Model Iti EOI
Model Iti EOI
Model Iti EOI
Expression of Interest (EoI) for selection of Champion Industry Partner (IP) for
Upgradation of existing Govt. ITI, Silvassa into Model, ITI under
Centrally Sponsored Scheme.
Notice No. ITI/EST/MODEL ITI/2020/325 Dated : 11/10/2021
Interested IPs can submit their EoI in sealed envelope as specified latest by
05/11/2021 up to 15:00 hrs to the Office of Principal, Govt. ITI, Amli, Silvassa, DNH.
Any selection would be based on strength of experience, availability of infrastructure and
preparedness. You can download the Bid document from website: and
from 15/09/2021 to 20/11/2021 till 15:00 hrs.
Govt. ITI,
Dadra & Nagar Haveli
1. Offer training to
New job entrants through
-Existing trades (s) (upgraded to match the standards laid down)
-Starting of new trades
2. Conduct of short-term training programmes under Modular Employable Skills (MES)
(ii).Strengthening placement cell:The Placement Cell in the Model ITI should also
functionas Career Center envisioned under National Career Service (NCS).
Almost all the ITIs have established Training, counselling and Placement Cell (TCPC).
The objective of TCPC is to foster close networking with the industry and assist job
placement forthe trainees.
ITI may appoint a qualified person on contract for TCPC coordinator and equip it with
better facilities for immediate response from employer/Industry.
The TCPC will perform counseling and job placement and will be a one-point stop for
employers/Industries and trainees.
The additional manpower requirement (instructors for new trades and TCPC coordinator
etc.) should be assessed and filled up in the Implementation Plan. Plan of the action for
creation and filling up of posts would be part of Implementation Plan.
6. Provision of funds
5(five)Cr. Grant by GOI.
Funds from the Government of India will be released to the States only after IMC is
formed at the Model ITI and action has been initiated for registration of society.
The funds are proposed to be provided for Civil Works (CW), Machinery and Equipment
andother charges.
Civil Work (CW): Normally 25% of the project cost will be provided for CW which will
include construction of new workshop block, renovation of existing workshops and class
M&E: Normally 50% of the total cost will be kept for procurement of equipment for the
upgradation of existing trades and also for procurement of equipment for new trades.
Normally recurring exp. should be borne by the State Govt. However, expenditure to the
tune of 25% of the project cost will be for following activities
establishment/ strengthening of library;
establishment of functional TCPC including payment for placement officer
office furniture/ office equipment,
publicity and advocacy efforts,
undertaking studies, job fairs, visits to other States, etc.
The above defined percentage allocation under different components i.e. Civil works,
equipment and other expenditure is indicative only.
9. Monitoring
States will monitor the implementation of scheme and furnish quarterly progress report
as per prescribed format. State may, if required, appoint an implementation support
10. NCS & e-learning The placement centre in the model ITI should also function as
Career centre envisioned under national Career service.
11. Financial & Procurement Procedure are part of Implementation Plan and should
be followed by the State / ITIs.
1. This EoI is not an agreement and is neither an offer nor invitation to the prospective
applicants or any other person. The purpose of this EoI is to provide interested
parties with information that may be useful to them in the formulation of their
proposals pursuant to this be complete, accurate, adequate or correct. Each
applicant should, therefore, conduct its own investigations and analysis and should
check the accuracy, adequacy, correctness, reliability and Completeness of the
assumptions, assessments and information contained in this the EoI and obtain
independent advice from appropriate sources.
2. Administration may in its absolute discretion, but without being under any obligation
to do so, update, amend or supplement the information, assessment or assumption
contained in the EoI. The issue of this EoI does not imply that the authority is bound
to select an applicant or to empanel the selected Applicant.
3. Administration reserves the right not to proceed with the EoI and bidding process or
invite afresh with or without amendments at any stage without assigning any reasons
thereof, or to alter the timetable reflected in this document or to change the process
or procedure to be applied. It also reserves the right to decline to discuss the
proposal further with any party submitting a proposal in response to this EoI.
Information provided at this stage is merely indicative.
7. Annual Turnover :
(Please attach copy of Profit and loss Account and Balance sheet)
15. What Voluntary contribution you are going to make for ITI ?
(a) Financial
(b) Managerial
(c) Physical
(d) Academic
16. What type of contribution industry is going to give for Skill / Knowledge
upgradation of the faculty / trainer of ITI ?
17. Proposed contribution by your industry in terms of providing industrial experts
for training "hands on", training to trainees, tools, equipments and machineries,
training materials, etc.
Place: Name:
Company Seal
Note: 1.Please attach necessary documents
2. Evaluation Methodology: Evaluation Committee will evaluate the selection
of industry partner based on following methodology:
a) Turnover: 100crore – 125 Cr (5Marks)
125-150Cr (10Marks)
150Cr + (15 Marks)
b) Employees: 150-200nos (10Marks)
200-250nos (15Marks)
250+ nos (20Marks)
c) Member of Industries Association of Silvassa, DNH&DD (5Marks)