ion, No arto! ths publication maybe photocopied
vid the prer permission in wrting of BS,
British Standard Method for
Inchcape Tasting Sewiows
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Numerical designation of fabric faults by visual inspection
Méthode ce césignation numérique des défauts des étofies visibles a I
Verfahren zur numerischen Bezeichnung von Gewebefehlern bei Sichtpriifung
‘This British Standard has been prepared under the direction
of the Files, Yarns, Fabrics and Production Standards
A variety of differing methods of assessing and expressing
fabric faults is currently in use, and having reviewed these it
was agreed that a single method which is applicable to a
‘wide rango of fabrics be published as a British Standard to
improve communications. It is hoped that this wll be
viewed as provision of a common language between fabric
producers and fabric users.
‘This standard is intended to be used as 8 means for the
‘numerical designation of fabric ‘quality’ insofar as the
eccurrence of faults is concerned. The standard also allows
the position of faults to be identified. No acceptable levels,
are given or suggested since these will depend on the end-
use to which the fabric is to be put and should be agreed
between the interested parties. The method is particularly
Useful for the,comparison of similar fabrics for a specific
‘end use from different batches or sources.
Compliance with 2 British Standard does not of itself
‘confer immunity from legal obligations.
1. Scope
‘This British Standard describes @ method for the numerical
designation of faults in finished fabrics by visual inspection
and gives a means of indicating the position of faults.
NOTE, The tts ofthe publications veterred to ia this standard are
Uistes on the isi back par
British Standards Institution
2. Definition
For the purposes of this British Standard the following
definition applies,
fabric fault. Any feature within the usable width of a fabric
which, ifitappeeredin afinished product, would downgrade
that product.
NOTE. This definition does not cover variations i length or width
fof fabrics which can be determined uring BS 1990 and BS 1931.
3. Principle
‘The fabric is examined visually for faults and points are
allocated depending on the dimensions and location of the
4. Sampling
If 2 system of sample inspection is required, the interested
parties shall agree on AQL levels (see BS 6001), The pieces
examined shall be identified,
5. Procedure and expression of results
5.1. Numerical designation of faults. The threshold limit for
the minimum size of fault shall be agreed between the
interested parties.
Examine the face side of the fabric unless otherwite
requested by the purchaser. Use of an inspection machine”
sufficiently wide to enable the fabric to be examined full
Reserve Collection
PAIARSBS 6395 : 1983
‘width is acceptable, Note the occurrence of any fabric
faults (see clause 2) and assign numerical values to each
fault, depending on the size of the fault in any direction as
from the agreed thr
direction: 1 point;
hotd limit up to 25 em in any
for every further 25 cm or part thereof in any direction:
add 1 further point.
In assigning points, no more than 4 points perm? shall be
allocated regardless af the number or size of individual
faults, and noaccount shall be taken of a fault within 50 em,
lon either side of an extended or running fault, or within
25 em of a 1 point fault,
Record the frequency of full width cuts and, subject to
agreement, any other major fault
Record the length of the piece.
Express the result as the number of points per 100 m?
5.2 Indication of the position of faults. By agreement,
2, indieate the positions of faults by inserting
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strings, tags or markers atthe selvedge ofthe piece subject
to the following
(a1 Two or more faults on the same lateral axis shall be
shown by one indicator only*
(01 Two or more faults within 25 em on the lonuitudinal
axis Shall be shown by one indiestor ony". Sat
6. Report “
‘The report shall include the fallowing particulars:
{al the number of this British Standard, i.e. BS 6395;
{b) the threshold limit for minimum fautt size;
{c) the length of the piece;
(4) the fault rating in points per 100 m?;
(c} the number of full width cuts, and, if required,
‘the number of any other major faults:
(ff cequired, the number of faults of each point vaiue;
() if required, the number of strings per piece.
‘tn ome cones this means thatthe number of indicator per piace wil be less than the numberof faults per piece.