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XXXV Issue 7; April 1st fortnight i­­ssue 2023 A DDP PUBLICATION Pages : 32 ` 20/-
Vol. XXXV Issue 7; April 1st fortnight i­­ssue 2023 A DDP PUBLICATION Pages : 32 ` 20/-
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Reshaping business of travel, hospitality

Corporates and professionals from airline, travel and
hospitality industries delve into finer points of business at
the 8th Travel M!CE & Corporate Show, in Chennai.
Lipla Negi hospitality sectors, as well as in- CEO, Itilite; Gaurav Nagwekar,
ternational tourism boards. Over Head, Corporate Travel, Reli-

ith more than 1,000 fruit- the years, the platform has earned ance Industries, Jyoti Varma,
ful business meetings, a reputation for bringing decision renowned industry expert and
the 8th edition of Travel makers and stakeholders under consultant, Travel M!CE and
M!CE and Corporate Show con- one roof for an insightful interac- Corporate Show and an audi-
cluded successfully in Chennai. tion that strictly deliver business. ence of around 200-strong pro-
Over a span of two days, the select fessionals and decision makers
gathering welcomed corporates Featuring Suraj Nair, Founder, from corporate airline, travel and
and professionals from airline and Travel Spends; Ashish Arpit, Contd on page 24

Govt eyes more investment Ramping up on sustainability

In a precursor to the first Global Tourism Investors' Summit, to be The Ministry of Tourism’s workshop, organised recently in New Delhi,
organised in New Delhi from 17-19 May 2023, the Ministry of Tourism aims to build capacity among policymakers and program designers,
organises an interaction with Heads of Missions. with a focus on creating awareness about sustainable tourism.
Janice Alyosius In a precursor to the summit, the TT Bureau put emphasis on the need for sus-
MOT recently organised a Round- tainability in tourism and collabora-

ndia has become a prime des- table Interaction with Heads of he Union Ministry of Tourism tion among the Centre, States, and
tination for tourism and is now Missions, which was chaired by (MOT), in collaboration with Industry to achieve the objective.
gearing up for investment to G Kishan Reddy, Union Minister for Indian Institute of Tourism He also highlighted the National
further boost its growth in the sec- Tourism, Culture and DoNER. & Travel Management (IITTM), Strategy for Sustainable Tourism,
tor. The Union Ministry of Tourism United Nations Environment Pro- launched by the MOT, and its
(MOT) is celebrating Visit India Addressing the meet, Reddy said gramme (UNEP), and Responsible seven pillars to promote sustain-
2023, highlighting the diverse ex- that guided by the Prime Minister’s Tourism Society of India (RTSOI), able tourism.
periences that India has to offer. vision, tourism development in the organized a workshop on the
The government, taking a mis- country is being undertaken by the development of sustainable and Each state shared its strategy and
sion mode approach to promote G Kishan Reddy government in a mission mode. responsible tourist destinations, in Rakesh Kumar Verma best practices at the workshop.
tourism and attract private sector Union Minister for Tourism, Culture and DoNER “Our Prime Minister has stated, New Delhi on March 22, 2023. The Additional Secretary, MOT Verma said, “Most states have
investments, will organize the first India is entering a robust phase workshop was attended by senior developed a clear roadmap for sus-
Global Tourism Investors' Sum- collaboration between the public of tourism and has been gaining government officials and tourism In his keynote address, delivered tainable tourism, with detailed plans
mit from 17-19 May 2023. The and private sectors, leading to in- global attention in recent years. industry stakeholders from the at the workshop, Rakesh Kumar and activities that require further
summit will provide a platform for creased investments in the sector. Contd on page 26 Northern region, including Delhi. Verma, Additional Secretary, MOT, discussion and refinement.”
‘Convergence is key in tourism’
If tourism in the country is to move forward, convergence of many domains and departments is necessary. If these work
as a cohesive unit, a multiplier effect can be created in the developoment of tourism and challenges in the sector can be
overcome easily, says Rakesh Verma, Additional Secretary, Tourism.

Nisha Verma industry, office-bearers of our in- ated, “whereby doing SWOT analy- wise, so that the involved ministries wildlife is a sensitive segment. was mentioned that there can be a
dustry associations and leaders sis, we should know in advance, are updated that these are our pri- “On this, Ministry of Environment taskforce at the state level to fast

ourism cannot move for- were there. It was visible that tour- which are the areas where support ority destinations and where is the and Forests have a lot of plans to track the issues, particularly form
ward without convergence ism cannot move forward without is needed and then the programs missing link, like in road, railway or develop wetlands, ecotourism and regulatory side. Another sugges-
because it’s a cross-sectoral convergence because it’s a cross- airport. Thus, if infrastructure map- the vision is to develop them for tion was to sensitise every depart-
thing, as it has many more do- sectoral thing, as it has many more ping is done, convergence can be high-end tourists. In that there is in- ment about the importance and
mains and support of many other domains and support of many done in a better way.” volvement of many departments— value of tourism and the peculiar
departments is necessary, says other departments is necessary. If not just infrastructure, but even issues that tourism has. There is
Rakesh Verma, Additional Secre- this support is taken properly, then Focus on quality of services departments related with skills and a need to create awareness on all
tary, Tourism. He moderated the a multiplier effect can be created He informed that the Bureau of this, and based on that we should
second breakout session – ‘Con- and the challenges in the tourism Indian Standards and Ministry of design a program where all stake-
vergence – The Power of Collabo- sector can be removed well.” Commerce is working on National holders can be sensitised, because
ration’ of the post-budget webinar Standard of Quality of Services.
Development of this convergence is very important
on ‘Developing Tourism in Mission Verma highlighted a few sugges- “They have also suggested that if Tourism is a cross- aspect, but achieving it is not easy.
Mode’, organized by Union Minis- tions given during the session. we take the standards forward in The suggestion was for continuous
try of Tourism recently. “There is a group that has been a good way, the ministries can also
sectoral thing, as education and sensitisation.”
made, called the Project Monitor- contribute very well in the same by it has many more
Speaking about the session on
convergence in the tourism sector,
ing Group, which monitors im-
portant infra projects and same
getting those standards in differ-
ent segments like skills, marketing
domains and Destination management
He said that the objective was that
Verma shared, “In this session, all way since tourism is complex Rakesh Verma and promotion. For everything we support of many if we can document with clarity
Additional Secretary, Tourism
departments of Central Ministries,
whose initiatives impact the tour-
and needs support from differ-
ent departments. Thus, a portal
should have standards and practic-
es.” In the same way, said Verma,
other departments what the destinations need, and
which ministry can offer what,
ism sector were present. Apart should be developed where proj- “funding, convergence, program is necessary everyone will have their role clear.
from that, at state government ect related information and from of that ministry and department objectives was highlighted. At “Communities are very important
level, we had inputs from Princi- which agency they need clearance should be plugged into it. Then many places the funds of schemes for the projects and plans that we
pal Secretaries of Tamil Nadu and and we should align it with the PM the convergence and synergy will can be dovetailed, if we can pool livelihoods. In this way, they are make. Every ministry needs to
Maharashtra. We also invited two Gatishakti Portal,” he said. come out in a much better way.” funds at district level and achieve a taking all the ministries who want keep community event,” he said.
district collectors to see at the common objective.” to do development in wetlands and
implementation stage how this Destination masterplan He added, “Same way infrastruc- ecotourism,” he shared. Another Capacity development for guides
convergence and synergy is there. Verma also shared that a master- ture gap is there, which has been Environment & Wildlife suggestion, Verma said, was of Another issue that was high-
Apart from that, to represent the plan for destinations should be cre- mapped via masterplan or other- He also said that environment and joint participation in events. “It Contd on page 7

april 1 st Fortnight issue 2023 5

‘Affluent’ future of travel
Nearly two in five affluent consumers in India plan to take wider group holidays in the next
12 months, states a research by YouGov, which gets under the skin of high-end travel to
understand what luxury travel looks like post-pandemic in 18 international markets.

Advantage Adventure T
he pandemic has fuelled the
appetite for travel across the
globe, and nearly three in
The 2nd Tourism Working Group Meeting, being five urban Indians (57 per cent)
state that travel has become more
held in Siliguri and Darjeeling in early April, focuses important to them since the pan-
on adventure tourism. The Ministry of Tourism is demic compared to one in eight
hosting a side event on Adventure Tourism as a (12 per cent) who disagree with
the statement, reveals a research
vehicle for achieving Sustainable Development by YouGov.
Goals. The seven North-eastern states are show-
casing their offerings on adventure tourism at the Agreement is higher among afflu-
ents in India, with three-quarters
event, which provides a global opportunity for the of them saying that travel has largest increase (of +8 per cent destinations. Safety is the primary Enjoying luxury accommodations,
Adventure Tourism. become more important to them points) from the previous year. travel priority among global affluent having the best culinary experi-
since the pandemic, states the Another travel activity that affluent travellers (at 37 per cent), followed ences, visiting remote destina-
A full day event has been organized for industry YouGov’s Global travel & tour- Indians are planning on undertak- by a desire to experience diverse tions, and doing things few others
partners and States to deliberate on Tourism in ism whitepaper 2023, which ing to a greater extent in the next cultures (36 per cent) and great lo- can do resonate with affluent con-
Mission Mode: Advantage Adventure Tourism. covered 18 international markets. 12 months is taking a longer holi- cal attractions (33 per cent). sumers and luxury travelers who
will be looking for brands, experi-
Promoting Adventure Tourism, India has a significant ences and travel companies that
Factors affluent travellers are looking for in their next travel destinations understand their individual needs
geographical advantage owing to its rich natural &
and unique requirements.
eco-tourism resources. It is home to 70 per cent of Indian affluents Global affluents
A secure and safe environment 42 37
the Himalayas, 7,000 kms of coastline, among one A once in a lifetime experience 34 25
of the only three countries in the world with both hot The insights in this report are
Experiences different cultures 33 36
drawn from a recent global YouGov
and cold deserts, and ranks 10th in total area under Quality services 33 24 Custom survey to understand what
forest cover. Let's hope the industry comes together Improving my health and wellness 33 21 luxury travel looks like post pan-
Great entertainment 32 17 demic, explore luxury travel expe-
and makes the most of this opportunity. Great local attractions and amenities 30 33 riences, what affluent consumers
To learn new things/ experience something new 28 32 are seeking and their future travel
Enjoying quaility luxury accommodation 25 22 aspirations. Covering 18 global
Having the best culinary experience 23 26

Top Priority: M!CE Finding an interesting tour, concert, or activity

A wide range of activities available
Visiting remote destinations
18 Safety is primary
India has great potential as a destination for M!CE Having personalized experiences tailored to me 20 12 travel priority
tourism. M!CE tourism has also been seen as Doing things that few othes can do 13 12
the ‘saviour’ of tourism since the pandemic. The None of these
2 6 among global
spend is huge, demand is high and its rebuilding
Don't know 2 4 affluent travellers
travel confidence. Critical in the formulation of (at 37%), followed
tourism policies now, M!CE travel needs to be the The research gets under the skin day than usual or taking a cruise Among the affluent people in by a desire to
priority for the industry. In recent years, the Indian of high-end travel to understand
what luxury travel looks like post-
(+5 per cent points each)," the
report states.
India, most of the parameters rank
higher, but safety is the top priority
experience diverse
government has also taken steps to promote M!CE pandemic. It focuses on the at- (at 42 per cent). For a third, having cultures (36%)
tourism in the country. The Ministry of Tourism has titudes and behaviours of affluent Moreover, the research reveals a once in a lifetime experience (34
launched several initiatives to attract more interna- consumers, particularly the afflu- the priorities of global affluent per cent), quality services (33 per
ent under 35 years of age – the travellers for their next travel cent), improving their health and markets of more than 19,000 re-
tional events and conferences to India. Addition- audience that will shape the luxury wellness (33 per cent) and expe- spondents, the survey results were
ally, the government has eased visa regulations travel industry of the future. riencing different cultures (33 per further bolstered by connecting
and introduced incentives for event organizers to Almost two in five cent) are important when choos- respondent level data to YouGov’s
“Looking specifically among the ing their next travel destination. proprietary syndicated data solu-
host their events in the country. affluent travellers in India, we see have travelled with tion, Global Travel Profiles, allowing
This growing sector has been our focus for the that travelling with a wider group
of family or friends continues to
a wider group in the Compared to global affluents,
they are more likely to prioritise
YouGov to merge their respondents
and their answers to the 100,000
current issue of , as we asked the trade of be the top travel activity year on past 12 months, and a once in a lifetime experience consumer attributes that they
their preferences and take on this growing sector. year. Almost two in five (37 per
the same proportion (34 per cent Indian affluents vs collect on an ongoing basis for
India's cultural diversity, modern infrastructure, cent) have travelled with a wider 25 per cent global affluents) and audience segmentation and pro-
and government support make it a promising des-
group in the past 12 months, and intend to do so in having a personalised experience filing. The survey was fielded in

tination for M!CE tourism and we hope the country

the same proportion intend to do
so in the forthcoming 12 months.
the forthcoming (20 per cent vs 12 per cent), and
less likely to focus on learning
the week of 9th to 23rd November
2022. Data for India is based on a
grows to its full potential soon. Even though this is the top activ- 12 months something new (32 per cent vs national online sample (of 18+) of
ity, taking a luxury rail trip sees the 28 per cent). 1007 respondents.

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6 april 1 st Fortnight issue 2023

Indian aviation on a roll: Scindia
Jyotiraditya M. Scindia, Minister of Civil Aviation and Steel, Government of India,
recently addressed the CAPA India Aviation Summit 2023, where he touched
upon various aspects of Indian aviation industry, including its growth trajectory.

Nisha Verma Make in India campaign, the

government has been focussing

ddressing the summit, on ensuring that India becomes
Scindia said, “Today we an integral part of global sup-
have crossed figures of ply chain. The launch of private
4.56 lakh domestic passengers manufacturing for the C-295
in a day. India will have more transport aircraft by the Airbus-
than 140 million passengers in
FY2024 alone. In the six years
from FY2014 to FY2020 the num-
ber of domestic passengers has
Govt has doubled
more than doubled from 120 the number of
million to about 275 million at a
CAGR of 14.5 per cent, and had
Jyotiraditya Scindia speaks at CAPA India Aviation Summit 2023
airports from 74 in
there been no COVID outbreak, He also spoke about resolving 8.5 years increasing from 74 in 2014 to 148 now.
we would have reached a CAGR
of about 18-20 per cent.”
supply-side challenges. “The
government has been taking un-
2014 to 148 now. Government is
simplifying regulations to ensure
It is simplifying
precedented steps to create ca- ease of business in the sector. regulations to
He said India has a scope of expo-
nential growth. “India is the third
pacities, remove bottlenecks and
simplify processes so that the na-
Policies have been liberalised to
ensure adequate availability of
ensure ease of
largest domestic market in the tion can have the requisite aviation pilots, cabin crew and engineers business in aviation
world in terms of seat capacity, infrastructure in place. The focus in the country,” he said.
but in terms of international seat is to ensure that in 2047 when the
capacity we are still ranked at 18th He informed that to augment pilot Tata joint venture is a major stride
position. Therefore, the prospect training capacity in the long run, towards achieving the goal of
for long-term consistent growth in the government has liberalised self-reliance. With Indian carriers
the market seems very strong. In-
From FY2014 the FTO (flight training organisa- expected to order about 1,500 to
dia’s real GDP is expected to grow to FY2020, the tion) policy, as a result of which 1,700 aircraft in near future, we
to about `252 trillion in FY2030 we are seeing a proliferation of should work towards making In-
and GDP per capita will have
number of domestic FTOs in the country. “The concept dia an Aerospace Manufacturing
increased from that of a lower passengers has of airport royalty (revenue share base. At the same time, we have
middle-income country to an up-
per middle-income country. India
more than doubled payment by FTOs to AAI) has
been abolished and land rentals
taken steps to ensure that we
develop an ecosystem for MROs
is witnessing increasing urbanisa- from 120 mn to rationalised. We currently have 35 for aircraft. We have reduced GST
tion, and it is expected to increase
from 34.9 per cent in 2020 to a
about 275 mn at a FTOs. Nine other FTOs are com-
ing up at five airports. Six FTO
rates on MRO services from 18
per cent to 5 per cent and allowed
projected 40 per cent in 2030. CAGR of 14.5% slots have been awarded by AAI at 100 per cent FDI into the sector.
The disposable income of middle five airports, which will be opera- I urge our MRO industry to think
and high-income households is tional by December 2023 (taking big, think global, and act global -
rising much faster than the na- nation celebrates 100 years of its the number up to 50),” he said. the sector has a turnover of close
tional average. India is going to independence, it has an aviation to US $2 billion but our work is
have one of the largest young system that can support US $20 Scindia lauded the Aerospace limited to 15 to 20 per cent of
populations in the world, which trillion economy. As part of this vi- Manufacturing and MRO (main- the market today, which we need
usually has a greater propensity sion, the government has doubled tenance, repair, and overhaul) to ensure is fully tapped into,
to travel,” he said. the number of airports in the last sector potential. “As part of the he added.

Compliance, process key to biz

Contd from page 5

lighted was capacity development will also have to be raised with dif- should be there, but the process strengthened and supported so that
for guides. “In Arth Ganga, they ferent departments and different should be efficient, so that busi- they can continue in the tourism
have used the ashrams at Ganga regulatory authorities. We need to nesses do not have any problem,” sector through jobs, entrepreneur-
to develop spiritual tourism. In he said. ship. Many ministries are working
Artha Ganga, there are many on this. If a mapping can be done
components that are tourism rel- He also mentioned about urban at the district level, and every district
evant. They are making intangible Compliances local bodies. “We need to see with a target of 500-1,000, can be
and tangible heritage directories. should be there how can we take help from them. covered via different programs.
Hence, MOT can use it and make In Swacchh Bharat Mission, the Last mile connectivity was also
good tourism products and experi- (for the industry), concept of aspirational toilets was highlighted. Verma mentioned,
ences around it. We can use their but the process mentioned. This is not only basic “After highway is made or railway
support to promote the same,” toilets, but we need to create aspi- station is made, circulation needs
suggested Verma. should be efficient, rational toilets, so that good qual- to be constructed. Hence, whether
so that businesses ity public conveniences are avail- it is municipal body or road, the last
Industry view able. We can use this very well for mile connectivity is important.” He
“From industry, it was suggested do not face tourism destinations,” he said. informed that at district level, collec-
that we need to have convergence any problem tors shared their experience. “There
from the regulatory side as well, He also talked about self employ- also conservation versus develop-
whether it is from our hotels, ment and self-help group coopera- ment issues arise for clearances,
restaurants, and other tourism give them ease of doing business tives. “These are multiple schemes and if the district administration is
related businesses. What are the and how the compliance burden on the supply side—communities sensitised well, they can strike a
touchpoints of those businesses, can be reduced. Compliances and individuals—how they can be balance,” he said.

april 1 st Fortnight issue 2023 7

Building a M!CE destination
Should business hotels around the country feel threatened with India going on an overdrive to build more state of the art
convention centres? speaks to industry leaders from both the buyer and supplier sides to understand where the
gaps lie and if they are hampering India’s potential to be a great M!CE destination even for its own people.
While a hotel does offer It's not about how, but why In our experience, hotels
some advantages in terms of the you would choose a hotel or a offer an appealing combina-
proximity to rooms for the del- convention centre for your ac- tion of inventory and event
egates, it is much more advan- commodation needs. Since you spaces (generally ranging up
tageous and preferable to do a can't stay in the convention cen- to 20,000-25,000 sq.ft.). Given
convention in a convention cen- tre, you will need a hotel regard- the ease, convenience and
tre that is purpose-built for such less. The decision ultimately higher level of services, hotels
events. TAFI did this large annual depends on the size of the make for an ideal venue choice
convention in Kuching, Malaysia conference you are attending. for small to mid-size groups
and the Borneo Convention Cen- Sometimes, even if a certain of 500-1000 delegates. They
tre was an eye-opener. It was hotel has good rates, it may not also serve as a more economi-
excellent. It could handle 5,000 have the capacity or resources cal option for many corporates
Sudesh Poddar Wi-Fi connections simultane- Rajiv Mehra to accommodate a large confer- Ravi Gosain as per their budgets. For large
President, FHRAI ously, all the meeting rooms, President, IATO ence. If the conference is held MD, Erco Travels & Vice President, IATO group sizes, ranging from over
There is no competition be- all the banquet spaces and in the hotel, it's more convenient 1,000 to 3000 and above,
In terms of hosting conven- Both hotels and convention
tween hotels and convention everything were on the same for all participants. However, for convention centres are an ideal
tions or events, the choice be- centres have facilities to hold
centres, as both co-exist. De- floor, so it was convenient for larger conferences, it may be choice, as they are more ver-
tween a hotel and a convention events. However, convention
pending on the scale, events are the delegates as well as organ- necessary to look for confer- satile and offer larger spaces
centre depends on the size of the centres are well equipped to
organized at hotels or convention isers. It was a very productive, ence facilities outside of the (20,000-1,00,000+ sq.ft.) with
event. For smaller events, hotels hold small or large conventions,
centres. Typically, smaller events useful, and pleasing experience. hotel. In some cities, it can be other logistical requirements for
are the most convenient option be it the hall structure, break
are held at the banquet halls in In India, we do have a shortage difficult to find hotels with the M!CE corporates.
as they provide both rooms and away meeting rooms, audio
hotels, whereas the larger ones of large convention centres. event spaces. However, for larger necessary facilities. system, or lighting, whereas
are held at convention centres. In events, convention centres are hotels build their conference
either case, hotels are the benefi- necessary, as they have a higher rooms for multipurpose use
ciary, since the people participat- capacity to accommodate more and major thrust is on room
ing in conventions eventually are people. When it comes to wed- inventories. In my opinion con-
accommodated by the hotels in dings, the same principle applies. vention centres are much bet-
the city or the region where the The choice between a convention ter and convenient for bigger
event takes place. When large centre or a hotel depends on the M!CE events and hotel can be
conventions are organized, the number of guests attending. For used where lodging is required
delegates and visitors stay at smaller weddings, hotels are a for events depending on avail-
hotels. The two formats actu- suitable option, as they can pro- able room inventory and rooms
ally complement each other. So, vide accommodation and event required for the event. Choosing
whether conventions or M!CE spaces. For larger weddings, between a hotel and a conven-
activities take place at hotels or at convention centres are neces- tion centre for hosting an event S D Nandakumar
convention centres, ultimately the Ajay Prakash sary as they can accommodate depends on several factors, President & Country Head
Riaz Munshi
hospitality industry benefits. President, TAFI a higher number of guests. President, OTOAI including the event size. Corporate Tours, SOTC Travel

Convention centre with Hotels and convention cen- It depends on varying fac-
rooms and all other facilities are tres play an important role in tors and the product profile. A
always a better choice. Right boosting tourism of a country, hotel may cater to a convention
now, only Hyderabad has this as they become hubs that drive facility and currently this is the
facility in India. This is one of the spending in the local facilities and case. The convention gets all
reasons why we are not getting shopping centres by both leisure the facilities of a hotel—Rooms,
meetings, incentives, confer- and business travellers. As a F&B, service and other requisites
ences and exhibitions business global business hub, Singapore of a convention. However, nowa-
to India. Our hotel tariff in metro attracts a large number of busi- days large conventions, catering
and secondary cities are very ness travellers throughout the to over 2,000 people, are likely
high nowadays because of the year, for whom the country has to go to a convention centre that
increase in domestic tourism hotels and convention centres can handle such big numbers
Anil Kalsi in the country. This is another MP Bezbaruah that offer world-class service Bengia Mrinal and has rooms and facilities for a
Joint Secretary, TAFI Secretary General, HAI Secretary General, APTOA & IATO State
reason why we need conven- standard, along with a feeling In-charge, Arunachal Pradesh
large exhibition. Such convention
tion centres with rooms in all of home away from home. The centres have come up in India in
Hotels and convention centre So far as the general objec-
metro cities. State government choice between a hotel and a As per my experience is con- Hyderabad, Mumbai, Bangalore,
are two sides of the same coin. tive of tourism promotion and
in Maharashtra, Delhi, Kolkata, convention centre for an event cern for big events such as travel Noida, Jaipur and other places.
They have to complement each the role of M!CE is concerned,
Karnataka and Tamil Nadu should would be influenced by various fairs, it is better in a convention At times, the convention centre
other in capacity and room avail- I think the distinction between
also get convention centres to factors, including the event's centre, as it has more facilities may not be able to cater to the
ability. Large scale convention hotels and convention centres is
accommodate 5,000 delegates size and nature, location, budget, like space, parking and acces- room requirement that goes with
centres have opened up in India artificial. They complement each
with 2,500 rooms. and amenities. sibility, but it has challenges for a large convention.
in recent times in major cities, other and should not be seen in
and the big chain hotels have isolation. M!CE, as the acronym participants as they are always
come up with all the requisites of implies, cover several activities away from the city, making it hard
convention centres. Cities where that can be shared in a planned for transport, taking more travel
room availability does not match manner by hotels and conven- time and incur huge cost on ac-
the convention centre capacity, tion centres to achieve maximum commodation, food, transport.
it becomes a task to hold large spread of facilities across the It is a logistical nightmare to put
conferences. A concerted effort country. Personally, I find the up a stall, decorating it-the cost
to match the convention facili- model of Hong Kong Convention of product, transport and labour
ties with the room availability is Centre very attractive. It has facil- cost is on the higher side. In
a necessity at the planning stage, ities for big convention, for many case of emergency if you need
then only can the numbers in- smaller breakout sessions, and anything, it is always miles away.
crease and success realized in hotel accommodation around Therefore, holding it in a city cen-
this sector. M!CE is a big ticket it for seamless commuting and tre hotel is always good where
GB Srithar you have more options for ac- Sunil Mishra
sector and India needs to put its S. Mahalingaiah time saving. Such convention Regional Director, India, Middle East & Honorary Treasurer, IATO
best foot forward. Chairman – IATO Karnataka Chapter centres are capital intensive. South Asia - STB commodation and food. Contd on page 10

8 april 1 Fortnight issue 2023

‘Direct air link to boost India numbers’
Roger Cook, Deputy Premier and Minister for Tourism of Western Australia, during the recent CAPA
India Aviation Summit in New Delhi, held discussions for better aviation connections between India
and Western Australia and sought direct flights to Perth to tap the Indian market.

Janice Alyosius become a more significant propor- and Perth would bring immense the Indian tourism and aviation sec- national market for visitor numbers
tion of our overall visitations in the benefits to the tourism industries tors as well as Perth Airport to tap in 2023,” revealed the minister.

oger Cook, Deputy Premier future,” the minister said. of both regions. Although airlines the potential of Indian market. “Indi-
and Minister for Tourism that fly to Perth currently play a an visitor numbers to Western Aus- Tourism Western Australia is com-
of Western Australia (WA), Connectivity vital role in connecting the destina- tralia have been increasing over the mitted to establishing Perth as the
recently attended the CAPA India As per the minister, Western Aus- tions, a direct airline service is yet years, and the Indian market has Western Gateway to Australia. The
Aviation Summit in New Delhi and tralia has identified India as a key to be established between India and already surpassed the pre-COVID AUD $195 million Reconnect WA
discussed starting of direct flights market and is dedicated to enhanc- Western Australia, which presents levels. In 2019, more than 30,000 package supports the Western
Roger Cook
from India to Perth. Cook also met ing aviation connections between a massive opportunity for growth,” travellers from India visited the Australia's efforts by investing in Deputy Premier and Minister
top airline officials during the two- the two regions. “Establishing di- he said. The Western Australian state, and currently, India ranks as marketing, event development, and for Tourism of Western Australia (WA)
day visit and talked about devel- rect air connectivity between India Government is collaborating with Western Australia’s 4th largest inter- visitor experiences.
oping direct aviation connections
between the two destinations.

Outlook for India market

The minister emphasized that India
is an important market for Western
Australia, and the state provides
a unique tourism experience.
“Although international visitation
is currently at 85 per cent of pre-
COVID levels, the Indian market
has already exceeded pre-COVID
levels, and we are optimistic about
its potential. Currently, travellers
from India reach Western Australia

Discussions with
both Australian and
Indian airlines are
underway to explore
the possibilities
of direct flights
between India
and Perth

through travel connections via Sin-

gapore, but discussions with both
Australian and Indian airlines are
underway to explore the possibili-
ties of direct flights between India
and Perth. We are confident that
direct aviation links between India
and Perth will be established in the
medium term, and the success of
our efforts to establish these con-
nections will allow us to tap into
even greater tourism potential for
Western Australia,” he said.

Focus segment
With the growing diaspora of Indi-
ans in Western Australia, the key
focus is to tap into the ‘Visiting
Friends and Relatives’ market and
encourage travellers from India
to stay longer and explore more
of Western Australia. “Currently,
80 per cent of the traffic between
India and Australia comprises vis-
its to friends and relatives (VFR),
while the remaining 20 per cent
is related to leisure and business
travel. However, we have observed
a steady growth in leisure and
business travel, and we expect it to

april 1 st Fortnight issue 2023 9

Size of event does matter
Both hotel and convention Choosing between a ho- India is a vast and develop-
centres are good for different pro- tel and a convention centre for ing market for conducting large
files/ events. It is a boon for the hosting M!CE events depends M!CE and events with extensive
entire industry that we have the on several factors, including the set-ups. Also, with the increased
facilities now to choose between event size, type, and duration. air connectivity with India, many
hotels and convention centres, or Hotels are suitable for coopera- international conferences and
use both the facilities combined. tively smaller M!CE events and events are choosing Indian cities
Hotels and convention centres can wedding. They offer comfortable as destinations for their annual
offer similar facilities. However, the accommodation, catering ser- events. The Leela Gandhinagar
facilities are chosen based on the vices, and access to various rec- and Mahatma Mandir Conven-
size of the gathering. Large scale reational facilities, such as swim- tion & Exhibition Centre, man-
exhibitions use hotel rooms also, ming pools, gyms, and spas. aged by The Leela, is a hotel,
Naveen Kundu Meera Charnalia Valmiki Hari Kishan
Managing Director
apart from the convention centre Hotels also provide meeting convention, and exhibition
Executive Vice President and Managing Partner
Ebixcash Travel Services rooms. Thus, one cannot go with Head – M!CE, Thomas Cook (India) rooms and banquet halls, making Valmiki Travel & Tourism Solutions centre that has a diverse venue
a single thumb rule to choose them an ideal choice for corpo- offering, which can cater to 15
It depends on the requirement between a hotel and a conven- Our M!CE corporates are open rate meetings, product launches, As far as budget is con- to 15,000 guests. When venues
of the client. It is always an ideal tion centre. A hotel can cater to a to hosting their events at hotels as and small-scale exhibitions. On cerned, convention centre is of this nature are conceptualized
situation for a corporate to do the convention facility and convention well as convention centres basis the other hand, convention cen- much more economical and af- and executed as purpose-driven
event at the same place where centre has most of the facilities as their requirement of services. Cor- tres are purpose-built facilities fordable as we do have 5-star greenfield projects, futuristic de-
people are staying. Unfortunately, that of the hotels. Thus, the choice porates have several requirements designed to host large-scale level conventions centres offering sign and technology are enabled
in India, we don’t have access to lies with the organisers of the con- while hosting their events such as M!CE events, such as national much lower than hotel conven- in the project. Thus, creating
many ballrooms which are big- vention and they choose according accommodation of a small/large or international conferences tion rates. Thus, more conven- venues ideal for comfortably
ger. Thus, we must use conven- to the size and budget. group of invitees, location of the and exhibitions. tion centres are coming in big organizing events.
tion centres. However, in India hotel/ convention centre, standard- way - where we need to hire food
they are also very few. When ized facilities and additional ser- and beverage, along with other
M!CE goes out of India, first pref- vices. The decision also depends facilities. Lodging can be closer
erence is given to hotel ballroom. on the available options in the se- to the convention centres. Post-
Otherwise, there are convention lected location and the budget for pandemic hotel tariffs have gone
centres, but depending on the the event. Our country is in the pro- up and thus affordability of ban-
magnitude of the conference, it cess of accelerated infrastructural quets has gone up too. Hence,
is very subjective. If the confer- development and building more many people are opting for con-
ence is where you need to do hotels and convention/ exhibition vention centres over hotels. De-
exhibitions, showcase products, centres to meet the requirement pending upon the type of event,
have a huge pre-function area, of this lucrative M!CE segment. As corporates and individuals take
you need meeting rooms and a relatively new concept for Indi- a decision. Hotels have so many
breakaway rooms, then conven- ans, convention centres have not restrictions, whereas convention
tion centre is preferred. However, gained much popularity among centres don’t. Once you engage a
because of the cost, we do it in EM Najeeb Debjit Dutta Vikas Sood
large scale corporates yet this is Director & CEO proper event management com- GM, The Leela Gandhinagar and Mahatma
hotel ballroom. Chairman, ATE Group of Companies &
Senior VP, IATO expected to change. Impression Tourism Services (India) pany, they add value to it. Mandir Convention & Exhibition Centre

Organizing conventions in What makes a hotel better is When it comes to hosting

India can be difficult, and select- multiple venues equipped, cus- M!CE conferences, the choice
ing the right venue is critical. tomised packages for organis- between a hotel and a conven-
Two popular options for hosting ers, and varied dining options. tion centre hinges on the size of
conventions in India are 5-star At Shangri-La Barr Al Jissah, we the group. With most companies
hotels and convention centres. work closely with organisers to today seeking optimized solu-
Each option has advantages and ensure they achieve more with tions, conventions are preferred
disadvantages that must be con- engaging, polished, and produc- due to their cost-effectiveness
sidered before making a decision. tive events. With a grand pillar-less when compared to hotels. How-
The decision between a hotel and ballroom, seven meeting rooms ever, it's important to note that
a convention centre for holding with state of the art technology, the decision to opt for a conven-
conventions in India is influenced and six outdoor beachfront venues Jean-François Chong
tion or a hotel depends on the
Arun Iyer
Founder & MD, My Golf Tours by several factors. Hotels are fre- Ashley James totalling 12,100 of space, General Manager, The Residence Mauritius group size. Therefore, it's cru-
quently chosen for smaller events GM, Angsana Oasis Spa & Resort our hotel is ideal for hosting cor- cial to consider the group size
requiring luxurious amenities and porate gatherings, meetings, and Hotels that go beyond cook- before making a decision. Since
The decision to select a hotel
personalized service. Conven- A hotel offers greater value conferences. The hotel has 460 ie-cutter concepts and offer an COVID, there has been a surge
and convention cenre is based on
tion centers can be found on the in comparison to a standalone rooms and suites spread across inspiring ambience are preferred in business travel that resembles
the scale of the event and number
outskirts of cities or in indus- convention centre. A hotel with two wings that can accommo- these days. The Residence Mau- the pre-COVID situation. The
of days, expected delegates and
trial areas. While this may be less its army of staff and a larger date a large group of delegates ritius with its captivating island corporate travel market is boom-
what the pre and post events that
convenient for attendees, it often set up can be a one-stop so- and VIP guests. What adds to our setting and tailormade itinerar- ing, and companies are now
are planned. Hotels are preferred
means lower event space rates efficiency is access to two hotel ies is perfect for meetings and focused on cost reduction for
for the multiple conveniences lution. From accommodation,
and easier parking access. facilities among other things. events. Our conference room M!CE conferences.
they offer like onsite catering, lo- catering to various food prefer-
offers a choice of seating ar-
cation in the city, close access to ences, security features, pick-
rangements to host up to 90
a mall or other activity area. This ups and drops of important
delegates. The dining room can
is considered when some of the guests, spas and other lifestyle
seat up to 240 guests and is ide-
conventions also have programs related amenities, hotels are al for larger groups and gala din-
for spouse accompanying the well equipped to handle multi- ners. The Plantation restaurant
delegate. Convention centers are ple requests at any given point by the ocean offers an inspir-
designed specifically for large in time. Not to mention that ing environment for corporate
scale events, they have large hotels also add a little bit extra gatherings and team-building
exhibition halls, multiple venues with their brand association as sessions, accommodating 120
to conduct main events and si- a venue. A convention centre within its colonial-style interior
multaneously conduct media on the other hand might of- and 200-500 guests for a buffet
briefings side by side and have fer a quieter place to organise dinner on the Turquoise beach.
large parking facility. The conven- smaller gatherings. However, it There are extensive facilities,
tion centre has more flexibility for might be challenging to organ- Pradeep Menon
Abhay Kanwar René D. Egle activities in and around the re-
using technology for lights and ise mega events in standalone Deputy GM at Renault
Director, Sales & Marketing, Sheraton Area General Manager sort, and excursions such as
other gadgets. Grand Bangalore Hotel at Brigade Gateway convention centres. Shangri-La Muscat Nissan Technology Business Center India
island hopping.
Inputs by TT Bureau

10 april 1 st Fortnight issue 2023

Women drive adventure growth in India
Adventure tourism in India has been witnessing a surge with woman entrepreneurs driving the
growth. Jasmine Duggal, Director, Minar Group, shares her experience as a woman adventure
travel guide/ operator and discusses the increasing popularity of female-centric travel.

Janice Alyosius nuanced than the 'girlfriend get- ing new cultures and adventure- phenomenal! Imagine, how excit- To envisage growth of women
aways' of the early 2000s, as they based activities. It’s sisterhood!” ing it was to give women access entrepreneurs and guides, Duggal

dventure tourism in India combine cultural immersion with to places they could not go to said, “At ATOAI Women’s Collec-
is on the rise, and woman adventure-based activities. The When asked if being a woman in on mixed trips, noting that many tive, we want to set a goal to double
entrepreneurs are playing a high demand for female-centric travel has comforted other wom- places and activities in the Middle the number of female tour leaders
critical role in driving the growth. travel is evident in the popularity of en on their trips, Duggal said, “I East are segregated by gender. India employs year after year. It’s
The sector is projected to grow these tours. While I can only speak believe it's just 'More Venus, Less Most new-gen women like the a bold aspiration, particularly in
rapidly in the coming years with for my tours, we are finding that our Mars'! Recently, we operated, ex- small-group curated experience. countries such as India where be-
Jasmine Duggal
a compound annual growth rate guests offer a unique opportunity to ecuted and delivered an all-wom- Perhaps, men do not seem to be ing a tour guide is not a usual ca- Director
(CAGR) of 20.1 per cent. Minar connect with like-minded women en’s trip from the Middle East. as proactive in booking experien- reer path for women. One leap at a Minaar Group
Group, a travel and tourism com- from around the world while explor- The response to this trip has been tial travel in far-flung places.” time and we will be there soon.”
pany that has been in the industry
for three decades, is helping travel-
lers explore India's hidden gems in
the most comfortable and luxurious
way possible. Their team of over
200 professionals is a mix of young
innovative minds and experienced
professionals, committed to qual-
ity and smart work, providing an
unconventional experience of India,
shared Jasmine Duggal, Director,
Minar Group.

At ATOAI Women’s
Collective, we
want to set a goal
to double the
number of female
tour leaders
India employs
year after year

"Our legacy encompasses airline

representation, ground handling,
destination representation, and ser-
vice operations across corporate,
retail, luxury, celebrity, charters,
executive jets & cargo; in other
words, helping travellers explore
India’s hidden gems in the most
comfortable & luxurious way pos-
sible,” she added.

Sharing her experience as a woman

adventure travel guide/ operator,
Duggal said, "Being a women's
adventure travel guide/ operator
is becoming increasingly popular,
driven by the trend of experiential
and adventure-based travel, which
is being driven by women around
the world. These tours offer the op-
portunity for participants to engage
with women from cultures vastly
different from their own, providing
a unique and valuable experience.”

She added, “In the context of

women-led tours originating in and
from India, these experiences offer
a behind-the-scene glimpse into
the lives and work of local women
in societies that may be vastly dif-
ferent from the participants' own.
These tours are more intricate and

april 1 st Fortnight issue 2023 11

Indian aviation sector would
attract more than $275 billion
Reimagining M!CE for India
in investment over next 20 With Indian travellers looking for novel and non-traditional travel experiences, the STB brought
years: CAPA
together leading minds in the tourism industry to share their perspective on the rapidly-
MoCA encouraging budget changing market at its M!CE Conclave thought-leadership conference in Mumbai on 10 March.
carriers to induct widebody
planes to make India global Hazel Jain recently-revamped In Singapore nearly 40 new and off-the-beaten Singapore as an experience
hub: Rajiv Bansal Incentives & Rewards (INSPIRE) path experiences for free. Srithar Also presenting at the event was

ore than 250 attendees Global 2.0 Scheme for groups shared his perspective on the huge Sukumar Verma, Managing Direc-
IATO meets Maharashtra from across India’s busi- smaller than 250 pax. This re- opportunity that the India market tor, Informa Markets Singapore,
Chief Minister, invites him for ness world learnt about the vamped version has more than 80 offers and added, “With excellent who said, “With millennials – and
convention in Sambhaji Nagar power of technology in revolution- experiences and is totally cost-free air connectivity from 16 cities in In- Gen Z soon in the future – travelling
this September ising M!CE travel, and harnessing to corporates.” dia and its seamless, cutting-edge frequently for business, Sukumar
data to effectively understand and infrastructure, Singapore is a top shared his insight that experiential
engage young Indian consumers at STB also recently launched Singa- choice for business events and an travel is slowly becoming the norm
Jewar and Navi Mumbai airport Singapore Tourism Board’s M!CE pore Rewards – a new programme attractive location for business trav- in M!CE movements. With more
work on track, likely to be Conclave held recently in Mumbai. that offers complimentary experi- ellers. The city's world-class hotels, and more business travellers com-
inaugurated next year: MoCA
Speaking about the STB’s ef-
Air India to reduce flight forts to promote reimagined
M!CE travel in the Indian market, GB Srithar
frequency in certain US routes Regional Director for India,
temporarily: Campbell Wilson GB Srithar, Regional Director for Middle East, South Asia & Africa, STB
India, Middle East, South Asia &
Africa, STB, said, “M!CE is tradi-
Average daily domestic traffic tionally a very important segment corporates to come to Singapore
to rise from current 4.2-4.4 for Singapore; it is a global M!CE and bring their M&I. A lot of things
lakh to 4.56 lakh by October hub and it continues to attract a are possible in terms of unique ex-
2023: Jyotiraditya Scindia lot of M!CE events into Singapore. periences, the ease of travel within
From a Meetings & Incentives Singapore. There are schemes in
Skill management at local point of view, India is a key source place to incentivize the corporates.
level can help boost tourism in market for us. In that regard, we We have the Business Events in
are happy to organize a M!CE Singapore (BEiS) Scheme, which
states: PP Khanna
Conclave in Mumbai – ‘Reimagine allows group movements of more
the Future, Unlocking the New Era than 250 pax, cash grants are given ences for international visitors. restaurants and retail options add bining leisure elements as part
Rajiv Mehra re-elected of Business Travel’. Our focus is to such groups who are spending Announced on 7 March 2023, it to its appeal, providing visitors with of their trips, these bleisure travel-
unopposed as IATO President simple, we want to communicate couple of nights in Singapore for will run through 2023 and offer a luxurious and comfortable ‘blei- lers seek out diverse experiences
that Singapore is welcoming Indian their M&I travel. We also have the visitors the opportunity to try one of sure’ experience.” in the destinations.”

‘We are positive on tourism growth’

Puneet Chhatwal, Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer, IHCL and President, Hotel Association of India (HAI) says
they expect a huge positive, a development for the travel and tourism industry. He believes that the 6Ps of Planning, Place,
People, Policy, Process and Promotion will make India a tourism power in its own right.
Nisha Verma years. We expect a huge positive, a
development for the travel and tour-

uneet Chhatwal, Managing ism industry. Obviously, the other
Director & Chief Executive ecosystem also needs to grow with
Officer, IHCL and President, M!CE, F&B, and other 360 degree
Hotel Association of India (HAI) attractions,” he said.
said that as a company, they have
created destinations like Goa, Secondly, Place is very important
Kerala or more recently Havelock in choosing these destinations, he
in Andamans. said. “We must however, in these
places have an inclusive respon-
In his recommendations after the sible and sustainable develop-
post-budget webinar by Union ment. While everything is being
Ministry of Tourism, Chhatwal also rooted locally, I think responsible
commended the government on Puneet Chhatwal
Managing Director & Chief Executive
creating such destinations in the Officer, IHCL destination management would by 2030, of which 25,000 must be there is still a need to streamline
recent past. “A very good example be the main area under place,” he women,” he claimed. processes to enhance ease of do-
recently of creating a destination We expect a added. Thirdly, it is the People. “We ing business, ease of travel, visa,
would be that of Ekta Nagar in Ke- seamless connectivity and trans- huge positive, a should ensure skilling and develop- “On Policy, we must make requisite immigration and customs and
wadiya or Statue of Unity. I think do- port options for all our destinations. ment of human capital and bring in policy intervention including tour- focus on the national digital tour-
ing 50 new destinations would be We have also recently won the bid development for the schemes for reward and recogni- ism. With your support, we have ism mission as well as tourism
like building 50 new Ekta Nagars in for building Lakshadweep and plan- travel and tourism tion, as well as tie-up with global tried very hard for the infrastruc- MSMEs. Finally for Promotion, he
the country,” he said. ning of connectivity and transport partners to take skilling to the next ture status and industry status in said, “We must promote key tour-
to Lakshadweep is as important industry (in India). level. Today, we have announced many states. We have succeeded ism teams, which we had always
He claimed that with all the potential or even more important than just Obviously, the other our 17th skilling centre we have with the industry status, but we still outlined in the past and also pro-
India has, I think the six Ps of Plan- building the islands of Swahili and built. The last one being in Luc- have a long way to go in getting full moting India as a destination in-
ning, Place, People, Policy, Process Kadmath. We must focus on en- ecosystem also know and recent one in Jamshed- infrastructure status at the central ternationally. There has been a lot
and Promotion is very critical. hancement of aviation capacity with needs to grow pur. On skilling, we have committed level,” he shared. Fifth being Pro- of discussion on that issue in how
“Under Planning, we must ensure 80 new airports expected in five to skill a hundred thousand people cess, Chhatwal commented that that should be done,” he said.

12 april 1 st Fortnight issue 2023

Proponent of women empowerment
Ritu Chawla Mathur, Managing Partner, Prognosis Global Consulting, shares a few ideas on how
the industry can help emancipate more women. She emphasizes on creating an ‘equality mindset’
at ground-up from education in colleges and enforcing POSH curriculum in catering colleges.
TT Bureau Part of role of the hotel classifica- ernment has been encouraging ru- on to the table cannot be under- financial performance of a com-
tions committee, under the aus- ral tourism as well through women played, well-organized, full of pany is better with a higher per-

ow can travel and hospi- pices of the Ministry of Tourism self-help groups. However, more compassion, spiritually aligned centage of women at top levels;
tality companies help uplift must recognize, award and rate can be done, by the financial sec- and well-balanced. A high level of there is a growing relevance that
women in the sector? to hotels based on the number of tor by providing cheaper business emotional intelligence. The best gender-ratio has on the perfor-
Creating an ‘equality mindset’ must ‘Women Employed’. A minimum loans, and conducting financial women leaders Iv seen are well- mance of companies. Organiza-
be done at ground-up from educa- of 30 per cent of the workforce to planning workshops. rounded people. These women tions are competing in an increas-
tion in colleges. Awareness cre- be women, must be encouraged are master multi-taskers and ingly global environment, which
Ritu Chawla Mathur
ated by the education sector can and rewarded. Homestays is a Why should we have more highly collaborative (though not calls for greater adaptability and a Managing Partner
pave the way for the employment great sector where women have women in the workforce? afraid to get territorial to protect superior combination of technical Prognosis Global Consulting
sector, when it comes to tough started making a mark. The gov- Some traits that women bring their domain). Studies reveal that and survival skills.
conversations around equality at
work, and women empowerment.
Also, POSH curriculum must be
enforced in all catering colleges.

The greatest challenge for women

is how to balance their family life
and their work. Research has
shown that taking on more re-
sponsibility at work might have a
negative impact on family life. The
unbalanced state between life and
work is by far one of the major
obstacles to women's career de-
velopment, especially at the mid-
managerial level. It’s high time

Research has
shown that
taking on more
responsibility at
work might have a
negative impact
on the family life
of a woman

that organizations provide various

support measures for employees
to achieve work-life balance, al-
low women to take flexible work
hours and roles that allow them to
work from home, instead of tak-
ing sabbaticals and career breaks.
Also, consider enforcing day-care
norms for young mothers/ parents
in organizations with more than
20 employees. Flextime and other
family-friendly policies are critical,
but must be offered to all employ-
ees, not just women to reduce
the inequal divide. In this way
employees in general will better
recognize the company's values
and increase their commitment to
the organization.

Further, research has documented

gender differences in promotions
to managerial positions, from
which it is clear that men are over-
represented in preferred positions
that pay better. Maybe it is high
time that the fiscal audits include
audit of equal pay norms to create
level-playing fields.

april 1 st Fortnight issue 2023 13

LA Tourism eyes 1 mn Indians by 2030
Adam Burke, President & Chief Executive Officer, Los Angeles Tourism & Convention Board, was in Mumbai recently to
understand how to capture the immense opportunity it offers for his city. The NTO aims to attract more than one million
Indian visitors in the next seven years and is actively pushing to reduce visa wait times.
Hazel Jain in the world. We want to welcome visitor spending to the local econo- wait for visas. To this Burke says, visas. Moreover, the M!CE seg-
more than 1 million Indian visitors my. It’s estimated that 110,000 In- “Both State and Commerce are ment is a huge opportunity for

os Angeles Tourism & Con- a year by 2030,” Burke shares. dian travelers will visit Los Angeles actively collaborating to reduce us to partner with the trade here
vention Board has been County in 2023, with full recovery the visa wait time. They have al- in India. Visas for M!CE groups
making waves in the Indian India to be among to pre-pandemic levels anticipated ready enacted some of the things. should in theory be actually
market. It was the first time that LA top 5 market for LA? Anyone with a valid US visa ex- easier than individual applicants
Tourism’s President & CEO, Adam Speaking about a six-point strat- pired in the past 36 months can because every member of that
Burke visited India (Mumbai and egy for the Indian market, Burke have that visa renewed without M!CE group is coming to the des-
New Delhi) after the organization says, “The first one is establishing
Our aim is to the interview requirement. They tination on the exact same dates
established its full-time India office a full-time presence in the market. partner with are prioritising markets where the for the same business purpose.
in 2019. During the visit, Burke and
the LA Tourism delegation met and
In 2019, we became the first US
tourism office to open a full-time
the trade and wait times are longest and India
is one of those priority markets
That has not historically been the
way for the consulates to pro-
updated the trade about new offer- office here. We are also adding understand from and by using Consular staff from cess visas. We have requested to
ings in and around LA and at the
same time, gathered insights about Adam Burke
a full-time communications team
member here. The second point
them the best way to other areas, the goal is to radi-
cally reduce wait times. Third is
process all M!CE groups in a dif-
ferent way, so that M!CE doesn’t
the changing trends among Indian
President & CEO, Los Angeles
Tourism & Convention Board is learning more about the market activate the market investing in video technology so suffer. We anticipate a release on
travellers post pandemic. by meeting airline carriers and the
travel trade and asking the right
since it’s such a that people in rural areas can get this soon.”

Burke said, “As one of the world’s growth potential in India, as well as questions. The third thing is that diverse market
fastest-growing markets for tour- to collect business intelligence. We the Los Angeles International Air- LA Milestone Year: 2023
ism, we are proud that Los Angeles want to understand the right way port is now offering an incentive v The new Super Nintendo World at Universal Studios Hollywood de-
Tourism was the first US destina- of engaging this market. Seema programme that is an offset to the in 2024. “If we get non-stop ser- buted on February 17. Visitors can battle Team Bowser on Mario Kart:
tion marketing organization to open Kadam, our regional director, has gate fees, so that airlines that are vice to LAX, we think that India will Bowser’s Challenge, and buy Nintendo themed merchandise.
its own full-time office in India in shared tremendous insights. Our looking to bring non-stop service jump from being a top-10 market v On the infrastructure front, Los Angels World Airports (LAWA) is in
2019. We see tremendous oppor- aim now is to partner with the trade to India are able to apply for that to a top-five market virtually over- the midst of a $14 billion capital improvement project at Los Angeles
tunities to support the growth of and understand from them the best programme that reduces their night,” Burke adds. International Airport (LAX).
the travel industry in India.” way to activate the market since cost to entry into LA.” v On the hotel accommodations front, Los Angeles added 5,000
it’s such a diverse market. There is Visa wait time to go down new hotel rooms to its supply over the last two years, bringing the total
His visit to India was due to two no question that India is going to be About 130,000 Indians visited LA The other issue that is hamper- hotel inventory in LA to 120,000 rooms.
reasons, he says. “The incredible one of the largest markets for travel in 2019, injecting $305 million in ing visitor numbers is the long

Carnival Cruise promotes India biz

Iain Baillie, Vice President, International Sales, Carnival Cruise Line, along with Luke Smith, Director (UK & International Sales,
International Division), recently met the travel trade in Mumbai over a cocktail dinner. Led by Dipti Adhia, Director, Discover the World
– India, which represents Carnival Cruise Line in India, the cruise line is re-energising its presence in the Indian market.

14 april 1 st Fortnight issue 2023

A tech-enabled tourism adventure
ParaBooking, a platform for safe, high-quality adventure tourism experiences, was founded in 2021
with an objective to fix the trust deficit in the Indian adventure tourism space, says Ankush Rana,
CEO and Co-Founder. He speaks about the immense need for safety in this space in India.
Hazel Jain and real-time resource (pilot and the Government of India has dedi- National Air Sport Policy 2022 believe India as a country with
equipment) assignments and more. cated a lot of resources and funds (NASP 2022) vision is to make India diverse topography has the great

ell us a little bit about In the future, we look forward to to promote Tourism in 2023. We one of the top ‘aero’ sports nations potential to offer varied adventure
ParaBooking and how does integrating with real-time telemetry definitely see a positive growth of by 2030, by providing a safe, af- sports. Ranging from mountains
it stand out from the crowd? through IOT and tracker devices to adventure tourism considering the fordable, accessible, enjoyable, and to beaches and terrains, India can
ParaBooking is a platform for safe, further enhance the security aspect National Aero Sports Policy and sustainable air sports ecosystem in boast of it all. With 65 per cent of
high-quality adventure tourism ex- of adventure sports. DGCA regulations being relaxed India. And one of their objectives is Indians being under 35 years old,
periences. Starting from paragliding for the same. to promote design, development, it has the growing culture of ad-
Ankush Rana
in premier locations in the Himala- What kind of trends do you expect and manufacturing of air sports venture sports. It is only a matter CEO and Co-Founder
yan range, we want to take safe in this market segment in 2023? Does adventure tourism will equipment in India in line with the of time India will emerge as a top ParaBooking
adventure tourism to the masses We have come to understand that become a huge market in India? Atmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyan. We adventure sports nation.
and at the same time, provide em-
ployment to local pilots and guides.
We launched ParaBooking with the
motto of urban ‘Travellers meet local
guides’, verified guides, along with
curated activities by the rural local
community ambassadors.

We have worked with actuaries and

underwriters to get an insurance
product for search and helicopter,
thus disrupting the market with our
approach. We have come forth in
this space with an easy-to-navigate
app for operators and have worked
with verified pilots and tested equip-
ment to fix the trust deficit in the In-
dian adventure tourism space.

Starting from
paragliding in
premier locations
in the Himalayan
range, we want
to take safe
adventure tourism
to the masses

How are you funding your com-

pany and what was the initial
capital infusion?
We bootstrapped with INR 25
lakhs and recently through the HIM
Startup Yojna via IIT Mandi Catalyst
received a funding of INR 50 lakhs.

How tech-enabled is your

We are planning to transform in a
SaaS model for operations, and
hence we are a highly tech-enabled
product. We offer booking manage-
ment systems for operators, app
for guides/ pilots, API for integra-
tion with insurance providers and
OTAs. We use Tech Stack: VueJS,
Hasura GraphQL. The Saas appli-
cation is built with data federation
capabilities specially customized
for the real-time operational nature
of adventure sports. On one hand, it
manages the assets and resources,
and on the other hand integrates
flexibly with multiple independent
data sources covering the booking
portal, insurance API integration,

april 1 st Fortnight issue 2023 15

Singapore reimagines M!CE travel...
Singapore Tourism Board (STB) continues to pave the way for large-scale, high-quality business and leisure events. This was the
theme it set at its recently-concluded M!CE Conclave held in Mumbai, which was attended by key corporates. The conclave aimed
to rekindle the passion for Indian M!CE travellers through new and innovative experiences.

16 april 1 st Fortnight issue 2023

...sparks new thoughts on cruising
The STB also brought together some of the top minds in the tourism and lifestyle industries to share their perspectives on the
rapidly changing market at its Cruise Conclave thought-leadership conference in Mumbai on 10 March. More than 250 attendees
from across India's business community heard cutting-edge insights during a panel discussion and product sharing sessions.

april 1 st Fortnight issue 2023 17

Hyatt to expand in tier II, III markets
Hyatt is gearing up for an expansion in India, with plans to open hotels in tier II, III markets this year. Following successful
opening of 10 hotels last year, the hotel group is set to open eight more hotels in 2023. It is also focusing on weddings and
M!CE business and recently conducted a successful campaign ‘Weddings at the Hyatt’.
Janice Alyosius has been successful, with videos and impressive banquet facilities, nized fam trips at various wedding
going viral on social media. The our primary focus will be on wed- destinations. “We also implement-

yatt has plans to open hotels brand is looking at weddings in a dings and M!CE events. We have ed several initiatives last year. Most
in tier-II and tier-III markets in big way and will focus on M!CE at three sets of banquet halls, includ- of them are likely to come to frui-
India. Shrikant Wakharkar, large-format and destination hotels ing the mansion and the Regency tion this year,” he said.
Area Vice President, North and such as Goa, Cochin, and Jaipur,” Ballroom, which are perfect for
General Manager, Hyatt Regency Wakharkar said. hosting a mix of weddings and
Delhi, said the brand is on expan-
sion spree this year, with plans to Adding to Wakharkar’s views,
M!CE events. This year, with the
availability of inventory in the city
We (at Hyatt
open about eight hotels in tier II and Barun Gupta, Director Sales and and the increasing volume of M!CE Group of Hotels)
III markets in India. This comes
after the hotel group opened 10
Marketing, Hyatt Regency Delhi,
said, “Given our vast inventory
and group business, we are well-
equipped to cater to them.”
also implemented
hotels in 2022. “These openings several initiatives
include large-format hotels like
Grand Hyatt Gurgaon and Hyatt Shrikant Wakharkar
Elaborating on the wedding seg-
ment, Gupta said, “Many people Barun Gupta last year. Most of
Regency in Trivandrum. The hotel
Area Vice President, North
and General Manager, Hyatt Regency Delhi
The hotel chain is prefer resort locations for residen-
Director Sales and Marketing
Hyatt Regency Delhi them are likely
chain is also looking to expand its fortunate to have tial weddings, but we have also to come to fruition
footprint in Bangladesh next year,” seen a rise in residential weddings
Wakharkar said. India, which is good for the indus- witnessed a strong happening in city hotels, especially the USA and the UK, with numer- this year
try. There is movement happening bounce back in in the west. We are pioneers in pro- ous NRI weddings scheduled for
Last year, the domestic move- across India where several G20 viding complete residential wedding this year. Our critical focus will be
ment within India was significant. summits will take place.” the post-COVID setups within hotels, with the num- on hosting the G20 meetings this Wakharkar said Hyatt is optimistic
Wakharkar said, “It was great to and is bullish about ber of rooms and various banquet year and residential weddings.” about the industry future. “The ho-
see a bounce back of sorts. This Hyatt has also been focusing on spaces and outdoor areas that we tel chain is fortunate to have seen a
year, there is a revival of interna- weddings and M!CE business this both the near and offer. In addition to catering to local The brand has tied up with travel strong bounce back in post-COVID
tional movement as well, especially year. “Hyatt's recent campaign distant future weddings, we also host inbound planners, agents, and wedding and is bullish on near and distant
with the G20 summit happening in called ‘Weddings at the Hyatt’ weddings from markets such as planners, and last year, they orga- future,” he added.

Red Carpet celebrates 8 anniversary

Thane-based Red Carpet Travels, headed by Rajesh Kakade, recently completely eight years of operations. It organised an evening
party at its office to celebrate this occasion with a few of its travel trade partners and to share an exciting development – its new digital
portal that will help them create travel itineraries for their customers within minutes.

18 april 1 st Fortnight issue 2023

‘Holistic approach must’
Gayatri Rathore, Principal Secretary, Tourism, Govt. of Rajasthan, says there is a need
Exploring Phang Nga
to keep a futuristic and holistic development approach for next 50 years to make India a
tourism superpower. She hails MOT’s destination focused approach for development.
Nisha Verma and ease of experiencing a place. “Most of these heritage destina- tinations across the country, in
“There must be ranking indica- tions are part of the UNESCO our state two destinations have

laiming that Rajasthan’s tors because we cannot leave our protected sites. If all the destina- been identified. We are taking a
USP is having mul- destinations on the whims and tions coming as part of UNESCO holistic approach with all the fac-
tiple heritage destinations, fancies of local operators, local protected sites and protected tors, including the people. There
Gayatri Rathore, Principal Sec- guides. As the PM had mentioned monuments, we follow a typical must be a component of owner-
retary, Tourism, Government of that we need to have professional master plan, and do not let the ship of destination on part of the
Rajasthan, lauded MOT’s recent guides in place who can explain surroundings and the city area citizens of that place. Only then
initiative of organizing the post- not only about the history but developments, overshadow that we can ensure that the destina-
budget webinar and having a also the USP and bring about life destination. This is one big chal- tions grows and brings actual,
destination focused approach to that place, exchange programs lenge, and we need to move to- tangible, as well as intangible
for tourism. She pressed for col- and having a feeling of security gether. A holistic approach needs benefits to the place, to the state Tourism Authority of Thailand recently organised a Mega Fam Trip for Indian travel
agents to Phang Nga province in Southern Thailand. An hour drive from Phuket
laboration among tourism stake- for those tourists who are visiting to be developed and because and to the country as a whole,” International Airport, Phang Nga is a must visit destination for travellers.
holders. “Rajasthan traditionally from outside,” she said. now we are focusing on 50 des- she added.

Gayatri Rathore
Principal Secretary, Tourism,
Government of Rajasthan

We are taking a
holistic approach
with all the factors.
There must be
a component
of ownership of
destination on
part of the citizens

has been a part of the Golden

Triangle of Delhi-Jaipur-Agra,
which has been the favourite cir-
cuit for foreign tourists coming to
the country. These three destina-
tions have developed together.
However, as mentioned by the
Prime Minister, we have to now
focus on futuristic planning and
management of these destina-
tions. As of now, these destina-
tions have developed because
of their USPs, whether it is their
architectural wonder being of his-
torical importance, or religious
importance. However, now we
must keep the coming 50 years
in mind and have a futuristic,
holistic, development approach,”
she emphasized.

Rathore informed that as part of

Swadesh Darshan too, and as
part of initiatives of state govern-
ment, their focus is to have stan-
dard parameters, standard bench-
marking, so that when tourists
come, they have ease of traveling

april 1 st Fortnight issue 2023 19

90K from 180 nations attend ITB Berlin
ITB Berlin 2023 concluded successfully, attracting more than 90,000 people from 180 countries, including 5,500 exhibitors from
161 countries who showcased their travel offerings at the event. The ITB Buyers’ Circle gained success at the exclusive B2B event
with the overall international participation growing from 50 per cent in 2019 to 70 per cent this year.

20 april 1 st Fortnight issue 2023

Queen of Satpura beckons

Pachmarhi, one of the most enchanting hill stations of central India,

situated over 1,000 metres from sea level, provides a sublime tourism
experience for the visitors looking for wellness and spiritual tourism.

ummers knocking at the
door and the travellers are all
set to enjoy their vacations/
staycations. With the new trends
in the travel industry Madhya
Pradesh has emerged as one of
the hotspots for travel lovers post
Covid because of its responsible
and activity-based tourism. MP is
home to several verticals which
can attract any travel lover. The
state is rich in wildlife, heritage,
culture and spirituality and on top hill station provides a sublime tour-
of that there are countless potential ism experience for the visitors for
destinations which are relatively wellness and spiritual tourism.
untapped in MP. However, talking
about the unique summer experi- Pachmarhi is one of the most
ences, ‘The heart of Incredible enchanting hill stations of central
India’ offers an eclectic mix of for- India, which flourished around
ests, waterfalls and hills, which is 10,000 years ago and is an ex-
rich with natural beauty and recre- emplary example of archaeologi-
ational activities specially designed cal treasure. Its also regarded as
to promote wellness tourism. Talk- ‘Satpura ki Rani’ and is situated marhi Cantonment Board, which activities that are arranged for the dia. One can easily get a taxi from
ing about the best summer spots over 1,000 metres from sea level. serves the Indian Army. The hill tourists. These activities include The hill station is Bhopal to Pachmarhi. Jabalpur to
of Madhya Pradesh, it's impossible It is also the highest point of Mad- station is developed around the gypsy camping, tree camping, Pachmarhi is also just 300 km, so
to miss out on the crown jewel of hya Pradesh. The administration Satpura Forest Area and there bird watching, star gazing, mobile developed around one can opt for this route as well.
Madhya Pradesh; Pachmarhi. The of the Pachmarhi is under Pach- are plenty of natural recreational camping and many more activi- the Satpura Forest
ties. Tigers, leopards and bisons By Train
are easily sighted in this region,
Area and there are Pachmarhi is just 54 km by road
which is a once in a life time ex- plenty of natural from the Pipariya railway station.
perience for many tourists. Other Several direct trains link Pipariya
than that, plenty of adventure ac-
recreational with important cities like Surat,
tivities like paragliding, ziplining, activities for Nagpur, Ahmedabad, Kanpur,
trampolining and bungee jumping
are also facilitated.
the tourists Patna, Pune, Kolkata, Agra, Delhi,
and Varanasi. One can easily get
a taxi from Pipariya to Pachmarhi
Sunrise-sunset walks and cycling Bee Falls, Apsara Vihar Falls and as it is the most accessible way of
tours have also emerged as one Silver falls are a must visit for visi- reaching Pachmarhi.
of the most anticipated activities tors traveling in the summers.
in Pachmarhi. The laser and sound By Road
show is conducted for the tourists HOW TO REACH PACHMARI Plenty of state-owned and private
to enjoy after the sunset, along By Flight buses are available for Pachmarhi
with that tourists can also enjoy The nearest airport is Raja Bhoj from nearby cities like Bhopal, Ja-
bonfire and live music. Pachmarhi Airport in the state's capital Bho- balpur, Nagpur, Indore, and from
is a great family destination that pal (around 222 km), which has prominent tourist attractions like

fits the adventure needs of all daily flight services from Delhi and Kanha National Park and Pench
members of family. Waterfalls like Mumbai and 13 major cities of In- National Park.

april 1 st Fortnight issue 2023 21

Tourism NZ celebrates 20 years in India
Tourism New Zealand celebrated its 20th anniversary in India through training workshops and networking events in Delhi and
Mumbai. The attendees comprised members of the travel trade fraternity, airline partners and other key stakeholders. A 20-member
delegation participated in the frontline training with 200 travel sellers across Mumbai and Delhi.

22 april 1 st Fortnight issue 2023

Odisha - Soul of Incredible India
The 5th Odisha Tourism Conclave was organised by Hotel & Restaurant Association of Odisha, in association with Tourism
Department, Government of Odisha and World Trade Center Bhubaneswar on 23 February 2023. The event organised on
the theme ‘Redefining The Soul of Incredible India’ showcases the state as a major tourist destination.
Nisha Verma ment of Odisha, highlighted that
it was important to identify major

he day-long conclave organ- selling points and unique amenities
ised at Hotel Swosti Premium, of the state. “Steps must be taken
Bhubaneswar, aimed to pro- to hold tourists for longer dura-
mote Odisha's tourism sector and tion in Odisha. Middle class huge
showcase the state as a major market capitalisation to be initi-
destination centre. ated in domestic tourism. Quality
and experience is crucial for every
Naveen Patnaik, Chief Minister, tourist visiting Odisha regarding ac-
Odisha, inaugurated the event commodation and tour operation.
virtually in the presence of other Need for development of Deomali,
esteemed dignitaries. “To enable Konark and Bhitarkanika on priority
more development friendly strate- basis. Pilgrim tourism and weekend
gies, the Odisha Tourism Policy tourism to be incorporated in the
2023 was released during MIO strategic planning to enhance tour-
(Make in Odisha) with continuously ism in the state,” he said.
working on integrated tourism de-
velopment based on 15-destination J.K. Mohanty, Chairman, HRAO; Express should be extended up to “Convention/ M!CE Tourism pro- erators reimbursement for foreign port, said, “Odisha is being given
masterplan to develop diverse tour- Chairman, IATO Eastern Region; Puri. Domestic flight connectivity motion, especially for the state of promotion trips/ foreign roadshow utmost priority by central govern-
ism platforms in the state. Apart Co-Chairman, FICCI Travel, Tour- from/ to Bodh Gaya, Pune. Udaipur Odisha should be taken up on prior- participation should be increased ment for different UDAN schemes.”
from sustainable infrastructure de- ism & Hospitality Committee ; Con- & Allahabad. International Airport ity basis. Tribal Tourism promotion from `75,000 to at least `2-2.5
velopment, we are branding Odisha venor, WTC Bhubaneswar Tourism in Puri will be expedited as one of in conjunction with neighbouring lakh. The Annual IATO convention in Debjit Dutta, Chairman, IATO –
as a diverse tourism hub. The Gov- & Hospitality Think Tank & CMD, the major airports in Eastern India, states should be taken up. Similar 2025 will be held in Puri,” he said. West Bengal Chapter; Sanjit Bhat-
tacharya, Director Sales – North &
The second technical session at East India, Indigo Airlines; Gagan
the conclave focused on ‘Develop- Sarangi, Chairman, IATO Odisha
ing East India Circuit’, which was Chapter and Debasish Mishra, Di-
moderated by Debasis Patnaik, rector, Pure Trip & VP, EKTTA also
MD, Crown & Founder, Dalma Res- addressed the session.
taurant Chain.
The third session was
Speaking at the session Sagnik on Strengthening Eco-Tourism,
Chowdhury, Regional Director, which saw Yugabrata Kar, Direc-
India Tourism, clarified that Ko- tor, Heritage Tours Orissa saying
raput has been declared as one that strategies must be formulated
of the 50 priority destinations by to pitch Odisha tourism in a way
the Ministry of Tourism, GOI and that it sells better, generates more
another destination in Odisha revenue and invite active in-bound

ernment of Odisha is committed Swosti Group of Hotels delivered along with another airport in Gan-
towards sustainable tourism sector the welcome address. He said, “At jam district. Mega Convention Cen-
with much focus on augmentation least two destinations from Odisha tre will be constructed under the
of livelihood of the local communi- must be on the GoI list of Dekho banner of World Trade Center Bhu-
ties,” he said. baneswar, which has been over-
due. Ministry of External Affairs,
The event had technical sessions
to address the challenges in the
One luxury train like Government of India, must expedite
revamping tourism offices in Indian
sector and to accelerate tourism Deccan Queen & embassies/ consulates with right
in the state. The panelists touched
upon many crucial topics. The at-
Maharajah Express knowledgeable manpower.”

tendees included tour operators, must be introduced A number of senior stakeholders

decision makers, industry mem-
bers, hoteliers, travel agents, civil
in Odisha from attended the event and shared their
views at the conclave.
aviation authorities and government Kolkata as there is
officials. The Chief Guest of the pro-
shortage of trains Need for resilience yet to be declared. “Ministry of tourism in the state. “USP genera-
gram was Sujeet Kumar, Member
of Parliament, Rajya Sabha, who on this route
Puneet Chhatwal, MD & CEO,
IHCL, said that the tourism and
Koraput has been Tourism has come up with Yuva
Tourism Clubs, which reach out
tion and diversification is a must
to create a holistic image of the
deliberated on various factors. He travel sector must come up as the declared as one to institutions and colleges to state. Tour Guide training pro-
said that there is a need to focus
on 41 heritage sites of our coun- Apna Desh 2.0 where 51 destina-
emerging sector in the country.
“Resilience of the sector is need of
of the 50 priority conduct excursions, activities,
study tours, as students can be
grammes to be initiated at a larger
scale," Kar said.
try to compete with countries like tions from India will be developed the hour. Tourism sector must act destinations by the best ambassadors in uphold-
Singapore and other South-East
Asian countries in terms of inbound
as major tourist destinations in the
country. At least one G-20 meet
as the major employment generator
with 126 million new job opportuni-
the MOT and ing the tourism flag of our country.
More stakeholders should opt for
Among others who addressed the
session included Anshu Pragyan
tourism. “Improve infrastructure, related to tourism sector should ties globally in the next decade and another site in the STCI (Sustainable Tourism Das, DFO, Hirakud Wildlife Division,
hygiene, sanitation issues in the
state. Proactive measures should
happen in Odisha. One luxury train
like Deccan Queen & Maharajah
India contributing to almost 20 per
cent of it,” he said.
Odisha yet to Criteria for India) Certification.
Odisha investors in tourism sector
(Sambalpur – Bargarh Districts
of Odisha), Department of Forest,
be taken for optimal budget al- Express to be introduced in Odisha be declared must participate in Global Tourism Government of Odisha; Mrinalika
location for tourism industry to from Kolkata as there is shortage Star category hotels Investors Summit at Delhi in May Bhanj Deo, Managing Director,
address post-pandemic effects of trains on this route. To acceler- Rajiv Mehra, President, IATO, said this year,” he said. The Belgadia Palace, Mayurbhanj;
on the sector,” he said. Surendra ate Buddhist Tourism in the state, that more star category/ luxury ho- conjunction must be done for Bud- Sila Siba Prasad, Joint Secretary,
Kumar, Additional Chief Secretary, develop basic infrastructure in Bud- tels in Odisha are need of the hour, dhist Tourism with neighbouring Prasanna Pradhan, Airport Direc- HRAO and Anil Dhir, Historian &
Department of Tourism, Govern- dhist Circuit. The Mahaparinirvan especially around Chilika lake area. states. Indian hotelier/ tour op- tor, Biju Patnaik International Air- President, INTACH Odisha.

april 1 st Fortnight issue 2023 23

‘Unlocking new era of cruise travel’
In order to harness the potential in Indian market, the Singapore Tourism Board (STB) organised a Cruise Conclave that
saw thought leaders and decision-makers from across the travel and lifestyle industries to discuss ways to understand the
changing travellers of today, and how businesses can evolve to meet their demands in the new consumer marketplace.
Hazel Jain ing amenities and supporting sus- its brand-new SingapoRewards to be tourism destination today, and
tainability, all of which are enticing scheme, which offers complimen- engaging the Early Career segment

he Singapore Tourism Board more cruise lines to our shores. tary, hidden-gem experiences to in India,” Wong added.
(STB) organised a Cruise Singapore has established itself all international visitors. This invi-
Conclave in Mumbai – a as a major player in the domestic tation to experience Singapore’s Cruise lines discuss opportunities
thought-leadership platform where and global cruise industry.” He said reimagined destination offerings Also present at the conclave was
it brought together some of the that one key selling point of cruising complements the dynamic life- Diksha Batra, Assistant Vice Presi-
leading voices and minds from in Southeast Asia is the port calls style experiences that Indian cruise dent, India Sales, Resorts World
across the tourism and lifestyle across the region. “Port calls are travellers – including millennial and Cruises, who addressed the audi-
industries. They discussed how the essential to the appeal of cruises Gen Z travellers - can leverage in ence. “Post pandemic we have
nature of today’s Indian consumer and its resumption is an important seen a panoramic shift in the entire
is changing and how to engage the milestone,” he added. travel network, so for us it was an
travellers of tomorrow on the multi- excellent platform to share ideas
faceted nature of cruising. Highlighting some of the new initia-
Of the 6.86 lakh to elevate the FlyCruise business
GB Srithar addresses the gathering at Cruise Conclave in Mumbai
tives for the trade, Renjie Wong, Indian visitors, from India, and venture into new
Singapore considers India as an
important source market in the
rector for India, Middle East, South
Asia & Africa, Singapore Tourism
choice for cruising among Indians,
Srithar added, “Singapore's cruise
Area Director, India, South Asia &
Middle East, STB, said, “We work
49,000 entered opportunities that we can tap. This
could be in the form of weddings,
cruise space. In 2019, Singapore Board (STB), said that of the 6.86 tourism industry has undergone a in close partnership with the travel Singapore via sea – social events, or themed cruises,”
welcomed 1.6 lakh Indian cruise
vacationers, making India its num-
lakh Indian visitors, 49,000 entered
Singapore via sea – an encouraging
massive transformation in recent
years, with the country investing in
trade and have created a Cruise
Development Fund for them. This
an encouraging sign she said.

ber one overseas cruise source sign that Indian cruise holidaymak- infrastructure and initiatives to at- grant scheme supports the invest- that Indian cruise Sneha Choksi, Senior Business
market. In 2022, cruise travel re-
started with two ships home-port-
ers are coming back to Singapore
for its cruise options. The array of
tract more cruise passengers and
cruise lines. Today, the city-state
ments that travel agents are doing
to promote cruise products from
holidaymakers are Development Associate, Tirun
Travel Marketing, said, “Cruising
ed year-round – the Genting Dream offerings for cruisers also include stands to benefit from the increase Singapore to their clients, and is re- coming back has taken off rapidly since the re-
by Resorts World Cruises, and the the likes of award-winning cruise in tourists and spending, due to its ally a way for us to say that we are opening of borders and this season
Spectrum of the Seas by Royal Ca- line TUI, homeported in Singapore strategic location, state of the art in this together to further penetrate is also looking positive. We are put-
ribbean International. Speaking at on a seasonal basis. infrastructure, and air connectiv- the Indian cruise market.” Singapore. “This conclave builds ting up focused strategies for Royal
the Conclave, themed ‘Reimagine ity to the Asia-Pacific and the rest on our strategy in the market, with Caribbean to better market it to the
The Future – Unlocking the New Era Sharing some points on why Sin- of the world. We have focused on At the recently concluded ITB a key focus on engaging the travel audience. Cruising is no more only
of Travel’, GB Srithar, Regional Di- gapore has grown to be a popular increasing infrastructure, enhanc- Berlin, the STB also launched trade, re-imagining what it means about product presentations.

Vietnam Airlines adds flights M!CE rise triggers talent hunt Contd from page 3
Vietnam Airlines has announced three additional flights to their existing
hospitality industries, the panel Highlighting two major challeng- the booking process but also
schedule of four flights a week, making it a daily flight service between discussion witnessed highly es for TMCs, Gaurav Nagwekar, accommodate the company poli-
Delhi-Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City effective 26 March 2023. animated and forward-looking Head, Corporate Travel, Reliance cies and rules around it.”
conversation around—the right Industries, explained, “Talent is
fit TMC—a myth or reality? The an area where TMCs are losing Plug-in & play
TT Bureau subject touched upon the right their pulse.” Underlining how one supplier

he new flight schedule pro- pain points and attracted varied cannot bring everything under
vides non-stop flight services yet insightful perspectives from Collaboration the roof, Nair asked the corporate
with four non-stop flights a the panellists and audience alike. Delving into the complexity of representatives if they are ready
week on every Monday, Wednes- processes, Ashish Arpit, CEO, to create the framework wherein,
day, Friday and Sunday between New challenges Itilite, explained, “Booking is one they allow the people to plug and
Delhi & Hanoi and three non-stop Riding on the rising demand for aspect of digitization program. integrate into their system. Agree-
flights every week on every Tues- in-person events, M!CE makes a Before booking there are a series ing with the idea, Nagwekar said,
day, Thursday and Saturday be- big comeback on corporate cal- of workflows, which need to be “Building the framework is critical
endars. With an unspent budget for any corporate in this era.”
and an appetite to connect and
converse, the corporates are RFPs not hot anymore
Daily departures Flight Schedule back with incentive travel and Hotel and airline While the panellists and audi-
from Delhi to From To Flight# Days/Ops ETD ETA
big M!CE groups. Reflecting costs went over ence agreed that it is never
upon the spectacular recovery one size fits all scenario, they
enhance seamless Delhi Hanoi VN 970 1,3,5,7 2335 0540+1 of M!CE, Suraj Nair, Founder, the roof and many differed on the subject whether
connectivity to HAN DEL VN 971 1,3,5,7 1905 2205 Travel Spends, said, “Bouncing of us, heading RFPs of hotels are required or
back from COVID, the business not? “Gone are the days when
Japan, Korea, Delhi
Ho Chi Minh City
Ho Chi Minh City VN 976
Delhi VN 977
2205 started zooming up. Hotel and travel vertical at RFPs are used to be a hot cake,”
China, Australia airline costs went over the roof corporates, are stated Nair. In a major departure
and many of us, heading travel from 2019, most of the corpo-
and other global full service carrier for the discern- on vertical at corporates, are still still grappling with rates accepted that they do not
destinations ing traveler to Vietnam. Travelers may also contact World grappling with these things.” these things ask for RFPs anymore.
Connect Pvt. Ltd. – the appointed While M!CE is back with a bang,
The daily departures from Delhi GSA for Vietnam Airlines in India on the price rise has got many cor- Varma summed up, “The con-
tween Delhi and Ho Chi Minh City, will further enhance seamless con- their email ID vnreservation.del@ porates staring at the pertinent automated and there comes the cept of lower price wins needs to
to meet the demand and facilitate nectivity to Japan, Korea, China, and/ or contact question of how do we control complexity. For instance, the change. It is not the right thing to
travel between the two countries. Australia and other international them on their landline numbers costs? Addressing the ques- kind of approval rules which one push down the supplier on pric-
With night departures from Delhi destinations on the airlines net- +91 11 4103 9747/ 4166 3788/ tion, Nair believed, “The balance company will have, will be very ing. Let the buyer also decide
and early morning arrivals in Hanoi work. More information relating 2373 0390, for real-time informa- of demand and supply over the different from what other compa- what this service costs. Cor-
and/ or Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam to the flight schedule, destination tion on the product, offers and des- period of time is going to bring nies will have. Hence, our focus porates need to see—will that
Airlines is fast becoming preferred network and fares is available tination network. some sanity to the market.” has been to not only automate service be valuable to them.”

24 april 1 st Fortnight issue 2023

CAPA brings together aviation leaders
The CAPA India Aviation Summit 2023, organised from 20-23 March at the Hyatt Regency in New Delhi, brought together more
than 300 influential executives from the Indian and international aviation industry. Organised by the leading aviation advisory and
research practice, CAPA India, the summit featured critical and strategic discussions on industry issues.

april 1 st Fortnight issue 2023 25

61 hotels participate in Accor show
Sixty-one hotels, including big names in international and domestic markets, participated at the much-awaited Accor Showcase, held
recently in Mumbai after a gap of three years of the pandemic. The hospitality event provided travel trade partners an opportunity to
meet a mix of business and resort hotels that cater to all segments such as M!CE, weddings, sports, corporates and leisure.

‘6.9 mn visit India in 2022’

Contd from page 3

Our aim is to make the most of the

Media Partners: opportunities available and promote
tourism through a mission mode
approach that involves active par-
ticipation from state governments,
as well as the convergence of
april 2023 government programs and public-
private partnerships. This summit
Date Event Time
will significantly aid us in achieving
1-3 2nd Tourism Working Group Meeting of G20 10:00 am these goals,” he said.
3-5 World Travel Market Africa 10:00 am
The minister said that after a sig-
3-5 African Tourism Investment Summit 9:00 am nificant growth in tourist arrivals, G. Kishan Reddy, flanked by Arvind Singh and Rakesh Kumar Verma, at the Roundtable Interaction with Heads of Missions
4-6 Azerbaijan International Travel & Tourism Fair 10:00 am which jumped to 6.9 million in
2022 after two years of negative such as Hospitality & Lodging, Well- Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, Lak- galuru, who highlighted the need to
11 IHCL Trade Connect 11:00 am
growth, India is working hard to ness tourism, Adventure tourism, shadweep, Puducherry, Tamil target the tourism sector growth
13 Switzerland Webinar 3:00 pm achieve a resilient growth in the Eco-Tourism, Rural Tourism and Nadu, and Telangana took part in while keeping in mind the
14-16 TRAVELEXPO- Italy 3:00 pm sector. He that the first Global Tour- others. The Minister thanked all the limitation of resources and protect-
ism Investors' Summit is aligned participating Missions for attending ing the ecosystem.
19-20 Texas Travel Expo 9:00 am
19-21 Kazakhstan International Tourism Fair 10:00 am
with India's new national tourism
policy, which is designed to im-
the Roundtable Interaction and in-
vited them to actively participate in
Government of Alok Sharma, Director, Indian In-
23-25 The Great Indian Travel Bazaar-Jaipur 9:00 am prove the competitiveness of the the forthcoming Investors Summit India's aim is to stitute of Tourism and Travel Man-
26-28 ITB India- Mumbai 9:00 am
tourism sector and attract private
sector investments. “International
and be a part of India`s growth and
development in the tourism sector.
make the most of agement (IITTM), said that the aim
behind the regional workshop was
30-4 May Australian Tourism Exchange 11:00 am investors will be able to explore the opportunities to give shape to the concept of sus-
India's tourism and hospitality sec-
tors at the summit, which will also
Hyderabad workshop
Earlier, the Union Ministry of Tour-
available and tainable tourism.

may 2023 facilitate collaboration between ism (MOT), aiming to develop sus- promote tourism Representatives from tourism de-
1-4 Arabian Travel Market Dubai 9:00 am the public and private sectors to
promote growth in the country's
tainable and responsible tourism in
the country, organised the third re-
through a mission partments of various states and UTs
made presentations and highlighted
2-3 ILTM Arabia 9:00 am tourism industry,” he said. gional workshop on ‘Development mode approach their best sustainable tourism prac-
4-7 Seoul International Travel Fair 10:00 am of Sustainable and Responsible tices. They talked about the positive
9-11 TRENZ - New Zealand 9:00 am He also stated that the current in- Tourist Destinations’ in Hyderabad. economic, environmental, social
vestment landscape of the country Senior government officials and the workshop. The event started and cultural impacts of their inter-
17-19 Global Tourism Investors' Summit-Delhi 9:00 am makes it an appropriate destination tourism industry stakeholders with an inaugural speech by ventions such as getting Blue Flag
For more information, contact us at: for investment in various sub sec- from the States/ Union Territory Mohamed Farouk, Regional Certifications to many beaches and
tors of the Indian tourism industry of the Southern region viz. Andhra Director, India Tourism, Ben- economic growth.

26 april 1 st Fortnight issue 2023

fhrai NORWEGIAN CRUISE LINE Etihad Airways
New Delhi Mumbai New Delhi
Sudesh Poddar has been elected as the new President of the Norwegian Cruise Line (NCL) has appointed David J. Herrera UAE’s national airline Etihad Airways has appointed Salil Nath
Federation of Hotel & Restaurant Associations of India (FHRAI) at the re- as the new President. Herrera, who currently serves as NCL’s Chief Con- as General Manager of the Indian Subcontinent. Based in New Delhi,
cently held 66th Annual General Meeting (AGM) in sumer Sales and Marketing Officer, has been with Salil will be responsible for all commercial activi-
New Delhi. During the AGM, the FHRAI members NCLH since 2015, and previously served as a ties across a key cluster for the Etihad network
also elected the new Executive Committee; a Senior Advisor to the CEO and Chairman of within the central region - India, Bangladesh,
24-member team comprising six representa- Prestige Cruise Holdings from 2012 through Sri Lanka, Maldives & Seychelles. Since
tives each from East, North, South and West 2015. Throughout his tenure, Herrera has joining Etihad in 2012, Nath has served as
of India to manage the affairs of the apex in- successfully held a variety of senior leader- the Regional Sales Manager of key sectors
dustry body. Poddar has previously served in ship roles within the organisation, including starting with Bangalore-Hyderabad, followed
the position of Honorary Treasurer in the fed- SVP Brand Finance, Strategy and Consumer by the North and East India. During the
eration. Poddar is a veteran of the Research; SVP Corporate Development for COVID-19 restructuring, he
industry and has been in the NCLH; and President of NCLH China. took on additional respon-
hospitality business since He has played an integral role in sibility of managing Central
1977. He owns many res- positioning NCL as one of the India and Bangladesh &
taurants in Kolkata. world’s leading cruise lines. Seychelles.

Effotel, Sayaji Royal Orchid & Regenta Hotels JW Marriott New Delhi
Sarola Bangalore New Delhi
Harendra Kumar has been appointed as the Director of Op- Vijay Krishnan has been appointed by Royal Orchid & Regenta JW Marriott Hotel New Delhi Aerocity appoints Anurag Mishra
erations at soon-to-open Effotel by Sayaji, Sarola. Kumar started his Hotels as the new Vice President of Operations for South India. A 25- as its new Director of Finance. With more than 15 years of financial
journey with Taj Hotels as Guest Service Associate year veteran of the industry, Vijay has worked for management experience and a comprehensive
post completing his B. Sc. in Hotel Management. many brands such as The Oberoi (Oberoi & understanding of establishing, enhancing, and
Prior to joining Sayaji Hotels, he was associated Trident), The Starwood Hotels (Le Meridien & monitoring financial and accounting func-
with Sterling Holidays as a Resort Manager. In Design hotels), Hyatt International (Regency & tions, Anurag brings unparalleled expertise
his new role, he will lead the opening of Sayaji Alila), and A Relais and Chateaux Golf Hotel to his new role. Prior to this, Anurag served
Hotels’ latest outpost in Maharashtra and aim at (Windsor Golf Hotel & Country Club). He a host of renowned organisations in senior
delivering heartfelt Sayaji moments to the Guests. was responsible for the inception of Aram- roles including working as an Auditor with Vi-
Sarola MIDC is a promising and upcoming indus- ness - Luxury Lifestyle Wilderness Resort at kas Kochhar and Associates - Chartered Ac-
trial micro market. Kumar will help consolidate the Gir National Park in Gujarat. Vijay countant Firm, New Delhi, and Assistant Vice
hotel’s presence in the Maharashtra region graduated from Mangalore President with Genpact. Anurag is a
through the opening of Effotel by Sayaji, University in India with a Bachelor's degree holder in
Sarola. Effotel by Sayaji Sarola houses Bachelor's degree in Hotel Commerce from Lucknow
55 rooms and suites. Management. University and a CA.

Fairfield by Marriott The Den JW Marriott Bengaluru

Kolkata Bengaluru Bengaluru
Abhishek Mukherjee has been appointed as Director of The Den Bengaluru has appointed Poonam Natasha as the Mar- JW Marriott Hotel Bengaluru appoints Sreelakshmi Dinesh
Sales at Fairfield by Marriott Kolkata. With an illustrious career span- keting & Communication Manager. Poonam has a keen eye for devel- as their new Training Manager. Sreelakshmi has been a part of the
ning over 13 years, Abhishek brings with him a vast knowledge and oping and executing successful marketing cam- hospitality industry since 2015 when she be-
understanding of the hospitality sales and mar- paigns, thanks to her extensive background gan her journey as an Industrial Exposure
keting. As the director of sales, he will be in in product and brand management. She Trainee at Taj Bekal Resort & Spa. Since
charge of overseeing and guiding the hotel's brings with her a wealth of experience in then, she has worked with several top
sales team in engaging with other teams the fashion and lifestyle industry, having brands in the hotel industry such as The
to implement successful strategies and completed an MBA in Global Fashion Oberoi Bangalore, Army Institute of Ho-
identifying opportunities for growth. He Media from the International Fashion tel Management and Catering Technol-
completed his graduation in Bachelors in Academy, a Master's degree in Fash- ogy, Bangalore, and Hyatt Centric MG
Hospitality and Hotel Administration from ion Designing from Army Insti- Road Bangalore, handling various
IHM Kolkata and started his tute of Fashion & Design, and a operational activities. Sreelakshmi
career by working with Diploma in Fashion Design- possesses a Master’s degree
The Paul, Bangalore as ing from J.D. Institute of in Business Administration in
Front Office Associate. Fashion Technology. Hotel Management.

Amit Gera, General Manager, Operations, Sayaji Sandra Polo Canudas, Commercial Director Neha Gautam, Assistant Manager (Marketing &
Hotels, exercises to relieve stress, along with meditation (Asia & ME), Palladium Hotel Group, de-stresses by Communications), Hyatt Centric MG Road Bangalore,
and networking with friends. “During the lockdown, I practising a sport. “I have always played sports since says, “Listening to calming music and spending time
learnt the art of video conferencing and tele consultation, I was a child and the pandemic has given me the with my pet are some of the ways in which I unwind
which proved to be very productive. Lockdown also gave opportunity to have a regular schedule. Get some fresh and de-stress. During the lockdown, I took up painting
me a perfect opportunity air running meanwhile and started enjoying
to take time out to read observing sun going it as a hobby. I also
my favourite novels. up or down next to the got the opportunity
We couldn’t travel Mediterranean see is to spend quality time
during lockdown, so my just an incredible boost with my family. It was
next holiday will be to of energy. Moreover, a unique stage of my
Mcleodganj in Himachal during the lockdown, life where I was able to
Pradesh to energize my I have learned to cook cherish each moment
mind and soul. Shimla a bit better!” she says. with my dear ones.
and Manali have been Canudas loves India The lockdown taught
my favorite destinations and says, “During me the importance of
in India and Switzerland all these years of family time and me
outside India because of its travelling to India, I had time. My favourite
lakes, beautiful mountains the opportunity to visit holiday destination in
and snowfalls,” he says. Jaipur and I loved it.” India is Kashmir.”

28 april 1 st Fortnight issue 2023

Accor to enter tier II cities
Pratima Badhwar, Head of Commercial India & South Asia, Accor, is excited
about this year. ‘We will continue with the uptick from domestic markets and
explore the potential of tiered cities this year,’ she adds.
Hazel Jain markets and help us grow busi- on an entirely different strategy trend which is coming up, all
ness from these cities,” she adds. of not only hiring but also what thanks to the OTT platform,”

ccor is “very excited” about we do with regards to retaining Badhwar says.
2023! This is going to be a Action plan for 2023 them. We saw that the new joinees
great year in terms of new One of the biggest outcomes of the were often leaving within the first Sustainability is important
openings, says Pratima Badhwar, pandemic was the much-needed six months. So, we changed the Accor has always been a huge
Head of Commercial India & South ADR corrections after a slump in pattern of engaging them. We are advocate for sustainability. “This
Asia at Accor. “We opened Novotel 2020. Badhwar says Accor will ensuring that we are doing regular is a big initiative for us, and it will
Mumbai Andheri Airport early continue to grow its ADRs. “That is catch-ups with them, taking their become an integral part of our
January. This was the first opening going to be our biggest focus – to feedback, ensuring that they feel delivery. Last year, we decided to
of the year. In March, we are go- drive business via the ADR route. included in the Accor family.” get rid of all our single-use plastic
ing to open two more hotels – we Occupancies are building strongly across our hotels. We have done
are opening the ibis in Thane and a and demand is coming in strongly Weddings and that. We are now working on go-
Novotel in Jodhpur that will expand as well. So, we are going to maxi- entertainment segments ing into deeper sustainable mea-
our footprint in Rajasthan. In terms mise that demand across all chan- Weddings will continue to be one sures – what are we doing with
of luxury, our Raffles Udaipur is of the focus segments for Accor our purchasing, and where are we
in a ramp-up stage right now. We hotels. “It is becoming a bigger buying our raw materials and food
have couple of good luxury hotels
in the pipeline. We have signed up
We are focused and bigger industry and there is a
huge focus as we at Accor are also
supplies from. Are those vendors
also sustainable? So, this is a
Fairmont Udaipur last year, which on our entire growth putting on this segment. Moreover, continuous effort, and we are fully
we will open sometime in 2024,
and have earlier this year signed
strategy. We will G20 is a huge demand generator
in the country right now, which is
committed to driving sustainability
across all our hotels,” she says
up Fairmont in Shimla, which we be about 10,700-odd giving us the right platform on a
are looking to open by early 2026.
Our focus now is to expand and
keys in total for global front to drive business intro
the country. This is not only
diversify across brands, get a lot of the entire portfolio from a M!CE perspective
luxury and lifestyle brands, along
with our premium brands in the
with the new but also from the FIT and
government point of view.
country. We are focused on our openings Visit India Year 2023 will
entire growth pipeline. We will be also give us an impetus
about 10,700-odd keys in total for from an inbound per-
the entire portfolio with the new nels and ensure that we are putting spective. These will be
openings,” she says. the right price to our business. interesting addition to
We are also focusing on keeping the overall mix. Now,
Business from tiered cities the domestic share of our busi- with the corporate
Accor is also going to explore ness intact. We are diversifying business coming
tier-II and III cities. “There is a our segments of business that we back, we are seeing
strong demand coming from are going into. While the corporate good growth from
these markets, specially when it business comes back and that de- there. SMEs will con-
comes to the SME segment. The mand builds back to the 2019 po- tinue to grow, en-
domestic business that we have tentials, there is a huge focus that ter tainment
seen emerge during the pandemic we have put on the SME segment, and sports
has come from this segment from the sports segment, and the wed- are also
cities like Raipur, Bhopal, and In- ding segment. This has given us big seg-
dore. These are some new trend- additional forays to drive additional ments
ing markets for us. We also see demand. We are not putting all our for us
a lot of wedding business come eggs in one basket,” she adds. – a
from these pockets, a lot of busi-
ness from manufacturing compa- Manpower and training issues
nies from these cities. So tiered Talent is hottest topic right now
cities are where we are definitely across verticals and industries and
heading to. In fact, last year we the hospitality sector was one of
signed up two hotels here – one the many to take a severe beating
in Bhopal and one in Indore – both during the pandemic with regards
Novotels. With these hotels we to talent. To tackle this issue, Bad- Pratima Badhwar
will initiate our footprint into these hwar says, “We are now working Head of Commercial India & South Asia at Accor
Postal Reg. No.: DL(ND)-11/6044/2021-22-23; WPP No.: U(C)-178/2021-23 for posting on 1st-2nd and 16th-17th
of the same month at New Delhi GPO, New Delhi-110001, RNI No.: 53492/1991 Date of Publication: 30-03-2023

32 april 1 st Fortnight issue 2023

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