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1. Which diagram correctly represents a 3. Which statement describes a function of

step in the normal process of human the human male reproductive system?

Key (1) It produces gametes in testes.

= total genetic material of a human cell
= one half of the total genetic material of a human cell (2) It supplies a uid that protects the
(3) It provides support for the
development of the embryo.

(2) (4) It provides nutrient materials through

a placenta.


2. Which situation would be part of the

normal reproductive cycle of a human?

(1) the presence of testosterone

regulating gamete production in a
(2) estrogen in concentrations that would
produce sperm in a female

(3) a high progesterone level in a male

(4) a low insulin level in either a male

or a female

page 1
4. The data in the table below indicate 5. The diagram below represents human
the presence of speci c reproductive reproductive systems.
hormones in blood samples taken from
three individuals. An X in the hormone
column indicates a positive lab test
for the appropriate levels necessary for
normal reproductive functioning in that

Which statement best describes part of

the human reproductive process?

(1) Testosterone produced in A is

transferred to D, where it in uences
Which processes could occur in embryonic development.
individual 3?
(2) Testosterone produced in D
in uences formation of sperm
(1) production of sperm, only
within B.
(2) production of sperm and production (3) Estrogen and progesterone in uence
of eggs the activity of C.
(3) production of eggs and embryonic (4) Progesterone stimulates the division
development of the egg within C.
(4) production of eggs, only

6. The reproductive cycle of a human is

usually regulated by

(1) gametes

(2) hormones

(3) natural selection

(4) immune responses


7. Which diagram best illustrates an event 9. Reproduction in humans usually requires
in sexual reproduction that would most
directly lead to the formation of a human
embryo? (1) the process of cloning

(2) mitotic cell division of gametes

(3) gametes with chromosomes that are
not paired
(2) (4) the external fertilization of sex cells



10. One function of the placenta in a human

is to

(1) surround the embryo and protect it

from shock
8. The human reproductive system is
regulated by (2) allow for mixing of maternal blood
with fetal blood

(1) restriction enzymes (3) act as the heart of the fetus,

pumping blood until the fetus is
(2) antigens born

(3) complex carbohydrates (4) permit passage of nutrients and

oxygen from the mother to the fetus
(4) hormones


11. Human egg cells are most similar to 14. Base your answer(s) to the following
human sperm cells in their question(s) on the graph below and on
your knowledge of biology. The graph
shows some events associated with the
(1) degree of motility reproductive cycle of human females.
(2) amount of stored food

(3) chromosome number

(4) shape and size

12. Within which structure in the human Days of Menstrual Cycle

body does specialization of parts of the
Which sections of the graph represent
developing baby take place?
structures a ected directly by the
hormones shown?
(1) ovary (2) uterus

(3) testis (4) pancreas (1) section A and section B, only

(2) section B and section C, only

(3) section A and section C, only

(4) section A, section B, and section C

13. The accompanying diagram shows the
human female reproductive system.

The fetus normally develops within


(1) A (2) B (3) C (4) D


15. Base your answer(s) to the following 17. Base your answer(s) to the following
question(s) on the diagram below and on question(s) on the diagram below and on
your knowledge of biology. The diagram your knowledge of biology. The diagram
represents the human female reproductive represents the reproductive systems of the
system. human female and male.

In which structure do gametes usually

The placenta forms from the combination
unite to produce a zygote?
of fetal tissue and tissue from structure

(1) A (2) G (3) C (4) F

(1) A (2) B (3) C (4) D

18. Which reproductive structure is correctly

16. Structure A usually produces paired with its function?

(1) sperm and eggs (1) uterus—usual site of fertilization

(2) testosterone and eggs (2) testis—usual location for egg

(3) estrogen, progesterone, and eggs
(3) ovary—delivers nutrients to the
(4) estrogen, progesterone, and embryo
(4) sperm—transports genetic material


19. Estrogen has a direct e ect on the 22. The human female reproductive system is
adapted for

(1) formation of a zygote

(1) production of zygotes in ovaries
(2) changes within the uterus
(2) external fertilization of gametes
(3) movement of an egg toward the
sperm (3) production of milk for a developing
(4) development of a placenta within the
ovary (4) transport of oxygen through a
placenta to a fetus

20. Removal of one ovary from a human

female would most likely

(1) a ect the production of eggs

23. The letters in the diagram below
(2) make fertilization impossible
represent structures in a human female.
(3) make carrying a fetus impossible

(4) decrease her ability to provide

essential nutrients to an embryo

Estrogen and progesterone increase the

21. Which substance usually passes in the chance for successful fetal development
greatest amount through the placenta by regulating activities within structure
from the blood of the fetus to the blood
of the mother?
(1) A (2) B (3) C (4) D

(1) oxygen (2) carbon dioxide

(3) amino acids (4) glucose


24. Which statement describes one function 26. Which hormones most directly in uence
of the placenta in mammals? the uterus during pregnancy?

(1) It allows blood of the mother to mix (1) testosterone and insulin
with the blood of the fetus.
(2) progesterone and testosterone
(2) It contains uid that protects the
embryo from harm. (3) estrogen and insulin

(3) It removes waste products that are (4) progesterone and estrogen
produced in the cells of the fetus.

(4) It synthesizes food for the embryo.

27. The diagram below represents the human

female reproductive system.

25. As women age, their reproductive cycles

stop due to decreased

(1) digestive enzyme production

(2) production of ATP

Exposure to radiation or certain chemicals
(3) levels of speci c hormones could alter the genetic information in the
gametes that form in structure
(4) heart rate

(1) A (2) B (3) C (4) D


28. Testosterone directly a ects the 30. Base your answer(s) to the following
question(s) on the diagram below and on
your knowledge of biology.The letters in
(1) formation of a zygote the diagram indicate structures present in
a human male.
(2) changes within an ovary

(3) production of sperm cells

(4) development of a placenta

What change would occur immediately if

both structures labeled B were damaged
or blocked?

(1) Structure A would decrease in size.

(2) The blood supply to structure E

would decrease.
(3) Gametes would no longer be
29. The reproductive system of a male transported to structure C.
mammal provides
(4) Structure D would be able to deliver
more gametes.
(1) support for the internal development
of the embryo

(2) materials through the placenta

(3) a means for the delivery of gametes

(4) the ovaries for gamete production

31. Which structure produces the male
hormone responsible for characteristics
such as muscle development, deep voice,
and gamete production?

(1) A (2) B (3) E (4) D


32. The diagram below represents the human 33. A reproductive system is represented in
male reproductive system. the diagram below.

Which activity would be prevented by

blockages at X and Y? If an injury occurred to the structure
labeled A, the most likely result would
(1) transport of urine out of the body be a problem with

(2) passage of testosterone to the female

(1) delivery of sperm
to stimulate egg production
(2) production of gametes
(3) movement of sperm out of the body
(3) production of hormones
(4) movement of testosterone to the
testes to stimulate sperm production (4) excretion of urine


34. The diagram below represents a system 35. Base your answer(s) to the following
in the human body. question(s) on the diagram below, which
represents systems in a human male and
on your knowledge of biology.

The primary function of structure X is to

(1) produce energy needed for sperm to

Which structure has both reproductive
(2) provide food for the sperm to carry and excretory functions?
to the egg

(3) produce and store urine (1) A (2) G (3) C (4) D

(4) form gametes that may be involved

in fertilization

36. Which structures aid in the transport of

sperm by secreting uid?

(1) A and H (2) B and E

(3) C and D (4) D and H

37. Which sequence represents the path of

sperm leaving the body?

(1) A ! C ! G (2) A ! C ! B

(3) E ! F ! H (4) D ! F ! G


38. When a pregnant woman ingests toxins 40. The diagram below represents some
such as alcohol and nicotine, the embryo stages that occur in the formation of an
is put at risk because these toxins can embryo.

(1) di use from the mother's blood

into the embryo's blood within the

(2) enter the embryo when it eats

Which statement best describes stage X?
(3) transfer to the embryo since the
mother's blood normally mixes with
the embryo's blood in the placenta (1) Stage X is a zygote and contains
half the number of chromosomes as
(4) enter the uterus through the mother's the body cells of the parents.
(2) Stage X is formed by the process of
meiosis and is known as a gamete.

(3) Stage X is a zygote and is formed

as a result of the process of
(4) Stage X is formed by mitosis and is
known as an egg cell.
39. During the last months of pregnancy, the
brain of a human embryo undergoes an
essential “growth spurt.” Which action
by the mother would most likely pose the
greatest threat to the normal development
of the nervous system of the embryo at
this time?
41. The major function of the placenta is to

(1) spraying pesticides in the garden

(1) cushion the fetus so it won't be hurt
(2) taking prescribed vitamins on a daily when the mother moves
(2) exchange food, oxygen, and waste
(3) maintaining a diet high in ber and between mother and fetus
low in fat
(3) store food for the fetus
(4) not exercising
(4) support the egg for the process of


42. Exposure to toxins during early stages of 44. Abnormalities present in the cells
pregnancy is more likely to cause birth that line the uterus may prevent the
defects than exposure in late pregnancy production of o spring by directly
because interfering with the

(1) essential organs form during early (1) development of the embryo
(2) di erentiation of gametes into
(2) the uterus provides more protection zygotes
in late pregnancy
(3) secretion of estrogen by the ovary
(3) the placenta forms during late
pregnancy (4) production and release of egg cells

(4) meiosis occurs rapidly during early


43. The drinking of alcoholic beverages by

a pregnant woman is harmful to the 45. In most mammals, the placenta is
development of her fetus. This is most essential to the embryo for the processes
damaging early in a pregnancy because of
during this time
(1) meiosis and excretion
(1) the lungs of the fetus become
functional (2) nutrition and excretion

(2) alcohol can easily enter the mouth (3) milk production and digestion
of the fetus
(4) blood exchange and digestion
(3) many of the essential organs of the
fetus are forming

(4) the fetus cannot excrete wastes


46. Base your answer(s) to the following
question(s) on the information and data
tables below and on your knowledge of
biology. Use one or more complete
sentences to answer each question.
Drinking alcohol during
pregnancy can cause the class of
birth defect known as fetal alcohol
syndrome (FAS). Scientists do not
yet understand the process by which
alcohol causes damage to the fetus.
There is evidence, however, that the
more a pregnant woman drinks,
the greater the chances that the
child will be a ected and the birth
defects will be serious. Some
evidence indicated that even low
levels of alcohol consumption can
cause intellectual and behavioral

Explain why alcohol consumption by the

mother is especially harmful during the
early stages of pregnancy.


47. Base your answer to the following question(s) on the information below and on your knowledge
of biology.

The Critical Role of the Placenta

The proper functioning of the placenta is critical to the growth and development of
a healthy fetus. For example, the placenta appears to act as a nutrient sensor. It regulates
the amounts and types of nutrients that are transported from the mother to the fetus.
Improper functioning of the placenta can alter the structure and function of speci c
cells and organ systems in the developing fetus, putting it at risk for health problems
as an adult. For example, in some pregnancies, the placenta develops a resistance to
blood ow. This resistance appears to force the heart of the fetus to work harder. This
could result in an increased chance of the individual developing heart disease as an
adult. A group of hormones known as glucocorticoids a ects the development of all the
tissues and organ systems. One of the things this group of hormones does is to alter cell
function by changing the structure of cell membrane receptors.

Discuss the importance of the placenta in the development of a healthy fetus. In your answer,
be sure to:

identify two factors that could in uence the nutrients that can pass from the mother to the
identify the group of hormones that alter cell membrane receptors and explain how this
alteration can a ect cell function
state the role of the uterus in the development of the fetus and the placenta


48. Base your answer(s) to the following 49. The tranquilizer thalidomide was once
question(s) on the information below and prescribed for pregnant women. When
on your knowledge of biology. this drug was used between the third
and sixth week after fertilization,
Smokers are passing down serious deformities in the fetus occurred
problems to future generations. as the fetus developed. State why
Men who smoke and drink alcohol thalidomide would have a greater e ect
could be endangering the health on development when used between
of their future children and weeks 3 and 6 than when used in late
grandchildren. Toxic chemicals in pregnancy.
cigarettes and alcohol are thought to
cause changes in the DNA, which
are passed down via the sperm to
future generations.
Source: Associate Newspapers
Ltd., Mail Online Health, Fiona
Macrae, February 9, 2008

Explain how smoking and drinking

alcohol by males can a ect the
development of an embryo. In your
answer, be sure to:

identify the term used to describe a

change in DNA
state why changes that take place in a
sperm cell can a ect an embryo 50. Base your answer(s) to the following
identify one factor, other than smoking question(s) on the information below and
and drinking alcohol, that may on your knowledge of biology.
negatively a ect a developing embryo
Human reproduction is in uenced by
many di erent factors.
Identify one reproductive hormone and
state the role it plays in reproduction.


51. Base your answer(s) to the following 54. Base your answer(s) to the following
question(s) on the graph below and on question(s) on the information and
your knowledge of biology. The graph diagram below and on your knowledge of
shows some events associated with the biology.
reproductive cycle of human females.
Endometriosis is a condition
that occurs in some women, causing
multiple cells or layers of cells to
grow outside of the uterus. In
some cases, these growths can
actually cover the entire ovary or
cause the tube leading from the
ovary to the uterus to be blocked.
The diagram below represents the
female reproductive system. Two
structures, A and B, are labeled.
Days of Menstrual Cycle

Identify another human reproductive

hormone that is not shown on this graph.

Select structure A or B and indicate your

selection on the line below. Describe
speci cally how the growths that are
52. Which section of the graph shows the characteristic of endometriosis at the
location where the zygote would most location you selected could a ect the
likely become implanted and develop? ability of a female to become pregnant.


53. According to the graph, on which day is

the egg released from the ovary?



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