ETHICS Chapter-2-The-Moral-Agent
ETHICS Chapter-2-The-Moral-Agent
ETHICS Chapter-2-The-Moral-Agent
Lesson 1:
Man As A Moral
* To explain
what moral
agent means
*To discuss
the meaning
After learning the basic consept of morality and
ethics,let us now turn our attention to the in moral
agent who is expected to develop in moral and ethical
According to Aristotle,the
summum bonum, the
highest good
is happiness.
Alfredo Panizo(1964)
Three Principles regarding the end or purpose of
the moral agent.
First Principle
Every agent that performs an action acts for
the sake of the end or purpose to be attained.
( A moral agent is purpose-driven)
Second Principle
Third Principle
Every agent has the power of moving for an end which is suitable or
good for him"
Christian point of view
-a humans persons destiny in the world is not only to achieve
cultural and moral perfections, but to attain the eternal
happiness of the soul after death of the body.
The Fundamental Option
Troisfontaines(cited by DY,2001)
-if one is used to a life in accordance with tyhe fundamental
option , at the moment of death , he/she would be asked by
God what his/her option will be and he/she will say yes to God.
No- Prefix Plan for Man
-a human person is or becomes what he/she makes of
himself by choice. He/she is nothing, no "essence" until
he/she starts he/she "exitence" by making choices.
-a human person has to create his/her end, purpose or
directions. He/she has to invent his/her destiny. since there
is no goal or end designed for him/her, he/she would
completely be the author of what he/she turns out to be.
He/she will be totally responsible for what he/she will be.
Consequently, the end prupose or direction of beings-with-
others, is what they discover as they learn to live
"World to Come" means "World to Come Out of this World"
Fr.Rene de Brabander
-he wrote an article, "Christianity in the Modern World"
The Modern christians depart from the view that earthly life,the
world of flesh, is a sinful thing that has to beabandoned for the sake
heavenly life.But "(h)eaven and earth are one and the same thing you
cannot love one and despite the other."
The "World to Come"
that is the heavenly world that every Christian desires to
direct their life to, can only come out or emerged from
this world of flesh.
The World to come"out of''this World"
-it means instead of avoiding "this world" as a sinful world of flesh
we involved ourselves in it, improving it,refining it, constructing
and developing it,perfecting it to bring out the world to come.
Robert Francoeur's
"Persfective of Evolution"
the future world toward which a person should direct
his/her life is this same material world but spiritualized,that
is, material world spiritualized, a world devoid of it's
material limitations, a world liberated in freed from its
spatio-temporal conditions.
That's all for today!