Housing Appl
Housing Appl
Housing Appl
This application collects essential information to assess eligibility for the Public Housing, Community
Housing, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Housing and Indigenous Council Housing Programs.
Important information
Your eligibility for housing assistance will be assessed based on the information and the supporting
documentation you provide with this application.
If your circumstances change at any time, please notify your local Housing Service Centre
within 28 days of the changes.
Answered all the questions with a tick where there are Yes/No boxes?
Collected supporting evidence including proof of income and assets for each household
member listed on this application?
Read and signed the declaration and consent on the last page?
Got your identification ready for when you submit this application?
Alternatively, you can attach witnessed copies of your identification evidence if you are returning this
application via post.
For more information on housing assistance, please call or visit your local Housing Service Centre.
Alternatively, you can access information at www.qld.gov.au/housing or download our ‘Housing
Assist Qld’ mobile app from the Google Play, Microsoft or Apple App stores.
Application for Social Housing
Application Assistance
What is your first spoken language?
Do you need an interpreter? If you speak in a language other than English, or have hearing difficulties, we can
arrange for an interpreter to assist you.
Current address:
Any other name you may be known as.
Ownership date:
What type of transport do
you use? Public Own Other (family and friends)
Full name:
Any other name you may be known as.
Ownership date:
What type of transport do
you use? Public Own Other (family and friends)
Full name:
Any other name you may be known as.
Ownership date:
What type of transport do
you use? Public Own Other (family and friends)
Full name:
Any other name you may be known as.
Ownership date:
What type of transport do
you use? Public Own Other (family and friends)
You are experiencing sexual You are in crisis housing You are a long-term patient in a
violence (outside of domestic and provided by a homelessness hospital or health facility and are
family violence) service ready to be discharged
You are experiencing safety You are staying temporarily with You are experiencing a family or
concerns related to violence, family and/or friends and have no relationship breakdown
stalking, abuse (physical, other housing to go to
emotional, financial), or
harassment other than domestic,
family or sexual violence from
another person in your household
or community
The safety of a child in your care You are living on the street, in a You pay more than 30% of your
is at risk car or park, makeshift shelter or gross household income in rent
illegal building
You are in or have just been You are living in a boarding Your housing has been impacted
released from prison house, caravan park or hostel by a natural disaster
that has or is about to be closed
You are a young person (under You are being evicted or about to You are a victim of a major crime
25 years old) currently in, exiting be evicted that was committed in
or has exited State care Queensland
Is your current housing location unsuitable for any of the following reasons?
Tick all that apply.
Too close in proximity to the Too far away from education or Does not enable family
perpetrator of domestic, family, or training services reunification
sexual violence against you
Does not meet the conditions of a Too far away from frequently Does not enable you to gain or
Court Order, Parole or Probation required essential services – maintain regular access or
Order, Family Court Order, transport, medical, disability custody to shared care of
Domestic Violence Order, Child support for daily activities, children
Protection Order transport to meet mobility
Too far away from family and Distance does not allow you to You are an Aboriginal or Torres
community support which accept a firm offer of employment Strait Islander person and need
impacts on the wellbeing of the – minimum 20 hours per week to move for cultural reasons
Design restricts daily living Size is too small resulting in Health and safety issues due to
activities – bathing, mobility, or overcrowding lack of essential facilities or poor
seriously aggravates a medical structural conditions
condition or disability
Note: Co-applicants need to have their individual current housing deemed unsuitable to be eligible for social housing.
How much rent does your household currently pay per week?
Your wellbeing
Have any of the following affected you or your household’s ability to access stable housing?
Tick all that apply.
You or a household member A limited number of or no suitable You afety is at risk from
have a long-term or serious properties to meet needs - size, domestic, family, or sexual
medical condition location or features violence
You safety You have been evicted multiple You are a young person at risk
concerns related to risk of times in the past three years for who requires a tailored
violence, buse, or rent arrears, disruptive response on your path to
harassment behaviour, relationship independence
from breakdown or property damage
another person in your
household or community
Area 1: Area 4:
Area 2: Area 5:
Area 3: Area 6:
Townhouses have three or more units next to Cluster housing is several separate homes with two
each other with one to four bedrooms each, divided to four bedrooms each, located within a housing
by common walls. These can be single or double development.
storey and usually have small fenced yards.
Apartments/flats/units are usually a complex of Seniors’ units are only available to applicants over
two or more storeys that may be studio style or 55 years of age and are usually in a complex of one
have up to three bedrooms. These do not have a or two storeys with one to two bedrooms.
separate yard.
Detached houses are one house with two or more Dual Occupancy are two detached houses that are on
bedrooms on its own block of land. one block of land, sometimes with a shared driveway.
Do you need modifications to your home to help with daily living activities due to a disability or
medical condition? Yes No
If yes, provide details:
Will you accept housing with
shared facilities? Yes No
Living, bathroom or kitchen facilities may be
shared. If you accept an offer which has
shared facilities, you can choose to remain
listed on the housing register for housing
which has its own facilities.
Attach evidence about your need to move and your housing needs, for example:
Documentation supporting your reasons for needing to move
For anyone who has a medical condition or disability – completed ‘Medical Report’ form (PH068)
Assets – quarterly bank statements and documents showing details of all assets and their current valuation
Some income, m edical and referral forms are available at www.qld.gov.au/housing or please call or visit your local Housing Service Centre for
forms or advice.
What identification evidence can you and the other applicants provide?
Please tick all that apply.
Primary Secondary
Australian Birth Certificate or extract Bank, credit or ATM card with your signature
Australian Naturalisation or Citizenship Certificate Bank, credit union or building society statements
Adult Proof of Age Card until expiry (Queensland Transport) Australian divorce papers
The Department of Housing is collecting personal information on this form to provide you with housing
assistance or assess grant funding applications. This is authorised by the Housing Act 2003. To assist you
with your housing needs and services, relevant personal information may, in very limited and specific
circumstances, be disclosed to: partner agencies, service providers, agencies authorised by legislative
provisions, and local governments and non-governmental agencies that now, or will provide you with
housing and/or support services. Limited personal information may be used for housing related research,
policy or planning functions. Unless authorised or required by law, your personal information will not be
passed on to any other third party without your consent. More information about the department’s privacy
policy is available on our website at
I understand:
the instructions given on this form and agree to the above Privacy Notice
the information on this form will be used by the Department of Housing to register my
application for housing assistance, providing I am eligible
my personal information may be given to government and non-government organisations to provide me
with housing and/or support services
that as the applicant/s, I must advise the department if any circumstances change regarding any
household members listed in and that is relevant to this application
that I may become ineligible for housing assistance if changes occur to my or my household’s
circumstances, incomes and/or assets
upon submitting this application, I must provide at least one item from the primary and secondary
identification evidence list above as proof of my identity, one of which, for each applicant, must show a
Queensland address, signature and date of birth.
To the best of my knowledge, the information provided on and in conjunction with this application is true and
correct. I understand that I will commit an offence and be liable to a penalty under the Housing Act 2003 if I
knowingly provide to the Department of Housing false or misleading information that may influence
decisions about my eligibility for housing assistance and may make my application invalid.
Signed: / / Signed: / /
Date: Date:
Signed: / / Organisation: