Generating Ideas: Research Exercise #5: Developing A Focus of Inquiry
Generating Ideas: Research Exercise #5: Developing A Focus of Inquiry
Generating Ideas: Research Exercise #5: Developing A Focus of Inquiry
Generating Ideas
After Lincoln and Cuba (1985), we have adopted the term focus of inquiry to
describe the initial topic that a qualitative researcher pursues. How do you
generate a focus of inquiry? If you are a researcher with a topic at hand this is
not a difficult task, although the fit between the qualitative research paradigm
and the research question can present problems which we will discuss later. As a
student in search of a research topic, developing a focus of inquiry can be quite
challenging. In our work with beginning student researchers we have used the
following exercise, which involves both brainstorming and concept-mapping, in
order to help them arrive at a focus of inquiry.
1 Think quietly for a few minutes about some things that interest you
and that you would like to know more about. What are some things
that you would like to gather more information on in order to reach a
clearer understanding? Jot down these topics in a corner of your
2 Select one of the topics for this exercise, perhaps the one that interests
you the most. Write that topic in the center of your paper and circle
it. Use the same colored marker for this and the rest of the initial
3 For the next 5 minutes, write down the topics and ideas that relate to
the topic in the center, drawing lines from the center to each new
idea, and connecting or clustering similar ideas. Do not censor
yourself. Write down all the things that come to mind that relate to
this topic, including questions, concerns, words and even graphic
images that might come to mind that you can quickly record. Stop
writing after 5 minutes.
4 Step back and reflect on your concept map. Notice what kinds of
things are on your mind. Do you see any patterns to your thinking?
For example, do you notice that you keep coming back to a certain
phenomenon or problem, age group, gender, type of person, type of
organization, etc.? Or are your ideas quite varied? Take another
colored marker and connect related ideas, if you see any
5 Take yet another colored marker and circle the idea that is the most
intriguing to you at this time. Use this idea as the basis for your
work in the following sections.
We have used this exercise ourselves and with our students in an effort to tap
into our own and their creativity, as well as to converge on a topic of interest. A
few of the concept maps created by students are shown in Figure 5.1.
Once a topic of interest has been identified, the next step is to develop a
researchable question based on the topic, one that reflects the goals of
exploration and description. Our experience indicates that this aspect of research
development, while appearing simple, is fraught with difficulty for the majority
of us who have been weaned on the traditional scientific method. The most
frequent types of researchable questions that are initially offered by beginning
researchers are often those that involve quantification and the search for causal
linkages, such as:
These research questions would provide a useful first step to the development
of hypotheses, which are the core of the traditional scientific method. They
provide the basis for carrying out a study that will confirm or disconfirm a
hypothesis and allow for future prediction. We are interested, however, in
adopting a qualitative posture that is one of discovery and description, in an
Note: Examples of student work appear throughout the book. This work is at times not
completely legible, but we think these examples serve an important illustrative purpose.
‘I would like to know whether and how children take prosocial messages
from television programs and make them their own.’
‘I would like to understand clients’ experience of insight-based
‘I would like to know more about women’s experience of expanding
gender roles and how they evaluate themselves: Are women experiencing
broader, less stereotypical social roles? Are women with expanding gender
roles experiencing high levels of self-esteem, evaluating themselves
‘I would like to know more about what it is like growing up in a single-
parent household.’
with an existing theory or body of work. Going to the research literature after
developing a focus of inquiry may seem a bit out of sequence for individuals
who have designed research studies using the traditional model of research,
where one’s hypothesis evolves out of studying the research related to one’s
topic. We have found, however, that for beginning qualitative researchers, a fresh
approach to a topic of interest helps maintain an attitude of discovery and a
broader focus of inquiry allowing for later narrowing or broadening of the focus
as the data suggest it.
When searching the research literature on a topic, it is particularly useful if
you can find relevant research that is qualitative, as evidenced by the eight
features of qualitative research presented earlier. Quantitative studies can help
inform you about your topic, but reliance on these studies presents the paradigm-
fit problem: you are relying on research based on the postulates of a different
paradigm. Developing a qualitative research study based on a theory or body of
research that has resulted from a traditional approach to inquiry may yield quite
incongruous findings.
LINCOLN, Y.S. and GUBA, E.G. (1985) Naturalistic Inquiry, Beverly Hills, CA: Sage.