Household Cleaning Products Name of Product Active/ Major Ingredients Functions Guidelines in Using The Products Precautions in Using The Products
Household Cleaning Products Name of Product Active/ Major Ingredients Functions Guidelines in Using The Products Precautions in Using The Products
Household Cleaning Products Name of Product Active/ Major Ingredients Functions Guidelines in Using The Products Precautions in Using The Products
Detergent (Bar) Pride Linear Alkylbenzene Pride Bar Speckled has stain Use with adequate ventilation. Users of detergents should
Sulfonate, Builders, away formula that removes dirt Minimize dust generation and read the label carefully prior to
Anti-Soil and stain that ordinary accumulation. Avoidcontact usage to alert them to the
Redeposition Agent, detergents leave behind. with eyes, skin, and clothing. presence of any chemicals
Brightening Agent, Avoid ingestion and classified as irritants and /or
Enzyme, Fragrance. inhalation. allergenic fragrances. To
prevent dermatitis, direct skin
Store in a cool, dry place. Keep contact should be avoided.
away from acids.
Detergent (powder) Ariel Contains Anionic Ariel’s clever formula helps get Follow all recommended Keep out of reach of children.
Surfactant, Builder, rid of stains by removing tough product instructions and pay Do not ingest. If product is
Anti-Redeposition stains in one wash, even if you particularly close attention to ingested, seek medical advice.
agents Brightening spilt a glass of chocolate all 'Caution', 'Warning', Keep away from eyes. If
agents, Fragrance, milkshake over your shirt or 'Danger', or 'Poison' product gets into eyes, rinse
Enzyme, Bleach stained it while cooking. Ariel statements. thoroughly with water. Keep
powder detergents will clean product at a cool, dry and
both your whites and colours clean place.
Bleach Zonrox Sodium hypochlorite Bleach is a strong and effective Never mix bleach with Bleach is a chemical that is
disinfectant. Its active ammonia or any other diluted and sold for household
ingredient, sodium cleaner. Wear rubber or other use. It is a mixture of water
hypochlorite, denatures protein non-porous boots, gloves, and and the chemical sodium
in micro-organisms and is eye protection. Try not to hypochlorite. For uses in the
therefore effective in killing breathe in product fumes. If home and many workplaces, it
bacteria, fungus and viruses. using products indoors, open is usually sold with
Household bleach works quickly windows and doors to allow concentrations of sodium
and is widely available at a low hypochlorite present at a
cost. fresh air to enter. range from about 3 to 9
Desinfectant Lysol Alkyl (50% C14, 40% Disinfecting uses chemicals Pre-clean surface. Hold can With appropriate personal
C12, 10% C16) (disinfectants) to kill germs on upright 6" to 8" from surface. protective equipment (PPE)
dimethyl benzyl surfaces and objects. Some Spray 3 to 4 seconds until and other safety measures to
ammonium common disinfectants are covered with mist. To sanitize: ensure safety for the operator,
saccharinate and bleach and alcohol solutions. Surfaces must remain wet for others nearby, and for people
ethanol You usually need to leave the 10 seconds then allow to air who might use the room
disinfectant on the surfaces and dry. To disinfect: Surfaces afterward.
objects for a certain period of must remain wet for 3
time to kill the germs. minutes then allow to air dry.
Drain/Toilet Cleaner Domex Sodium Drain cleaners consist of a Do not mix with other
Hypochlorite, Ionic range of chemical formulas in products like acids, detergents
and Non-Ionic order to unclog fats, oil, and etc.May release dangerous
Surfactants, Sodium grease (FOG) or solids from a gases (chlorine). Keep away
Hydroxide blocked pipe. from children. Avoid contact
with skin and eyes. In case of
accidental contact with eyes
and skin, wash off immediately
with water and seek medical
advice.If swalloed, drink one
or two glasses of milk or
water.Seek medical advice
In at least five (5) sentences, answer the following questions correctly.
1. What are the different household cleaning products you can find in your home?
2. Can household cleaning products protect people from germs, viruses and diseases?
Yes, Cleaning surfaces in your home helps prevent the spread of germs that can make you sick—such as norovirus,
Shigella, and Giardia. Cleaning surfaces in your home removes germs, dirt, and other impurities and helps you and
your family stay healthy. Sanitizing or disinfecting to reduce the spread of disease at home is likely not needed
unless there are sick people in your home.
By using them, do you think they are effective in protecting us from Covid-19? Why or why not?
Yes, Household cleaning products can kill the virus and help lower the risk of it spreading. Cleaning products that
can kill many viruses and bacteria because those products contains Ethanol alcohol (60%-90%) Hydrogen peroxide,
Isopropyl alcohol (60%-90%) , Quaternary Ammonium, Sodium hypochlorite can kill bacteria, virus, and diseases.