Enabling Real-Time Applications in Wi-Fi Networks PDF
Enabling Real-Time Applications in Wi-Fi Networks PDF
Enabling Real-Time Applications in Wi-Fi Networks PDF
Being of high importance, real-time applications, such as online gaming, real-time video streaming, virtual reality, and
remote-control drone and robots, introduce many challenges to the developers of wireless networks. Such applications
pose strict requirements on the delay and packet loss ratio, and it is hardly possible to satisfy them in Wi-Fi networks
that use random channel access. The article presents a novel approach to enable real-time communications by exploiting
an additional radio. This approach was recently proposed by us in the IEEE 802.11 Working Group and attracted much
attention. To evaluate its gain and to study how real-time traffic coexists with the usual one, a mathematical model is
designed. The numerical results show that the proposed approach allows decreasing the losses and delays for the real-
time traffic by orders of magnitude, while the throughput for the usual traffic is reduced insignificantly in comparison to
existing networks.
Wi-Fi, real-time applications, time sensitive networks, IEEE 802.11ax, ultra reliable low latency communications, preemp-
tive service, busy tone
Introduction packet loss rate (PLR), packet error rate (PER), band-
width and network density; and at proposing solutions
Many applications that can be classified as real-time for real-time data transmission.3 Possible RTAs include
applications (RTAs) have been gaining momentum online gaming, video streaming, virtual reality, and
during the recent years. These applications include remote control. Their delay requirements vary from
Internet video surveillance, Internet gaming applica- 1 ms (force control) to 100 ms (logistics), while the
tions, and virtual and augmented reality. According to PLR requirements vary from 109 (emergency systems)
Cisco forecasts, all the mentioned categories will to 102 (machine tools), see Table 1.4–6
increase their traffic approximately 10-fold from 2017 Obviously, such heterogeneous requirements need
to 2022.1 Such a demand for real-time services affects different means to satisfy them. For example, heavy
the activities of the telecommunication standardization
bodies; for example, the IEEE 802 LAN/MAN 1
Institute for Information Transmission Problems, Russian Academy of
Standards Committee considers RTA as a highly
Sciences (IITP RAS), Moscow, Russia
important use case for the next generation of Wi-Fi 2
Telecommunication Systems Lab, National Research University Higher
networks. Triggered by our proposal in November School of Economics (NRU HSE), Moscow, Russia
2017,2 in July 2018 the IEEE 802.11 Working Group
created an RTA Topic Interest Group (TIG), which Corresponding author:
Evgeny Khorov, Wireless Networks Lab, Institute for Information
aims at determining and classification of the most Transmission Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences (IITP RAS), Bolshoy
essential RTAs for Wi-Fi networks; at formalizing their Karetny per. 19, build 1, Moscow 127051, Russia.
requirements in terms of data transmission delay, Email: e@khorov.ru
Creative Commons CC BY: This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License
(http://www.creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) which permits any use, reproduction and distribution of the work without
further permission provided the original work is attributed as specified on the SAGE and Open Access pages (https://us.sagepub.com/en-us/nam/
2 International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks
flows require a stable high-rate channel. If the packet contribution of this article is the following. First, we
flow has a constant bit rate (CBR), the devices can propose a new method that can provide instant channel
arrange a scheduled transmission using several access for RTA traffic. Second, we develop a mathe-
schedule-based packet transmission mechanisms matical model of the proposed method that provides
included in the Wi-Fi standard, for example, Hybrid accurate estimates of the PLR and delay distribution as
Coordination Function Controlled Channel Access functions of the network and traffic parameters. Third,
(HCCA).7 When the packet flow is sporadic, that is, we use the developed mathematical model to evaluate
the packets arrive at the transmitter unpredictably, a the efficiency of the method and to find the maximal
fixed long schedule is inefficient, and such a case is the load, for which our method satisfies the requirements
most challenging for wireless networks developers and of RTAs. Finally, we evaluate the impact of the pro-
is studied in the article. posed method on non-RTA traffic. Specifically, we
A similar problem has been carefully studied by show that throughput degradation for non-RTA traffic
3GPP which aims at enabling Ultra-Reliable Low is rather small.
Latency Communications (URLLC) as an essential
feature for the upcoming 5G Cellular Systems.
Although similarly to RTA TIG, they consider a wide RTA challenges
palette of use cases with different requirements, typi- Channel access in Wi-Fi networks
cally, URLLC means the packet losses less than 105
and delay less than 1 ms.8 Such strict requirements can- In modern Wi-Fi networks, the STAs access the chan-
not be satisfied without significant changes in the exist- nel to transmit a frame with the Enhanced Distributed
ing network protocols. A good example of changes Channel Access (EDCA), which works as follows.
induced by URLLC is the New Radio air interface for Every STA adds newly generated frames to its trans-
the cellular networks, which significantly reduces the mission queue. If a frame arrives in an empty queue,
time granularity of transmissions, since the current the STA senses the channel, and if the channel is free,
LTE scheduling granularity of 1 ms (and even greater the STA transmits the frame at once. If the channel is
delay between request for resources and the grant) is busy, the STA initializes a backoff counter with an
too long to satisfy the URLLC delay requirement.9,10 integer random variable equiprobably drawn from the
Wi-Fi networks do not suffer from the time granu- interval ½0, Wr 1, where r is the retry counter, initially
larity problem relevant to LTE, but reliable data deliv- equal to 0, and Wr is the contention window, calculated
ery is still a challenge since Wi-Fi stations (STAs) as
operate in unlicensed spectrum and use random chan-
Wmin , r=0
nel access for transmission. Naturally, frame collisions Wr =
min (2Wr1 , Wmax ), r.0
cause packet losses and increase delay. Another signifi-
cant issue is that a Wi-Fi STA should wait for the Here Wmin and Wmax are the minimal and maximal
channel to become idle before starting its transmission; contention window, respectively.
however, transmissions of other STAs can be rather When the channel is busy, the STA suspends its
long, the upper bound being approximately 5 ms. Since backoff counter. If the channel becomes idle for time
a legacy Wi-Fi STA has no means to stop an ongoing AIFS, the STA resumes its backoff counter and decre-
long frame transmission of another STA, with the cur- ments it every time interval s. When the counter
rent Wi-Fi it is impossible to satisfy the delay require- reaches zero, the STA transmits the frame. The recipi-
ment of 1 ms. ent STA must transmit an acknowledgment (ACK),
In the article, we consider the ways (discussed in the SIFS after the arrival of the frame. The sender STA
literature and RTA TIG) which can be used to reduce waits for an ACK for an AckTimeout interval, and if
the latency in future Wi-Fi networks. The main the ACK arrives, removes the successful frame from
Bankov et al. 3
the queue and sets the retry counter to zero. If no ACK of all to identify and differentiate them from other
arrives, the frame is considered lost, the STA increases types of traffic. This can be done with a Virtual Local
its retry counter, draws a new backoff value, and makes Area Network (VLAN) tag field which is added to the
a new transmission attempt. header of Layer 2 frames as specified in 802.1Q. This
EDCA distinguishes between four access categories tag assigns the frame to one of eight traffic classes
(ACs): voice, video, best-effort, and background. The defined in 802.1Q. Finally, these traffic classes are
STA has a separate queue for each AC and a separate mapped to different EDCA ACs. Thus, real-time traffic
backoff function. Moreover, each backoff function has can be mapped to one of four existing ACs. Currently,
its own parameters Wmin , Wmax , and AIFS, which equals there is a discussion in RTA TIG on introducing a new
SIFS + s 3 AIFSN, where AIFSN is an integer from 2 AC for RTA traffic, which should have highly priori-
to 15. By varying these parameters at the STAs, the tized channel access.
access point (AP) can prioritize different types of traf-
fic. Thus, a voice packet typically wins the contention Admission control. In Wi-Fi networks, channel access may
with the background one. take much time because of high congestion. For emer-
Note that EDCA can only provide probabilistic ging RTA traffic, high congestion may violate QoS
quality of service (QoS) guarantees, that is, the ability requirements. To avoid channel overload, in 802.11 net-
to guarantee QoS requirements is subject to the channel works admission control can be used. Moreover, it can
load and interference. Even if the AP tries to change also be used across overlapping networks if they are
the EDCA parameters, there is no guarantee that all managed by the same entity. Unfortunately, because of
the associated STAs follow the recommendation, to say the unlicensed spectrum, it is possible that at least one
nothing about the STAs associated to the neighboring overlapping Wi-Fi network is unmanaged, which can
APs but sharing the same channel. Thus, it is hardly spoil admission control decisions. However, there are
possible to satisfy the RTA requirements in a highly many scenarios where the network can be managed.
loaded network with aggressive contention. Therefore Moreover, the requirement to support admission control
to support RTA, the Wi-Fi developers need to consider across overlapping networks may be introduced to the
two problems: (1) how to satisfy tight delay and PLR recently released for Wi-Fi operation 6 GHz band,
requirements of RTA traffic in a ‘‘friendly’’ environ- where no legacy devices operate.
ment that supports RTA and (2) how to reach the best
possible performance for RTA in an aggressive envi-
ronment with highly loaded legacy STAs. Time-aware shaping. Introduced in the IEEE 802.1Qbv
standard, time-aware shaping allows the scheduler to
define the times when packets from each queue are
IEEE 802.1 TSN served in order to avoid congestion among them.
The problem of providing highly reliable real-time The scheduling problem is being solved at the switch,
transmission has already been considered in fixed net- which has to serve frames from multiple flows arriving
works. For example, for the Ethernet technology, a set at the switch in such an order that guarantees them a
of IEEE 802.1 TSN (Time Sensitive Networking) stan- specific worst-case latency, which can be formulated as
dards11 have been developed. These standards describe an optimization problem.12
general approaches to achieve reliability by frame repli- Time-aware shaping can be extended to an 802.11
cation (802.1CB), path control and stream reservations network. In this case, it is important not only to elimi-
(802.1Qat), while the low latency is achieved by tight nate contention among all the queues within a STA but
synchronization (802.1AS), time-aware scheduling, also to avoid congestion for all STAs operating in the
traffic shaping (802.1Qbv), and frame preemption ser- same area, including those associated to another AP.
vice. However, the solutions proposed for the Ethernet For that, the 802.11 standard provides several mechan-
do not fully solve the problems arising in the wireless isms which allow defining network-wide service periods
networks, since the modern Ethernet networks consist reserved for RTA traffic and synchronize these periods
mostly of point-to-point links and do not suffer from between several APs. For example, HCCA
the problem of frame collisions during the channel Transmission Opportunity (TXOP) Negotiation can be
access in such as extent as Wi-Fi networks. Below, we used. However, HCCA TXOP Negotiation has several
evaluate how different approaches designed in 802.1 drawbacks which shall be eliminated to guarantee fast
TSN (basically for Ethernet networks) can be used in and reliable schedule distribution among all STAs.
Wi-Fi networks. Time-aware shaping is especially fruitful for regular
RTA streams, where the scheduler can predict time
instants when the next RTA packets come. In contrast,
RTA traffic identification. To provide reliable real-time ser- for random, for example, Poisson flows, time-aware
vice for a subset of transmitting packets, we need first shaping may be inefficient since either the RTA packet
4 International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks
needs to wait a lot till the next scheduled time or the deliveries made by each other, which leads to unneces-
scheduler needs to reserve too much time for RTA sary transmissions, increased channel occupancy and
transmissions. the time that the frames spend in the transmitter’s
queue, and thus leads to packet losses. In general, PRP
over Wi-Fi consumes twice as much channel resources
Frame replication. Transmission of a packet can be than the ordinary Wi-Fi.
delayed or damaged in a Wi-Fi network because of high This problem has several solutions, one of which is
contention and interference. Both factors are unpredict- the reactive duplicate avoidance.16 Its idea is to modify
able and out of control. Thus, to reduce the delay and the standard EDCA procedure in such a way that when
increase the reliability of RTA packet transmission, the a Wi-Fi interface on a device successfully delivers a
same packet can be replicated and transmitted over sev- frame, that is, receives an ACK from the recipient, it
eral radio interfaces which operate in different channels generates a cross-acknowledgments by which it notifies
and thus, can be statistically independent. Such a dual- the second interface that it can drop the corresponding
link capability has been enabled for Ethernet by the frame from its queue. The performance of this method
802.1CB standard and could be extended to 802.11. has been evaluated17 in a wide set of experiments in rea-
Dual link can be easily used by devices which operate in listic industrial environments, and it has been shown
two channels (2.4 and 5 GHz). Although such a feature that it allows achieving an average latency less than
does not enable reliable low latency communication, it 1 ms. However, the presented experimental results show
can be used in conjunction with other methods to that the portion of packets that miss the deadlines of
improve their performance. 1 ms or 3 ms is still greater than 104 , which can be
Frame replication can also be done with several inappropriate for some applications.
wireless technologies. For example, Grigoreva et al.13 The reactive duplicate avoidance can be complemen-
use a heterogeneous network which exploits LTE, Wi- ted by the proactive duplicate avoidance,18 which relies
Fi, and TETRA (terrestrial trunked radio) connectivity on intentionally displacing operations on physical
to significantly boost the reliability in emergency sce- channels. For example, frames on the second Wi-Fi
narios. Specifically, they aim at providing the PLR less interface can be deferred for some time relative to the
than 105 . However, maintaining several network infra- transmission on the first interface. Thus, the probabil-
structures is rather expensive, and inter-technology ity that the frames will be discarded on the secondary
cooperation introduces additional delay. Therefore, it is interface is increased, but it introduces a tradeoff
important to optimize the reliability and latency for between latency and channel usage. Experimental
each technology. results show that the usage of proactive duplicate
Another solution to guarantee the reliability in a avoidance decreases the channel resource over usage to
local area network is the IEC 62439-3 Parallel 10% in comparison with ordinary Wi-Fi, while the
Redundancy Protocol (PRP).14 Its idea is quite latency is increased by approximately 100 ms.
straightforward: the reliability is achieved by doubling
the network infrastructure and using two interfaces on Preemption. Defined in 802.1Qbu and 802.3br, preemp-
each device, and every packet in the network is sent tion is the ability of the sender to immediately stop the
simultaneously via both interfaces. Initially designed transmission of a low-priority frame, when a real-time
for industrial Ethernet networks, it has been adapted frame is enqueued. Preemption is especially important if
for wireless networks as well,15 in which case the paral- the packets arrive for transmission in random time
lelization is achieved by making two wireless interfaces instances and the delay budget is smaller than or compa-
use non-intersecting frequency bands. Such an rable to the duration of the ongoing transmission. Thus,
approach has proven to significantly decrease the PLR no schedule can be done in advance, and the only way to
since the packet is lost only when both channels experi- satisfy the delay requirement is to stop ongoing transmis-
ence failure at the same time. The PRP is built on top sion. If the RTA packet comes to the device which cur-
of a link layer solution, that is, it is implemented by rently transmits, preemption can be implemented very
connecting a redundancy box to the interfaces used in easy. Otherwise, it is a challenging task in Wi-Fi net-
parallel, which doubles the packets and sends each works, since there is no way in the current Wi-Fi standard
packet to the corresponding interface. On one hand, it to reliably notify another STA being transmitting to stop
is convenient, because such a box can be used with off- the transmission. In the article, we propose and evaluate
the-shelf devices. On the other hand, processing of the a way how to implement preemption in Wi-Fi.
packet at the redundancy box introduces an additional
delay which grows with the packet length. Another dis-
advantage of using an independent box in the network Proposed preemptive access scheme
is that the interfaces have separate medium access con- To enable preemption in Wi-Fi networks, we propose
trol (MAC) queues and thus cannot track successful to add an AC for the RTA traffic and to use an
Bankov et al. 5
auxiliary radio. The auxiliary radio works in a narrow probability of collision in comparison to a transmission
band, providing low-rate signaling, but being very made after the backoff countdown.
robust. It is only used in the service channel, which is In our approach, we also introduce a delay budget
separate from the main transmission channel. Dmax , for example, 1 ms. If the STA does not succeed to
The are many ways to implement the auxiliary radio deliver a frame within Dmax after its queueing, the frame
since its only functionality is to transmit and to detect a is discarded.
busy tone. It can be a continuous busy tone, similar to The final remark about the proposed approach is rel-
the one proposed for the busy tone multiple access in.19 evant to non-RTA queues. When the service channel is
Another way to implement such functionality is to use busy, the EDCA function of non-RTA queues should
a simplified radio similar to the one considered in the treat the channel as busy, so the corresponding backoff
IEEE 802.11ba20 standard. The 802.11ba radio pro- counters should be frozen. If a STA detects a busy tone
vides control information transmission using the on–off during its transmission of a non-RTA frame, it should
keying modulation over some subcarriers of the tradi- consider such an event as a frame collision.
tional 20 MHz Wi-Fi channels. Such a modulation The state machine for a STA supporting the preemp-
could be used to transmit a synchronization sequence tive access is shown in Figure 2. On the scheme, states
easily discernible by the receiver. are shown as rectangles; their names are written in bold
When the RTA queue is empty, the STA processes in the top. Transitions between states are shown with
other queues and transmits packets in the main chan- arrows, and labels at the beginning of arrows indicate
nel. In parallel, the STA is sensing the service channel the events that cause the transitions.
using the secondary radio. As long as it is idle, the STA
may use the main channel to transmit non-RTA frames
Considered scenario and problem
according to the legacy EDCA method.
When the RTA queue becomes non-empty, the STA statement
starts sending a busy tone in the service channel. The proposed approach reduces the RTA frame delays
Having received the busy tone, all the STAs that trans- at the cost of the throughput degradation for non-RTA
mit non-RTA frames should free the main channel at frames. At the same time, it does not eliminate the con-
once to let the RTA frames be transmitted (see tention between the STAs that transmit RTA frames,
Figure 1). The STA senses the main channel, and if it so it is essential to find the RTA traffic intensity, for
becomes idle within a short time d equal to the maxi- which the proposed approach can satisfy the require-
mal time needed by another STA to detect the busy ments on the RTA traffic delay and PLR.
tone and stop its frame transmission, then AIFS after To evaluate the performance of the proposed
the channel has become idle it transmits its frame. The approach, we consider a network that consists of M
value of d should be rather small in comparison with STAs that generate non-RTA traffic (briefly, regular
AIFS. Otherwise, when the channel is busy (it might STAs) and N STAs generating RTA traffic (referred to
happen if the transmitting STA is legacy and does not as RTA STAs).
support RTA busy tone or if the transmitting STA Regular STAs transmit data in the saturated mode,
itself transmits an RTA frame), it contends for channel that is, they always have frames for transmission. RTA
access according to the EDCA function of the RTA STAs are non-saturated: after successful transmission
AC. of a frame, a new frame arrives at an RTA STA in ran-
It is important that the first transmission attempt is dom time, distributed exponentially with parameter l.
made without waiting for backoff. Such behavior is The probability that a new frame arrives at the STA
similar to EDCA transmission when a frame arrives in before time t equals
an empty queue. Since such transmission is made asyn-
chronously, it has the minimal delay and a much lower AðtÞ = 1 elt ð1Þ
All the STAs are in transmission range of each other,
so there are no hidden STAs.
Non-RTA We consider two cases. In the preemptive access case,
Frame both RTA and regular STAs support the preemptive
t access scheme described above. In other words, regular
STAs stop their own transmissions once the busy tone
Data appears.
Frame In the legacy access case, regular STAs do not have
Busy tone in the service channel t auxiliary radio. Thus, they do not sense busy tone, do
not stop ongoing transmission and do contend for the
Figure 1. Preemptive access for RTA frames. channel with the RTA STAs.
6 International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks
Figure 2. State machine for a STA supporting the preemptive access scheme.
By default, all the analysis and results are presented Analytical model
for the preemptive access case, unless additionally
To evaluate the proposed approach, we develop a
mathematical model of the described network. The
The goal of this article is to evaluate the proposed
modeling approach that we use to describe the behavior
preemptive access approach in terms of frame delivery
of the RTA STAs is similar to the study by Bianchi.21
delay and PLR for the RTA STAs. Apart from that,
The main difference between our model and the one
we need to find the limits of the proposed approach,
that is, such RTA traffic intensity, which makes the presented by Bianchi21 is that Bianchi describes the
scheme viable. An additional goal is to compare the transmission of saturated data flows, that is, the STAs
results for the preemptive access scheme with legacy in the network always have frames for transmissions,
channel access and thus to estimate the possible gain while we describe the transmission of non-saturated
from using the proposed approach. data flows generated by the RTA STAs. Another
Bankov et al. 7
important difference is that in our model RTA frames does not transmit. The probability of an empty slot is
are dropped if their delay reaches Dmax , while the model the probability that none of the remaining N 1 RTA
by Bianchi21 does not take into account such restric- STAs transmit
tions. We consider that an RTA STA can be in a state
when it has an empty transmission queue and that it pe = ð1 t ÞN 1 ð2Þ
can transmit its frame without the backoff countdown
if the frame is generated when the channel is idle. Note A successful slot is a slot in which only one STA
that, due to the prioritized access of RTA frames, the makes a transmission attempt and its probability is
behavior of RTA STAs is not affected by the regular
STAs. Since we develop the model in order to find the ps = ðN 1Þt s ð1 t s ÞN 2 + ðN 1Þt a ð3Þ
PLR of RTA STAs, we consider only the N RTA The first summand is the probability that out of
STAs. According to the scenario, all the STAs can N 1 RTA STAs only one makes a synchronous trans-
sense each other, which means that all the RTA STAs mission and all the other RTA STAs do not make one.
count their backoff counters simultaneously, so we The second summand is the probability that any of the
observe the network at the beginning of the RTA frame N 1 RTA STAs make an asynchronous transmission.
transmissions and backoff countdowns. Here we assume that an asynchronous transmission is
The interval between the time instants when we always successful, so if any RTA STA starts an asyn-
observe the network is denoted as a slot. Similarly to chronous transmission, the other STAs sense that the
Bianchi,21 there are several types of slots of different channel is busy and defer their transmissions.
duration. There are empty slots, in which no STAs try A collision slot is neither successful nor empty,
to transmit their frames and which last for s. There are therefore
successful slots, in which only one STA tries to transmit
its frame which is delivered successfully because we pc = 1 pe ps ð4Þ
assume that the used modulation and coding scheme
(MCS) is efficient enough to cope with noise. Such slots The STA passes from the Idle state to backoff count-
last for Ts = TData + SIFS + TAck + AIFS, where TData is down if during a successful or a collision slot it gener-
the duration of an RTA frame and TAck is the duration ates a frame. The probability of such an event equals
of an acknowledgment. Also, there are collision slots,
which are chosen by more than one STA. We consider p b = p s A ð Ts Þ + p c A ð T c Þ ð5Þ
that a situation, when several STAs try to transmit their In a similar manner, we find the probability of an
frames simultaneously, always ends in an unsuccessful asynchronous transmission
transmission attempt. Since in the studied scenario all
RTA STAs transmit frames of the same duration Tdata , pat = pe AðsÞ ð6Þ
the collision slots last for Tc = TData + AckTimeout.
Let us select an RTA STA and describe its operation Let us now describe the synchronous transmission of
with a discrete-time Markov chain, the time unit of RTA STAs. Let the STA be in the state (r = i, b = k).
which is a slot. When the STA has no frame for trans- When b is greater than 1, the STA just decrements the
mission, it is in the Idle state. When the STA generates backoff counter at the slot boundary. When b reaches
a frame, and the channel is free, it instantly transmits 0, the STA makes a transmission attempt, which ends
its frame and remains in the Idle state. Such a transmis- up with a collision in all cases except when all the other
sion is called the asynchronous transmission. If the chan- N 1 RTA STAs do not make a synchronous trans-
nel is busy, the STA starts counting down its backoff mission attempt. The probability of collision is
counter. During the backoff countdown, its state is
described with a pair (r, b), where b is the backoff coun- p = 1 ð1 t s ÞN 1 ð7Þ
ter value and r is the retry counter at the considered Then the STA passes to the Idle state with probabil-
time. ity 1 p, or with probability p randomly draws a new
To derive the probabilities of passing from one state backoff from the possible Wr + 1 variants. We also
to another, we introduce the probabilities ta and ts that denote m as the maximal number of consecutive trans-
an RTA STA makes an asynchronous and a synchro- mission attempts
nous transmission during a slot, respectively. These j kthat can be done within the delay
Dmax Ts
probabilities are the same for all RTA STAs, since they limit: m = Tc . If the STA makes a transmission
are equal, and we assume that they do not change with attempt at the backoff stage m 1, it discards the
time. We also denote the probability that a STA trans- frame either due to the delay limit, or due to a success-
mits in a slot as t = ta + ts . ful transmission, but in any case it unconditionally
Let us find the probabilities of an empty, successful, transits to the Idle state. Hereinafter we assume that m
and collision slot, provided that the considered STA is small and Wmax is greater than Wmin 2m . If we denote
8 International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks
Pr(state2jstate1) as the probability that the STA passes ð1 pÞpat
t = ta + ts = ts 1 + ð16Þ
from state1 to state2, we obtain the following system of ð1 pm Þpb
transmission probabilities of the Markov chain
Equations (2)–(7) and (13)–(16) form a system which
> Prði, k 1ji, k Þ = 1; 0\k\Wi , 0 ł i\m can be solved numerically to find all the aforemen-
> tioned values.
> p
> Prði, kji 1, 0Þ = ; 0 ł k\Wi , 0\i\m The main purpose of our model is to find the PLR
> W
< PrðIdleji, 0Þ = 1 p; 0 ł i\m 1 for RTA frames. An RTA frame is lost when it cannot
ð8Þ be transmitted within Dmax , so to find the PLR we
> PrðIdlejm 1, 0Þ = 1
> derive the delay distribution.
> pb
> Prð0, kjIdleÞ = ; 0 ł k\W0 Let the STA generate an RTA frame. The delay
> W0
> equals to its minimal value Ts when the frame arrives at
PrðIdlejIdleÞ = 1 pb the RTA queue while the channel is idle and the STA
makes an asynchronous transmission. The probability
Let us find the stationary distribution of the chain. of such an event is
Let qIdle be the stationary probability of the chain to be
in the Idle state, and qi, k be the stationary probability pe s
n= ð17Þ
of the chain to be in the state (r = i, b = k). First, we pe s + pc Tc + ps Ts
note that for any i 2 ½0, m 1
which is the portion of time when the channel is idle.
qi, 0 = pqi1, 0 = p2 qi2, 0 = . . . = pi q0, 0 = pb pi qIdle ð9Þ With probability 1 n the frame is generated while
the channel is busy with another STA’s transmission.
which has an explanation that the STA makes a trans- The STA, first, waits until the channel becomes idle.
mission attempt with retry counter i only when it has The distribution of the waiting time can be found as
generated a frame, transmitted to the backoff count-
down mode, and has made i unsuccessful transmission PrðTs x\tjx\Ts Þ
attempts. The intermediate state probabilities for all Fwait ðtÞ = ð18Þ
Prðx\Ts Þ
k 2 ½0, Wi 1 are found as 8
< 0,lðtTs Þ
> t\0
Wi k Wi k e elTs
qi, k = qi, 0 = pb pi qIdle ð10Þ = , 0 ł t ł Ts ð19Þ
Wi Wi >
: 1 elTs
1, t.Ts
Thus we have expressed all the probabilities through
qIdle . To find qIdle , we write down the normalization where x denotes the time from the beginning of the
condition transmitted frame to the instant when the new frame
has been generated.
m1 W i 1 When the channel becomes idle, the STA starts the
qIdle + qi, k = 1 ð11Þ backoff countdown and the following transmission
i=0 k =0
attempts. Let di (e, s, c) be the probability of the STA
which yields waiting for e empty, s successful, and c collision slots
during the transmission attempt i. It can be expressed
" !#1
m1 X
m1 as
pb i
qIdle = 1 + pi + W0 ð2pÞ ð12Þ
2 i=0 i=0 1 ðe + s + cÞ! e s c
di ðe, s, cÞ = pe p s p c ð20Þ
Wi e!s!c!
and for p 6¼ 1 and p 6¼ 0:5 it can be simplified as
1 if 0 ł e + s + c\Wi 1 and 0, otherwise. In this for-
pb 1 pm 1 ð2pÞm mula, the first multiplier is the probability of the con-
qIdle = 1 + + W0 ð13Þ
2 1p 1 2p sidered STA selecting backoff e + s + c, and the rest is
derived from the multinomial distribution.
We express the transmission probabilities in terms of With di we can find the probability wi (e, s, c) of the
qIdle as STA waiting for e, s, and c empty, successful, and colli-
sional slots, respectively, during the transmission
t a = qIdle pat ð14Þ
attempts from 0 to i. It is found as
1 pm
ts = qi, 0 = pb qIdle ð15Þ w0 ðe, s, cÞ = d0 ðe, s, cÞ ð21Þ
Bankov et al. 9
wi ðe, s, cÞ = di ð e i , s i , c i Þ
ei , si , ci ð22Þ
3 wi1 ðe ei , s si , c ci Þ, i.0
m1 X
FD (t) = n + ð1 nÞ pi (1 p) wi ðe, s, cÞ
i=0 e, s, c ð23Þ
3 Fwait ðt se ðs + 1ÞTs ðc + iÞTc Þ
Numerical results
To verify the developed mathematical model and to
evaluate the efficiency of the proposed approach, we
have carried out extensive simulation of the considered Figure 4. Dependency of average delay for RTA frames on the
scenario. number N of RTA STAs, l1 = 50ms.
We consider a network with an AP, 10 regular STAs
that generate non-RTA frames in the saturated mode,
and several RTA STAs. Each RTA STA generates a notable, while our mathematical model does not con-
Poisson flow of packets with rate l. All the devices in sider such a case. At the same time, the number of
the network use the IEEE 802.11ax PHY,22 which oper- STAs and l values, for which the relative error is high,
ates in a 40-MHz frequency band using MCS 5 with one corresponds to the absolute PLR values which are out
spatial stream. The RTA STAs transmit 40-byte frames, of the region of interest for the RTA scenarios. Thus,
while regular STAs transmit 15-kilobyte frames, and we conclude that the developed mathematical model is
their frame durations equal 53.6 ms and 924 ms, respec- accurate enough to evaluate the efficiency of the stud-
tively. For RTA frames, the delay budget is 1 ms. ied approach.
Figures 3 and 4 show how PLR and the average When the number of RTA STAs is low, the losses in
delay of delivered frames depend on the number of the network are negligible. While the number of RTA
RTA STAs, and consequently on RTA load. First of STAs increases, their transmissions start to collide more
all, we emphasize that the values obtained with the and more often. It leads to additional transmission
mathematical model are very close to the values attempts and increases packet delays. Although the
obtained by simulation, the relative error not exceeding average delay remains well below the required value of
3%. The discrepancy between the mathematical model 1 ms, the distribution of delays has a heavy tail, and the
and the simulation increases with the number of RTA PLR grows. Note that in the legacy case, almost all
STAs. With a high number of RTA STAs, and conse- RTA frames are discarded because the RTA STAs can-
quently a high load, the probability of a slot being not access the channel within the packet delay budget.
occupied by an RTA transmission increases. So, the At the same time, for those RTA frames which are suc-
probability that the STA has to discard its frame long cessfully transmitted within 1-ms delay in the legacy
before reaching the limit on attempts m becomes case, the obtained average delay is slightly lower than
10 International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks
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