Chapter 1
Stress is a common problem in the academic performance among metallum national high school
students in this generation . Today , we face different kinds of stress that can affect in our academic
performance in school . We hear different issues along the campus of the MNHS. We here news that
there are many students who suffer stress that can affect their communication and academic
performance . As a student , who also suffer different kind and level of stress . We suffer tremendous
amount of stress because of the standard and quality education offer in line of the k to 12
curriculum .The sleeping schedule of the students is affected because of the tests and quizzes the
educators give.
In Linao, most especially in MNHS, one of the biggest problem in ABM students is how to handle stress
so that they can be more effective in achieving their goals and dreams. In addition , there are many bad
effects of stress and it's very essential to address it so that we can be productive in school.
Therefore , storage should be aware to the different stress in this community and how to handle it
because a good student will experience struggles before reaching success. This study can be beneficial to
us in order to know and identify the different resources facing the same national high school students
particularly the abm students and also how to handle it. It can benefit in students in addressing this
phenomenon .
The research has not come across a study that is specifically discusses the commons resource fishing
ABM students . Furthermore , this study will be relevant in the concepts that would possibly create an
answer or a solution to a better academic performance in the academic community.
The aim of this phenomenological study is to address the common stressors among ABM students
for the effectiveness in their academic performances . In our generation right now , we encounter
different problem and stressed . This phenomenon cannot be avoided by all students most specifically
among ABM (accountancy business management) students. This is an important domain forefathers
research and an effective channel of intervention for the mental health , physical aspect and etc. There
are many reports and studies that stress has a big impact in the academic performance of ABM
This study has a significant impact in dealing with stress among ABM students. It has different
effect to students that in other cases the ender life just because they think that committing suicide can
be the only answer to escape order streisand problems . The factors that can trigger suicidal having low
academic performance , family problems , bullying , and a low spiritual health and so on.
This study seeks to find the following common stressors that the students are facing . Specifically , this
study will answer the following questions.
1. What are the common stressors of ABM students in terms of the following aspects:
This study focused mainly on the common stressor of ABM students in MNHS-Linao. The study was
limited only to ABM students of MNHS. The respondents are Grade 11 and Grade 12 ABM students of
The study can be helpful for students because strategies can be adapted to help relaxation if it's
before or during a test . Student should also reposed over other times with stress feels overwhelming in
such a way that it decreases the pressure to the students mind and well-being.
In this pandemic time , parents are usually with their children that are the students . They
contain idea on how they can help the children especially on school work by taking some facts from this
Health Organization
Being stress is a part of mental and health illness . The health organizations can provide some
advocacy and activities that will help the students by taking some learnings from this research.
This research is a big help to our government . The government can have an idea and concepts that
will lead to laws and activities that will implement to help the students to fight against stress in the
Future researchers
There are a lot of research findings in this study which may help the future researchers on conducting
another study with a same problem . One advantage of this is that it would help the future researchers
to be aware and knowledgeable of everything that surround us period some other research me have
direct implications for change and the current subsequently beneficial for our society.