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Empowerment Module 5 2

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KambingBaratua St., Poblacion,

Lupon, Davao Oriental

Deus Super Omnia



Subject Teacher: Ruclito P. Morata Jr.

Date Released April 31, 2023 Date of Submission: April 11, 2023


Let us start this lesson by pondering upon this question below:
Why do we need to know in creating a presentation effectively?

Module Coverage

This module has the following lesson/s:

Lesson Title Expected Skills Core Values Estimated
no. Time
You’ll learn to…
5 Advanced 1. Use common Patience 10
Presentation Skills productivity tools Cooperation
effectively by Teamwork
maximizing advanced
2. Create an original or
derivative ICT content
to effectively
communicate or
present data or
information related to
specific professional
3. Create an original or
derivative ICT content
to effectively
communicate a visual
message in an online
environment related to
specific professional
4. Evaluate existing
online creation tools,
platforms and
applications in
developing ICT
content for specific
professional tracks.

The learners demonstrate an understanding of: ICT in the context of global communication for specific
professional track.

The learners shall be able to: at the end of the 2-week period independently compose an insightful reflection paper
on the nature of ICT in the context of their lives, society, and professional tracks (Arts, Tech Voc, Sports,


Empowerment Technologies, Innovative Training Works, Inc.

To do well in this module, you need to remember and do the following:
1. Use common productivity tools effectively by maximizing advanced application techniques
2. Create an original or derivative ICT content to effectively communicate or present data
3. Evaluate existing online creation tools, platforms, and applications in developing ICT content for specific
professional tracks.


DAY 1& 2


Let’s find out how much you have learned about God’s creation by answering the set of
question below.

Task 1:
True or False: Write T if the sentence is correct; otherwise, write F.
______ 1. Use as many slides as you can so that the audience can clearly understand your message.
______ 2. PowerPoint Presentation is a form of visual aid.
______ 3. Most of the contents of your report through your PowerPoint Presentation and not from the speaker
______ 4. To insert a hyperlink, go to the Home tab then click the Hyperlink option.
______ 5. To embed an object, go to the insert tab and under the Text Group, click Object.
______ 6. There are two options when inserting an object: create new from file and create new from existing file.
______ 7. Action buttons are found in the Insert>Smart Art.
______ 8. Use dark fonts on dark backgrounds to gain proper contrast.
______ 9. Use bullets to simplify your message.
______ 10. Insert artwork in each slide of your presentation. It may not be related but at least it would draw the
audience’s attention.

Lesson Motivation
Activity 1:
Directions: It is now time for your group to present the result of your small business venture in class. What better way to
present it but with the use of a presentation tool.

Below is a list of presentation tools. Research about them and write their advantages and disadvantages.

Presentation Tool Advantages Disadvantages

1. Microsoft PowerPoint easy to present and maintain eye speakers create slides so they have
contact with a large audience by something to present rather than
simply advancing the slides with a outlining, organizing, and focusing
keystroke, eliminating the need for on their message.
handouts to follow the message.
2. Prezi has a variety of templates · It is Can Cause Motion Sickness
completely free · The Links and More of a Learning Curve
images with zoom · It is Web-Based.
appropriate for all ages · You are
up-to-date ...
3. Apple Keynote Keynote for Mac delivers a On the flip side, Keynote doesn’t
seamless experience over video let you export your presentations
conferences. Play a slideshow in in as many formats as PowerPoint
its own window so you can access does.
other apps while you present. You
can view your presenter notes, No App for Windows Users
current and upcoming slides, and
slide navigation in a separate
window as well. PowerPoint has an app for Mac,
but Keynote doesn’t have one for
Windows. That’s a bit
disappointing, but we all know
that Apple likes to keep its
products “exclusive” to Apple

So, if you’re a Windows user,

Keynote is not the ideal software
for you.

4. Google Slides With Google Slides, you can  Online editing and viewing
build presentations right in your only (without advance
web browser—no special preparation)
software is required. Even better,  Limited feature set
multiple people can work on slides compared to desktop
at the same time, you can see suites.
people's changes as they make  Slow performance on large
them, and every change is documents.
automatically saved.
5. Haiku Deck It's simple. It's straightforward. disadvantages: It’s pretty much
Haiku Deck makes it easy for pay-for only: this is the greatest
people to put together a disadvantage of Haiku Deck.
professional looking presentation Although it is incredibly simple
that isn't loaded with text and and makes gorgeous presentations,
images. Its simplicity is what without an account, you cannot
makes it a good addition to your export. The free version looks
tech toolbox. rather unprofessional, because the
Haiku Deck branding is
6. PhotoSnack The advantages of Photo snack Photo snack are its strict premium
is its being an easy photo
slideshow maker. It has a ready download options and there are no
music and beautiful design noted and subtitle features.
templates. Online albums
integration and no features
limitations. On the other hand, the
disadvantages of Photo snack are
its strict premium download
options and there are no noted and
subtitle features.

Your group is free to decide which presentation too/program you can use.

End of Explore
Good job! It’s quite easy right? You were able to recognize the creation of God. Now, it’s time to
strengthen your learning as you go along to the next sections.


DAY 3-4-5

One of the most beautiful stories in the Bible is found at the beginning of the first book, the first chapter.
Let us discover and learn more about The Creation Story.


There are plenty of tools you can use to present data. Whether it is scientific data, statistical, or a book report, a
presentation tool has you covered.

Creating an Effective Presentation

Designing your presentation is the fun part of creating a report for it gives you a chance to be creative. Placing
animations, transitions, and art could be on your mind right now. But whether or not these features would help is generally
up to you. Sometimes, these things could actually distract your audience rather than help you. Here are some quick tips in
creating an effective presentation.

1. Minimize - keep slide counts to a minimum to maintain a clear message and to keep the audience attentive.
Remember that the presentation is just a visual aid. Most information should still come from the reporter.
2. Clarity – avoid being fancy by using a font style that is easy to read. Make sure that is also big enough to be read
by the audience. Once you start making your presentation, consider how big enough to be read by the audience.
Once you start making your presentation, consider how big the screen is during your report.
Tip: A font size of 72 is about an inch (depends on the screen size). A one-inch letter is readable 10 feet away; a
two-inch letter is readable 20 feet away.
3. Simplicity – Use bullets or short sentences. Summarize the information on the screen to have your audience focus
on what the speaker is saying than on reading the slide. Limit the content to six lines and seven words per line.
This is known as the 6 x 7 rule.
4. Visuals - Use graphics to help in your presentation but not too many to distract the audience. In addition, instead
of using a table of data, use charts and graphs.
5. Consistency - Make your design uniform. Avoid having different font styles and backgrounds.
6. Contrasts – Use light font on dark background or vice versa. This is done so that it is easier to read. In most
instances, it is easier to read on screen if the background is dark. This is due to the brightness of the screen.

Task 2: Bazaar Results Presentation

Directions: Use the guide below for this presentation. Remember that it is only a guide and it is up to you to make
appropriate changes. It is also wise to place the information in a Word file before placing it in the presentation.

Slide No.
1 Product/Service Name, Group name, and Group Members
2 Initial product/Service Information: What is your product or service? Include a photo if available.
3-4 Survey: What are the questions you asked in the sample before the bazaar took place?
5-6 Survey Results: Display the results of the survey and how it affects the product upon its release during the
7 Bazaar Sale Result: Was your product or service profitable?
8 Improvements: If you were to release the product again, what would be the changes?

As you can see from the sample presentation, not all information is presented in the visual air.

Activity 2
Directions: Answer the question below. Write legibly.

1. What is the purpose of product presentation?

2. What techniques help create an effective product presentation?

End of Firm-Up
In this section, you will be going to widen your understanding on advanced presentation skills.


DAY 6 & 7

Task 3
Directions: Read the steps on how to insert a Hyperlinks.


Using Hyperlinks in Microsoft PowerPoint

Using hyperlinks in your presentation is an easy way to navigate slides during your presentation. In may be wise
to insert action buttons for most slides or place hyperlinks to you Excel file in case your audience asks a specific question.

Ways to insert hyperlinks:

1. Select an object or highlight a text.

2. Go to Insert>Hyperlinks (under links category) or use the shortcut key Ctrl+K. the Insert Hyperlink dialog
box would appear.
Link to Options
a. Existing File or Web Page – Creates a hyperlink to website or a local file saved in your hard drive. Just browse
your file in the dialog box or type web address.
b. Place in This Document – creates a hyperlink that allows you to jump to a specific slide in your presentation.
c. Create a New Document - creates a hyperlink that once clicked, creates a new document on your specified
d. E-mail Address – creates a hyperlink that opens Microsoft Outlook that automatically adds your specified
recipient on a new email.

When done, click OK to apply your hyperlink.

Embedding Objects in Microsoft PowerPoint

Embedding objects is easy using Microsoft PowerPoint. With this option, you can insert an Excel file that would
look like a table to a presentation.

Embedding an Excel File to your Slide Presentation
1. Go to the Insert tab.
2. On the Text group, click on Object.
3. The Insert Object dialog box would appear.

a. Create New – creates a new file from scratch. You can select on a wide variety of files listed.
b. Create from File – creates a file from an existing file saved on your hard drive; simply browse the file to use
it. Putting a check on the “link” option will allow you to modify the Excel file inside your presentation.

4. Once you are done, click OK.

Skills Exploration

Improve a PowerPoint presentation using Hyperlinks.

1. Insert action buttons on your presentation (actions buttons are found in Insert>Shapes).
2. Create action buttons that will allow you to navigate to the next slide, previous slide, and first slide.
3. Insert hidden slides at the end of your presentation then insert an object containing your excel files. Create
hyperlinks to this slide from the slides that contains the chart corresponding to the data.

Activity 3: Your Turn To Shine!

Directions: Answer the question below. Write legibly.

1. What is the significance of using hyperlinks that navigate around your presentation instead of just using keyboard

2. Cite three instances where objects can help you improve your presentation


DAY 8 & 9

Take the Challenge!

Make a group Bazaar Presentation of your own. Present the bazaar results using any presentation/slideshow program you
are using.

Rubric for Reporting


4 3 2 1
SKILLS All skills from Most skills in the Some skills in the Few or no skills
the topics are topic are applied topic are applied from the topic is
applied applied
CONTENT The output The output is The output is The output is
exceeds the complete. somewhat incomplete.
expectations. complete.
CORRECTNESS The output is free The output The output has The output has
from errors. contains minimal several errors. many errors.

EFFICIENCY The student was The student was The students The students
able to finish the able to finish the were able to used the least
task in the most task in the complete the task effective method
effective way projected amount but used methods finishing the task.
without wasting of time. that consumed
time and effort. more time or
Teamwork The student is an The student The student The student did
effective team contributed to the exerted little not contribute to
player group. effort in the group.
the group’s task.


DAY 10

True or False: Write T if the sentence is correct; otherwise, write F.
______ 1. Use as many slides as you can so that the audience can clearly understand your message.
______ 2. PowerPoint Presentation is a form of visual aid.
______ 3. Most of the contents of your report through your PowerPoint Presentation and not from the speaker
______ 4. To insert a hyperlink, go to the Home tab then click the Hyperlink option.
______ 5. To embed an object, go to the insert tab and under the Text Group, click Object.
______ 6. There are two options when inserting an object: create new from file and create new from existing file.
______ 7. Action buttons are found in the Insert>Smart Art.
______ 8. Use dark fonts on dark backgrounds to gain proper contrast.
______ 9. Use bullets to simplify your message.
______ 10. Insert artwork in each slide of your presentation. It may not be related but at least it would draw the
audience’s attention.

How am I doing?
Using the scale of 1 to 5, rate your skills (1 = poor, 2 = satisfactory, 3 = good, 4 = very good, 5 = excellent)
Rate Skills

I can Use common productivity tools effectively by maximizing advanced application techniques

I can Create an original or derivative ICT content to effectively communicate or present data

I can present a product presentation effectively

Directions: Carefully read each statement and write the letter the correct answer in your answer sheet.

1. What is the best way to design the layout for your slides?

A. Create layouts for slides, handouts, and notes using the Master Layout dialog box in slide master view

B. For each new slide, select a layout from the Slide Layout task plane

C. Apply templates from the Slide Design task plane

2. To make one section of slides in your presentation use a different design template from the other slides, what
do you do?

A. Select the slide thumbnails in that section, and apply a different color scheme.

B. Select the slide thumbnails in that section, and apply a different design template.

C. Select one of the slides in the section you want to change, customize the fonts and colors, and use the
Format Painter to apply those styles to the other slides in the section.

3. Using a custom animation effect, how do you make text appear on a slide letter by letter?
A. Apply the animation scheme Fade in one by one.
B. Apply an entrance effect, and then set it to By letter in the Effect Options dialog box.
C. Apply the Fly In entrance effect to the text, and then set its speed to Very Slow.
4. During a slide show, pressing the Esc key will __________________.

A. Displays the last slide.

B. Displays slide 1.

C. Ends the slide show.

D. Displays the previous slide.

5. To delete the slide currently displayed in the Slide Pane _______________________.

A. Select the Delete Slide command.
B. Press the Backspace key.
C. Select the Removal command, type the slide number in the dialog box, and then select OK.
D. Select the Exit command.

6. The Apply Design Template command is used to ______________.

A. Change the order of the slides.

B. Change the shape of the slides.

C. Change the background and fonts of the entire presentation.

D. Create a new, empty presentation.

7. You've customized a design template in one presentation, and you want to use it in another presentation.
What's the best way to do this?

A. Use the Browse feature in the Slide Design task pane to find the file that has your design template and apply
it to the current file.

B. Copy and paste the slide with the design template you want into the new presentation; inserted slides will
inherit the design.

C. Save the presentation that has the design template with a new name, and then use the new file for your

8. You're giving your presentation, and you need to click to a slide that's a few slides back. How do you get

A. Press ESC to get back into normal view; click the correct slide thumbnail in normal view; then click the
Resume Slide Show button.

B. Press BACKSPACE until you hit the slide you're looking for.

C. Right-click, point to Go on the shortcut menu, point to By Title, and click the slide you want to go to.

9. To make one section of slides in your presentation, use a different design template from the other slides, what
do you do?

A. Select the slide thumbnails in that section, and apply a different color scheme.

B. Select the slide thumbnails in that section, and apply a different design template.

C. Select one of the slides in the section you want to change, customize the fonts and colors, and use the Format
Painter to apply those styles to the other slides in the section.

10. What's the best way to design the layout for your slides?

A. Create layouts for slides, handouts, and notes using the Master Layout dialog box in slide master view.

B. For each new slide, select a layout from the Slide Layout task pane.

C. Apply templates from the Slide Design task pane.

11. Which key do you press to go into Slide Show view and always start on the first slide?

B. F5

C. F7

D. F9

12. You've put a layout on your slide that contains a placeholder for a picture. But you'd rather use the Clip Art
task pane to insert the art than the options you get when you click the Insert Clip Art icon in the placeholder.
What do you do?

A. Apply a Blank layout instead, and then use the Insert menu (point to Picture, and then click Clip Art) to open
the Clip Art task pane and insert the picture.

B. Select the placeholder on the slide, and then press DELETE. Then use the Insert menu (point to Picture, and
then click Clip Art) to open the Clip Art task pane and insert the picture.

C. Make sure the picture placeholder is selected, and then use the Insert menu (point to Picture, and then click
Clip Art) to open the Clip Art task pane and insert the picture.

13. To apply a design template to all your slides, you need to select all the slide thumbnails on the Slides tab
before you apply the template.
A. True

B. False

14. The notes pane at the bottom of the PowerPoint window is the only place you can type and work with notes.

A. True

B. False

15. In the PowerPoint window, what's the main area for adding slide content?

A. The Slides tab, on the left of the window.

B. The notes pane.

C. The slide pane, in the middle of the window.

16. PowerPoint has direct connections with which of the following from its toolbars or menu system?

A. Microsoft Word

B. Internet Explorer

C. Your E-Mail program

D. All of the above

17. When you apply a design template to a presentation, it can be ____________.

A. Applied along with another template to the same slide.
B. Applied to all slides.

C. Modified in slide show view.

D. None of the above.

18. In outline view you can:

A. Move slides

B. Edit slides

C. Create a new slide

D. All of above

19. To place an organization chart on a slide, you must _____________.

A. Save the presentation

B. Update the presentation

C. Close the file

D. None of the above

20. You can copy an object using ______________.

A. Right mouse button

B. Edit menu

C. Control/C

D. All of the above

21. PowerPoint is best described as:

A. Presentation software

B. Database software

C. Drawing Software

D. Desktop publishing software

 22. When you first start PowerPoint:

A. The screen is blank, you must choose a template

B. Outline view is visible

C. A title slide for a new presentaion appears

D. You must create a new presentation

23 ._______is a Spreadsheet program in the Microsoft Office system. To create, calculate and format
A. Microsoft Word B. Microsoft Publisher C. Microsoft Excel D.MS PowerPoint
24. Each rectangle in a worksheet is called ___________.
A. Workbooks B. Work pad C. Formula tab D. Cell
25. A cell is the intersection of a row and a ______________.
A. Column B. Vertical C. Horizontal D. Plain


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