Emr/Esr/Epr Spectroscopy For Characterization of Nanomaterials
Emr/Esr/Epr Spectroscopy For Characterization of Nanomaterials
Emr/Esr/Epr Spectroscopy For Characterization of Nanomaterials
Ashutosh Kumar Shukla Editor
Spectroscopy for
of Nanomaterials
Advanced Structured Materials
Volume 62
Series editors
Andreas Öchsner, Southport Queensland, Australia
Lucas F.M. da Silva, Porto, Portugal
Holm Altenbach, Magdeburg, Germany
More information about this series at http://www.springer.com/series/8611
Ashutosh Kumar Shukla
for Characterization
of Nanomaterials
Ashutosh Kumar Shukla
Department of Physics
Ewing Christian College
viii Preface
About the Editor
Dr. Ashutosh Kumar Shukla has obtained his B.Sc., M.Sc., and D.Phil. degrees
from the University of Allahabad.
His talks on science have been regularly broadcasted on the radio. He has been
working to popularize science among the masses through his published science
articles on issues of general interest. He has received many scholarships and fel-
lowships including National Scholarship, Scholarship of Ministry of Higher
Education, Government of UP, Research Fellowship of Council of Science and
Technology, Lucknow, UP, Research Fellowship of Council of Scientific and
Industrial Research, New Delhi and Indian National Science Academy-Bilateral
Exchange Fellowship.
During his doctoral work he focused on electron spin resonance spectroscopy
and optical absorption spectroscopy to investigate transition ion doped single
crystals. In addition to his exposure to the available CW-ESR spectrometers at
leading institutes of his own country like National Physical Laboratory, New Delhi,
Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay and Bhabha Atomic Research Center,
Bombay, he has hands-on experience with modern CW and pulsed ESR spec-
trometers at several leading international laboratories including the University of
Dundee, Scotland, University of St. Andrew’s, Scotland and Kazan State
University, Kazan. ESR characterization of rare earth manganites and nanomaterials
are his current interests.
Part I
Nanomaterials and their Classification
Nanomaterials and their Classification
Keywords Nanomaterials classification Nanoparticles Nanomaterials physic-
ochemical properties
Magnetic properties of nanoparticles Toxicity of
nanoparticles Melting temperature of nanoparticles
C. Buzea (&)
IIPB Medicine Corporation, Owen Sound, ON N4K 6S5, Canada
e-mail: cristinabuzea@mdcorporation.ca
I. Pacheco
Department of Pathology, Grey Bruce Health Services, 1800 8th St East,
Owen Sound, ON N4K 6M9, Canada
e-mail: ipacheco@gbhs.on.ca; iblandin@uwo.ca
I. Pacheco
Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Schulich School of Medicine &
Dentistry, Western University, London, ON N6A 5C1, Canada
chemical, and mechanical properties than the same material in bulk form [91], [77].
Two main factors contribute to this: surface effects and quantum effects that appear
with decrease in size. Surface effects lead to a smooth scaling of physical properties
due to an increased fraction of the atoms at the particle surface compared to the
interior (Fig. 1) [73]. Surface effects result in increased chemical reactivity, reduced
melting point of nanoparticles compared to larger particles or bulk material.
Quantum-size effects involve the confinement of electrons within a very small
nanoparticle, or quantum dot which manifest in a quantized energy spectrum,
resulting in the appearance of magnetic moments, particularly in nanoparticles
made of nonmagnetic materials in bulk form such as gold, platinum, and palladium.
A nanoparticle can be thought as an aggregate composed of a relatively small
number of atoms. The smaller nanoparticles, sometimes called clusters, consist of
only a few atoms. The larger nanoparticles can have more than 105 atoms.
Nanoparticles are objects with intermediate size between the domain of atoms,
which must be described using quantum mechanics, and the bulk materials that can
be described by classical electrodynamics and solid-state physics [69]. Therefore,
nanoparticles are objects at mesoscopic scale between the microscopic and macro-
scopic worlds. (Mesoscopic scale means pertaining to a scale between microscopic
and macroscopic, or an intermediate scale.) Because of this some nanoparticles
exhibit a number of new phenomena that we will try to capture in this chapter.
1.2.1 Dimensionality
Fig. 3 Transmission electron microscopy images of various metal oxide nanoparticles (MeOx).
a aluminum, b antimony, c bismuth, d cobalt II, e chromium, f iron, g indium, h lanthanum,
i manganese, j nickel, k silicon, l tin, m titanium, n tungsten, o vanadium, p yttrium, q zinc,
r zirconium. Reprinted with permission from: “Towards understanding mechanisms governing
cytotoxicity of metal oxides nanoparticles: Hints from nano-QSAR studies,” Gajewicz et al.
Nanotoxicology, 2015 Taylor & Francis Ltd [38]
8 C. Buzea and I. Pacheco
Nanomaterials and their Classification 9
b Fig. 6 a TEM (corresponding electron diffraction pattern inset, lower) and b–f SEM images of
long aspect ratio nanomaterials. Nanowires of a Au, b Ag, c Si attached on a substrate, d Pd, and
e nanotubes of Pd, and f multi-walled carbon nanotubes. Figure a reproduced from Das et al. [33]
with permission from John Wiley and Sons. Figure b reprinted from Journal of Hazardous
Materials, Volume 177, B. Cheng et al., Preparation and enhanced photocatalytic activity of
Ag@TiO2 core–shell nanocomposite nanowires, pp. 971–977, Copyright (2010), with permission
from Elsevier [25]. Figure c reprinted by permission from Macmillan Publishers Ltd: Scientific
Reports [56] copyright (2014). Figures d and e reprinted with permission from nanoletters,
Volume 11, issue 9, Liu et al. Wet-Chemical Synthesis of Palladium Nanosprings, pp. 3979–3982,
Copyright (2011) American Chemical Society [87]. Figure f reproduced from Ma-Hock et al. [93]
nanowires of Au, Ag, and Si, Pd, nanotubes, and multi-walled carbon nanotubes
(MWCNT) [25, 33, 56, 87, 93].
One must emphasize that while the nanomaterials fixed on a substrate or those
with nanopores do not pose a health risk, the free nanoparticles can become air-
borne and may be very toxic to human health [21].
Fig. 7 Composite or hybrid nanoparticles with progressively lower symmetry. Columns from left
to right show: nano-barcodes, nanozigzags combining magnetic, semiconducting and insulating
materials, and nanohooks with defined chirality. First row, structure models; second row TEM
images. Reprinted by permission from Macmillan Publishers Ltd: Nature Materials [97], copyright
b Fig. 8 a HRTEM image of a Ni particle encapsulated by a graphite shell. The outermost graphene
layer represents the shape of the original Ni particle; b lithiation of a graphene sheets encapsulated
Si nanoparticle; c, d TEM images of polymer coated cobalt nanoparticles chains at different
magnifications. e, f Rattle-type Au/CdS composite nanoparticles. CdS shells nanostructures
encapsulate Au nanocores. Image a reprinted from Carbon, Volume 46, issue 4, R. Anton, On the
reaction kinetics of Ni with amorphous carbon, pp. 656–662, Copyright (2008), with permission
from Elsevier [11]. Image b reprinted by permission from Macmillan Publishers Ltd: Scientific
Reports, [92] copyright (2014). Images c and d adapted with permission from Korth et al. [76].
Copyright (2006) American Chemical Society. Images e and f reprinted from Xia and Tang [143]
with permission from John Wiley and Sons
Fig. 9 a TEM and b SEM image of Ag nanowire coated with TiO2 nanoparticles. Reprinted from
Journal of Hazardous Materials, Volume 177, B. Cheng et al., Preparation and enhanced
photocatalytic activity of Ag@TiO2 core–shell nanocomposite nanowires, pp. 971–977, Copyright
(2010), with permission from Elsevier [25]
Fig. 10 a TEM image of 18-nm Pd nanocubes that served as seeds for the deposition of Cu shells,
and b, c SEM images of Pd@Cu core-shell nanocubes prepared with different volumes of the seed
suspension at a concentration of 1.8 mg/mL: 1.5 and 0.5 mL. The edge lengths of the core-shell
nanocubes were approximately b 50 and c 100 nm, respectively. The insets show TEM images of
the samples, and the scale bars are 20 nm. Reprinted with permission from Jin et al., ACS Nano,
2012, 6 (3), pp. 2566–2573. Copyright (2012) American Chemical Society [63]
16 C. Buzea and I. Pacheco
Fig. 11 Structure of various carbon allotropes in nanoform a fullerene C60, b C70, c C540,
d graphite, e single-walled carbon nanotube SWCNT, f amorphous carbon, g multi-walled carbon
nanotubes. Image a courtesy of James Hedberg, images b, c, d, e, and f courtesy of Michael Ströck,
g reproduced with permission from Balasubramanian and Burghard [15], John Wiley and Sons
Nanoparticles can now be fabricated in almost any shape and containing various
combinations of composites materials. Some examples are seen in Fig. 13. Mark
et al. demonstrate nanoparticles with complex three-dimensional morphologies
comprising a variety of different functional materials [97]. Their fabrication method
combines a physical vapor deposition process at grazing incidence over a nano-
seeded pattern, involving the manipulation of substrate motion and temperature.
Nanomaterials and their Classification 17
18 C. Buzea and I. Pacheco
b Fig. 12 SEM images of carbon allotropes. In the left side one can notice the agglomerates while
in the right hand mode detailed nanostructures are noted at higher magnification; a, b multi-walled
carbon nanotubes, c, d graphene, e, f graphite nanoplatelets, g, h carbon black. Reproduced from
Ma-Hock et al. [93]
Fig. 13 a SEM, TEM images and drawing of Pd nanosprings; b TEM micrograph of gold
nanoplates. The inset shows triangular, truncated triangular, and hexagonal gold nanoplates;
c SEM image if gold nanostars; d field emission scanning electron microscope image of zinc oxide
raspberry- and plate-like nanostructures. Image a reprinted with permission from nanoletters,
Volume 11, issue 9, Liu et al., Wet-chemical synthesis of Palladium nanosprings, pp. 3979–3982,
Copyright (2011) American Chemical Society [87]. Image b reprinted from Xie et al. [144] with
permission from John Wiley and Sons. Image a reprinted with permission from J. Phys. Chem. C,
116 (2), Kedia and Kumar, pp. 1679–1686. Copyright (2012) American Chemical Society [65].
Image d reprinted from Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry, Volume 103, Issue 8, M. Z. Hussein,
Bacillus cereus as a biotemplating agent for the synthesis of zinc oxide with raspberry- and
plate-like structures, Copyright (2009), with permission from Elsevier [60]
Nanomaterials and their Classification 19
Fig. 14 BaTiO3 supercages a SEM images, b TEM images, d illustration. Scale bars 200 nm.
Adapted with permission from ACS Nano, vol. 9, issue 1, BaTiO3 Supercages: Unusual Oriented
Nanoparticle Aggregation and Continuous Ordering Transition in Morphology, Li, pp. 496–502.
Copyright (2015) American Chemical Society [85]
20 C. Buzea and I. Pacheco
Particle size and surface area are important parameters that play a major role in
interaction of nanomaterials with the exterior. Decreasing the size of the
nanoparticle leads to an exponential increase in surface area relative to volume,
resulting in an enhanced reactivity. See Fig. 1 that shows the variation of number of
surface and bulk atoms with the nanoparticle size.
Nanoparticles that have surface facets sufficiently large will have catalytic prop-
erties that approximate those of their bulk counterparts with crystalline surfaces [9].
With decreasing size, usually smaller than 3 nm, a nanoparticle catalytic activity
starts to deviate from its bulk behavior due to the increasing contribution of the
corner and edge atoms of the nanoparticle. Spherical nanoparticles with a size of
about 3 nm have half of their atoms on the surface. In the case of nanoparticles with
sizes between *1 and 2 nm, even slights changes in its structure, the deletion or
addition of a few atoms, can have an important impact on its catalytic properties.
Nanoparticles with such small size are usually hard to characterize experimentally
due to the fact that their structure may be altered during catalytic reactions [9].
Furthermore, for a given crystalline structure, the different crystalline surface
may show a different reactivity toward the same reaction. It has been shown that
Nanomaterials and their Classification 21
different crystal surfaces of Pt have very different electronic structures and atomic
arrangements, consequently having a different reactivity toward the same reaction
There are two types of materials that exhibit magnetism in nanoform. There are
magnetic nanomaterials that are magnetic in bulk form and nanoparticles that show
magnetic behavior only in nanoform, while in bulk are nonmagnetic. Below we will
discuss the two classes of magnetic nanomaterials.
Magnetic properties of nanoparticles that are magnetic in bulk form
Magnetic materials are defined as materials that change their magnetic behavior as a
result of an external magnetic field. There are five main types of magnetic materials:
ferromagnetic, paramagnetic, diamagnetic, antiferromagnetic, and ferromagnetic, as
shown in Fig. 15a [61].
In ferromagnetic materials (such as Fe, Ni, Co) the magnetism arises due to
atomic net magnetic moments as a result of unpaired electrons [59]. The material
has domains containing large numbers of atoms with parallel magnetic moments,
each domain having a net magnetic moment pointing in a specific direction [61].
Due to the random orientation of the magnetic moments of the domains, the net
magnetic moment of the material is zero. In an external magnetic field, the domains
of the ferromagnetic material align along the direction of the applied magnetic field,
resulting in a large net magnetic moment. After the removal of the external field
there is a residual magnetic moment left.
In paramagnetic materials (Gd, Mg, Li, Ta) magnetic domains are absent even
though atoms have net magnetic moment due to unpaired electrons [61]. After the
application of an external magnetic field, the atoms align along the direction of the
field resulting in a weak net magnetic moment. After the removal of the field, the
paramagnetic materials do not have a remanent magnetization.
Diamagnetic materials (bulk Cu, Ag, Au, and most of the rest of the elements)
have atoms with no unpaired electrons and show a zero net magnetic moment [61].
Their magnetic response in an external magnetic field is very weak and after the
removal of the field they do not retain any magnetic moment.
Antiferromagnetic materials (MnO, CoO, NiO) have two different atom types
occupying different lattice positions [61]. The two types of atoms have opposite
magnetic moments, resulting in zero net magnetic moment.
Ferrimagnetic materials (magnetite-Fe3O4) have also different atoms types
occupying different lattice sites with antiparallel magnetic moments, but different
magnitudes. Hence the magnetic moments do not cancel out, which results in a net
22 C. Buzea and I. Pacheco
Nanomaterials and their Classification 23
b Fig. 15 a The behavior of magnetic dipoles in the absence and presence of external magnetic
fields. According to their behavior they can be classified as diamagnetic, paramagnetic,
ferromagnetic, ferrimagnetic, antiferromagnetic [62]. b, c, d The magnetization of ferromagnetic
and superparamagnetic nanoparticles under an external magnetic field; a under an external
magnetic field the domains of a ferromagnetic nanoparticle align with the applied field and the
magnetic moment of single domain superparamagnetic nanoparticle aligns with the applied field;
b In the absence of an external field the ferromagnetic nanoparticles will have a net magnetization
and superparamagnetic nanoparticles will have no net magnetization due to rapid reversal of the
magnetic moment; c schematic illustration of the coercivity-size relations of small particles.
Reprinted from Akbarzadeh et al. [5]
Magnetism has also been observed not only in Au nanoparticles, but in thin films
of Au with 27 nm thickness deposited on Pyrex glass [119].
Magnetic behavior can be tuned by surface coatings or ligands [80, 31]. The
magnetic anisotropy of Pt nanoparticles is tunable via the modification of surface
conditions (thiol coatings) [124].
While at some point it was believed that the surface coatings or impurities were
responsible for the observed magnetism of these noble metals nanoparticles [145],
subsequently it was shown that also noble metal nanoparticles prepared under high
vacuum conditions and with high purity show magnetic behavior [126, 130].
In addition, it has been shown that ligand-stabilized Au nanoparticles exhibit
different magnetic behaviors: diamagnetic, paramagnetic, or ferromagnetic, as
shown in Fig. 16 [80]. Clusters with the same core size of about 25 atoms but
different ligands show two different magnetic behaviors. Mixed ligand-stabilized
and thiol-stabilized clusters of 25 and 38 Au atoms are diamagnetic while clusters
with 55 atoms are ferromagnetic.
While it could be argued that the influence of a substrate might influence the
magnetism of nanoparticles, it was shown that freestanding Pd nanoparticles with
clean surface exhibit ferromagnetism [130]. The ferromagnetic behavior is due to
the ferromagnetic ordering in a few topmost surface layers, while the rest of the
nanoparticle stays paramagnetic, similar to Pd bulk [130]. Consequently, the origin
of the ferromagnetism Pd small clusters can be associated with the two-dimensional
character of the particle surface.
Similarly, it has been observed that the surface atoms of Au nanoparticles are
ferromagnetic while the core is paramagnetic [145].
While in the bulk form Au is chemically stable and with diamagnetic properties,
at the nanoscale below a threshold size, gold nanoparticles exhibit ferromagnetism
[55]. The curve of the magnetization versus nanoparticle diameter exhibits a peak
for a nanoparticle size of around 3 nm [55]. The magnetism reverts back to the one
of bulk for nanoparticles larger than 4 nm. The magnetization peak can be
Fig. 16 Ligand-stabilized atomically precise gold clusters (APGCs) with their experimentally
observed magnetic behavior. Reproduced with permission from Krishna et al. [80], John Wiley
and Sons
Nanomaterials and their Classification 25
created by oscillations along both the long and short axis, resulting in a stronger band
in the near-infrared region and a smaller band in the visible region, respectively.
These properties make Au attracting in biomedical applications [58]. For
example, biological tissue labeled with gold nanoparticles can be visualized clearly
by the surface plasmon resonance scattering of the Au nanoparticles under
monochromatic light from a laser. The light scattering from Au nanoparticles can be
105 stronger than the light scattering from a fluorescein molecule, widely used as a
fluorescent tracer [58]. For highly scattering tissue, the fluorescence of Au nanorods
can be used for imaging. The fluorescence of Au nanorods is about 6–7 times
higher than that of bulk Au, and it is attributed to the excitation of the longitudinal
plasmon [58]. The luminescence of Au nanorods with a length of more than
200 nm can be seen with the naked eye.
Quantum dots are also used for their photoluminescence properties. The pho-
toluminescence of a quantum dots can be manipulated to specific wavelengths by
controlling particle diameter as shown in Fig. 18a, b [133]. Examples of images of
quantum dots are shown in Fig. 18d, e, and f [148, 149].
Quantum dots are semiconducting nanocrystals of approximately spherical shape
with a typical diameter between 2 and 8 nm, encompassing between 200 and
10,000 atoms [7]. In a bulk semiconductor the valence electrons can be excited to a
Nanomaterials and their Classification 27
28 C. Buzea and I. Pacheco
b Fig. 18 (Color online) a The fluorescence spectra variation with the size of CdSe quantum dots,
b illustration of the relative particle sizes, c in vivo tumor imaging with quantum dots.
Fluorescence image of a live mouse with QD-tagged cancer cells injected into its right flank,
showing an orange glow (Courtesy of Dr Xiaohu Gao, Emory University). d, e, f Transmission
electron microscope images of quantum dots. d CdS-rich quantum dots (scale bar, 25 nm),
e ZnSe-rich quantum dots. f CdSe/CdS/ZnS quantum dots after phospholipid
micelle-encapsulation. Images a, b, c are adapted from Smith and Nie [133] with permission of
The Royal Society of Chemistry. Images d and e adapted by permission from Macmillan
Publishers Ltd: Nature Photonics [148], copyright (2015). Image f adapted by permission from
Macmillan Publishers Ltd: Nature Nanotechnology, [149], copyright (2012)
Fig. 19 (Color online) a Schematics of Au nanohelix with two turns showing critical dimensions,
b chiro-optical response of solutions of Au nanohelices; normalized circular dichroism
(CD) spectra of left-handed and right-handed helices. Inset TEM images of grown structures
with left (top) and right (bottom) chirality (image dimensions: 85 nm 120 nm). Reprinted by
permission from Macmillan Publishers Ltd: Nature Materials [97], copyright (2013)
higher energy conduction band, the difference in this energy being called the band
gap energy of the semiconductor [133]. After the emission of a photon with energy
equal to the bang gap energy, an excited electron may relax to its ground state. The
band gap of a semiconducting nanoparticle is dependent on nanoparticle size,
increasing with the nanoparticle size [133]. As a result the emitted light has shorter
wavelengths. Biological applications of quantum dots are dictated by the fact that
their size-tunable properties occur at the same size regime as biological molecules
such as proteins and nucleic acids.
Optical properties of nanoparticles can also be modified as a result of their
chirality or handnesness [97]. Figure 19 illustrates the tuning of the chiro-optical
response with the change in nanoparticles morphology. The long-wavelength cir-
cular dichroism spectra of the nanohelices with right-handed chirality show a
positive elllipticity, while for left-handed ones they exhibit a negative one. The
spectral peak position is a function of the radius of the helix.
Nanomaterials and their Classification 29
Fig. 20 a The melting point, Tm, versus particle size for Ag [13], Sn [82], and Pb [116];
b sequence of TEM images exhibiting melting and vaporization of Ag nanoparticles. Image b
reprinted with permission from Cambridge University Press [13]
30 C. Buzea and I. Pacheco
Fig. 21 Normalized melting temperatures measured for Na clusters as a function of the inverse
cluster radius, N−1/3. The normalized melting temperature is the cluster melting temperature
normalized to the bulk melting temperature. The smaller size clusters have an icosahedral packing
(ico). At an unknown critical size must be a transition toward bulk-like (bcc) structures. Adapted
from Aguado and Jarrold [3] and references therein
Nanomaterials and their Classification 31
Fig. 22 (color online). Upper panel: Na clusters of icosahedral growth pattern. Lower panel Size
dependence of the melting temperature (black), the latent heat of fusion per atom (q, red), and the
entropy change upon melting per atom (Ds, blue). The three data have their maxima around the
same N. The cluster sizes are indicated for some peaks. Melting temperatures of Na clusters exhibit
size-dependent fluctuations that correlate with geometrical shell closings. (Adapted from reference
Haberland et al. [49]). Reprinted image with permission from Haberland et al. Physical Review
Letters 94, 035701, 2005, Copyright (2005) by the American Physical Society, http://link.aps.org/
Fig. 23 A selection of Na cluster global-minimum structures that have enhanced stabilities. The
structures are labeled by their size and point group symmetry. Adapted from Noya et al. [107].
With kind permission from Springer Science + Business Media: European Physical Journal D,
Geometric magic numbers of sodium clusters: Interpretation of the melting behavior, 43, 2007,
57–60, Noya et al. Copyright EDP Sciences, Societa Italiana di Fisica, Springer-Verlag 2007
32 C. Buzea and I. Pacheco
Jarrold [3]). For clusters with larger size, having between 1,000 and 10,000 atoms
the melting temperature is depressed by only 20 % compared to the bulk, and there
is no clear extrapolation trend to the bulk value. The small sizes clusters are based
on Na icosahedral packing (ico), while the larger ones are Na bulk-like
(bcc) structures. The size-dependent fluctuations in the melting temperatures of
Na clusters correlate with geometrical shell closings (see Fig. 22) [49]. Clusters that
are more compact melt at a higher temperature [3, 4]. Figure 23 shows a selection
of Na cluster structures that have enhanced stabilities.
Calorimetric measurements of the heat capacity versus temperature of metallic
clusters show a peak in the heat capacity due to latent heat, which indicates the
value of the melting temperature of the clusters, as shown in Fig. 24a [115]. The
deduced melting temperature for these metals shows size-dependent fluctuations, as
illustrated in Fig. 24b [115]. One can notice large fluctuations (several 100°) can
occur just by simply adding or removing a single atom. For some clusters, the heat
capacities have extra features (an additional peak or a dip) that are related to a more
complex behavior than simple melting. For small clusters the influence of the
substrate might perturb their properties, and also for unsupported clusters it is
difficult to determine when they melt. Three main causes can lead to a second
feature in the heat capacity versus cluster size: partial melting when a part of the
Fig. 24 a The heat capacity versus temperature for very small Ga clusters with various number of
ions: 61, 80, 92, 94. Here 3 N = 3n − 6 + 3/2, where n is the number of atoms in the cluster, and
kB is the Boltzmann constant. b Melting temperatures determined from the fits to the peaks in the
heat capacities versus the number of atoms in each cluster. Reprinted with permission from Pyfer
et al. [115]. Copyright (2014) American Chemical Society
Nanomaterials and their Classification 33
cluster melts at a lower temperature than the rest, the existence of two structural
isomers with different melting temperatures, and a solid-to-solid transition followed
by melting [3].
In this size regime, it is possible that the melting temperature of very small
clusters to be higher than the melting temperature of bulk, due to the fact that the
structure of the clusters is different than the structure of the bulk [131]. It has been
shown that Sn nanoparticles (cluster ions) with 10–30 atoms have remained solid at
555 K, which is 50 K above the melting point of bulk Sn [131].
The exact mechanism by which the melting points become elevated is still under
research. Some authors calculated by using first principles parallel tempering
molecular dynamics in the microcanonical ensemble that a strong charge segre-
gation between the internal and surface atoms might be responsible for a greater
than bulk melting temperature for Al clusters composed of 20 atoms [108]. The
clusters show negatively charged internal atoms and positive charge at the surface.
Other authors suggested that there is a marked shortening and stiffening of atomic
bonds with decreasing the number in the atomic clusters [114]. The stiffness of
bonds scales as the inverse tenth power of length [114].
Fig. 25 TEM images of biosynthesized Au nanoparticles with different shapes under different
reaction conditions (interaction of chloroauric acid and cell-free extract of the fungal strain
Rhizopus oryzae); a mixed morphologies: nanoplates with triangle, hexagon, pentagon, star,
shapes; b triangle; c hexagon; d pentagon. The upper and lower portions of each right-hand image
show high-resolution single-crystalline nanoplates and their SAED patterns, respectively.
Reproduced from Das et al. [33] with permission from John Wiley and Sons
36 C. Buzea and I. Pacheco
When nanoparticles interact with organic matter they interact with biomolecules
which form a corona and will dictate the way they interact with cells [34–36, 47,
101, 122, 123] and their biodistribution within the body and tissue accumulation
within the organs [6, 68, 147].
Particle size plays an important role in the translocation of nanoparticles via the
air–blood barrier in the respiratory system [17, 78, 79, 102, 132] biodistribution to
organs [8, 43, 75], lung retention, and toxicity [14, 67, 137].
Oral exposure (ingestion) to some nanoparticles has shown to be associated with
toxic effects and diseases [16, 23, 24, 37, 50, 51, 72]. For example, nanoparticles of
various materials have been found in biopsies of patients with colon cancer [39].
Inhaled nanoparticles can enter the circulatory system and interact with blood
cells [41, 42, 142]. Patients with blood diseases have been shown to have
nanoparticles collected from explanted vena cava filters [40].
Epidemiologic studies show that nanoparticle exposure may lead to increased
blood pressure [27]. Experiments on rats show that titanium dioxide nanoparticles
promote arythmia by a direct interaction with cardiac tissue [127].
In conclusion, many nanoparticles have been found to be toxic to living
organisms, their toxicity depending on various physicochemical characteristics
whose relative importance is still unknown. Nanoparticles are associated to a wide
range of diseases that can manifest immediately following exposure or many years
later. It is impossible to extrapolate the toxicity of a nanomaterial from the prop-
erties of the bulk material, therefore a case-by-case approach is required in order to
identify hazardous nanomaterials. Therefore, care must be taken while handling and
using nanoparticles in applications.
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A Brief Manifestation of Nanotechnology
Keywords Nanomaterials Classification Dimensionality Surface morphology
Chemical nature
1 Introduction
It will not be an exaggeration to call Nobel Prize winner physicist of the year 1965,
Sir Richard Feynman as “Father of nanotechnology,” as he came up with his
historical thought of nano by uttering these words, “there is plenty of room at the
bottom” in his historic lecture at a conference held by American Physical Society in
1959, though the term nanotechnology was first given by Norio Taniguchi [1] at the
University of Tokyo in 1974. Feynman introduced the idea of manipulating the
very small, even down to the level of individual atoms for technological purposes.
Within the span of a half century nanotechnology industry has taken over.
Nanotechnology generally means building things from the bottom level, with
atomic precision. Today, nanotechnology is meant for the science of making,
synthesizing, designing, producing things which have at least at one dimensions of
100 nm or less and using it for various devices. It means that purposeful engi-
neering of matter by manipulation, control, and integration of atoms and molecules
at scales of 100 nm or less forms the basis of nanotechnology to achieve
size-dependent properties and functions. This integrates chemistry, physics and
biology to form materials, structures, components, devices, and systems to play at
nanoscale level especially for industrial and commercial objectives.
Due to their peculiar size and physicochemical properties, nanomaterials offers
major advantages. The development of unique nanoscale structures has revolu-
tionized the industry. In the realm of nanotechnology the scientists, chemists,
physicist and engineers have started working at the molecular and cellular levels to
make important advances (Fig. 1) in various fields such as fabrication, modeling,
life sciences, medicine, magnets and healthcare, electronics, smart materials and
sensors, nanoscale biostructures, energy capture and storage devices, and consumer
A Brief Manifestation of Nanotechnology 49
2 Classification
We know that all the materials are basically formed with the chemicals which may
be inorganic, organic, or mixture of these two. Classification of nanomaterials based
on the chemical nature is pictorially depicted in Fig. 4.
All the materials do not respond similarly with the externally applied magnetic
field. Thus, on the basis of their response to any externally applied magnetic field,
nanoparticles may be classified into five categories, namely, diamagnetic, param-
agnetic, ferromagnetic, antiferromagnetic, and ferrimagnetic [6]. Orientations of the
magnetic moments in a material place them in the above categories accordingly. At
nanolevel also, the particles exhibits magnetic properties only in the presence of an
54 S.S. Sanjay and A.C. Pandey
external magnet and changes to a nonmagnetic state again when the external
magnetic field is removed. At this state, many factors play their role in determining
the magnetic properties of nanomaterial, such as the, particle size, shape, mor-
phology, their chemical composition and interaction with the surrounding matrix
and the neighboring particles. The magnetic behavior of any material can be con-
trolled by altering any of these factors to a certain limiting extent. For example,
spontaneous magnetisation occurs below TC when the particle size is 1 µm. For
single-domain magnetic particles with particle size equal to 1–30 nm, at Tb < TC,
the orientation of the magnetic moment of a particle remains same in space, but the
particle ensemble shows a magnetic hysteresis. At higher temperature above to Tb,
the particle attains superparamagnetic state. Usual paramagnetic properties are
retained by a single atom (ion) with particle size equal to *0.2 nm. At the range of
the quantum dots, high field irreversibility type of new phenomena, superparam-
agnetism or extra anisotropy contributions, are observed by the magnetic
nanoparticles. The magnetic behavior of individual nanoparticles develops such
phenomena due to its small and finite-size and surface effects [7]. In a superpara-
magnetic material, spins are substituted by small ferromagnetic domains. Generally,
when the particle comes in a state of uniform magnetization at any field, it should
have only a single magnetic domain. As a result of magnetic anisotropy, such type
of superparamagnetism arises. It means that the spins are aligned along a preferred
crystallographic direction at this state [8]. In the presence of an external magnetic
field, the aligned domains generate a strong attractive interaction. Once the external
magnetic field is removed, thermal agitation cancels residual magnetization.
Despite of the great importance of the morphology of nanoparticles, in magnetic
devices for storing or processing information, where well-defined magnetization
axes and switching fields are required, and the alignment of domains play its
important role.
Jack et al. have well said in their book “The Next Big Thing Is Really Small” [13]
that how the future of our business will be changed by nanotechnology, i.e., nan-
otechnology has a wide horizon of its applicatory attributes. Perhaps not a single
sphere of application is left without nanotechnology. Its broad applicatory scenario
may be broadly classified as mentioned in Fig. 6.
As the sizes of a substance begins to move towards the nanoscale, its properties
become unique and dramatically different from the same substances in the bulk
form. For doing nanotechnology, scientists work at the nanoscale level to enable
them to utilize this unique different properties, viz., physical, chemical, mechanical,
and optical properties of materials that naturally occur at this scale. Properties such
as melting point, fluorescence, electrical conductivity, magnetic permeability,
chemical reactivity, etc., changes as a function of the size of the particle. The reason
for the dramatic change in the properties of nanomaterials can be attributed to the
following two facts.
Fig. 7 Representation of the comparison of band gap energy between bulk, nano, and atom
conductors at the stage of nanometer level. Some materials that were semicon-
ductors may become conductors or superconductors. However, the atoms at the
surface experience different surrounding than those present at the center of the
particle because of the presence of unsatisfied free electrons or dangling bonds. The
presence of dangling bonds onto the surface of a material can change its conducting
Optical properties are also size-dependent at the nanoscale level. As said above,
confinement leads to a transition from continuous to discrete energy levels (Fig. 7).
Due to the discreteness of energy levels, the excitonic band gap increases which
restrict the movement of electrons. It cannot move about as freely. Therefore, the
quantum confinement of the electrons changes the optical properties of a substance,
i.e., it reacts differently to light. As the band gap increases, those substances which
are usually opaque in bulk becomes transparent to light at nanolevel. For example,
at the macro scale gold appears yellow in bulk but the color changes to red at
nanosized scale. Similarly, large-sized zinc oxide particles are used for sun screen
because it scatters visible light and appear white but at nanolevel zinc oxide par-
ticles do not scatter visible light and becomes transparent to sunlight. With the
decreasing particle size, quantum dots changes the appearance of a substance by
creating different phosphor and fluorescent colors.
It was found that magnetic nanoparticle can often be described as a single
magnetic domain with the uniaxial anisotropy (which comes from the shape of the
particle and effect of surface spins) even in materials with other type of anisotropy
(such as cubic). The orientation of its magnetic moment points may be either up or
down in the absence of magnetic field. During the synthesis of a crystal, there may
develop several types of defects on the surface as well as in the core, such as atomic
vacancies, changes in the atomic coordination, dangling bonds or lattice disorder.
Due to these defects some electronic spins remain uncompensated which leads to
the surface magnetization (ferromagnetism or antiferromagnetism) and again, it
depends on the size of the particle and on the extent degree of disorder at the
surface [14, 15]. Small particles can have very high magnetic susceptibility with
permanent magnetic dipole. Small clusters consisting of a single ferromagnetic
domain that follow the applied field freely are placed in the category of super
58 S.S. Sanjay and A.C. Pandey
We know that as the size of particle decreases, the surface area and therefore,
surface-to-volume ratio also increases. This increased surface area of nanoparticles
is responsible for the development of peculiar properties of a substance at the
nanoscale level (Fig. 8). Due to large surface area there occurs change in the
reaction time of a substance. As the particle size decreases, the percentage of atoms
on their surface increases [16]. This accounts for the increase in the
surface-to-volume ratio. The higher surface-to-volume ratio increase the rate of
reaction due to the drastic increase in the amount of exposed surface area at the
nanoscale level causing the increase in the reaction rate for a chemical reaction.
Nanomaterials are inherently unstable due to high surface energy. Atoms exist at
the surface or interface are different from the same atoms exist in the interior of a
material. At surface due to free dangling bonds nanomaterial acquires high surface
energy which make them highly unstable causing agglomeration.
The properties such as melting point, rate of reaction, capillarity and adhesion,
etc., are controlled by their surface area. For example, Gold at the macro scale, has
melting point of 1064 °C [18]. Its melting point radically drops about 100 °C as its
particle size reduces from 100 to 10 nm diameter. On the further size reduction to
A Brief Manifestation of Nanotechnology 59
about 2 nm the melting temperature reduces to about half of the melting temper-
ature at the macro scales level. At this level gold will no longer be able to conduct
transitions that occurred between energy levels developed due to the projections of
the giant spin onto the direction of the magnetic field. Such nanoparticles gives
peculiar features in EMR signals that are common in quantum systems, as the
variations in narrow spectral component and multiple-quantum transitions with
temperature. As the particle size increases, the relative intensity of such EMR
signals decreases significantly. This suggests a route of a gradual transition from a
purely quantum system applied to sub atomic state to a classical behavior of
comparatively large systems, where such effects diminishes. Noginova and
co-workers [22] have also explored the effects of the particle size and magnetization
dynamics, with EMR studies of magnetic nanoparticles to determine their potential
to use them as building blocks for tunable microwave metamaterials.
5 Biological Importance
Molecular or cellular parts of biological systems lie in the submicron size domain,
As the size of the nanoparticles lie within these dimensions, they viable to have
number of biomedical applications, such as they can be exploited as a very small
probes to spy within the cellular machinery without disturbing or interfering their
working conditions. They can be easily capped with biological molecules, such as
DNA, RNA, proteins or carbohydrates, to enable them to interact with or bind to a
biological moieties, i.e., by “tagging’’ or “addressing” they can provide a con-
trollable means of delivering drug of in diagnostic applications. By changing gra-
dient of external magnetic field, magnetic nanoparticles can be taken and assembled
to the desired target. Since human tissues have intrinsic penetrability to the mag-
netic fields, with such type of external control mechanism operating from an
optimum distance, opens up many applications which involves transportation and
immobilization of these magnetic nanoparticles, or magnetically tagged biological
species. In such cases, the external magnetic field assists the injected magnetic
nanoparticles along with the tagged drug to the desired site within the body acting
as a site-specific drug delivery busses. Magnetic nanoparticles such as gadolium
may be used as contrast agents in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). On sub-
jecting to an external magnetic AC field, the temperature around the effected sites
can be raised up to 40 °C as a hyperthermic cancer treatment destroying the
cancerous tissues and tumors [23].
Since magnetic nanocomposites have shown to have fluorescent, radio-opaque
and paramagnetic properties, they may be utilized in confining and concentrating the
target analytes in a very small minute volume for in situ optical detections.
Therefore, magnetic nano particles functionalized or tagged with biomolecules such
as DNA, proteins, peptides or antibodies significantly improves the selectivity and
sensitivity of the system serving as bio- and chemo-sensors [24, 25]. Corr et al. have
utilized electrostatic interactions to develop new fluorescent-magnetic nanocom-
posites. They have prepared fluorescent magnetite-porphyrin nanocomposites by
interacting core nanoparticle, the spacer group and the fluorophore. Intracellular
A Brief Manifestation of Nanotechnology 61
fragmentation of the above said nanocomposite have shown their utility as subcel-
lular imaging contrast agents and in targeted drug delivery systems [26].
Magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles have thus shown a very wide spectrum of
applications in various clinical, diagnostics and therapeutic fields such as, cancer,
cardiovascular, neurological disorders, hyperthermia, magnetic separation of cells,
proteins, DNA/RNA, and in other biomolecular probes. Although they have been
found to be very useful in various biomedical and in vitro applications but because
of the agglomeration and necessity of fast detection via immune cells in physio-
logical medium, their clinical use are mired [27–31]. In order to use nanoparticles in
biological systems, its water-dispersibility in bio-systems is very important and it
should be bio-compatible. The colloidal stability of nanoparticle suspension should
also be maintained in the bio-physiological conditions, with a wide range of pH [9].
6 Conclusion
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An Overview on Advances
in the Nanocarriers Drug Delivery Systems
Anjana Pandey
Abstract The unceasing efforts and improvement of drug delivery systems (DDSs)
have been broadly researched to maximize therapeutic efficacy while curtailing
undesirable side effects. Nanoparticle technology was recently shown to hold great
promise for drug delivery applications in nanomedicine due to its favorable prop-
erties, such as better encapsulation, bioavailability, control release, and lower toxic
effects. Regardless of the great progress in nanomedicine, there remain many
limitations prior to widely being accepted for medical application. To overcome
these limitations, advanced nanoparticles for drug delivery have been developed to
enable the spatially and temporally controlled release of drugs in response to
specific stimuli at disease sites. An ideal drug delivery system should be able to
localize a drug specifically and directly to its target. This is particularly important
when drugs made by traditional manufacturing methods are hydrophobic and their
solvents are toxic. Nanotechnology promises to improve drug delivery system
design and targeting. Nanostructured drugs or delivery carriers allow the continuous
and controlled release of therapeutic drugs to maintain drug levels to a desired
extent. The size of nanoparticles ranges from 10 to 200 nm, about the size of a
protein. Because of their small size, nanoparticles can readily interact with bio-
molecules on the cell surface or inside cell allowing these nanoparticles to penetrate
tissues in depth with a high level of specificity. This chapter discusses an overview
of nanoparticulate systems that can be used as a potential drug delivery carriers and
focuses on the potential applications of nanoparticles in various biomedical fields
for improving human health care.
A. Pandey (&)
Department of Biotechnology, Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology (MNNIT),
Allahabad, UP 211004, India
e-mail: anjanap@mnnit.ac.in
1 Introduction
This improvement will allow early detection of many diseases such as cancer,
genetic disorders, cardiovascular diseases, infectious diseases, etc., and may save
millions of lives through the prevention and early treatment of these diseases.
Synthesis of nanodrug and/or gene delivery system provides superior potential for
many applications, including antitumor therapy by targeted delivery of therapeutic
agents to tumors. Treatment of cancer represents an enormous biomedical challenge
for drug delivery. A nanoparticle-mediated drug delivery system can significantly
eliminate drug or drug carrier side effects. Targeted drug delivery creates better
therapeutic effect than that of conventional drug dosing method with minimized
side effects because of reduced dosage required at target site. An ideal drug delivery
system should be able to localize a drug specifically and directly to its target. This is
principally important when drugs made by conventional manufacturing methods
that are hydrophobic and their solvents are toxic. Nanotechnology promises to
improve drug delivery system design and targeting because of biodegradability,
target site uptake, increased surface area, and stimuli responsive drug release.
Nanostructured drugs or delivery carriers allow the continuous and controlled
release of therapeutic drugs to maintain drug levels within a desired level in
response to various stimuli like pH, light, magnetic field, redox potential, ultra-
sound waves, temperature, ionic strength, enzyme, and substrate concentration.
Other advantages of nanostructured drugs include localizing and specifically tar-
geting the drugs to their intended tissues and cells, thereby decreasing drug doses
and improving patient compliance because of minimized side effects of drug. In this
chapter, we will describe a variety of possible nanodrug carriers.
Nanoparticles applied as drug delivery vehicles are generally less than 100 nm in at
least one dimension. These nanocarriers may consist of different biodegradable
materials such as natural or synthetic polymers, lipids, metal oxides, or metals.
Fig. 1 Types of nanocarriers for drug delivery. a Polymeric micelle: The hydrophobic core region
encapsulates the hydrophobic drug while hydrophilic shell renders the micelle water soluble.
b Polymeric nanoparticles: Drugs are conjugated to or encapsulated in polymers. c Liposomes:
Lipid bilayer spherical structure with central aqueous region for encapsulation. d Dendrimers:
Highly branched synthetic polymeric macromolecule of nanometer dimension. e Viral nanopar-
ticles: protein cages which are multivalent self-assembling structure. f Carbon nanotube: carbon
cylinders comprised of benzene rings
2.2 Liposomes
improves the therapeutic efficacy, and minimizes off target effects relative to the
free drug [3, 24].
2.3 Dendrimers
Some viruses (canine parvovirus, cowpea chlorotic mottle virus, cowpea mosaic
virus, and bacteriophages) have been developed for biomedical and nanotechnology
applications like tissue targeting and drug delivery (Fig. 1e) [31]. A number of
functional targeting molecules and peptides can be displayed on the virus capsid
using chemical or genetic engineering. Several antibodies, ligands (transferrin and
folic acid) have been conjugated to viruses for specific tumor targeting in vivo [45].
Gold nanoparticles have emerged as nontoxic drug carriers for selective delivery of
drugs into their targets. PEGylation is a common method to increase stability and
robustness of these nanoparticles. The release of the encapsulated therapeutic agent
could be triggered by internal (e.g., glutathione or pH) or external (e.g., light)
stimuli. Gold nanoparticles exploit their unique chemical and physical properties
for transporting and releasing the pharmaceuticals [57]. First, the gold core is
essentially inert and nontoxic. The second advantage is their easy synthesis pro-
cedure with monodisperse nanoparticles formation. Further, these nanoparticles are
versatile because of their functionalization through a thiol linkage.
Carbon nanotubes are carbon cylinders composed of six membered rings (Fig. 1f)
that can be used as sensors, diagnostic devices, and carriers to deliver drugs. Carbon
nanotubes are completely insoluble in all solvents, generating some health concerns
and toxicity problems. Introduction of functional groups to carbon nanotubes can
make them water soluble and functionalized so that the active molecules like
peptides, proteins, nucleic acids, and drugs can be linked to it [7]. Methotrexate, an
anticancer drug, has been linked covalently to carbon nanotube with fluorescein
isothiocyante (FITC). Therefore, FITC-linked drug-carbon nanotubes were shown
to be more effectively internalized through folate receptors into cells in comparison
to the free drug [38] (Table 1).
For effective delivery of drug to the target tissue, nanoparticles should have the
ability to remain in the blood stream for a substantial time (6–10 h) without being
eliminated. The injected nanoparticles are usually trapped in the circulation by the
reticuloendothelial system, such as the liver and the spleen, depending on their size
and surface characteristics [34].
3.1 Size
The size of nanoparticles used in a drug delivery system should be large enough to
prevent their rapid leakage into blood capillaries but small enough to escape capture
by fixed macrophages that are lodged in the reticuloendothelial system, such as the
liver and spleen. The size of the sinusoid in the spleen and fenestra of the Kuffer
cells in the liver are in the range of 150–200 nm [60] and the size of gap junction
between endothelial cells of the leaky tumor vascular system lies between 100 and
600 nm [62]. As a result, the size of nanoparticles should be up to maximum of
100 nm (in exception to carbon nanotubes which are larger than 100 nm) to reach
tissues by passing through these two particular vascular structures.
The surface property of nanoparticle is an important factor which decides the life
span and fate during circulation. Nanoparticles should ideally have a hydrophilic
surface to escape macrophage capture [33]. This can be achieved by two ways:
coating the surface of nanoparticles with a hydrophilic polymer, such as PEG and
its derivatives, protects them from opsonization by repelling plasma proteins; on the
other hand, nanoparticles can be synthesized from copolymers with hydrophilic and
hydrophobic domains [2, 23].
For successful nanoparticle-mediated drug delivery, nanoparticles should be able
to target specific cells or tissues. Therefore, it is critical to modify the surface
properties of nanoparticles to achieve targeted drug delivery [29, 51]. Specific
ligands such as monoclonal antibodies, folic acid and peptides can be utilized as
suitable target molecule for targeted drug delivery in cancer therapy [11, 21, 22, 52].
72 A. Pandey
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Part II
EMR Characterization of Nanoparticles
EMR of Metallic Nanoparticles
Siavash Iravani
Abstract In this chapter, current trends and future prospects about the important
applications of electron magnetic resonance (EMR) spectroscopy for characteriza-
tion of metallic nanoparticles are discussed.
1 Introduction
Nanoscience and nanotechnology have a particular field for research and devel-
opment. Metal and metal oxide nanoparticles (NPs) show unique size and
shape-dependent properties which are of interest for electronic, optoelectronic,
biological, medical, biomedical, pharmaceutical, cosmetic, wireless electronic logic
and catalytic structural applications [8, 16, 76]. Furthermore, metallic NPs have
many important applications in different scientific fields, such as medical imaging,
photocatalysts, nanocomposites, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) contrast
agents, filters, drug delivery systems, biosensor materials, composite fibers, elec-
troconductive coatings, cryogenic superconducting materials, cosmetic products,
electronic components, thermal spray coatings, quantum optical devices, hyper-
thermia of tumors, cancer therapy and diagnosis, and solar cells [65, 40, 53, 50].
Generally, electron magnetic resonance (EMR), also known as electron spin
resonance (ESR), is a suitable analysis method to study magnetic properties and
magnetization dynamics. EMR spectroscopy deals with microwave region of
electromagnetic radiation, and it is based on the interaction between electronic
magnetic moments and magnetic field. Electron Paramagnetic/Spin Resonance
(EPR/ESR) is one of the most important magnetic resonance techniques, and it can
S. Iravani (&)
Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences,
Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran
e-mail: siavashira@gmail.com
be performed on any sample which has unpaired electron spins. Actually, EPR is
the resonance absorption of electromagnetic radiation by paramagnetic substances
in constant and variable magnetic fields. It measures the energy difference between
energy levels for the unpaired electron in the magnetic field and gives a single line
spectrum at the energy level DE. EPR is an analysis technique which allows
researchers to study species possessing electrons with unpaired spins. Actually,
EPR/ESR has proven an essential tool for study of impurity states, molecular
clusters, antiferromagnetic, ferromagnetic and thin film compounds, natural or
induced radicals, electron spin-based quantum information devices, optically
excited paramagnetic states, and transition-metal based catalysts. Moreover, it can
be applied in structural and dynamical studies of metallo-proteins, spin-labeled
proteins and other complex biomolecules and their synthetic models. In summary,
EMR spectra are usually characterized by the spin Hamiltonian parameters, and
therefore rigorous EMR analysis requires quantum mechanical concepts. In addi-
tion, EMR can be used in order to analysis of the samples with paramagnetic
centers which are the sites with unpaired electrons. Important parameters of EMR
spectrum including intensity, line width, g value, and hyperfine splitting constant
provide researchers different information about the paramagnetic specimen [59].
EMR can also provide spectroscopic information on unpaired electronic spin states
at both the atomic (conventional EMR) and the nanoscale (ferromagnetic reso-
nance), and data obtained from EMR spectrum depends upon the nature and form of
specimen [61]. Among many researches on magnetic NPs, there are a considerable
number of studies performed by means of EMR [47, 56, 71]. In this chapter, current
trends and future prospects about the important applications of EMR spectroscopy
for characterization of metallic NPs are briefly discussed.
Nanostructured materials are defined as materials with primary particles less than
100 nm in length in at least one dimension. Nanomaterials can have size-dependent
properties which result in unique behavior relative to materials composed of larger
particles. Actually, on the nanoscale, electronic, optical and magnetic properties can
be size dependent. Moreover, as particle size decreases, the surface/volume ratio of
a material increases. Nanostructures can have high surface/volume ratios, with a
large percent of total atoms present as surface atoms. Therefore, thermodynamic
stability is size dependent, with surface free energy becoming an increasingly
significant contribution to the total free energy as particle size decreases. The
primary particle size of a material can influence surface properties, including sur-
face area, arrangement of surface atoms, surface electronic structure, surface
composition and functionality, as well as bulk properties, including shape, size,
phase, electronic structure and crystallinity.
Nowadays, different properties obtained from nanomaterials lead to their tech-
nological importance, and therefore, the preparation and characterization of them
EMR of Metallic Nanoparticles 81
are very important for scientific researches. The magnetic properties observed on a
macroscopic scale are due to a very large number of atoms and, therefore, are
inexistent or very different on a microscopic scale for a single atom or molecule or
for a cluster of a few atoms. When fine magnetically ordered NPs are dispersed in a
diamagnetic matrix, a specific type of magnetic behavior, called superparamag-
netism is observed. EMR of NPs in ferrofluids, glasses, and other superparamag-
netic systems has been widely studied by researchers [28, 46, 61, 27, 59].
Consequently, comprehending this phenomenon made a very important contribu-
tion to the fundamentals of magnetism and laid the foundation for the development
of new materials for high-density information storage [35]. The physical properties
of magnetic NPs are determined by both magnetic nature and morphologies (size
and shape). A variety of experimental techniques including static magnetic, optical,
magneto optical, rheological measurements, Mössbauer spectroscopy, electron
microscopy, X-ray diffraction, small-angle neutron scattering have been used for
determination of the magnetic characteristics of these NPs in different superpara-
magnetic systems and to evaluate their size distribution [35]. A tailored value of l,
even of negative l, is obtained using magnetic resonance. Structural magnetic
resonance with split-ring resonators, which are made of a nonmagnetic metal such
as Cu, is a well-known technique to achieve negative l in microwave regions [52,
62]. Moreover, an alternative route using intrinsic magnetic resonance of ferro-
magnetic metals, e.g., Fe, Co and Ni, has been plotted [15]. Using EMR in the
metals, negative l is obtained around an EMR frequency [13]. The resonance
frequency tunability with an external magnetic field is expected to be a significant
advantage of this route. It is, however, necessary to miniaturize the ferromagnetic
metals, i.e., prepare ferromagnetic-metal nanoparticle systems, in order to suppress
the eddy current losses. Magnetic interactions between NPs strongly affect the
position and linewidth of the EMR spectra [9, 20, 32, 68]. Actually, in nanoparticle
systems, two kinds of interactions have been considered: long range magnetic
dipole interactions and short range direct/indirect exchange interactions [5, 4, 39].
The relative importance of each to EMR depends on the particle diameter (d) and
center-to-center interparticle separation (r). Therefore, from an experimental point
of view, NPs with independently controlled d and r are necessary to study EMR in
an interacting nanoparticle system [30, 54].
Gold NPs have found potential applications in many fields such as drug and gene
delivery, biological detection of pathogens, catalysis of oxidation reactions, low
temperature oxidation of carbon monoxide (CO), gene delivery and drug delivery
systems, fluorescent biological label, animal viruses transport with gold templates,
82 S. Iravani
sensors (saccharides sensor and glucose oxidation), cancer therapy and diagnosis,
and probing of DNA structure [2, 3, 6, 7]. Oligonucleotide-capped gold NPs have
been applied for polynucleotide or protein detection using various detection and
characterization techniques, such as atomic force microscopy (AFM), gel elec-
trophoresis, scanometric assay, surface plasmon resonance imaging, amplified
voltammetric detection, chronocoulometry, and Raman spectroscopy [10, 63].
Furthermore, gold NPs have been employed in immunoassay [43], protein assay
[66], cancer nanotechnology [45], and capillary electrophoresis [70]. After cellular
uptake, gold NPs can act as precise and powerful heaters (thermal scalpels) to kill
cancer, and also they can be used as useful markers for biological screening tests
[21, 57]. These NPs are capable of inducing apoptosis in b cell-chronic lymphocytic
leukemia [48].
Many scientific studies have been done to monitor nanostructures and NPs for
possible toxic and/or carcinogenic effects, as well as to ascertain the mechanisms of
their biotoxicity. Even materials previously considered to be biologically inert
should be retested when their particulate size approaches the nanoscale. In one
study, the effects of particle size distribution, concentration, and agglomeration
have been evaluated. Gold, which is regarded as one of the most chemically inert
elements, can become catalytically active when employed in a nanoparticulate
form. In one study, Ionita et al. [27] reported the air-oxidation of organic substrates
containing active hydrogen atoms (e.g., amines and phosphine oxides) by phos-
phine and amine protected gold NPs, whereas NPs protected by more strongly
bound ligands (for example, thiols) were inactive in these reactions. Overall, it was
concluded that the mechanisms of such reactions could be best studied with EPR
spectroscopy and available spin trapping methods [27]. Moreover, in one study,
Ionita et al. [28] reported characterization of ligand dynamics attached to gold NPs.
As a result, EMR spectra of a series of spin-labeled NPs at variable temperature and
at different frequencies were recorded. Series of gold NPs protected by a monolayer
of organic ligands and labeled them with disulfide functionalized nitroxides. The
chain length of the spin labels and the surrounding ligands was systematically
varied. Authors of this study found that the rotational diffusion rate of the spin
labels increased with the length of the linker connecting the nitroxide unit to the
gold surface.
Silver NPs are important because of their extensive applications in integrated cir-
cuits [37], sensors [12], biolabeling [12], filters [12], antimicrobial deodorant fibers
[75], cell electrodes [34], low-cost paper batteries (silver nanowires) (Hu et al.
2009) and antimicrobials [14]. These NPs can be used in dental materials, burn
treatments, coating stainless steel materials, textile fabrics, cosmetics and sunscreen
lotions [19]. Furthermore, silver NPs have been used in different fields of medicine,
various industries, animal husbandry, packaging, accessories, cosmetics, health and
EMR of Metallic Nanoparticles 83
military because of their unique antimicrobial properties [58, 19, 55, 64]. Silver
NPs provide potential antimicrobial effects against infectious organisms, including
Escherichia coli, Bacillus subtilis, Vibria cholera, Pseudomonas aeruginosa,
Syphilis typhus, and S. aureus [14], and they were applied in disinfecting medical
devices and home appliances to water treatment [29, 42, 58, 19]. For instance,
plastic catheters which were coated with silver NPs had significant antimicrobial
effects against E. coli, Enterococcus, S. aureus, C. albicans, Staphylococci, and
P. aeruginosa [55]. These can be very useful for reducing the risk of infectious
complications in patients with indwelling catheters. Furthermore, silver NPs/clay
was reported to have significant antimicrobial effects against dermal pathogens,
including S. aureus, P. aeruginosa, and Streptococcus pyrogens, as well as the
methicillin- and oxacillin-resistant S. aureus [64].
In one EPR study, silver NPs were prepared by the sol-gel technique in amor-
phous SiO2 and crystalline TiO2 matrices [46]. The spin-lattice relaxation
(SLR) times were investigated by pulsed electron paramagnetic resonance
(EPR) spectroscopy in a temperature range between 4 and 300 K. As a result, the
spin echo recoveries were slow enough, and demonstrated a biexponential char-
acter. This investigation demonstrated that for metallic silver NPs in the SiO2
matrix, the temperature dependence of T1 can be described by the relation
(1/T1) / Tn, where 0.4 < n < 1. Contrary to this behavior, the temperature
dependence of T1 has a Raman-type character (1/T1 / T2) for silver NPs in the
TiO2 matrix. Because of the amorphous phase of the SiO2 matrix, the SiO2 samples
showed unusual behaviors.
Nickel NPs show unique properties (e.g., temperature and size dependence proper-
ties), and have potential applications as anode of solid oxide fuel cells or conductive
electrolytic layer of proton exchange membrane fuel cells, magnetic fluid and cata-
lyst, propellant and sintering additive, automotive catalytic converters, and super-
capacitor electrode material. Moreover, these NPs are applied in coatings, plastics,
nanowires, nanofibers and textiles materials [69, 26, 23, 33, 65, 44, 72, 73, 31].
EPR investigations on nickel NPs have been mostly conducted for nickel oxide
and supported nickel, but its application to unsupported nickel NPs is not
well-documented [1]. In one study, EMR in ferromagnetic-metal nanoparticle
systems has been studied. Nickel NPs (approximately 8 nm) were inserted in
polymer films. Interestingly, the EMR signal shifted and broadened, when the
average distance between the NPs was decreased. Theoretical analyses based on
micromagnetics simulation demonstrated that the shift of the signal was traced back
to an increase in the magnetic dipole field in the nanoparticle systems due to the
decrease in interparticle distance. Furthermore, the simulation showed that the
perpendicular component of the dipolar field caused the broadening of the signal.
84 S. Iravani
Because of high surface-to-volume ratio and high surface energy of palladium NPs,
they have applications both in heterogeneous and homogeneous catalysis. In gen-
eral, most important applications of palladium NPs are: (1) Catalysts or electro-
catalysts, (2) Polymer membranes, (3) Sensor design application, (4) Coatings,
plastics, nanofibers and textiles, and (5) Fuel cells [38, 22, 24]. In one ESR analysis,
electronic structures of monodispersed palladium (Pd) NPs with the mean diameters
of 25 Å corresponding to the “magic atom number” of 561 atoms (five-shell
nanoparticle) and smaller than 25 Å (22 and 23 Å) was investigated. Authors of
this study reported that two broad absorption peaks corresponding to DS = 1 and 2
and a sharp one with DS = 1 were observed in their ESR spectra. The broad and
strongest spectrum with DS = 1 might obtained from the spin on the large orbital
moment state of the NPs. The relatively strong second harmonic spectrum with
DS = 2 was characteristic of the NPs, and its low-field shift compared with bulk
EMR of Metallic Nanoparticles 85
palladium implied the existence of the effective field from the orbital moment of the
electron. Moreover, the sharp ESR signal with DS = 1 might be derived from the
NPs which have the electronic structure with one s-state electron outside the closed
electron shell core with the “magic atom number” [67].
Gadolinium (Gd) NPs can be used in MRI for detection of early stage cancer
(especially breast cancer order) and in order to increase the speed and capacity of
computer memory. These NPs acts as hosts for X-ray cassettes and in scintillator
materials for computer tomography. Furthermore, Gd NPs applied in neutron
capture therapy and for MRI contrast enhancement. NPs of gadolinium oxide can
be used in different areas including fluorescent materials, special optical glass,
electric industry, as additives, catalysts, and dopants, neutron converters,
cathode-ray tubes and UV detectors, high resolution X-ray medical imaging, fer-
roelectric memory, electroluminescent devices, field emission displays and plasma
display panels, luminescence, scintillators and sintering aids, and solid oxide fuel
cells [11, 18, 36, 51]. Cerium (Ce) oxide and free ceria salts have a number of
different industrial roles. Free cerium is used in glass polishing, cracking in pet-
roleum, fertilizers and oxygen sensors. Cerium oxide has found a number of
industrial uses, especially in automotive exhausts where it has been shown to
effectively reduce the amount of pollutants released from exhaust fumes [74, 49].
In one study, the EPR spectra of cerium and gadolinium doped nickel ferrite NPs
were recorded from 120 to 300 K. As a result, doping with cerium and gadolinium
reduced the line width and g value in comparison to that of pure nickel ferrite.
Cerium doped samples have the lowest values of both these parameters at room
temperature. This indicates that cerium doped samples show lowest loss and is
suitable for high frequency devices. EPR spin numbers are reduced while the spin
relaxation time is increased after doping with rare earth ions. Gadolinium doped
samples have higher values of relaxation time and lower spin numbers in com-
parison to that of cerium doped samples [17].
4 Conclusion
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Electron Spin Resonance Applied
to Nanosized-Doped Oxides
Keywords ESR
Smart materials Oxides Doping
Superparamagnetism Ferromagnetism
1 Introduction
TiO2 has been the subject of extensive research due to its relevant photochemical
and photo-physical properties combined with its natural abundance, low cost, and
high chemical- and photo-stability. Applications of nano-crystalline TiO2 particles
are quite numerous and span from photo-catalysis, self-cleaning, and antifogging
devices, to solar energy conversion and photo-electrochemical water splitting [1–3].
Electron Spin Resonance Applied to Nanosized-Doped Oxides 93
Several metals of the first transition series have been proposed as dopant of TiO2.
However, the enhanced absorption in the visible region has not always been
accompanied by a significant improvement of the material photocatalytic perfor-
mance. Rather, even detrimental effects were observed in some cases [4]. The
doping effects are somehow different in the case of TiO2 doped with high valence
Sb(V) (d10) or Nb(V) (d0) ions, the latter being able to promote both photocatalytic
activity and water splitting processes [5], even combined with other lower valence
transition cations [6]. Furthermore, Nb–TiO2 shows an electronic conductivity
comparable to that of the classic transparent conductive systems (ITO, FTO), while
maintaining optimal visible transparency [7] and is employed for the development
of highly efficient photo-anodes in dye-sensitized solar cells showing a reduced
recombination loss and increased electron injection [8, 9].
A significant band gap reduction has been observed also with Cu-doped TiO2
nanoparticles [10].
The EPR spectroscopy is an important tool to determine the valence state of a
Cu-dopant ion, as only Cu2+ is paramagnetic. Furthermore, the EPR spectrum
provides g values which are very sensitive to the coordination environment of the
host framework, through the equations
g== ¼ ge þ 8 ð1Þ
g? ¼ ge þ 2 ð2Þ
valid for tetragonally distorted octahedral crystal field, or other analogous equations
reported in literature for other kinds of crystal fields [11]. The EPR spectrum of a
Cu-doped TiO2 is like that reported in Fig. 1. This is composed of two rather
well-resolved spectral regions centered at g// = 2.33 and g⊥ = 2.08, respectively,
further split into four lines, well resolved in the g// region only, due to the hyperfine
coupling between unpaired electron and Cu nucleus (which has spin I = 3/2). The
spectrum of Fig. 1 is perfectly compatible with Eqs. (1) and (2), i.e., with a Cu2+
ion in an octahedral (tetragonally distorted) field as that of Fig. 2b. Therefore, the
Cu2+ is substituted for a Ti4+ on the lattice site, being placed in the octahedral
94 C. Oliva and M. Scavini
N has been probably the more deeply investigated among the nonmetal dopants of
TiO2 and many EPR studies have been published on this subject [3, 12–30].
The chemical nature of the TiO2-doping nitrogen species has been discussed by
Livraghi et al. [16] and by Di Valentin et al. [17] and represented as in Figs. 3 and 4.
Nitrogen atoms can be substitutional of an oxygen atom (a) or belonging to an
interstitial NO molecule (b) (Fig. 3). In both these cases N doping creates localized
intra-gap electronic levels (Fig. 4). Therefore, the “collective” Nb symbol was
proposed [19] for these bulk nitrogen species, further labeled by “i” or by “s” in the
cases in which they are unequivocally “interstial” or “substitutional.” It has been
reported that different sample preparation procedures and N sources lead to samples
characterized by different activities and durabilities [3, 18, 29].
This matter has been reviewed in part by Nick Serpone [20] and by Emeline
et al. [24], who added some interesting considerations on possible light-absorbing
mechanisms, competitive to that above mentioned for the N doping (Fig. 5d) but,
instead, attributable to the formation of Ti3+ and to color centers F+ (Fig. 5e), not
able to excite electrons up to the conduction band of the sample. F+ centers could be
formed through the process
Electron Spin Resonance Applied to Nanosized-Doped Oxides 95
Fig. 2 a Distortion of the TiO6 octahedra on doping Cu2+ for Ti4+ in a lattice site. An oxygen
vacancy VO (white ball) is generated nearby Cu2+. Adapted from Ref. [10]. b The 3d9 electron
energy levels of Cu2+ in an octahedral (tetragonally distorted) field. The reported example is the
extreme one of square planar fields, in which dz 2 is at a very low-energy value. All the represented
levels are doubly occupied, with the exception of dx 2 y 2, which is singly occupied
Fig. 3 N (a) and ON (b), substitutionally and interstitially doping TiO2. Reprinted with
permission from Ref. [17]. Copyright (2005) American Chemical Society
96 C. Oliva and M. Scavini
Fig. 4 Intra-gap electron levels introduced by N (a) and by ON (b), respectively, substitutionally
and interstitially doping TiO2. Reprinted with permission from Ref. [24]
Fig. 5 Various schemes illustrating the possible changes that might occur to the electron energy
band gap of anatase TiO2 on doping with various nonmetals: (a) band gap of pristine TiO2; (b)
doped TiO2 with localized dopant levels near the VB and the CB; (c) band gap narrowing resulting
from broadening of the VB; (d) localized dopant levels and electronic transitions to the CB; and
(e) electronic transitions from localized levels near the VB to their corresponding excited states for
Ti3+ and F+ centers. Reprinted with permission from Ref. [20]. Copyright (2006) American
Chemical Society
Electron Spin Resonance Applied to Nanosized-Doped Oxides 97
Donor mid-gap states are usually quite deep within the gap, and they may be
responsible for a faster electron–hole recombination time [33]. Compensating
titania with nonmetals and transition metals is a highly promising way to obtain
second-generation photo-catalysts, where the apparent band gap decrease occurs
without increasing the electron–hole recombination rate [34–38]. Marquez studied
the structural and electronic properties of W–N codoped titania observing enhanced
photocatalytic properties [39]. Significant results have been reported also in the case
of V–N and Fe–N titania systems [40, 41].
98 C. Oliva and M. Scavini
Fig. 7 Representing
substitutional Nb providing
an electron to substitutional
N. Reprinted with permission
from Ref. [30]. Copyright
(2014) American Chemical
Fig. 8 EPR spectra collected at 77 K. (*) Nb (gx = 2.066, gy = 2.0054, gz = 2.004, Ax ≅ Ay ≅ 0,
Az ≅ 32.2 G); A, B (gx = 2.0082, gy = 2.0118, gz = 2.0285) might be related to paramagnetic
radical oxygen species, while the lines C (g1 = 1.98), D (g2 = 1.93), and E (g3 = 1.96) can be
attributed to Ti3+ in different environments. The F line could be attributed to F+ color centers. A to
F lines are not detectable at room temperature. Adapted with permission from Ref. [30]. Copyright
(2014) American Chemical Society
Transition metal oxide mixtures with perovskite-like structure are well known as
catalysts for the flameless combustion (CFC) of methane. Thermal stability and
high surface area of these materials can be achieved by preparing them as nanosized
particles, calcined at very high temperature [54]. Nanosized SrTi03±d particles
prepared by flame hydrolysis (FH) and partially substituted with potassium
(KFH) or with gadolinium (GFH) for strontium have been investigated [55, 56].
A different ionic charge of potassium (1+) and gadolinium (3+) with respect to
strontium (2+) was inducing a nonstoichiometric oxygen composition, which could
affect the catalytic activity. Only the former case will be taken into consideration in
this paragraph.
The X-band EPR spectrum of the Sr0.9K0.1TiO3±d (KFH) sample was detected
both with X-band and with Q-band EPR. It was composed of a very narrow
Lorentzian-shaped line at g ≅ 2.008, with a temperature-independent peak-to-peak
width DHpp of 1.6 G (X-band) and of 3.4 G (Q-band) (Fig. 9).
100 C. Oliva and M. Scavini
isolated. Indeed, this was the case of the EPR spectrum which was accompanying
the formation of solid solutions of La2O3 in CeO2 (molar ratio 1:2) to which CuO
was added (La:Cu ratio 10:1) [48] An analogous pattern was detected also with
(CeO2)1−y(La2CuO4)y (y = 0.25; 0.43) [49]. In both those cases it has been
demonstrated that the EPR spectrum was coming from Cu2+ ions inserted into the
crystal framework.
A similar situation was observed also with 20–40 nm nanoparticles of La1.8
M0.2CuO4 (M = Pr3+, Sm3+, or Tb3+ [50] (Fig. 10).
Unfortunately, in the last case the Cu2+ EPR spectra were characterized by poor
intensity and resolution, so that they were not able to report any significant dif-
ference between distortions occurring in the Cu2+ neighbors because of the different
ionic radii of the Pr3+, Sm3+, or Tb3+ substituting for La3+.
Pr3+, Sm3+, and Tb3+ are paramagnetic ions [51]. However, their spin–lattice
relaxation rate is generally so high that their contribution to the EPR pattern is not
expected at temperature higher than 20 K. Indeed, only lanthanide ions in the
S-state (L = 0; 4f7), i.e., Eu2+, Gd3+, and Tb4+, can show an EPR spectrum at higher
temperature [52, 53]. However, no Tb4+ was noticed in the La1.8 Tb0.2CuO4,
indicating that Tb3+ only was present in it.
A broad band was added to the EPR spectrum shown in Fig. 10. This pattern
was not attributable to isolated paramagnetic ions but, instead, to the formation of
ferromagnetic domains. Therefore, it will be discussed in the next paragraph.
Fig. 11 The
temperature-dependent FM
band observed with
La1.8Sm0.2CuO4 attributed to
ferromagnetic resonance.
Adapted with permission
from Ref. [50]
broad band, labeled by FM in Fig. 11, is not attributable to Sm3+ ions. Furthermore,
it has been reported [50] that it undergoes hysteresis effect, so that it is not attri-
butable to any EPR resonance at all but, instead, to ferromagnetic resonance
(FMR) [64].
This means that FM domains form in this sample, generating an internal field Bi
and, therefore, a spectral shift toward lower fields [65]. Such systems should not be
distributed uniformly throughout the bulk, as suggested by the dependence of their
spectrum on sample orientation. FM clusters have been reported also with other
Sm-containing perovskites, namely with Sm0.2Ca0.8Mn1−xRuxO3 [66], and attrib-
uted to the formation of “Bound Magnetic Polarons” (BMP), also indicated as
“Ferrons” [67]. These systems should form in the presence of electrons concen-
trated enough to form local FM “droplets,” growing up in the vicinity of electron
donors, like Sm2+ ions. The last would be created through reactions like
Sm32 þ O2
3 ! 2 Sm
2 þ 2
O þ O2 ð5Þ
Sm2+ are diamagnetic (J = 0) 4f6 ions in their fundamental state. However, the
energy necessary to excite one of their electrons so to obtain a J = 1 state is less
than 300 cm−1, i.e., comparable with the room temperature energy (*200 cm−1).
This value is very low if compared to that required by the other rare-earth ions,
which generally amounts to some thousands cm−1. This facility to obtain parallel
electron spins with Sm2+ ions can account for the formation of ferromagnetic
systems when some ions of this kind cluster together.
The FM bands were no more detected after sample calcination at 800 °C. On the
other hand, XRD patterns revealed that La2O3 was no more present in these cuprate
samples after such a treatment. This was in line with the above-reported attribution
of the FM band to systems forming only when reactions (4) and (5) occur.
Electron Spin Resonance Applied to Nanosized-Doped Oxides 103
The above-mentioned steaming process was setting a large fraction of iron into
extra-lattice sites. Those ions were organizing into nanometric superparamagnetic
particles. Indeed, the g ≅ 2 signal of Figs. 13 and 14 was approximately Lorentzian
at room temperature, but it became broader and more asymmetric with decreasing
temperature. This behavior is typical of single-domain superparamagnetic particles
[100], as reported for silicate glasses containing nanosized clusters of magnetite
[101], for c-Fe2O3 [102], for iron-doped borate glasses [103], and for nanosized
perovskites [104]. Superparamagnetic particles are single-domain nanosized mag-
netic systems. They form when the single-domain state is preferred to a
multi-domain one, because the energy required to the formation of the former is
Electron Spin Resonance Applied to Nanosized-Doped Oxides 105
smaller than that which would be needed to form the latter with its domain walls.
Such particles can exhibit superparamagnetic behavior above a certain critical
temperature, below which they are in the normal (anti)ferromagnetic state [100].
The resonance condition for an isotropic superparamagnet is
xc ¼ c B ð7Þ
106 C. Oliva and M. Scavini
where c is the magnetogyric ratio and xc 2pmc. On the other hand, for aniso-
tropic superparamagnetic particles, assuming that the anisotropy energy is smaller
than the coupling to the external field, the resonance condition is
where Ba is the anisotropic magnetic field, w is the angle between the anisotropy
axis and the external field, P2 is the second degree Legendre polynomial,
n = MnrVBa/kT, Mnr is the non-relaxing magnetization, V is the particle volume, L
(n) is the Langevin function, and L2(n) = 1 − 3 L(n). Equation (8) shows that
thermal fluctuations lead to a decrease of the effective anisotropy field (in addition
to any actual temperature dependence of the anisotropy constant), which can be
written as
It follows, from asymptotic behavior for n < 1, that Ba,eff decreases with
increasing temperature, being Ba,eff / n / 1/T. Therefore, from Eq. (8) the effect
of increasing temperature on EPR spectra is that the resonance field approaches the
isotropic value xc = cB. For an actual fine-particle system, with distribution of
particle volume and easy-axis orientation, the dependence of the resonance con-
dition upon the direction of the anisotropy axes results in an asymmetric lineshape
at low temperature, accompanied by a shift of the resonant field. With increasing
temperature, the linewidth reduces and the line tends to a Lorentzian shape with
isotropic resonance field Br = xc/c, as thermal fluctuations average to zero the
anisotropy field. With decreasing temperature, the linewidth increases and the shape
becomes more and more distorted, whereas the narrow line tends to vanish.
The narrow superparamagnetic line at g ≅ 2 is exhibited by those particles for
which ssp < sL. ssp is the superparamagnetic relaxation time, due to the thermal
fluctuations of the direction of magnetic moment in single-domain particles smaller
than a “critical size.” sL is the Larmor precession time in the magnetic resonance
field Ho. For these very small particles, when the anisotropy energy is much smaller
than kT, the following relations hold [105]:
where DHo is the linewidth for T ! ∞. In Eq. (12) DH = Hx,y − Hz, where
Hi = hm/gilB (i = x, y or z), h is the Planck’s constant, m is the instrument fre-
quency, and lB is the Bohr’s magneton and
c ¼ MS Ho =ð2p lo kB Þ ð13Þ
D H ¼ a þ b=T ð14Þ
leading to
V ¼ b=ðacÞ ð15Þ
Fig. 17 X-band (thinner track) and Q-band EPR room temperature spectra of the GFH sample.
L1 and L2 (dotted tracks) are two Lorentzian-shaped lines simulating the Q-band EPR line. Two
different microwave frequencies are employed to detect the X-band and Q-band spectra, so that
they have been both shifted to zero to be compared to each other. Reprinted with permission from
Ref. [55]
110 C. Oliva and M. Scavini
Fig. 18 X-band EPR spectra of GFH sample, recorded at 140 K (thicker track) and 290 K (dotted
track, multiplication factor 1.75). Reprinted with permission from Ref. [55]
4:1 at room temperature (Fig. 17) and of 1.5:1 at 100 K. The presence of bumps
like B in the X-band spectrum, and not in the Q-band one, was further confirming
their attribution to FM systems with magnetic anisotropy DHa |H// – H⊥|. Indeed,
the following equation holds [110]:
where a′ = 1.732 for Lorentzian shape. Since DHa 0, Eq. (16) requires
DHpp(X) 1/3 DHpp(Q), as in this case, where DHpp(X) > DHpp(Q). However,
no reliable quantitative evaluation of the magnetic anisotropy DHa(GFH) can be
obtained, due to the low spectral resolution (Fig. 17).
Different preparation methods were producing particles of different sizes, so
markedly affecting their EPR spectra. Indeed, the above-mentioned GFH sample
(prepared by FH procedure) was 56 nm in diameter, whereas a GSG sample with
the same chemical composition but prepared by sol–gel procedure was by far
smaller having a mean diameter of 24 nm only.
As a consequence, both X-band and Q-band EPR spectra of the latter sample
were composed, at room temperature, of a single nearly symmetric feature at
g = 1.991, with a peak-to-peak width of ca. 40 G (Fig. 19), i.e., less than 1/10 that
observed with the former (Fig. 17).
Furthermore, with decreasing temperature the intensity of these GSG spectra
decreased a bit, instead of increasing as expected on the base of the Curie’s law,
while a second broader overlapping feature was appearing both in the Q-band
(Fig. 20) and in the X-band spectra.
This behavior was in accordance with the particle nanometric size of the
(GSG) Sr0.9Gd0.1TiO3±d sample. In fact, it has been reported [110] that with small
(single-domain) particles (as in this case) at high temperature, when kT overcomes
the small anisotropy energy of these particles, the FM resonance bands narrow and
merge into a Lorentzian-shaped (Superparamagnetic, SPM) line like those shown in
Fig. 19 and similar to the symmetric narrow feature at RT shown in Fig. 20. At
Electron Spin Resonance Applied to Nanosized-Doped Oxides 111
Fig. 19 Room temperature Q-band (thicker track) and X-band (dotted track) EPR spectra of GSG
sample. Reprinted with permission from Ref. [55]
Ce4+ ions in CeO2 are diamagnetic, so that no-EPR spectrum is expected from this
material, when undoped. In principle, oxygen-deficient CeO2 could contain some
Ce3+ ions. However, the last has an unpaired 4f electron with a short spin–lattice
relaxation time [115–121] so that its EPR spectrum could be expected at very low
temperature only. By contrast, nano-structured fluoritic Ce1−xGdxO(4−x)/2 have been
intensively studied, also by EPR, as solid electrolytes for solid oxide fuel cells
112 C. Oliva and M. Scavini
Fig. 21 EPR spectra of “as prepared” Ce1−xGdxO(4−x)/2. Left, T = 110 K ((a) x = 0.10;
(b) x = 0.20): keeping constant T, broader lines are detected at higher x values. Right, x = 0.20
((a) T = 110 K; (b) T = 380 K): keeping constant x, more intense lines are detected at lower T
values. Adapted with permission from Ref. [126]
(SOFCs) [122], being ion conductors even better and able to operate at lower (500–
700 °C) temperatures [123] than conventional yttria-stabilized zirconia. The
investigated nanosized Ce1−xGdxO(4−x)/2 samples were characterized by a very high
specific surface area, so that their thermodynamics and defect equilibria were quite
different from that of bulk materials [124, 125].
Some selected EPR spectra of these systems [126] are shown in Fig. 21. All of
them were composed of a single line at g ≅ 2.02. In any case, the spectral shape
was only approximately Lorentzian, because their left part was always a bit broader
than the right one. No successful simulation was obtained for them, though the
bump on their left side could have the same ferromagnetic origin as that observed
with a Sr0.9Gd0.1TiO3±d sample above discussed in the section devoted to
Gd-doped titanates (see Refs. [55, 127]).
At T = 110 K the spectral intensity I was 1.5 times larger with the x = 0.10 than
with the x = 0.20 sample (Fig. 21, left). Such a different spectral intensity was
connected to a different DHpp peak-to-peak linewidth which was broader at higher
x values, due to a shorter spin–spin relaxation time T2 caused by the stronger
interaction occurring among more concentrated Gd3+ ions. By contrast, the EPR
linewidth and shape were independent on the temperature (Fig. 21, right),
excluding the presence of temperature-dependent phenomena affecting T2.
The Curie’s law would hold for a system of non-interacting paramagnetic ions.
Therefore, only in that case the magnetic susceptivity v (and so the spectral
intensity I(T)) would vary with temperature following the trend:
I ðT Þ T ¼ I110 K ð17Þ
Electron Spin Resonance Applied to Nanosized-Doped Oxides 113
where I110 K indicates a spectral intensity kept as reference, which in [68] was that
measured at the lowest (110 K) temperature. Deviations from the Curie law could
be described by
I ðT Þ T ¼ I110 K T a ð18Þ
We have above reported the case in which Cu2+ ions were paramagnetic isolated
defects doping nanosized diamagnetic particles (paragraph 2.1). Now we will take
into consideration micro-sized particles in which Cu–O chains form ordered
nanosized sub-systems.
REBa2Cu3O6+d (RE = Y and Lanthanides; 0 d 1) are antiferromagnetic
charge transfer (CT) insulators for d
0, while they show metallic-like conduction
and undergo a superconductive transition [144] at TC
90 K for d
1. Here, the
case of RE = Sm is considered. Oxidation in the O4 site (see Fig. 22) introduces
holes in the valence band(s), following equation
Electron Spin Resonance Applied to Nanosized-Doped Oxides 115
Fig. 22 The crystal structure of SmBa2Cu3−xAlxO6+d. On the left-hand side is shown the
tetragonal P4/mmm structure. O4 sites are only partially occupied. On the right-hand side the
orthorhombic Pmmm structure of SmBa2Cu3−xAlxO7 is shown. Squares in positions O5 indicate
oxygen vacancies
1 ! 00
O2 þ Vi Oi þ 2h ð19Þ
Oi (in the O4 site) is considered an interstitial atoms when the SmBa2Cu3O6
compound is taken as a reference.
The increased conductivity upon increasing d values is due to the charge transfer
(CT) of a fraction of the holes concentration from Cu1-O4 chains, where oxidation
occurs to the superconducting Cu2-O2/O3 planes [145] (labels following
Ref. [146] as in Fig. 22).
Oxidation causes a progressive ordering of Cu1-O4 ions along the crystallo-
graphic b direction, which in turn causes a structural phase transition from P4/mmm
space group to orthorhombic Pmmm space group. Moreover, internal pressure is
introduced by inter-atomic distance changes [147]. Thus, in order to understand the
charge transfer mechanism, a separation of the above effects was needed.
In order to highlight the specific role of Cu–O chains length and ordering on the
rising of superconductivity in SmBa2Cu3−xAlxO6+d compound, samples with the
same oxygen and with the same Al doping amounts, but different mean Cu–O
chains’ lengths, have been investigated [149]. In fact, aluminum substitutes copper
only at the Cu1 sites. Therefore, taking fixed the oxygen concentration d, Al doping
at the Cu1 site implies a decrease of the hole concentration in the compound
because of the different charges of the two ions.
116 C. Oliva and M. Scavini
O1 O4
Fig. 23 Black, blue and red circles represent Cu1, Al and O4 ions in reduced conditions; red
crosses stay for the O ions introduced by oxidation. The inset displays the tetrahedric environment
for Al
A further effect of Al substitution for Cu1 on the structure [148] is to cut the
Cu1-O4 chains. This is due to the Al tetrahedric coordination [148–150], con-
trasting the Cu1 square planar coordination (Fig. 23).
Two SmBa2Cu3−xAlxO6+d samples, A and B, with the same x and (almost) d
values, have been compared by EPR spectroscopy. In particular, d was slightly
larger for A than for B implying a larger hole concentration for the former sample.
Due to two different annealing routes, Al ions were more stochastically distributed
in the A sample and more clusterized in the B one. Clustering assists the formation
of Cu1-O4 chains longer in the latter than in the former.
This different chain mean length affects also the EPR spectra, as shown in
Fig. 24. At T = 280 K these patterns were rather similar for the two compared
samples, being composed of a Lorentzian-shaped line (L) at g ≅ 2, to which a
broad, low-intensity Gaussian-shaped line (G) added at lower magnetic field. At
lower temperature, however, G became more intense and broader, also moving
toward lower field values, these effects being more accentuated for A than for B.
Furthermore, L was markedly increasing at lower temperature only with the latter.
A Lorentzian shape was indicating the occurrence of a spin–spin exchange in
both samples. Indeed, units like
Electron Spin Resonance Applied to Nanosized-Doped Oxides 117
Fig. 24 EPR spectra corresponding to the A sample (left) and to the B sample (right) at different
temperatures. G and L refer to the Gaussian- and Lorentzian-type peaks, respectively (modulation
amplitude 4 gauss, microwave power 20.07 mW, gain 60 dB). Reprinted with permission from
Ref. [149]
which no more contribute to EPR. The dispersion of Al in the Cu1-O4 plane (as
with A) generates spin bags (SBs), i.e., disordered systems made up of different
spin-polarized clusters of O− holes with limited mobility [153, 154], generating the
ferromagnetic (FM) G pattern [110] shown in Fig. 24(left). The SB size decreases
with increasing temperature, causing a spectral drift toward the g ≅ 2 region
accompanied by lower intensity. However, Al clustering in B induces a pronounced
increase of the L/G ratio, indicating that a more ordered system forms, in which SBs
almost disappear while longer chains like those of Scheme I form. Therefore, mean
mobility of conduction holes and CT increases in B, in spite of the slightly higher
total amount of holes in A.
118 C. Oliva and M. Scavini
Fig. 25 Some
Lorentzian-shaped EPR lines
detected at 140 K.
a x = 0.05 CN;
b x = 0.05 AN; and
c x = 0.2 AN.
DHpp = a 1580 G; b 1360 G,
c 1060 G. Adapted with
permission from Ref. [158]
residual disorder. The magnetic structure of this cobalt oxide has been deeply
investigated [164]. Units like
have been hypothesized, in which two Co2+ (3d7, S = 3/2 or 1/2) ions, localized
in tetrahedral sites, would interact with each other through O2−–Co3+–O2− bridges,
Co3+ (3d6, S = 0) being localized in octahedral field. Two sets of units like that
outlined in Scheme III would form, characterized by antiferromagnetic (AFM) and
ferromagnetic (FM) coupling, respectively. The former would have multiplicity 12,
and the latter multiplicity 24. Other similar schemes have been elsewhere proposed
[160, 163]. In any case, a prevailing of FM over AFM interactions in SG1 was
The line broadening with increasing temperature was interpreted on the base of
polaron propagation, i.e., of spin–phonon interactions.
It should be noted that in this case, a “negative” correlation between ESR signal
and catalytic activity was highlighted. ESR silent (active) were good (bad) catalysts.
In fact, the segregation of CeO2 (as well as of Co3O4 which generate the ESR
signal) hindered the formation of Co2+/Co3+ couples involved in the catalytic
La1−xMxMnO3+d (M = Ce, Sr) mixed oxides have been deeply investigated in the
recent past. Among the possible practical applications, there is the catalytic
flameless combustion (CFC) of hydrocarbons [165]. To this purpose, it is com-
pulsory to combine their thermal stability to their high specific surface area (SSA).
These and other properties of doped manganites strongly depend on the procedure
followed in their preparation [166]. In particular, the synthesis parameters affect the
incorporation degree of the ion M, substituting for La [167, 168].
The last parameter was particularly important because the partial substitution of
Sr2+ for La3+ was favoring the oxidation of some Mn3+ to Mn4+, increasing the
catalytic activity of the sample for the CFC of methane [169, 170] and giving rise to
a mixed valence compound which was displaying a variety of phenomena such as
electron conduction linked to double exchange interactions between Mn3+ and
Mn4+ species along chains like
A different case was that of Ce4+ substituting for La3+, in which some Mn3+
might reduce to Mn2+ ions [172], which contribute to the ESR pattern (Fig. 26a).
However, in the last cited paper, a single EPR line was observed also with the
undoped as-prepared sample. This fact was considered rather intriguing, as Mn3+ (if
not involved in a double exchange with Mn4+) is characterized by a very fast
relaxation time, so that its ESR spectrum is detectable at very low temperature only.
Indeed, in the undoped sample this line could be attributed to Mn3+ ions only, in the
presence of a strong coupling between lattice, electronic, and magnetic degrees of
freedom due to static Jahn–Teller (JT) effect. The last would distort the oxygen
octahedra of the cubic cell giving rise to an orthorhombic or monoclinic [175]
structure, so that the degeneracy would be removed by lowering the energy of the
occupied d3x2−r2 or d3y2−r2 orbital. Then, the Mn3+ ions would acquire a
zig-zag-type ordering of occupied orbitals in ab planes. In this situation, an ESR
line was expected at about gz ≅ 1.95 and gx = gy = 1.99, in agreement with
experimental literature data [159, 173]. No variation of the ESR peak-to-peak
linewidth was expected for this line at the detected temperatures, ranging between
280 and 550 K, because LaMnO3 remains JT distorted up to TJT = 750 K [176]. By
contrast, unexpectedly, the EPR line was broadening with increasing temperature in
[172]. Therefore, it was not possible to explain this effect by just invoking the static
JT effect. Some temperature-dependent spin–spin relaxation process might be also
hypothesized. This was singled out as the temperature-dependent interactions
between phonons and conduction electrons (i.e., to polarons formation) [172, 177].
Referring again to the catalytic properties, the materials described above, pre-
pared using the traditional sol-gel (SG) preparation, did not get sufficient thermal
resistance. Therefore, an alternative preparation procedure by flame pyrolysis
(FP) [162, 178, 179] was proposed for La1−xMxMnO3+d (x = 0, x ≅ 0.1 with
M = Ce; x ≅ 0.1 and ≅0.2 with M = Sr). The FP preparation of undoped and
Ce-doped samples was leading to nanoparticles with monoclinic structure, whereas
Sr-doped catalysts showed orthorhombic/rhombohedral symmetry. The observed
structural phases were connected to the concentration of Mn4+ present in the
Sr-doped samples, and to the fact that the undoped and the Ce-doped monoclinic
samples were almost Mn4+ free [136].
Samples prepared by this way have been compared to sample prepared by a
traditional SG process by examining their ESR spectra and X-ray powder diffrac-
tion patterns [136]. ESR measurements were carried out on samples (i) as prepared,
(ii) after activation, and (iii) after reaction. The single ESR line was observed also
with the undoped FP-prepared LaMnO3+d sample [136] (Fig. 26a). Its peak-to-peak
linewidth variation in the 250 T 420 K range is shown in Fig. 26b.
A marked ESR line narrowing was always observed after the activation treatment,
similar to that noticed with the same samples after their catalytic reaction (see for
example inset of Fig. 26a). We note that the spectrum of the as-prepared one
(dotted line in Fig. 26a) displays an exchange-narrowed ESR feature with a bit
asymmetric shape, well described by the Dysonian model. As above reported in the
paragraph 2.4, the Dysonian lineshape can be attributed to an a
dispersion-to-absorption contribution to the Lorentzian-shaped line. This effect
122 C. Oliva and M. Scavini
Fig. 26 ESR spectra of LaMnO3. a ESR spectra of as-prepared sample (dotted line), after
activation (solid line), after reaction (dashed line) at T = 290 K. (*) Mn2+ ESR contribution.
b ESR spectra of the as-prepared sample as a function of temperature; c ESR spectra of
as-prepared sample collected at T = 290 K (empty dots) fitted using a Dysonian (solid line) and
Lorentzian (dotted line) functions; d Comparison between the parameters obtained by the
Lorentzian model (DHpp) and the Dysonian parameter (D) (see text for details). Reprinted with
permission from Ref. [136]. Copyright (2012) American Chemical Society
occurs in samples in which the electron mobility is high enough to create the
so-called “skin effect” for the microwave field employed by the ESR spectrometer
[180, 181]. A a = 1 value would correspond to dispersion of the same strength of
absorption, in a sample larger than its skin depth. On the opposite, in any case a = 0
with samples smaller than their skin depth. The situation reported in [136] was an
intermediate one, with 0 < a < 1.
The Dysonian and the Lorentzian lineshape models for the ESR spectrum of
undoped FP-prepared LaMnO3 were compared (Fig. 26c). Only a little discrepancy
was noticed in the low-field part of the line, so that the T2 spin–spin relaxation time
values obtained through these two models were very close to each other (Fig. 26d).
Therefore, the peak-to-peak linewidth obtained by the Lorentzian model, being
DHpp = (2/√3)/T2, was retained valid in order to compare quantitatively the T2
values at different doping amounts and with samples prepared by the different SG
and FP procedures (see Fig. 27).
Electron Spin Resonance Applied to Nanosized-Doped Oxides 123
Fig. 27 Temperature dependences of peak-to-peak width (DHpp) of the g ≅ 2 ESR line observed.
The DHpp values refer to a La0.9Ce0.1MnO3 (full circles), LaMnO3 (full squares), La0.9Sr0.1MnO3
(empty circles) FP as-prepared samples; b LaMnO3–FP as-prepared (full circles) and used (empty
circles) samples and LaMnO3–SG as-prepared (full triangles) and used (empty triangles) samples;
c La0.9Ce0.1MnO3–FP as-prepared (full circles) and used (empty circles) samples and
La0.9Ce0.1MnO3–SG as-prepared (full triangles) and used (full triangles) samples;
d La0.9Sr0.1MnO3–FP as-prepared (full circles) and used (empty circles) samples and
La0.9Sr0.1MnO3–SG as-prepared (full triangles) and used (empty triangles) samples. Reprinted
with permission from Ref. [136]. Copyright (2012) American Chemical Society
The ESR line broadens with increasing temperature a bit more markedly with the
Ce-doped than with the undoped sample (Fig. 27a). This has been attributed to the
formation of some electron–hole (EH) pairs [182–184] composed of Mn2+–Mn4+
ions. Indeed, EH pairs have a very large fluctuating electrical dipole moment, able
to cause attractive electrostatic dipole–dipole interactions. Therefore, EH pairs can
group themselves into an EHBL (Bose Liquid) phase. The formation of the last
would subtract some Mn4+ ions from the DE, decreasing its ESR line-narrowing
efficiency. On the other hand, Mn3+ ions are by far more abundant than the Mn4+
ones, so that a decreased amount of the latter only would be sufficient to cause a
decreased DE.
By contrast, doping LaMnO3 by Sr2+ was increasing the amount of the Mn4+
ions present in the material. This was confirmed by the ESR lineshape, which was
by far narrower with the x = 0.1 Sr-doped sample than with the undoped and
Ce-doped ones (Fig. 27a). This strong narrowing could be attributed to an increased
Mn4+–O–Mn3+ DE, favored by the greater availability of Mn4+ ions [172, 174], as
well as by the smaller distortion of the Mn–O–Mn bond angle arising from the
substitution of Sr2+ for La3+ [185].
124 C. Oliva and M. Scavini
The undoped LaMnO3 sample showed an ESR line broader with FP-prepared
than with SG-prepared samples (see Fig. 27b, where the DHpp values obtained after
reaction are also reported, though discussed on the original paper, only) [172, 177].
We can generalize that the ESR line of the nanosized FP-prepared samples was
about 2–3 times (1.3 times with M = Sr) broader than those of the analogous
SG-prepared materials, at least in the range of *280 (380 with
M = Sr) < T < 420 K.
However, we must outline that ESR features broader than with SG samples were
already reported and discussed for flame hydrolysis (FH) prepared undoped La
manganite at room temperature [177]. The observed differences in ESR linewidth
can be related to different structural sample phases. Indeed, the undoped manganite
was rhombohedral when SG-prepared, orthorhombic when FH-prepared, and
monoclinic in the present FP-prepared sample [177].
In addition, the linewidth of undoped and of Ce-doped samples was continu-
ously increasing with increasing temperature when the samples were prepared by
the FP procedure (Fig. 27a), but not when they were prepared by the classical SG
method (full triangles in Fig. 27b, c). In the latter case, the linewidth versus tem-
perature revealed a relative minimum at T = Tmin, and a line broadening at T < Tmin
accompanied by increased spectral intensity, typical in the presence of a magnetic
transition to a ferromagnetic state [172]. Indeed, the undoped and Ce-doped
LaMnO3 samples were characterized by an abundance of Mn4+ ions lower when in
the monoclinic phase obtained by the FP procedure than when in the rhombohedral
phase obtained by the SG procedure. Therefore, a lower amount of free electrons
available to form FM domains was present in the former than in the latter case. The
complex relationship between crystallographic structure and ESR as a function of
dopant concentration and annealing conditions is described in term of Mn4+/Mn3+
ratio in [136].
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EPR Studies of Cerium Dioxide
1 Introduction
Cerium dioxideor ceria (CeO2) nanoparticles have found energy related techno-
logical applications such as solar cells and solid oxide fuel cells [1]. It has attracted
the attention due to its wide band gap and high dielectric constant [2]. Increasing
the catalytic activity of nanocrystalline ceria for applications in diesel particulate
filters for removal of soot from diesel and organic compounds from wastewater has
also attracted the researchers [3]. Ceria nanoparticles also have antioxidant prop-
erties. Their antioxidative ability lies in the ability of Ce ions to switch between
different valence states, i.e., from Ce3+ to Ce4+. This has opened up new dimen-
sions for application of ceria nanoparticles against radiation damage, oxidative
stress, and inflammation [4]. Toxicological screening of ceria nanoparticles has also
gained importance due to expected occupational exposure in the wide range of
applications. Enhancing the photoactivity of CeO2 in the visible range is another
area of interest which has led to the modifications like doping in CeO2. Electron
Paramagnetic Resonance spectroscopy has suitably been applied in the study of
undoped and doped ceria nanoparticles. The application of CW and pulsed EPR
techniques can provide new information that may lead to improvement in the
performance of ceria-based devices. We have therefore made an attempt to review
recent EPR studies of undoped and doped ceria nanoparticles in this chapter.
via cold isostatic pressing at 276 MPa and subsequently sintered at 1400 °C for
12 h. X-ray diffraction (XRD) measurements of powder samples indicated that all
micro and nanocrystalline doped ceria samples studied may be characterized by the
cubic fluorite crystal structure. The crystallite size of the nanocrystalline samples
could be estimated from widths of the four strongest peaks in the XRD patterns
using the Williamson–Hall analysis. The particle size of the microcrystalline
samples was estimated from field emission scanning electron microscopy
(SEM) images. The Y contents were analyzed using energy dispersive x-ray
spectroscopy in an SEM and were found to be within ± 1 cation% of the nominal
composition in all cases. The unit cell dimension calculated from the XRD peak
positions was found to be independent of the crystallite size (within ±0.005 Å) and
decreased by *0.01 Å with increasing Y content from *10 to 25 cation%.
X-band CW EPR spectra of heavily Y-doped ceria samples were found to be
similar to those observed in oxide glasses rather than those characteristic of
Gd-doped CeO2. Q-band spectra are dominated by the central transition that is
located near about 12000 Gauss. X-band spectral line shapes were consistent with
the expected low symmetry of the crystal field around Gd3+ ions in YDC samples,
where the first coordination sphere of Gd would contain oxygen vacancies and a
fraction of the 12 Ce4+ next nearest neighbors is substituted by Y3+ ions. In both X
and Q-band spectra, the width of the central transition j1=2i $ j 1=2i near
g * 2.0 is found to decrease systematically with decreasing size of the crystal
(Figs. 2 and 3) as well as with decreasing Y content (Fig. 4) and with increasing the
temperature of measurement from *6 K to room temperature.
The broadening of the central transition results from a distribution of crystal field
parameters and in the case of a powder samples, also from a random distribution of
crystallite orientations relative to the applied field. The approximate estimate of line
width Dm from perturbation theory for both types of scatter is given by Dm * |
HCF|2/hm, where HCF is the crystal field potential. The observation in the EPR
spectra of progressive narrowing of the width of the central transition with
decreasing crystallite size (Figs. 3 and 4) can be explained by a concomitant
weakening of the crystal field around Gd3+ ions in the yttrium doped ceria lattice.
This hypothesis is consistent with the observed narrowing of the width of the
central transition with decreasing Y content and with increasing the temperature of
measurement from *6 K to room temperature. Both increasing temperature and
decreasing Y content are known to result in lattice expansion of yttrium doped
ceria, the former due to thermal expansion and the latter due to removal of oxygen
vacancies [7, 8]. Such expansion of the lattice is expected to weaken the crystal
field around Gd3+ ions in the YDC lattice resulting in a narrowing of the width of
the central transition. [Reproduced with permission from J. Chem. Phys. 131,
124515 (2009). Copyright 2009, AIP Publishing].
Authors could conclude that weakening of the average crystal field and nar-
rowing of the EPR line width result from a more random oxygen vacancy distri-
bution in the nanocrystals compared to their microcrystalline counterparts of same
138 A.K. Shukla and R. Rakhmatullin
Fig. 2 CW EPR spectra of micro and nanocrystals of 10 and 25 cation% Y-doped ceria samples
(co-doped with 0.25 % Gd) at X-band and liquid helium temperature (*6 K).The scale on the
abscissa corresponds to the bottom-most spectrum. The other spectra are shifted horizontally for
visual clarity. The topmost spectrum shows the simulation of the powder spectrum of Gd3+ in
Y-free CeO2. Reprinted with permission from J. Chem. Phys. 131, 124515 (2009). Copyright
2009, AIP Publishing LLC
EPR spectroscopy of Gd3+ probe ions to investigate size dependent lattice dis-
tortions in bulk and nanocrystalline CeO2 with crystallite sizes of 600 (bulk) and 10
(nano) nm, respectively, and doped with 0.5 and 1 cation% Y is reported by
Rakhmatullin et al. [9]. The studied samples were synthesized in the same way as
earlier [6], except lower content of yttrium. It was found that incorporation of Gd3+
ions at 0.25 % cation concentration level does not introduce by itself any
EPR Studies of Cerium Dioxide Nanoparticles 139
measurable strain in the CeO2 lattice. EPR spectrum of the bulk sample with 0.5
cation% Y with simulation parameters of monocrystalline CeO2 (Fig. 5) indicates
the absence of any other significant contribution to the EPR line shape and suggests
a nearly perfect cubic structure of the lattice of this sample.
Introduction of 1.0 cation% Y in bulk ceria lead more vacancies and clear
distortions appear in the experimental spectrum. The simulation of the spectrum
(Fig. 6) then yields the result that *83 % of the Gd3+ sites have undistorted cubic
symmetry and *17 % of the Gd3+ sites are axially distorted from the presence of a
neighboring oxygen vacancy.
The nanocrystalline samples display a different line shape, where the fine
structure of Gd3+ is substantially broadened (Fig. 7). The simulations of EPR
spectra for both nanocrystalline samples reveal the presence of two types of axial
sites with rather different distortions that belong to the core and the surface regions
of the nanocrystals and solely originate from crystallite size effect as the ratio of
surface: bulk energy rapidly increases with decreasing size in nanocrystals. The
Fig. 6 Curves 1 and 2 represent experimental (black) and simulated (red) EPR spectra of Gd3+
ions in the “bulk” ceria sample co-doped with 1.0 cation% Y. Curve 3 (blue) represents simulated
contribution from cubic sites, Curve 4 (green) represents simulated contribution from the trigonal
sites. Reprinted with permission from [J. Appl. Phys. 114, 203507 (2013)]. Copyright 2013, AIP
Publishing LLC
Fig. 7 Curves 1 and 2 show experimental (black) and simulated (red) EPR spectra of Gd3+ ions in
the nanocrystalline ceria sample co-doped with 0.5 cation% Y, respectively. Curve 3 (blue) shows
simulated contribution from the core trigonal sites, Curve 4 (pink) shows simulated contribution
from the surface trigonal sites, Curve 5 (green) shows simulated contribution from surface
superoxide species. Reprinted with permission from [J. Appl. Phys. 114, 203507 (2013)].
Copyright 2013, AIP Publishing LLC
authors of this publication supposed that the size dependent lattice distortions may
be universal in nanomaterials.
EPR studies of Er3+ probe ions in ceria nanoparticles with grain sizes of about 22
and 300 nm are reported [10, 11]. Ceria samples contained nominal concentration
of 0.01 % of Er3+ ions in initial components. The nanocrystals synthesized via a
co-precipitation method had crystallite diameter of 22 ± 2 nm (Sample 1) and
300 ± 10 nm (Sample 2). The purpose of these studies is to find out the vacancy
distributions and the origin of unusual EPR lines with g-values around 14 and 20
EPR Studies of Cerium Dioxide Nanoparticles 141
Fig. 8 X-band EPR spectra at 10 K of Er-doped CeO2 single crystal (bottom) and nanocrystalline
powder samples 1 (top) and 2 (middle) with average crystallite diameters of *22 nm
and *300 nm, respectively. The line marked by C represents the cubic center with g = 6.76
along with arrows marking the spread of hyperfine lines from the odd isotope Er167. The weak
lines marked by A and B in the spectra of samples 1 and 2 are located near g *20 and 14,
respectively. [Reproduced with permission from Appl. Magn. Reson. 46, 741 (2015)]
dioxide. [Text reproduced with permission from Phys. Status Solidi B 251, 1545
It was supposed that the weak lines A and B in the spectrum originated from the
formation of low-symmetry Er2+; Er4+centers in the lattice. In this case, Er2+ should
be isoelectronic to Tm3+ with the ground state 3H6 and a Landè factor K = 7/6, for
which the maximum possible g-value for non-Kramers doublet or two close singlets
is g∥ = 2K6 = 14. The EPR line with g * 20 (weak line A in Fig. 8) would be to a
non-Kramers Er4+ ion that is isoelectronic to Ho3+. The ground state of Ho3+ is 5I8,
with Lande factor K = 5/4 that results in a maximum possible g = 20 for the
non-Kramers doublet.
Additional experiments were carried out at X-band with magnetic field B0
parallel to the microwave magnetic field to demonstrate that the lines at g * 14
and *20 do not originate from Er3+ Kramers centers. In this relative geometric
configuration of the microwave and the static external magnetic fields the electronic
spin transitions are strictly forbidden for Kramers ions. The results for Sample 1 are
shown in (Fig. 9). It is clear that the main EPR line from Er3+ even isotopes in cubic
centers has almost completely disappeared while the hyperfine lines of Er3+ odd
isotope have become remarkably smaller compared to the lines at A and B, mea-
sured also in parallel mode.
study the ferromagnetism in CeO2 nanocrystals doped with Ni (Ni content more
than 1 %) and Co (5 % Co) ion [19, 20]. Askrabic et al. [21] studied pure
nanocrystalline CeO2 synthesized by selfpropagating room temperature method
(S-CeO2 sample) and the precipitation method (P–CeO2 sample). It was shown that
F+centers with g = 1.99 and g = 1.9 dominated in the S–CeO2 sample, whereas F0
centers were the major defects in P–CeO2 sample. Based on observation of EPR
from F+ centers in the S–CeO2 sample, that exhibits RTFM, authors could conclude
about F+-center mediated ferromagnetism [22].
Studies of two ceria powder samples with grain sizes of *35 nm and *150 nm
containing small amount of manganese (0.1 at.%) and traces of iron are reported
[23–25]. The ferromagnetism in a CeO2 powder with a grain size of *150 nm was
found to be substantially weaker than in such a powder with a grain size of about
35 nm. EPR measurements revealed in both samples the lines with g *2.003 that
was assigned to F+ centers. The comparison of intensities of F+ center lines
(Fig. 10) that was considerably stronger in the sample exhibiting stronger ferro-
magnetism lead authors to the conclusion that ferromagnetism in studied samples
cannot be explained by exchange interacting F+-centers. The charged transfer fer-
romagnetism was found to be more suitable to explain experimental results.
Cytotoxic effect of Cerium Oxide nanoparticles in several cancer and normal cell
lines and their potential to change intracellular redox status is reported [26]. Free
radicals related antioxidant capacity of the cells was studied by the reduction of
stable free radical TEMPONE radical in the HaCaT, 518 A2, and HT-29 cell lines,
untreated and treated with 100 or 200 lM cerium oxide nanoparticles using EPR
spectroscopy. The reduction was followed during 20 min since addition of
144 A.K. Shukla and R. Rakhmatullin
TEMPONE to the cells. It could be concluded that HaCaT cell line had more
preserved free radical metabolism, and thus redox status, in comparison with the
two other cell lines (Fig. 11).
EPR Studies of Cerium Dioxide Nanoparticles 145
Fig. 12 a Superoxide radical scavenging assessed using xanthine oxidase/xanthine reaction and
spin trap technique. b The first, fourth fifth, and eighth peaks were used for superoxide radical
production. All three CeO2 particles show significant scavenging properties [27]. (Open Access)
146 A.K. Shukla and R. Rakhmatullin
Fig. 13 EPR spectra of DMPO-OH adduct. A represents experimental spectrum and B represents
simulated spectrum. Reprinted from Chem. Phys. Lett. 442, 405 (2007), with permission from
Fig. 14 Extinction plot for hydroxyl radical and hydroxyl radical in presence of 1 mM (a) and
10 lM (b) concentration of ceria nanoparticles. A corresponds to the intensity of DMPO-OH
adduct in the absence and in the presence of nanoparticles, respectively. Intensity of hydroxyl
radicals in the presence of ceria nanoparticles decreases very fast at low concentration and hence
indicates the possibility to use ceria nanoparticles as free radical scavenger. It also indicates toward
the agglomeration at higher concentrations Reprinted from Chem. Phys. Lett. 442, 405 (2007),
with permission from Elsevier
8 Future Scope
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Synthesis and Characterization
of Undoped and Doped (Mn, Cu, Co) ZnO
Nanoparticles: An EPR Study
Keywords EPR Nanotechnology DMS ZnO ZnO:Mn ZnO:Cu ZnO:
1 Introduction
1.1 Nanoparticles
Nanoparticles are extremely small in size, which are in the dimension of 100 nm or
less. Nanotechnology is a broad and interdisciplinary research area that has been
growing fast worldwide nowadays [3, 24]. Nanotechnology is in relationship with
physics, chemistry, biology, computer, and material sciences integrated with
Nanoparticles have a much greater surface area to their volume ratio which can
lead the material to greater chemical reactivity and affect its physical properties
when compared with their bulk form [3]. Nanoparticles have created high interest
by virtue of some their unusual properties on mechanical, electrical, optical, and
magnetic properties and their applications on these areas [3, 26, 45, 53].
Nanotubes, nanowires, and nanobelts are some of the basis of nanoscience and
nanotechnology [10] and for future electronic, optical, and optoelectronic nan-
odevices are aimed to use. Recent developments in nanotechnology and the results
of their quantum size effects for nanoscale particles are the indications that most of
the devices in the future will be really based on nanomaterials [8, 69]. Besides,
magnetic properties of the material can be controlled to an extent just by changing
the composition, size, shape, and structure of the nanoparticles [24].
Co-precipitation, sol-gel, thermal decomposition, microemulsion, grinding,
hydrothermal, laser ablation, hydrosis, combustion gas-phase reaction, chemical
vapor deposition, flame spray, etc, methods are some of the used synthesis
mechanisms of nanoparticles [27, 55, 66]. The physical and chemical specifications
of the magnetic nanoparticles are strongly depended on the synthesis method
preferred [1, 3, 52]. The synthesized ZnO nanoparticles can exhibit the mor-
phologies such as spheres, plates, rod-like, belt, wires, worms-like, tetra-pod, etc.)
Spintronic technology aims to use the spin of the electron instead of its charge for
reading, writing, and transferring data in technology, at high temperatures, espe-
cially at room temperature [44]. Room temperature ferromagnetism has been
realized from the wide band gap of semiconductors [56]. Ferromagnetism in DMSs
is a very interesting problem in magnetism and it is also based on some theoretical
work for transition metal doped ZnO nanoparticles [16, 31].
ZnO-based DMSs are accepted to be the possible candidates for high tempera-
ture ferromagnetic semiconductors and promising host materials for ferromagnetic
doping [1, 6, 19]. Because ZnO-based DMSs have wide band gap (3.4 eV) and
large excitonic binding energy (60 meV) to the possibility of achieving room
temperature ferromagnetism [51] for the applications such as spin-based light
emitting diodes, sensors, and transistors [50].
Above room temperature, ferromagnetism has been predicted for several tran-
sition metals doped to ZnO [14] such as Co [4, 9, 61], Mn [19, 67], Fe [19], Cu [6],
etc. Although the mechanism responsible for ferromagnetism behavior at
high temperature is still not clear [65], it is known that the ferromagnetism of
the samples are very sensitive to their synthesization methods or their prepara-
tion conditions. So many controversial results, such as very low magnetic property
or even the absence of ferromagnetism have been also reported in the literature
[1, 11, 14].
The magnetic properties of wide band gap semiconductors doped with transition
metals are another current and controversial topics [6]. Doping is generally used to
improve electrical, optical, and mechanical properties of a semiconductor com-
pound [54] and it is needed to use the well-chosen and suitable impurities. ZnO,
TiO2, CeO2, and SnO2 diluted magnetic oxides are doped with various transition
metals such as Co, Fe, Ni, and Mn and they are investigated both in theoretical and
in experimental so as to predict their magnetic properties [1, 6, 11, 20, 31, 44, 66].
It is known that the conductivity and optical properties of ZnO depend strongly on
the concentration of doped impurities [45]. As an example, ZnO which is trans-
parent to visible light can be made highly conductive by only doping process [20].
Thus, investigations on doped elements in ZnO host materials and the electrical,
optical, magnetic properties of these samples are also very important.
Mn-doped ZnO nanoparticle is very promising due to the wide band gap of
ZnO host material and high solubility of Mn atoms in ZnO matrix [14]. Having
156 Ş. Çolak and C. Aktürk
similar charge state and ionic radius with the host Zn2+ cations, Mn2+ ions are
suitable for sensitive atomic probes in Zn-based compounds [63]. Mn-doped ZnO
semiconductors have also become a topic of current interest because of the possi-
bility of their room temperature ferromagnetism, thus Mn-doped ZnO can be a
promising material in spintronic applications. Thus, ZnO is one of the host oxide to
which addition of Mn causes paramagnetic or ferromagnetic depending on the
concentration of the doped Mn and the preparation methods [11, 14, 67]. It has been
also observed that doping concentration of Mn has also significant effect on the
optical properties of ZnO [31, 39]. For the low doping concentrations of Mn (<3 %
mol), the band gap of ZnO is reduced while it is increased for higher Mn doping
concentrations (>3 % mol). In addition, a much weaker blue-green peak is also
observed at 435 nm and the peak is accepted to be in relation with the surface
defects coming through the oxygen vacancies and/or zinc interstitials. As the
concentration of Mn increases, the blue emission significantly increased due to the
strong exchange interactions in the short range spin system [39].
Cu-doped ZnO nanoparticle is another important research area where metallic
Cu and Cu related oxides are nonferromagnetic materials. Some theoretical and
experimental studies have confirmed that Cu-doped ZnO nanoparticles can indicate
room temperature ferromagnetism depending on their synthesis procedure [6].
Co-doped ZnO nanoparticle has also been intensively studied in aiming to
observe the room temperature ferromagnetism in transition metal-doped semicon-
ductors [9]. Especially Co-doped ZnO is possible candidates for high temperature
ferromagnetic behavior and has attracted attention [1, 4]. But it is again very
sensitive to the synthesization method of the samples and depending on their
preparation conditions, thus many controversial results have also been reported.
The magnetically ordered doped or undoped semiconductors with wide band gaps
generally contain a specific amount of point defects. Electronic, magnetic, optical,
and structural properties of these semiconductors are very sensitive to the defects
where the defects can localize in the metastable energy levels of the wide band
gap. The nature of the defects strongly depends on the synthesis method and
dimension of the material.
It is evident from literature that various behaviors of ZnO are due to the presence
of native defects, such as oxygen vacancies, zinc vacancies, zinc interstitials, and
oxygen interstitials [54, 69]. In many cases, these defects act as shallow donors or
deep acceptors within the wide band gap of ZnO. Based on ESR and PL analyses, it
was concluded that VZn and Zni defects are the main cause of the room temperature
ferromagnetism of the ZnO nanostructures [42]. Oxygen vacancies on metal oxide
surfaces are found to be electrically and chemically active and responsible for the
increasing of the conductivity of the materials [8, 19]. ZnO nanowires are also
Synthesis and Characterization of Undoped and Doped … 157
electron will have different energies, by the result of the Zeeman effect. The lower
energy state occurs when the magnetic moment of the electron, l, is aligned with
the magnetic field and a higher energy state occurs where l is aligned against the
magnetic field (Fig. 3) [68].
If a second weaker alternating magnetic field H1 oscillating at a microwave
frequency (Fig. 2) is applied at right angles to the static field of H0, then the
electron will begin to precess in the axis of H1 and when the microwave frequency
will be equal to the precession frequency, the “resonance condition” will be sat-
isfied (Eq. 1). In the Eq. 1; m is the microwave radiation frequency, h is the Planck
constant, g is the spectroscopic splitting factor (g–factor) and b is “Bohr
ht ¼ gbH0 ð1Þ
The unpaired electron absorbs microwave energy in the resonance condition and
transitions between the energy states are observed, named as EPR signals. Free
radicals have values that are fairly close to g = 2.0023 which characterizes a free
electron. For crystalline samples, g-factor values corresponding to crystal orienta-
tion are designated as gxx, gyy, and gzz, respectively.
Synthesis and Characterization of Undoped and Doped … 159
b cos h ¼ ð2Þ
XRD results indicated that Mn, Cu and Co ions in the ZnO nanoparticles only
substituted with Zn ions (Figs. 4 and 5). The synthesized undoped and doped ZnO
nano samples have the wurtzite structure and no secondary phases were detected
although some little amount of impurities were observed and these results are also
agree with the literature [1, 4, 27, 34, 38, 44, 45, 56, 64, 66].
Annealing studies for the synthesized samples were held at 300 °C (1 h), 500 °C
(2 h) and 700 °C (2 h). For the annealing studies, MF 120 ash furnace with a Ni–
CrNi temperature controller [600–1200 °C (±2 °C)] has been used. The samples
were wet after the annealing procedure and white color of the samples were turned to
pink, gray, or black colors after annealing process. Thus, organoleptic properties of
the samples were changed after the annealing procedure which is also confirmed by
some of the data in the literature [7, 69].
Annealing procedure causes to decrease the defects found in the samples, thus
optical, electrical, and structural properties of the samples are expected to be cured
at high temperatures [17]. In this study; the particle dimensions of undoped and
doped ZnO nano samples have observed to be increased by the treatment of heat
and the broad peaks recorded for the unannealed samples became sharper for the
annealed samples (Figs. 4 and 5). The average of the particle size of the unannealed
samples were found to be *8 nm by using Scherer formula (Eq. 2) where the
average particle size was *60 nm for the samples annealed at 700 °C. These
dimensions are also in good agreement with SEM results.
162 Ş. Çolak and C. Aktürk
have been also taken place for the 700 °C annealed doped ZnO nanoparticles which
is in agreement with the XRD results obtained. This result is also confirmed with
literature [10, 67].
by using Beer-Lambert’s law. These results are in consistent with also the literature
[5, 13, 40, 54]. UV-Vis result of ZnO:Cu sample is given in Fig. 7. It is observed
that with the decreasing of particles sizes, UV light absorbance of the ZnO
nanoparticles was increased. Thus, the optical properties get better with the
increasing of surface-to-volume ratio for Zinc oxide nanoparticles [43].
The surface topographies of the synthesized Mn-doped ZnO nano particles are
investigated before and after annealing process by AFM studies. Nanomagnetics
Instruments Ambiant (1 lm 1 lm area, 1 lm/s sweep velocity, 256 256 pixel
resolution, dynamic mode) AFM instrument was used in the experiments. Different
growing directions and the grain sizes were observed from AFM results for
unannealed and annealed ZnO:Mn nanoparticles (Fig. 8). Agglomerations have
also been observed from the AFM images of the samples which are in agreement
with the literature [34, 67].
Bruker EMX-131 X-band (9.3 GHz) EPR spectrometer was used in the exper-
iments. Spectrometer operating conditions were as follows; central field:
348.5 mT; sweep field: 200 mT; microwave frequency: 9.84 GHz; microwave
power: 1 mW; modulation frequency: 100 kHz; modulation amplitude: 1 G;
receiver gain: 6.3 104; sweep time: 81.92 ms; time constant: 40.9 ms.
The defect types found in nano scale ZnO is generally related with the oxygen
vacancies Vo+2 (O−2 superoxide ions, F centers) in the literature and this defect type
is accepted to be responsible from the EPR signal for the undoped ZnO nanopar-
ticles [7, 18, 28]. Vo+2 oxygen vacancy is not stable and appears from the shallow
part of the ZnO nanoparticles and it gives rise to the EPR resonance line with the
corresponding g-value of 2.0021 [30] which is very close to the g-value of the free
electron (gfree electron = 2.0023). Vo+2 oxygen vacancy can also be trapped by a
single electron (Vo+1) or by two electrons (Vo0). Vo+1 oxygen vacancy (O−1 ion) is
contributing from the deeper part of ZnO (core of ZnO) nanoparticle which is more
stabile and giving rise to the EPR resonance line with the corresponding g-value of
1.9588 [28]. Zn vacancies found in the structure of ZnO nanoparticles are also
accepted to be relatively stable defect type.
In this study, no EPR resonance signal was detected for the synthesized undoped
ZnO nanoparticles, indicating that undoped ZnO nanoparticle was in diamagnetic
nature. When the undoped ZnO nanoparticles were annealed at 300 °C for 1 h, a
single, broad, and unresolved EPR resonance line with spectral parameters of
g = 2.169 and DHpp = 6 mT was arised. Besides, two other resonance lines (Ia and
Ib), hardly distinguishable from noise, with corresponding g-values of ga = 2.009
and gb = 1.959 were also observed. Ia and Ib resonance lines are accepted to be
originating from Vo+2 and Vo+1 damage centers, respectively (Fig. 9). For the
samples annealed at 500 °C for 2 h, the intensities of Ia and Ib resonance lines
increased while the area calculated for the whole EPR spectrum recorded had been
decreased. For the annealed samples at 700 °C for 2 h, a dramatic decrease for the
whole spectrum, including Ia and Ib resonance lines, had been observed, indicating
the sharp decrease in the number of paramagnetic centers found in the sample. But
one of the new resonance line Ib (gb = 1.959) could be still distinguishable from the
noise. This result indicates that Ib resonance line was related with Vo+1 damage
center which has deeper (core) location in ZnO crystal structure and is relatively
stable [28].
166 Ş. Çolak and C. Aktürk
Mn+2 ion has 3d5 electronic configuration, electronic ground state of 6S5/2, and
spectroscopic splitting factor of g * 2.002 [68]. The variation of Mn concentration
(1, 2 and 5 %) have not changed the EPR spectrum pattern of the Mn-doped ZnO
nanoparticles but the EPR signal intensities have increased with increasing the Mn
content. For the 5 % Mn-doped ZnO nanoparticles, 6 resolved EPR resonance lines
were recorded and g-value related with the central EPR resonance line was cal-
culated to be 2.009. The recorded spectrum was spread over a 80 mT magnetic field
range and the average hyperfine splitting factor for ZnO:Mn nanoparticles was
calculated to be 8.0 mT (Fig. 10).
The baseline signal observed in the spectrum which is shown with dashed line is
related with the “ferromagnetic resonance behaviour” of ZnO:Mn nanoparticles,
where six resolved narrow ESR signals are related with the “paramagnetic char-
acter” of Mn+2 ions found in ZnO:Mn nanoparticles. Thus, for Mn-doped ZnO
nanoparticles, both paramagnetic and ferromagnetic characters are observed
Synthesis and Characterization of Undoped and Doped … 167
together which is also confirmed by VSM results in this study. There are also
similar results appeared in the literature [14, 16, 36].
In annealing studies, no EPR spectrum pattern change had been observed for
Mn-doped ZnO nanoparticles but the average value of hyperfine splitting constants
calculated for the unannealed samples (8.0 mT) were decreased in small ratio
(7.9 mT) when the samples were annealed. The number of paramagnetic centers
contributing to Mn-doped ZnO nanoparticles annealed at 300 °C for 1 h was
calculated by double integration method and it is seen that the area of the spectrum
which is linearly proportional with the number of magnetic centers involved in the
sample had increased in the order of *10 %. Magnetic centers contributing to the
recorded EPR spectrum continued to increase for also the samples that were
annealed at 500 °C for 2 h and finally the number of magnetic centers calculated
for the annealed samples at 700 °C were calculated to be *10 times higher than the
case for unannealed samples showing that the magnetic unit content was increased
for the heat treated ZnO:Mn nanoparticles (Fig. 11). This result was also confirmed
by VSM data.
Cu+2 ion has 4s1 electronic configuration, electronic ground state of 2D5/2, and
spectroscopic splitting factor with g * 2.116 [68]. For the 5 % Cu-doped ZnO
nanoparticles, the g-value corresponding to the central resonance line of EPR
spectra was found to be 2.063 where four resolved EPR resonance lines were
observed. The hyperfine splitting factor was calculated to be A = 13.5 mT and the
spectrum was spread over 100 mT magnetic field range (Fig. 12).
Annealing process caused sharp decreases in the intensities of EPR resonance
lines recorded for the 5 % Cu-doped ZnO nanoparticles. This result indicates that
the number of magnetic centers found Cu-doped ZnO nanoparticles decreases under
the influence of heat treatment (Fig. 13) and ZnO:Cu nanoparticles annealed at
700 °C were completely in diamagnetic character. This result was also confirmed
by VSM studies.
Co+2 ion has 3d7 electronic configuration, electronic ground state of 4F9/2, and
spectroscopic splitting factor with g// * 2.2 and g⊥ * 4.6002 [51, 68]. A single,
unresolved, broad EPR resonance line was recorded for 5 % Co-doped ZnO
nanoparticle, and the spectral parameters such as g-value and peak-to-peak width
were calculated to be 2.119 and 77.3 mT, respectively (Fig. 14).
A smooth increase in the EPR signal intensity has been observed for Co-doped
ZnO nanoparticles which are annealed at 300 °C for 1 h. Besides, one more EPR
170 Ş. Çolak and C. Aktürk
resonance line (Ia) with ga value of 2.002, that is related with Vo+2 center, had also
been observed (Fig. 15). The whole spectrum area (double integration method is
used) recorded for the annealed sample at 500 °C for 2 h was found to increase in
the order of *%3 where the intensity of new appeared Ia resonance line was
increased *10 times compared with that of annealed at 300 °C. But a sharp
decrease has been observed for the annealed samples at 700 °C for 2 h and besides
Ia resonance peak had disappeared completely.
Fig. 16 EPR signal intensities of UV-irradiated 5 % doped ZnO nanoparticles for different
irradiation times. a Mn-doped ZnO, b Cu-doped ZnO, c Co-doped ZnO
figure that the area, relating with the magnetic units found in doped ZnO
nanoparticles, had decreased slightly with the increasing UV-irradiation time
(Fig. 16).
confirming the results of EPR studies. Similar results were also reported in the
literature depending on the preparation conditions of ZnO nanoparticles [30, 56].
VSM result for %5 Mn-doped unannealed ZnO nanoparticles showed that this
sample indicated both ferromagnetic and paramagnetic character together
(Fig. 18). But the annealed Mn-doped ZnO nanoparticles at 700 °C showed only
paramagnetic type of magnetic character. The same results were also observed by
EPR spectroscopy.
In the literature, some controversy types of magnetic characters for Mn-doped
ZnO nanoparticles have been observed [67]. Sharma et al. [60] have observed
ferromagnetism above room temperature for bulk and thin film forms of Mn-doped
ZnO. In another study, the ferromagnetism in Mn-doped ZnO nanoparticles have
appeared for low temperature annealed samples and disappeared in the samples
annealed at high temperatures [65]. But there are also some several reports on
Mn-doped ZnO samples that do not exhibit ferromagnetic properties. The ferro-
magnetism of such materials is accepted depending strongly on their synthesis
debate [9] as the magnetic properties of doped ZnO are most likely dependent on
the preparation conditions [11, 14]. There are also some studies in the literature
where ZnO nanoparticles indicating bulk character after the annealing process [7,
30] as annealing process decreases the impurities of defect centers.
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