Ca Potential Client Intake Form
Ca Potential Client Intake Form
Ca Potential Client Intake Form
Full name:
Home address:
Spouse's (if not the same):
If you have moved to California from another state, name the state and years of residence there and any other states
in which you have resided:
Date you moved to California:
Contact information:
Home phone: Work phone: Fax:
Cell: Email:
Birth date: Birthplace:
Are you a U.S. citizen? Yes No
If U.S. citizen other than by birth, state date of citizenship:
Spouse? Yes No Year of citizenship:
Do you have any grandchildren? Yes No If so, please provide names, ages/birth dates, and names of parents.
Name: Age: Birth date: Names of parents:
Do you presently have a will? Yes No If so, what is the date on the will?
Was it signed in California? Yes No If not, where?
Spouse presently has a will? Yes No If so, what is the date on the will?
Was it signed in California? Yes No If not, where?
Are you a beneficiary, trustee (singly or jointly), or creator of a trust? Yes No If so, what is the date of the
Is your spouse a beneficiary, trustee (singly or jointly), or creator of a trust? Yes No If so, what is the date of
the trust?
Have you signed a prenuptial or postnuptial agreement? Yes No If so, what is the date of the agreement and
name of the spouse involved?
B. Other personal property (everything except liquid assets): private corporation stocks and bonds (publicly listed);
unlisted stocks and bonds; government bills, notes, and bonds; commodities; automobiles; other vehicles
(airplanes, boats, motorcycles, recreational vehicles); precious metals; safe deposit contents; etc.
Item Identification Location Value
C. Real estate: agricultural land; boat/marina slip; cemetery plots; condominiums; cooperatives; timeshares;
duplexes; houses; mobile homes; rental properties; undeveloped land; vacation homes:
NOTE: Describe real property by listing its address or location, including the street address or apartment number or
acreage in a specified county. The legal description does not have to be provided. If the real property includes
personal items such as farm tools or animals, include them in the description, specifically listing expensive items
such as cattle or a tractor. If the items are relatively inexpensive, such as tools in a shed on otherwise vacant land,
state "along with all personal property located on the property." Subtract any mortgage or other debt owing on the
Property Address (including county) Value
A. Guardianship: If any children are under the age of 18, list who you want appointed as their guardian if
something happens to both their parents
C. Trustees: The person(s) who will administer your trust upon the death or incapacity of both of you
D. Health care surrogate: This person makes health care decisions for you when you are incapacitated and even
allows the removal of life-sustaining treatment if no chance of recovery.
E. Durable Power of Attorney: This person makes legal and business decisions for you if you are incapacitated
or unavailable.
List the amount and to whom you want your assets distributed after your death:
Examples – “in equal shares to our children” or “to remain in trust until children reach the age of 23” or “to remain
in trust with 1/3 distributed at age 21, another 1/3 at age 25 and remainder at age 28.”
Any distributions on first spouse’s death. (These are usually small specific gifts of jewelry, pictures, books, etc. that
the surviving spouse does not need in continuing to run a household):