Thinking in terms of product life cycles is one of the challenges facing manufacturers today: efforts to
increase efficiency throughout the life cycle do not only lead to an extended responsibility of the
concerned parties. As a result, economically successful business areas can be explored. Whether new
service concepts are required, new regulations have been passed or consumers values are changing, the
differences between business areas are disappearing. “Life Cycle Management” (LCM) considers the
product life cycle as a whole and optimizes the interaction of product design, manufacturing and life cycle
activities. The goal of this approach is to protect resources and maximize the effectiveness during usage
by means of Life Cycle Assessment, Product Data Management, Technical Support and last but not least
by Life Cycle Costing. This paper shows the existing approaches of LCM and discusses their visions and
further development.
2.1 Limits of Natural Resources
In its report “The Limits of Growth” of 1972, the Club
of Rome documented the exponential increase of
the world’s population and subsequently of the
natural resources which they predicted to be running
low [2]. Although part of the forecast was taken back
in their latest report “The New Limits of Growth” of
1992, the problem is still evident [3].
On the assumption that consumption remains
constant, oil is going to run short in about 40 years, Figure 3: Global Temperature Changes (1861 - 1996)
natural gas in 60 years and coal in 185 years (see Source: IPCC, 1995, updated [5].
Figure 2).
The share of carbon dioxide emissions of different
sectors are shown in Figure 4.
Raw W
. Support o f the
decision making
materials m
4 in the purchasing
. Creation o f
environment ratios
. Ecology-oriented
. Maketing
Figure 17: Life cycle of a product. Transportation Figure 17: The general framework of life cycle
processes are shown by a circumscribed “T”, waste assessment according to I S 0 14040.
treatment processes are shown by a circumscribed “ W .
Iterative procedure
Holistic in time and space Although described as consisting of four
This agglomeration of processes, often separated consecutive phases, life cycle assessment is an
from each other in time as well as in space, is iterative procedure where experience gathered in a
referred to as the product system. A product system later phase may serve as feedback leading to
will often be global in the sense that it includes modification of one or more earlier phases.
processes, typically in the use or disposal stage, Normally, a screening LCA is performed first to
that can take place in any part of the world. It may identify the most important elements of the product
also span over decades or even centuries from the system, the main environmental impacts and the
onset of the first resource extraction processes to most decisive assumptions in the scope definition.
last emissions from the land filling of waste. The
The screening is followed by more detailed analysis - Classification where the impact categories are
of the identified key figures of the LCA. defined and the exchanges from the inventory are
Goal and scope definition assigned to impact categories reflecting their ability
to contribute to different problem areas (“what is the
For the later interpretation of the LCA results, it is
problem for this environmental exchange?”).
essential that the decisions which determine what
kind of LCA is performed, defining the scope of the - Characterization where the contribution(s) of
study, be explicitly stated in the assessment report. each exchange is modeled quantitatively and the
Any LCA report should start with an explicit contributions aggregated within each impact
declaration of the goal and scope of the study. category converting the classified inventory into a
profile of environmental impact potentials, resource
The goal definition describes the purpose of the
consumptions and possibly working environment
study and the decision process to which it shall
impact potentials (“how big is the problem?”).
provide input of environmental information. The
definition of the goal serves in the later interpretation - Normalization where the different impact
to qualify what types of questions the results of the potentials and resource consumptions are
LCA can be used for answering and, inherently, expressed on a common scale through relating
what types of questions it cannot answer. The scope them to a common reference, in order to facilitate
of the study must also be defined as regards the comparisons across impact categories (“is that
object of the study - the functional unit, the product much?’?
system, the criteria on which the assessment shall - Weighting where weights are assigned to the
be based, the time scale of the study, the different impact categories and resource
technological scope and principles for allocation of consumptions reflecting the relative importance they
dividing environmental impacts from processes with are assigned in this study in accordance with the
multiple outputs goal of the study (“is it important?”)
Inventory analysis Interpretation
For each of the processes that have been identified In the interpretation phase of life cycle assessment
as pertaining to the product system during scope the results are interpreted along the lines of the
definition, information is collected on the input and defined goal and in accordance with the limitations
output (environmental exchanges) and possibly on defined by the scope of the study. Sensitivity
the internal interactions with an operator if working analyses are performed and the outcome of the
environment is to be included in the impact interpretation serves as recommendation to the
assessment. In general, the collection of data is decision makers, who will normally weigh it against
based on mass balances for the process over a other decision criteria (like economic and social
longer period of time. It is important to ensure in this aspects).
way that the data is representative of the average Reporting and critical review
functioning of the process and that irregularities in
Product systems are often very complex systems
the service like start-up and closure, cleaning of
and apart from this complexity, life cycle
equipment etc. are included. The data is reported as
assessment involves a series of choices and
the process’ environmental exchanges per
assumptions that may render the outcome dubious
functional unit. In the reporting of the inventory, the
or at least intransparent to people outside the study.
exchanges are generally aggregated and presented
It is therefore a requirement from both SETAC and
for the different life cycle stages as well as for the
I S 0 that there shall be a transparent and sufficiently
entire life cycle.
detailed presentation of results, data, methods used,
Life cycle impact assessment assumptions made and inherent limitations of the
For the life cycle assessment to be able to support study to allow the reader to understand the
decisions, the data in the inventory must be complexities and trade-offs inherent in the study.
interpreted. The interpretation must be based on the Apart from this it is recommended, and for some
available background knowledge of the applications required, that a critical review of the
environment, resources and working environment, study be performed by an independent third party.
and it must show which of the exchanges are The review can be performed either after the study
significant through their impacts and potential is finalized or during the study in interaction with the
effects on the protection areas, and how great their group doing the LCA study. The review report must
contributions can be. It is the task of the impact be included in the reporting of the life cycle
assessment phase to interpret the inventory results assessment.
into potential impacts on what is referred to as the Industrial applications (elements of life cycle
“protection areas” of the LCA, i.e. the entities that management)
we want to protect by performing and using the Throughout the history of LCA and up till today,
LCA, i.e. human health, ecosystem health and the industry’s principal application of LCA has been as a
resource base. decision support tool in the development of new
The impact assessment phase of LCA normally products [27], [28], [29], [30], [31]. The use of the
proceeds through four steps: tool in product development serves the purpose on
the one side of creating an overview of the
environmental impacts from the existing product or
product range and identifying the environmental Like other tools, LCA must be adapted according to
hotspots - those processes or activities that cause the resources and requirements for the application,
the main impacts in a life cycle perspective. On the it serves in the industry. A number of researchers
other side LCA is used for comparing alternative within manufacturing engineering have developed
solutions in the development of the new product and different adaptations of the tool for materials and
for making "what-if" simulations to help decide which processes. Good examples are [37], [38], [39]. At
product changes are preferred from an the Technical University of Denmark, three different
environmental point of view. approaches to the use of LCA in product
As one of the largest projects of its kind, the EDlP development have been developed.
project (Environmental Design of Industrial EDlP -the detailed interactive approach
products) was performed at the Technical University The necessity of the dual expertise when integrating
of Denmark in collaboration with five major Danish environmental considerations into new products
industrial companies, the Confederation of Danish resulted in deliverables of the EDlP program aimed
Industries and the Environmental Protection Agency at two different target groups: the environmental
from 1991-1996. The EDlP project combined the specialist [23], [34] and the product developer [40].
development of LCA methodology with the In EDIP, generalized paradigms and schemes were
adaptation for use in product development within the developed for the interaction between the two
electromechanical field [33], [34], [35]. A general groups at different points of the product
conclusion based is that success in integrating development process supplemented by a collection
environmental considerations in product of case studies covering a range of
development requires participation of two types of electromechanical products to serve as examples
qualifications: and inspiration [23].
- product development expertise managing the Before the onset of the development project a
product development process and integrating the detailed life cycle assessment is performed for one
environmental priorities among the other priorities or more reference products - existing products
- life cycle assessment expertise identifying and chosen to represent processes (technologies and
quantifying the environmental impacts throughout materials) in the life cycle of the new product. A
the life cycle of the product and assessing the database covering the major part of the life cycle of
improvements obtained through different design the new product is thus compiled in advance giving
solutions. the environmental specialist of the development
These skills may be working interactively together or team a good understanding of the environmental
the work of the environmental specialist may be aspects potentially involved in the new product. The
done off-line in relation to the development process life cycle assessment of the reference products
depending on the scope and the ambitions of the helps the development team to focus on the
project. The conclusion is supported by similar work environmental hot spots of the product life - those
at other departments [36], [37]. characteristics of the product that cause the most
significant contributions to the overall environmental
Another important point is that the integration of
loading from the product. Obviously, this is vital
environmental considerations must find its place knowledge in the specification of a new and more
among the many other priorities considered in the environmentally friendly version of the product. The
development of a new product.
database developed on the reference products is
Design built into the EDlP PC-tool which also contained a
Durability I Safety modeling- and an impact assessment module [41].
With this tool the environmental specialist can model
the product life cycle and simulate the
environmental consequences of changes. These
Product development tools enabled the environmental specialist to provide
quick answers to most of the questions emerging
costs from the product development process - mainly
2 questions regarding improvement potentials:
f t
- entire life cycle
- all relevant impacts
which solution is the best here, A, B or C?
how much better is it? Is the improvement
Figure 18: The environmental performance of the product significant in an overall product perspective?
must find its place among many other priorities in the
product development process . how much is it theoretically possible to attain (how
far are we from the theoretical limits)?
Even from an environmental point of view, the
environmental performance of the product should An example of the use of the EDlP PC-tool is shown
not be weighted more strongly than to the extent in Figure.
that it contributes to the competitive ability of the The thorough life cycle assessment allows very
product. After all, no reduction in the stress on the detailed changes to be assessed and when the
environment is obtained unless the product sells product is ready for the market it provides
and replaces other, less environmentally sound documentation of the environmental improvements
products in the market. that have been obtained. This information is useful
for claims in marketing, for environmental However, often there are trade-offs i.e. situations
declarations and for obtaining ecolabels for the new where alternative A seems better in some aspects
product. or life cycle stages and alternative B seems better in
other. When this is the case no decision can be
made from the MECO results alone but the analysis
has helped identify those parts of the life cycle
where differences occur. This knowledge can be
used in two different ways:
It identifies those aspects where alternative 6 is
environmentally inferior to alternative A. If other
arguments favor alternative B, the design team may focus
their attention on the identified aspects of the life cycle to
see whether alternative B can be improved here to match
alternative A also in the environmental performance.
A more detailed environmental assessment as
described under Section 2.1 is required to support the
Figure 19: Environmental impact profile comparing two decision but it can now be limited to those parts of the life
alternative ways of producing the same component by the cycle where differences occur and the total work load thus
EDlP PC-tool. Also working environment and resource reduced considerably.
profiles are generated for the comparison.
Figure 69: The cost and benefit trends in the product life
,.' .'.. '.
There are different influences causing costs or /' Research '.
benefits to increase or decrease, as outlined in Pre- n
HUTOP - Human Sensory Factors for total Product Life 13 MMHS - Metamorphic Material Handling
Cycle 14 NGMS - Next Generation Manufacturing Systems Project
IF7 - Innovative and lntellegent Field Factory 15 RPD - Rapid Product Development
INCOMPRO - Integrating Virtual and Real Factory for 16 SIMON -Sensor Fused lntellegent Monitoring System for
intelligent Composite Product Manufacturing machining
INTELLIWOOD - Intelligent Manufacturing of Wood
Products using Color, X-Ray and Computer Tomography
Figure 31 : Assessment of the IMS Project portfolio against the IMS objective
(b) Distribution of Project Portfolio across IMS and ESD issues will not be appropriately addressed
Technical Themes: the first two Themes (see Table in IMS projects. The strong emphasis on
2) were split into environmental and business environmental matters in both the Objectives and
aspects of product life cycle and process issues Technical Themes of the IMS Terms of Reference is
respectively; each project was then assessed as yet not reflected in the current documentation for
against each of the seven Theme areas with the the establishment, monitoring and review of IMS
result as per Fig F3, showing that, on the whole, projects, although this represents a “golden
issues of environmental protection and sustainability opportunity” to “steer” the whole IMS Program (and
are relatively poorly addressed in the technical hence much of the world’s manufacturing
content of the project portfolio. - Naturally this must technology research?) into an environmentally
be viewed in connection with the (already existing) sustainable direction.
major effort needed, per se, to establish global Indeed, this again raises the philosophical base
research projects of the “IMS type”, with partners underlying the IMS Program [83], [78]: What are,
reluctant to have to conform to even more ultimately, its benefits? No doubt the answer has to
“restrictions”. be not only those resulting to its participants, but to
mankind as a whole (and in particular to the third
world countries), with which the preservation of our
natural environment is closely interwoven. Life Cycle
Management in its widest sense and
environmentally sustainable manufacturing are the
cornerstones of these benefits.
The life cycle management concept must be
advanced to serve as an integral part of
engineering, operation and recycling/disposal
processes. Basic means must be provided for
Figure 32: Distribution of the IMS project portfolio against technical support, product data management, and
Technical Themes evaluation and assessment of economic and
5.4 The Future?
ecological parameters or values. Simultaneously
with further regularities and international standards,
Based on this preliminary study it is recommended it is necessary not only to provide the tools to
that without Some explicit environmental support the life cycle processes but also to establish
requirements at the project proposal stage, LCM/A the technical as well as organizational conditions.
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