Novena To Our Lady of Perpetual Help
Novena To Our Lady of Perpetual Help
Novena To Our Lady of Perpetual Help
O GOD, Who hast willed that the Mother of Thy ( Here mention your petition)
only-begotten Son should be the perpetual help of
- from which I now suffer. Help me, O my Mother, Bless me, O loving and ever helpful Mother, and pray
in my distress; deliver me from my ills; or if it be the for me now and at the hour of our death. AMEN.
will of GOD that I should endure them, make me
suffer with love and patience. This grace I expect of
thee with confidence, because thou art our Perpetual
Act of Consecration to Our Mother of Perpetual Help
( Here mention your petition) Our Mother of Perpetual Help, pray for us.
Obtain for me, also, dearest Mother of Perpetual Litany of Our Mother of Perpetual Help
Help, the grace that I may imitate thee and become
more like to thee in the practice of the virtues of (For Private Devotion) * O Mary ever help us.
humility, purity, submission to the will of God, and LORD, have mercy on us.
charity. Be my protectress in life, guard and guide me Christ, have mercy on us.
in dangers, direct me in difficulties, lead me in the way LORD, have mercy on us.
of perfection, and assist me in the hour of my death, Christ, hear us.
that I may come to Jesus, and with thee enjoy Him, Christ, graciously hear us.
bless Him, and love Him eternally in Heaven. AMEN. GOD the Father of heaven, have mercy on us.
GOD the Son, Redeemer of the world, have mercy on
GOD the Holy Ghost, have mercy on us.
Blessed forever be our God Who had made thee, O Holy Trinity, one GOD, have mercy on us.
Mary, so powerful, so compassionate and so ready to Holy Mary, pray for us.
help. What would become of us, poor sinners, without Holy Mother of GOD, pray for us.
thee? With what face, after having so often deserved Holy Virgin, conceived without sin, pray for us.
disgrace and punishment, could we go before our Our Mother of Perpetual Help, pray for us.
sovereign Judge, and ask of Him, not only pardon, but We sinners call to thee,
favors, and share in eternal glory? Blessed be thou too,
O clement Queen, for having so often interposed * O Mary, ever help us.
between divine justice and me, thy most unworthy
client, for having turned away God's anger from me, That we may love GOD with our whole hearts. *
and for having obtained for me so many graces. That we may be comfortable in all things to thy Divine
Son, *
HOW SWEET it is to think that by thy peerless That we may have a tender and; heartfelt devotion to
beauty, O Holy Virgin, though hast ravished the heart, thee, most holy Virgin. *
not of any earthy monarch, but of the King of kings, That we may hate with all our strength sin; the only
and the Creator of the universe! Thus wert thou evil, *
deemed worthy to be the Mother of the Incarnate That we may frequently remember our last end, *
Word, the dispensatrix of His grace, and the cause of That we may often and; worthily receive the Most Holy
our joy. And now, enthroned at the right hand of thy Sacrament, *
Son, thou drawest to thee the hearts of all the Saints, That we may avoid with all our strength proximate
and Angels in heaven and of the just on earth. I rejoice occasions of sin, *
to see thee of all creatures the most beloved, since of That we may not neglect prayer a single day of our
lives, * Glory in heaven: through JESUS CHRIST our Lord.
That we may have recourse to prayer in the hour of AMEN.
temptation, *
That we may generously forgive our enemies, and; Prayer for Ourselves
wish well to all men, *
That we may not defer our conversion from day to day, O Mother of Perpetual Help, with the greatest
* confidence I come before thy Sacred Picture in order to
That we may zealously labor to overcome our bad invoke thine aid. Thou hast seen the Wounds which
habits. * JESUS hast been pleased to receive for our sake; thou
That we may live and; die in the grace of GOD, * hast seen the Blood of thy Son flowing for our
In all concerns of soul and; body, In sickness and; salvation; thou knowest how much thy Son desires to
pain, * apply to us the fruits of His Redemption. Behold, I cast
In struggles against the inclinations of corrupt nature. myself at thy feet, and; pray thee to obtain for my soul
* the grace I stand so much in need of. O Mary most
In assaults of evil spirits, In temptations against the loving of all mothers, obtain for me from the heart of
holy virtue of purity, * JESUS, the grace
In all danger of sinning, *
When we have reached the end of our earthly course. * ( Here mention your petition)
When lying on our death-bed, and; the thought of our
approaching dissolution shall fill us with fear and; O Mother of Perpetual Help, thou desirest our
horror. * salvation far more than we ourselves; thy Son has
When in the hour of final separation from all, evil given thee to us for our Mother, thou hast thyself
spirits shall try to drive us to despair. * chosen to be called Mother of Perpetual Help. Show
When the priest of the Lord shall give us the last then that thou art really my Mother, show that thou art
absolution and; blessing, * justly called Mother of Perpetual Help. I trust not in
When our relatives and; friends surround our bed, my merits, but in thy powerful intercession; I trust in
weeping and; praying for us, * thy goodness, I trust in thy motherly love. Mother of
When our eyes grow dim and; our hearts cease to beat, Perpetual Help, for the love thou bearest of JESUS thy
* Son and; my Redeemer, for the love of thy great
When we breathe forth our spirit into the hands of our servant Alphonsus, for the love of my soul, obtain for
Creator, * me the grace I ask from thee.
When our poor soul appears before our Divine Judge, *
When the terrible judgement is about to be passed, * Prayer in Temporal Wants
When suffering in the flames of purgatory, and;
longing for the vision of GOD. * O Mother of Perpetual Help, numerous clients
Lamb of GOD, Who takes away the sins of the world: continually surround thy holy picture, all imploring
Spare us, O Lord. thy mercy. All bless thee as the assured Help of the
Lamb of GOD, Who takes away the sins of the world: miserable; all feel the benefit of thy maternal
Graciously hear us, O Lord. protection. With confidence, then, do I present myself
Lamb of GOD, Who takes away the sins of the world: before thee in my misery. See, dear Mother, the many
Have mercy on us. evils to which we are exposed; see how numerous are
V. Pray for us, O Holy Mother of GOD. our wants. Trials and sorrows often press us; reverses
R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of of fortune and privations, often grievous, bring misery
Christ. * into our homes; everywhere we meet the cross. Have
pity, compassionate Mother, on us and on our families;
LET US PRAY: and especially in this my necessity
O GOD, Who hast willed that the Mother of Thy ( Here mention your petition)
only-begotten Son should be the perpetual help of
Christians on earth, grant us the grace to call on her , from which I now suffer. Help me, O my Mother,
with confidence in all our necessities of soul and body, in my distress; deliver me from my ills; or if it be the
so that, saved through her protection and assistance, will of GOD that I should endure them, make me
we may be brought to the everlasting vision of Thy suffer with love and patience. This grace I expect of
thee with confidence, because thou art our Perpetual
O GOD, Who hast willed that the Mother of Thy ( Here mention your petition)
only-begotten Son should be the perpetual help of
Christians on earth, grant us the grace to call on her , from which I now suffer. Help me, O my Mother,
with confidence in all our necessities of soul and body, in my distress; deliver me from my ills; or if it be the
so that, saved through her protection and assistance, will of GOD that I should endure them, make me
we may be brought to the everlasting vision of Thy suffer with love and patience. This grace I expect of
Glory in heaven: through JESUS CHRIST our Lord. thee with confidence, because thou art our Perpetual
AMEN. Help.
Act of Consecration to Our Mother of Perpetual Help
Prayer for Ourselves
MOST HOLY VIRGIN MARY who, to inspire me
O Mother of Perpetual Help, with the greatest with the fullest confidence, hast been willing to take
confidence I come before thy Sacred Picture in order to the sweet name of Mother of Perpetual Help, I. N. N. . .
acknowledge that my sins render me unworthy to be
admitted among the number of thy privileged
children. Nevertheless, desirous of enjoying thy
merciful favor, I cast myself at thy feet and humbly
prostrate before thee, I consecrate to thee my
understanding, that I may always think of consecrate
to thee my heart in order that, after God, I may love
thee above all things.
O GOD, Who hast willed that the Mother of Thy ( Here mention your petition)
only-begotten Son should be the perpetual help of
Christians on earth, grant us the grace to call on her , from which I now suffer. Help me, O my Mother,
with confidence in all our necessities of soul and body, in my distress; deliver me from my ills; or if it be the
so that, saved through her protection and assistance, will of GOD that I should endure them, make me
we may be brought to the everlasting vision of Thy suffer with love and patience. This grace I expect of
Glory in heaven: through JESUS CHRIST our Lord. thee with confidence, because thou art our Perpetual
AMEN. Help.
O Mother of Perpetual Help, with the greatest MOST HOLY VIRGIN MARY who, to inspire me
confidence I come before thy Sacred Picture in order to with the fullest confidence, hast been willing to take
invoke thine aid. Thou hast seen the Wounds which the sweet name of Mother of Perpetual Help, I. N. N. . .
JESUS hast been pleased to receive for our sake; thou acknowledge that my sins render me unworthy to be
hast seen the Blood of thy Son flowing for our admitted among the number of thy privileged
salvation; thou knowest how much thy Son desires to children. Nevertheless, desirous of enjoying thy
apply to us the fruits of His Redemption. Behold, I cast merciful favor, I cast myself at thy feet and humbly
prostrate before thee, I consecrate to thee my
understanding, that I may always think of consecrate
to thee my heart in order that, after God, I may love
thee above all things.
O my Sovereign Lady, deign to receive me among
the number of thy favored children, take me under thy
protection, help me in all my spiritual and temporal
wants, but especially at the hour of my death.
O GOD, Who hast willed that the Mother of Thy ( Here mention your petition)
only-begotten Son should be the perpetual help of
Christians on earth, grant us the grace to call on her , from which I now suffer. Help me, O my Mother,
with confidence in all our necessities of soul and body, in my distress; deliver me from my ills; or if it be the
so that, saved through her protection and assistance, will of GOD that I should endure them, make me
we may be brought to the everlasting vision of Thy suffer with love and patience. This grace I expect of
Glory in heaven: through JESUS CHRIST our Lord. thee with confidence, because thou art our Perpetual
AMEN. Help.
O Mother of Perpetual Help, with the greatest MOST HOLY VIRGIN MARY who, to inspire me
confidence I come before thy Sacred Picture in order to with the fullest confidence, hast been willing to take
invoke thine aid. Thou hast seen the Wounds which the sweet name of Mother of Perpetual Help, I. N. N. . .
JESUS hast been pleased to receive for our sake; thou acknowledge that my sins render me unworthy to be
admitted among the number of thy privileged
children. Nevertheless, desirous of enjoying thy
merciful favor, I cast myself at thy feet and humbly
prostrate before thee, I consecrate to thee my
understanding, that I may always think of consecrate
to thee my heart in order that, after God, I may love
thee above all things.
DAY 6 Recite 3 Hail Marys for the favor you seek to obtain.
Our Mother of Perpetual Help, pray for us.
O Mary, Mother of Perpetual help, I salute thee Litany of Our Mother of Perpetual Help
with the filial devotion. I renew the consecration of (For Private Devotion) * O Mary ever help us.
myself, and all I have, to thee. I thank thee for thy LORD, have mercy on us.
maternal protection and for the many blessings that I Christ, have mercy on us.
have received through thy wondrous mercy and most LORD, have mercy on us.
powerful intercession. In all my necessities I have Christ, hear us.
recourse to thee with unbounded confidence O Help of Christ, graciously hear us.
Christians, O Mother of Mercy. I beseech thee now to GOD the Father of heaven, have mercy on us.
hear my prayer and to obtain for me of thy divine Son GOD the Son, Redeemer of the world, have mercy on
the favor that I request in this novena. us.
GOD the Holy Ghost, have mercy on us.
( Here mention your petition) Holy Trinity, one GOD, have mercy on us.
Holy Mary, pray for us.
Obtain for me, also, dearest Mother of Perpetual Holy Mother of GOD, pray for us.
Help, the grace that I may imitate thee and become Holy Virgin, conceived without sin, pray for us.
more like to thee in the practice of the virtues of Our Mother of Perpetual Help, pray for us.
humility, purity, submission to the will of God, and We sinners call to thee,
charity. Be my protectress in life, guard and guide me
in dangers, direct me in difficulties, lead me in the way * O Mary, ever help us.
of perfection, and assist me in the hour of my death,
that I may come to Jesus, and with thee enjoy Him, That we may love GOD with our whole hearts. *
bless Him, and love Him eternally in Heaven. AMEN. That we may be comfortable in all things to thy Divine
Son, *
SIXTH DAY That we may have a tender and; heartfelt devotion to
thee, most holy Virgin. *
O MOST TENDER and Compassionate of mothers That we may hate with all our strength sin; the only
turn thin eyes of mercy upon me, and lend a gracious evil, *
ear to any humble prayer. Since thou art more ready to That we may frequently remember our last end, *
give than to receive, thou wilt find in me a fitting That we may often and; worthily receive the Most Holy
subject for thy bounty. It is true, I have deserved rather Sacrament, *
than thou shouldst spurn me on account of the That we may avoid with all our strength proximate
ingratitude I have hitherto shown to GOD for His occasions of sin, *
benefits: thou art ever ready to listen to those who That we may not neglect prayer a single day of our
pray to thee, and thou regardest our misery and our lives, *
confidence rather than our merits. No one is miserable That we may have recourse to prayer in the hour of
than I am, and yet never have I doubted thy goodness. temptation, *
That we may generously forgive our enemies, and; Prayer for Ourselves
wish well to all men, * O Mother of Perpetual Help, with the greatest
That we may not defer our conversion from day to day, confidence I come before thy Sacred Picture in order to
* invoke thine aid. Thou hast seen the Wounds which
That we may zealously labor to overcome our bad JESUS hast been pleased to receive for our sake; thou
habits. * hast seen the Blood of thy Son flowing for our
That we may live and; die in the grace of GOD, * salvation; thou knowest how much thy Son desires to
In all concerns of soul and; body, In sickness and; apply to us the fruits of His Redemption. Behold, I cast
pain, * myself at thy feet, and; pray thee to obtain for my soul
In struggles against the inclinations of corrupt nature. the grace I stand so much in need of. O Mary most
* loving of all mothers, obtain for me from the heart of
In assaults of evil spirits, In temptations against the JESUS, the grace
holy virtue of purity, *
In all danger of sinning, * ( Here mention your petition)
When we have reached the end of our earthly course. *
When lying on our death-bed, and; the thought of our O Mother of Perpetual Help, thou desirest our
approaching dissolution shall fill us with fear and; salvation far more than we ourselves; thy Son has
horror. * given thee to us for our Mother, thou hast thyself
When in the hour of final separation from all, evil chosen to be called Mother of Perpetual Help. Show
spirits shall try to drive us to despair. * then that thou art really my Mother, show that thou art
When the priest of the Lord shall give us the last justly called Mother of Perpetual Help. I trust not in
absolution and; blessing, * my merits, but in thy powerful intercession; I trust in
When our relatives and; friends surround our bed, thy goodness, I trust in thy motherly love. Mother of
weeping and; praying for us, * Perpetual Help, for the love thou bearest of JESUS thy
When our eyes grow dim and; our hearts cease to beat, Son and; my Redeemer, for the love of thy great
* servant Alphonsus, for the love of my soul, obtain for
When we breathe forth our spirit into the hands of our me the grace I ask from thee.
Creator, *
When our poor soul appears before our Divine Judge, * Prayer in Temporal Wants
When the terrible judgement is about to be passed, *
When suffering in the flames of purgatory, and; O Mother of Perpetual Help, numerous clients
longing for the vision of GOD. * continually surround thy holy picture, all imploring
Lamb of GOD, Who takes away the sins of the world: thy mercy. All bless thee as the assured Help of the
Spare us, O Lord. miserable; all feel the benefit of thy maternal
Lamb of GOD, Who takes away the sins of the world: protection. With confidence, then, do I present myself
Graciously hear us, O Lord. before thee in my misery. See, dear Mother, the many
Lamb of GOD, Who takes away the sins of the world: evils to which we are exposed; see how numerous are
Have mercy on us. our wants. Trials and sorrows often press us; reverses
V. Pray for us, O Holy Mother of GOD. of fortune and privations, often grievous, bring misery
R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of into our homes; everywhere we meet the cross. Have
Christ. * pity, compassionate Mother, on us and on our families;
and especially in this my necessity
( Here mention your petition)
O GOD, Who hast willed that the Mother of Thy
only-begotten Son should be the perpetual help of , from which I now suffer. Help me, O my Mother,
Christians on earth, grant us the grace to call on her in my distress; deliver me from my ills; or if it be the
with confidence in all our necessities of soul and body, will of GOD that I should endure them, make me
so that, saved through her protection and assistance, suffer with love and patience. This grace I expect of
we may be brought to the everlasting vision of Thy thee with confidence, because thou art our Perpetual
Glory in heaven: through JESUS CHRIST our Lord. Help.
Act of Consecration to Our Mother of Perpetual Help
MOST HOLY VIRGIN MARY who, to inspire me
with the fullest confidence, hast been willing to take
the sweet name of Mother of Perpetual Help, I. N. N. . .
acknowledge that my sins render me unworthy to be
admitted among the number of thy privileged
children. Nevertheless, desirous of enjoying thy
merciful favor, I cast myself at thy feet and humbly
prostrate before thee, I consecrate to thee my
understanding, that I may always think of consecrate
to thee my heart in order that, after God, I may love
thee above all things.
O Mary, Mother of Perpetual help, I salute thee (For Private Devotion) * O Mary ever help us.
with the filial devotion. I renew the consecration of LORD, have mercy on us.
myself, and all I have, to thee. I thank thee for thy Christ, have mercy on us.
maternal protection and for the many blessings that I LORD, have mercy on us.
have received through thy wondrous mercy and most Christ, hear us.
powerful intercession. In all my necessities I have Christ, graciously hear us.
recourse to thee with unbounded confidence O Help of GOD the Father of heaven, have mercy on us.
Christians, O Mother of Mercy. I beseech thee now to GOD the Son, Redeemer of the world, have mercy on
hear my prayer and to obtain for me of thy divine Son us.
the favor that I request in this novena. GOD the Holy Ghost, have mercy on us.
Holy Trinity, one GOD, have mercy on us.
( Here mention your petition) Holy Mary, pray for us.
Holy Mother of GOD, pray for us.
Obtain for me, also, dearest Mother of Perpetual Holy Virgin, conceived without sin, pray for us.
Help, the grace that I may imitate thee and become Our Mother of Perpetual Help, pray for us.
more like to thee in the practice of the virtues of We sinners call to thee,
humility, purity, submission to the will of God, and
charity. Be my protectress in life, guard and guide me * O Mary, ever help us.
in dangers, direct me in difficulties, lead me in the way
of perfection, and assist me in the hour of my death, That we may love GOD with our whole hearts. *
that I may come to Jesus, and with thee enjoy Him, That we may be comfortable in all things to thy Divine
bless Him, and love Him eternally in Heaven. AMEN. Son, *
That we may have a tender and; heartfelt devotion to
SEVENTH DAY thee, most holy Virgin. *
That we may hate with all our strength sin; the only
MOST HOLY MOTHER of our Savior, thou alone evil, *
hast loved Him worthily for thou hast not love Him in That we may frequently remember our last end, *
word only, but in deed and in truth; thou hast given That we may often and; worthily receive the Most Holy
the great proof that this love demands, for thou has Sacrament, *
loved us with a love which next to His own, never had That we may avoid with all our strength proximate
an equal and which brought thee to sacrifice for our occasions of sin, *
happiness all that made thine own, even thy JESUS That we may not neglect prayer a single day of our
Himself I can never be dear to thee unless I also love lives, *
my neighbor with a sincere and generous love. Help That we may have recourse to prayer in the hour of
temptation, *
That we may generously forgive our enemies, and; Prayer for Ourselves
wish well to all men, *
That we may not defer our conversion from day to day, O Mother of Perpetual Help, with the greatest
* confidence I come before thy Sacred Picture in order to
That we may zealously labor to overcome our bad invoke thine aid. Thou hast seen the Wounds which
habits. * JESUS hast been pleased to receive for our sake; thou
That we may live and; die in the grace of GOD, * hast seen the Blood of thy Son flowing for our
In all concerns of soul and; body, In sickness and; salvation; thou knowest how much thy Son desires to
pain, * apply to us the fruits of His Redemption. Behold, I cast
In struggles against the inclinations of corrupt nature. myself at thy feet, and; pray thee to obtain for my soul
* the grace I stand so much in need of. O Mary most
In assaults of evil spirits, In temptations against the loving of all mothers, obtain for me from the heart of
holy virtue of purity, * JESUS, the grace
In all danger of sinning, *
When we have reached the end of our earthly course. * ( Here mention your petition)
When lying on our death-bed, and; the thought of our
approaching dissolution shall fill us with fear and; O Mother of Perpetual Help, thou desirest our
horror. * salvation far more than we ourselves; thy Son has
When in the hour of final separation from all, evil given thee to us for our Mother, thou hast thyself
spirits shall try to drive us to despair. * chosen to be called Mother of Perpetual Help. Show
When the priest of the Lord shall give us the last then that thou art really my Mother, show that thou art
absolution and; blessing, * justly called Mother of Perpetual Help. I trust not in
When our relatives and; friends surround our bed, my merits, but in thy powerful intercession; I trust in
weeping and; praying for us, * thy goodness, I trust in thy motherly love. Mother of
When our eyes grow dim and; our hearts cease to beat, Perpetual Help, for the love thou bearest of JESUS thy
* Son and; my Redeemer, for the love of thy great
When we breathe forth our spirit into the hands of our servant Alphonsus, for the love of my soul, obtain for
Creator, * me the grace I ask from thee.
When our poor soul appears before our Divine Judge, *
When the terrible judgement is about to be passed, * Prayer in Temporal Wants
When suffering in the flames of purgatory, and;
longing for the vision of GOD. * O Mother of Perpetual Help, numerous clients
Lamb of GOD, Who takes away the sins of the world: continually surround thy holy picture, all imploring
Spare us, O Lord. thy mercy. All bless thee as the assured Help of the
Lamb of GOD, Who takes away the sins of the world: miserable; all feel the benefit of thy maternal
Graciously hear us, O Lord. protection. With confidence, then, do I present myself
Lamb of GOD, Who takes away the sins of the world: before thee in my misery. See, dear Mother, the many
Have mercy on us. evils to which we are exposed; see how numerous are
V. Pray for us, O Holy Mother of GOD. our wants. Trials and sorrows often press us; reverses
R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of of fortune and privations, often grievous, bring misery
Christ. * into our homes; everywhere we meet the cross. Have
pity, compassionate Mother, on us and on our families;
LET US PRAY: and especially in this my necessity
O GOD, Who hast willed that the Mother of Thy ( Here mention your petition)
only-begotten Son should be the perpetual help of
Christians on earth, grant us the grace to call on her , from which I now suffer. Help me, O my Mother,
with confidence in all our necessities of soul and body, in my distress; deliver me from my ills; or if it be the
so that, saved through her protection and assistance, will of GOD that I should endure them, make me
we may be brought to the everlasting vision of Thy suffer with love and patience. This grace I expect of
Glory in heaven: through JESUS CHRIST our Lord. thee with confidence, because thou art our Perpetual
AMEN. Help.
Act of Consecration to Our Mother of Perpetual Help
Litany of Our Mother of Perpetual Help
O Mary, Mother of Perpetual help, I salute thee
with the filial devotion. I renew the consecration of (For Private Devotion) * O Mary ever help us.
myself, and all I have, to thee. I thank thee for thy LORD, have mercy on us.
maternal protection and for the many blessings that I Christ, have mercy on us.
have received through thy wondrous mercy and most LORD, have mercy on us.
powerful intercession. In all my necessities I have Christ, hear us.
recourse to thee with unbounded confidence O Help of Christ, graciously hear us.
Christians, O Mother of Mercy. I beseech thee now to GOD the Father of heaven, have mercy on us.
hear my prayer and to obtain for me of thy divine Son GOD the Son, Redeemer of the world, have mercy on
the favor that I request in this novena. us.
GOD the Holy Ghost, have mercy on us.
( Here mention your petition) Holy Trinity, one GOD, have mercy on us.
Holy Mary, pray for us.
Obtain for me, also, dearest Mother of Perpetual Holy Mother of GOD, pray for us.
Help, the grace that I may imitate thee and become Holy Virgin, conceived without sin, pray for us.
more like to thee in the practice of the virtues of Our Mother of Perpetual Help, pray for us.
humility, purity, submission to the will of God, and We sinners call to thee,
charity. Be my protectress in life, guard and guide me
in dangers, direct me in difficulties, lead me in the way * O Mary, ever help us.
of perfection, and assist me in the hour of my death,
that I may come to Jesus, and with thee enjoy Him, That we may love GOD with our whole hearts. *
bless Him, and love Him eternally in Heaven. AMEN. That we may be comfortable in all things to thy Divine
Son, *
EIGHTH DAY That we may have a tender and; heartfelt devotion to
thee, most holy Virgin. *
O MARY, Lily of the Valley and Mirror of Purity, That we may hate with all our strength sin; the only
blessed be GOD, Whose infinite goodness has given us evil, *
in thee so powerful a means of deliverance from the That we may frequently remember our last end, *
slavery of that deadly vice which, more than any other, That we may often and; worthily receive the Most Holy
causes the eternal ruins of souls. How many hast thou, Sacrament, *
That we may avoid with all our strength proximate with confidence in all our necessities of soul and body,
occasions of sin, * so that, saved through her protection and assistance,
That we may not neglect prayer a single day of our we may be brought to the everlasting vision of Thy
lives, * Glory in heaven: through JESUS CHRIST our Lord.
That we may have recourse to prayer in the hour of AMEN.
temptation, *
That we may generously forgive our enemies, and; Prayer for Ourselves
wish well to all men, *
That we may not defer our conversion from day to day, O Mother of Perpetual Help, with the greatest
* confidence I come before thy Sacred Picture in order to
That we may zealously labor to overcome our bad invoke thine aid. Thou hast seen the Wounds which
habits. * JESUS hast been pleased to receive for our sake; thou
That we may live and; die in the grace of GOD, * hast seen the Blood of thy Son flowing for our
In all concerns of soul and; body, In sickness and; salvation; thou knowest how much thy Son desires to
pain, * apply to us the fruits of His Redemption. Behold, I cast
In struggles against the inclinations of corrupt nature. myself at thy feet, and; pray thee to obtain for my soul
* the grace I stand so much in need of. O Mary most
In assaults of evil spirits, In temptations against the loving of all mothers, obtain for me from the heart of
holy virtue of purity, * JESUS, the grace
In all danger of sinning, *
When we have reached the end of our earthly course. * ( Here mention your petition)
When lying on our death-bed, and; the thought of our
approaching dissolution shall fill us with fear and; O Mother of Perpetual Help, thou desirest our
horror. * salvation far more than we ourselves; thy Son has
When in the hour of final separation from all, evil given thee to us for our Mother, thou hast thyself
spirits shall try to drive us to despair. * chosen to be called Mother of Perpetual Help. Show
When the priest of the Lord shall give us the last then that thou art really my Mother, show that thou art
absolution and; blessing, * justly called Mother of Perpetual Help. I trust not in
When our relatives and; friends surround our bed, my merits, but in thy powerful intercession; I trust in
weeping and; praying for us, * thy goodness, I trust in thy motherly love. Mother of
When our eyes grow dim and; our hearts cease to beat, Perpetual Help, for the love thou bearest of JESUS thy
* Son and; my Redeemer, for the love of thy great
When we breathe forth our spirit into the hands of our servant Alphonsus, for the love of my soul, obtain for
Creator, * me the grace I ask from thee.
When our poor soul appears before our Divine Judge, *
When the terrible judgement is about to be passed, * Prayer in Temporal Wants
When suffering in the flames of purgatory, and;
longing for the vision of GOD. * O Mother of Perpetual Help, numerous clients
Lamb of GOD, Who takes away the sins of the world: continually surround thy holy picture, all imploring
Spare us, O Lord. thy mercy. All bless thee as the assured Help of the
Lamb of GOD, Who takes away the sins of the world: miserable; all feel the benefit of thy maternal
Graciously hear us, O Lord. protection. With confidence, then, do I present myself
Lamb of GOD, Who takes away the sins of the world: before thee in my misery. See, dear Mother, the many
Have mercy on us. evils to which we are exposed; see how numerous are
V. Pray for us, O Holy Mother of GOD. our wants. Trials and sorrows often press us; reverses
R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of of fortune and privations, often grievous, bring misery
Christ. * into our homes; everywhere we meet the cross. Have
pity, compassionate Mother, on us and on our families;
LET US PRAY: and especially in this my necessity
O GOD, Who hast willed that the Mother of Thy ( Here mention your petition)
only-begotten Son should be the perpetual help of
Christians on earth, grant us the grace to call on her
, from which I now suffer. Help me, O my Mother, ensure thy Perpetual Help and my final perseverance.
in my distress; deliver me from my ills; or if it be the Bless me, O loving and ever helpful Mother, and pray
will of GOD that I should endure them, make me for me now and at the hour of our death. AMEN.
suffer with love and patience. This grace I expect of
thee with confidence, because thou art our Perpetual