UK-German Youth Ambassadors: Framework / Information For Applicants
UK-German Youth Ambassadors: Framework / Information For Applicants
UK-German Youth Ambassadors: Framework / Information For Applicants
1. Aims of the Youth Ambassador Network ............................................................................................ 1 2. Activities.............................................................................................................................................. 1 3. The Youth Ambassador Network Profile and Role .......................................................................... 2 4. Terms of Reference ............................................................................................................................ 3 5. Logistics, Meetings and Costs ............................................................................................................ 3 6. Application and deadline .................................................................................................................... 4
2. Activities
What do UK-German Youth Ambassadors do to achieve the aims of the network? As a Youth Ambassador, there are different activities to choose from: Themed and seasonal projects (Competitions and small events) Online magazine (Journalistic writing, editing, photography etc) Working with primary schools (German clubs or one-off visits) Online social media and discussions (Telling others about opportunities online and encouraging them to get involved) Other: Youth Ambassadors are encouraged to develop their own ideas for their work and use local contacts and initiatives to carry out their role in the best way for them.
These activities can cover a very wide range of topics of both local/national and bicultural/global interest. A small grant will be available for Youth Ambassadors to carry out their work in their local area, and further details about this will be made available at the first meeting. Further to their main ambassadorial role, Youth Ambassadors will represent the views of young people to UK-German Connection and are consulted on the development of UK-German youth activities which they offer.
Profile and Role of a Youth Ambassador Personal profile We expect Youth Ambassadors to: be reliable, committed and engaged be flexible and open-minded have excellent interpersonal and communication skills have the ability to work on their own initiative as well as within a network have interest and competence in working in an international context, and have some intercultural experience be committed to supporting the remit of UK-German Connection be enthusiastic about promoting UK-German youth activity in schools be good ambassadors for both countries
German language skills are welcome but not a requirement. Role Throughout the year, Youth Ambassadors are expected to carry out a variety of activities. The activities of a Youth Ambassador will depend on their own interests and their chosen main focus of activity, and therefore they will not be expected to do everything on the following list, but rather a selection from it: Carry out local seasonal and thematic activities in their local area Visit primary schools to help with language teaching and authentic cultural input Share their own UK-German experiences in school and encourage others to get involved in similar activities Be contactable for people in their region (via UK-German Connection) and attend events Work together with teachers and Foreign Language Assistants on projects and presentations Gather pupils feedback on UK-German Connection initiatives if consultation is required Contribute to the creation of an online magazine
4. Terms of Reference
The Terms of Reference set out the role and responsibilities of all parties in the Youth Ambassador network; the members, their schools, and UK-German Connection as the network organiser and co-ordinator. UK-German Connection will be responsible for the ongoing training and support of members. This will include the following elements: Organising two meetings per year for all Youth Ambassadors. Meetings will include training in creative media, project planning and presentation skills, help for members to develop their own project ideas, and contact to a project partner in the other country A dedicated coordinator for ongoing support and guidance Access to UK-German Connection materials A small project fund (up to 50 per year) Online presence through Youth Ambassador profiles, maps and reports
Schools of Youth Ambassadors are expected to support members through providing: Support for outreach activities inside and outside school Time and facilities for events and projects Help with establishing contacts to local primary schools Permission to be released from school for the seminars
Schools will need to sign a statement to confirm their support of the application and involvement. Youth Ambassadors commit to involvement in the network throughout the year, and regularly updating UK-German Connection on their activities. They can get support from: Another pupil from their school to assist with outreach work and projects, as a Buddy Ambassador Other Youth Ambassadors in their area, to organise projects together Any Foreign Language Assistants in their school A designated project partner in Germany for cultural input and support
Selected Youth Ambassadors will sign a code of conduct for their involvement in the programme. UK-German Youth Ambassadors who complete the year and who are still interested in being involved can apply again to stay on the scheme, act as mentors to new ambassadors and take the lead in activities and meetings.
Members are also encouraged to nominate a buddy ambassador at their school, who can support them in their work as a Youth Ambassador. Buddy ambassadors do not attend the meetings, but will get a certificate in recognition of their work at the end of the year. Costs Membership of the Youth Ambassadors network is free. UK-German Connection covers all projectrelated costs for the bi-annual meetings. Youth Ambassadors will be expected to travel independently to the meeting location in the UK and to a London airport for the meeting in Germany, but their travel costs for this will be reimbursed. UK-German Connection provides training and support for carrying out project work and presentations, both in the meetings and on an ongoing basis throughout the year. A small grant will be available for Youth Ambassadors to carry out their work in their local area, and further details about this will be made available at the first meeting.
Please note that we can only accept one Youth Ambassador per school and are aiming for a balanced geographical spread throughout both countries.
How do I apply to be a UK-German Youth Ambassador? In order to apply, you will need the following documents: The application form Your mentor teachers reference (this may be submitted separately) Support statement from school, signed by the head teacher and mentor teacher Support statement from parents
Please send your application to: UK-German Connection Youth Ambassadors 34 Belgrave Square London, SW1X 8QB The application deadline is 23 September 2011 All forms and support statements, as well as information, updates and examples of previous ambassador projects, are available online at: For more information, please call us on 020 7824 1572 or email