 days).

Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Rebar Works, Formworks and Concrete
568 17-Oct-18 Concrete Pouring Area 600 H W SW 18-Oct-18
FSP-0567 Placement Inspection for Foundation @
Structure-0604 (F3), Area 600.

Joint Inspection/Witness of Field Density

569 17-Oct-18 Laboratory Testing Test (By Sand Cone Method) 1st - 5th Area 600 H SW SW 18-Oct-18
Layer @ Z-0651, Area 600.

Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Rebar Works, Formworks and Concrete
570 18-Oct-18 Concrete Pouring Area 600 H W SW 19-Oct-18
FSP-0569 Placement Inspection for Foundation @
G-0906A/B, Area 600.

28th Day Compressive Strength Test of

Pedestal @ G-0909A/B / G-0907A/B / G- ASTEC,
571 18-Oct-18 Laboratory Testing 0910A/B / G-0908A/B / Foundation @ E- Calamba City, H SW SW 19-Oct-18
0914 / E-0917, Area 900 (24 Mpa @ 28 Laguna.

89 / 647
28th Day Compressive Strength Test of
Lean Concrete @ Z-0651, Area 600 /
Pre-Cast Foundation @ CB-NP01, CB-
JGSS1EP-VPCI- NP02, CB-NP03, CB-NP05 / Lean
572 18-Oct-18 Laboratory Testing Calamba City, H SW SW 19-Oct-18
FSP-0571 Concrete @ Quench Piperack, Area 400 /
Spill Wall @ H-0305 (North & West),
Heater Foundation, Area 300 (24 Mpa @
28 days).

7th day Compressive Strength Test of

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Pedestal @ C-0902, C-0903, K-0901
573 18-Oct-18 Laboratory Testing Calamba City, H SW SW 19-Oct-18
FSP-0572 F1&F4 (Gridline Pc), Area 900 (24 mpa
@ 28 days).

7th day Compressive Strength Test of

Pedestal @ Z-0651, Area 600 / Lean
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Concrete @ Structure-0604 (F3) West
574 18-Oct-18 Laboratory Testing Calamba City, H SW SW 19-Oct-18
FSP-0573 Side, Area 600 / Spillwall @ Structure-
0601 (F1), Area 600 (24 mpa @ 28

Joint Inspection/Witness of Field Density

Test (By Sand Cone Method) @ Sub-
575 18-Oct-18 Laboratory Testing Base In-between R-0902, E-0914, E- Area 900 H SW SW 19-Oct-18
0917 , G-0907A/B, G-0908A/B, G-
0909A/B & G-0910A/B, Area 900.

Elevation, Location,Surface Preparation,

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Formworks and Concrete Placement
576 19-Oct-18 Concrete Pouring Area 600 H SW SW 19-Oct-18
FSP-0575 Inspection for Lean Concrete @ E-
0611C, Area 600.

90 / 647
Visual Inspection of concrete surface
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Post Concrete prior to backfilling of Foundation &
577 19-Oct-18 Area 900 H SW SW 20-Oct-18
FSP-0576 Placement Pedestal @ K-0901 Compressor Shelter,
Area 900.

Visual Inspection of concrete surface

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Post Concrete
578 19-Oct-18 prior to backfilling of Foundation & Area 600 H SW SW 20-Oct-18
FSP-0577 Placement
Pedestal @ Structure-0605, Area 600.

Joint Inspection/Witness of Field Density

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Test (By Sand Cone Method) 1st - 8th
579 19-Oct-18 Laboratory Testing Area 900 H SW SW 20-Oct-18
FSP-0578 Layer @ K-0901 Compressor Shelter,
Area 900.

Joint Inspection/Witness of Field Density

580 19-Oct-18 Laboratory Testing Test (By Sand Cone Method) 1st - 9th Area 600 H SW SW 20-Oct-18
Layer @ Structure-0605, Area 600.

Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,

Rebar Works, Formworks and Concrete
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Placement Inspection for Concrete
581 19-Oct-18 Concrete Pouring Area 900 H SW SW 20-Oct-18
FSP-0580 Pavement in-between R-0902, E-0914,
E-0917 , G-0907A/B, G-0908A/B, G-
0909A/B & G-0910A/B, Area 900.

28th day Compressive Strength Test of

Pedestal @ Structure-0606 (F1), Area
600 / Lean Concrete @ Quench Piperack
JGSS1EP-VPCI- (F1), Area 400 , D-0640, Area 600 / Quantum
582 19-Oct-18 Laboratory Testing H SW SW 20-Oct-18
FSP-0581 Spillwall @ H-0305 (South Side), Heater Laboratory
Foundation, Area 300 / Pre-Cast
Foundation @ Catch Basin (CB-NP02 )
DPG-2, Area 900 (24 mpa @ 28 days).

91 / 647
Joint Inspection/Witness of Field Density
583 20-Oct-18 Laboratory Testing Test (By Sand Cone Method) @ Analyzer Area 300 H SW SW 22-Oct-18
Shelter #12, Area 300.

7th day Compressive Strength Test of

Pedestal @ F1 (Gridline Pa), F2, F3, F4
(Gridline Pb) K-0901, Area 900,
Structure-0605, Area 600 / 1st Lift of
584 20-Oct-18 Laboratory Testing Column @ Base Mat of K-0901, Area 900 H SW SW 22-Oct-18
FSP-0583 Laboratory
/ Lean Concrete @ Structure-0604 (F3)
Remaining @ East Side, Area 600, D-
0811, G-0811A/B, G-0805, Area 800 (24
mpa @ 28 days).

Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,

Rebar Works, Formworks, Anchor Bolt
585 22-Oct-18 Concrete Pouring Setting and Concrete Placement Area 600 H W SW 23-Oct-18
Inspection for Pedestal @ E-0623B,
Area 600.

Elevation, Location,Surface Preparation,

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Formworks, Rebar works and Concrete
586 22-Oct-18 Concrete Pouring Area 600 H W SW 23-Oct-18
FSP-0585 Placement Inspection for Foundation @
E-0611C, Area 600.

Elevation, Location,Surface Preparation,

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Formworks and Concrete Placement
587 23-Oct-18 Concrete Pouring Area 600 H SW SW 24-Oct-18
FSP-0587 Inspection for Lean Concrete @
Structure-0604 (F1), Area 600.

Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,

Rebar Works, Formworks, Anchor Bolt
588 24-Oct-18 Concrete Pouring Setting and Concrete Placement Area 900 H W SW 24-Sep-18
Inspection for Pedestal @ G-0906A/B,
Area 900.

92 / 647
Joint Inspection/Witness of Field Density
Test (By Sand Cone Method) of Sub-
589 24-Oct-18 Laboratory Testing Base Inbetween Structure-0903 F1 & F3, Area 900 H SW SW 25-Oct-18
K-0901 F1, FG1 & F4, D-0910 & D-0909,
Area 900.

Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Rebar Works, Formworks and Concrete
590 25-Oct-18 Concrete Pouring Area 800 H W SW 25-Oct-18
FSP-0590 Placement Inspection for Foundation @
G-0811A/B Area 800.

Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,

Rebar Works, Formworks, Anchor Bolt
591 25-Oct-18 Concrete Pouring Setting and Concrete Placement Area 300 H W SW 26-Oct-18
Inspection for Foundation @ Analyzer
Shelter #12, Area 300.

Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Rebar Works, Formworks and Concrete
592 25-Oct-18 Concrete Pouring Area 600 H W SW 26-Oct-18
FSP-0592 Placement Inspection for Foundation @
E-0624E/F, Area 600.

Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Rebar Works, Formworks and Concrete
593 25-Oct-18 Concrete Pouring Area 600 H W SW 26-Oct-18
FSP-0593 Placement Inspection for Foundation @
Structure-0604 (F1), Area 600.

Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,

Rebar Works, Formworks, Anchor Bolt
594 25-Oct-18 Concrete Pouring Setting and Concrete Placement Area 600 H W SW 26-Oct-18
Inspection for Pedestal @ E-0623B, Area

93 / 647
Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,
Rebar Works, Formworks, Anchor Bolt
595 25-Oct-18 Concrete Pouring Setting and Concrete Placement Area 600 H W SW 26-Oct-18
Inspection for Pedestal @ D-0693, Area
7th day Compressive Strength Test of
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Lean Concrete @ E-0611C, Area 600 / Quantum
596 25-Oct-18 Laboratory Testing H SW SW 26-Oct-18
FSP-0596 Foundation @ (F3) Structure-0604 (24 Laboratory
mpa @ 28 days).

7th day Compressive Strength Test of

597 25-Oct-18 Laboratory Testing Pedestal @ R-0701C, Area 700, D- H SW SW 26-Oct-18
FSP-0597 Laboratory
0510C, Area 500 (24 mpa @ 28 days).

7th day Compressive Strength Test of

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Foundation @ G-0805, D-0811, Area Quantum
598 25-Oct-18 Laboratory Testing H SW SW 26-Oct-18
FSP-0598 800, G-0906A/B, Area 900 (24 mpa @ 28 Laboratory

Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,

Rebar Works, Formworks and Concrete
599 26-Oct-18 Concrete Pouring Placement Inspection for Concrete Area 900 H SW SW 26-Oct-18
Pavement in-between Structure-0903, G-
0909A/B & G-0908A/B, Area 900.

Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Rebar Works, Formworks and Concrete
600 27-Oct-18 Concrete Pouring Area 900 H SW SW 27-Oct-18
FSP-0600 Placement Inspection for Concrete
Pavement @ Structure-0904, Area 900.

Elevation, Location,Surface Preparation,

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Formworks and Concrete Placement
601 27-Oct-18 Concrete Pouring Area 400 H SW SW 27-Oct-18
FSP-0601 Inspection for Lean Concrete @
Structure-0406, Area 400.

94 / 647
Elevation, Location, Rebar Works
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Inspection prior to fomworks closure of
602 27-Oct-18 Pre-pouring Area 600 H W SW 29-Oct-18
FSP-0602 Pedestal @ Structure-0604 (F1), Area
Elevation, Location, Rebar Works
603 27-Oct-18 Pre-pouring Inspection prior to fomworks closure of Area 600 H W SW 29-Oct-18
Pedestal @ E-0611C, Area 600.
Elevation, Location,Surface Preparation,
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Formworks and Concrete Placement
604 27-Oct-18 Concrete Pouring Area 900 H SW SW 29-Oct-18
FSP-0604 Inspection for Lean Concrete @ D-0912,
Area 900.
Elevation, Location,Surface Preparation,
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Formworks and Concrete Placement
605 27-Oct-18 Concrete Pouring Area 900 H SW SW 29-Oct-18
FSP-0605 Inspection for Lean Concrete @ D-0908,
Area 900.

28th day Compressive Strength Test of

Foundation @ Z-0651, Area 600 /
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Precast Wall @ Catch Basin CB-NP01, Quantum
606 27-Oct-18 Laboratory Testing H SW SW 29-Oct-18
FSP-0606 Heater Foundation, Area 300, NP02, Laboratory
NP03 & NPO5 DPG-2, Area 900 (24 mpa
@ 28 days).

7th day Compressive Strength Test of

Concrete Pavement Inbetween R-0902,
607 27-Oct-18 Laboratory Testing Structure-0903, E-0917, E-0914, G- H SW SW 29-Oct-18
FSP-0607 Laboratory
0909A/B, G-0910A/B & G-0907A/B (24
mpa @ 28 days).

28th day Compressive Strength Test of

Foundation @ Z-0901, Z-0902, Area 900,
JGSS1EP-VPCI- D-0640, Area 600 / Lean Concrete @ Z- Quantum
608 29-Oct-18 Laboratory Testing H SW SW 30-Oct-18
FSP-0608 0901, Z-0902 & C-0903, Area 900 / Pre- Laboratory
Cast Wall @ CB-NO01, DPG-2, Area 900
(24 mpa @ 28 days).

95 / 647
28th day Compressive Strength Test of
Foundation @ Quench Piperack (F1 &
609 29-Oct-18 Laboratory Testing F2), Area 400 / Lean Concrete @ D- H SW SW 30-Oct-18
FSP-0609 Laboratory
0693, LP-601 & E-0623B, Area 600 (24
mpa @ 28 days).
Elevation, Location, Surface
Preparation, Rebar Works, Formworks
610 29-Oct-18 Concrete Pouring and Concrete Placement Inspection Area 400 H W SW 30-Oct-18
for Foundation @ Structure-0406,
Area 600.
Joint Inspection/Witness of Field
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Density Test (By Sand Cone Method)
611 29-Oct-18 Laboratory Testing Area 900 H SW SW 30-Oct-18
FSP-0611 of Sub-Base Inbetween C-0902, C-
0903 & G-0906A/B, Area 900.

Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Rebar Works, Formworks and Concrete
612 30-Oct-18 Concrete Pouring Area 900 H W SW 30-Oct-18
FSP-0612 Placement Inspection for Spillwall @
DPG-2 Piperack, Area 900.

Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Rebar Works, Formworks and Concrete
613 30-Oct-18 Concrete Pouring Area 900 H W SW 30-Oct-18
FSP-0613 Placement Inspection for Spillwall @
Structure-0904, Area 900.

Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,

Rebar Works, Formworks and Concrete
Placement Inspection for Concrete
614 30-Oct-18 Concrete Pouring Pavement Inbetween G-0906A/B, G- Area 900 H W SW 31-Oct-18
0907A/B, G-0908A/B, G-0910A/B, C-
0902, C-0903 & D-0912, DPG-2, Area

28th day Compressive Strength Test of

615 30-Oct-18 Laboratory Testing Concrete Pavement @ Analyzer Shelter H SW SW 31-Oct-18
FSP-0615 Laboratory
#13, Area 600 (24 mpa @ 28 days).

96 / 647
28th day Compressive Strength Test of
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Foundation @ K-0901, Area 900 / Quantum
616 30-Oct-18 Laboratory Testing H SW SW 31-Oct-18
FSP-0616 Concrete Pavement @ Chemical Laboratory
Injection, Area 400 (24 mpa @ 28 days).

7th day Compressive Strength Test of

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Foundation @ E-0611C / Lean Concrete Quantum
617 30-Oct-18 Laboratory Testing H SW SW 31-Oct-18
FSP-0617 @ Structure-0604 (F1), Area 600 (24 Laboratory
mpa @ 28 days).
Joint Inspection/Witness of Field Density
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Test (By Sand Cone Method) 1st - 3rd
618 31-Oct-18 Laboratory Testing Area 900 H SW SW 31-Oct-18
FSP-0618 Layer Inbetween C-0902, C-0903 & G-
0906A/B, Area 900.

Joint Inspection/Witness of Field Density

619 31-Oct-18 Laboratory Testing Test (By Sand Cone Method) of Sub- Area 900 H SW SW 31-Oct-18
Base @ Struture-0904, Area 900.

Joint Inspection/Witness of Field Density

620 31-Oct-18 Laboratory Testing Test (By Sand Cone Method) @ Area 400 H SW SW 31-Oct-18
Strcuture-0406, Area 400.
Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,
Rebar Works, Formworks, Anchor Bolt
621 31-Oct-18 Concrete Pouring Setting and Concrete Placement Area 800 H W SW 31-Oct-18
Inspection for Pedestal @ G-0811A/B,
Area 800.

Elevation, Location,Surface Preparation,

Formworks and Concrete Placement
622 31-Oct-18 Concrete Pouring Inspection for Lean Concrete @ Area 900 H SW SW 31-Oct-18
Structure-0903 (F4) DPG-2 Piperack,
Area 900.

97 / 647
28th day Compressive Strength Test of
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Lean Concrete @ D-0510C, Area 500 / Quantum
623 31-Oct-18 Laboratory Testing H SW SW 1-Nov-18
FSP-0623 Concrete Pavement @ D-0600, Area 600 Laboratory
(24 mpa @ 28 days).

7th day Compressive Strength Test of

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Foundation @ G-0811A/B (West Fdn.), Quantum
624 31-Oct-18 Laboratory Testing H SW SW 1-Nov-18
FSP-0624 Area 800 / Pedestal @ G-0906A/B, Area Laboratory
900 (24 mpa @ 28 days).

28th day Compressive Strength Test of

Foundation @ C-0903, Area 900,
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Structure-0605, Area 600 / Lean Quantum
625 1-Nov-18 Laboratory Testing H SW SW 2-Nov-18
FSP-0625 Concrete @ Strcuture-0605, Area 600 / Laboratory
Concrete Pavement @ Structure-0601
(F2), Area 600 (24 mpa @ 28 days).

7th day Compressive Strength Test of

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Foundation @ Analyzer Shelter #12, Area Quantum
626 1-Nov-18 Laboratory Testing H SW SW 2-Nov-18
FSP-0626 300 / Structure-0604 (F1), Area 600 (24 Laboratory
mpa @ 28 days).

7th day Compressive Strength Test of

Pedestal @ D-0693, Area 600 / Concrete
627 1-Nov-18 Laboratory Testing Pavement Inbetween Structure-0903, G- H SW SW 2-Nov-18
FSP-0627 Laboratory
0909A/B & G-0908A/B, Area 900 (24
mpa @ 28 days).

Elevation, Location, Rebar Works

628 2-Nov-18 Pre-pouring Inspection prior to fomworks closure of Area 400 H W SW 2-Nov-18
Pedestal @ Structure-0406, Area 400.

Elevation, Location, Rebar Works

629 2-Nov-18 Pre-pouring Inspection prior to fomworks closure of Area 600 H W SW 2-Nov-18
Pedestal @ E-0624EF, Area 600.

98 / 647
Joint Inspection/Witness of Field Density
630 2-Nov-18 Laboratory Testing Test (By Sand Cone Method) 1st - 4th Area 500 H SW SW 5-Nov-18
Layer @ D-0510C, Area 500.

Joint Inspection/Witness of Field Density

631 2-Nov-18 Laboratory Testing Test (By Sand Cone Method) of Sub- Area 500 H SW SW 5-Nov-18
Base @ D-0510C, Area 500.

Elevation, Location,Surface Preparation,

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Formworks and Concrete Placement
632 2-Nov-18 Concrete Pouring Area 600 H SW SW 5-Nov-18
FSP-0632 Inspection for Lean Concrete @ D-0651
& D-0691, Area 600.

Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,

Rebar Works, Formworks, Anchor Bolt
633 2-Nov-18 Concrete Pouring Setting and Concrete Placement Area 900 H W SW 5-Nov-18
Inspection for Foundation @ D-0912,
Area 900.

Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,

Rebar Works, Formworks, Anchor Bolt
634 2-Nov-18 Concrete Pouring Setting and Concrete Placement Area 700 H W SW 5-Nov-18
Inspection for Pedestal (P1) @ R-
0701C, Area 700.

Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,

Rebar Works, Formworks, Anchor Bolt
635 2-Nov-18 Concrete Pouring Setting and Concrete Placement Area 600 H W SW 5-Nov-18
Inspection for Pedestal (F1 & F3) @
Structure-0604, Area 600.

Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Rebar Works, Formworks and Concrete
636 2-Nov-18 Concrete Pouring Area 400 H W SW 5-Nov-18
FSP-0636 Placement Inspection for Foundation
(F4) @ Structure-0903, Area 900.

99 / 647
30th day Compressive Strength Test of
Foundation @ D-0510C, Area 500, E-
637 2-Nov-18 Laboratory Testing 0623B, Area 600 / Spillwall @ Analyzer H SW SW 5-Nov-18
FSP-0637 Laboratory
Shelter # 13, D-0600 & Structure-0601
(F2), Area 600 (24 MPa @ 28 days).

30th day Compressive Strength Test of

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Pedestal @ Quench Piperack (F1 & F2), Quantum
638 2-Nov-18 Laboratory Testing H SW SW 5-Nov-18
FSP-0638 Area 400 / Spillwall @ Chemical Laboratory
Injection, Area 400 (24 MPa @ 28 days).

9th day Compressive Strength Test of

639 2-Nov-18 Laboratory Testing Concrete Pavement @ Structure-0904, H SW SW 5-Nov-18
FSP-0639 Laboratory
Area 900 (24 MPa @ 28 days).
9th day Compressive Strength Test of
Lean Concrete @ Structure-0406, Area
640 2-Nov-18 Laboratory Testing 400 / Foundation @ E-0624EF, Area H SW SW 5-Nov-18
FSP-0640 Laboratory
600 / Pedestal @ E-0623B, Area 600 (24
MPa @ 28 days).

28th day Compressive Strength Test of

Foundation @ D-0693 & LP-601, Area
JGSS1EP-VPCI- 600 / Lean Concrete @ R-0701C, Area Quantum
641 2-Nov-18 Laboratory Testing H SW SW 5-Nov-18
FSP-0641 700 / Concrete Pavement & Spillwall @ Laboratory
Structure-0601 F1 & F2, Area 600 (24
MPa @ 28 days).

Material Inspection of Delivered Anchor

642 5-Nov-18 Material Inspection Bolts (M30 Type 1, M36 Type 1, M48 Laydown H SW SW 5-Nov-18
Type 1, M20 Type 1, M10 Type 1).

100 / 647
Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Rebar Works, Anchor Bolt Setting and
643 5-Nov-18 Concrete Pouring Area 400 H W SW 5-Nov-18
FSP-0643 Concrete Placement Inspection for
Pedestal @ Structure-0406, Area 400.

Joint Inspection/Witness of Field Density

644 5-Nov-18 Laboratory Testing Test (By Sand Cone Method) @ K-0901 Area 900 H SW SW 5-Nov-18
Lube Oil Console, Area 900.

Elevation, Location, Rebar Works

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Inspection prior to fomworks closure of
645 5-Nov-18 Pre-pouring Area 900 H W SW 6-Nov-18
FSP-0645 Pedestal @ (F4) Structure-0903 & DPG-
2, Area 900.

Elevation, Location,Surface Preparation,

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Formworks and Concrete Placement
646 5-Nov-18 Concrete Pouring Area 900 H SW SW 6-Nov-18
FSP-0646 Inspection for Lean Concrete @ K-0901
Lube Oil Console, Area 900.

7th day Compressive Strength Test of

647 5-Nov-18 Laboratory Testing Foundation @ Structure-0406, Area 400 H SW SW 6-Nov-18
FSP-0647 Laboratory
(24 MPa @ 28 days).
Joint Inspection/Witness of Field Density
648 5-Nov-18 Laboratory Testing Test (By Sand Cone Method) 1st - 3rd Area 600 H SW SW 5-Nov-18
Layer @ D-0693, Area 600.

Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Rebar Works, Formworks and Concrete
649 5-Nov-18 Concrete Pouring Area 900 H W SW 5-Nov-18
FSP-0649 Placement Inspection for remaining
Spillwall @ DPG-2, Area 900.

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Material Inspection of Delivered Steel

650 6-Nov-18 Material Inspection Laydown H SW SW 6-Nov-18
FSP-0650 Grating.

101 / 647
Joint Inspection/Witness of Field Density
651 6-Nov-18 Laboratory Testing Test (By Sand Cone Method) 1st - 5th Area 600 H SW SW 7-Nov-18
Layer @ E-0623B, Area 600.

28th day Compressive Strength Test of

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Foundation @ R-0701C, Area 700 / Lean Quantum
652 6-Nov-18 Laboratory Testing H SW SW 7-Nov-18
FSP-0652 Concrete @ E-0624EF, Area 600 (24 Laboratory
MPa @ 28 days).

7th day Compressive Strength Test of

Concrete Pavement @ C-0903, C-0902,
G-0906A/B, G-0908A/B, G-0907A/B, G-
0910A/B / Spillwall @ Structure-0904, R-
653 6-Nov-18 Laboratory Testing 0908, Structure-0903 & DPG-2, Area 900 H SW SW 7-Nov-18
FSP-0653 Laboratory
/ Pedestal @ G-0811A/B, Area 800 /
Lean Concrete @ Structure-0903 &
DPG-2 (F4), Area 900 (24 MPa @ 28

Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Rebar Works, Formworks and Concrete
654 6-Nov-18 Concrete Pouring Area 600 H W SW 7-Nov-18
FSP-0654 Placement Inspection for Foundation @
D0651 & D-0691, Area 600.

Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Rebar Works, Anchor Bolt Setting and
655 6-Nov-18 Concrete Pouring Area 600 H W SW 7-Nov-18
FSP-0655 Concrete Placement Inspection for
Pedestal @ E-0611C, Area 600.

2nd day Compressive Strength Test of

Pedestal @ Structure-0604 (F1 & F3),
656 7-Nov-18 Laboratory Testing Area 600, R-0701C (P1), Area 700 / Lean H SW SW 7-Nov-18
FSP-0656 Laboratory
Concrete @ D-651 &D-0691, Area 600
(24 MPa @ 3 days).

102 / 647
Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Rebar Works, Anchor Bolt Setting and
657 7-Nov-18 Concrete Pouring Area 600 H W SW 8-Nov-18
FSP-0657 Concrete Placement Inspection for
Pedestal @ E-0624EF, Area 600.

3rd day Compressive Strength Test of

Pedestal @ Structure-0604 (F1 & F3),
658 7-Nov-18 Laboratory Testing Area 600, R-0701C (P1), Area 700 / Lean H SW SW 8-Nov-18
FSP-0658 Laboratory
Concrete @ D-651 &D-0691, Area 600
(24 MPa @ 3 days).

Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,

Rebar Works, Formworks, Anchor Bolt
659 8-Nov-18 Concrete Pouring Setting and Concrete Placement Area 900 H W SW 8-Nov-18
Inspection for Pedestal @ D-0912, Area

Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,

Rebar Works, Anchor Bolt Setting and
660 8-Nov-18 Concrete Pouring Concrete Placement Inspection for Area 900 H W SW 8-Nov-18
Pedestal @ Structure-0903 & DPG-2
(F4), Area 900.

Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,

Rebar Works, Formworks, Anchor Bolt
661 8-Nov-18 Concrete Pouring Setting and Concrete Placement Area 900 H W SW 8-Nov-18
Inspection for Foundation @ K-0901
Lube Oil Console, Area 900.

Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Rebar Works, Formworks and Concrete
662 8-Nov-18 Concrete Pouring Area 600 H W SW 8-Nov-18
FSP-0662 Placement Inspection of Modified
Pedestal @ D-0690, Area 600.

103 / 647
Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Rebar Works, Anchor Bolt Setting and
663 8-Nov-18 Concrete Pouring Area 600 H W SW 8-Nov-18
FSP-0663 Concrete Placement Inspection for
Pedestal @ LP-601, Area 600.

Elevation, Location, Rebar Works

664 8-Nov-18 Pre-pouring Inspection prior to fomworks closure of Area 600 H W SW 9-Nov-18
Pedestal @ D-0651 & D-0691, Area 600.

28th day Compressive Strength Test of

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Pedestal @ C-0902, C-0903, K-0901 Quantum
665 8-Nov-18 Laboratory Testing H SW SW 9-Nov-18
FSP-0665 F1&F4 (Gridline Pc), Area 900 (24 mpa Laboratory
@ 28 days).

28th day Compressive Strength Test of

Pedestal @ Z-0651, Area 600 / Lean
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Concrete @ Structure-0604 (F3) West Quantum
666 8-Nov-18 Laboratory Testing H SW SW 9-Nov-18
FSP-0666 Side, Area 600 / Spillwall @ Structure- Laboratory
0601 (F1), Area 600 (24 mpa @ 28

1st day Compressive Strength Test of

Pedestal @ Structure-0903 & DGP2 (F4),
667 8-Nov-18 Laboratory Testing D-0912, Area 900 / Concrete Pavement H SW SW 9-Nov-18
FSP-0667 Laboratory
@ DPG-2 (Restoration), 24 mpa @ 3
Visual Inspection of concrete surface
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Post Concrete
668 9-Nov-18 prior to backfilling of Foundation & Area 700 H SW SW 9-Nov-18
FSP-0668 Placement
Pedestal @ R-0701C, Area 700.
Visual Inspection of concrete surface
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Post Concrete prior to backfilling of Foundation &
669 9-Nov-18 Area 600 H SW SW 9-Nov-18
FSP-0669 Placement Pedestal @ Structure-0604 (F1 & F3),
Area 600.

104 / 647
Visual Inspection of concrete surface
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Post Concrete
670 9-Nov-18 prior to backfilling of Foundation & Area 400 H SW SW 9-Nov-18
FSP-0670 Placement
Pedestal @ Structure-0406, Area 400.

Visual Inspection of concrete surface

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Post Concrete
671 9-Nov-18 prior to backfilling of Foundation & Area 600 H SW SW 9-Nov-18
FSP-0671 Placement
Pedestal @ E-0623B, Area 600.

Joint Inspection/Witness of Field Density

672 9-Nov-18 Laboratory Testing Test (By Sand Cone Method) 1st - 4th Area 700 H SW SW 9-Nov-18
Layer @ R-0701C, Area 700.

Joint Inspection/Witness of Field Density

673 9-Nov-18 Laboratory Testing Test (By Sand Cone Method) 1st - 6th Area 400 H SW SW 9-Nov-18
Layer @ Structure-0406, Area 400.

28th day Compressive Strength Test of

Pedestal @ F1 (Gridline Pa), F2, F3, F4
(Gridline Pb) K-0901, Area 900,
Structure-0605, Area 600 / 1st Lift of
674 12-Nov-18 Laboratory Testing Column @ Base Mat of K-0901, Area 900 H SW SW 12-Nov-18
FSP-0674 Laboratory
/ Lean Concrete @ Structure-0604 (F3)
Remaining @ East Side, Area 600, D-
0811, G-0811A/B, G-0805, Area 800 (24
mpa @ 28 days).

7th day Compressive Strength Test of

Pedestal @ Structure-0604 (F1 & F3),
675 12-Nov-18 Laboratory Testing Area 600, R-0701C (P1), Area 700 / Lean H SW SW 12-Nov-18
FSP-0675 Laboratory
Concrete @ D-651 &D-0691, Area 600
(24 MPa @ 3 days).

105 / 647
7th day Compressive Strength Test of
Lean Concrete @ K-0901 Lube Oil
Console, Area 900 / Pedestal @
676 12-Nov-18 Laboratory Testing Structure-0406, Area 400 / Spillwall @ H SW SW 12-Nov-18
FSP-0676 Laboratory
DPG-2, Area 900 / Foundation @ D-
0912, Structure-0903 & DPG-2 (F4), Area
900 (24 MPa @ 28 days).

4th day Compressive Strength Test of

Pedestal @ Structure-0903 & DGP2 (F4),
677 12-Nov-18 Laboratory Testing D-0912, Area 900 / Concrete Pavement H SW SW 12-Nov-18
FSP-0677 Laboratory
@ DPG-2 (Restoration), 24 mpa @ 3
Visual Inspection of concrete surface
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Post Concrete prior to backfilling of Foundation &
678 12-Nov-18 Area 900 H SW SW 12-Nov-18
FSP-0678 Placement Pedestal @ Structure-0903 & DPG-2
(F4), Area 900.
Joint Inspection/Witness of Field Density
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Test (By Sand Cone Method) 1st - 4th
679 12-Nov-18 Laboratory Testing Area 900 H SW SW 12-Nov-18
FSP-0679 Layer @ Structure-0903 & DPG-2 (F4),
Area 900.

Joint Inspection/Witness of Field Density

680 12-Nov-18 Laboratory Testing Test (By Sand Cone Method) of Sub- Area 700 H SW SW 12-Nov-18
Base Course @ R-0701C, Area 700.

Joint Inspection/Witness of Field Density

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Test (By Sand Cone Method) of Sub-
681 12-Nov-18 Laboratory Testing Area 400 H SW SW 12-Nov-18
FSP-0681 Base Course @ Structure-0406, Area

Elevation, Location,Surface Preparation,

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Formworks and Concrete Placement
682 12-Nov-18 Concrete Pouring Area 600 H SW SW 12-Nov-18
FSP-0682 Inspection for Lean Concrete @ E-
00690, Area 600.

106 / 647
Joint Inspection/Witness of Field Density
683 12-Nov-18 Laboratory Testing Test (By Sand Cone Method) @ E-0405, Area 400 H SW SW 12-Nov-18
Area 400.
Joint Inspection/Witness of Field
684 12-Nov-18 Laboratory Testing Density Test (By Sand Cone Method) Area 500 H SW SW 13-Nov-18
@ E-0509B, Area 500.

Elevation, Location,Surface Preparation,

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Formworks and Concrete Placement
685 12-Nov-18 Concrete Pouring Area 500 H SW SW 13-Nov-18
FSP-0685 Inspection for Lean Concrete @ E-
0509B, Area 500.

Elevation, Location,Surface Preparation,

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Formworks and Concrete Placement
686 12-Nov-18 Concrete Pouring Area 400 H SW SW 13-Nov-18
FSP-0686 Inspection for Lean Concrete @ E-
0405R, Area 400.

Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Rebar Works, Anchor Bolt Setting and
687 12-Nov-18 Concrete Pouring Area 600 H W SW 13-Nov-18
FSP-0687 Concrete Placement Inspection for
Pedestal @ D-0651 & D-0691, Area 600.

Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,

Rebar Works, Formworks, Anchor Bolt
688 12-Nov-18 Concrete Pouring Setting and Concrete Placement Area 600 H W SW 13-Nov-18
Inspection for Foundation @ E-0690,
Area 600.

Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Rebar Works, Formworks and Concrete
689 13-Nov-18 Concrete Pouring Area 700 H W SW 14-Nov-18
FSP-0689 Placement Inspection for Concrete
Pavement @ R-0701C, Area 700.

107 / 647
Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Rebar Works, Formworks and Concrete
690 13-Nov-18 Concrete Pouring Area 500 H W SW 14-Nov-18
FSP-0690 Placement Inspection for Concrete
Pavement @ D-0510C, Area 500.
Joint Inspection/Witness of Field Density
691 14-Nov-18 Laboratory Testing Test (By Sand Cone Method) @ E- Area 400 H SW SW 14-Nov-18
0401B, Area 400.
Joint Inspection/Witness of Field Density
692 14-Nov-18 Laboratory Testing Test (By Sand Cone Method) @ Area 400 H SW SW 14-Nov-18
Structure-0407, Area 400.

Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,

Rebar Works, Formworks and Concrete
693 14-Nov-18 Concrete Pouring Placement Inspection for Restoration of Area 400 H W SW 14-Nov-18
Concrete Pavement @ Structure-0406,
Area 400.

Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Rebar Works, Formworks and Concrete
694 14-Nov-18 Concrete Pouring Area 400 H SW SW 14-Nov-18
FSP-0694 Placement Inspection for Lean Concrete
@ E-0401B, Area 400.

Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Rebar Works, Formworks and Concrete
695 14-Nov-18 Concrete Pouring Area 400 H SW SW 14-Nov-18
FSP-0695 Placement Inspection for Lean Concrete
@ Structure-0407, Area 400.

7th day Compressive Strength Test of

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Foundation @ D-0651 & D-0691, Area Quantum
696 14-Nov-18 Laboratory Testing H SW SW 15-Nov-18
FSP-0696 600 / Pedestal @ D-0690, Area 600 (24 Laboratory
MPa @ 28 days).

7th day Compressive Strength Test of

697 14-Nov-18 Laboratory Testing Pedestal @ E-0624EF, E-0611C & LP- H SW SW 15-Nov-18
FSP-0697 Laboratory
601, Area 600 (24 MPa @ 28 days).

108 / 647
7th day Compressive Strength Test of
Pedestal @ Structure-0903 & DGP2 (F4),
698 14-Nov-18 Laboratory Testing D-0912, Area 900 / Concrete Pavement H SW SW 15-Nov-18
FSP-0698 Laboratory
@ DPG-2 (Restoration), 24 mpa @ 3
Joint Inspection/Witness of Field Density
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Test (By Sand Cone Method) @ East &
699 14-Nov-18 Laboratory Testing Area 300 H SW SW 15-Nov-18
FSP-0699 West Side of Analyzer Shelter #12, Area

Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,

Rebar Works, Formworks and Concrete
700 14-Nov-18 Concrete Pouring Placement Inspection of Concrete Area 300 H W SW 15-Nov-18
Pavement @ East & West Side of
Analyzer Shelter #12, Area 300.

Visual Inspection of concrete surface

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Post Concrete
701 15-Nov-18 prior to backfilling of Foundation & Area 600 H SW SW 16-Nov-18
FSP-0701 Placement
Pedestal @ E-0624EF, Area 600.
Visual Inspection of concrete surface
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Post Concrete
702 15-Nov-18 prior to backfilling of Foundation & Area 600 H SW SW 16-Nov-18
FSP-0702 Placement
Pedestal @ E-0611C, Area 600.
Visual Inspection of concrete surface
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Post Concrete
703 15-Nov-18 prior to backfilling of Foundation & Area 600 H SW SW 16-Nov-18
FSP-0703 Placement
Pedestal @ LP-601, Area 600.

Joint Inspection/Witness of Field Density

704 15-Nov-18 Laboratory Testing Test (By Sand Cone Method) 1st - 2nd Area 600 H SW SW 16-Nov-18
Layer @ E-0624EF, Area 600.

Joint Inspection/Witness of Field Density

705 15-Nov-18 Laboratory Testing Test (By Sand Cone Method) 1st - 2nd Area 600 H SW SW 16-Nov-18
Layer @ E-0611C, Area 600.

109 / 647
Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,
Rebar Works, Formworks and Concrete
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Placement Inspection for Restoration of
706 15-Nov-18 Concrete Pouring Area 900 H SW SW 16-Nov-18
FSP-0706 Concrete Pavement @ DPG-2 near D-
0902, G-0906A/B & Structure-0903 (F4),
Area 900.

Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Rebar Works, Formworks and Concrete
707 15-Nov-18 Concrete Pouring Area 900 H SW SW 16-Nov-18
FSP-0707 Placement Inspection of Foundation @
D-0908, Area 900.

28th day Compressive Strength Test of

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Lean Concrete @ E-0611C, Area 600 / Quantum
708 15-Nov-18 Laboratory Testing H SW SW 16-Nov-18
FSP-0708 Foundation @ (F3) Structure-0604 (24 Laboratory
mpa @ 28 days).

28th day Compressive Strength Test of

709 15-Nov-18 Laboratory Testing Pedestal @ R-0701C, Area 700, D- H SW SW 16-Nov-18
FSP-0709 Laboratory
0510C, Area 500 (24 mpa @ 28 days).

28th day Compressive Strength Test of

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Foundation @ G-0805, D-0811, Area Quantum
710 15-Nov-18 Laboratory Testing H SW SW 16-Nov-18
FSP-0710 800, G-0906A/B, Area 900 (24 mpa @ 28 Laboratory

Visual Inspection of concrete surface

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Post Concrete
711 16-Nov-18 prior to backfilling of Foundation & Area 600 H SW SW 16-Nov-18
FSP-0711 Placement
Pedestal @ D-0651 & D-0691, Area 600.

Joint Inspection/Witness of Field Density

712 16-Nov-18 Laboratory Testing Test (By Sand Cone Method) 1st - 4th Area 600 H SW SW 16-Nov-18
Layer @ D-0651 & D-0691, Area 600.

110 / 647
Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,
Rebar Works, Formworks and Concrete
713 16-Nov-18 Concrete Pouring Placement Inspection for Restoration of Area 500 H SW SW 16-Nov-18
Concrete Pavement @ D-0510C, Area

Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,

Rebar Works, Formworks and Concrete
714 16-Nov-18 Concrete Pouring Placement Inspection for Restoration of Area 700 H SW SW 16-Nov-18
Concrete Pavement @ R-0701C, Area

Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Rebar Works, Formworks and Concrete
715 16-Nov-18 Concrete Pouring Area 500 H SW SW 17-Nov-18
FSP-0715 Placement Inspection of Foundation @
E-0509B, Area 500.

Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Rebar Works, Formworks and Concrete
716 16-Nov-18 Concrete Pouring Area 400 H SW SW 17-Nov-18
FSP-0716 Placement Inspection of Foundation @
E-0405R, Area 400.

Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Rebar Works, Formworks and Concrete
717 16-Nov-18 Concrete Pouring Area 400 H SW SW 17-Nov-18
FSP-0717 Placement Inspection of Foundation @
E-0401B, Area 400.

7th day Compressive Strength Test of

Foundation @ K-0901 Lube Oil Console,
718 16-Nov-18 Laboratory Testing Area 900 / Lean Concrete @ E-0690, H SW SW 17-Nov-18
FSP-0718 Laboratory
Area 600 (24 mpa @ 28 days).
LaboratorD724:E733y Testing

111 / 647
Joint Inspection/Witness of Field Density
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Test (By Sand Cone Method) 1st - 3rd
719 17-Nov-18 Laboratory Testing Area 400 H SW SW 17-Nov-18
FSP-0719 Layer @ FW-39871, Area 400.
LaboratorD725:E733y Testing

Joint Inspection/Witness of Field Density

720 17-Nov-18 Laboratory Testing Test (By Sand Cone Method) 1st - 3rd Area 600 H SW SW 17-Nov-18
Layer @ FW-39906, Area 600.

Joint Inspection/Witness of Field Density

721 17-Nov-18 Laboratory Testing Test (By Sand Cone Method) 1st - 3rd Area 600 H SW SW 17-Nov-18
Layer @ FW-39870, Area 600.

Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Formworks and Concrete Placement
722 17-Nov-18 Concrete Pouring Area 400 H SW SW 17-Nov-18
FSP-0722 Inspection of Lean Concrete @ Y-
0415A/B, Area 400.

Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,

Rebar Works, Formworks and Concrete
723 17-Nov-18 Concrete Pouring Placement Inspection for Remaining Area 300 H SW SW 17-Nov-18
Concrete Pavement @ H-0305 (near
Manhole), Heater Foundation, Area 300.

Elevation, Location, Rebar Works

724 17-Nov-18 Pre-pouring Inspection prior to fomworks closure of Area 500 H W SW 19-Nov-18
Pedestal @ E-0509B, Area 500.
Elevation, Location, Rebar Works
725 17-Nov-18 Pre-pouring Inspection prior to fomworks closure of Area 400 H W SW 19-Nov-18
Pedestal @ E-0405R, Area 400.
Elevation, Location, Rebar Works
726 17-Nov-18 Pre-pouring Inspection prior to fomworks closure of Area 400 H W SW 19-Nov-18
Pedestal @ E-0401B, Area 400.

112 / 647
28th day Compressive Strength Test of
Concrete Pavement Inbetween R-0902,
727 17-Nov-18 Laboratory Testing Structure-0903, E-0917, E-0914, G- H SW SW 19-Nov-18
FSP-0727 Laboratory
0909A/B, G-0910A/B & G-0907A/B (24
mpa @ 28 days).

Joint Inspection/Witness of Field Density

728 19-Nov-18 Laboratory Testing Test (By Sand Cone Method) 1st - 4th Area 600 H SW SW 19-Nov-18
Layer @ Structure-0604 (F3), Area 600.

Joint Inspection/Witness of Field Density

729 19-Nov-18 Laboratory Testing Test (By Sand Cone Method) 1st - 4th Area 600 H SW SW 19-Nov-18
Layer @ Structure-0604 (F1), Area 600.

Joint Inspection/Witness of Trial Batch

730 19-Nov-18 Laboratory Testing (Concrete Strength = 30 Mpa @ 28 H SW SW 20-Nov-18
FSP-0730 Laboratory
Joint Inspection/Witness of Field Density
731 20-Nov-18 Laboratory Testing Test (By Sand Cone Method) @ E- Area 400 H SW SW 20-Nov-18
0407C, Area 400.

Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Rebar Works, Formworks and Concrete
732 20-Nov-18 Concrete Pouring Area 400 H SW SW 20-Nov-18
FSP-0732 Placement Inspection for Lean Concrete
@ E-0407C, Area 400.

Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Rebar Works, Anchor Box Setting and
733 20-Nov-18 Concrete Pouring Area 400 H W SW 20-Nov-18
FSP-0733 Concrete Placement Inspection for
Pedestal @ E-0405R, Area 400.

113 / 647
Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Rebar Works, Anchor Bolt Setting and
734 20-Nov-18 Concrete Pouring Area 400 H W SW 20-Nov-18
FSP-0734 Concrete Placement Inspection for
Pedestal @ E-0401B, Area 400.

Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Rebar Works, Anchor Bolt Setting and
735 20-Nov-18 Concrete Pouring Area 900 H W SW 20-Nov-18
FSP-0735 Concrete Placement Inspection for
Pedestal @ D-0908, Area 900.

Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,

Rebar Works, Formworks and Concrete
736 20-Nov-18 Concrete Pouring Placement Inspection for Humper & Area 900 H W SW 20-Nov-18
Spillwall @ DPG-2 inbetween C-0903 &
Structure-0904, Area 900.

Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Rebar Works, Formworks and Concrete
737 20-Nov-18 Concrete Pouring Area 500 H W SW 21-Nov-18
FSP-0737 Placement Inspection for Humper &
Spillwall @ D-0510C, Area 500.

Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Rebar Works, Formworks and Concrete
738 20-Nov-18 Concrete Pouring Area 700 H W SW 21-Nov-18
FSP-0738 Placement Inspection for Spillwall @ R-
0701C, Area 700.

28th day Compressive Strength Test of

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Foundation @ E-0611C / Lean Concrete Quantum
739 20-Nov-18 Laboratory Testing H SW SW 21-Nov-18
FSP-0739 @ Structure-0604 (F1), Area 600 (24 Laboratory
mpa @ 28 days).

114 / 647
7th day Compressive Strength Test of
Pedestal @ D-0651 & D-0691, Area 600 /
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Concrete Pavemnent @ Structure-0406, Quantum
740 20-Nov-18 Laboratory Testing H SW SW 21-Nov-18
FSP-0740 Area 400 / Lean Concrete @ E-0509B, Laboratory
E-0405R, E-0401B, Area 400 (24 mpa @
28 days).

Elevation, Location, Rebar Works

741 20-Nov-18 Pre-pouring Inspection prior to fomworks closure of Area 700 H W SW 21-Nov-18
Pedestal @ E-0703, Area 700.

Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Rebar Works, Anchor Bolt Setting and
742 20-Nov-18 Concrete Pouring Area 700 H W SW 21-Nov-18
FSP-0742 Concrete Placement Inspection for
Pedestal @ E-0703, Area 700.

Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Rebar Works, Anchor Bolt Setting and
743 21-Nov-18 Concrete Pouring Area 500 H W SW 21-Nov-18
FSP-0743 Concrete Placement Inspection for
Pedestal @ E-0509B, Area 500.

Joint Inspection/Witness of Field Density

744 21-Nov-18 Laboratory Testing Test (By Sand Cone Method) @ Area 400 H SW SW 22-Nov-18
Structure-0407 (F3), Area 400.

Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Formworks and Concrete Placement
745 21-Nov-18 Concrete Pouring Area 400 H W SW 22-Nov-18
FSP-0745 Inspection of Lean Concrete @
Structure-0407 (F3), Area 400.

115 / 647
Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,
Rebar Works, Formworks and Concrete
746 21-Nov-18 Concrete Pouring Placement Inspection for 2nd Lift of Area 900 H W SW 22-Nov-18
Column & Slab of Base Mat @ K-0901
Compressor Shelter, Area 900.

28th day Compressive Strength Test of

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Foundation @ G-0811A/B (West Quantum
747 21-Nov-18 Laboratory Testing H SW SW 22-Nov-18
FSP-0747 Foundation), Area 800 / Pedestal @ G- Laboratory
0906A/B, Area 900 (24 mpa @ 28 days).

7th day Compressive Strength Test of

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Concrete Pavement @ R-0701C, Area Quantum
748 21-Nov-18 Laboratory Testing H SW SW 22-Nov-18
FSP-0748 700, D-0510C, Area 500 / Foundation @ Laboratory
E-0690, Area 600 (24 mpa @ 28 days).

Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Rebar Works, Formworks and Concrete
749 21-Nov-18 Concrete Pouring Area 400 H W SW 22-Nov-18
FSP-0749 Placement Inspection of Foundation @
E-0407C, Area 400.

28th day Compressive Strength Test of

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Foundation @ Analyzer Shelter #12, Area Quantum
750 22-Nov-18 Laboratory Testing H SW SW 23-Nov-18
FSP-0750 300 / Structure-0604 (F1), Area 600 (24 Laboratory
mpa @ 28 days).

28th day Compressive Strength Test of

Pedestal @ D-0693, Area 600 / Concrete
751 22-Nov-18 Laboratory Testing Pavement Inbetween Structure-0903, G- H SW SW 23-Nov-18
FSP-0751 Laboratory
0909A/B & G-0908A/B, Area 900 (24
mpa @ 28 days).

116 / 647
7th day Compressive Strength Test of
Restoration of Concrete Pavement @
DPG-2 near C-0902, F-0906A/B &
752 22-Nov-18 Laboratory Testing Structure-0903 (F4, Area 900, D-0510C, H SW SW 23-Nov-18
FSP-0752 Laboratory
Area 500, R-0701C, Area 700 /
Foundation @ D-0908, Area 900 (24 mpa
@ 28 days).

Joint Inspection/Witness of Field Density

753 23-Nov-18 Laboratory Testing Test (By Sand Cone Method) of Sub- Area 500 H SW SW 24-Nov-18
Base Course @ D-0510C, Area 500.

Joint Inspection/Witness of Field Density

754 23-Nov-18 Laboratory Testing Test (By Sand Cone Method) of Sub- Area 900 H SW SW 24-Nov-18
Base Course @ Z-0902, Area 900.

Elevation, Location, Surface Preparation,

Rebar Works, Formworks and Concrete
755 23-Nov-18 Concrete Pouring Placement Inspection of Concrete Area 500 H W SW 24-Nov-18
Pavement @ East & West of D-0510C,
Area 500.

28th day Compressive Strength Test of

756 23-Nov-18 Laboratory Testing Concrete Pavement @ Structure-0904, H SW SW 24-Nov-18
FSP-0756 Laboratory
Area 900 (24 MPa @ 28 days).

28th day Compressive Strength Test of

Lean Concrete @ Structure-0406, Area
757 23-Nov-18 Laboratory Testing 400 / Foundation @ E-0624EF, Area H SW SW 24-Nov-18
FSP-0757 Laboratory
600 / Pedestal @ E-0623B, Area 600 (24
MPa @ 28 days).

117 / 647
7th day Compressive Strength Test of
Concrete Pavement @ Analyzer Shelter
#12, Area 300 / Foundation @ E-0509B,
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Area 500, E-0405R & E-0401B, Area 400 Quantum
758 23-Nov-18 Laboratory Testing H SW SW 24-Nov-18
FSP-0758 / Remaining Concrete Pavement @ H- Laboratory
0305 near Manhole / Restoration of
Concrete Pavement @ H-0305, Area 300
(24 mpa @ 28 days).

118 / 647
Accepted 814
486 On-schedule Waiting for result 1
230 Re-schedule Cancelled 87
192 Additional Reject 5
Time Subcontractor Inspector Discipline Status Result Remarks Date Transmitted

0900H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted 26-Dec-18

0900H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted 26-Dec-18

0900H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted 26-Dec-18

0900H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted 26-Dec-18

Accepted at JGSS1EP-VPCI-
1300H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Cancelled 26-Dec-18

Accepted at JGSS1EP-VPCI-
1400H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Cancelled 26-Dec-18

0900H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted 26-Dec-18

119 / 647
0900H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted 26-Dec-18

0900H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted 26-Dec-18

1000H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted 26-Dec-18

Cave-in sandy material at the

0800H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Cancelled 26-Dec-18
bottom of casing

1300H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted 26-Dec-18

Samples to be tested for

1000H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted 26-Dec-18

1600H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted 26-Dec-18

1000H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted 26-Dec-18

Sample should pass the

1400H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted 26-Dec-18
designed strength @ 28 days

1000H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted 26-Dec-18

120 / 647
1400H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Cancelled Accepted at JGSS1EP-VPCI- 26-Dec-18

1000H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted 26-Dec-18

Reschedule 11Jun2018/
1400H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted 26-Dec-18
Not yet ready

1400H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted 26-Dec-18

Reschedule 14Jun2018/
1000H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted 26-Dec-18
Not yet ready

Reschedule 13Jun2018/
1400H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted 26-Dec-18
Not yet ready

Reschedule 14Jun2018/
1600H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted 26-Dec-18
Not yet ready

1400H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted 26-Dec-18

1400H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted 26-Dec-18

1600H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted 26-Dec-18

121 / 647
Accepted at JGSS1EP-VPCI-
1000H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Cancelled 26-Dec-18

Reschedule 16Jun2018/
1400H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted 26-Dec-18
Not yet ready

0900H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted 26-Dec-18

1000H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted 26-Dec-18

0900H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted 26-Dec-18

1000H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted 26-Dec-18

1000H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted 26-Dec-18

Failed. Final result shall be

0900H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Reject based on the compressive 26-Dec-18
strength @ 28 days.

0930H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted 26-Dec-18

122 / 647
Accepted at JGSS1EP-VPCI-
1330H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Cancelled 26-Dec-18

1530H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted 26-Dec-18

1000H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted 26-Dec-18

Base data shall be used in

1000H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted 26-Dec-18
Field Density Test

0900H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted 26-Dec-18

1330H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted 26-Dec-18

Reschedule 20Jun2018/
1530H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted 26-Dec-18
Not yet ready

1400H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted 26-Dec-18

Accepted at JGSS1EP-VPCI-
0900H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Cancelled 26-Dec-18

Accepted at JGSS1EP-VPCI-
1100H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Cancelled 26-Dec-18

123 / 647
Accepted at JGSS1EP-VPCI-
1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Cancelled 26-Dec-18

1400H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted 26-Dec-18

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted 26-Dec-18

1400H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted 26-Dec-18

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted 26-Dec-18

1000H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted 26-Dec-18

Accepted at JGSS1EP-VPCI-
1400H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Cancelled 26-Dec-18

Reschedule 23Jun2018/
1600H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted 26-Dec-18
Not yet ready

1000H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted 26-Dec-18

124 / 647
1400H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted 26-Dec-18

1600H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted 26-Dec-18

1000H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted 26-Dec-18

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted 26-Dec-18

1400H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted 26-Dec-18

Final acceptance shall be

1400H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted based on the 28th day 26-Dec-18
compressive test result.

1000H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted 26-Dec-18

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted 26-Dec-18

Final acceptance shall be

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted based on the 28th day 26-Dec-18
compressive test result.

125 / 647
1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted 26-Dec-18

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted 26-Dec-18

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted 26-Dec-18

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted 26-Dec-18

1000H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted 26-Dec-18

Reschedule 05Jul2018/
1300H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Reject 26-Dec-18
Result was 87% and 84%

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted 26-Dec-18

1400H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

126 / 647
Concrete samples to be tested
1100H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted
for 7 days, 14 days & 28 days.

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted 8-Jan-19

1400H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted 8-Jan-19

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted 8-Jan-19

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted 18-Jan-19

1400H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted 8-Jan-19

127 / 647
1330H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted 8-Jan-19

1400H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted 8-Jan-19

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted 8-Jan-19

1400H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted 8-Jan-19

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted 8-Jan-19

Reschedule 11Jul2018/
1400H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted 8-Jan-19
Not yet ready

1000H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted

128 / 647
1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted 8-Jan-19

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted 8-Jan-19

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted 8-Jan-19

1000H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted Latest drawing attached.

1400H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted Latest drawing attached. 8-Jan-19

129 / 647
1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted 8-Jan-19

Results were based on the

verification and conclusions
made by TERMS Concrete
and Materials Lab to the three
types of static load tests
carried out by SHINHWA GTI
namely Axial Compressive,
Axial Uplift and Lateral Load
1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted
Test. Pile Integrity Test results
were inconclusive that further
test verification shall be
carried out. PIT not included in
the report. Lateral Test
(16/07/2018); Tension test
(17/07/2018); Axial Test

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted 8-Jan-19

Reschedule 20Jul2018/
1000H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Cancelled
Not yet ready

1030H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

130 / 647
1600H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

Reschedule 20Jul2018/
0900H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted
Not yet ready

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

Should pass the required

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted compressive strength @28

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

131 / 647
Reschedule 20Jul2018/
Not yet ready/
1600H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Cancelled
Accepted at JGSS1EP-VPCI-

1330H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1400H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

Sample should pass the

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted
required strength @ 28 days

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

Concrete cyclinder samples

1000H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted shall be tested at 7 days and
28 days.

Concrete cyclinder samples

shall be tested at 1 day, 3 days
1000H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted
and 7 days. Submit concrete
mix design MAR for approval.

Pedestal needs concrete

1000H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Cancelled repair. Please refer to VPCI-

132 / 647
Should pass the required
1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted compressive strength @28

1400H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1000H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1000H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1000H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

Should pass the required

1000H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted
strength @ 3 days.

Reschedule 24Jul2018/
Requirement for FDT prior to
1400H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Cancelled lean concrete./Not yet ready.
Accepted at JGSS1EP-VPCI-

133 / 647
Reschedule 24Jul2018/
Requirement for FDT prior to
1400H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Cancelled lean concrete./Not yet ready.
Accepted at JGSS1EP-VPCI-

Reschedule 24Jul2018/
No laboratory technician
1000H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted
available. Sample was tested
@ 4 days.

Reschedule 24Jul2018/
1000H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted No laboratory technician

Reschedule 24Jul2018/
1000H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted No laboratory technician

1400H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1330H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

9000H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

6 pcs cylindrical samples have

1000H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted to be tested for 1 day, 3 days
& 7 days.

134 / 647
Reschedule 25Jul2018/
1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted Not yet ready/
Document was reviewed.

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1530H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1000H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1530H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

9000H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

135 / 647
Fracture test and evaluation
1400H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted done & accepted for the 3
Fillet Welders.

1400H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Cancelled No concrete available.

1000H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1000H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

9000H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1400H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

Due to FDT requirement.

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Cancelled Accepted at JGSS1EP-VPCI-

Awaiting final pouring

8000H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Cancelled

136 / 647
1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

Pouring schedule to include F1

9000H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Cancelled
and F5 foundations

8300H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

9000H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1530H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Reject Failed test result.

1400H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

137 / 647
1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

8000H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

04Aug18 - Rebars to rectify

8300H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted
06Aug18 -Schedule of pouring

138 / 647
04Aug18 -Rebars to rectify.
Formworks not yet fix.
9000H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted
06Aug18 - Schedule of

03Aug18 - Technician not

1530H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Reject available.
Failed test result.

1000H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1030H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

06Aug18 - Schedule of
1400H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted

1030H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1st & 2nd layer backfill were

1030H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted
sand and no FDT conducted.

139 / 647
1st & 2nd layer backfill were
1030H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted
sand and no FDT conducted.

1400H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

FDT requirement prior to lean

1430H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Cancelled

1000H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1400H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted 18-Jan-19

1000H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1000H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1000H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1000H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

140 / 647
1400H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Cancelled Not yet ready.

1430H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Cancelled Not yet ready.

1000H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1030H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1100H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted 4-Jan-19

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted 4-Jan-19

1000H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted Not yet ready. 4-Jan-19

141 / 647
8300H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted 4-Jan-19

9000H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted 4-Jan-19

9300H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted 4-Jan-19

1000H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted 4-Jan-19

3000H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted 4-Jan-19

3000H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted 4-Jan-19

Bored Pile Test Certificate not

1000H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Cancelled 4-Jan-19
yet certified

1000H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted Not yet ready. 4-Jan-19

142 / 647
1100H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted 4-Jan-19

1400H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted 4-Jan-19

1400H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted 4-Jan-19

1400H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted 4-Jan-19

1400H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted 4-Jan-19

1400H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted 4-Jan-19

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted Not yet ready. 4-Jan-19

Not yet ready. FDT was not

conducted due to hard rock
1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted 4-Jan-19
strata at the bottom of
foundation. FDT not required.

143 / 647
1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted 4-Jan-19

8000H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted Not yet ready. 4-Jan-19

8300H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted Not yet ready. 4-Jan-19

9000H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted 4-Jan-19

9300H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted 4-Jan-19

1000H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted 4-Jan-19

1030H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted 4-Jan-19

144 / 647
1350H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted 4-Jan-19

1400H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted 4-Jan-19

1430H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted 4-Jan-19

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted Not yet ready. 4-Jan-19

8300H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Cancelled Not yet ready. 4-Jan-19

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted 4-Jan-19

1400H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted 4-Jan-19

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted 4-Jan-19

145 / 647
1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted 4-Jan-19

8300H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted 4-Jan-19

1400H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted 4-Jan-19

1400H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted 4-Jan-19

1430H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted 4-Jan-19

1430H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted 4-Jan-19

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted 4-Jan-19

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted 4-Jan-19

1530H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted 4-Jan-19

146 / 647
1400H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted 4-Jan-19

1430H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted 4-Jan-19

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted 4-Jan-19

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted 4-Jan-19

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted 4-Jan-19

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted 4-Jan-19

9000H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted 4-Jan-19

9300H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted 4-Jan-19

147 / 647
Hard rock strata was observed
9000H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted at the bottom of foundation. 4-Jan-19
No FDT required.

8300H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted 4-Jan-19

9000H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Cancelled Not yet ready. 4-Jan-19

9300H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted 4-Jan-19

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted 4-Jan-19

1000H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Cancelled 4-Jan-19

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted 4-Jan-19

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted 4-Jan-19

148 / 647
9000H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted 4-Jan-19

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted

Hard rock strata was observed

9000H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted at the bottom of foundation.
No FDT required.

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

8000H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

8000H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

No available laboratory
8300H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Cancelled

No available laboratory
8300H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Cancelled

149 / 647
No available laboratory
9000H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Cancelled

No available laboratory
9000H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Cancelled

No available laboratory
9300H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Cancelled

No available laboratory
9300H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Cancelled

Hard rock strata was observed

1300H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted at the bottom of foundation.
No FDT required.

Hard rock strata was observed

1400H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted at the bottom of foundation.
No FDT required.

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted Machine is defective

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted Machine is defective

8300H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted

150 / 647
1000H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted Machine is defective

0900H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

0900H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted

1000H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1400H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

0830H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

0830H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

151 / 647
0900H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

0930H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Cancelled FDT not required

1000H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1030H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1100H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Cancelled FDT not required

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted Machine is defective

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted Machine is defective

1100H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1300H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

152 / 647
0930H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Cancelled Not ready

0930H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

Concrete repair has to be

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted

1400H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted

1300H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted

Concrete repair on pedestals

8000H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted
have to be done.

8300H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

153 / 647
1300H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

Different elevation; not yet

1330H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Cancelled

1400H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted Not yot ready

1430H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted Not yot ready

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted

154 / 647
1530H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted Not yot ready

8000H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

8300H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

Confirmatiob shall be at 28
1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted
days test.

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted 18-Jan-19

1300H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted

1300H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted VPCI-PL-0010

155 / 647
Cut exposed tie rods and
1300H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted
repair concrete defects.

0900H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted

Remaining tie rods to be

0800H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Cancelled

156 / 647
1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1300H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Cancelled Still no concrete request

1400H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Cancelled Not yet ready

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Cancelled Not yet ready

1600H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Cancelled Not yet ready

0900H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Cancelled Not yet ready

157 / 647
1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

0930H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1000H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1030H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted

1100H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

158 / 647
1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted

0900H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted Not yet ready

1300H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted VPCI-PL-0015

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

0930H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted Not yet ready

1000H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted Not yet ready

159 / 647
1030H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted Not yet ready

1400H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted

1400H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted

1430H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted

1430H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted

1300H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1430H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Cancelled Not ready

160 / 647
1400H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

see attach completion release

0900H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted
notice F2 comments.

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1000H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted

161 / 647
1100H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted

1400H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Cancelled Not ready

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted Laboratory not available

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Cancelled with duplicate IR # 0322

0900H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

0900H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

162 / 647
1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

0930H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1300H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1330H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1400H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

163 / 647
1430H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted

1300H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1400H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Cancelled Quantum lab not available

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

0830H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

164 / 647
1300H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted Not ready

1400H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted Not ready

0900H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

0930H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1000H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1000H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1000H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted

165 / 647
1530H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted

1600H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Cancelled Not ready

1000H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1030H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

0830H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted

0900H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted

0930H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Cancelled

166 / 647
1300H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted Not ready

1330H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted Not ready

1400H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted Not ready

1430H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted Not ready

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted No concrete available.

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted No concrete available.

1530H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted No concrete available.

167 / 647
1530H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Cancelled No concrete available.

1600H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Cancelled No concrete available.

1300H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted NCP shutdown

1400H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted NCP shutdown

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted Rescheduled by technician

0830H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

0900H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted NCP shutdown

1000H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted NCP shutdown

168 / 647
1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted Rescheduled by technician

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted Rescheduled by technician

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted Rescheduled by technician

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted Rescheduled by technician

1300H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted NCP shutdown

1330H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted NCP shutdown

1400H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted NCP shutdown

169 / 647
1430H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted Not ready

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted Rescheduled by technician

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted Rescheduled by technician

0900H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted Not ready

0930H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted NCP shutdown

170 / 647
1000H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted Not ready

1030H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted Not ready

1100H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Cancelled Not ready

1530H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

171 / 647
1300H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted

1000H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1530H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted 18-Jan-19

1300H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1330H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted No concrete available.

1400H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted

172 / 647
1430H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

0830H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

0900H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

0930H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1000H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1300H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted No concrete available.

1330H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted No concrete available.

173 / 647
1400H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted 18-Jan-19

1430H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Cancelled not ready

0830H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

0930H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted

1000H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Cancelled

1330H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Cancelled No concrete available.

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

174 / 647
1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

0830H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

0930H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1000H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1300H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Cancelled

1330H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Cancelled

175 / 647
1400H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Cancelled

1430H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Cancelled

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

0830H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

0900H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

176 / 647
0930H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1000H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Cancelled

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

177 / 647
1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted 18-Jan-19

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted

1530H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted

1600H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Cancelled

1300H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Cancelled Not ready

0830H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted

178 / 647
1000H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1530H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1300H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted

1330H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted

1400H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted

1430H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted

1300H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

179 / 647
1330H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1400H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted 18-Jan-19

1430H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1530H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1600H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Cancelled wrong identification

1630H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Cancelled not ready

0830H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

180 / 647
0900H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1000H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted 18-Jan-19

0830H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

0900H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted 16-Jan-19

1300H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1400H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted 16-Jan-19

1430H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

181 / 647
1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

0930H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted

1000H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted

1030H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted

1300H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted

1330H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted

182 / 647
1400H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted

1430H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted

0830H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted

0930H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted

0830H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Cancelled Not ready

1300H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted 16-Jan-19

183 / 647
0930H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Cancelled Not ready

1000H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted

1030H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted

1100H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted

1400H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted

0830H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted

0900H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted

0930H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted

184 / 647
1300H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1000H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

0800H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted

0830H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted

0900H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted

0930H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted

185 / 647
1000H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted Pavement only

0900H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted

0930H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted

1400H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted

1300H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1330H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1400H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted

186 / 647
1430H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted

1530H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted

0830H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted 18-Jan-19

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted

187 / 647
1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted 16-Jan-19

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted

0830H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

0900H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

0930H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

188 / 647
1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted 18-Jan-19

Final acceptance shall be

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted based on the 28th day
compressive test result.

1000H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted

1400H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Cancelled Not ready

1300H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Cancelled Not ready

189 / 647
1400H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted 18-Jan-19

1430H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted 18-Jan-19

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted 16-Jan-19

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

Final acceptance shall be

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted based on the 28th day
compressive test result.

0830H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted 18-Jan-19

0900H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted 16-Jan-19

0930H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted 18-Jan-19

190 / 647
1300H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted

1330H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

Final acceptance shall be

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted based on the 28th day 16-Jan-19
compressive test result.

Hard rock subgrade, no FDT

1400H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted

1430H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted

191 / 647
1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted

1530H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted

1600H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted

1630H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Cancelled not ready

1000H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

Final acceptance shall be

1000H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted based on the 28th day
compressive test result.

Final acceptance shall be

1000H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted based on the 28th day
compressive test result.

1300H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

192 / 647
1330H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

Final acceptance shall be

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted based on the 28th day
compressive test result.

1530H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Cancelled Duplicate of FSP-0543

1300H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1330H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted

14000H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Cancelled Not ready

193 / 647
1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1600H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted

Hard rock subgrade, no FDT

1630H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted

1300H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Cancelled Not ready

1330H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted

194 / 647
1400H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1300H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted

0830H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted 18-Jan-19

In lieu of backfill material &

1300H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted lean concrete, foundation was

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

195 / 647
1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted 18-Jan-19

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted 18-Jan-19

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted 18-Jan-19

0900H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted

Hard rock subgrade, no FDT

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted

196 / 647
0830H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

0900H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

0930H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted

1000H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted

1300H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted

1000H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

197 / 647
0830H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1300H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Cancelled

1330H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1300H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1330H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted

198 / 647
0830H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted

1300H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted

1300H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1330H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1400H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1430H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted

199 / 647
1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1530H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted

1300H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted

1400H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted

200 / 647
0830H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted

0900H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted

1300H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Cancelled

1330H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Cancelled

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted 18-Jan-19

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted 16-Jan-19

201 / 647
1500H FS Phil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1300H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

0830H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1330H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted

1430H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted

1300H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1500H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

202 / 647
1500H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1500H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

0830H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted 16-Jan-19

0900H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted

0930H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted

1300H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted

1030H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted

203 / 647
1500H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted

1500H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted

1500H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted 16-Jan-19

1500H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted

1500H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted

0900H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1000H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

204 / 647
0830H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

0900H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted

1300H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1330H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1400H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1430H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1500H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Waiting for result

205 / 647
1500H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1500H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1500H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1500H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1500H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1000H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted

206 / 647
1530H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted

0830H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

0930H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted

1300H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1500H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1600H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted

1630H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted

1000H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted

207 / 647
0830H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted

1500H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1500H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1300H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted

1330H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted

1500H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted

208 / 647
1300H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1500H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1330H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted

1400H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted

1430H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted

1500H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted

209 / 647
1530H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted

0830H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted

1500H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted 16-Jan-19

1500H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted 18-Jan-19

1500H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

0900H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted

0930H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted

210 / 647
1000H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted

1030H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted

1300H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted

1400H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted

1500H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted

1500H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted

211 / 647
1500H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted

1500H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted

1300H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted

1330H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted

1400H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted

1430H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted

0830H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted

212 / 647
1500H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted

0830H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted

0930H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted

1000H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted

1300H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted

1400H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted

1300H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted

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1330H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted

0830H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted

Not ready, still concrete

0900H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Cancelled

0930H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted

1000H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted

Not ready, still concrete

1030H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Cancelled

1500H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1500H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

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1500H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

0830H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted

0900H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted

0830H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

0900H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

0930H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1000H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted

1030H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Cancelled

215 / 647
1300H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1330H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1500H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1500H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1500H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

0800H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted

1100H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted

216 / 647
1400H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted

1430H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted

0900H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

0930H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1030H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1000H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

217 / 647
0800H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

0830H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

0900H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted

1300H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted

1400H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted

0830H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted

0900H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted

0930H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted

218 / 647
1500H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1000H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted

1030H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted

1300H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted

0830H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted

0900H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted

0930H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted

219 / 647
1000H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted

1030H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted

1100H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil Additional Accepted

1300H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted

1330H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted

1500H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

220 / 647
1500H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1400H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted

1430H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Cancelled

1500H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted

0830H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Cancelled

0900H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted

221 / 647
1300H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted

1500H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted

1500H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1330H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1500H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1500H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

222 / 647
1500H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

0830H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Accepted

0900H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Cancelled

1000H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil Re-schedule Cancelled

1000H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

1000H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

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1000H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

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Inspection Notification Log Sheet

Inspection Party
Inspection Notification
SN Log Date Inspection Detail Activities Area / Location
Number SC VPCI

1 28-Aug-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0001 WQT Welder's Qualification Test Fabrication Shop H SW

Fit-Up Activity
2 28-Aug-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0002 Fit-Up Fabrication Shop H SW
PGD-29001-2"-A1D-N (0MM) Jt. 1,2,3,4

Welding Activity
3 28-Aug-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0003 Welding PGD-29002-2"-A1D-N (0MM) Jt. 2&3 Fabrication Shop H W
DWS-29027-4"-H1D20-N (0MM) Jt. 6&10

Fit-Up Activity
4 30-Aug-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0004 Fit-Up OWS-29028-01,OWS-29028-02,PGD- Fabrication Shop H SW
Welding Activity
5 30-Aug-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0005 Welding OWS-29028-01,OWS-29028-02,PGD- Fabrication Shop H W
OWS-29028-01; OWS-29028-02; PGD-
6 30-Aug-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0006 Fit-Up Fabrication Shop H SW
29001-01; OWS-29027-01
Daily Welding Activity
7 30-Aug-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0007 Welding OWS-29028-01; OWS-29028-02; PGD- Fabrication Shop H SW
29001-01; OWS-29027-01
OWS-29028-02 Jt. 9,10; PGD-29001-01
8 30-Aug-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0008 Welding Fabrication Shop H W
Jt. 3,4,6,10
9 31-Aug-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0009 Fit-Up Daily Fit-U Activity Fabrication Shop H SW
10 31-Aug-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0010 Welding Daily Welding Activity Fabrication Shop H SW

437 / 647
Visual Welding Inspection (Post)
PGD-29001-2"-A1DU-N (0MM) Jt.
11 31-Aug-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0011 Welding Fabrication Shop H W
12,13,14,15,16; OWS-29028-01-H1D20-
N-(0MM) Jt. 1,2
12 1-Sep-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0012 Fit-Up Daily Fit-U Activity Fabrication Shop H SW
13 1-Sep-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0013 Welding Daily Welding Activity Fabrication Shop H SW

"Visual Welding Inspection (Post)

OWS-29028-6""-H1D20-N (0MM) Jt. 3,4
PGD-29001-2""-A1DU-N (0MM) Jt.
14 1-Sep-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0014 Welding Fabrication Shop H W
OWS-29027-6""-H1D20-N (0MM) Jt.
OWS-29028-4""-H1D20-N (0MM) Jt.

15 3-Sep-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0015 Fit-Up Daily Fit-U Activity Fabrication Shop H SW

16 3-Sep-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0016 Welding Daily Welding Activity Fabrication Shop H SW
Visual Welding Inspection (Post)
PGD-29001-02 Jt.
17 3-Sep-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0017 Welding 2,3,5,6,7,9,11,15,17,19,21,23 Fabrication Shop H W
PGD-29011-01 Jt. 1,2,3,8
IL-0802-1"-A1D Jt. 1,2,3,4,5,6

18 4-Sep-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0018 Fit-Up Daily Fit-U Activity Fabrication Shop H SW

19 4-Sep-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0019 Welding Daily Welding Activity Fabrication Shop H SW

Visual Welding Inspection (Post)

PGD-29025-01 Jt. 1,2,3,4,6,7
20 4-Sep-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0020 Welding PGD-29031-01 Jt. 1,2,3,4 Fabrication Shop H W
PGD-29001-02 Jt. 25
PGD-29013-01 Jt. 2,8,19,21,22,23,24

438 / 647
Welder's Qualification Test
Christopher C. Casilla
21 4-Sep-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0021 WQT Gerald M. Cabral Fabrication Shop H W
Emil A. Bautista
Michael Andreau A. Caraan
22 5-Sep-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0022 Fit-Up Daily Fit-Up Activity Fabrication Shop H SW
23 5-Sep-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0023 Welding Daily Welding Activity Fabrication Shop H SW
Visual Welding Inspection (Post)
PGD-29003-01 Jt. 1,2,3,5
PGD-29013-01 Jt. 6,13,15
OWS-29027-01 Jt. 10
24 5-Sep-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0024 Welding Fabrication Shop H W
PGD-29001-01 Jt. 9
PGD-29011-01 Jt. 5
PGD-29004-01 Jt. 5
PGD-29010-01 Jt. 2,3
25 6-Sep-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0025 Fit-Up Daily Fit-Up Activity Fabrication Shop H SW
26 6-Sep-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0026 Welding Daily Welding Activity Fabrication Shop H SW
Visual Welding Inspection (Post)
PGD-29010-01 Jt. 5
PGD-29001-02 Jt. 13,20,27
27 6-Sep-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0027 Welding PGD-29004-01 Jt. 1,2,3 Fabrication Shop H W
PGD-29031-01 Jt. 6,7
PGD-29030-01 Jt. 1,2,3,4,6,7
PGD-29013-01 Jt. 9,10,12
28 7-Sep-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0028 Fit-Up Daily Fit-Up Activity Fabrication Shop H SW
29 7-Sep-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0029 Welding Daily Welding Activity Fabrication Shop H SW
Visual Welding Inspection (Post)
PGD-29008-01 Jt. 2,3,5
PGD-29012-01 Jt. 2,3,5
30 7-Sep-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0030 Welding Fabrication Shop H SW
OWS-29027-01 Jt. 4,6,7
PGD-29013-01 Jt. 4,17,18
OWS-29028-02 Jt. 1,2,3

439 / 647
31 8-Sep-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0031 Fit-Up Daily Fit-Up Activity Fabrication Shop H SW

32 8-Sep-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0032 Welding Daily Welding Activity Fabrication Shop H SW

Visual Welding Inspection (Post)

PGD-29008-01 Jt. 2,3,5
PGD-29012-01 Jt. 2,3,5
33 8-Sep-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0033 Welding Fabrication Shop H SW
OWS-29027-01 Jt. 4,6,7
PGD-29013-01 Jt. 4,17,18
OWS-29028-02 Jt. 1,2,3
34 11-Sep-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0034 Fit-Up Daily Fit-Up Activity Fabrication Shop H SW
35 11-Sep-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0035 Welding Daily Welding Activity Fabrication Shop H SW
Visual Welding Inspection (Post)
PGD-29006-01 Jt. 1,2,3,4,5
PGD-29007-01 Jt. 1,2,3,4,5
36 11-Sep-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0036 Welding Fabrication Shop H SW
PGD-29005-01 Jt. 1,2,3,4,5
PGD-29009-01 Jt.2,3,4,5
PGD-29024-01 Jt. 1,2,3

Inspection for Foundation Check of:

A. Location
37 11-Sep-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0037 Foundation Check H-0305 H SW
B. Dimension (Size/Projection)
C. Levelness for FDN Padding
Receiving Inspection Checklist
38 12-Sep-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0038 Material Inspection Fabrication Shop H W
Doc No.: VPCI-PSP-RIC-002
39 12-Sep-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0039 Fit-Up Daily Fit-Up Activity Fabrication Shop H SW
40 12-Sep-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0040 Fit-Up Daily Fit-Up Activity Fabrication Shop H SW
41 12-Sep-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0041 Welding Daily Welding Activity Fabrication Shop H SW
Visual Welding Inspection (Post)
42 12-Sep-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0042 Welding PGD-29002-01 Jt. 6,7 Fabrication Shop H W
PGD-29024-01 Jt. 4,5
Welder's Qualification Test
43 12-Sep-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0043 WQT Roberto Soriano Fabrication Shop H W
Domingo Gayeta

440 / 647
Inspection for Foundation Check of STR-
44 12-Sep-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0044 Foundation Check A. Location STR-0904 H W
B. Dimension (Size/Projection)
C. Levelness for FDN Padding
45 12-Sep-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0045 Fit-Up Daily Fit-Up Activity Fabrication Shop H SW
46 12-Sep-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0046 Welding Daily Welding Activity Fabrication Shop H SW
Daily Fit-Up Activity
47 12-Sep-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0047 Fit-Up Fabrication Shop H SW
PGD-29001-02 Jt. 26
Visual Welding Inspection (Post)
48 12-Sep-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0048 Welding Fabrication Shop H W
PGD-29001-02 Jt. 26
49 14-Sep-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0047 Fit-Up Daily Fit-Up Activity Fabrication Shop H SW
50 14-Sep-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0048 Welding Daily Welding Activity Fabrication Shop H SW
Visual Welding Inspection (Post)
51 14-Sep-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0049 Welding Fabrication Shop H W
PGD-29030-01 Jt. 4,8,9
52 17-Sep-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0050 Fit-Up Daily Fit-Up Activity Fabrication Shop H SW
53 17-Sep-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0051 Welding Daily Welding Activity Fabrication Shop H SW
Material Inspection for Welding
54 18-Sep-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0052 Material Inspection VPCI Office H W
Consumables (TG-S308L)
Inspection for Foundation Check of STR-
0903 (Drawing No. A1-JGS1EP-EPC1-
55 18-Sep-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0053 Foundation Check STR-0903 H W
A. Location
B. Dimension (Size/Projection)
C. Levelness for FDN Padding

56 18-Sep-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0054 Fit-Up Daily Fit-Up Activity SITE H SW

57 18-Sep-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0055 Welding Daily Welding Activity SITE H SW

Visual Welding Inspection (Post)

58 18-Sep-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0056 Welding SITE H W
PGD-29001-02 Jt. 31

441 / 647
Inspection for Foundation Check of H-
0305 (Drawing No.: A1-JGS1EP-EPC1-
59 20-Sep-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0057 Foundation Check Area 300 H SW
A. Location
B. Dimension (Size/Projection)
C. Levelness for FDN Padding
60 24-Sep-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0058 Fit-Up Daily Fit-Up Activity DPG-2 H SW
61 24-Sep-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0059 Welding Daily Welding Activity DPG-2 H SW
Visual Welding Inspection (Post)
62 24-Sep-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0060 Welding DPG-2 H W
PGD-29001-01 Jt. 7,8
63 25-Sep-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0061 Fit-Up Daily Fit-Up Activity DPG-2 H SW
64 25-Sep-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0062 Welding Daily Welding Activity DPG-2 H SW
Visual Welding Inspection (Post)
65 25-Sep-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0063 Welding DPG-2 H W
PGD-29001-01 Jt. 11
Plot of FSPhil Data vs. PHS Data
Plot of FSPhil Data vs. PHS Data (1mm
66 26-Sep-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0064 Survey Area 300 H W
67 26-Sep-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0065 Fit-Up Daily Fit-Up Activity DPG2 H SW
68 26-Sep-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0066 Welding Daily Welding Activity DPG2 H SW
Visual Welding Inspection (Post)
69 26-Sep-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0067 Welding DPG2 H W
PGD-29013-01 Jt. F5,F11,F26
Inspection for Foundation Check of R-
0902 (Drawing No. A1-JGS1EP-EPC1-
70 26-Sep-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0068 Foundation Check Area 900 H W
A. Location
B. Dimension (Size/Projection)
C. Levelness for FDN Padding
71 27-Sep-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0069 Fit-Up Daily Fit-Up Activity DPG-2 H SW
__+ 27-Sep-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0070 Welding Daily Welding Activity (In-Process) DPG-2 H SW
Visual Welding Inspection (Post)
73 27-Sep-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0071 Welding DPG-2 H W
PGD-29013-01 Jt. F25

442 / 647
Daily Fit-Up Activity
74 27-Sep-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0072 Fit-Up Fabrication Shop H SW
for SS Welding
Daily Welding Activity (In-Process)
75 27-Sep-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0073 Welding Fabrication Shop H SW
for SS Welding
76 28-Sep-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0074 Fit-Up Daily Fit-Up Activity DPG-2 H SW
77 28-Sep-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0075 Welding Daily Welding Activity (In-Process) DPG-2 H SW
Visual Welding Inspection (Post)
PGD-29001-01 Jt. 31,32
78 28-Sep-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0076 Welding DPG-2 H W
PGD-29001-02 Jt. 4,8,10
PGD-29008-01 Jt. 1
Daily Fit-Up Activity
79 28-Sep-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0077 Fit-Up Fabrication Shop H SW
for SS Welding
Daily Welding Activity (In-Process)
80 28-Sep-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0078 Welding Fabrication Shop H SW
for SS Welding
Visual Welding Inspection (Post)
81 28-Sep-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0079 Welding Fabrication Shop H W

Welder's Qualification Test

82 28-Sep-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0080 WQT Emil A. Bautista Ambulong Shop H W
Michael Andreau A. Caraan
Material Inspection for Welding
83 28-Sep-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0081 Material Inspection Consumables (E-7018) Kobelco LB-52- VPCI Office H W
84 1-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0082 Fit-Up Daily Fit-Up Activity DPG-2 H SW
85 1-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0083 Welding Daily Welding Activity (In-Process) DPG-2 H SW
Visual Inspection of Welding
PGD-29001-01 Jt. F17,F30,F33
86 1-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0084 Welding DPG-2 H W
PGD-29013-01 Jt. F27,F28,F29
PGD-29031-01 Jt. F5
Daily Fit-Up Activity
87 1-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0085 Fit-Up Fabrication Shop H SW
for SS Welding
Daily Welding Activity (In-Process)
88 1-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0086 Welding Fabrication Shop H SW
for SS Welding

443 / 647
Visual Inspection of Welding
89 1-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0087 Welding IL-24001-1/2"-A21A Jt. Fabrication Shop H W
Daily Welding Activity (In-Process)
90 1-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0088 Welding Fabrication Shop H SW
for Support Welding
Visual Inspection of Welding
91 1-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0089 Welding Fabrication Shop H W
IL-24001-1/2"-A21A Jt. 1,2,3,4
92 1-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0090 Fit-Up Daily Fit-Up Activity DPG-2 H SW
93 1-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0091 Welding Daily Welding Activity (In-Process) DPG-2 H SW
Visual Inspection of Welding
PGD-29009-01 Jt. F1
94 1-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0092 Welding PGD-29001-02 Jt. F1,F29,F30 DPG-2 H W
PGD-29011-01 Jt. F4,F6,F7
PGD-29025-01 Jt. F5
95 2-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0093 Fit-Up Daily Fit-Up Activity DPG-2 H SW
96 2-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0094 Welding Daily Welding Activity (In-Process) DPG-2 H SW
Visual Inspection of Welding
PGD-29001-01 Jt. F2,F29
PGD-29010-01 Jt. F1,F4
97 2-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0095 Welding DPG-2 H W
PGD-29012-01 Jt. F1
PGD-29013-01 Jt. F1,F20
PGD-29030-01 Jt. F5
Welder's Qualification Test
98 2-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0096 WQT Ronalyn M. Arcega (PSP-W-012) Ambulong Shop H W
Franco R. Ebreo (PSP-W-013)
Daily Fit-Up Activity
99 3-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0097 Fit-Up Fabrication Shop H SW
for SUS Welding
Daily Welding Activity (In-Process)
100 3-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0098 Welding Fabrication Shop H SW
for SUS Welding
Visual Inspection of Welding
101 3-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0099 Welding Fabrication Shop H W
IL-24001-1/2"-A21A Jt. 21,22,24

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Inspection of Structural Foundation
Check of STR-0905 (Drawing No. A1-
102 3-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0100 Foundation Check Area 900 H W
A. Location
B. Dimension (Size/Projection)
C. Levelness for FDN Padding

Welder's Qualification Test

Edwin S. Camacho (PSP-W-015)
Jemerand G. Dilao (PSP-W-016)
103 4-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0101 WQT Ambulong Shop H W
Crispiniano R. De Chavez (PSP-W-017)
Rolando C. Robles (PSP-W-018)
Leony M. Catapang (PSP-W-019)

PMI of IL-24001-1/2"-A21A and IL-04187-

104 4-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0102 PMI Area 400 H SW/R

105 4-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0103 NDE RT for PGD-29010-2"-A1D-N (0MM) Jt. 4 Area 400 H SW/R

Visual Inspection of Welding

106 4-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0104 Welding IL-24001-1/2"-A21A Jt. Area 400 H W
107 4-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0105 Line Check Final line check Area 400 H W
108 4-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0106 Pressure Test Pressure Test Area 400 H H
109 5-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0107 Welding Daily Welding Activity (In-Process) DPG-2 H SW
Welder's Qualification Test
Ronald B. Jasa (PSP-W-020)
110 5-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0108 WQT Rogelio A. Aquino Jr. (PSP-W-022) Ambulong Shop H W
Jomar L. Punzalan (PSP-W-023)
Martin C. Sagadal (PSP-W-024)

445 / 647
Inspection of Mechanical Foundation
Check of G-0907 A/B (Drawing No. A1-
111 5-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0109 Foundation Check Area 900 H W
A. Location
B. Dimension (Size/Projection)
C. Levelness for FDN Padding

Inspection of Mechanical Foundation

Check of G-0908 A/B (Drawing No. A1-
112 5-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0110 Foundation Check Area 900 H SW
A. Location
B. Dimension (Size/Projection)
C. Levelness for FDN Padding

Inspection of Mechanical Foundation

Check of G-0909 A/B (Drawing No. A1-
113 5-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0111 Foundation Check Area 900 H SW
A. Location
B. Dimension (Size/Projection)
C. Levelness for FDN Padding

Inspection of Mechanical Foundation

Check of G-0910 A/B (Drawing No. A1-
114 5-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0112 Foundation Check Area 900 H W
A. Location
B. Dimension (Size/Projection)
C. Levelness for FDN Padding
115 6-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0113 Fit-Up Daily Fit-Up Activity Ambulong Shop H SW
116 6-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0114 Welding Daily Welding Activity (In-Process) Ambulong Shop H SW
Welder's Qualification Test
117 6-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0115 WQT Ambulong Shop H W
Dennis H. Noriega (PSP-W-025)

446 / 647
Inspection of Mechanical Foundation
Check of D-0909 (Drawing No. A3-
118 6-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0116 Foundation Check Area 900 H W
A. Location
B. Dimension (Size/Projection)
C. Levelness for FDN Padding

Inspection of Mechanical Foundation

Check of D-0910 (Drawing No. A3-
119 6-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0117 Foundation Check Area 900 H W
A. Location
B. Dimension (Size/Projection)
C. Levelness for FDN Padding
Final Line Check for PGD Line of (HT-
120 6-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0118 Line Check Area 400 H W
121 8-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0119 Welding HDPE Daily Fit-up Activity Ambulong Shop H SW
122 8-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0120 Welding HDPE Daily Welding Activity (In-process) Ambulong Shop H SW

Hydro Test for PGD Line of (HT-UG-

123 8-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0121 Pressure Test Area 900 H H
124 8-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0122 Fit-Up Daily Fit-Up Activity Area 400 H SW
125 8-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0123 Welding Daily Welding Activity (In-Process) Area 400 H SW
Visual Welding Inspection (Post)
126 8-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0124 Welding IL-04187-01 Jt. F17,F18 Area 400 H W
IL-24001-01 Jt. F25
Visual Welding Inspection (Post)
127 8-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0125 Welding OWS-90001-01 Jt. 4,5 Ambulong Shop H W
OWS-90002-01 Jt. 5,6
HDPE Visual Inspection of Welding
128 8-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0126 Welding FW-39880-01 Jt. 3,6,7,8,11 Ambulong Shop H W
FW-39861-01 Jt. 3,4,5

447 / 647
HDPE Visual Inspection of Welding
FW-39870-01 Jt. 4,5,6,8,9
129 9-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0127 Welding Ambulong Shop H W
FW-39871-01 Jt. 7,9,10,11,4
FW-39874-01 Jt. 3
Visual Welding Inspection (Post)
OWS-90002-01 Jt. 3,2
130 9-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0128 Welding Ambulong Shop H W
OWS-51606-01 Jt. 6 ,2,3,4
OWS-90001 Jt. 2

Inspection for UG Wrapping Activity @

131 10-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0129 Wrapping DPG-2 H W
DPG2 Area (Preparation for Holiday Test)

Inspection of Mechanical Foundation

Elevation/ Levelness/ Check of Z-0901 (Drawing No. A3-
132 10-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0130 Area 900 H SW
Centering / Plumbness JGS1EP-PMK-DD-0901-009)
A. Elevation
Inspection of Mechanical Foundation
Elevation/ Levelness/ Check of Z-0902 (Drawing No. A3-
133 10-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0131 Area 900 H SW
Centering / Plumbness JGS1EP-PMK-DD-0901-009)
A. Elevation
Holiday Test for PGD Line of (HT-UG-
134 10-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0132 Holiday Test Area 900 H W
Welder's Qualification Test
Jessica V. Mirasol (PSP-W-030)
135 10-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0133 WQT Ambulong Shop H W
Judeth C. Ricafrente (PSP-W-031)
Joel E. Ebora (PSP-W-033)
136 10-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0134 Fit-Up Daily Fit-Up Activity Ambulong Shop H SW
137 10-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0135 Welding Daily Welding Activity Ambulong Shop H SW
Visual Welding Inspection (Post)
138 10-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0136 Welding Ambulong Shop H W
CWI-24002-01 Jt. 3,8

448 / 647
HDPE Visual Welding Inspection (Post)
FW-39906-01 Jt. 3,4,5,7,8,9,10,11
139 10-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0137 Welding FW-39871-01 Jt. 3,5,8 Ambulong Shop H W
FW-39874-01 Jt. 6,7
FW-39807-01 Jt. 4,8

Elevation/ Levelness/ Elevation/ plumbness for Cracking

140 11-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0138 Area 300 H SW
Centering / Plumbness Heater Radiant Panel

Gusset plate welding visual inspection

141 11-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0139 Welding Area 900 H W
(Post) 6pcs for STR-0904
142 11-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0140 Welding Daily Welding Activity Ambulong Shop H SW
Visual Welding Inspection (Post)
143 11-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0141 Welding Ambulong Shop H W
CWI-24002-01 Jt. 3,8

HDPE Visual Welding Inspection (Post)

144 11-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0142 Welding Ambulong Shop H W
FW-39880-01 Jt. 4,5

145 12-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0143 Fit-Up Daily Fit-Up Activity Ambulong Shop H SW

Inspection of Mechanical Foundation
Elevation/ Levelness/ Check of Z-0914 (Drawing No. A3-
146 12-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0144 Area 900 H W
Centering / Plumbness JGS1EP-HAN-DD-E-0914-001)
A. Elevation
Inspection of Mechanical Foundation
Elevation/ Levelness/ Check of Z-0917 (Drawing No. A3-
147 12-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0145 Area 900 H W
Centering / Plumbness JGS1EP-HAN-DD-E-0917-001)
A. Elevation
148 12-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0146 Fit-Up Daily Fit-Up Activity Area 300 H SW
149 12-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0147 Welding Daily Welding Activity (In-Process) Area 300 H SW
150 12-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0148 Fit-Up Daily Fit-Up Activity Ambulong Shop H SW
151 12-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0149 Welding Daily Welding Activity (In-Process) Ambulong Shop H SW

449 / 647
Visual Welding Inspection (Post)
OWS-25001-01 Jt. 3,4,6,7,8
152 12-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0150 Welding Ambulong Shop H W
CWR-31360-01 Jt. 5,11
CWI-24002-01 Jt. 2

Welder's Qualification Test

Francis C. Abrea (PSP-W-036)
Jay C. Baruel (PSP-W-037)
153 12-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0151 WQT Aldrin F. Morillo (PSP-W-038) Ambulong Shop H W
Wilmar G. Garcia (PSP-W-039)
Aldrin L. Reyes (PSP-W-040)
Limuel R. Magtibay (PSP-W-041)

HDPE Visual Welding Inspection (Post)

154 12-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0152 Welding Ambulong Shop H W
FW-39807-01 Jt. 5,7

155 13-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0153 Fit-Up Daily Fit-Up Activity Ambulong Shop H SW

156 13-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0154 Welding Daily Welding Activity (In-Process) Ambulong Shop H SW
Visual Welding Inspection (Post)
OWS-50601-01 Jt. 2,4,5
157 13-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0155 Welding Ambulong Shop H W
CWR-31360-01 Jt. 9
CWS-31360-01 Jt. 11,14
158 13-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0156 Fit-Up Daily Fit-Up Activity Area 300 H SW
159 13-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0157 Welding Daily Welding Activity (In-Process) Area 300 H SW
160 13-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0158 Fit-Up Daily Fit-Up Activity Area 400 H SW

Inspection of Structural Foundation

Check of Quench Piperack (Drawing No.
161 13-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0159 Foundation Check Area 900 H W
A. Location
B. Dimension (Size/Projection)
C. Levelness for FDN Padding

450 / 647
Welder's Qualification Test
Christopher C. Casilla (PSP-W-003)
162 13-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0160 WQT Bryan M. Dalangin (PSP-W-042) Ambulong Shop H W
Nestor A. Antenor (PSP-W-043)
Lemar Leandro A. Aranda (PSP-W-045)

Visual Welding Inspection (Post)

163 15-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0161 Welding Area 900 H W
PGD-29001-02 Jt. F35,F36
164 15-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0162 Fit-Up Daily Fit-Up Activity Ambulong Shop H SW
165 15-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0163 Welding Daily Welding Activity (In-Process) Ambulong Shop H SW
Visual Welding Inspection (Post)
166 15-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0164 Welding Ambulong Shop H W
CWS-31360-01 Jt. 5,6,9,12
Inspection for Heater
167 15-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0165 Foundation Check Area 300 H W
Welder's Qualification Test
168 15-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0166 WQT Ambulong Shop H W
169 16-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0167 Pressure Test Manifold Hydro Test Ambulong Shop W W
170 16-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0168 Fit-Up Daily Fit-Up Activity Area 900 H SW
171 16-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0169 Welding Daily Welding Activity (In-Process) Area 900 H SW
Visual Welding Inspection (Post)
172 16-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0170 Welding PCS-90001-01 Jt. 2 Area 900 H W
PCS-90002-01 Jt. 1,2,3
Inspection for UG Wrapping Activity @
DPG2 Area
173 16-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0171 Wrapping DPG-2 H W
PCS-90001-01 Jt. 2
PCS-90002-01 Jt. 1,2,3
174 16-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0172 Fit-Up Daily Fit-Up Activity Area 900 H SW
175 16-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0173 Welding Daily Welding Activity (In-Process) Area 900 H SW

451 / 647
Visual Welding Inspection (Post)
PGD-29027-01 Jt. 2,3,4,5,1
176 16-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0174 Welding Area 900 H W
PGD-29001-02 Jt. 18,14,16,32,33,24
PCS-90002-01 Jt.1,3
Holiday Test for PCS Line of
177 16-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0175 Holiday Test Area 900 H W
(PCS-90002-01 Jt. 1,2,3)
178 16-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0176 Welding Daily Welding Activity (In-Process) Ambulong Shop H SW
Visual Welding Inspection (Post)
179 16-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0177 Welding Ambulong Shop H W
CWR-31360-01 Jt. 7,2

RT for NR-PHS-RT-003 (PGD-290001-01

Jt. 26
180 16-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0178 NDE Area 900 H SW/R
PGD-290002-01 Jt.6)
NR-PHS-RT-004 (PGD-290001-02 Jt. 35)

Final Line Check for UG Wrapping

181 16-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0179 Line Check DPG-2 H W
Activity @ DPG2 Area (PCS-90001-01)

182 17-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0180 NDE RT for PGD-29001-02 Jt. 26 DPG-2 H SW/R

183 17-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0181 Fit-Up Daily Fit-Up Activity Area 900 H SW
184 17-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0182 Welding Daily Welding Activity (In-Process) Area 900 H SW
Visual Welding Inspection (Post)
185 17-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0183 Welding PGD-29002-01 Jt. F5 Area 900 H W
PGD-29001-02 Jt. F34,F37

Welder's Qualification Test

Marvin A. Panganiban (W-053) - SMAW
186 17-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0184 WQT Ambulong Shop H W
Ruel F. Baes (W-054) - SMAW
Efren M. Manalo (W-056) - GTAW

187 17-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0185 Fit-Up Daily Fit-Up Activity Ambulong Shop H SW

188 17-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0186 Welding Daily Welding Activity (In-Process) Ambulong Shop H SW
Visual Welding Inspection (Post)
189 17-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0187 Welding CWS-24002-01 Jt. 2 Ambulong Shop H W
P-29059-01 Jt. 8

452 / 647
190 17-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0188 NDE RT for PGD-29001-02 Jt. 14 DPG-2 H SW/R
193 18-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0189 Fit-Up Daily Fit-Up Activity Area 900 H SW
194 18-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0190 Welding Daily Welding Activity (In-Process) Area 900 H SW
Visual Welding Inspection (Post)
195 18-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0191 Welding OWS-29028-01 Jt. F5 Area 900 H W
OWS-29028-02 Jt. F4,F8
Wrapping for OWS Line
196 18-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0192 Wrapping OWS-29028-01 Jt. 2,3,4,F5 Area 900 H W
OWS-29028-02 Jt. 1,2,3,F4,5,6,7,F8
197 18-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0193 Fit-Up Daily Fit-Up Activity Ambulong Shop H SW
198 18-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0194 Welding Daily Welding Activity (In-Process) Ambulong Shop H SW
Visual Welding Inspection (Post)
199 18-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0195 Welding Ambulong Shop H W
P-29002-02 Jt. 3,10 (AG)

200 19-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0196 NDE PT for PGD-29001-02 Jt. F12 & Jt 25 Area 900 H SW/R
201 19-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0197 Fit-Up Daily Fit-Up Activity Ambulong Shop H SW
202 19-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0198 Welding Daily Welding Activity (In-Process) Ambulong Shop H SW
Visual Welding Inspection (Post)
P-29002-02 Jt. 7
203 19-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0199 Welding P-29057-02 Jt. 3 Ambulong Shop H W
P-29023-01 Jt. 6
P-29001-01 Jt. 5
204 19-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0200 Fit-Up Daily Fit-Up Activity Area 900 H SW
205 19-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0201 Welding Daily Welding Activity (In-Process) Area 900 H SW
Visual Welding Inspection (Post)
206 19-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0202 Welding Area 900 H W
PCS-90003-01 Jt. F2,F3

Holiday Test for OWS Line

OWS-29028-01 Jt. 2,3,4,F5
207 19-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0203 Holiday Test Area 900 H W
OWS-29028-02 Jt. 1,2,3,F4,5,6,7,F8,F11
PCS-90001-01 Jt. 2

453 / 647
Welder's Qualification Test
208 19-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0204 WQT Ambulong Shop H W
Giannah Lei R. Clarin (W-060) - SMAW

Gusset plate welding visual inspection

209 19-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0205 Welding Area 400 H W
Visual Welding Inspection (Post)
210 20-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0206 Welding Area 900 H W
PCS-90003-01 Jt.1,5
Wrapping for PCS Line
211 20-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0207 Wrapping Area 900 H W
PCS-90003-01 Jt. 1, 5
Holiday Test for PCS Line
212 20-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0208 Holiday Test Area 900 H W
PCS-90003-01 Jt. 1, 5
Final Line Check for PCS Line of (HT-
213 20-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0209 Line Check Area 900 H W
214 20-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0210 Fit-Up Daily Fit-Up Activity Ambulong Shop H SW
215 20-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0211 Welding Daily Welding Activity (In-Process) Ambulong Shop H SW
Visual Welding Inspection (Post)
A09A5001-P-29059-01 Jt. 12
216 20-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0212 Welding Ambulong Shop H W
A09A5001-P-29012-01 Jt. 5
A09A5001-P-29040-01 Jt. 2

Inspection for Equipment Foundation

Check of C-0902 at Area 900
217 20-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0213 Foundation Check 10-001) Area 900 H W
A. Location
B. Dimension (Size/Projection)
C. Levelness for FDN Padding

Inspection for Equipment Foundation

Check of C-0903 at Area 900
218 20-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0214 Foundation Check 10-021) Area 900 H W
A. Location
B. Dimension (Size/Projection)
C. Levelness for FDN Padding

454 / 647
Final Line Check for PGD Line of (HT-
219 20-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0215 Line Check Area 400 H W
Hydro Test for PGD Line of (HT-UG-
220 20-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0216 Pressure Test Area 900 H H
221 22-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0217 Fit-Up Daily Fit-Up Activity Ambulong Shop H SW
222 22-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0218 Welding Daily Welding Activity (In-Process) Ambulong Shop H SW
Visual Welding Inspection (Post)
223 22-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0219 Welding A09A5001-MS-29004-01 Jt. 9 Ambulong Shop H W
A09A5001-P-29059-02 Jt. 8
224 22-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0220 Fit-Up Daily Fit-Up Activity 300 H SW
225 22-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0221 Welding Daily Welding Activity (In-Process) 300 H SW
Visual Welding Inspection (Post)
226 22-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0222 Welding Area 300 H W

Welder's Qualification Test

Maricon A. Arrevalo (W-063) - GT/SM
Margarita H. Panganiban (W-064) -
Uzzelette R. Magtibay (W-065) - SMAW
227 22-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0223 WQT Kristine Cae D. Magnaye (W-066) - Ambulong Shop H W
Ruben D. Acuña (W-067) - SMAW
Noly A. Panganiban (W-068) - SMAW
Baldomero Jumaguit Jr. (PSP-W-034A) -

Holiday Test for PCS Line

228 22-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0224 Holiday Test Area 300 H W
PCS-90001-01 Jt. 2, 3
Final Line Check for PCS Line of (HT-
229 22-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0225 Line Check Area 300 H W
Visual Welding Inspection (Post)
PGD-29001-01 Jt. 2M1
230 23-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0226 Welding Area 900 H W
PGD-29001-02 Jt. 7M1, 9M1, 10M1, 12,
25M1, 28, 31M1

455 / 647
Wrapping for PGD Line
PGD-29001-01 Jt. 2M1
PGD-29001-02 Jt. 7M1, 9M1, 10M1, 12,
231 23-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0227 Wrapping Area 900 H W
13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23,
24, 25M1, 28, 31M1, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36,

Holiday Test for PGD Line

PGD-29001-01 Jt. 2M1
PGD-29001-02 Jt. 7M1, 9M1, 10M1, 12,
232 23-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0228 Holiday Test Area 900 H W
13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23,
24, 25M1, 28, 31M1, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36,
233 23-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0229 Fit-Up Daily Fit-Up Activity Ambulong Shop H SW
234 23-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0230 Welding Daily Welding Activity (In-Process) Ambulong Shop H SW
Visual Welding Inspection (Post)
235 23-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0231 Welding Ambulong Shop H W
A01A5001-P-29059-01 Jt. 3,5
236 24-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0232 Fit-Up Daily Fit-Up Activity Ambulong Shop H SW
237 24-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0233 Welding Daily Welding Activity (In-Process) Ambulong Shop H SW
Visual Welding Inspection (Post)
A00A5001-OWS-24001-01 Jt. 2,3
238 24-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0234 Welding A00A5001-OWS-24001-02 Jt. 2,3 Ambulong Shop H W
A00A5001-ND-23003-01 Jt. 3,4
A01A5001-P-29057-03 Jt. 6

Welder's Qualification Test

Adrian Z. Panganiban (W-069) - SMAW
239 24-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0235 WQT Felix R. Bagui (W-072) - GT/SM Ambulong Shop H W
Ronilo R. Bagui (W-073) - GT/SM
John Carlo I. Barola (W-074) - GT/SM

Post Visual Inspection of Gusset Plate

240 24-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0236 Welding Welding (Drawing No.: A1-JGS1EP- Area 400 H W

456 / 647
Magnetic Test (NDE) of Gusset Plate
241 24-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0237 NDE Welding (Drawing No.: A1-JGS1EP- Area 400 H W
242 25-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0238 Fit-Up Daily Fit-Up Activity Ambulong Shop H SW
243 25-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0239 Welding Daily Welding Activity (In-Process) Ambulong Shop H SW

Visual Welding Inspection (Post)

244 25-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0240 Welding Ambulong Shop H W
A00A5001-OWS-24001-01 Jt. 10,11,13

Welder's Qualification Test

Mark Anthony A. Maderazo (W-075) -
Abner A. Pintor (W-076) - GT/SM
245 25-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0241 WQT Ambulong Shop H W
Isagani C. Umali (W-077) - GT/SM
Marvin A. Alcaraz (W-078) - GT/SM
Baldomero Jumaguit Jr. (PSP-W-034A) -
246 25-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0242 Fit-Up Daily Fit-Up Activity Area 900 H SW
247 25-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0243 Welding Daily Welding Activity (In-Process) Area 900 H SW
Visual Welding Inspection (Post)
248 25-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0244 Welding Area 900 H W
A00A5001-PCS-23412-01 Jt. 1
Wrapping for PCS Line
249 25-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0245 Wrapping Area 900 H W
A00A5001-PCS-23412-01 Jt. 1
Holiday Test for PCS Line
250 25-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0246 Holiday Test Area 900 H W
A00A5001-PCS-23412-01 Jt. 1
Final Line Check for PCS Line of (HT-
251 25-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0247 Line Check Area 900 H W
252 26-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0248 Fit-Up Daily Fit-Up Activity Ambulong Shop H SW
253 26-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0249 Welding Daily Welding Activity (In-Process) Ambulong Shop H SW
Visual Welding Inspection (Post)
254 26-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0250 Welding Ambulong Shop H W
A00A5001-OWS-24001-01 Jt. 1,7

457 / 647
Welder's Qualification Test
Renancio Mungcal (W-001) -
255 26-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0251 WQT Ambulong Shop H W
Elmo Omaga (W-002) - GTAW/SMAW

256 27-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0252 Fit-Up Daily Fit-Up Activity Ambulong Shop H SW

257 27-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0253 Welding Daily Welding Activity (In-Process) Ambulong Shop H SW
Visual Welding Inspection (Post)
258 27-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0254 Welding A00A5001-OWS-24001-02 Jt. 6,7 Ambulong Shop H W
A09A5001-P-29002-02 Jt. 12

259 27-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0255 NDE MT for Spreader Beam Area 400 H SW/R
260 29-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0256 Fit-Up Daily Fit-Up Activity Ambulong Shop H SW
261 29-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0257 Welding Daily Welding Activity (In-Process) Ambulong Shop H SW
Visual Welding Inspection (Post)
A09A5001-P-29041-01 Jt. 2,3,4
A09A5001-P-29023-01 Jt. 2,3,7,8
262 29-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0258 Welding A09A5001-P-29059-01 Jt. 5,16 Ambulong Shop H W
A09A5001-P-29002-02 Jt. 13
A09A5001-P-29002-01 Jt. 6,7
A09A5001-P-29042-01 Jt. 8,9
PT Activity for Lifting Accessories
263 29-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0259 NDE Area 900 H SW/R
Inspection for Foundation Check of K-
0901 at Area 900 (Drawing#:A1-
264 29-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0260 Foundation Check Area 900 H SW
A. Location
B. Dimension (Size/Projection)
C. Levelness for FDN Padding

458 / 647
Inspection for Foundation Check of G-
0605 at Area 600 (Drawing#:A1-
29-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0261 Foundation Check Area 600 H SW
A. Location
B. Dimension (Size/Projection)
C. Levelness for FDN Padding

Inspection for Foundation Padding Check

of G-0805 at Area 800 (Drawing#:A1-
266 29-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0262 Foundation Check Area 800 H SW
A. Location
B. Dimension (Size/Projection)
C. Levelness for FDN Padding

267 30-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0263 Fit-Up Daily Fit-Up Activity Ambulong Shop H SW

268 30-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0264 Welding Daily Welding Activity (In-Process) Ambulong Shop H SW

Visual Welding Inspection (Post)

A09A5001-P-29059-01 Jt. 7,10,11,14
A09A5001-P-29002-02 Jt. 6,11
A09A5001-P-29059-02 Jt. 5,6,9,10
A09A5001-P-29060-02 Jt. 2,3
A09A5001-P-29005-01 Jt. 7
269 30-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0265 Welding Ambulong Shop H W
A09A5001-P-29041-01 Jt. 11
A09A5001-P-29040-01 Jt. 3,4
A00A5001-OWS-24001-02 Jt. 1
A09A5001-SV-29005-01 Jt. 2,4
A09A5001-P-29001-01 Jt. 9,10,11
A09A5001-P-29059-01 Jt. 2

Welding Activity (In Process) of Gusset

270 30-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0266 Welding Plate Welding @ Strl 703 (Drawing No.: Area 700 H W

459 / 647
Visual Welding Inspection (Post)
A09A5001-P-29040-01 Jt. 8,9
A09A5001-P-29001-01 Jt. 1,2,3,13
A09A5001-P-29059-01 Jt. 2
A09A5001-MS-29004-01 Jt. 4,5,7
A09A5001-SV-29005-01 Jt. 6,7
271 31-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0267 Welding A00A5001-FW-39871-01 Jt. 13,14 Ambulong Shop H W
A00A5001-FW-39870-01 Jt. 11,12
A09A5001-P-29041-01 Jt. 13
A09A5001-SV-29004-01 Jt. 6
A09A5001-P-29012-01 Jt. 2,3,4
A09A5001-P-29059-02 Jt. 9,10
A09A5001-SV-29004-01 Jt. 5

272 1-Nov-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0268 Fit-Up Daily Fit-Up Activity Ambulong Shop H SW

273 1-Nov-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0269 Welding Daily Welding Activity (In-Process) Ambulong Shop H SW

Visual Welding Inspection (Post)

A00A5001-FW-39861-01 Jt. 6,7
A09A5001-P-29059-02 Jt. 2
A09A5001-P-29059-01 Jt. 15
A00A5001-PGD-29034-01 Jt.
274 1-Nov-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0270 Welding Ambulong Shop H W
A01A5001-P-29059-01 Jt. 8
A09A5001-P-29003-01 Jt. 14,15
A09A5001-P-29069-02 Jt. 17
A09A5001-P-29057-02 Jt. 4

274 2-Nov-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0271 Fit-Up Weekly Fit-Up Activity Ambulong Shop H SW

274 2-Nov-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0272 Welding Weekly Welding Activity (In-Process) Ambulong Shop H SW
274 2-Nov-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0273 Welding Visual Welding Inspection (Post) Ambulong Shop H W

460 / 647
Inspection for Foundation Padding Check
of R-0701 at Area 700, Drawing#:A1-
275 5-Nov-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0276 Foundation Check (Report#: EQ-PHS-018) Area 700 H SW
A. Location
B. Dimension (Size/Projection)
C. Levelness for FDN Padding

461 / 647
et Accepted

576 On-schedule Waiting for result

65 Re-schedule Cancelled

82 Additional Reject
tion Party
Inspection Date Time Subcontractor Inspector Discipline Status Result

SW 28-Aug-18 1300H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted

SW 28-Aug-18 1300H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping Re-schedule Accepted

SW 28-Aug-18 1500H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping Re-schedule Accepted

SW 30-Aug-18 1000H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping Additional Accepted

SW 30-Aug-18 1300H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping Additional Accepted

SW 31-Aug-18 0800H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted

SW 31-Aug-18 0800H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted

SW 31-Aug-18 0800H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted

SW 01-Sep-18 0800H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted
SW 01-Sep-18 0800H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted

462 / 647
SW 01-Sep-18 0800H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted

SW 03-Sep-18 0800H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted

SW 03-Sep-18 0800H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted

SW 03-Sep-18 0800H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted

SW 04-Sep-18 0800H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted

SW 04-Sep-18 0800H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted

SW 04-Sep-18 0800H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted

SW 5-Sep-18 0800H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted

SW 5-Sep-18 0800H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted

SW 5-Sep-18 0800H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted

463 / 647
SW 5-Sep-18 0800H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted

SW 06-Sep-18 0730H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted

SW 06-Sep-18 0730H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted

SW 06-Sep-18 0730H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted

SW 07-Sep-18 0730H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted

SW 07-Sep-18 0730H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted

SW 07-Sep-18 0730H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted

SW 08-Sep-18 0730H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted

SW 08-Sep-18 0730H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted

SW 08-Sep-18 0730H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted

464 / 647
SW 10-Sep-18 0730H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted

SW 10-Sep-18 0730H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted

SW 10-Sep-18 0730H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted

SW 11-Sep-18 0730H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted

SW 11-Sep-18 0730H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted

SW 11-Sep-18 0730H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted

SW 11-Sep-18 0800H Philspec Randal Fernandez Mechanical On-schedule Accepted

R 12-Sep-18 1030H Philspec Ramon Castillo Mechanical Additional Accepted

SW 12-Sep-18 1030H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping Additional Accepted
SW 13-Sep-18 0730H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted
SW 13-Sep-18 0730H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted

SW 13-Sep-18 0730H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted

SW 13-Sep-18 0900H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted

465 / 647
SW 13-Sep-18 0900H Philspec Randal Fernandez Structural On-schedule Accepted

SW 14-Sep-18 0730H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping Additional Accepted

SW 14-Sep-18 0730H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping Additional Accepted
SW 14-Sep-18 0730H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping Additional Accepted

SW 14-Sep-18 0730H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping Additional Accepted

SW 15-Sep-18 0730H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping Re-schedule Accepted
SW 15-Sep-18 0730H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping Re-schedule Accepted
SW 15-Sep-18 0730H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted
SW 18-Sep-18 0730H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted
SW 18-Sep-18 0730H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted
R 18-Sep-18 0730H Philspec Randal Fernandez Piping On-schedule Accepted

SW 19-Sep-18 0900H Philspec Randal Fernandez Structural On-schedule Accepted

SW 19-Sep-18 0800H Philspec Randal Fernandez Piping Re-schedule Accepted

SW 19-Sep-18 0800H Philspec Randal Fernandez Piping Re-schedule Accepted

SW 19-Sep-18 0800H Philspec Randal Fernandez Piping On-schedule Accepted

466 / 647
W 21-Sep-18 0800H Philspec Randal Fernandez Mechanical On-schedule Accepted

SW 25-Sep-18 0800H Philspec Randal Fernandez Piping On-schedule Accepted

SW 25-Sep-18 0800H Philspec Randal Fernandez Piping On-schedule Accepted
SW 25-Sep-18 0800H Philspec Randal Fernandez Piping On-schedule Accepted
SW 26-Sep-18 0900H Philspec Randal Fernandez Piping On-schedule Accepted
SW 26-Sep-18 0900H Philspec Randal Fernandez Piping On-schedule Accepted
SW 26-Sep-18 0900H Philspec Randal Fernandez Piping On-schedule Accepted

R 26-Sep-18 1400H Philspec Randal Fernandez Mechanical On-schedule Accepted

SW 27-Sep-18 0900H Philspec Randal Fernandez Piping On-schedule Accepted

SW 27-Sep-18 0900H Philspec Randal Fernandez Piping On-schedule Accepted
SW 27-Sep-18 0900H Philspec Randal Fernandez Piping On-schedule Accepted

SW 27-Sep-18 0900H Philspec Randal Fernandez Structural On-schedule Accepted

SW 28-Sep-18 0900H Philspec Randal Fernandez Piping On-schedule Accepted

SW 28-Sep-18 0900H Philspec Randal Fernandez Piping On-schedule Accepted
SW 28-Sep-18 0900H Philspec Randal Fernandez Piping On-schedule Accepted

467 / 647
SW 28-Sep-18 0900H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted

SW 28-Sep-18 0900H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted

SW 29-Sep-18 1000H Philspec Randal Fernandez Piping On-schedule Accepted
SW 29-Sep-18 1000H Philspec Randal Fernandez Piping On-schedule Accepted

SW 29-Sep-18 1000H Philspec Randal Fernandez Piping On-schedule Accepted

SW 29-Sep-18 0800H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted

SW 29-Sep-18 0800H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted

SW 29-Sep-18 0800H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted

SW 29-Sep-18 1330H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted

R 29-Sep-18 0900H Philspec Randal Fernandez Piping On-schedule Accepted

SW 01-Oct-18 1000H Philspec Randal Fernandez Piping On-schedule Accepted

SW 01-Oct-18 1000H Philspec Randal Fernandez Piping On-schedule Accepted

SW 01-Oct-18 1000H Philspec Randal Fernandez Piping On-schedule Accepted

SW 01-Oct-18 0800H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted

SW 01-Oct-18 0800H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted

468 / 647
SW 01-Oct-18 0800H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted

SW 02-Oct-18 0800H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping Additional Accepted

SW 02-Oct-18 0800H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping Additional Accepted

SW 02-Oct-18 1000H Philspec Randal Fernandez Piping Additional Accepted
SW 02-Oct-18 1000H Philspec Randal Fernandez Piping Additional Accepted

SW 02-Oct-18 1000H Philspec Randal Fernandez Piping Additional Accepted

SW 03-Oct-18 0800H Philspec Randal Fernandez Piping On-schedule Accepted

SW 03-Oct-18 0800H Philspec Randal Fernandez Piping On-schedule Accepted

SW 03-Oct-18 0800H Philspec Randal Fernandez Piping On-schedule Accepted

SW 04-Oct-18 0830H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted

SW 04-Oct-18 0800H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted

SW 04-Oct-18 0800H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted

SW 04-Oct-18 0800H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted

469 / 647
W 04-Oct-18 0900H Philspec Allan Magadia Structural On-schedule Accepted

SW 05-Oct-18 0900H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted

R 05-Oct-18 0800H Philspec Randal Fernandez Piping On-schedule Accepted

R 05-Oct-18 1800H Philspec Randal Fernandez Piping On-schedule Accepted

SW 05-Oct-18 0800H Philspec Randal Fernandez Piping On-schedule Accepted

SW 05-Oct-18 0900H Philspec Randal Fernandez Piping On-schedule Accepted

SW 05-Oct-18 1000H Philspec Randal Fernandez Piping On-schedule Accepted
SW 06-Oct-18 0800H Philspec Randal Fernandez Piping On-schedule Accepted

SW 06-Oct-18 0900H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted

470 / 647
SW 06-Oct-18 0900H Philspec Randal Fernandez Mechanical On-schedule Accepted

SW 06-Oct-18 0930H Philspec Randal Fernandez Mechanical On-schedule Accepted

SW 06-Oct-18 1000H Philspec Randal Fernandez Mechanical On-schedule Accepted

SW 06-Oct-18 1030H Philspec Randal Fernandez Mechanical On-schedule Accepted

SW 08-Oct-18 0800H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted

SW 08-Oct-18 0800H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted
SW 08-Oct-18 0900H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted

471 / 647
SW 08-Oct-18 0900H Philspec Randal Fernandez Mechanical On-schedule Accepted

SW 08-Oct-18 0900H Philspec Randal Fernandez Mechanical On-schedule Accepted

SW 08-Oct-18 0830H Philspec Randal Fernandez Piping On-schedule Accepted

SW 08-Oct-18 1000H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping Additional Accepted
SW 08-Oct-18 1000H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping Additional Accepted

SW 09-Oct-18 1330H Philspec Randal Fernandez Piping Additional Accepted

SW 09-Oct-18 0800H Philspec Randal Fernandez Piping Additional Accepted
SW 09-Oct-18 0800H Philspec Randal Fernandez Piping Additional Accepted

SW 09-Oct-18 0900H Philspec Randal Fernandez Piping Additional Accepted

SW 09-Oct-18 0800H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping Additional Accepted

SW 09-Oct-18 0800H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping Additional Accepted

472 / 647
SW 10-Oct-18 0800H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping Additional Accepted

SW 10-Oct-18 0800H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping Additional Accepted

SW 10-Oct-18 0830H Philspec Randal Fernandez Piping Additional Accepted

SW 11-Oct-18 0800H Philspec Randal Fernandez Mechanical Additional Accepted

SW 11-Oct-18 0800H Philspec Randal Fernandez Mechanical Additional Accepted

SW 11-Oct-18 0800H Philspec Randal Fernandez Piping On-schedule Accepted

SW 11-Oct-18 0900H & 1300H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted

SW 11-Oct-18 0800H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted

SW 11-Oct-18 0800H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted
SW 11-Oct-18 0800H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted

473 / 647
SW 11-Oct-18 0800H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted

SW 11-Oct-18 1500H Philspec Randal Fernandez Mechanical Re-schedule Cancelled

SW 11-Oct-18 1600H Philspec Randal Fernandez Structural Additional Accepted

SW 12-Oct-18 0800H Philspec Randal Fernandez Piping Additional Accepted
SW 12-Oct-18 0800H Philspec Randal Fernandez Piping Additional Accepted

SW 12-Oct-18 0800H Philspec Randal Fernandez Piping Additional Accepted

SW 12-Oct-18 0800H Philspec Randal Fernandez Piping Additional Accepted

SW 12-Oct-18 0800H Philspec Randal Fernandez Mechanical Additional Accepted

SW 12-Oct-18 0800H Philspec Randal Fernandez Mechanical Additional Accepted

SW 13-Oct-18 0800H Philspec Randal Fernandez Piping Additional Accepted

SW 13-Oct-18 0800H Philspec Randal Fernandez Piping Additional Accepted
SW 13-Oct-18 0800H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping Additional Accepted
SW 13-Oct-18 0800H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping Additional Accepted

474 / 647
SW 13-Oct-18 0900H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping Additional Accepted

SW 13-Oct-18 0900H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping Additional Accepted

SW 13-Oct-18 0800H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping Additional Accepted

SW 15-Oct-18 0800H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted

SW 15-Oct-18 0800H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted

SW 15-Oct-18 0900H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted

SW 15-Oct-18 0800H Philspec Randal Fernandez Piping On-schedule Accepted

SW 15-Oct-18 0800H Philspec Randal Fernandez Piping On-schedule Accepted
SW 15-Oct-18 0800H Philspec Randal Fernandez Piping On-schedule Accepted

SW 15-Oct-18 0900H Philspec Randal Fernandez Structural On-schedule Accepted

475 / 647
SW 15-Oct-18 0900H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted

SW 15-Oct-18 0800H Philspec Randal Fernandez Piping Additional Accepted

SW 16-Oct-18 0800H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted
SW 16-Oct-18 0800H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted
SW 16-Oct-18 0900H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted

SW 16-Oct-18 0900H Philspec Randal Fernandez Structural On-schedule Cancelled

SW 16-Oct-18 0900H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted

W 16-Oct-18 0900H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted
SW 17-Oct-18 0830H Philspec Randal Fernandez Piping On-schedule Accepted
SW 17-Oct-18 0830H Philspec Randal Fernandez Piping On-schedule Accepted

SW 17-Oct-18 0830H Philspec Randal Fernandez Piping On-schedule Accepted

SW 17-Oct-18 1000H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted

SW 17-Oct-18 1330H Philspec Randal Fernandez Piping On-schedule Accepted

SW 17-Oct-18 1330H Philspec Randal Fernandez Piping On-schedule Accepted

476 / 647
SW 17-Oct-18 1330H Philspec Randal Fernandez Piping On-schedule Accepted

SW 17-Oct-18 1000H Philspec Randal Fernandez Piping On-schedule Accepted

SW 17-Oct-18 0800H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted
SW 17-Oct-18 0800H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted

R 16-Oct-18 1800H Philspec Randal Fernandez Piping Additional Cancelled

SW 17-Oct-18 1100H Philspec Randal Fernandez Piping Re-schedule Accepted

R 17-Oct-18 1700-2200H Philspec Randal Fernandez Piping Additional Cancelled

SW 18-Oct-18 0800H Philspec Randal Fernandez Piping On-schedule Accepted
SW 18-Oct-18 0800H Philspec Randal Fernandez Piping On-schedule Accepted

SW 18-Oct-18 0800H Philspec Randal Fernandez Piping On-schedule Accepted

SW 18-Oct-18 0900H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted

SW 18-Oct-18 0900H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted

SW 18-Oct-18 0900H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted

SW 18-Oct-18 0900H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted

477 / 647
R 18-Oct-18 1130-1300H Philspec Randal Fernandez Piping Re-schedule Accepted
SW 19-Oct-18 0800H Philspec Randal Fernandez Piping On-schedule Accepted
SW 19-Oct-18 0800H Philspec Randal Fernandez Piping On-schedule Accepted

SW 19-Oct-18 0800H Philspec Randal Fernandez Piping On-schedule Accepted

SW 19-Oct-18 0900H Philspec Randal Fernandez Piping On-schedule Accepted

SW 19-Oct-18 0900H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted

SW 19-Oct-18 0900H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted
SW 19-Oct-18 0900H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted

R 19-Oct-18 0800H-1000H Philspec Randal Fernandez Piping Additional Accepted

SW 20-Oct-18 0900H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted
SW 20-Oct-18 0900H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted

SW 20-Oct-18 0900H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted

SW 20-Oct-18 0800H Philspec Randal Fernandez Piping On-schedule Accepted

SW 20-Oct-18 0800H Philspec Randal Fernandez Piping On-schedule Accepted
SW 20-Oct-18 0900H Philspec Randal Fernandez Piping On-schedule Accepted

SW 20-Oct-18 1000H Philspec Randal Fernandez Piping On-schedule Accepted

478 / 647
SW 20-Oct-18 0900H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted

SW 20-Oct-18 0900H Philspec Randal Fernandez Structural On-schedule Accepted

SW 22-Oct-18 0900H Philspec Randal Fernandez Piping On-schedule Accepted

SW 22-Oct-18 0930H Philspec Randal Fernandez Piping On-schedule Accepted

SW 22-Oct-18 1000H Philspec Randal Fernandez Piping On-schedule Accepted

SW 22-Oct-18 1030H Philspec Randal Fernandez Piping On-schedule Accepted

SW 22-Oct-18 0900H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted
SW 22-Oct-18 0900H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted

SW 22-Oct-18 0900H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted

SW 22-Oct-18 0900H Philspec Randal Fernandez Mechanical Re-schedule Accepted

SW 22-Oct-18 1000H Philspec Randal Fernandez Mechanical On-schedule Accepted

479 / 647
SW 18-Oct-18 1330H Philspec Randal Fernandez Piping Re-schedule Accepted

SW 18-Oct-18 1500H Philspec Randal Fernandez Piping Re-schedule Accepted

SW 23-Oct-18 0900H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted
SW 23-Oct-18 0900H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted

SW 23-Oct-18 0900H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted

SW 23-Oct-18 0900H Philspec Arvin Balitaan Piping On-schedule Accepted

SW 23-Oct-18 0900H Philspec Arvin Balitaan Piping On-schedule Accepted
SW 23-Oct-18 0900H Philspec Arvin Balitaan Piping On-schedule Accepted

SW 23-Oct-18 0900H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted

SW 23-Oct-18 0900H Philspec Bryan Aguila Piping On-schedule Accepted

SW 23-Oct-18 1000H Philspec Bryan Aguila Piping On-schedule Accepted

SW 23-Oct-18 1000H Philspec Arvin Balitaan Piping Additional Accepted

480 / 647
SW 23-Oct-18 1430H Philspec Arvin Balitaan Piping Additional Accepted

SW 23-Oct-18 1700H Philspec Arvin Balitaan Piping Additional Accepted

SW 24-Oct-18 0900H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted

SW 24-Oct-18 0900H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted
SW 24-Oct-18 0900H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted
SW 25-Oct-18 0900H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted
SW 25-Oct-18 0900H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted

SW 25-Oct-18 0900H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted

SW 25-Oct-18 0900H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted

SW 25-Oct-18 0900H Philspec Randal Fernandez Structural On-schedule Accepted

481 / 647
SW 25-Oct-18 1000H Philspec Randal Fernandez Structural On-schedule Accepted

SW 26-Oct-18 0900H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted

SW 26-Oct-18 0900H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted

SW 26-Oct-18 0900H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted

SW 26-Oct-18 0900H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted

SW 26-Oct-18 0900H Philspec Randal Fernandez Piping On-schedule Accepted

SW 26-Oct-18 0900H Philspec Randal Fernandez Piping On-schedule Accepted
SW 26-Oct-18 0900H Philspec Randal Fernandez Piping On-schedule Accepted

SW 26-Oct-18 0930H Philspec Randal Fernandez Piping On-schedule Accepted

SW 26-Oct-18 1000H Philspec Randal Fernandez Piping On-schedule Accepted

SW 26-Oct-18 1030H Philspec Randal Fernandez Piping On-schedule Accepted

SW 27-Oct-18 0900H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted
SW 27-Oct-18 0900H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted
SW 27-Oct-18 0900H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted

482 / 647
SW 27-Oct-18 0900H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted

SW 29-Oct-18 0900H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted

SW 29-Oct-18 0900H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted

SW 29-Oct-18 0900H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted

R 29-Oct-18 0900H Philspec Randal Fernandez Piping On-schedule Accepted

SW 30-Oct-18 0900H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted
SW 30-Oct-18 0900H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted

SW 30-Oct-18 0900H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted

R 30-Oct-18 0900H Philspec Randal Fernandez Piping On-schedule Accepted

SW 30-Oct-18 0900H Philspec Randal Fernandez Mechanical Additional Accepted

483 / 647
SW 30-Oct-18 0900H Philspec Randal Fernandez Mechanical Additional Accepted

SW 30-Oct-18 1000H Philspec Randal Fernandez Mechanical Additional Accepted

SW 31-Oct-18 0900H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted

SW 31-Oct-18 0900H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted

SW 31-Oct-18 0900H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted

SW 31-Oct-18 0800H Philspec Randal Fernandez Piping On-schedule Accepted

484 / 647
SW 01-Nov-18 0900H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted

SW 02-Nov-18 0800H Philspec Randal Fernandez Piping On-schedule Accepted

SW 02-Nov-18 0800H Philspec Randal Fernandez Piping On-schedule Accepted

SW 02-Nov-18 0800H Philspec Randal Fernandez Piping On-schedule Accepted

SW 11/5-10/2018 0900H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted

SW 11/5-10/2018 0900H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted
SW 11/5-10/2018 0900H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted

485 / 647
SW 06-Nov-18 1000H Philspec Randal Fernandez Mechanical On-schedule Accepted

486 / 647
Inspection Notification Log Sheet

Inspection Party
SN Log Date Inspection Detail Activities Area / Location
Notification Number SC VPCI PMC

1 7-Aug-18 Material Inspection U/G Piping Materials AG&P Yard 1 I W SW
JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- To test 20 Welders: 2”GTAW &; 6”
2 23-Aug-18 WQT AG&P Yard 1 H W SW
Inspection of Welding Consumables;
3 23-Aug-18 Material Inspection Material traceability; Lay-out & cutting; AG&P Yard 1 I W SW
Fit-up; Welding
4 28-Aug-18 WQT 31 Welders AG&P Yard 1 H W SW
5 1-Oct-18 WQT 15 Welders AG&P Yard 1 H W SW

JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- (Film Review)'Approximate 67 WQT

6 5-Oct-18 WQT AG&P Yard 1 H W SW
0006 welded coupons

JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- (Film Review)'Approximate 67 WQT

7 8-Oct-18 WQT AG&P Yard 1 H W SW
0007 welded coupons

Dwg # A00A5001-CWS-25001-01 Rev.02

8 9-Oct-18 Piping Fabrication Dwg # A00A5001-CWI-25001-01 Rev.02 AG&P Yard 1 I SW SW
- Lay-out & cutting

487 / 647
Visual Inspection
JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Welding Visual
9 11-Oct-18 Dwg # A00A5001-CWI-25001-01 Rev.02 AG&P Yard 1 H SW SW
0009 Inspection
Jt. 3

Visual Inspection
Dwg # A00A5001-CWI-25001-01 Rev.02
JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Welding Visual
10 11-Oct-18 Jt. 2,5 AG&P Yard 1 H SW SW
0010 Inspection
Dwg # A00A5001-CWS-25001-01 Rev.02
Jt. 3,7

Visual Inspection
Dwg # A00A5001-CWI-25001-01 Rev.02
JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Welding Visual
11 11-Oct-18 Jt. 2,3, 5 AG&P Yard 1 H W SW
0011 Inspection
Dwg # A00A5001-CWS-25001-01 Rev.02
Jt. 3,7

JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Dwg # A00A5001-CWI-25001-01 Rev.02

12 10-Oct-18 Piping Fabrication AG&P Yard 1 H SW SW
0012 Jt. 3

Visual Inspection
JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Welding Visual
13 10-Oct-18 Dwg # A00A5001-CWI-25001-01 Rev.02 AG&P Yard 1 H SW SW
0013 Inspection
Jt. 3

Dwg # A00A5001-CWI-25001-01 Rev.02

14 11-Oct-18 Piping Fabrication AG&P Yard 1 H SW SW
0014 Dwg # A00A5001-CWS-25001-01 Rev.02
Jt. 3,7

488 / 647
Visual Inspection
Dwg # A00A5001-CWI-25001-01 Rev.02
JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Welding Visual
15 11-Oct-18 Jt. 2,5 AG&P Yard 1 H SW SW
0015 Inspection
Dwg # A00A5001-CWS-25001-01 Rev.02
Jt. 3,7

JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Dwg # A00A5001-CWS-25001-01 Rev.02

16 11-Oct-18 Piping Fabrication AG&P Yard 1 H SW SW
0016 Jt. 8

Visual Inspection
JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Welding Visual
17 12-Oct-18 Dwg # A00A5001-CWS-25001-01 Rev.02 AG&P Yard 1 H SW SW
0017 Inspection
Jt. 5,8

Visual Inspection
JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Welding Visual
18 12-Oct-18 Dwg # A00A5001-CWS-25001-01 Rev.02 AG&P Yard 1 H SW SW
0018 Inspection
Jt. 5,8

JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Dwg # A00A5001-CWI-26001-01 Rev.02

19 12-Oct-18 Piping Fabrication AG&P Yard 1 H SW SW
0019 Jt. 2,7,8

Visual Inspection
JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Welding Visual
20 15-Oct-18 Dwg # A00A5001-CWI-26001-01 Rev.02 AG&P Yard 1 H SW SW
0020 Inspection
Jt. 2,5

Visual Inspection
JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Welding Visual
21 15-Oct-18 Dwg # A00A5001-CWI-26001-01 Rev.02 AG&P Yard 1 H W SW
0021 Inspection
Jt. 2,5

22 16-Oct-18 WQT 1G Rotated ( 9 Welders) AG&P Yard 1 H W SW

489 / 647
Visual Inspection
Dwg # A00A5001-CWI-25001-01 Rev.02
- Jt.6
JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Welding Visual
23 17-Oct-18 Dwg # A00A5001-CWI-26001-01 Rev.02 AG&P Yard 1 H SW SW
0023 Inspection
- Jt.3
Dwg # A00A5001-CWS-25001-01 Rev.02
- Jt.2

Visual Inspection
Dwg # A00A5001-CWI-25001-01 Rev.02
- Jt.6
JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Welding Visual
24 17-Oct-18 Dwg # A00A5001-CWI-26001-01 Rev.02 AG&P Yard 1 H W SW
0024 Inspection
- Jt.3
Dwg # A00A5001-CWS-25001-01 Rev.02
- Jt.2

JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Dwg # A00A5001-CWI-26001-01 Rev.02

25 17-Oct-18 Piping Fabrication AG&P Yard 1 H SW SW
0025 - Jt.3, 6

Visual Inspection
JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Welding Visual
26 17-Oct-18 Dwg # A00A5001-CWI-26001-01 Rev.02 AG&P Yard 1 H W SW
0026 Inspection
- Jt.7, 8

Visual Inspection
JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Welding Visual
27 18-Oct-18 Dwg # A00A5001-CWI-26001-01 Rev.02 AG&P Yard 1 H SW SW
0027 Inspection
- Jt.7, 8

490 / 647
Visual Inspection
Dwg # A00A5001-CWI-26001-01 Rev.02
JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Welding Visual
28 18-Oct-18 - Jt.6 AG&P Yard 1 H SW SW
0028 Inspection
Dwg # A00A5001-CWI-26002-01 Rev.02
- Jt.13, 15

Visual Inspection
Dwg # A00A5001-CWI-26001-01 Rev.02
JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Welding Visual
29 18-Oct-18 - Jt.6 AG&P Yard 1 H W SW
0029 Inspection
Dwg # A00A5001-CWI-26002-01 Rev.02
- Jt.13, 15

Dwg # A00A5001-CWS-26004-01 Rev.02

30 18-Oct-18 Piping Fabrication AG&P Yard 1 H SW SW
0030 Dwg # A00A5001-CWI-26002-01 Rev.02
- Jt.13, 15

Dwg # A00A5001-CWI-26002-01 Rev.02

JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- - Jt.5, 7, 9
31 19-Oct-18 Piping Fabrication AG&P Yard 1 H SW SW
0031 Dwg # A00A5001-CWS-26004-01 Rev.02
- Jt.6

Visual Inspection
Dwg # A00A5001-CWI-26002-01 Rev.02
JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Welding Visual
32 19-Oct-18 - Jt.7 AG&P Yard 1 H SW SW
0032 Inspection
Dwg # A00A5001-CWS-26004-01 Rev.02
- Jt.4, 6

491 / 647
Visual Inspection
Dwg # A00A5001-CWI-26002-01 Rev.02
JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Welding Visual
33 19-Oct-18 - Jt.7 AG&P Yard 1 H W SW
0033 Inspection
Dwg # A00A5001-CWS-26004-01 Rev.02
- Jt.4, 6

JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Dwg # A00A5001-CWI-26002-01 Rev.02

34 22-Oct-18 Piping Fabrication AG&P Yard 1 H SW SW
0034 - Jt.8

Visual Inspection
JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Welding Visual
34 22-Oct-18 Dwg # A00A5001-CWI-26002-01 Rev.02 AG&P Yard 1 H SW SW
0034 Inspection
- Jt.8

Visual Inspection
Dwg # A00A5001-CWI-26002-01 Rev.02
JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Welding Visual
34 22-Oct-18 - Jt.5, 9 AG&P Yard 1 H W SW
0034 Inspection
Dwg # A00A5001-CWS-26004-01 Rev.02
- Jt.5

Visual Inspection
JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Welding Visual
35 23-Oct-18 Dwg # A00A5001-CWI-26002-01 Rev.02 AG&P Yard 1 H W SW
0035 Inspection
- Jt.5, 8, 9

Dwg # A00A5001-CWS-26004-01 Rev.02

36 25-Oct-18 Piping Fabrication AG&P Yard 1 H SW SW
0036 Dwg # A00A5001-CWI-26002-01 Rev.02
- Jt.11

492 / 647
PL 15 X 1829MM X 6096MM, A36 - 1 PC
PL 25MM X 1219MM X 1524MM, A36 - 1
PL 20MM X 1829MM X 6096MM, A36 - 1
37 25-Oct-18 Material Inspection AG&P Yard 1 I W SW
0037 80 X 7.5 X 11 X 6000MM, ASTM A36 - 1
G3101 EQ. A36 - 1 PC
G3101 EQ. A36 - 1 PC

Visual Inspection
Dwg # A00A5001-CWS-26004-01 Rev.02
JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Welding Visual
38 26-Oct-18 - Jt.19 AG&P Yard 1 H W SW
0038 Inspection
Dwg # A00A5001-CWI-26002-01 Rev.02
- Jt.11

-6G GTAW (3)

39 29-Oct-18 WQT -1G ROTATED (4) AG&P Yard 1 H W SW
- 6G GTAW/SMAW (10)
40 29-Oct-18 Material Inspection AG&P Yard 1 I W SW
0040 THINNER 21-25
PLATE, CS, 6 X 1219 X 2438MM, A36
PLATE, 12 X 1220 X 12000MM, S355ML

PLATE, 12 X 1220 X 12000MM, S355ML

JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- PLATE 12 X 1200 X 2400MM, SS316
41 30-Oct-18 Material Inspection AG&P Yard 1 I W SW
0041 PLATE 12 X 1500 X 1800M, SS316
PLATE 13 X 2400 X 12000MM, S275J2

493 / 647
JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Notification for RT Reports & RT Film
42 7-Nov-18 WQT AG&P Yard 1 H W SW
0042 Review WQT held last Oct 31, 2018


A234WPB-17 (1 PC)
A234WPB-17 (4 PCS)
A234WPB-17 (4 PCS)
WN RF 14" SCH STD B16.5 300# (5
43 9-Nov-18 Material Inspection 2.4MM TIG WIRE LOT # U2TG153619 AG&P Yard 1 I W SW
3.2MM E7018 LOT# PL511001 /
PL514015 / PL518009 (ESAB)
3.2MM E7018 LOT#
50914303 (HOBART)
1.2MM E71T-1C H8 LOT#
PF160A5C47A (ESAB)

494 / 647
44 14-Nov-18 Material Inspection SCH STD, A234-WPB - HT# EA465 AG&P Yard 1 I W SW
BW, CS, 6" X 4", SCH STD, A234-
WPB(PE.C)- HT# DN869

JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Welding Visual

45 14-Nov-18 Notification for Daily Fit-up Activities: AG&P Yard 1 H SW SW
0045 Inspection
JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Welding Visual
45 14-Nov-18 Notification for Daily Welding Activities: AG&P Yard 1 H SW SW
0045 Inspection
JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Welding Visual Notification for Visual Inspection:
45 14-Nov-18 AG&P Yard 1 H W SW
0045 Inspection A00A5001-CWI-26002-01 JT.2,17
JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Welding Visual Notification for Daily Fit-up Activities:
0046 Inspection STRUCTURE 0604
JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Welding Visual
47 15-Nov-18 Notification for Daily Fit-up Activities: AG&P Yard 1 H SW SW
JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Inspection
Welding Visual
47 15-Nov-18 Notification for Daily Welding Activities: AG&P Yard 1 H SW SW
0047 Inspection
Notification for Visual Inspection:
JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Welding Visual
47 15-Nov-18 Notification for Daily Fit-up JT.3,
A00A5001-CWI-26002-01 Activities:
25 AG&P Yard 1 H W SW
0047 Inspection Notification for Daily Welding
A00A5001-CWS-26004-01 JT.Activities:
9,15, 17
Notification for Daily
VisualFit-up Activities:
JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Welding Visual Notification for Daily Welding
A00A5001-CWS-26003-01 JT.Activities:
48 17-Nov-18 Notification for Visual Inspection: AG&P Yard 1 H SW SW
0048 Inspection A00A5001-CWS-26004-01 JT. 21, 24,
JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Welding Visual A00A5001-CWS-26003-01
26, 27 JT. 2
48 17-Nov-18 AG&P Yard 1 H SW SW
0048 Inspection A00A5001-CWS-26004-01
A00A5001-ND-25001-01 JT.JT. 5 21, 24,
26, 27
A00A5001-ND-25002-01 JT. 5
A00A5001-ND-25001-01 JT. 5
495 / 647
A00A5001-ND-25002-01 JT. 5
Notification for Daily Fit-up Activities:
Notification for Daily Welding Activities:
Notification for Visual Inspection:
JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Welding Visual A00A5001-CWS-26003-01
3.2MM HOBART 18-1 LOT#JT. 2
48 17-Nov-18 AG&P Yard 1 H W SW
0048 Inspection A00A5001-CWS-26004-01
50914301~50914303, 50915301 JT. 21, 24,
26, 27
JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- A00A5001-ND-25002-01
U2TG153619 JT. 5
49 19-Nov-18 Material Inspection AG&P Yard 1 I W SW
0049 SMAW ELECTRODE CS, E7018-1H4,
2.6MM HOBART 18-1 LOT# 5326701,
JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Welding Visual 50415701,
50 19-Nov-18 Notification 50409701
for Daily Fit-up Activities: AG&P Yard 1 H SW SW
0050 Inspection
JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Welding Visual
50 19-Nov-18 Notification for Daily Welding Activities: AG&P Yard 1 H SW SW
0050 Inspection
Notification for Visual Inspection:
JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Welding Visual
50 19-Nov-18 A00A5001-CWS-26004-01 JT. 08,13, 22 AG&P Yard 1 H W SW
0050 Inspection
A00A5001-ND-25001-01 JT. 1, 2, 3
JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Welding Visual
51 20-Nov-18 Notification for Daily Fit-up Activities: AG&P Yard 1 H SW SW
0051 Inspection

JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Welding Visual

51 20-Nov-18 Notification for Daily Welding Activities: AG&P Yard 1 H SW SW
0051 Inspection

Notification for Visual Inspection:

JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Welding Visual A00A5001-CWS-26004-01 JT. 23
51 20-Nov-18 AG&P Yard 1 H W SW
0051 Inspection A00A5001-ND-25001-01 JT. 8, 9
A00A5001-ND-25002-01 JT. 1, 3
JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Welding Visual
52 21-Nov-18 Notification for Daily Fit-up Activities: AG&P Yard 1 H SW SW
0052 Inspection
JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Welding Visual
52 21-Nov-18 Notification for Daily Welding Activities: AG&P Yard 1 H SW SW
0052 Inspection

JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Welding Visual Notification for Visual Inspection:

53 21-Nov-18 AG&P Yard 1 H W SW
0052 Inspection A00A5001-OWS-26001-01 JT. 1, 2, 3, 4

JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Welding Visual Area 600

53 22-Nov-18 Notification for Daily Welding Activities: H SW SW
0053 Inspection STR604

496 / 647
Notification for Visual Inspection:
SF082, JT-GP004
JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Welding Visual Area 600
53 22-Nov-18 A1-JGS1EP-EPCI-A06-DD-15-V035-JT- H W SW
0053 Inspection STR604
Thinner No. 25 Jotun Lot# 1793594,
54 22-Nov-18 Material Inspection GP001 AG&P Yard 1 I W SW
0054 1525985
JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Paint, Resist 86, Jotun Lot No.
54 22-Nov-18 Material Inspection AG&P Yard 1 I W SW
0054 1756188,1750319,1750315

JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Welding Visual

55 22-Nov-18 Notification for Daily Fit-up Activities: AG&P Yard 1 H SW SW
0055 Inspection
JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Welding Visual
55 22-Nov-18 Notification for Daily Welding Activities: AG&P Yard 1 H SW SW
0055 Inspection
Notification for Visual Inspection:
A00A5001-ND-25002-01 JT. 2
JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Welding Visual
55 22-Nov-18 A00A5001-ND-25001-01 JT. 7 AG&P Yard 1 H W SW
0055 Inspection
A00A5001-ND-24001-01 JT. 2, 3
JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Levelness/ JG Summit Area
56 23-Nov-18 Notification for Mechanical Daily Activities H SW SW
0056 Centering / 600 STR 0604
JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Levelness/ Notification for Pad & Grouting Level JG Summit Area
56 23-Nov-18 H SW SW
0056 Centering / inspection 600 STR 0604

191/Foundation for Z-0651
JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Levelness/ JG Summit Area
56 23-Nov-18 A1-JGS1EP-EPC1-A06-DD-15- H SW SW
0056 Centering / 600 STR 0604
E001/foundation for Column Structure-
0604 of F1,F2,F3,P36
57 26-Nov-18 Material Inspection Welding Consumables AG&P Yard 1 I W SW

JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Notification for material Receiving

58 26-Nov-18 Material Inspection AG&P Yard 1 I W SW
0058 Inspection for Above Ground Fittings

497 / 647
JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Welding Visual JG Summit Area
59 27-Nov-18 Notification for Daily Fit-up Activities: H SW SW
0059 Inspection 600 STR 0604
JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Welding Visual JG Summit Area
59 27-Nov-18 Notification for Daily Welding Activities: H SW SW
0059 Inspection 600 STR 0604

Notification for Visual Inspection:

GP005,JT-SF081 JT-SF081
JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Welding Visual JG Summit Area
59 27-Nov-18 A1-JGS1EP-EPC1-A06-DD-15-G037-JT- H W SW
0059 Inspection 600 STR 0604
GP005, JT-SF081
GB029, JT-SF051
GB029, JT-SF051
GB030, JT-SF050

JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Notification for material Receiving

60 27-Nov-18 Material Inspection AG&P Yard 1 I W SW
0060 Inspection for Above Ground Fittings

JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Notification for material Receiving

61 29-Nov Material Inspection AG&P Yard 1 I W SW
0061 Inspection for Above Ground Fittings
JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Levelness/ Notification for Daily Mechanical Activities Area 600
62 30-Nov-18 H SW SW
0062 Centering / Padding Plate Elevation Inspection JGC Site
JG Summit Area
JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Welding Visual
63 22-Nov-18 Notification for Daily Fit-up Activities: between 600 H SW SW
0063 Inspection
and 500Area
JG Summit
JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Welding Visual
63 22-Nov-18 Notification for Daily Welding Activities: between 600 H SW SW
0063 Inspection
and 500

498 / 647
Notification for Visual Inspection: JG Summit Area
JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Welding Visual
63 22-Nov-18 A00A5001-CWI-26002-01-06-07 JT-26 between 600 H W SW
0063 Inspection
and 500
JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Material Receiving Inspection for Above
64 03-Dec-18 Material Inspection AG&P Yard 1 I W SW
0064 Ground Fittings
JG Summit Site
JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Welding Visual
65 04-Dec-18 Notification for Daily Fit-up Activities: Area 600 and H SW SW
0065 Inspection
601 Site
JG Summit
JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Welding Visual
65 04-Dec-18 Notification for Daily Welding Activities: Area 600 and H SW SW
0065 Inspection
JG Summit Site
JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Welding Visual Notification for Visual Inspection:
65 04-Dec-18 Area 600 and H W SW
0065 Inspection A00A5001-OWS-26001-01 JT. 1, 2, 3, 4
JG Summit Site
JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Levelness/
66 04-Dec-18 Daily Mechanical Activities: Area 600 and H W SW
0066 Centering /
Elevation/ 601
Plumbness JG Summit Site
JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Levelness/ Pad & Grouting Level Inspection
66 04-Dec-18 Area 600 and H W SW
0066 Centering / Elevetion
Foundation for D-600
Foundation for
Elevation/ D-0640
JG Summit Site
JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Levelness/ A1-JGS1E-EPC1-A06-DD-10-131
66 04-Dec-18 Area 600 and H W SW
0066 Centering / Foundation for
Plumbness E-0624E/F

Foundation for Column 05-Bc1 and 05-
B1a Str-0601

JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Paint, Resist 86, Jotun Lot No.

67 04-Dec-18 Material Inspection AG&P Yard 1 H W R
0067 1756188,1752387, 1742929, 1750315
JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Paint, Epoxy HR, Jotun Lot No. 179844,
68 05-Dec-18 Material Inspection AG&P Yard 1 H W R
0068 179843, 179841

499 / 647
69 06-Dec-18 Material Inspection Above Ground Fittings AG&P Yard 1 H W R

JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Thinner No. 23, Jotun Lot#

70 06-Dec-18 Material Inspection AG&P Yard 1 H W R
0070 1804523,1657335, 1769699, 1804522

JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Welding Visual
72 07-Dec-18 Notification for Daily Fit-up Activities: AG&P Yard 1 H SW SW
0072 Inspection
JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Welding Visual
72 07-Dec-18 Notification for Daily Welding Activities: AG&P Yard 1 H SW SW
0072 Inspection

JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Welding Visual Notification for Visual Inspection:

72 07-Dec-18 AG&P Yard 1 H W SW
0072 Inspection A00A5001-CWR-05017-01 JT. 15
JG Summit Area
JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Welding Visual between 600
73 07-Dec-18 Notification for Daily Fit-up Activities: H SW SW
0073 Inspection and 500 and
JG Summit S-
JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Welding Visual 0601
between 600
73 07-Dec-18 Notification for Daily Welding Activities: H SW SW
0073 Inspection JG
500 andArea
JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Welding Visual Notification for Visual Inspection: between
0601 600
73 07-Dec-18 H W SW
0073 Inspection A00A5001-CWR-05017-01 JT. 15 and 500 and S-
AG&P Blasting
JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Notification for Mock-up Testing of
74 07-Dec-18 Mock-up Testing & Painting Shop H W SW
0074 Coating System 1A, 2E, 2L
Yard 1
AG&P Blasting
74 07-Dec-18 Mock-up Testing Blasting & Primer Application & Painting Shop H W SW
Yard 1
AG&P Blasting
JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Notification for Mock-up Testing of
74 07-Dec-18 Mock-up Testing & Painting Shop H W SW
0074 Coating System 1A
Yard 1
AG&P Blasting
74 07-Dec-18 Mock-up Testing Final DFT & Visual Inspection & Painting Shop H W SW
Yard 1

500 / 647
AG&P Blasting
JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Notification for Mock-up Testing of
74 07-Dec-18 Mock-up Testing & Painting Shop H W SW
0074 Coating System 2E, 2L
Yard 1
AG&P Blasting
JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Primer Inspection prior to Top Coat
74 07-Dec-18 Mock-up Testing & Painting Shop H W SW
0074 Application
Yard 1
AG&P Blasting
JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Notification for Mock-up Testing of
74 07-Dec-18 Mock-up Testing & Painting Shop H W SW
0074 Coating System 2E, 2L
Yard 1
AG&P Blasting
74 07-Dec-18 Mock-up Testing Final DFT & Visual Inspection & Painting Shop H W SW
Yard 1
AG&P Blasting
JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Notification for Mock-up Testing of
74 07-Dec-18 Mock-up Testing & Painting Shop H W SW
0074 Coating System 1A, 2E, 2L
Yard 1
AG&P Blasting
74 07-Dec-18 Mock-up Testing Adhesion Testing & Painting Shop H W SW
0074 JG Summit
Yard 1 Area
JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Welding Visual between 600
75 10-Dec-18 Notification for Daily Fit-up Activities: H SW SW
0075 Inspection andSummit
JG 500 and S-
JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Welding Visual 0601
between 600
75 10-Dec-18 Notification for Daily Welding Activities: H SW SW
0075 Inspection and 500 and S-
Notification for Visual Inspection:
JG Summit Area
A00A5001-CWS-26004-01-05/06 JT-
JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Welding Visual between 600
75 10-Dec-18 16,JT-18 H W SW
0075 Inspection and 500 and S-
Elevation/ (MV008) JT-1,2,3
JG Summit Site
JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Levelness/
76 10-Dec-18 Daily Mechanical Activities: Area 400, 500, H W SW
0076 Centering /
Elevation/ 600 Site
JG Summit
JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Levelness/ Pad & Grouting Level Inspection
76 10-Dec-18 Area 400, 500, H W SW
0076 Centering / Elevetion
Plumbness JG Summit Site
JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Welding Visual
76 10-Dec-18 Notification for Daily Fit-up Activities: Area 400, 500, H SW SW
0076 Inspection
JG Summit Site
JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Welding Visual
76 10-Dec-18 Notification for Daily Welding Activities: Area 400, 500, H SW SW
0076 Inspection

501 / 647
Foundation for E-0401B
JG Summit Site
JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Welding Visual Foundation for str-0606 Column C001,
76 10-Dec-18 Area 400, 500, H SW SW
0076 Inspection C002, C003,C004
A1-JGS1E-EPC1-A06-DD-15-V008 JT-4,
JT-5, JT-6
A00A5001-CWI-26002-01-06-08-R JT-16

JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Welding Visual

77 10-Dec-18 Notification for Daily Fit-up Activities: AG&P Yard 1 H SW SW
0077 Inspection
JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Welding Visual
77 10-Dec-18 Notification for Daily Welding Activities: AG&P Yard 1 H SW SW
0077 Inspection
JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Welding Visual Notification for Visual Inspection:
77 10-Dec-18 AG&P Yard 1 H W SW
0077 Inspection A00A5001-CWR-26003-01 JT. 2
JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Welding Visual JG Summit Site
78 11-Dec-18 Notification for Daily Fit-up Activities: H SW SW
0078 Inspection Area 500

JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Welding Visual JG Summit Site

78 11-Dec-18 Notification for Daily Welding Activities: H SW SW
0078 Inspection Area 500

JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Welding Visual Notification for Visual Inspection: JG Summit Site

78 11-Dec-18 H W SW
0078 Inspection A00A5001-ND-25002-01-01 - JT-4 Area 500

JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Welding Visual JG Summit Site

79 11-Dec-18 Notification for Daily Fit-up Activities: H SW SW
0079 Inspection Area 600
JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Welding Visual JG Summit Site
79 11-Dec-18 Notification for Daily Welding Activities: H SW SW
0079 Inspection Area 600

502 / 647
Notification for Visual Inspection:
A1-JGS1E-EPC1-A06-DD-15-G004 JT-
GP025 and
JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Welding Visual JT-SF017-2pcs Girder-G004 STR-0601 JG Summit Site
79 11-Dec-18 H W SW
0079 Inspection A1-JGS1E-EPC1-A06-DD-15-G007 JT- Area 600
GP017 and
JT-SF016-2pcs Girder-G007 STR-0601


80 11-Dec-18 Notification for Daily Fit-up Activities: H SW SW
0080 Inspection Pipe Shop


80 11-Dec-18 Notification for Daily Welding Activities: H SW SW
0080 Inspection Pipe Shop

Notification for Visual Inspection:

80 11-Dec-18 A00A5001-CWR-26003-01 JT. 4 H W SW
0080 Inspection Pipe Shop
A00A5001-CWR-05017-01 JT. 16


81 11-Dec-18 Material Inspection H SW R
0081 BATCH# 1780178, 1791426 Warehouse


81 11-Dec-18 Material Inspection THINNER NO.17 BATCH# 1832712 H SW R
0081 Warehouse
81 11-Dec-18 Material Inspection THINNER NO.10 BATCH# 1820353 H SW R
0081 Warehouse


81 11-Dec-18 Material Inspection NO.N-6.75 H SW R
0081 Warehouse
BATCH# 1818788, 1821759

503 / 647
81 11-Dec-18 Material Inspection NO.N-5.5 H SW R
0081 Warehouse
BATCH# 1807479, 1818788, 1821759


81 11-Dec-18 Material Inspection H SW R
0081 BATCH# 1782066, 1720419 Warehouse
JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Welding Visual JG Summit Site
82 13-Dec-18 Notification for Daily Fit-up Activities: H SW SW
0082 Inspection AREA 500
JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Welding Visual JG Summit Site
82 13-Dec-18 Notification for Daily Welding Activities: H SW SW
0082 Inspection AREA 500

Notification for Visual Inspection:

JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Welding Visual JG Summit Site
82 13-Dec-18 A00A5001-CWI-26002-01-05JT-12,JT-14 H W SW
0082 Inspection AREA 500

JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Notification for RT Reports & RT Film

83 13-Dec-18 WQT AG&P Yard 1 H W R
0083 Review WQT held last Dec 10~11, 2018
JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Welding Visual
84 14-Dec-18 Notification for Daily Fit-up Activities: JG Summit Site H SW SW
0084 Inspection
JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Welding Visual
84 14-Dec-18 Notification for Daily Welding Activities: JG Summit Site H SW SW
0084 Inspection
Notification for Visual Inspection:
JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Welding Visual 1.AA005001CWI-26002-01-08R /09R JT-
84 14-Dec-18 JG Summit Site H W SW
0084 Inspection 19
2.AA005001-OWS-26001-01-02 JT-6
AG&P Blasting
JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Mock up Test Plate for coating system 1B
85 14-Dec-18 Mock-up Testing & Painting Shop H W SW
0085 and 2B Blasting & Primer Appliation
Yard 1

504 / 647
Notification for Levelness, Plumbness
and Elevation Survey Activities:
1. A1-JGS1E-EPC1-A06-DD-15-E004
Framing Plan at TOS EL.+73300 & at
TOS EL.+73800
2. A1-JGS1E-EPC1-A06-DD-15-E016
Elevation/ Framing EL. at Grid 05-F1 & at Grid 05-
JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Levelness/ F1a
86 15-Dec-18 SITE H W SW
0086 Centering / 3. A1-JGS1E-EPC1-A06-DD-15-E017
AREA 500
Plumbness Framing EL. at Grid 05-F2
4. A1-JGS1E-EPC1-A06-DD-15-E024
Framing EL. at Grid 05-Fc1 and at Grid
5. A1-JGS1E-EPC1-A06-DD-15-E028
Framing EL. at Grid 05-Fd1 and at Grid

A1-JGS1EP-EPC1-A05-DD-10-001 D-
87 15-Dec-18 Erection Work H W SW
0087 A1-JGS1EP-EPC1-A06-DD-10-121 D- SITE
0651 / D-0691

88 15-Dec-18 Wrapping A00A5001-OWS-26001-01 JT. 6 H W SW
0088 SITE

JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Inspection of UG Piping JG Summit Site

89 15-Dec-18 Holiday Test H W SW
0089 A00A5001-OWS-26001-01 JT. 6 AREA 600

505 / 647
Coating & Wrapping
A00A5001-ND-25001-01-01/02 JT-
90 17-Dec-18 Tape Wrapping H SW SW
0090 A00A5001-ND-24001-01-01 JT-1,2,3 SITE Area 500
A00A5001-ND-25002-01-01/02 JT-

Holiday Testing
A00A5001-ND-25001-01-01/02 JT-
91 17-Dec-18 Holiday Test H SW SW
0091 A00A5001-ND-24001-01-01 JT-1,2,3 SITE Area 500
A00A5001-ND-25002-01-01/02 JT-

Primer Inspection prior to Second Coat

AG&P Blasting
JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Application (8:00am onwards)
92 17-Dec-18 Painting & Coating & Painting Shop H W SW
0092 2nd Coat Application prior to Top Coat
Yard 1
Application (1:30pm onwards)

JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Pipe 56" HT# RK526634 (3pcs)

93 17-Dec-18 Material Inspection AG&P Yard 1 H W R
0093 FLANGE WN 36" A092220-8824D (1pc)

Visual Inspection
JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Welding Visual A00A5001-ND-25001-01-01-02- JT-4 JG SUMMIT
94 17-Dec-18 H SW SW
0094 Inspection AA00A5001-CWS-26004-01 JT-14 JT-20 SITE Area 500
AA00A5001-ND-24001-01 JT-1

AG&P Blasting
JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Mock-up Test Plate for Coating System
95 18-Dec-18 Mock-up Testing & Painting Shop H W SW
0095 1B & 2A:Final DFT & Visual Inspection
Yard 1

JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- RT FILM Review./ Signing of RT Reports

96 18-Dec-18 WQT AG&P Yard 1 H W R
0096 (WQT held last Dec 10~11)
97 19-Dec-18 Piping Fabrication Rev.0 - Fit-up inspection of Gusset plate H SW SW
0097 Area 600/S-
SF015 to GP026 for Girder-G001

506 / 647
JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Final Line A00A5001-OWS-26001-01
98 19-Dec-18 SITE H W SW
0098 Checking (HT-UG-OWS-AP-001)
Area 600

Coating & Wrapping

JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- A00A5001-ND-25001-01 - 02 / 03 JT-
99 19-Dec-18 Tape Wrapping SITE H SW SW
0099 6,7,8,9,10,11
Area 600
A00A5001-ND-25002-01 - 02 JT-6,7.8

A00A5001-ND-25001-01 - 02 / 03 JT- JG SUMMIT

100 19-Dec-18 Holiday Test 6,7,8,9,10,11 SITE H W SW
A00A5001-ND-25002-01 - 02 JT-6,7.8 Area 600

JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Welder's Qualification Test

101 20-Dec-18 WQT AG&P Yard 1 H SW SW

Visual Inspection
Welding Joint/Piping
A00A5001-CWS-26004-01-02 / 03 JT-11
102 20-Dec-18 A00A5001-CWI-26001-01-02 JT-9 H W SW
0102 Inspection SITE Area 500
A00A5001-ND-25002-01-02 JT-6 ,7,8
A00A5001-ND-25001-01-02 JT-6 ,10,11
A00A5001-CWI-26002-01-3 JT-10

JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Rev.0 - Fit-up inspection of Stiffener Plate
103 18-Dec-18 Piping Fabrication SITE Area H SW SW
0103 SF015 (2 Pcs.) and Gusset plate GP026
for Girder-G001, Structural 0601

104 20-Dec-18 A00A5001-ND-25002-01 H W SW
0104 Checking SITE Area 600

507 / 647
Rev.0 - Fit-up Inspection of Gusset Plate
GB022 and Stiffener SF011 to existing
column H244x175x7x11 JG SUMMIT
105 20-Dec-18 Piping Fabrication SITE Area H SW SW
A1-JGS1E-EPC1-A06-DD-15-V007 600/S-0601
Rev.0 - Fit-up Inspection of One-Vbrace-
V007 to existing column H340x250x9x14

JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- for Pipie Support & Pipes for Above

106 20-Dec-18 Material Inspection AG&P Yard 1 H W R
0106 Ground

Visual Inspection
Rev.0 - Fit-up Inspection of Gusset Plate
GB022 and Stiffener SF011 to existing
JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Welding Visual column H244x175x7x11
107 21-Dec-18 SITE AREA H W SW
0107 Inspection
Rev.0 - Fit-up Inspection of One-Vbrace-
V007 to existing column H340x250x9x14

UG Piping
JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- A00A5001-CWS-26004-01-06 JT-28 JG SUMMIT
108 21-Dec-18 Piping Fabrication H SW SW
0108 A00A5001-CWI-26002-01-01 JT-1 SITE Area 600
A00A5001-CWI-26001-01-02 / 03 JT-4


109 21-Dec-18 HT-UG-ND-AP-001 H W SW
0109 Checking SITE Area 600

508 / 647
Test Plate for Coating System 1B & 2A
Installation of dollies on the test plate
JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- (Dec 26, 8:30am onwards)
110 21-Dec-18 Mock-up Testing AG&P Yard 1 H W SW
Pull-off adhesion testing (Dec 27, 2:00pm
Pad Elevation Levelness Inspection
Check for Equipment Foundation
Elevation/ A1-JGS1EP-EPC1-A06-DD-10-091 / E-
111 22-Dec-18 H W SW
0111 Centering / A1-JGS1EP-EPC1-A06-DD-10-121 / E- SITE Area 600
Plumbness 623B
A1-JGS1EP-EPC1-A06-DD-10-151 / G-
112 26-Dec-18 Material Inspection Above Ground Pipes AG&P Yard 1 H W R

Inspection of UG Piping
A00A5001-CWS-26004-01-08 JT-25
(Area 500)
A00A5001-CWI-26002-01-02 / 01 JT-4 JG Summit Site
113 26-Dec-18 Piping Fabrication (Area 500) AREA 500 and H SW SW
A00A5001-CWS-25001-01- 03 / 02 JT-6 Lay Down Area
( Lay Down Area)
A00A5001-CWI-25001-01- 01 JT-1
( Lay Down Area)

509 / 647
Visual Inspection
UG Piping
A00A5001-CWS-26004-01-08 JT-25
(Area 500)
JG Summit Site
JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Welding Visual A00A5001-CWI-26002-01-02 / 01 JT-4
114 27-Dec-18 AREA 500 and H W SW
0114 Inspection (Area 500)
Lay Down Area
A00A5001-CWS-25001-01- 03 / 02 JT-6
( Lay Down Area)
A00A5001-CWI-25001-01- 01 JT-1
( Lay Down Area)


115 27-Dec-18 Erection Work H W SW
0115 A1-JGS1EP-FRH-DD-D0640 AREA 600

A00A5001-CWS-26004-01 / Test
Package No.
JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Final Line Test Package No.HT-UG-CWS-AP-003 JG Summit Site
116 27-Dec-18 H W SW
0116 Checking A00A5001-CWS-26002-01 / Test AREA 500
Package No.
Test Package No.HT-UG-CWI-AP-003

JG Summit Site
JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Manifold No.: 17061-MN-005
117 27-Dec-18 Pressure Test Tempacil H W SW
0117 AGP-18059-E-D-20-1001.01

Visual Inspection
JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Welding Visual UG Piping JG Summit Site
118 28-Dec-18 H W SW
0118 Inspection A00A5001-CWI-26002-01-01 JT-1 (Area AREA 500

510 / 647
UG Pipe
119 28-Dec-18 Hydro Test Test Package No.HT-UG-CWS-AP-003 H W SW
0119 AREA 500
Test Package No.HT-UG-CWI-AP-003

Visual Inspection
UG Piping JG Summit Site
JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Welding Visual
120 29-Dec-18 A00A5001-CWS-25001-01-01 / 02 / 03 Lay Down H W SW
0120 Inspection
JT9 , and JT-4 Area
A00A5001-CWI-26002-01-01/02 JT-4

UG Piping
A00A5001-CWI-25001-01 JG Summit Site
121 2-Jan-19 Hydro Test Test Package N0. HT-UG-CWI-AP-002 Lay Down H W SW
A00A5001-CWS-25001-01 Area
Test Package N0. HT-UG-CWS-AP-002

JG Summit Site
JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Final Line Test Package N0. HT-UG-CWI-AP-002
122 2-Jan-19 Lay Down H W SW
0122 Checking A00A5001-CWS-25001-01
Test Package N0. HT-UG-CWS-AP-002

Elevation/ Pad Elevation Levelness Inspection

JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Levelness/ Check for Equipment Foundation JG Summit Site
123 3-Jan-19 H W SW
0123 Centering / A1-JGS1EP-EPC1-A06-DD-10-171 / G- Area 600
Plumbness 0610A/B

511 / 647
Field Joint Wrapping Application
Test Package No.HT-UG-CWS-AP-003
A00A5001-CWI-26002-01 JG Summit Site
124 3-Jan-19 Wrapping Test Package No.HT-UG-CWI-AP-003 AREA 600 and H W SW
A00A5001-CWI-25001-01 Lay Down Area
Test Package N0. HT-UG-CWI-AP-002
Test Package N0. HT-UG-CWS-AP-002

JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- RT Reports & RT Film Review AG&P Dark

125 3-Jan-19 WQT H SW R
0125 WQT held last Dec 10~11, 2018 Room QA office

Alignment Inspection for Equipment D-

JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Equipment 0600/D-0640 JG Summit Site
126 3-Jan-19 H W SW
0126 Inspection Dwg # A1-JGS1EP-FRH-DD-D0600 AREA 600
A1-JGS1E-EPC1-A06-DD-15-E001 Rev.
JG Summit Site
JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- 01 - Bolt Tightening at Grid "05-Fc1"/"05-
127 3-Jan-19 Bolt Tightening AREA 600 / H W SW
0127 Fc2" to "05-F1"/" from EL. +66300 to EL.

A1-JGS1E-EPC1-A06-DD-15-3D Rev. 0 - JG Summit Site

128 3-Jan-19 Erection Work Initial survey for all erected member of AREA 600 / H W SW
Structure 0601 of Area 600. S-0601

512 / 647
Test Package No.HT-UG-CWS-AP-003
JG Summit Site
JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Test Package No.HT-UG-CWI-AP-003
129 4-Jan-19 Holiday Test AREA 600 and H W SW
0129 A00A5001-CWI-25001-01
Lay Down Area
Test Package N0. HT-UG-CWI-AP-002
Test Package N0. HT-UG-CWS-AP-002


130 4-Jan-19 Material Inspection Above Ground Pipes & Electrode H W R
0130 laydown Area
Examination of S-0604 & 0601
131 4-Jan-19 NDE A1-JGS1EP-EPC1-A06-DD-15-V001 H W R
0131 laydown Area
A1-JGS1EP-EPC1-A06-DD-15-V035 (1/2
& 2/2)

JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Test Package N0. HT-UG-CWI-AP-002 JG Summit Site
132 4-Jan-19 Air Blow & Flushing H W SW
0132 A00A5001-CWS-25001-01 Lay Down Area
Test Package N0. HT-UG-CWS-AP-002

Equipment D-0600 / D-0640

133 4-Jan-19 Grouting Dwg# A1-JGS1EP-FRH-DD-D0600 H W SW
0133 Lay Down Area
Dwg# A1-JGS1EP-FRH-DD-D0640

Receiving Inspection for Equipment No.

Z-0651 / D-0690
134 4-Jan-19 Material Inspection Z-0651 / D-0690 H W SW
0134 Lay Down Area
Dwg# A0-JGS1EP-SPP-DD-Z0651
Dwg# A1-JGS1EP-FRH-DD-D0690

513 / 647
A1-JGS1E-EPC1-A06-DD-15-EO16 /
EO17 & E024 - Elavation Survey on JG Summit Site
135 5-Jan-19 Erection Work Framing Elevation at Grid "05-F1" / "05- Area 600 / S- H W SW
F2" and "05-Fc1" from EL. +66300 to EL. 0604
+82300. (see attached drawing)

A1-JGS1E-EPC1-A06-DD-15-EO16 /
EO17 & E024 - Plumbness Survey on JG Summit Site
JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Levelness/
136 5-Jan-19 Framing Elevation at Grid "05-F1" / "05- Area 600 / S- H W SW
0136 Centering /
F2" and "05-Fc1" from EL. +66300 to EL. 0604
+73800. (see attached drawing)

137 7-Jan-19 Material Inspection Above Ground Pipes & Fittings AG&P Yard 1 H W R
JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Above Ground Piping Raw Materials &
138 7-Jan-19 Painting & Coating AG&P Yard 1 H W SW
0138 Fittings
Elevation/ Pad Leveling Inspection for D-0693 / E-
JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Levelness/ 0690 JG Summit Site
139 7-Jan-19 H W SW
0139 Centering / Dwg# A1-JGS1EP-FRH-DD-D0693 Area 600
Plumbness Dwg# A1-JGS1EP-FCG-DD-E0690

Visual Inspection of Joint 1 for weld joint

between Gusset Plate GP008 to existing
JG Summit Site
JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Welding Visual coumn H350X350X12X19 AT EL. 79900
140 9-Jan-19 AREA 600 / H W SW
0140 Inspection Grid 05-Fb/05-F3 of Structure 0604
(Dwg No. A1-JGS1EP-EPC1-A06-DD-15-

Equipment Alignment Inspection for Z-

JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Equipment 0651 / D-0690 JG Summit Site
141 9-Jan-19 H W SW
0141 Inspection Dwg# A1-JGS1EP-SPP-DD-Z0651 AREA 600
Dwg# A1-JGS1EP-FRH-DD-D0690

514 / 647
Visual Inspection of Joint 1, 2 and 3 for
weld joint between Gusset Plate to
JG Summit Site
JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Welding Visual existing coumn H244X175X7X11 AT EL.
142 9-Jan-19 AREA 600 / H W SW
0142 Inspection 72460 Grid 05-Bc1/05-B2 of Structure
0601 (Dwg No. A1-JGS1EP-EPC1-A06-

Equipment Alignment Inspection for E-

JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Equipment JG Summit Site
143 10-Jan-19 0624E/F H W SW
0143 Inspection AREA 600

Inspection of 288 kgs. Of SMAW

144 10-Jan-19 Material Inspection Electrodes, CS, E7018-1H4, 3.2MM, H W R
0144 AREA 600
Hobart 18-1 with Lot No. 50914302
145 11-Jan-19 WQT Witnessing PQT for Repair Welding AG&P Yard 1 H W SW
146 11-Jan-19 Material Inspection Above Ground Fittings AG&P Yard 1 H W R
JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Welding Visual Visual Inspection
147 11-Jan-19 AG&P Yard 1 H W SW
0147 Inspection A01A5001-MS-06003-05 JT. 8 & 7

148 11-Jan-19 Material Inspection Abrassive Materials ;Garnet 30/60 AG&P Yard 1 H W R

Bolt Tightening Inspection for Equipment

149 12-Jan-19 Bolt Tightening No. E-0624E/F H W SW
0149 AREA 600
Dwg # A3-JGS1EP-HAN-DD-E0624EF

JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Equipment No. E-0401B JG Summit Site

150 12-Jan-19 Material Inspection H W R
0150 Dwg # A3-JGS1EP-HAN-DD-E0401B AREA 600

515 / 647
Final Bolt Tightening Inspection on
Structure 0604 of Area 600 - Grid 05-F1 - JG Summit Site
151 12-Jan-19 Erection Work 05-F2/05-Fc1 - 05-Fc3 from EL. +66300 AREA 600 / S- H W SW
to EL. +82300 (Dwg. No. A1-JGS1EP- 0604
EPC1-A06-DD-15-E017 Rev. 0)

Elevation/ Final Plumbness Survey of column for

JG Summit Site
JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Levelness/ Structure 0601 at Grid "05-Bc" and "05-
152 12-Jan-19 AREA 600 / S- H W SW
0152 Centering / Bc1" with Dwg No. A1-JGS1EP-EPC1-
Plumbness A06-DD-15-E005 Rev. 0

Final Elevation Survey for Structure 0601 JG Summit Site

153 12-Jan-19 Erection Work with Dwg No. A1-JGS1EP-EPC1-A06- AREA 600 / S- H W SW
DD-15-3D Rev. 0 0601

Receiving Inspection for Equipment No.

154 9-Jan-19 Material Inspection E-0624E/F H W R
0154 AREA 600

Alignment Inspection for Equipment No.

JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Equipment JG Summit Site
155 14-Jan-19 E-0401B H W SW
0155 Inspection AREA 600
Dwg # A3-JGS1EP-HAN-DD-E0401B

Grouting Inspection for Equipment No.

156 14-Jan-19 Grouting D-0690 H W SW
0156 AREA 600
Dwg # A1-JGS1EP-FRH-DD-D0690

Grout Compressive Strength Test (After 7 ASTEC,

157 14-Jan-19 Laboratory Testing days of grouting) Calamba H SW SW
Equipment No. D-0600 / D-0640 Laboratory

516 / 647
JG Summit Site
JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Final Elevation Survey for Structure 0606
158 14-Jan-19 Erection Work AREA 600 / S- H W SW
0158 at Area 600

JG Summit Site
JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Final Plumbness Survey for Structure
159 14-Jan-19 Erection Work AREA 600 / S- H W SW
0159 0606 at Area 600

JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Inspection of Raw Matls for Above

160 15-Jan-19 Material Inspection AG&P Yard 1 H W R
0160 Ground Pipe & Fittings
Visual Inspection:
JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Welding Visual
161 15-Jan-19 AG&P Yard 1 H W SW
0161 Inspection A01A5001-P-26027-02 JT. 11
A01A5001-P-26027-01 JT. 9

Final Bolt Tightening Inspection for JG Summit Site

162 17-Jan-19 Erection Work Structure 0606 of Area 600 at all AREA 600 / S- H W SW
Elevation. 0606

Final Beam Elevation Survey for JG Summit Site

163 17-Jan-19 Erection Work Structure 0606 of Area 600 at all AREA 600 / S- H W SW
Elevation. 0606

JG Summit Site
JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Final Column Plumbness Survey for
164 17-Jan-19 Erection Work AREA 600 / S- H W SW
0164 Structure 0606 of Area 600 at all Side.

Final Bolt Tightening Inspection for JG Summit Site

165 17-Jan-19 Erection Work Structure 0601 of Area 600 at all AREA 600 / S- H W SW
Elevation. 0601

517 / 647
Final Beam Elevation Survey for JG Summit Site
166 17-Jan-19 Erection Work Structure 0601 of Area 600 at all AREA 600 / S- H W SW
Elevation. 0601

JG Summit Site
JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Final Column Plumbness Survey for
167 17-Jan-19 Erection Work AREA 600 / S- H W SW
0167 Structure 0601 of Area 600 at all Side.

Witness groutening activities of Structure JG Summit Site

168 17-Jan-19 Grouting 0604 at Grid 05-F1_05-F2/05-Fc1_05- AREA 600 / S- H W SW
Fc2 0604

Visual Inspection on welded joint

JG Summit Site
JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- between MV010 and to existing column
169 17-Jan-19 Erection Work AREA 600 / S- H W SW
0169 H340X250X9X14 at Grid 05-Bc/05-B3-
05-B4 EL. +71300 Structure 0601

JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Inspection of Raw Matls for Above

170 17-Jan-19 Material Inspection AG&P Yard 1 H W R
0170 Ground Pipe & Fittings
Visual Inspection:
JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Welding Visual
171 17-Jan-19 AG&P Yard 1 H W SW
0171 Inspection A01A5001-P-26027-02 JT. 11
A01A5001-P-26027-01 JT. 9

JG Summit Site
JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Witness groutening activities of Structure
172 17-Jan-19 Erection Work AREA 600 / S- H W SW
0172 0601 at Grid 05-B1a_05-B4/05-Bc1

JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Welders Qualification Test for PIPING /

173 18-Jan-19 WQT AG&P Yard 1 H W SW

Grouting Inspection for Equipment No. E-

174 19-Jan-19 Grouting 0401B Dwg # A3-JGS1EP-HAN-DD- H W SW
0174 AREA 600

518 / 647
Receiving Inspection for Equipment No.
175 19-Jan-19 Material Inspection D-0510C Dwg # A1-JGS1EP-FRH-DD- Wharf area H W R

Witness groutening activities on four (4) JG Summit Site

176 19-Jan-19 Erection Work columns of Structure 0606 (Dwg. No. A1- AREA 600 / S- H W SW
JGS1EP-EPC1-A06-DD-15-E001 Rev.0) 0606

Inspection of modifide/cut handrail JG Summit Site

177 19-Jan-19 Erection Work HR010 at Structure 0606 (see attached AREA 600 / S- H W SW
dwg. And photos) 0606

Dimensional and visual inspection of

JG Summit Site
JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- relocated gusset plate GB006 at
178 19-Jan-19 Erection Work AREA 600 / S- H W SW
0178 Structure 0606 (see attached Dw. And

Inspection on relocated bolt holes of JG Summit Site

179 19-Jan-19 Erection Work Vertical Brace V002 of Structure 0601. AREA 600 / S- H W SW
(see attached Dwg. And photo) 0601

Punch Clearance (Punch list no. VPCI-

JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- PL-0128 Damaged Anchor Bolt for JG Summit Site
180 19-Jan-19 Punch Clearance H W SW
0180 Equipment No. E-0401B ) AREA 400
Dwg # A3-JGS1EP-HAN-DD-E0401B

519 / 647
Receiving Inspection for Equipment No.
D-0652, D-0653, D-0654, D-0693, E-
0402R, E-0503R, E-0622R
Dwg # A1-JGS1EP-FRH-DD-D0652, A1-
181 19-Jan-19 Material Inspection JGS1EP-FRH-DD-D0653, A1-JGS1EP- H W R
0181 Laydown Area
D0693, A3-JGS1EP-HAN-DD-E0402R,
A3-JGS1EP-HAN-DD-E0503R, A3-

JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Blasting & Primer Application Inspection

182 21-Jan-19 Painting & Coating AG&P Yard 1 H W SW
0182 of Piping Raw Materials Pipes & Fittings

JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Inspection of Raw Matls for Above

183 21-Jan-19 Material Inspection AG&P Yard 1 H W R
0183 Ground Pipe & Fittings, Consumables

Visual Inspection:
JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Welding Visual
184 21-Jan-19 AG&P Yard 1 H W SW
0184 Inspection A01A5001-P-26027-02 JT. 3,5,14
A01A5001-P-26027-01 JT. 1,2,12

Witness for the anchor bolt tightening JG Summit Site

185 22-Jan-19 Erection Work (snug tight) for column C022, C023, AREA 600 / S- H W SW
C028 and C029 of Structure 0604 0604

Final Bolt Tightening Inspection at

JG Summit Site
JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Structure 0604 Grid 05-Fd1 - 05-Fe/05-
186 22-Jan-19 Erection Work AREA 600 / S- H W SW
0186 F1a-05-F2. A1-JGS1EP-EPC1-A06-DD-
15-3D Rev.2
Final Dimensional Survey for column
plumbness of Structure 0604 Grid 05- JG Summit Site
187 22-Jan-19 Erection Work Fd1-05-Fe/05-F1a-05-F2. See attached AREA 600 / S- H W SW
drawing no. A1-JGS1EP-EPC1-A06-DD- 0604
15-3D Rev.2

520 / 647
Final Dimensional Survey for elevation
checking of Structure 0604 Grid 05-Fd1- JG Summit Site
188 22-Jan-19 Erection Work 05-Fe/05-F1a-05-F2. See attached AREA 600 / S- H W SW
drawing no. A1-JGS1EP-EPC1-A06-DD- 0604
15-3D Rev.2

Compressive Testing of Structure 0604 ASTEC,

189 22-Jan-19 Erection Work Grouting Sample at ASTEC Laboratory in Calamba H SW SW
Calamba, Laguna Laboratory

Receiving Inspection for Equipment No.

JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- E-0619B, E-0623B JG Summit Site
190 22-Jan-19 Material Inspection H W R
0190 Dwg # A3-JGS1EP-HAN-DD-E0619B, AREA 600

Compressive Strength Test (after 7 days ASTEC,

191 22-Jan-19 Laboratory Testing of grouting) for Equipment No. D-0690 Calamba H SW SW
Dwg # A3-JGS1EP-HAN-DD-D-0690 Laboratory

Alignment Inspection for Equipment No.

JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Equipment JG Summit Site
192 23-Jan-19 E-0619B Dwg # A3-JGS1EP-HAN-DD- H W SW
0192 Inspection AREA 600
Notification for Receiving Inspection for
Equipment No. E-0610B/ G-0600AB/ G-
JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- 0610AB JG Summit Site
193 23-Jan-19 Material Inspection H W R
0193 Dwg # A3-JGS1EP-HAN-DD-E0610B, Lay-down

Witness for the anchor bolt tightening JG Summit Site

194 23-Jan-19 Erection Work (snug tight) for column C002 & C003 of AREA 600 / S- H W SW
Structure 0601 0601

521 / 647
Compressive Testing of Structure 0601 ASTEC,
195 23-Jan-19 Erection Work Grouting Sample at ASTEC Laboratory in Calamba H SW SW
Calamba, Laguna Laboratory
Blasting & Primer Application Inspection
196 23-Jan-19 Painting & Coating of 7 PCS 90° ELBOW 8" SYSTEM 2A, & AG&P Yard 1 H W SW
Visual Inspection:
JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP- Welding Visual A01A5001-P-26027-01 JT. 8
197 23-Jan-19 AG&P Yard 1 H W SW
0197 Inspection A04A5001-QW-04044-01 JT. 2
A06A5001-P-26022-02 JT.1, 6

522 / 647
et Accepted

226 On-schedule Waiting for result

17 Re-schedule Cancelled

18 Additional Reject

Date Time Subcontractor Inspector Discipline Status Result

8-Aug-18 1000H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Piping On-schedule Accepted

24-Aug-18 0800H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Piping On-schedule Accepted

24-Aug-18 0800H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Piping On-schedule Accepted

29-Aug-18 0800H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Piping On-schedule Accepted

2-Oct-18 0800H AG&P Bryan Aguila Piping On-schedule Accepted

8-Oct-18 0800H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Piping On-schedule Cancelled

9-Oct-18 0800H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Piping On-schedule Accepted

10-Oct-18 0800H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Piping On-schedule Accepted

523 / 647
12-Oct-18 0800H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Piping Additional Accepted

12-Oct-18 0800H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Piping Additional Accepted

12-Oct-18 0800H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Piping Additional Accepted

10-Oct-18 0800H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Piping Additional Accepted

10-Oct-18 0800H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Piping Additional Accepted

11-Oct-18 0800H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Piping Additional Accepted

524 / 647
11-Oct-18 0800H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Piping Additional Accepted

12-Oct-18 0800H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Piping Additional Accepted

12-Oct-18 0800H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Piping Additional Accepted

12-Oct-18 0800H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Piping Additional Accepted

15-Oct-18 0800H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Piping Additional Accepted

16-Oct-18 0800H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Piping Additional Accepted

16-Oct-18 0800H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Piping Additional Accepted

18-Oct-18 0800H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Piping On-schedule Accepted

525 / 647
17-Oct-18 1300H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Piping Additional Accepted

17-Oct-18 1300H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Piping Additional Accepted

17-Oct-18 1300H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Piping Additional Accepted

18-Oct-18 1300H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Piping On-schedule Accepted

19-Oct-18 0800H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Piping On-schedule Accepted

526 / 647
19-Oct-18 0800H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Piping On-schedule Accepted

19-Oct-18 0800H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Piping On-schedule Accepted

19-Oct-18 0800H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Piping On-schedule Accepted

22-Oct-18 0800H AG&P Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted

22-Oct-18 0800H AG&P Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted

527 / 647
22-Oct-18 0800H AG&P Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted

23-Oct-18 0800H AG&P Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted

23-Oct-18 0800H AG&P Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted

23-Oct-18 0800H AG&P Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted

24-Oct-18 0800H AG&P Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted

26-Oct-18 0800H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Piping On-schedule Accepted

528 / 647
26-Oct-18 0800H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Piping On-schedule Accepted

29-Oct-18 0800H AG&P Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted

31-Oct-18 0800H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Piping On-schedule Accepted

31-Oct-18 0800H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Piping On-schedule Accepted

31-Oct-18 0800H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Piping On-schedule Accepted

529 / 647
08-Nov-18 0800H AG&P Bryan Aguila Piping On-schedule Accepted

12-Nov-18 0800H AG&P Bryan Aguila Piping On-schedule Accepted

530 / 647
15-Nov-18 0800H AG&P Bryan Aguila Piping On-schedule Accepted

15-Nov-18 0800H AG&P Bryan Aguila Piping On-schedule Accepted

15-Nov-18 0800H AG&P Bryan Aguila Piping On-schedule Accepted

15-Nov-18 0800H AG&P Bryan Aguila Piping On-schedule Accepted

16-Nov-18 0800H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Piping On-schedule Accepted

16-Nov-18 0800H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Piping On-schedule Accepted
16-Nov-18 0800H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Piping On-schedule Accepted

16-Nov-18 0800H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Piping On-schedule Accepted

19-Nov-18 0800H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Piping On-schedule Accepted

19-Nov-18 0800H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Piping On-schedule Accepted

531 / 647
19-Nov-18 0800H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Piping On-schedule Accepted

20-Nov-18 0800H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Piping On-schedule Accepted

20-Nov-18 0800H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Piping On-schedule Accepted

20-Nov-18 0800H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Piping On-schedule Accepted

20-Nov-18 0800H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Piping On-schedule Accepted

21-Nov-18 0800H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Piping On-schedule Accepted

21-Nov-18 0800H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Piping On-schedule Accepted

21-Nov-18 0800H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Piping On-schedule Accepted

22-Nov-18 0800H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Piping On-schedule Accepted

22-Nov-18 0800H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Piping On-schedule Accepted

22-Nov-18 0800H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Piping On-schedule Accepted

23-Nov-18 1300H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Piping On-schedule Accepted

532 / 647
23-Nov-18 1300H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Piping On-schedule Accepted

23-Nov-18 0800H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Painting On-schedule Accepted

23-Nov-18 0800H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Painting On-schedule Accepted

22-Nov-18 0800H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Piping On-schedule Accepted

22-Nov-18 0800H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Piping On-schedule Accepted

22-Nov-18 0800H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Piping On-schedule Accepted

24-Nov-18 0800H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Mechanical On-schedule Accepted

24-Nov-18 0800H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Mechanical On-schedule Accepted

24-Nov-18 0800H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Mechanical On-schedule Accepted

27-Nov-18 0700H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Piping On-schedule Accepted

27-Nov-18 0700H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Piping On-schedule Accepted

533 / 647
28-Nov-18 1300H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Piping On-schedule Accepted

28-Nov-18 1300H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Piping On-schedule Accepted

28-Nov-18 1300H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Piping On-schedule Accepted

28-Nov-18 0700H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Piping On-schedule Accepted

03-Dec-18 0700H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Piping On-schedule Accepted

01-Dec-18 0700H AG&P Ramon Castillo Mechanical On-schedule Accepted

3-Dec-18 0700H AG&P Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted

3-Dec-18 0700H AG&P Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted

534 / 647
3-Dec-18 0700H AG&P Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted

Arvin Balitaan/
04-Dec-18 0700H AG&P Piping On-schedule Accepted
Ramon Castillo

05-Dec-18 0900H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Piping On-schedule Accepted

05-Dec-18 0900H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Piping On-schedule Accepted

05-Dec-18 0900H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Piping On-schedule Accepted

05-Dec-18 0900H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Mechanical On-schedule Accepted

05-Dec-18 0900H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Mechanical On-schedule Accepted

05-Dec-18 0900H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Mechanical On-schedule Accepted

05-Dec-18 0800H AG&P Ermer Valdez Painting On-schedule Accepted

06-Dec-18 0800H AG&P Ermer Valdez Painting On-schedule Accepted

535 / 647
07-Dec-18 0700H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Piping On-schedule Accepted

07-Dec-18 0700H AG&P Ermer Valdez Painting On-schedule Accepted

0800H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Piping On-schedule Waiting for result
10-Dec-18 0700H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Piping On-schedule Accepted

10-Dec-18 0700H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Piping On-schedule Accepted

10-Dec-18 0700H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Piping On-schedule Accepted

08-Dec-18 0700H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Piping On-schedule Accepted

08-Dec-18 0700H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Piping On-schedule Accepted

08-Dec-18 0700H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Piping On-schedule Accepted

10-Dec-18 0830H AG&P Ermer Valdez Painting On-schedule Accepted

10-Dec-18 0830H AG&P Ermer Valdez Painting On-schedule Accepted

11-Dec-18 0830H AG&P Ermer Valdez Painting On-schedule Accepted

11-Dec-18 0830H AG&P Ermer Valdez Painting On-schedule Accepted

536 / 647
11-Dec-18 0830H AG&P Ermer Valdez Painting On-schedule Accepted

11-Dec-18 0830H AG&P Ermer Valdez Painting On-schedule Accepted

12-Dec-18 0830H AG&P Ermer Valdez Painting On-schedule Accepted

12-Dec-18 0830H AG&P Ermer Valdez Painting On-schedule Accepted

19-Dec-18 0830H AG&P Ermer Valdez Painting On-schedule Accepted

19-Dec-18 0830H AG&P Ermer Valdez Painting On-schedule Accepted

11-Dec-18 0900H AG&P Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted

11-Dec-18 0900H AG&P Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted

11-Dec-18 0900H AG&P Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted

11-Dec-18 0900H AG&P Ramon Castillo Mechanical On-schedule Accepted

11-Dec-18 0900H AG&P Ramon Castillo Mechanical On-schedule Accepted

11-Dec-18 0900H AG&P Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted

11-Dec-18 0900H AG&P Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted

537 / 647
11-Dec-18 0900H AG&P Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted

11-Dec-18 0700H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Piping On-schedule Accepted

11-Dec-18 0700H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Piping On-schedule Accepted

11-Dec-18 0700H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Piping On-schedule Accepted

12-Dec-18 0900H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Piping On-schedule Accepted

12-Dec-18 0900H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Piping On-schedule Accepted

12-Dec-18 0900H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Piping On-schedule Accepted

12-Dec-18 0900H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Structural On-schedule Accepted

12-Dec-18 0900H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Structural On-schedule Accepted

538 / 647
12-Dec-18 0900H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Structural On-schedule Accepted

12-Dec-18 0700H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Piping On-schedule Accepted

12-Dec-18 0700H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Piping On-schedule Accepted

12-Dec-18 0700H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Piping On-schedule Accepted

13-Dec-18 8:30 AG&P Ermer Valdez Painting On-schedule Accepted

13-Dec-18 8:30 AG&P Ermer Valdez Painting On-schedule Accepted

13-Dec-18 8:30 AG&P Ermer Valdez Painting On-schedule Accepted

13-Dec-18 8:30 AG&P Ermer Valdez Painting On-schedule Accepted

539 / 647
13-Dec-18 8:30 AG&P Ermer Valdez Painting On-schedule Accepted

13-Dec-18 8:30 AG&P Ermer Valdez Painting On-schedule Accepted

14-Dec-18 1300H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Piping On-schedule Accepted

14-Dec-18 1300H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Piping On-schedule Accepted

14-Dec-18 1300H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Piping On-schedule Accepted

14-Dec-18 0700H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Piping On-schedule Accepted

15-Dec-18 0900H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Piping On-schedule Accepted

15-Dec-18 0900H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Piping On-schedule Accepted

15-Dec-18 0900H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Piping On-schedule Accepted

17-Dec-18 0830H AG&P Ermer Valdez Painting On-schedule Accepted

540 / 647
17-Dec-18 0900H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Mechanical On-schedule Accepted

17-Dec-18 0900H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Mechanical On-schedule Accepted

17-Dec-18 0900H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Piping On-schedule Accepted

17-Dec-18 0900H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Painting On-schedule Accepted

541 / 647
18-Dec-18 0900H AG&P Ermer Valdez Painting On-schedule Accepted

18-Dec-18 0900H AG&P Ermer Valdez Painting Re-schedule Accepted

18-Dec-18 AG&P Ermer Valdez Painting On-schedule Accepted

18-Dec-18 0700H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Piping On-schedule Accepted

18-Dec-18 0900H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Piping On-schedule Accepted

19-Dec-18 1300H AG&P Ermer Valdez Painting On-schedule Accepted

19-Dec-18 1300H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Piping On-schedule Accepted

20-Dec-18 0900H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Piping On-schedule Accepted

542 / 647
20-Dec-18 0900H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Piping On-schedule Accepted

20-Dec-18 AG&P Ermer Valdez Painting On-schedule Accepted

20-Dec-18 AG&P Ermer Valdez Painting On-schedule Accepted

21-Dec-18 8:00 AM AG&P Arvin Balitaan On-schedule Accepted

Arvin Balitaan/
21-Dec-18 0900H AG&P Piping On-schedule Accepted
Ramon Castillo

19-Dec-18 0900H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Piping On-schedule Accepted

Arvin Balitaan/
21-Dec-18 0900H AG&P Piping On-schedule Accepted
Ramon Castillo

543 / 647
Arvin Balitaan/
21-Dec-18 0900H AG&P Piping On-schedule Accepted
Ramon Castillo

21-Dec-18 0700H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Piping On-schedule Accepted

22-Dec-18 0900H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Piping On-schedule Accepted

22-Dec-18 0900H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Piping On-schedule Accepted

22-Dec-18 0900H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Piping On-schedule Accepted

544 / 647
0830H AG&P Ermer Valdez Painting On-schedule Accepted

26-Dec-18 0900H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Mechanical Re-schedule Accepted

Arvin Balitaan/Bryan
27-Dec-18 0700H AG&P Piping On-schedule Accepted

28-Dec-18 0900H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Piping On-schedule Accepted

545 / 647
28-Dec-18 0900H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Piping On-schedule Accepted

28-Dec-18 0800H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Mechanical On-schedule Accepted

28-Dec-18 0900H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Piping On-schedule Accepted

28-Dec-18 0900H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Piping Re-schedule Cancelled

29-Dec-18 0800H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Piping On-schedule Accepted

546 / 647
29-Dec-18 0800H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Piping On-schedule Accepted

02-Jan-19 0800H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Piping On-schedule Accepted

02-Jan-19 1300H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Piping Re-schedule Accepted

02-Jan-19 1300H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Piping Additional Accepted

03-Jan-19 0900H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Mechanical On-schedule Accepted

547 / 647
4-Jan-2019 &
0900H AG&P Ermer Valdez Painting On-schedule Accepted

Arvin Balitaan
04-Jan-19 0800H AG&P Piping On-schedule Accepted
/Ramon Castillo

04-Jan-19 0900H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Piping On-schedule Accepted

04-Jan-19 0900H AG&P Allan Magadia Structural Re-schedule Cancelled

04-Jan-19 0900H AG&P Allan Magadia Structural Re-schedule

548 / 647
07-Jan-19 AG&P Ermer Valdez Painting Re-schedule Accepted

07-Jan-19 0800H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Piping On-schedule Accepted

04-Jan-19 1000H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Structural Additional Waiting for result

05-Jan-19 1000H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Piping On-schedule Accepted

07-Jan-19 AG&P Arvin Balitaan Mechanical Re-schedule Accepted

07-Jan-19 AG&P Arvin Balitaan Mechanical Re-schedule Accepted

549 / 647
07-Jan-19 0900H AG&P Allan Magadia Structural On-schedule Accepted

07-Jan-19 0900H AG&P Allan Magadia Structural On-schedule Accepted

08-Jan-19 0800H AG&P Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted

08-Jan-19 0800H AG&P Ermer Valdez Painting On-schedule Accepted

08-Jan-19 AG&P Arvin Balitaan Mechanical On-schedule Accepted

10-Jan-19 0900H AG&P Allan Magadia Structural On-schedule Accepted

10-Jan-19 AG&P Arvin Balitaan Mechanical On-schedule Accepted

550 / 647
10-Jan-19 0900H AG&P Allan Magadia Structural On-schedule Accepted

11-Jan-19 AG&P Arvin Balitaan Mechanical On-schedule Accepted

11-Jan-19 0830H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Structural On-schedule Cancelled

Jan 15-17, 0800H

AG&P Arvin Balitaan Piping On-schedule
2019 onwards

14-Jan-19 0900H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Piping On-schedule Accepted

14-Jan-19 0900H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Piping On-schedule Accepted

14-Jan-19 0900H AG&P Ermer Valdez Painting Re-schedule Accepted

14-Jan-19 AG&P Arvin Balitaan Mechanical On-schedule

14-Jan-19 AG&P Arvin Balitaan Mechanical On-schedule Accepted

551 / 647
14-Jan-19 0900H AG&P Allan Magadia Structural On-schedule Accepted

14-Jan-19 1000H AG&P Allan Magadia Structural On-schedule Accepted

14-Jan-19 1000H AG&P Allan Magadia Structural On-schedule Accepted

10-Jan-19 AG&P Arvin Balitaan Mechanical On-schedule Accepted

15-Jan-19 to AG&P Arvin Balitaan Mechanical On-schedule Accepted

15-Jan-19 to AG&P Arvin Balitaan Mechanical On-schedule Accepted

15-Jan-19 to AG&P Arvin Balitaan Mechanical On-schedule Waiting for result

552 / 647
15-Jan-19 0900H AG&P Allan Magadia Structural On-schedule Accepted

15-Jan-19 0900H AG&P Allan Magadia Structural On-schedule Accepted

16-Jan-19 1300H AG&P Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted

16-Jan-19 1300H AG&P Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted

18-Jan-19 0900H AG&P Allan Magadia Structural On-schedule Accepted

18-Jan-19 1000H AG&P Allan Magadia Structural On-schedule Accepted

18-Jan-19 1000H AG&P Allan Magadia Structural On-schedule Accepted

18-Jan-19 1000H AG&P Allan Magadia Structural Re-schedule Accepted

553 / 647
18-Jan-19 1000H AG&P Allan Magadia Structural On-schedule Accepted

18-Jan-19 1000H AG&P Allan Magadia Structural On-schedule Accepted

18-Jan-19 1300H AG&P Allan Magadia Structural On-schedule Accepted

18-Jan-19 0800H AG&P Allan Magadia Structural On-schedule Accepted

Arvin Balitaan/
18-Jan-19 0800H AG&P Piping On-schedule
Ramon Castillo

Arvin Balitaan/
18-Jan-19 0900H AG&P Piping On-schedule
Ramon Castillo

18-Jan-19 0800H AG&P Allan Magadia Structural Re-schedule Accepted

JAN 22- Piping/Structu
0800H AG&P Balitaan/Ramon On-schedule
23,2019 ral
19-Jan-19 to AG&P Arvin Balitaan Mechanical Re-schedule Accepted

554 / 647
19-Jan-19 to AG&P Arvin Balitaan Mechanical Re-schedule Accepted

21-Jan-19 0900H AG&P Allan Magadia Structural On-schedule Accepted

21-Jan-19 0900H AG&P Allan Magadia Structural Re-schedule Accepted

21-Jan-19 0900H AG&P Allan Magadia Structural Re-schedule Accepted

21-Jan-19 0900H AG&P Allan Magadia Structural Re-schedule Accepted

21-Jan-19 to AG&P Arvin Balitaan Mechanical On-schedule Accepted

555 / 647
21-Jan-19 to AG&P Arvin Balitaan Mechanical On-schedule

22-Jan-19 0800H AG&P Ermer Valdez Painting On-schedule Accepted

22-Jan-19 0900H AG&P Balitaan/Ramon Piping On-schedule Accepted

22-Jan-19 0900H AG&P Balitaan/Ramon Piping On-schedule Accepted

23-Jan-19 0900H AG&P Allan Magadia Structural On-schedule Accepted

23-Jan-19 0900H AG&P Allan Magadia Structural On-schedule Accepted

23-Jan-19 1000H AG&P Allan Magadia Structural On-schedule Accepted

556 / 647
23-Jan-19 1000H AG&P Allan Magadia Structural On-schedule Accepted

23-Jan-19 0900H AG&P Allan Magadia Structural On-schedule Waiting for result

23-Jan-19 to AG&P Ramon Castillo Mechanical On-schedule

23-Jan-19 to AG&P Arvin Balitaan Mechanical On-schedule

24-Jan-19 to AG&P Arvin Balitaan Mechanical On-schedule

24-Jan-19 to AG&P Arvin Balitaan Mechanical On-schedule

24-Jan-19 0900H AG&P Allan Magadia Structural On-schedule

557 / 647
24-Jan-19 0900H AG&P Allan Magadia Structural On-schedule

24-Jan-19 0800H AG&P Ermer Valdez Painting On-schedule

24-Jan-19 0900H AG&P Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule

558 / 647
Date Receive Return to
Remarks Date Closed Transmittal No.
Transmitted From Sub Sub

Conflict in format

Conflict in format

559 / 647
560 / 647
561 / 647
562 / 647
563 / 647
564 / 647
565 / 647
566 / 647
567 / 647
568 / 647
09-Jan-19 10-Jan-19
09-Jan-19 10-Jan-19

569 / 647
with comment

17-Dec-18 17-Dec-18

570 / 647
17-Dec-18 17-Dec-18
17-Dec-18 17-Dec-18

17-Dec-18 17-Dec-18

09-Jan-19 10-Jan-19
09-Jan-19 10-Jan-19

571 / 647
09-Jan-19 10-Jan-19

572 / 647
07-Jan-19 08-Jan-19
07-Jan-19 08-Jan-19

07-Jan-19 08-Jan-19

07-Jan-19 08-Jan-19
07-Jan-19 08-Jan-19
07-Jan-19 08-Jan-19
07-Jan-19 08-Jan-19

573 / 647
07-Jan-19 08-Jan-19

07-Jan-19 08-Jan-19
07-Jan-19 08-Jan-19

574 / 647
07-Jan-19 08-Jan-19

09-Jan-19 1/10/2019

09-Jan-19 1/10/2019
09-Jan-19 1/10/2019

09-Jan-19 1/10/2019

575 / 647
09-Jan-19 1/10/2019

09-Jan-19 1/10/2019

4 welders failed

Correction on paint
system 1B & 2A

576 / 647
17-Dec-18 17-Dec-18

17-Dec-18 17-Dec-18

28-Dec-18 28-Dec-18
28-Dec-18 28-Dec-18

577 / 647
28-Dec-18 28-Dec-18

28-Dec-18 28-Dec-18

578 / 647
04-Jan-18 08-Jan-18

28-Dec-18 28-Dec-18

28-Dec-18 28-Dec-18

Visually Accepted
Waiting for RT Results

07-Jan-19 08-Jan-19

04-Jan-18 08-Jan-18

579 / 647
07-Jan-19 08-Jan-19

04-Jan-18 08-Jan-18

580 / 647
07-Jan-18 08-Jan-19

581 / 647
Work on progress

582 / 647
07-Jan-19 08-Jan-19

583 / 647
Work on progress 09-Jan-19 09-Jan-19

07-Jan-19 08-Jan-19

not yet ready


584 / 647
09-Jan-19 09-Jan-19

MPI Results

585 / 647
586 / 647
for verification of

for verification of

Work on progress

Work on Progress
torque wrench not

587 / 647
Dwg # A1-JGS1EP-
Dwg # A3-JGS1EP-

588 / 647




589 / 647


Work on Progress

590 / 647
591 / 647
Work on Progress

592 / 647
593 / 647
594 / 647
Inspection Notification Log Sheet Accepted 48
ELECTRICAL 33 On-schedule Waiting for result 0
2 Re-schedule Cancelled 0
13 Additional Reject 0
Inspection Inspection Party
SN Log Date Notification Main Activity Detail Activities Area / Location Date
Time Subcontractor Inspector Discipline Status Result Remarks Date Closed

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Earthing Cable Depth, size & location check of earthing Charmaine
1 16-Aug-18 Area 600 N/A W SW 17-Aug-18 1000H N/A Electrical On-schedule Accepted VPCI-PL-0005 17-Aug-18
EE-0001 Installation cable trench. Perez

1. Depth, size & location check of earthing

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Earthing Cable Charmaine
2 18-Aug-18 cable trench. Area 900 N/A W SW 20-Aug-18 1400H N/A Electrical On-schedule Accepted VPCI-PL-0006. 20-Aug-18
EL-0002 Termination Perez
2. Bonding and Grounding Connection

1. Depth, size & location check of earthing

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Earthing Cable Charmaine
3 18-Aug-18 cable trench. Area 600 N/A W SW 20-Aug-18 1400H N/A Electrical On-schedule Accepted 23-Aug-18
EL-0003 Termination Perez
2. Bonding and Grounding Connection
1. Depth, size & location check of earthing
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Earthing Cable Area 600 / Charmaine
4 22-Aug-18 cable trench. N/A W SW 23-Aug-18 1400H N/A Electrical On-schedule Accepted 24-Aug-18
EL-0004 Termination STR-0601 Perez
2. Bonding and Grounding Connection

1. Installation of test well & earthing electrode

2. Depth,Size & Location Check
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Earthing Rod Charmaine
5 23-Aug-18 3. Bonding & grounding connection Area 900 N/A W SW 5-Sep-18 1100H N/A Electrical Re-schedule Accepted VPCI-PL-0007 05-Sep-18
EL-0005 Installation Perez
4. Measure earth resistance of earthing

1. Installation of Earthing Electrode

2. Depth,size and Location Check
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Earthing Rod Charmaine
6 28-Aug-18 3. Bonding and Grounding Connection Area 600 N/A W SW 5-Sep-18 1100H N/A Electrical Re-schedule Accepted VPCI-PL-0008 05-Sep-18
EL-0006 Installation Perez
4. Measure earth resistance of earthing
1. Depth, size & location check of earthing
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Earthing Cable Charmaine
7 28-Aug-18 cable trench. Area 300 N/A W SW 29-Aug-18 1400H SJ E&I, INC. Electrical On-schedule Accepted VPCI-PL-0009 04-Sep-18
EL-0007 Installation Perez
2. Bonding and Grounding Connection
Laying of grounding cables
1. Depth, size & location check of earthing
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Earthing Cable Charmaine going to foundation to be
8 28-Aug-18 cable trench. Area 900 N/A W SW 29-Aug-18 1400H SJ E&I, INC. Electrical On-schedule Accepted 03-Sep-18
EL-0008 Installation Perez completed after concrete
2. Bonding and Grounding Connection
1. Installation of Test Well & earthing
2. Depth, Size & Location Check
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Earthing Rod Charmaine
9 10-Sep-18 3. Bonding & Grounding Connection Area 600 N/A W SW 10-Sep-18 1000H SJ E&I, INC. Electrical Additional Accepted VPCI-PL-0012 10-Sep-18
EL-0009 Installation Perez
4. Grounding bus bar installation
5. Measure earth resistance of earthing
1. Installation of Test Well
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Earthing Rod 2. Depth, Size & Location Check Charmaine
10 10-Sep-18 Area 900 N/A W SW 10-Sep-18 1400H SJ E&I, INC. Electrical Additional Accepted VPCI-PL-0013 10-Sep-18
EL-0010 Installation 3. Bonding & Grounding Connection Perez
4. Grounding bus bar installation
1. Installation of Test Well & earthing
2. Depth, Size & Location Check Final Elevation of grounding pit
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Earthing Rod Area 900 / Charmaine
11 12-Sep-18 3. Bonding & Grounding Connection N/A W SW 12-Sep-18 1400H SJ E&I, INC. Electrical Additional Accepted to be confirmed after backfilling 12-Sep-18
EL-0011 Installation DPG-II Perez
4. Grounding bus bar installation by civil
5. Measure earth resistance of earthing
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Earthing Cable 1. Depth, Size & Location Check Area 900 / Charmaine To reflect change in location in
12 17-Sep-18 N/A W SW 18-Sep-18 0900H SJ E&I, INC. Electrical On-schedule Accepted 18-Sep-18
EL-0012 Installation 2. Bonding & Grounding Connection near D-0811 Perez as-built drawing
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Earthing Cable 1. Depth, Size & Location Check Charmaine To reflect location change in as
13 24-Sep-18 Area 600 N/A W SW 25-Sep-18 1000H SJ E&I, INC. Electrical On-schedule Accepted 25-Sep-18
EL-0013 Installation 2. Bonding & Grounding Connection Perez built drawing
1. Depth, Size & Location Check
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Earthing Bus Bar Inner 600 Charmaine To reflect location change in as
14 26-Sep-18 2. Bonding & Grounding Connection N/A W SW 26-Sep-18 1000H SJ E&I, INC. Electrical Additional Accepted 26-Sep-18
EL-0014 Installation near E-0607 Perez built drawing
3. Grounding bus bar installation
Area 0400
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Earthing Cable 1. Depth, Size & Location Check Charmaine
15 28-Sep-18 Chemical N/A W SW 28-Sep-18 0900H SJ E&I, INC. Electrical Additional Accepted 28-Sep-18
EL-0015 Installation 2. Bonding & Grounding Connection Perez
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Earthing Cable 1. Depth, Size & Location Check Area 0600 Charmaine
16 28-Sep-18 N/A W SW 28-Sep-18 1030H SJ E&I, INC. Electrical Additional Accepted 28-Sep-18
EL-0016 Installation 2. Bonding & Grounding Connection E-619 Perez
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Earthing cable 1. Depth, Size & Location Check Charmaine
17 3-Oct-18 Area 600 (E-640) N/A W SW 3-Oct-18 1400H SJ E&I, INC. Electrical Additional Accepted 03-Oct-18
EL-0017 installation 2. Bonding & Grounding Connection Perez

595 / 647
Area 0400
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Earthing cable 1. Depth, Size & Location Check Charmaine Laying of cables not yet
18 5-Oct-18 E-0407C, E- N/A W SW 5-Oct-18 1300H SJ E&I, INC. Electrical Additional Accepted 05-Oct-18
EL-0018 installation 2. Bonding & Grounding Connection Perez completed
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Earthing cable 1. Depth, Size & Location Check DGP II Charmaine
19 8-Oct-18 N/A W SW 8-Oct-18 1400H SJ E&I, INC. Electrical Additional Accepted 10-Oct-18
EL-0019 installation 2. Bonding & Grounding Connection Area 900 Perez
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Earthing cable 1. Depth, Size & Location Check Z-0601 Charmaine
20 9-Oct-18 N/A W SW 10-Oct-18 1000H SJ E&I, INC. Electrical On-schedule Accepted 10-Oct-18
EL-0020 installation 2. Bonding & Grounding Connection Area 600 Perez
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Earthing cable 1. Depth, Size & Location Check STR-0905 Charmaine
21 11-Oct-18 N/A W SW 11-Oct-18 0900H SJ E&I, INC. Electrical Additional Accepted 12-Oct-18
EL-0021 installation 2. Bonding & Grounding Connection Area 900 Perez
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Earthing cable 1. Depth, Size & Location Check Analyzer Shelter Charmaine
22 11-Oct-18 N/A W SW 11-Oct-18 1000H SJ E&I, INC. Electrical Additional Accepted 12-Oct-18
EL-0022 installation 2. Bonding & Grounding Connection #12 Area 0300 Perez
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Earthing cable 1. Depth, Size & Location Check DPG-II Charmaine
23 13-Oct-18 N/A W SW 15-Oct-18 1000H SJ E&I, INC. Electrical On-schedule Accepted 15-Oct-18
EL-0023 installation 2. Bonding & Grounding Connection Area 900 Perez
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Earthing cable 1. Depth, Size & Location Check DPG-II Charmaine
24 16-Oct-18 N/A W SW 17-Oct-18 0900H SJ E&I, INC. Electrical On-schedule Accepted 19-Oct-18
EL-0024 installation 2. Bonding & Grounding Connection Area 900 Perez
Area 0400
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Aboveground Earthing 1. Location Check Charmaine
25 16-Oct-18 Chemical N/A W SW 17-Oct-18 1030H SJ E&I, INC. Electrical On-schedule Accepted 17-Oct-18
EL-0025 cable installation 2. Bonding & Grounding Connection Perez
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Earthing cable 1. Depth, Size & Location Check Area 0800 Charmaine
26 18-Oct-18 N/A W SW 19-Oct-18 0900H SJ E&I, INC. Electrical On-schedule Accepted 19-Oct-18
EL-0026 installation 2. Bonding & Grounding Connection G-0805 Perez
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Earthing cable 1. Depth, Size & Location Check Area 0900 Charmaine
27 20-Oct-18 N/A W SW 22-Oct-18 1500H SJ E&I, INC. Electrical On-schedule Accepted 2 Cables, no PVC Stub-up 22-Oct-18
EL-0027 installation 2. Bonding & Grounding Connection DPG-II Perez
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Earthing cable 1. Depth, Size & Location Check Area 0900 Charmaine
28 23-Oct-18 N/A W SW 24-Oct-18 1100H SJ E&I, INC. Electrical On-schedule Accepted 25-Oct-18
EL-0028 installation 2. Bonding & Grounding Connection DPG-II Perez
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Earthing cable 1. Depth, Size & Location Check Area 500 Charmaine
29 23-Oct-18 N/A W SW 24-Oct-18 0900H SJ E&I, INC. Electrical On-schedule Accepted 24-Oct-18
EL-0029 installation 2. Bonding & Grounding Connection D-510C Perez
1 Bonding & grounding connection
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Final Ground Area 0900 Charmaine
30 24-Oct-18 2. Measure earth resistance of earthing N/A W SW 25-Oct-18 1000H SJ E&I, INC. Electrical On-schedule Accepted 26-Oct-18
EL-0030 Resistance Testing DPG-II Perez
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Earthing cable 1. Depth, Size & Location Check Area 0600 Charmaine
31 29-Oct-18 N/A W SW 30-Oct-18 1000H SJ E&I, INC. Electrical On-schedule Accepted 30-Oct-18
EL-0031 installation 2. Bonding & Grounding Connection D-0693 Perez
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Earthing cable 1. Depth, Size & Location Check Area 0500 Charmaine Laying of cables not yet
32 30-Oct-18 N/A W SW 31-Oct-18 1000H SJ E&I, INC. Electrical On-schedule Accepted 31-Oct-18
EL-0032 installation 2. Bonding & Grounding Connection E-0405R Perez completed
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Earthing cable 1. Depth, Size & Location Check Area 0400 Charmaine Laying of cables not yet
33 5-Nov-18 N/A W SW 6-Nov-18 0900H SJ E&I, INC. Electrical On-schedule Accepted 06-Nov-18
EL-0033 installation 2. Bonding & Grounding Connection Y-0402 A/B Perez completed
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Earthing cable 1. Depth, Size & Location Check Area 0600 Charmaine
34 7-Nov-18 N/A W SW 8-Nov-18 0800H SJ E&I, INC. Electrical On-schedule Accepted 8-Nov-18
EL-0034 installation 2. Bonding & Grounding Connection E-0623B Perez
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Earthing cable 1. Depth, Size & Location Check Area 0300 Charmaine Laying of cables not yet
35 7-Nov-18 N/A W SW 8-Nov-18 1000H SJ E&I, INC. Electrical On-schedule Accepted 8-Nov-18
EL-0035 installation 2. Bonding & Grounding Connection G-0401D Perez completed
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Earthing cable 1. Depth, Size & Location Check Area 0700 Charmaine
36 12-Nov-18 N/A W SW 13-Nov-18 0900H SJ E&I, INC. Electrical On-schedule Accepted 13-Nov-18
EL-0036 installation 2. Bonding & Grounding Connection R-0701C Perez
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Earthing cable 1. Depth, Size & Location Check Area 0700 Charmaine
37 15-Nov-18 N/A W SW 15-Nov-18 0900H SJ E&I, INC. Electrical Additional Accepted 15-Nov-18
EL-0037 installation 2. Bonding & Grounding Connection E-0703B Perez
Area 0600
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Earthing cable 1. Depth, Size & Location Check Charmaine
38 17-Nov-18 D-0651, D-0691, N/A W SW 19-Nov-18 0900H SJ E&I, INC. Electrical On-schedule Accepted 19-Nov-18
EL-0038 installation 2. Bonding & Grounding Connection Perez
Welder's Qualification Test for Electrical
39 19-Nov-18 WQT ROMANO O. AYATON Ambulong Shop H W SW 20-Nov-18 10:00AM SJ E&I, INC. Electrical On-schedule Accepted 20-Nov-18
UNIT 300
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Earthing Cable 1. Depth, Size & Location Check Charmaine
40 22-Nov-18 ANALYZER H W SW 23-Nov-18 09:00AM SJ E&I, INC. Electrical On-schedule Accepted 23-Nov-18
EL-0040 Installation 2. Bonding & Grounding Connection Perez
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Earthing Cable 1. Depth, Size & Location Check UNIT 700 Charmaine
41 22-Nov-18 H W SW 23-Nov-18 09:30AM SJ E&I, INC. Electrical On-schedule Accepted 23-Nov-18
EL-0041 Installation 2. Bonding & Grounding Connection R-0701C Perez
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Earthing Cable 1. Depth, Size & Location Check UNIT 500 Charmaine
42 22-Nov-18 H W SW 23-Nov-18 10:00AM SJ E&I, INC. Electrical On-schedule Accepted 23-Nov-18
EL-0042 Installation 2. Bonding & Grounding Connection E-0509B Perez
Welder's Qualification Test for Electrical
43 23-Nov-18 WQT JOEY D. CUETO H W SW 23-Nov-18 1030H SJ E&I, INC. Bryan Aguila Electrical Additional Accepted 23-Nov-18
EL-0043 SHOP
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Earthing Cable 1. Depth, Size & Location Check UNIT 600 Charmaine
44 23-Nov-18 H W SW 24-Nov-18 10:00AM SJ E&I, INC. Electrical On-schedule Accepted 24-Nov-18
EL-0044 Installation 2. Bonding & Grounding Connection E-0623B Perez
1. Vendor Data check EPC1
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Material Receiving Nestor
45 23-Nov-18 2. Certificate Check FABRICATION H W SW 24-Nov-18 08:00AM SJ E&I, INC. Electrical On-schedule Accepted 24-Nov-18
MRI-EL-0003 Inspection Mendoza
3. Visual Check SHOP

JGSS1EP-VPCI- Underground Earthing 1. Depth, Size & Location Check UNIT 500 Charmaine
46 10-Dec-18 H W SW 11-Dec-18 09:00AM SJ E&I, INC. Electrical On-schedule Accepted 11-Dec-18
EL-0045 Cable Installation 2. Bonding & Grounding Connection E-0507AR/BR/CR Perez

596 / 647
JGSS1EP-VPCI- Underground Earthing 1. Depth, Size & Location Check UNIT 300 Charmaine
47 10-Dec-18 H W SW 11-Dec-18 10:00AM SJ E&I, INC. Electrical On-schedule Accepted 11-Dec-18
EL-0046 Cable Installation 2. Bonding & Grounding Connection Y-0401D Perez
Underground Earthing
JGSS1EP-VPCI- 1. Depth, Size & Location Check Area 300, 600 & Charmaine
48 7-Jan-19 Cable Installation for H W SW 8-Jan-19 10:00AM SJ E&I Electrical On-schedule Accepted
EL-0047 2. Bonding & Grounding Connection DPG-II Perez

597 / 647
Inspection Notification Log Sheet Accepted 16
ELECTRICAL 15 On-schedule Waiting for result 0
1 Re-schedule Cancelled 1
1 Additional Reject 0
Inspection Inspection Party
Inspection Receive Return to
SN Log Date Notification Main Activity Detail Activities Area / Location Time Subcontractor Inspector Discipline Status Result Remarks Date Closed Transmittal No.
SC VPCI PMC Date From Sub Sub
1. Fabrication of ladder report
2.Visual Inspection for electrical support
1000 x 2970 x 500 mm (6 pcs)
JGSS1EP-SJEI- Fabrication of Ladder 1000 x 2000 x 500 mm (7 pcs) Nestor
1 7-Dec-18 SJ E&I Fab H W SW 7-Dec-18 1400H SJ E&I Electrical Additional Accepted with punch
EL-0001 support 500 x 1820 x 500 mm (16 pcs) Mendoza
1000 X 2450 X 1000 mm (1 pc)
500 x 2320 x 1000 mm (1 pc)

1. Fabrication of ladder support for

electrical tray.
JGSS1EP-SJEI- Fabrication of Ladder Nestor
2 10-Dec-18 500 x 1820 x 500mm (19 pcs) SJ E&I Fab H W SW 11-Dec-18 1000H SJ E&I Electrical On-schedule Accepted with punch
EL-0002 support Mendoza
2. Visual inspection for electrical ladder

Visual Inspection of welded and bolted

JGSS1EP-SJEI- Cable tray support electrical ladder support Nestor
3 19-Dec-18 Area 900 H W SW 20-Dec-18 1000H SJ E&I Electrical On-schedule Accepted with punch
EL-0003 installation 500mm x 1820mm x 500mm Mendoza

Visual Inspection for electical ladder

JGSS1EP-SJEI- Cable tray support support Nestor
4 26-Dec-18 Area 900 to 700 H W SW 27-Dec-18 1000H SJ E&I Electrical On-schedule Accepted with punch
EL-0004 installation 500mm x 1820mm x 500mm (23pcs) Mendoza

Visual Inspection for cable tray support

JGSS1EP-SJEI- Cable tray support Nestor
5 27-Dec-18 500mm x 1160mm x 500mm (20 pcs) Fabrication Shop H W SW 28-Dec-18 1000H SJ E&I Electrical On-schedule Accepted with punch
EL-0005 fabrication Mendoza

JGSS1EP-SJEI- Cable tray support Visual Inspection for cable tray Nestor
6 27-Dec-18 Area 900 H W SW 28-Dec-18 1400H SJ E&I Electrical On-schedule Accepted with punch
EL-0006 installation Mendoza

598 / 647
Inspection Notification Log Sheet (INSTRUM
Inspection Inspection Party
SN Log Date Notification System No. Inspection Activities Area / Location

JGSS1EP-SJEI-IN- Visual Channel support prior to cable duct

1 28-Dec-18 X-1000-I-01 - Area 900 H W SW
0001 Inspection installation

Visual inspection of cable stopper

2 15-Jan-19 X-1000-I-01 X-1600-I-04 prior to cable duct installation Area 600 H W SW
0002 Inspection
(50mm x 50mm x 50mm)

Visual inspection of cable duct

3 21-Jan-19 X-1000-I-01 X-1900-I-07 installation 1000 mm
Final inspection of xthe
300 mm x
relocation Area 900 H W SW
0003 Inspection
3000mm including support
of Flow Transmitter FT-7016 at
Area 700 including:
•Cable re-routing and cable
4 22-Jan-19 Final Inspection Area 700 H W SW
0004 MISC-005 •Field instrument installation
•Instrument piping and tubing
•Instrument piping and tubing
test and final inspection
Inspection Inspection Party
SN Log Date Notification System No. Inspection Activities Area / Location
Inspection Related
Name of
Subcontractor Contruction Result
Date Time Inspector

29 Dec. 2018 1000H SJ E&I R. Arago Instrument Accepted

1000H SJ E&I R. Arago Instrument Accepted

22-Jan-19 1000H SJ E&I R. Arago Instrument Accepted

23-Jan-19 0900H SJ E&I R. Arago Instrument Accepted

Inspection Related
Name of
Subcontractor Contruction Result
Date Time Inspector
Inspection Notification Log Sheet

Inspection Inspection Party

SN Log Date Notification Inspection Detail Activities Area / Location Time
(rebar, form, embedded, cleaning, etc) of lean
1 18-Apr-18 T-CCO-001 Pre-pouring VPCI Office H W R 19-Apr-18 0800H
concrete GL G1,H1,I1 = 3 nos.
(mixture, slump, temperature check, etc.) of lean
2 18-Apr-18 T-CCO-001 Concrete Pouring VPCI Office H W R 19-Apr-18 0800H
concrete GL G1,H1,I1 = 3 nos.
(rebar, form, embedded, cleaning, etc) of lean
3 19-Apr-18 T-CCO-002 Pre-pouring VPCI Office H W R 20-Apr-18 0800H
concrete GL A1 ~ F1 = 6 nos.
(mixture, slump, temperature check, etc.) of lean
4 19-Apr-18 T-CCO-002 Concrete Pouring VPCI Office H W R 20-Apr-18 0800H
concrete GL A1 ~ F1 = 6 nos.
(rebar, form, embedded, cleaning, etc) of lean
5 23-Apr-18 T-CCO-003 Pre-pouring VPCI Office H W R 24-Apr-18 0800H
concrete GL A-I Line 4 7 GL A & I Line 2 & 3
(mixture, slump, temperature check, etc.) of lean
6 23-Apr-18 T-CCO-003 Concrete Pouring VPCI Office H W R 24-Apr-18 0800H
concrete GL A-I Line 4 7 GL A & I Line 2 & 3

(rebar, form, embedded, cleaning, etc) of

7 23-Apr-18 T-CCO-004 Pre-pouring VPCI Office H W R 24-Apr-18 0800H
Footings GL A-H LINE 1 = 8 nos.

(mixture, slump, temperature check, etc.) of

8 23-Apr-18 T-CCO-004 Concrete Pouring VPCI Office H W R 24-Apr-18 0800H
Footings GL A-H LINE 1 = 8 nos.

(rebar, form, embedded, cleaning, etc) of Lean

9 23-Apr-18 T-CCO-005 Pre-pouring PMC Office H W R 24-Apr-18 0800H
concrete GL D3
(rebar, form, embedded, cleaning, etc) of
10 26-Apr-18 T-CCO-006 Pre-pouring Footings GL A1,B1,A2,A3 = 4 nos. PMC Office H W R 27-Apr-18 1000H

(mixture, slump, temperature check, etc.) of

11 26-Apr-18 T-CCO-006 Concrete Pouring Footings GL A1,B1,A2,A3 = 4 nos. PMC Office H W R 27-Apr-18 1100H

603 / 647
(rebar, form, embedded, cleaning, etc) of
12 26-Apr-18 T-CCO-007 Pre-pouring Footings GL I1,I2,I3,I4,H4,G4,E4,D4 = 8 nos. VPCI Office H W R 27-Apr-18 1000H

(mixture, slump, temperature check, etc.) of

13 26-Apr-18 T-CCO-007 Concrete Pouring VPCI Office H W R 27-Apr-18 1100H
Footings GL I1,I2,I3,I4,H4,G4,E4,D4 = 8 nos..

(rebar, form, embedded, cleaning, etc) of Lean

14 28-Apr-18 T-CCO-008 Pre-pouring PMC Office H W R 29-Apr-18 0800H
concrete GL C1,D1,E1,F1,F2,F3,E3 = 7nos.

(rebar, form, embedded, cleaning, etc) of

15 29-Apr-18 T-CCO-009 Pre-pouring PMC Office H W R 30-Apr-18 0800H
Footings GL A1,A2,A3,B1,C1,D3,D1 = 7nos.

(mixture, slump, temperature check, etc.) of

16 29-Apr-18 T-CCO-009 Concrete Pouring PMC Office H W R 30-Apr-18 1100H
Footings GL A1,A2,A3,B1,C1,D3,D1 = 7nos.

(rebar, form, embedded, cleaning, etc) of

17 29-Apr-18 T-CCO-009 Pre-pouring VPCI Office H W R 30-Apr-18 0800H
Footings GL A2,A3,A4,B4,C4 = 5 nos.

(mixture, slump, temperature check, etc.) of

18 29-Apr-18 T-CCO-009 Concrete Pouring VPCI Office H W R 30-Apr-18 1100H
Footings GL A2,A3,A4,B4,C4 = 5 nos.

(rebar, form, embedded, cleaning, etc) lean

19 2-May-18 T-CCO-010 Pre-pouring PMC Office H W R 2-May-18 0800H
concrete, GL F4.
(rebar, form, embedded, cleaning, etc) lean
20 2-May-18 T-CCO-010 Pre-pouring VPCI Office H W R 2-May-18 0800H
concrete, GL B3, C3.
(rebar, form, embedded, cleaning, etc) (Grid line
21 5-May-18 T-CCO-011 Pre-pouring A - I line 1 and Grid A and I line 2) VPCI Office H W R 5-May-18 1100H
Pedestals = 11 nos.

5-May-18 T-CCO-011 Concrete Pouring (mixture, slump, temperature check, etc.) (Site) VPCI Office H W R 5-May-18 1300
22 Pedestals = 11 nos.
(rebar, form, embedded, cleaning, etc.) (Grid line
23 5-May-18 T-CCO-012 Pre-pouring A - I line 1 and Grid A and I line 2) VPCI Office H W R 5-May-18 1100H
Footing Tie Beam
(mixture, slump, temperature check, etc.) (Site)
24 5-May-18 T-CCO-012 Concrete Pouring VPCI Office H W R 5-May-18 1300
Footing Tie Beam
(rebar, form, embedded, cleaning, etc.) Footings
25 5-May-18 T-CCO-013 Pre-pouring VPCI Office H W R 5-May-18 1100H
(Grid Line F line 4) = 1 mo.

(mixture, slump, temperature check, etc.)

26 5-May-18 T-CCO-013 Concrete Pouring VPCI Office H W R 5-May-18 1300
Footings (Site)

604 / 647
(rebar, form, embedded, cleaning, etc.)
27 7-May-18 T-CCO-014 Pre-pouring FOUNDATION Grid line -Line (B-3, C-3, E-1,3, and PMC Office H W R 9-May-18 1100H
F-1,2,3) = 7 nos.

28 7-May-18 T-CCO-014 Concrete Pouring (mixture, slump, temperature check, etc.) (Site) PMC Office H W R 9-May-18 1300

(rebar, form, embedded, cleaning, etc.)

29 7-May-18 T-CCO-015 Pre-pouring FOOTING the BEAM Grid line - Line (A AND I -3,4, VPCI Office H W R 9-May-18 1100H
A to I - 4)

30 7-May-18 T-CCO-015 Concrete Pouring (mixture, slump, temperature check, etc.) (Site) VPCI Office H W R 9-May-18 1300

(rebar, form, embedded, cleaning, etc.)

31 7-May-18 T-CCO-016 Pre-pouring PEDESTAL Grid line - Line (A-3, 4, B-4, C-4, E-4, F- VPCI Office H W R 9-May-18 1100H
4, G-4, H-4, and I-3, 4) = 11 mos.

32 7-May-18 T-CCO-016 Concrete Pouring (mixture, slump, temperature check, etc.) (Site) VPCI Office H W R 9-May-18 1300

(rebar, form, embedded, cleaning, etc.) (Grid line

33 10-May-18 T-CCO-017 Pre-pouring A to D - Line 1 to 3) VPCI Office H W R 10-May-18 1700H

34 10-May-18 T-CCO-017 Concrete Pouring (mixture, slump, temperature check, etc.) (Site) VPCI Office H W R 10-May-18 1700H

(rebar, form, embedded, cleaning, etc.)

35 12-May-18 T-CCO-018 Pre-pouring SLAB on Grid - Remaining @ Grid Line A to D VPCI Office H W R 12-May-18 1000H
(East) and Grid Line 3 to 4 (North)

36 12-May-18 T-CCO-018 Concrete Pouring (mixture, slump, temperature check, etc.) (Site) VPCI Office H W R 12-May-18 1100H

(rebar, form, embedded, cleaning, etc.)

37 15-May-18 T-CCO-019 Pre-pouring SLAB on Grid - Remaining @ Grid Line A to F VPCI Office H W R 16-May-18 1000H
(East) and Grid Line 2 to 4 (North)

38 15-May-18 T-CCO-019 Concrete Pouring (mixture, slump, temperature check, etc.) (Site) VPCI Office H W R 16-May-18 1100H

(rebar, form, embedded, cleaning, etc.)

39 16-May-18 T-CCO-020 Pre-pouring SLAB on Grid - Remaining @ Grid Line G to I (East) VPCI Office H W R 17-May-18 1000H
and Grid Line 3 to 4 (North)

40 16-May-18 T-CCO-020 Concrete Pouring (mixture, slump, temperature check, etc.) (Site) VPCI Office H W R 17-May-18 1100H

605 / 647
(rebar, form, embedded, cleaning, etc.)
41 15-May-18 T-CCO-021 Pre-pouring VPCI Office H W R 15-May-18 1000H

42 15-May-18 T-CCO-021 Concrete Pouring (mixture, slump, temperature check, etc.) (Site) VPCI Office H W R 15-May-18 1100H

(rebar, form, embedded, cleaning, etc.)

43 20-May-18 T-CCO-022 Pre-pouring VPCI Office H W R 21-May-18 1000H
Slab-on grade GL D-H/1-4

(mixture, slump, temperature check, etc.) Slab-on

44 20-May-18 T-CCO-022 Concrete Pouring VPCI Office H W R 21-May-18 1100H
grade GL D-H/1-4

(rebar, form, embedded, cleaning, etc.)

45 29-May-18 T-CCO-023 Pre-pouring VPCI office H W R 30-May-18 1000H
Septic Tank foundation base
(mixture, slump, temperature check, etc.)Septic
46 29-May-18 T-CCO-023 Concrete Pouring VPCI office H W R 30-May-18 1100H
Tank foundation base
(rebar, form, embedded, cleaning, etc.)
47 29-May-18 T-CCO-024 Pre-pouring LEAN CONCRETE - SEPTIC TANK PMC Office H W R 30-May-18 1000H

(mixture, slump, temperature check, etc.) LEAN

48 29-May-18 T-CCO-024 Concrete Pouring PMC Office H W R 30-May-18 1100H
(rebar, form, embedded, cleaning, etc.)
49 1-Jun-18 T-CCO-025 Pre-pouring VPCI office H W R 2-Jun-18 1000H
Slab-on grade GL G-I/1-3
(mixture, slump, temperature check, etc.) Slab-on
50 1-Jun-18 T-CCO-025 Concrete Pouring VPCI office H W R 2-Jun-18 1100H
grade GL G-I/1-3
(rebar, form, embedded, cleaning, etc.)
51 1-Jun-18 T-CCO-026 Pre-pouring PMC Office H W R 2-Jun-18 1000H
Footing tie beams, GL A-F/1-3
(mixture, slump, temperature check, etc.) Footing
52 1-Jun-18 T-CCO-026 Concrete Pouring PMC Office H W R 2-Jun-18 1100H
tie beams, GL A-F/1-3
(rebar, form, embedded, cleaning, etc.)
53 1-Jun-18 T-CCO-027 Pre-pouring Pedestals, GL A-F/1-3 PMC Office H W R 2-Jun-18 1000H

(mixture, slump, temperature check, etc.)

54 1-Jun-18 T-CCO-027 Concrete Pouring PMC Office H W R 2-Jun-18 1100H
Pedestals, GL A-F/1-3
(rebar, form, embedded, cleaning, etc.)
55 29-May-18 T-CCO-028 Pre-pouring VPCI office H W R 31-May-18 0800H
Foundation, Septic Tank
(mixture, slump, temperature check, etc.)
56 29-May-18 T-CCO-028 Concrete Pouring VPCI office H W R 31-May-18 0800H
Foundation, Septic Tank
Plumbness and levelness inspection for column
57 4-Jun-18 T-SER-001 Structural Erection VPCI office H W R 4-Jun-18 0800H
of VPCI office
Bolt tightening inspection of trusses of VPCI
58 19-Jul-18 T-SBO-001 Structural Bolting VPCI office H W R 19-Jul-18 0800H

606 / 647
Bolt tightening inspection for COLUMNS of VPCI
59 19-Jul-18 T-SBO-002 Structural Bolting VPCI office H W R 19-Jul-18 0800H

607 / 647

59 On-schedule Waiting for result

0 Re-schedule Cancelled

0 Additional Reject

Subcontractor Inspector Discipline Status Result

VPCI Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

VPCI Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

VPCI Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

VPCI Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

VPCI Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

VPCI Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

VPCI Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

VPCI Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

VPCI Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

VPCI Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

VPCI Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

608 / 647
VPCI Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

VPCI Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

VPCI Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

VPCI Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

VPCI Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

VPCI Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

VPCI Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

VPCI Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

VPCI Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

VPCI Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

VPCI Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

VPCI Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

VPCI Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

VPCI Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

VPCI Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

609 / 647
VPCI Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

VPCI Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

VPCI Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

VPCI Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

VPCI Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

VPCI Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

VPCI Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

VPCI Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

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VPCI Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

VPCI Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

VPCI Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

VPCI Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

VPCI Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

610 / 647
VPCI Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

VPCI Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

VPCI Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

VPCI Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

VPCI Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

VPCI Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

VPCI Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

VPCI Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

VPCI Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

VPCI Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

VPCI Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

VPCI Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

VPCI Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

VPCI Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

VPCI Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

VPCI Allan Magadia Civil On-schedule Accepted

VPCI Arvin Baitaan Civil On-schedule Accepted

VPCI Arvin Baitaan Civil On-schedule Accepted

611 / 647
VPCI Arvin Baitaan Civil On-schedule Accepted

612 / 647
Inspection Notification Log Sheet

Inspection Inspection Party

SN Log Date Notification Inspection Detail Activities Area / Location
JGS/KR/003 - UG materials (Pipe & Wrapping AG&P Yard 1, San
JGSS1EP-VPCI-MRI-PI- Material Inspection
1 2-Jul-18 Tape) Roque Bauan I W SW 3-Jul-18
0001 U/G Piping Materials JGS/KR/004 - UG Materials (Pipe & Fitting) Batangas
JGS/KR/003 - UG materials (Pipe & Wrapping AG&P Yard 1, San
JGSS1EP-VPCI-MRI-PI- Material Inspection
2 11-Aug-18 Tape) Roque Bauan I W SW 7-Aug-18
0002 U/G Piping Materials JGS/KR/004 - UG Materials (Pipe & Fitting) Batangas
JGSS1EP-VPCI-MRI-PI- Material Inspection of
3 29-Aug-18 JGS/KR/016 Flange EPC 1 Laydown I W SW 30-Aug-18
0003 UG material
JGSS1EP-VPCI-MRI-PI- Material Inspection of JGS/KR/014 Pipe & fitting material for relocation
4 31-Aug-18 Tempacil Area I W SW 1-Sep-18
0004 UG material work.
JGSS1EP-VPCI-MRI-PI- Material Inspection of
5 6-Sep-18 JGS/KR/017 UG Piping Urgent Fitting Tempacil Area I W SW 6-Sep-18
0005 UG material
JGSS1EP-VPCI-MRI- JGS/KR/002 Earthing & Lightning materials.
6 11-Aug-18 EE-0001 Material Inspection JGS/KR/006 Exothermic Weld Powder. VPCI Laydown Area H W SW 7-Aug-18

JGSSIEP-VPCI-MRI- Material Inspection

7 16-Jun-18 CBI-002, CBI-004, CBI-005, CBI-008 NCP laydown NA I SW 16-Jun-18
ME-0001 Heater Module
JGSSIEP-VPCI-MRI- Material Inspection
8 16-Jun-18 CBI-001, CBI-003, CBI-010 NCP laydown NA I SW 16-Jun-18
ME-0002 Heater Module
JGSSIEP-VPCI-MRI- Material Inspection
9 18-Jun-18 CBI-006, CBI-011, CBI-012, CBI-013 EPC1 Laydown NA I SW 18-Jun-18
ME-0003 Heater Module
JGSSIEP-VPCI-MRI- Material Inspection
10 19-Jun-18 CBI-015, CBI-016, CBI-017, CBI-019, CBI-020 EPC1 Laydown NA I SW 19-Jun-18
ME-0004 Heater Module

JGSSIEP-VPCI-MRI- Material Inspection

11 25-Jun-18 CBI-007, CBI-009, CBI-014, CBI-018, CBI-021 EPC1 Laydown NA I SW 25-Jun-18
ME-0005 Heater Module

JGSS1EP-VPCI-MRI- Material Inspection

12 26-Jul-18 CBI LHT Ship No. 2 - Gratings EPC1 Laydown NA I SW 26-Jul-18
ME-0006 Heater Module

613 / 647
JGSS1EP-VPCI-MRI- Material Inspection
13 01-Aug-18 CBI LHT Ship No. 2 - Parts and accessories EPC1 Laydown NA I SW 01-Aug-18
ME-0007 Heater Module
JGSS1EP-VPCI-MRI- Material Inspection CBI LHT Ship No. 2 - Convection Module and
14 EPC1 Laydown NA I SW 02-Aug-18
ME-0008 Heater Module Spreader Beam
JGSS1EP-VPCI-MRI- Material Inspection CBI LHT Ship No. 2 - Convection Module and
15 01-Aug-18 EPC1 Laydown NA I SW 01-Aug-18
ME-0009 Heater Module Structure and Loose item

JGSS1EP-VPCI-MRI- Material Inspection CBI LHT Ship No. 2 - Convection Module and
16 02-Aug-18 EPC1 Laydown NA I SW 02-Aug-18
ME-0010 Heater Module Structure and Loose item

JGSS1EP-VPCI-MRI- Material Inspection CBI LHT Ship No. 2 - Support frame and structure
17 15-Aug-18 EPC1 Laydown NA I SW 15-Aug-18
ME-0011 Heater Module and loose item
JGSS1EP-VPCI-MRI- Material Inspection Schmidtsche Schack - Mechanical Spool and
18 11-Sep-18 EPC1 Laydown NA I SW 11-Sep-18
ME-0012 Heater Module spare
JGSS1EP-VPCI-MRI- Material Inspection Schmidtsche Schack - Steam Drum
19 1-Sep-18 EPC1 Laydown NA I SW 3-Sep-18
ME-0013 Steam Drum Lummus technology - TLE
JGSS1EP-VPCI-MRI-CI- Material Inspection
20 28-May-18 Anchor Bolts & Templates EPC1 Area I W SW 28-May-18
JGSS1EP-VPCI-MRI-CI- Material Inspection
21 12-Jul-18 Anchor Bolts & Templates EPC1 Area I W SW 13-Jul-18
22 10-Jul-18 0003 Material Inspection Anchor sleeves EPC1 Area I W SW 10-Jul-18

JGSS1EP-VPCI-MRI-CI- Material Inspection

23 22-Jul-18 JGS CN 007/008 Anchor Bolt & Template EPC1 Area I W SW 22-Jul-18
JGSS1EP-VPCI-MRI-CI- Material Inspection
24 04-Aug-18 JGS-SPP-JP-001 Anchor bolt and Template EPC1 Area I W SW
JGSS1EP-VPCI-MRI-CI- Material Inspection JGS/KSB/CN/001, JGS/KSB/CN/002 Anchor Bolt,
25 17-Aug-18 EPC1 Area I W SW 17-Aug-18
0006 sleeve and template
JGSS1EP-VPCI-MRI-CI- Material Inspection
26 17-Aug-18 JGS/KR/015 anchor bolt M30x610 and filter EPC1 Area I W SW 17-Aug-18
JGSS1EP-VPCI-MRI-CI- Material Inspection
27 23-Aug-18 Filter for 18062 Anchor bolt Tempacil Area I W SW 24-Aug-18
JGSS1EP-VPCI-MRI-CI- JGS/SPP/JP/002 Anchor Bolt Set (M30); Hex Nut
28 17-Sep-18 0009 Material Inspection (M30); Plain Washer (M30) Tempacil Area I W SW 17-Sep-18

JGSS1EP-VPCI-MRI-PI- Material Inspection

29 19-Sep-18 JGS/KR/019 Anti Corrosion Tape VPCI Office I W SW 19-Sep-18
JGSS1EP-VPCI-MRI-PI- Material Inspection
30 19-Sep-18 JGS/KR/026 UG flange & coupling VPCI Office I W SW 19-Sep-18

614 / 647
JGSS1EP-VPCI-MRI-CI- Material Inspection JGS/KR/018 - Gusset plate for steel structure
31 25-Sep-18 Tempacil Area I W SW 26-Sep-18
0010 fabricated steel
JGSS1EP-VPCI-MRI-PI- Material Inspection
32 27-Sep-18 Polyken Liquid Adhesive Systems #1027 VPCI Office I W SW 26-Sep-18
JGSS1EP-VPCI-MRI-PI- Material Inspection
33 04-Oct-18 AG-1st Piping materials EPC 1 Laydown I W SW 04-Oct-18
JGSS1EP-VPCI-MRI-PI- Material Inspection
34 04-Oct-18 UG Piping materials- Addition 1 EPC 1 Laydown I W SW 04-Oct-18
JGSS1EP-VPCI-MRI-PI- Material Inspection
35 04-Oct-18 UG Piping materials EPC 1 Laydown I W SW 04-Oct-18
36 11-Oct-18 Material Inspection TCCC-001 Pyro-Bloc CFC Warehouse I W SW 19-Oct-18
37 11-Oct-18 ME-0015 Material Inspection TCCC-002 HT Mastic CFC Warehouse I W SW 19-Oct-18

JGSS1EP-VPCI-MRI- Material Inspection TCCC-003 Cracking Heater System (parts &

38 11-Oct-18 CFC Warehouse I W SW 19-Oct-18
ME-0016 accessories)
JGSS1EP-VPCI-MRI- Material Inspection
39 11-Oct-18 TCCC-004 BK1100 CFC Warehouse I W SW 19-Oct-18
JGSS1EP-VPCI-MRI- Material Inspection
40 11-Oct-18 TCCC-005 Bricks CFC Warehouse I W SW 19-Oct-18
JGSS1EP-VPCI-MRI- Material Inspection
41 11-Oct-18 TCCC-006 Cast Guide CFC Warehouse I W SW 19-Oct-18
JGSS1EP-VPCI-MRI- Material Inspection
42 11-Oct-18 TCCC-007 Observation Doors CFC Warehouse I W SW 19-Oct-18
43 11-Oct-18 ME-0021 Material Inspection TCCC-008 Burners CFC Warehouse I W SW 19-Oct-18

44 11-Oct-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-MRI- Material Inspection TCCC-009 Accessories for TLE CFC Warehouse I W SW 19-Oct-18
JGSS1EP-VPCI-MRI- Material Inspection
45 11-Oct-18 TCCC-010 Spring Hanger CFC Warehouse I W SW 19-Oct-18

46 11-Oct-18 ME-0024 Material Inspection TCCC-014 Transfer Line Valve & Decove CFC Warehouse I W SW 19-Oct-18

615 / 647
JGSS1EP-VPCI-MRI- Material Inspection
47 25-Oct-18 JGS-KR-027 Tailing Tower Vacuum System CFC Warehouse I W SW 26-Oct-18

JGSS1EP-VPCI-MRI-PI- Material Inspection

50 25-Oct-18 JGS-CN-013 AG-1st Piping Material EPC 1 Laydown I W SW 26-Oct-18
51 29-Oct-18 SS-0001 Material Inspection JGS-KR-036 Fabricated Steel EPC 1 Laydown I W SW 29-Oct-18

JGSS1EP-VPCI-MRI-PI- Material Inspection

52 30-Oct-18 JGS-CN-012 AG Piping Material EPC 1 Laydown I W SW 31-Oct-18
JGSS1EP-VPCI-MRI-PI- Material Inspection
53 30-Oct-18 JGS-KR-021AG Piping Material EPC 1 Laydown I W SW 1-Nov-18
JGSS1EP-VPCI-MRI-PI- Material Inspection
54 30-Oct-18 JGS-KR-032 AG Piping Material EPC 1 Laydown I W SW 30-Oct-18
JGSS1EP-VPCI-MRI-PI- Material Inspection
55 30-Oct-18 JGS-CN-012 AG Piping Material EPC 1 Laydown I W SW 31-Oct-18
JGSS1EP-VPCI-MRI- Material Inspection
56 30-Oct-18 TCCC-0016 Induced Fan EPC 1 Laydown I W SW 30-Oct-18
57 30-Oct-18 ME-0028 Material Inspection TCCC-012 Radiant Coil EPC 1 Laydown I W SW 30-Oct-18

JGSS1EP-VPCI-MRI- Material Inspection

58 5-Nov-18 JGS-KR-035 AG Gusset Plate (Steel Plate- Painted) VPCI Tempacil I W SW 05-Nov-18
JGSS1EP-VPCI-MRI- Material Inspection
59 6-Nov-18 JGS-KR-031AG Piping Material EPC 1 Laydown I W SW 06-Nov-18
JGSS1EP-VPCI-MRI-PI- Material Inspection
60 9-Nov-18 E-Coupler (Local Purchase) EPC 1 Laydown I W SW 09-Nov-18
JGSS1EP-VPCI-MRI-PI- Material Inspection
61 13-Nov-18 JGS-CN-030 Wrapping Tape Black/White Warehouse I W SW 14-Nov-18

JGSS1EP-VPCI-MRI-PI- Material Inspection

62 JGS-KR-047 Flange EPC 1 Laydown I W SW
JGSS1EP-VPCI-MRI-PI- Material Inspection
63 21-Nov-18 JGS-Th-081 Flange, Fitting, Bolt & Nut EPC 1 Laydown I W SW 14-Nov-18
JGSS1EP-VPCI-MRI-PI- Material Inspection
64 24-Nov-18 JGS-US-070 Post Indicating valve EPC 1 Laydown I W SW 12-Dec-18

616 / 647
JGSS1EP-VPCI-MRI-PI- Material Inspection
65 25-Nov-18 JGS-KR-085 Flange/45 Elbow/Lateral EPC 1 Laydown I W SW 29-Nov-18
JGSS1EP-VPCI-MRI-PI- Material Inspection
66 26-Nov-18 JGS-KR-063 EPC 1 Laydown I W SW 26-Nov-18
JGSS1EP-VPCI-MRI- Material Inspection
67 28-Nov-18 JGS-KR-046 EPC 1 Laydown I W SW 4-Dec-18
JGSS1EP-VPCI-MRI-PI- Material Inspection
68 29-Nov-18 Local-BC Petro Tape/Paste EPC 1 Warehouse I W SW 29-Nov-18
JGSS1EP-VPCI-MRI-PI- Material Inspection
69 29-Nov-18 Local-BC Petro Tape/Paste EPC 1 Warehouse I W SW 29-Nov-18
70 30-Nov-18 Material Inspection JGS-KR-064 UG Piping Materials Add4 EPC 1 Warehouse I W SW 30-Nov-18
71 1-Dec-18 SS-0004 Material Inspection JGS-KR-052 Structural Steel LOT 2 ADD EPC 1 Laydown I W SW 5-Dec-18

JGSS1EP-VPCI-MRI- Material Inspection

72 1-Dec-18 JGS-KR-066 Structural Steel LOT 1 EPC 1 Laydown I W SW 5-Dec-18

JGSS1EP-VPCI-MRI-PI- Material Inspection

73 1-Dec-18 JGS-KR-078 Polyken939-750R EPC 1 Warehouse I W SW 3-Dec-18
JGSS1EP-VPCI-MRI- Material Inspection
74 4-Dec-18 JGS-US-070 Post Indicating Valve EPC 1 Warehouse I W SW
JGSS1EP-VPCI-MRI- Material Inspection
75 4-Dec-18 JGS-KR-051 Desuperheater, Gasket I W SW
JGSS1EP-VPCI-MRI- Material Inspection
76 5-Dec-18 JGS-KR-043 S&T HEX Lot 1 Han (KR) I W SW
77 11-Dec-18 Material Inspection JGS-KR-065 CS SMLS Pipe EPC 1 Laydown 2 I W SW 11-Dec-18
JGSS1EP-VPCI-MRI-PI- Material Inspection
78 18-Dec-18 JGS-CN-034 CS Pipe EPC 1 Laydown 1 I W SW 18-Dec-18
JGSS1EP-VPCI-MRI-PI- Material Inspection
79 18-Dec-18 JGS-KR-053 AG-1st Piping Materials EPC 1 Laydown 2 I W SW 18-Dec-18
JGSS1EP-VPCI-MRI-PI- Material Inspection
80 18-Dec-18 JGS-KR-044 CS Welded Pipe EPC 1 Laydown 2 I W SW 18-Dec-18

JGSS1EP-VPCI-MRI- Material Inspection

81 19-Dec-18 JGS-KR-048 S&T Hex Lot 1 Han FR (KR) I W SW

617 / 647
JGSS1EP-VPCI-MRI- Material Inspection
82 19-Dec-18 JGS-CN-050 Drum LOT 1 (CNTR) I W SW

83 19-Dec-18 Material Inspection JGS-CN-055 Drum LOT 2 (BULK) I W SW

JGSS1EP-VPCI-MRI- Material Inspection

84 19-Dec-18 JGS-CN-057 DBP Centri. Pump LOT 1(CN) EPC Laydown I W SW 1-Feb-19

JGSS1EP-VPCI-MRI- Material Inspection

85 19-Dec-18 JGS-CN-062 Tower (FRHE)BULK (CN) I W SW

JGSS1EP-VPCI-MRI-PI- Material Inspection

86 20-Dec-18 JGS-CN-049 AG-1st PIPING Materials EPC 1 Laydown 1 I W SW 19-Dec-18
JGSS1EP-VPCI-MRI- Material Inspection
87 21-Dec-18 JGS-KR-072 structural Steel Lot 3 Add EPC 1 Laydown 2 I W SW 11-Jan-19
JGSS1EP-VPCI-MRI- Material Inspection
88 28-Dec-18 JGS-KR-091 Structural Steel LOT 1 EPC 1 Laydown 2 I W SW 11-Jan-19

JGSS1EP-VPCI-MRI- Material Inspection

89 2-Jan-19 JGS-KR-069 S&T HEX Lot 1 Han Bulk (KR) I W SW

JGSS1EP-VPCI-MRI- Material Inspection

90 2-Jan-19 JGS-KSB-CN-002 R-0701C MAPD Converter I W SW

JGSS1EP-VPCI-MRI- Material Inspection

91 2-Jan-19 JGS-KSB-CN-003 Plaform & Ladder of R-0701 C I W SW

92 2-Jan-19 ME-0041 Material Inspection JGS-CN-055 Drum LOT 2 (BULK) I W SW

JGSS1EP-VPCI-MRI- Material Inspection

93 2-Jan-19 JGS-CN-062 Tower (FRHE)BULK (CN) I W SW

94 7-Jan-19 0038 Material Inspection JGS-CN-045 CS/SS Fitting I W SW

JGSS1EP-VPCI-MRI-PI- Material Inspection

95 7-Jan-19 JGS-KR-056 Pipes I W SW

618 / 647
JGSS1EP-VPCI-MRI-PI- Material Inspection
96 7-Jan-19 JGS-CN-058 Carbon Steel Seamless Pipe I W SW
JGSS1EP-VPCI-MRI-PI- Material Inspection
97 7-Jan-19 JGS-KR-100 Gasket I W SW
JGSS1EP-VPCI-MRI- Material Inspection
98 8-Jan-19 JGS-KR-087 structural steel Lot 4 I W SW
JGSS1EP-VPCI-MRI- Material Inspection
99 8-Jan-19 JGS-KR-102 structural Steel LOT 5 I W SW
JGSS1EP-VPCI-MRI- Material Inspection
100 8-Jan-19 JGS-KR-083 API Pump (II) Motor (KR) I W SW
101 11-Jan-19 Material Inspection JGS-KR-084 Butterfly Valve, Forged Valve I W SW
102 11-Jan-19 0041 Material Inspection JGS-UA-022 CS/SS Pipe EPC1 Laydown I W SW 12-Jan-19

JGSS1EP-VPCI-MRI-PI- Material Inspection

103 11-Jan-19 JGS-CN-041 CS Pipe (SMLS) EPC1 Laydown I W SW 12-Jan-19
JGSS1EP-VPCI-MRI-PI- Material Inspection
104 15-Jan-19 JGS-UG-096 CS Pipe EPC1 Laydown 2 I W SW
JGSS1EP-VPCI-MRI- Material Inspection
105 17-Jan-19 JGS-IN-059 HEX E-0704 AR BR CNTR I W SW
JGSS1EP-VPCI-MRI-PI- Material Inspection
106 18-Jan-19 JGS-KR-077 Globe, Gate, Check I W SW
JGSS1EP-VPCI-MRI- Material Inspection
107 18-Jan-19 JGS-CN-061 Drum Lot 3 (BULK) I W SW
108 18-Jan-19 ME-0046 Material Inspection JGS-KR-080 S&T HEX LOT 4 HAN BULK (KR) I W SW

JGSS1EP-VPCI-MRI- Material Inspection

109 18-Jan-19 JGS-KR-079 S&T HEX LOT 3 HAN BULK (KR) I W SW
JGSS1EP-VPCI-MRI-PI- Material Inspection
110 19-Jan-19 JGS-UA-075 CS Alloy Pipe I W SW

619 / 647

67 On-schedule Waiting for result

13 Re-schedule Cancelled

1 Additional Reject

Time Inspector Discipline Status Result

1400H Arvin Balitaan Piping On-schedule Accepted

1000H Arvin Balitaan Piping On-schedule Accepted

1000H Piping On-schedule Accepted
1000H Piping On-schedule Accepted
1000H Piping On-schedule Accepted

1000H Charmaine Perez Electrical Re-schedule Accepted

1000H Arvin Balitaan Mechanical On-schedule Accepted

1000H Arvin Balitaan Mechanical On-schedule Accepted

1000H Arvin Balitaan Mechanical On-schedule Accepted

1000H Arvin Balitaan Mechanical On-schedule Accepted

1000H Arvin Balitaan Mechanical On-schedule Accepted

1000H Arvin Balitaan Mechanical On-schedule Accepted

620 / 647
1000H Arvin Balitaan Mechanical On-schedule Accepted

1000H Arvin Balitaan Mechanical On-schedule Accepted

1000H Arvin Balitaan Mechanical On-schedule Accepted

1000H Arvin Balitaan Mechanical On-schedule Accepted

1000H Arvin Balitaan Mechanical On-schedule Accepted

1000H Mechanical On-schedule Accepted
1000H Mechanical On-schedule Accepted

1000H Arvin Balitaan Civil On-schedule Accepted

1000H Arvin Balitaan Civil On-schedule Accepted

1000H Arvin Balitaan Civil On-schedule Accepted

0830H Arvin Balitaan Civil On-schedule Accepted

Arvin Balitaan Civil Re-schedule Waiting for result

0900H Arvin Balitaan Civil On-schedule Accepted

0900H Arvin Balitaan Civil On-schedule Accepted

0900H Civil On-schedule Accepted

1340H Arvin Balitaan Civil On-schedule Accepted

1100H Piping On-schedule Accepted
1100H Piping On-schedule Accepted

621 / 647
0900H Arvin Balitaan Civil Additional Accepted

0900H Piping On-schedule Accepted

1420H Arvin Balitaan Piping Re-schedule Accepted

1350H Arvin Balitaan Piping Re-schedule Accepted

1350H Arvin Balitaan Piping Re-schedule Accepted

1000H Mechanical On-schedule Accepted
1000H Fernandez Mechanical On-schedule Accepted

1000H Mechanical Re-schedule Accepted
1000H Mechanical Re-schedule Waiting for result
1000H Mechanical On-schedule Accepted
1000H Mechanical Re-schedule Accepted
1000H Mechanical Re-schedule Accepted
1000H Fernandez Mechanical Re-schedule Accepted

1000H Randal Mechanical Re-schedule Accepted

1000H Mechanical Re-schedule Accepted

1000H Fernandez Mechanical Re-schedule Accepted

622 / 647
1000H Ramon Castillo Mechanical On-schedule Accepted

1500H Arvin Balitaan Piping On-schedule Accepted

0900H Arvin Balitaan Piping On-schedule Accepted

1430H Arvin Balitaan Piping On-schedule Accepted

1000H Ramon Castillo Piping On-schedule Accepted

1400H Arvin Balitaan Piping On-schedule Accepted

1300H Piping On-schedule Accepted
Randal Mechanical On-schedule Waiting for result
Fernandez Mechanical On-schedule Waiting for result

0900H Arvin Balitaan Mechanical On-schedule Accepted

1400H Arvin Balitaan Structural On-schedule Accepted

0900H Arvin Balitaan Piping On-schedule Accepted

1400H Arvin Balitaan Piping On-schedule Accepted

Bryan Aguila Piping

Arvin Balitaan Piping On-schedule Accepted

Bryan Aguila Piping On-schedule Accepted

623 / 647
0900H Piping On-schedule Accepted

Arvin Balitaan Piping On-schedule Accepted

0900H Allan Magadia Structural On-schedule Accepted

Arvin Balitaan Piping On-schedule Accepted

Arvin Balitaan Piping On-schedule Accepted

Arvin Balitaan Piping On-schedule Accepted

Allan Magadia Structural On-schedule Accepted

Allan Magadia Structural On-schedule Accepted

1300H Piping On-schedule Accepted
Randal Mechanical
Randal Mechanical

Ramon Castillo Mechanical

1130H Bryan Aguila Piping On-schedule Accepted

Arvin Balitaan Piping On-schedule Accepted

Arvin Balitaan Piping On-schedule Accepted

Arvin Balitaan Piping On-schedule Accepted

Randal Fernadez/ Mechanical

Ramon Castillo

624 / 647
Randal Fernadez/ Mechanical
Ramon Castillo

Randal Fernadez/
Ramon Castillo

Randal Fernadez/ Mechanical On-schedule Accepted

Ramon Castillo

Randal Fernadez/ Mechanical

Ramon Castillo

Arvin Balitaan Piping On-schedule Accepted

1000H Allan Magadia Structural On-schedule Accepted

1500H Allan Magadia Structural On-schedule Accepted

Randal Fernadez/ Mechanical On-schedule

Ramon Castillo

Randal Fernadez/ Mechanical

Ramon Castillo

Randal Fernadez/ Mechanical

Ramon Castillo

Randal Fernadez/
Ramon Castillo Mechanical

Randal Fernadez/ Mechanical

Ramon Castillo

Arvin Balitaan Piping

Arvin Balitaan Piping

625 / 647
Arvin Balitaan Piping

Arvin Balitaan Piping

Allan Magadia Structural

Allan Magadia Structural

Ramon Castillo Mechanical

Arvin Balitaan Piping

0900H Arvin Balitaan Piping On-schedule Accepted

1000H Arvin Balitaan Piping On-schedule Accepted

Arvin Balitaan Piping

Randal Mechanical

Arvin Balitaan Piping

Ramon Castillo Mechanical

Ramon Castillo Mechanical

Ramon Castillo Mechanical

Arvin Balitaan Piping

626 / 647
Remarks Date Closed


VPCI-PL-0001 16-Aug-18

Provide MTR. (Vendor's 18-Jun-18

Provide MTR. (Vendor's 18-Jun-18


Provide MTR. (Vendor's 20-Jun-18

Provide MTR. (Vendor's
document) and provide cover 25-Jun-18
protection for preservation of

VPCI-PL-0003 27-Jul-18

627 / 647
VPCI-PL-0004 02-Aug-18

Need to provide P.O 08-Aug-18

Need to provide P.O 01-Aug-18

Need to provide P.O

No MTC (Material Test 02-Aug-18


VPCI-PL-0014 11-Sep-18

VPCI-PL-0011 03-Sep-18

Box not yet open

No MTC 20-Aug-18

No MTC 20-Aug-18

No MTC 18-Sep-18

VPCI-PL-0016 19-Sep-18

VPCI-PL-0017 19-Sep-18

628 / 647
629 / 647
Waiting for Material &
Mechanical Department to
open the package for


Test Report to be followed

valve tag o/s

630 / 647
Grating chips do not have
connection bolts

14 packages

Gusset plates attached to

girder G041-1 were bent
during pull out in the
container van

16 pcs 4" Dia Galvanized

631 / 647
632 / 647
633 / 647
Inspection Notification Log Sheet

Inspection Inspection Party

SN Log Date Notification Inspection Detail Activities Area / Location Date Time

634 / 647

0 On-schedule Waiting for result

0 Re-schedule Cancelled

0 Additional Reject

Subcontractor Inspector Discipline Status Result

635 / 647
Receive Return to
Remarks Date Closed Transmittal No.
From Sub Sub

636 / 647
Inspection Legend
Waiting for result

Accepted Count - Accepted
Accepted 87.31%
Cancelled 11.19%
Reject 1.49%
Total Result 100.00%
Inspection Notification Log Sheet
Inspection Result
Inspection Notification Inspection Party Inspection
SN Log Date Number Inspection Detail Activities Area / Location Date

Welder's Qualification Test

1 04-Dec-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0428 WQT Ambulong Shop H W SW 05-Dec-18

Radiographic Examination
A01A5001-P-24007-03 Jt. 3
A01A5001-P-28008-01 Jt. 5
A01A5001-RT-29001-02 Jt. 11
A01A5001-WFL-29001-04 Jt. 7
A01A5001-WFL-29001-T1 Jt. 6
2 03-Dec-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0420 NDE A09A5001-LF-29002-01 Jt. 5 Ambulong Shop H SW/R R 04-Dec-18
A09A5001-MS-29007-02 Jt. 8
A09A5001-N2-29006-01 Jt. 5
A09A5001-P-29031-02 Jt. 16
A09A5001-P-29039-01 Jt. 7
A09A5001-P-29057-02 Jt. 9
A09A5001-P-29093-01 Jt. 1
A09A5001-RT-29001-01 Jt. 6

Radiographic Examination
3 03-Dec-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0421 NDE A09A5001-P-29059-01 Jt. 1 Ambulong Shop H SW/R R 04-Dec-18
A09A5001-P-29092-01 Jt. 4
A09A5001-P-29092-01 Jt. 10

Radiographic Test Report (NR-PHS-RT-0016)

4 05-Dec-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0438 NDE A01A5001-MS-29007-01 Jt. 1 R1 Ambulong Shop H SW/R R 05-Dec-18
A09A5001-MS-29011-03 Jt. 5 T1

640 / 647
Radiographic Test Report (NR-PHS-RT-0017)
A01A5001-HG-29001-02 Jt. 20
A01A5001-P-24005-02 Jt. 3
A01A5001-P-24007-02 Jt. 13
A01A5001-P-24007-T1 Jt. 2
A01A5001-P-29011-02 Jt. 2
5 05-Dec-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0439 NDE A01A5001-P-29050-03 Jt. 7 Ambulong Shop H SW/R R 05-Dec-18
A03A5001-BB-23008-03 Jt. 3
A09A5001-P-29066-01 Jt. 2
A09A5001-PGD-29012-01 Jt. 6
A09A5001-PGD-29013-01 Jt. 4
A09A5001-PGD-29017-01 Jt. 9
A09A5001-WFL-29028-01 Jt. 2

Inspection Schedule

Inspection Notification Inspection Party Inspection

SN Log Date Inspection Detail Activities Area / Location
Number Date

Material Receiving Thinner No. 23, Jotun Lot# 1804523,1657335,

1 06-Dec-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP-0070 AG&P Yard 1 H W R 07-Dec-18
Inspection 1769699, 1804522

641 / 647
Material Receiving
2 06-Dec-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-AGP-0069 Above Ground Fittings AG&P Yard 1 H W R 07-Dec-18
Concrete surface prior to backfilling of Foundation
3 06-Dec-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-FSP-0803 Visual Inspection Area 700 H SW SW 07-Dec-18
& Pedestal @ E-0703 Structure.

Welder's Qualification Test

4 06-Dec-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0446 WQT RONILO R. BAGUI (VP-PHS-022) Ambulong Shop H W SW 07-Dec-18

Visual Welding Inspection (Post)

5 06-Dec-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0447 Welding Report No.: DWR-PHS-0121 Ambulong Shop H W SW 07-Dec-18

Visual Welding Inspection (Post)

6 06-Dec-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0448 Welding A00A5001-ND-24002-01 Jt. 1,2,3 Area 300 H W SW 07-Dec-18

Visual Welding Inspection (Post) @ Heater H-0305

Grid 11: Jt. 1,2,3,4,5,6,9
7 06-Dec-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0449 Welding Grid 12: Jt. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,12 Area 300 H W SW 07-Dec-18

Visual Welding Inspection (Post)

8 06-Dec-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0451 Welding A00A5001-PGD-29034-01 Jt. 21,25,26 Area 900 H W SW 07-Dec-18

Request for Intermediate Coat Inspection of

9 06-Dec-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0452 Intermediate Convection Module 1 prior to Application of Final Area 900 H W SW 12/7-8/2018

Primer Coat Inspection prior to application of

10 5-Dec-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0444 Primer Ambulong Shop H W SW 07-Dec-18
intermediate coat.

Intermediate Coat Inspection prior to application of

11 5-Dec-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0445 Intermediate Ambulong Shop H W SW 07-Dec-18
finish coat.

Elevation, Location,Surface Preparation, Formworks,

12 5-Dec-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-FSP-0800 Concrete Pouring Rebar works and Concrete Placement Inspection of Area 400 H W SW 07-Dec-18
Foundation @ Structure-0407 (F2).

13 06-Dec-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0456 Grouting Radiant Through Area 300 H W SW 07-Dec-18

642 / 647
1. Fabrication of ladder report
2.Visual Inspection for electrical support
1000 x 2970 x 500 mm (6 pcs)
Fabrication of Ladder 1000 x 2000 x 500 mm (7 pcs)
14 7-Dec-18 JGSS1EP-SJEI-EL-0001 SJ E&I Fab H W SW 08-Dec-18
support 500 x 1820 x 500 mm (16 pcs)
1000 X 2450 X 1000 mm (1 pc)
500 x 2320 x 1000 mm (1 pc)

Orientation/Centerin Bottom Exchanger General Assembly @ Area E-

15 06-Dec-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0454 g/Elevation/Levelnes 0914 (Drawing#: A3-JGS1EP-HAN-DD-E-0914-001) Area 900 H W SW 07-Dec-18

Orientation/Centerin Bottom Exchanger General Assembly @ Area E-

16 06-Dec-18 JGSS1EP-VPCI-PSP-0455 g/Elevation/Levelnes 0917 (Drawing#: A3-JGS1EP-HAN-DD-E-0917-001) Area 900 H W SW 07-Dec-18

643 / 647
Time Subcontractor Inspector Discipline Result

0900H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping Waiting for result

1900H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping Waiting for result

1900H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping Waiting for result

1900H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping Waiting for result

644 / 647
1900H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping Waiting for result

Time Subcontractor Inspector Discipline Remarks

0700H AG&P Ermer Valdez Painting Accepted

645 / 647
0700H AG&P Arvin Balitaan Piping Accepted

0900H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil Accepted

0900H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping Accepted

0900H Philspec Ramon Castillo Piping Accepted

0900H Philspec Piping Accepted

0900H Philspec Piping Accepted

0900H Philspec Fernandez Piping Accepted

0900-1700H Philspec Ermer Valdez Painting On-schedule

0900-1700H Philspec Ermer Valdez Painting Cancelled

0900-1700H Philspec Ermer Valdez Painting Cancelled

1000H Fsphil Allan Magadia Civil Cancelled

1000H Philspec Mechanical Accepted

646 / 647
1400H SJ E&I Electrical Accepted

1500H Philspec Mechanical Accepted

1500H Philspec Mechanical Accepted

647 / 647

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