"Different Types of Bonds and There Models": Y.B. Patil Polytechnic, Akurdi
"Different Types of Bonds and There Models": Y.B. Patil Polytechnic, Akurdi
"Different Types of Bonds and There Models": Y.B. Patil Polytechnic, Akurdi
Micro-project on
“Different Types of Bonds and There Models”
Subject: - Chemistry
Serial Type Structure Explanation Example
1. Ionic Bond An ionic bond is formed
when valence electrons
(Covalent are transferred from one
Bond) atom to the other to
Complete the outer
electron shell.
Sr. No. Name : Roll No.
1 Gaikwad Swapnil Arjun 1216
2 Gawale Rishikesh Rajendra 1217
3 Gore Shweta Shivling 1218
4 Hardade Sainath Popat 1219
5 Ingale Tanvi Nityanand 1220
Guided by
Prof. D.D. Shinde
This is to certify that Masters Swapnil Gaikwad, Rushikesh Gawale, Sainath Hardade, and Miss Shweta
Gore, Tanvi Ingle Roll Number 1216,1217,1218,1219,1220 of First Semester of Diploma in Computer
Engineering has successfully completed the Micro Project in Workshop for the Academic Year 2022- 2023
as prescribed in MSBTE curriculum under the guidance of Subject Teacher.