Journal of Global Economics: Effect of Quality Products, Services and Brand On Customer Satisfaction at Mcdonald'S

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Global Ec



omics Journal of Global Economics Priyono, J Glob Econ 2017, 5:2
DOI: 10.4172/2375-4389.1000247
ISSN: 2375-4389

Research Article Open Access

Effect of Quality Products, Services and Brand on Customer Satisfaction

at McDonald's
Priyono Iyon Priyono*
Department of Management, University Pgri Adi Buana, Indonesia
*Corresponding author: Priyono IP, Department of Management, University Pgri Adi Buana, Surabaya, Jawa Timur, Indonesia, Tel: 06281216973515; E-mail:
Received date: February 10, 2017, Accepted date: April 24, 2017, Published date: May 01, 2017
Copyright: © 2017 Priyono IP. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use,
distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


This study aims to identify and examine the influence of service quality, brand image and product quality on
consumer purchasing decisions in Mc. Donald.

This research is explanatory. The number of samples was 96 respondents taken by purposive sampling method.
Collecting data using questionnaires. Data were analyzed with the validity and reliability, cross tables, simple
regression analysis, regression analysis, and hypothesis testing using the formula t arithmetic and F arithmetic.

The results showed the quality of service positive and significant influence on purchasing decisions, brand image
positive and significant impact on purchasing decisions, product quality positive and significant impact on purchasing
decisions, and service quality, brand image and product quality jointly influence positively and significantly the
purchasing decision.

Keywords Effect of product quality; Brand; Service; Customer incident technique, Archer and Wesolowsky [9] to see how satisfaction
satisfaction with the quality of products and services simultaneously affect
intention owners in the automotive industry [8]. In this case, Bastos
Introduction and Gallego [7] provide evidence that the customer service quality
directly affects customer satisfaction and the satisfaction of directly
Along with the changing times, the business world is currently influencing positive behavioral intentions.
experiencing very rapid progress. It can be seen from the many fast
food restaurants have been opened by entrepreneurs in every major Brand image is presented according to Aaker overall brand formed
cities. With increasingly fierce competition, companies have desire to from information and past experience to the brand. Brand easier for
compete in attracting consumers. Fast food business has been consumers to identify products or services in the level of consumer
progressing very rapidly, the market share of fast food restaurants recognition. The creation of the impression of being one of the basic
Indonesia is quite large. characteristics of the modern marketing orientation that is through
giving more attention as well as the creation of a strong brand. The
Services are increasingly becoming a larger portion of many implications of making it the brand of a product creates an image of
organizations' regional, national, and global and is considered as a the product itself in the minds of consumers' minds and makes the
means to an income stream. knowledge-intensive business services underlying motivations for consumers to choose a product [10]. For
today require reliable method of measurement, assessment and that brand can be one of the factors that should be considered by
refinement (Spohrer and Maglio, 2008) quality of service is determined consumers in making purchasing decisions.
by calculating the difference between the two values where the result of
better service quality in a small gap [1]. Johnston et al. conducted a Quality has been defined as fitness for use, or the extent to which a
comprehensive empirical experiments on dimensions of quality of product is successfully serve the needs of consumers [11]. Customer
service offered by Parasuraman et al. [2,3] in the top ten in the UK service is one of the processes that organizations performing
service organization. At first, they presented a list of 12 factors, and companies given the growing competition and to attract
then with more research is done, they offered a list of 18 factors. In entrepreneurial opportunities to improve profitability and better access
addition, many researchers have presented different models to test the to markets and increase customer satisfaction and loyalty levels [12].
quality of banking services, by inspiring of the model serve equal. Despite the importance of quality of service, so far few studies have
Kotler and Armstrong [4] states that the product quality is the been done in this field in Iran, but many studies have been conducted
ability of a product to perform its functions include durability, outside Iran. At least 293 important articles were written from 1976 to
reliability, accuracy, ease of operation and repair as well as other 1995 on the quality of service. Meanwhile, if we consider the articles
valuable attributes. Proponents of this theory include researchers such were quality of service is part of the article; this number will be 4000
as Yi [5]; Bloemer and Kasper [6]; Bastos and Gallego [7]; Chai et al. article. Thus clearly show the importance of quality of service, and the
[8]. So far, few studies discusses the influence of customer service and attention of researchers for this topic [13].
product quality to customer satisfaction has been using the critical

J Glob Econ, an open access journal Volume 5 • Issue 2 • 1000247

ISSN: 2375-4389
Citation: Priyono IP (2017) Effect of Quality Products, Services and Brand on Customer Satisfaction at McDonald's. J Glob Econ 5: 247. doi:

Page 2 of 4

To attract consumers in large numbers, the company has always Research instruments questionnaires
demonstrated the superiority of the products owned and satisfying
service its customers. That's because consumers always want the According Sugiyono [15] questionnaire is a technique of data
quality of the product in terms of taste, cleanliness and service. One collection is done by giving a set of questions to respondents to answer
fast-food restaurants from America which has spread in Indonesia, the researchers used a Likert scale in Sugiyono [15] by calculating the
namely Mc Donald's. continues to innovate in its products to attract weight of each question. That amount will then be used as study
customers and compete in the business world. variable weights of respondents rated the following details:
Strongly agree by weight 5
Research Methods Agreed by weight 4

Population Hesitation is weighted 3

Disagreeing is weighted 2
According Sugiyono [14] population is generalization region
consisting of objects /subjects that have certain qualities and Strongly disagree is weighted 1
characteristics are set by investigators to be learned and then drawn
conclusions. Thus the population in this study is that consumers in the Data analysis techniques
Mc Donald's Palembang.
Testing Instrument research
Samples Uji validity and reliability: Validity and reliability questions were
conducted to determine the research results are valid and reliable, the
According Sugiyono (2012: 81) the sample is part of the number and
necessary instruments valid means of measuring instruments used to
characteristics possessed by the population. In determining the sample
obtain data (measures) that valid. While reliable instrument is an
if the population is large and the amount is not known, according to
instrument which, when used several times to measure the same
the Primitive (1996: 34) used the formula: n=Z²/4 (Moe) ²
object, will generate the same data. To test the validity and reliability of
Where: n=number of samples, Z=normal distribution rate at the instrument (questionnaire), the researchers used the help of a
significance level of 5%=1.96, Moe=Margin of Error, which is the software program SPSS (Statistical Package for Social) version 20.0.
maximum sampling error rate that can be tolerated or is desired. By
Uji classical assumption
using a margin of error of 10%, the minimum number of samples that
can be taken by: Test multicollinearitas: Test multicollinieritas means between
independent variables with each other independent variables in the
n=1,962/4 (0,10)2=96,04 or 96
regression model of a relationship nearly perfect or perfect relationship
The sampling technique in this research is done by accidental [16].
sampling that is part of the technique of nonprobability sampling is a
Test autokolerasi: Autocorrelation can be defined as the influence of
form of sampling by coincidence, that anyone who happened to meet
variables performance model through an interval/happening
with researchers and considered fit to be the source of the data will be
correlation between her random tool [16]. To detect the symptoms of
sampled this study [15]. By what criteria do purchase at least three
this autocorrelation can be used to test the Durbin Watson Test.
times in Mc Donald's Palembang.
Test heterokedastisitas: This test aims to determine whether the
Variables operational research and definitions regression model variants occur inequality of residual one observation
to another observation remains then called and if different
Variables homokedastisitas called heterokedastisitas.
Quality Products (X₁) Normality test: This assumption test aims to test whether a
The respondent's perception about the quality of products Mc regression model residuals of the regression equation has a normal
Donald's Palembang distribution or not. A good regression model is to have a data
distribution normal or nearly normal. According to Hasan and Iqbal
Brand (X₂) [16] means for detecting normality is:
Perceptions of respondents about the brand Mc Donald's. • If the data are spread around the diagonal line and follow the
Service (X₃) direction of the diagonal line regression models meet the
assumptions of normality.
Perceptions of respondents would be of service received by
• If the data are spread far from the diagonal or does not pick
customers for utilizing the services of
following the direction of the diagonal line of the regression
Mc Donald's Palembang. models do not meet the assumption of normality.
Variable bound Data analysis using regression: Data obtained from the
questionnaire will be analyzed using statistical methods Regression in
Customer Satisfaction (Y)
aids in the SPSS program. Statistical methods were used to determine
Perceptions of respondents about consumer satisfaction with the the relationship of the independent variables (Independent) and the
services received by consumers for utilizing the services of Mc dependent variable (Dependent), which aims to predict and estimate
Donald's. the value of the dependent variable in relation to the particular
independent variable. Once the relationship between the two variables

J Glob Econ, an open access journal Volume 5 • Issue 2 • 1000247

ISSN: 2375-4389
Citation: Priyono IP (2017) Effect of Quality Products, Services and Brand on Customer Satisfaction at McDonald's. J Glob Econ 5: 247. doi:

Page 3 of 4

were observed in the form of a linear relationship, then the model The test results obtained F count F=20.720 with sig. 0,000
(linear) can be formulated in general terms: (0,000≤0.05), the Rejected Ho and Ha accepted. Which means that the
hypothesis that "the quality of products, brands and services affects
Y=a+1. 1+2. 2+3 .3
customer satisfaction at Mc Donald's Palembang" unacceptable
Hypothesis testing significantly.
Simultaneous Test (Test F) Based on statistical analysis shows that the "quality of products,
brands and services affects customer satisfaction at Mc Donald's
Testing is done through the test by comparing f F_ (arithmetic)
Palembang". This can be explained, in terms of products according to
(F_h) with F_ (table) (F_t) at α 0.05. The hypothesis is accepted if the
Kotler and Armstrong [4] is: "A product as anything that can be
test results show (F_h> F_t) or the price obtained p <0.05.
offered to a market for attention, acquisition, use or consumption and
that might satisfy a want or need". This means that the product is
Data Analysis and Discussion everything that is offered to the market to get attention, purchased,
used, and which can satisfy the desires or needs of consumers.
Multiple linear regression
This means that the product - the product Mc. Donald's have quality
From the results of multiple linear regression analysis obtained by products that can satisfy its customers, the product quality is the thing
the magnitude of the constant and the magnitude of the regression to get a major concern of the company or the manufacturer, because
coefficients for each variable is as follows: the quality of the products is closely related to issues of consumer
satisfaction that is the purpose of marketing activities undertaken by a
Y=8,463+0,316 X1+0,142 X2+0,163 X3
company. Each company must have a high level of quality in order to
The results of the equation, it can be explained as follows: improve their businesses and maintain the position of its products in
the market. With the satisfaction by the consumer, then the better the
• Constants (a)=8.463, showing the extent of consumer satisfaction,
product position in the competition, because the more desirable,
if the quality of products, brands and services at zero, then
sought-after and requested by consumers. In terms of brands, Kotler
customer satisfaction will be at 8.463 units.
(2003: 115) argues that the brand is a name, term, sign, symbol, or
• The regression coefficient of 0.316 product quality, shows the design, or a combination of the whole, which aims to identify the
influence of product quality to customer satisfaction, the goods or services of a group of sellers and to differentiate their
regression coefficient is positive demonstrate unidirectional products from competitors.
influence product quality to customer satisfaction, which means
that every increase of one - unit of product quality will lead to This suggests the establishment of an emotional connection between
increased customer satisfaction by 0,316 units. consumers and Mc Donald's Palembang, so consumers will not easily
• The regression coefficient of 0.142 brands, underlining the brand switch to a competing brand that even though the competitor
influence on consumer satisfaction, the regression coefficient is producing similar products is not likely to produce the same emotional
positive indicates the direction of the brand influence consumer bond.
satisfaction, which means that every increase of one - unit of the In terms of services, According to Kotler [17] definition of service is
brand will lead to increased customer satisfaction by 0,142 units. any action or activity that can be offered by one party to another, in
• The regression coefficient of service equal to 0.163, showed the order to meet consumer needs and desires in order to achieve
influence of service to customer satisfaction, the regression customer satisfaction in itself. Professionalism, alertness and speed of
coefficient is positive indicates the direction of the service affects the employee as well as the facilities provided Mc Donald's Palembang
customer satisfaction, which means that every increase of one - in providing services make consumers feel satisfied.
service unit will lead to increased customer satisfaction by 0.163
units. Conclusions and Recommendation
• The correlation coefficient (R) of 0.635; shows that there is a strong
relationship between the quality of products, brands and services Conclusion
with customer satisfaction.
• The coefficient of determination (R square) of 0.403. This shows Based upon the review and statistical analysis of the data obtained
that the variable quality of products, brands and services provide in order to test the hypothesis proposed in this study, the authors infer
variations or able to contribute to variable customer satisfaction by things that the quality of products, brands and services affects
40.3%, while the remaining 59.7% is caused by other variables not customer satisfaction at Mc Donald's Palembang, the F test results
included in the study. obtained F count=20.720 with sig. 0,000 (0,000 ≤ 0.05), the Rejected
Ho and Ha accepted. Which means that the hypothesis that "the
quality of products, brands and services affects customer satisfaction at
Mc Donald's Palembang" unacceptable significantly.
To test the hypothesis that "The quality of products, brands and
services affects customer satisfaction at Mc Donald's Palembang" using Suggestion
the Test-F. Some steps are performed on the test- f are as follows:
Referring to the analysis of hypotheses and conclusions, the authors
• If the value of Sig. ≤ 0.05 Declined So Ho and Ha accepted. Which suggest that the quality of products, brands and services affects
means that the hypothesis testing proved significantly. customer satisfaction at Mc Donald's Palembang, then you should Mc
• If the value of Sig. >0,05 Then Ho accepted and Ha Rejected. Donald's Palembang to maintain the quality of products, introduce
Which means unproven hypothesis testing significantly. brand Mc Donald's and improve service quality to the maximum in

J Glob Econ, an open access journal Volume 5 • Issue 2 • 1000247

ISSN: 2375-4389
Citation: Priyono IP (2017) Effect of Quality Products, Services and Brand on Customer Satisfaction at McDonald's. J Glob Econ 5: 247. doi:

Page 4 of 4

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J Glob Econ, an open access journal Volume 5 • Issue 2 • 1000247

ISSN: 2375-4389

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