L3-Sociocultural Evolution
L3-Sociocultural Evolution
L3-Sociocultural Evolution
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the lesson!
After going through this lesson,
you are expected to:
1. Identify cultural, social,
political, and economic symbols.
2. Discuss cultural, social,
political, and economic practices
3. Analyze the significance of
cultural, social, political, and
economic symbols and practices.
Symbols • For example, when
• Symbols are the basis of a flag from a
culture. A symbol is an country is
object, word, or action
that stands for something raised, people
else with no natural who are
relationship that is affiliated with
culturally defined. (We
give a meaning that a that country will
certain of the object) stand in honor of
Symbolisms can take that flag as it
various forms. Besides
images and objects, represents
occasions and words can nationalism.
also represent meaning.
Functions of Symbols and Symbolism
• Social symbols are used to transfer
culture, ideologies, or beliefs
from group to another group of
• Symbols are also used to preserve
traditions or beliefs of a certain
group of people.
• All symbols contain the “face” and
“hidden” values, the hidden value,
in a functional perspective, holds
greater meaning and importance than
the face value.
• Symbols and symbolism have been
used to create movements, spread
ideas, and share advocacies that
surpasses time and distance.
Types of Symbols
• Cultural Symbols – manifestation
that signifies ideology of a
particular culture that has
meaning within that culture.
• Social symbols – relating to human
societies and its modes of
organization (i.e., social
classes, social problems, social
issues, etc.)
• Political symbols – used to
represent a political standpoint;
seen in various media and forms such
as banners, flag, motto, etc.
• Economic symbols – used in
production, distribution, and
consumption of goods and services
like currency, market, labor,
demands and other economic
General Examples of Cultural
Symbols and Practices
Objects, figures, sounds and
Facial expressions, word
interpretations, or gestures
such as handshakes and hand
signals, instead of symbols and
Cultural Practices are the
manifestation of a culture or sub-
culture, especially concerning the
traditional and customary practices
of a particular ethnic or other
cultural group. Examples: religious
and spiritual, medical treatment,
forms of artistic expressions,
culinary, housing and child- rearing
Some Examples of Religious Symbols
Around the World
• Filipino Clans
• Palakasan system
• Power Revolt
Economic Symbols
Here starts
the lesson!
Sociocultural evolution
is an umbrella term for theories of cultural
evolution and social evolution, describing how
cultures and societies have developed over time.