Ryna Du Plooy
Ryna Du Plooy
Ryna Du Plooy
The fifth dimension, the cultural-historical dimension, is omitted, as it is not relevant in the context of this study.
Subsequently, mathematics assessments have to be created in such a way that they
provide for the demonstration of conceptual grasp in addition to factual recall and
operational efficiency.
Distance Time
“Analogue time” and “digital time” are additional concepts without which the
problem cannot be solved, because the problem statement makes use of both.
In the example above, we question whether the factual recall of the term “average
speed” on its own can ensure the successful solution of the problem. Here much more
understanding is required. We now analyse the above mathematics problem
according to the dimensions of understanding (Usiskin, 2012), relating to each
concept to the level of understanding that it requires. Broad guidelines are given
below as an indication of some possible plotting of concepts onto the matrix, but
through an interactive session we shall enrich this list and amend it with more content
on each level:
The concept “average speed” requires multidimensional mathematical understanding
on different cognitive levels:
a. To understand the meaning of “average speed” and the elements it entails
Cognitive level: factual recall
Mathematical dimension: representation-metaphor
b. To understand the elements that “average speed” entails
Cognitive level: factual recall
Mathematical dimension: property-proof
c. To understand which operation to use to calculate the average speed
Cognitive level: factual recall, conceptual grasp
Mathematical dimension: use-application
d. To understand how to calculate “average speed”
Cognitive level: operational efficiency
Mathematical dimension: skill-algorithm
The concept “distance” needs multidimensional understanding:
a. To understand the role of “distance” in calculating average speed
Cognitive level: factual recall
Mathematical dimension: representation-metaphor
b. To understand which operation to use in calculating the distance
Cognitive level: conceptual grasp
Mathematical dimension: use-application
c. To understand how to calculate “distance” correctly
Cognitive level: operational efficiency
Mathematical dimension: skill-algorithm
The concept “time” needs multidimensional understanding:
a. To understand the role of “time” in calculating average speed
Cognitive level: factual recall
Mathematical dimension: representation-metaphor
b. To understand which operation to use in calculating the time using the
available information
Cognitive level: conceptual grasp
Mathematical dimension: use-application
c. To understand how to calculate “time” correctly
Cognitive level: operational efficiency
Mathematical dimension: skill-algorithm
Following such an analysis, we can, by way of a practical exercise with participants,
map the above mathematics problem on a matrix according to the dimensions of
understanding relating to each concept (Usiskin, 2012), at the level of understanding
that it requires, as follows:
Dimensions of understanding (Usiskin, 2012)
Use / Skill / Representation Property /
Levels of application algorithm / metaphor proof
Factual recall Factual recall Factual recall Factual recall
under- (the rule (eg steps in the (the meaning of (attributes of
standing applicable to the division average speed) average speed)
(Adapted calculation of calculation)
from average speed)
Anderson Operational Operational Operational Operational
& efficiency efficiency efficiency efficiency
(calculating (formulating an
towards a answer km/h)
2001) correct answer)
Conceptual Conceptual Conceptual Conceptual
grasp grasp grasp grasp
(this situation (e.g. what rate
requires entails)
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