What Are The Sustainable Development Goals?
What Are The Sustainable Development Goals?
What Are The Sustainable Development Goals?
1. Comic Version of the Goals
2. UN Goals Page
3. SDG Tracker
Record your research and planning in the box below. Your argument should tell us what
the goal is, two main reasons why it is important and one reason it is more important than
the one you are going up against.
***first going up against Goal 15.
- As of right now, 8.9% of the world population (which is 690 million people) are
starving. These numbers are expected to increase to 840 million by 2030 without
immense action.
- Hunger is the primary cause of death within the world right now.
- Goal 1 cannot be achieved without Goal 2. It is better to take things into steps
first, as you cannot pull people out of poverty without pulling them out of
starvation first.
- In reality, Goal 2 is more important than all of the goals present, due to the fact
that it either serves as a prerequisite for another goal, or it is simply more
important due to its immense impact on life. When voting, the class ought to
weigh which goal has the most impact on human life that is currently suffering,
and to what extent this impact carries.
Most people within this classroom likely have access to food on a daily basis. 690 million
people within this world do not. They go days without eating, weeks with only
consuming minimal portions of food the privilege eats as a snack. Due to this basis and
countless others, Goal 2 out of the 17 Sustainable Development goals upholds
superiority. This goal intends to increase food security, decrease global hunger,
construct sustainable agriculture, and improve nutrition all over the world.
By not prioritizing this, these hunger rates are expected to increase to 840 million by
2030 without immense action. 10% of the entire world population. With that, ending
hunger has the greatest impact on human life when compared to all other goals in this
list. Its impacts outweigh. Additionally, this goal is of utmost significance as it serves as
a prerequisite towards numerous other stated goals.
Consider Goal 15, which desires to promote sustainable use of ecosystems, lower land
degradation, combat desertification, etc. By promoting sustainable agriculture to lower
hunger rates, we achieve what Goal 15 desires with the plus of saving lives. Sustainable
agriculture accounts for the life on land, as well as the lives within society. Thus, vote
for Goal 2.
Which SDG won in your class period? Do you agree that SDG is the most important one to
focus on? Why or why not? How do you feel about your knowledge of the SDGs after this
SDG #6 won within my class, which is access to clean water and sanitation. I do believe
that this is a very important goal to focus on, and it ranks high in comparison to all of the
other SGDs present within this list. This is because of the fact that it is a basic human
right, and we require water in order to live. However, I do not feel as if it is the most
important out of the 17, due to the fact that it is not as specific as other goals, such as SDG
#3, good health and wellbeing, as well as #13, which is climate change. These other goals
impact the entire population. After this activity, however, my knowledge on SDGs has
expanded. It is interesting how a lot of these goals tend to overlap and include each other.
I better understand the intention of SDGs now.