Case Study Renovation of Hotel Alte Post, Tirol
Case Study Renovation of Hotel Alte Post, Tirol
Case Study Renovation of Hotel Alte Post, Tirol
eficient impact noise insulation solu- that all the stipulated work had to be "The experts from Getzner provided
tion. Staff from Getzner were on-site completed by the opening date. valuable input and were on hand to
during the installation to provide ex- lend their support during the installa-
pert advice and support. Thanks to excellent coordination and tion process. By completing every-
seamless interaction with the other thing to schedule we were able to
Bespoke planning, punctually contractors on-site, we were able to open the building on time in
delivered meet the required deadline. Regular November 2013", reported Ing. Harald
construction meetings as well as the Stoll from construction supervisors
Alongside elastic materials, Getzner is perfectly arranged delivery and in- Stoll Wohnen Bau GmbH in Arzl.
also a source of extensive technical stallation of the material undoubtedly
advice on vibration isolation. "With contributed to the successful conclu-
every project we undertake and ana- sion of the project," summarised
lyse exactly what the customer wants project manager Lothar Säly.
and needs in order to work with them
in developing the right solution. To
verify the effectiveness of the actions
taken, we also assist the project with
repeat noise measurements. A major
challenge in the Alte Post project was
Facts and igures at a glance
Renovation of Hotel Alte Post and supermarket extension
Scope of the renovation: 19,500 m3 renovated space References for floating floor
Operator: MPREIS GmbH applications (extract)
general contractor: Stoll Wohnen Bau GmbH, Arzl, Tyrol — Fitness First, Tottenham Court Road,
Appointed acoustic and London, United Kingdom, 2013
vibration technology — Soho Gym, Covent Garden, London,
expert: Fiby ZT-GmbH, Innsbruck, Tyrol United Kingdom, 2013
Impact noise insulation: Getzner Werkstoffe GmbH, Bürs, — Mariinsky Theatre, St. Petersburg,
Vorarlberg Russia, 2012
Services: Planning support, detailed solutions, — Alexandrinsky Theatre, St. Petersburg,
installation supervision, provision of Russia, 2012
impact noise insulation — KIT Campus, Karlsruhe, Germany, 2012
Opened: November 2013 — College in Saarbrücken, Germany, 2012
— Emaillierwerk shopping centre, Fulda,
Getzner Werkstoffe GmbH Germany, 2011
— Ortho Center, South Illinois, USA, 2011
Foundation: 1969 (as a subsidiary of Getzner, — Palace Hotel, fitness studio, kitchen and
Mutter & Cie) hotel rooms, Japan, 2011
Chief Executive Oficer: Ing. Jürgen Rainalter — Harlem Hospital, USA, 2011 CS AP en © Copyright by Getzner Werkstoffe GmbH | 06-2015
AUSTRIA — Bürs GERMANY — Berlin — Munich — Stuttgart FRANCE — Lyon JORDAN — Amman
JAPAN — Tokyo INDIA — Pune CHINA — Beijing USA — Charlotte