El Papel Del Kiwi en El Apoyo Al Bienestar Psicológico
El Papel Del Kiwi en El Apoyo Al Bienestar Psicológico
El Papel Del Kiwi en El Apoyo Al Bienestar Psicológico
The Role of Kiwifruit in Supporting Psychological Well-Being:
A Rapid Review of the Literature
Michael Billows 1,2 , Naomi Kakoschke 1 and Ian T. Zajac 1,2, *
rates remains concerningly low. Global estimates of the treatment gap for depression,
representing the difference between the prevalence of the disorder and the proportion of
individuals treated for depression, suggest more than half (56%) of all individuals with
depression do not receive any treatment [9]. A review paper examining the World Health
Organization’s World Mental Health Surveys reported that 56.7% of individuals with Major
Depressive Disorder identified the need for treatment [10]. Of these, 71.1% had attended
at least one visit to a service provider, however only 41% received treatment that satisfied
minimal standards.
Although depression is diagnosed and treated in health care settings, barriers ex-
ist to professional treatment delivery. Access to treatment providers, costs of treatment,
and demand for services that outstrip supply contribute to low levels of treatment and
high prevalence rates [10]. Fortunately, treatment for depression is not restricted to phar-
macotherapy and psychological interventions. Lifestyle factors such as regular exercise,
positive social supports, stress management, adaptive sleep hygiene behaviours and healthy
dietary patterns have been associated with reduced risk of depression and higher psycho-
logical well-being [11–13]. Moreover, many of these factors are accessible outside of formal
treatment pathways and allow the individual to exercise influence over their psychological
well-being. Supporting the positive consumer perception of the value of lifestyle factors in
moderating mental health outcomes, a recent national survey identified that almost 61% of
respondents took some form of self-initiated action to improve their psychological well-
being [14]. These actions included increasing their level of physical activity (37%), accessing
social supports (24%) and practising relaxation techniques (23%). Recognising growing
public interest in the effect of diet and nutrition on mental health outcomes, more than 20%
of respondents reported changing their diet and 15% initiated vitamin and supplement
intake to maximise their psychological well-being.
1.4. Kiwifruit
Kiwifruit, the commercial designation of plants from the genus Actinidia are a nutrient-
dense fruit that contain high levels of micronutrients including vitamins, minerals, proteins
as well as compounds such as phytonutrients, enzymes and other antioxidants [38]. Impor-
tantly, kiwifruit are recognised for their exceptionally high vitamin C content. The two most
commercially popular and studied varieties are Actinidia chinensis var. chinensis ‘Zesy002’
Zespri® SunGold and Actinidia deliciosa ‘Hayward’ kiwifruit (hereinafter referred to as
gold kiwifruit and green kiwifruit, respectively).
Nutrients 2022, 14, 4657 4 of 14
A growing body of research has demonstrated the putative health benefits associated
with gold and green kiwifruit consumption. Specifically, both varieties have positive
associations with digestive and metabolic health outcomes [43]. More recently, research has
begun to link potential benefits of gold kiwifruit consumption to improved psychological
well-being. A single serve (90 g) of gold kiwifruit delivers more than three times the
recommended daily intake of vitamin C for adults (45 mg/d) and contains almost 70%
more vitamin C than the green kiwifruit (137 mg & 79 mg respectively) [44,45]. When
judged against other commercially popular fruits, the vitamin C content of gold kiwifruit
easily surpasses the levels typically found in oranges (46.9 mg), strawberries (41 mg),
bananas (5 mg), blueberries (3.5 mg) and pineapple (22.5 mg) per single serve [45]. The
high vitamin C content of gold kiwifruit has it well-placed to serve as an important whole
food vector for the delivery of vitamin C, a micronutrient with established associations
with psychological well-being.
2. Aim of Review
The aim of this rapid review is to summarise the available literature from randomized
controlled trials that have examined the impact of kiwifruit interventions on psychological
well-being in adult populations
3. Method
3.1. Research Question
Does kiwifruit consumption support psychological well-being in adult populations
through increased vitamin C intake?
3.2. Design
This review was conducted in line with the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic
Reviews and Meta Analyses (PRISMA 2020 statement) and PRISMA for abstracts [46,47]
with consideration given to applicability of PRISMA 2020 statement items to a rapid review.
The rapid review method was selected as the authors identified a priori that a paucity of
literature existed pertaining to the research question. Furthermore, it was recognised that
this style of review was well suited to introducing primary research articles, informing
clinical practise of the development of new treatments, and responding to specific research
questions, as was the case in the present article [48,49]. Rapid reviews have been shown to
produce similar results compared to systematic reviews, are rooted in the scientific method,
and can offer adequate advice for clinical decision-makers [50–52].
assessment tools (e.g., blood plasma pathology protocols). Studies that reported on vitamin
C concentrations but did not assess psychological well-being were excluded. Eligibility
criteria for inclusion was restricted to articles written in the English language and published
between 2005 to the date of the database search. Restricting the search to English-language
articles located in major bibliographic databases (Table 1.) can produce results comparable
to reviews using more comprehensive searches sans language restrictions and is considered
a viable methodological protocol for rapid reviews [54,55].
Key Concept→
Kiwifruit Mental Health Vitamin C
↓Database (Platform)
MH “Mental health” OR MH Affect
MH Kiwi + OR TI “Kiwi fruit” OR OR MH Depression OR AB Vitality
AB “Kiwi fruit” OR TI Kiwifruit OR TI Vitality OR MH
OR AB Kiwifruit OR TI “Actinidia “Psychological well-being” OR TI
Deliciosa” OR AB “Actinidia “Psychological well-being” OR AB
Deliciosa” OR TI “Actinidia “Psychological well-being” OR TI
MH “Ascorbic acid” +
CINAHL with full text Chinensis” OR AB “Actinidia “Psychological well-being” OR AB
OR TI “Vitamin C” OR
(EBSCOhost) Chinensis” OR TI “Gold kiwifruit” “Psychological well-being” OR TI
AB “Vitamin C”
OR AB “Gold kiwifruit” OR TI “Psychological distress” OR AB
“Green kiwifruit” OR AB “Green “Psychological distress” OR TI
kiwifruit” OR TI Zesy002 OR AB “Mood disturbance” OR AB “Mood
Zesy002 OR TI Sungold OR AB disturbance” OR TI “Mood
Sungold AND improvement” OR AB “Mood
improvement” AND
exp Mental health OR Mental
exp Kiwifruit OR Kiwi fruit.ti,ab health.ti,ab OR exp Affect OR
OR Kiwifruit.ti,ab OR exp Affect.ti,ab OR exp Mood OR
Actinidia OR exp Actinidia Mood.ti,ab OR exp Depression OR
chinensis OR Actinidia Depression.ti,ab OR Vitality.ti,ab
chinensis.ti,ab OR exp Actinidia OR exp Psychological well-being exp Ascorbic acid OR
Embase (Ovid)
deliciosa OR Actinidia OR exp Psychological well-being Vitamin C.ti,ab
deliciosa.ti,ab OR Gold OR Psychological well-being.ti,ab
kiwifruit.ti,ab OR Green OR Psychological well-being.ti,ab
kiwifruit.ti,ab OR Zesy002.ti,ab OR Psychological distress.ti,ab OR
OR Sungold.ti,ab AND Mood disturbance.ti,ab OR Mood
improvement.ti,ab AND
“Mental health” [mh] OR Mental
health[tiab] OR “Affect” [mh] OR
Kiwi fruit[tiab] OR Kiwifruit[tiab] Affect[tiab] OR Mood[mh] OR
OR “Actinidia” [mh] OR Mood[tiab] OR “Depression” [mh]
Actinidia deliciosa[tiab] OR OR Depression[tiab] OR
“Ascorbic acid” [mh] OR
PubMed (NCBI) Actinidia Chinensis [tiab] OR Vitality[tiab] OR Psychological
Vitamin C [tiab]
Gold kiwifruit[tiab] OR Green well-being[tiab] OR Psychological
kiwifruit[tiab] OR Zesy002[tiab] well-being[tiab] OR Psychological
OR Sungold[tiab] AND distress[tiab] OR Mood
disturbance[tiab] OR Mood
improvement[tiab] AND
3.4. Databases
Multiple databases (interface/platform) were utilised in the literature search to max-
imise integrity of the review [48]. CINAHL with full text (EBSCOhost), Embase (Ovid) and
PubMed (NCBI) were searched on 5 July 2022.
terms were arrived at via consensus following review and discussion between MB and
co-authors, NK and IZ. Two studies [56,57] previously identified as pertinent to the re-
search question were reviewed for key words to support formulation of search terms. An
experienced and qualified librarian was engaged to help develop the search strategy and
identify suitable databases and a basic logic grid was created and applied to the individual
databases. Search terms (Table 1) remained consistent across databases with adjustments
made to reflect differences in subject headings, field codes and truncations used within each
database. The three key concepts were combined with AND in the search (i.e., Kiwifruit
AND Mental health AND Vitamin C) to ensure that results mentioned all key concepts in
the same article. The first author was responsible for undertaking the database search.
3.6. Screening
Title, abstract and full text screening of articles were completed by the first author.
4. Results
4.1. Search Outcomes
Nutrients 2022, 14, xTwenty-two
were captured in the initial search of the databases (CINAHL
7 of 15
(n = 3), Embase (n = 11) and PubMed (n = 8). The study selection process is summarised in
the PRISMA flowchart (Figure 1). The citations were exported and combined into a single
library using Endnote 20 software [59]. Full-text documents were retrieved for all articles.
Duplicates removed n = 9
Titles screened n = 13
Commentary n = 1
Summary n = 1
Unrelated to kiwifruit n = 1
Articles for inclusion n = 2
Figure 1. PRISMAFigure
flow 1.
PRISMA of rapid
flow review.
diagram of rapid review.
methodology that considered the relationship between kiwifruit and sleep [67]. Three of
the remaining five articles were removed following full-text screening. These included an
article identified as a commentary on one of the other articles [68], an article providing a
summary of studies that examined nutritional intake and neurocognitive health [69], and
a cross-sectional study that examined the relationship between blood plasma vitamin C
status and psychological well-being without kiwifruit specificity [38]. The remaining two
articles [56,57] were assessed as eligible for inclusion and critical appraisal.
Citation Participants Study Design Intervention Outcome Main Findings
Trend toward decrease in
TMD (p = 0.06) and
depression (p = 0.06) in
2 kiwifruit condition. No
effect in 12 kiwifruit
condition. Participants in
1 2 kiwifruit condition with
with 2 kiwifruit/d
Males (n = 35), 5-wk lead-in, higher baseline TMD
Carr et al. randomized (n = 18), POMS–TMD;
Mean age = 6-wk experienced decrease in
(2013) [52] parallel-arms, 2 kiwifruit/d plasma vitamin C
21 ± 3 years intervention TMD (p = 0.03), decrease in
no control (n = 17)
fatigue (p = 0.05), increase in
vigour (p = 0.02) and trend
(p = 0.07) toward decrease in
depression. Significant
increase (p < 0.0001) in
venous vitamin C in both
Decrease in TMD (p = 0.03)
in kiwifruit condition.
Increase in well-being in
2 Gold
kiwifruit (p = 0.02) and
Males and Randomized supplement condition
(n = 57),
females placebo- 2-wk lead-in, (p = 0.09). Decrease in
1 Vitamin C POMS-SF TMD;
Conner et al. (n = 167, 61% controlled 4-wk fatigue (p = 0.052) at week 2
supplement/d MFSI; WEMWBS;
(2020) [51] female), experimental intervention, of intervention in kiwifruit
(n = 56), plasma vitamin C
Mean age = design with 2-wk washout condition. Increase in
1 Placebo
21 ± 3 years comparator venous vitamin C
(p < 0.0001) in kiwifruit and
(n = 54)
supplement condition(s).
No effects observed in
placebo condition.
POMS-SF = profile of mood states-short form (35-item), TMD = total mood disturbance, MFSI = multi-dimensional
fatigue symptom inventory, WEMWBS = Warwick Edinburgh mental well-being scale, POMS = profile of mood
states (65-item).
Carr et al. [57] investigated the potential mood-enhancing properties of gold kiwifruit
in young adult males (N = 35) with sub-optimal vitamin C concentrations at screening using
a parallel-arms design. Participants were randomized to receive either one half of a gold
kiwifruit per day or 2 gold kiwifruit per day across a 6-week intervention period following
a 5-week lead-in. Psychological health as indicated via mood (65-item POMS) and plasma
Nutrients 2022, 14, 4657 8 of 14
vitamin C assessment was completed at baseline and at the end of the intervention period.
Following the intervention, participants (n = 17) supplemented with 2 gold kiwifruit per
day displayed a trend towards a 35% decrease in total mood disturbance (p = 0.061) and
depression (p = 0.063) on the POMS. A sub-group analysis of participants (n = 8) in the two
kiwifruit/d condition with higher-than-average baseline total mood disturbance revealed
a 38% decrease in mood disturbance (p = 0.029), a 38% decrease in fatigue scores (p = 0.048),
a 31% increase in vigour (p = 0.023) and a 34% decrease in depression trending toward
significance (p = 0.075). No effect on mood scores was observed in participants (n = 9) in
the two kiwifruit/d condition with lower-than-average baseline total mood disturbance
scores. Analysis of participants (n = 18) in the 12 kiwifruit per day condition revealed no
effect of the intervention on mood outcomes. Plasma vitamin C concentrations increased
significantly in both the low-dose and high-dose conditions following the intervention;
however, a 15-fold increase in urinary vitamin C excretion was observed in the high-dose
condition suggesting plasma ascorbate saturation for the high-dose group only.
Conner et al. [56] employed a randomized, placebo-controlled trial examining the
effects of gold kiwifruit on psychological well-being and subjective vitality. Young adults
(N = 167, 61% female) aged 18–35 years with sub-optimal plasma vitamin C (<40 µmol/L)
were randomized to receive either 2 gold kiwifruit per day, a daily 250 mg vitamin C supple-
ment or a placebo tablet (1 tablet/day) across the 28-day intervention period, book-ended
by two-week lead-in and two-week washout periods. Participants completed psychological
well-being (POMS-SF, MFSI & WEMWBS) and fasting plasma vitamin C assessments at
fortnightly intervals throughout the 8-week trial. Participants who consumed gold ki-
wifruit reported significant (p = 0.03) improvements in mood and well-being during the
intervention period; and well-being improvements (p = 0.02) persisted during washout.
Participants in the supplement condition exhibited non-significant improvements in well-
being and decreased fatigue across the intervention period. Participants in the kiwifruit
and supplement conditions returned significant improvements in plasma vitamin C. No
effects on any outcomes were observed in the placebo condition.
5. Discussion
The purpose of this review was to identify and describe studies that have examined
the potential role of kiwifruit in supporting psychological health and well-being in adult
populations. The review identified a very small but promising body of work that provided
preliminary evidence of benefits to psychological well-being from consumption of gold
kiwifruit. The search did not reveal any studies that had examined the effect of green
kiwifruit on psychological well-being. This is not surprising given the substantial difference
in vitamin C concentrations between the green and gold cultivars (79 mg and 137 mg
per 90 g serve, respectively) and the recognised links between vitamin C intake and
mental health [37,44]. The primary findings reported in the studies identified in the review
were that consumption of gold kiwifruit tended to improve overall mood in young adult
males with sub-optimal vitamin C concentrations and moderate mood disturbance [57];
and that vitamin C intake via gold kiwifruit improved subjective vitality, and conferred
additional benefits compared to a vitamin C supplement in adults with suboptimal vitamin
C status [56].
Strengths of the two studies [56,57] in the current review included the use of validated
and reliable measures of psychological well-being and plasma vitamin C concentrations,
recruiting participants with sub-optimal vitamin C levels, comprehensive screening proto-
cols, lead-in periods to stabilise dietary intake, and intervention periods of sufficient length
to assess reliable indices of change from the intervention. The findings in Conner et al. [56]
are strengthened by the inclusion of a placebo and comparator group, as well as multiple
assessment timepoints across the trial. Nevertheless, the generalisability of results from
the two studies is limited by several factors. These include the small sample size (N = 35)
of young adult males and the small sample size (n = 8) included in sub-analyses [57],
restricting recruitment to otherwise healthy adults aged 18–35 years old [56,57] and lack of
Nutrients 2022, 14, 4657 9 of 14
a washout period [57]. Furthermore, micronutrients (i.e., folate, zinc, selenium, magnesium
and serotonin) found in gold kiwifruit that have been implicated in the pathophysiology
of depression [71–74] were not isolated or measured by either study, leaving the potential
relative contribution to mood outcomes from these nutrients undetermined.
As with most whole food nutrition trials, blinding of participants and researchers
to condition allocation is virtually impossible [71] and both studies were not immune to
this challenge. One study [56] did incorporate double-blinding, but only between the
placebo and comparator conditions and not in the active intervention. Non-blinding is-
sues notwithstanding, and although not directly addressed by Carr et al. [57], the authors
may have nullified any placebo effect with the inclusion of the low-dose intervention
condition. Delivering an intervention at non-therapeutic levels is an established method-
ology to isolate the curative agent as the only difference between the groups receiving
the intervention [75,76]. Carr et el. [57] recruited participants with sub-optimal vitamin
C levels (≤50 µmol/L) and delivered 53 mg of vitamin C to participants in the low-dose
condition, well below the estimated intake (83.4 mg) required to achieve optimal plasma
concentrations (>50 µmol/L) [77]. Results support the authors’ choice to deliver 53 mg
as the non-therapeutic dose with results demonstrating that although vitamin C concen-
trations increased significantly between baseline and post-intervention in the low-dose
condition, participants remained vitamin C-deplete (46 µmol/L) at the end of the trial.
Similar, non-therapeutic effects have been reported in other studies delivering 50 mg as a
low-dose vitamin C intervention [78]. Others [79] have taken issue with the randomization
protocols used by Conner et al. [56] and proposed that a mix of randomisation methods
were employed (i.e., stratification and block randomisation), and that some participants
were not randomly allocated to groups thereby reducing the strength of causal inferences
that might be drawn from results.
Generalisability of results to other populations (e.g., adults 35+ years, non-students,
adults with moderate mood disturbance or different ethnicities) remains problematic.
Applicability of results to both sexes remain limited as only one of the studies [56] included
female participants. Taken together, results from Carr et al. [57] and Conner et al. [56]
highlight the potential mood and vitality-enhancing properties of gold kiwifruit and
offer a tantalising taste of its utility as a whole-food vector for vitamin C delivery in
some adult populations. The differences in effects observed between whole-food and
supplement-delivered vitamin C suggest that there are quantifiable, additional benefits
from whole fruit over-and-above those conferred by supplements in otherwise healthy
adults [56]. Likewise, the enhanced mood and vitality outcomes observed in individuals
with greater psychological distress demand further attention and greater individuation of
the therapeutic benefits of the panoply of nutrients found in gold kiwifruit.
The scarcity of research exploring the relationships between kiwifruit and psychologi-
cal well-being offers a range of possibilities for future research. First, given the significant
burden of mental illness, it is necessary to replicate the current findings in larger ran-
domized controlled trials involving participants with elevated psychological distress and
sub-optimal vitamin C status. Second, opportunity exists to extend research to include
child, adolescent, middle-aged and elderly cohorts. Third, given the burden of mental
health disorders globally, preliminary evidence of benefits of kiwifruit consumption on
psychological health should be extended to populations with clinical or at least sub-clinical
symptoms of psychopathology to examine potential benefits of increased kiwifruit con-
sumption, and therefore vitamin C intake, on mental health symptoms and psychological
well-being. This is particularly important because the overall influence of kiwifruit on
mood outcomes may depend on severity of underlying mental health conditions. Fourth,
emerging concepts at the nexus of epigenetics and nutrition such as the influence of diet
and nutrient intake in epigenetic regulation and individual differences in response to
hypo-nutrition warrant ongoing investigation of the role of essential micronutrients, such
as vitamin C, on physiological and psychological outcomes. This would support the de-
Nutrients 2022, 14, 4657 10 of 14
6. Conclusions
The aim of this review was to examine the available literature from randomized
controlled trials and intervention studies that have investigated the associations between
kiwifruit and psychological well-being in adult populations. This review is the first to
examine the discrete relationship between kiwifruit, recognised for its exceptionally high
vitamin C concentration, and psychological well-being. Results from the two studies
concord with previous research that has equivocally established the relationships between
vitamin C intake and mental health. Despite the small number of studies included in the
review, results warrant further investigations across an expanded range of cohorts and
settings to further determine the impact of gold kiwifruit on psychological well-being.
Recognising the impact of diet, and in particular whole fruit, on not only physiological, but
psychological health, gold kiwifruit may yet take its place within a clinical framework as
Nutrients 2022, 14, 4657 11 of 14
an appetising option within the dietary intervention space in the prevention and treatment
of depression.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, M.B., N.K. and I.T.Z.; methodology, M.B., N.K. and I.T.Z.;
validation, M.B., N.K. and I.T.Z.; investigation and formal analysis, M.B.; supervision, I.T.Z.; Writing—
Original draft preparation, M.B.; Writing—Review and editing, M.B., N.K. and I.T.Z. All authors have
read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research was co-funded by Zespri International Ltd., The Commonwealth Scientific
and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO) and the University of Adelaide.
Acknowledgments: The authors acknowledge the Traditional Owners of the land, sea and wa-
ters, of the area that they live and work on across Australia. The authors acknowledge the Tra-
ditional Owner’s continuing connection to their culture, and we pay our respects to their Elders
past and present.
Conflicts of Interest: MB—receives a PhD scholarship co-funded by Zespri International Ltd., Mount
Maunganui, New Zealand. NK—declares no conflict of interest with respect to this article. IZ—
declares no conflict of interest with respect to this article. The funders had no role in the design of the
study; in the collection, analyses, or interpretation of data; in the writing of the manuscript; or in the
decision to publish the results.
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