19Labour+&+Labour+Welfare+ (372 +386)

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The year wise position of approved outlay, revised outlay and expenditure under this sector is as under:[Rs.in lakh] Sl. Year No. 1. 2007-08 2. 2008-09 3. 2009-10 4. I 1. 2010-11 Outlay 2600.00 2803.00 1500.00 2400.00 EDUCATION Revised Outlay 2188.20 1752.00 1850.00 Expenditure 1911.18 1606.77 1850.00 [Anticipated]


Directorate Headquarters and State Apprenticeship advisor Office.(Rs.3.00 lakh)

The Training wing of the Headquarters which bears the responsibility for the educational planning and administration of the craftsmen training programme implemented through a network of the I.T.Is., serves as a nucleus around which all the activities rotate. The strength of ITI trainees, which was about 5000 at the beginning of Fifth Five year Plan, is now 9000. This is further intended to be increased to about 10,000 trainees during 11th Five Year Plan, when more I.T.Is. are proposed to be opened and expansion of existing ITIs is also planned Considering the proposed expansion and the laid down norms of DGE&T, Govt. of India, and the vast dispersal of the institutions in the NCT of Delhi. Dte. of Head Quarters is proposed to be strengthened suitably. Under the Apprenticeship Act, 1961, it is a statutory obligation for the Private and Public Organizations to engage apprentices in certain designated trades on the basis of the strength of their workers in the designated trades. The office of the Apprenticeship Adviser is responsible for the smooth conduction of the Apprenticeship Training Programme in the National Capital Territory of Delhi. The objective of the Act would be to fully utilize the potential for Apprenticeship training facilities available in the National Capital Territory of Delhi by identifying/surveying industrial establishments of the UT of Delhi, which are yet to be covered under the Act and to improve the quality and quantity of the Apprenticeship Training. It is also proposed to introduce computerization in the Apprenticeship Office with the installation of the computer system and setting up of computer centre.


An expenditure of Rs.3.00 lakh is anticipated against the approved outlay of Rs.3.00 lakh in Annual Plan 2009-10 and an outlay of Rs.3.00 lakh has been kept for this scheme in Annual plan 2010-11. 1. Modernization and Replacement of Machinery and Equipment (Rs.250.00 lakh) There are sixteen Industrial Training Institutes and Commercial & Secretarial Institute in Delhi in which training in 50 engineering and nonengineering trades is being imparted. Some of the machines, equipment and computers available in the I.T.Is. have become obsolete and it is essential that new machines having multioperation facilities, automatic or computerized should be provided so that the trainees may not feel handicapped when they go to market. The objective of this scheme is thus: i) ii) iii) To remove the obsolescence. To provide I.T.Is. with deficient tools & equipment. To replace the unserviceable tools & equipment.

An expenditure of Rs.250.00 lakh is anticipated against the approved outlay of Rs.250.00 lakh in Annual Plan 2009-10 and an outlay of Rs. 250.00 lakh has been kept for this scheme in Annual plan 2010-11. 3. Diversification & Introduction of New Courses in Emerging Skills/Disciplines for improving the quality of training (Rs.445.00 lakh)

DGE&T, Ministry of Labour has already identified various trades out of which following trades will be introduced during the Annual Plan : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Architectural Assistant Building Maintenance Craftsman food Production (Gen) Data Entry Operator Dental Lab Technician Digital Photographer Driver cum mechanic Front office Assistant Health and Sanitary Inspector Institution House Keeping Mechanic Auto Electrical & Electronics Mechanic computer Hardware Mechanic Consumer Electronics Mechanic Repair & Maintenance of Heavy vehicles Mechanic repair and Maintenance of Light Vehicle 373 1 6 1 6 2 1 6 6 1 1 6 1 1 1 1 year months year months years year months months year year months year year year year

16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25.

Mechanic Repair & Maintenance of two wheeler Network Technician Sanitary Hardware fitter Steward Floriculture and landscaping Screen Printer Food processing Screen printing Body Repair & Painting Fire safety

1 6 6 1 6 6 1 1 1 1

year months months year months months year year year year

During last many years new trades like Computer Hardware & Networking, Fashion Technology, Front office Assistant, Event Management etc have been introduced in the ITIs. Appropriate no. of posts of Instructors at various level and other staff as per DGE&T laid down norms will be created. Machinery and Equipment will also be procured. 1. Up-gradation of Libraries 2. Up-gradation of Teaching aids 3. Obtaining ISO Certification for teaching & Examination systems 4. Inter-connectivity of all ITIs 5. Improving Industry co-operation 6. Up-gradation of Hostels 7. Adjudging the Instructors Performance 8. Improving administration of ITIs 9. Introduction of Uniform in all ITIs 10. Student attendance. 11. Inspections of ITIs 12. Improving the Working of Commercial & Secretarial Institute. An expenditure of Rs.525.00 lakh is anticipated against the approved outlay of Rs.340.00 lakh in Annual Plan 2009-10 and an outlay of Rs. 445.00 lakh has been kept for this scheme in Annual plan 2010-11. 4. Expansion of Short-Term and Part-Time Evening Courses for Self Employment in various Industrial Training Institutes (Rs.49.00 lakh)

Most of the courses/trades running in the Industrial Training Institute, at present are having duration extending from one to two years with eligibility educational qualification 8th, 10th 12th. It has, however, been felt that due to hard economic conditions, some students do not join these courses, as they cannot afford to wait for a period of one/two/three years, due to their family conditions. Marginal farmers and landless labourers families who are also occupied in farm activities are also not willing to attend long duration courses.


Short duration courses to make them capable of self-employment have, therefore, been introduced in the ITIs during morning/evening hours. DGE&T Ministry of Labour has introduced new courses under Modular Employable Scheme have been introduced in the ITIs in different sectors like Information Technology, Refrigeration & Air Conditioning sector, Electrical, Garment sector etc. Regular staff members of day time courses who are appointed to take these classes and are being paid remuneration @ Rs. 160/- per hour for the first hour and Rs. 150/- for the subsequent hour of teaching on the same day. It is also proposed to provide suitable remuneration to Supervisory staff for his additional work. Further the upper limit of Rs.5000/- per annum of remuneration should be removed in order to run these courses throughout the year. An expenditure of Rs.50.00 lakh is anticipated against the approved outlay of Rs.25.00 lakh in Annual Plan 2009-10 and an outlay of Rs.49.00 lakh has been kept for this scheme in Annual plan 2010-11. 5. Welfare Programme for SC/ST Student [Rs.21.00 lakh] (a)

Training to SC/ST through short term courses for selfemployment. With the above aim in mind, as a part of Special Component Plan/Twenty Point Programme, short term training courses of three months duration were introduced in the trades of Plumbing, Scooter Mechanic, Gas Welding etc. of three months duration in the I.T.Is located in the re-settlement colonies of Delhi i.e. Nand Nagri, Jehangir Puri and Khichripur. The objective of the scheme is thus to ameliorate the conditions of the SC/ST living below poverty line in the National Capital Territory of Delhi by bringing a considerable rise in their income, by imparting systematic training in the need based occupations. It is proposed to open such self-employment oriented new courses in more number of ITIs so that SC/ST could be benefited. The SC/ST trainees undertaking training, as per the existing facilities in the scheme are being provided stipend @ Rs.230.00 per month which needed to be revised to Rs.500/- per month to meet the travel cost of the trainees. Tool kit costing Rs.800.00 is provided to all the passed out trainees by the Directorate for the welfare of SC/ST. (b) Coaching- cum- Guidance facilities for SC/ST.

It was considered necessary that some Coaching- cum-Guidance facilities may be created for SC/ST candidates registered with the Employment Exchanges which may enable them to increase their representation in Public Services and promote their employability. It was thus decided to conduct 375

regular training in typing and stenography including General Knowledge and English for these candidates and provide them guidance for career planning and confidence building by arranging special lectures. It is in Stenography and Typing and one hour in English/General Knowledge daily. After a detailed study conducted by a committee the training is now being imparted under SCVT for twelve months duration for full day. Two batches run concurrently with an intake capacity of 20 students each. Other Provisions of the Schemes, (i) the Training is free of cost, (ii) Stipend @ Rs.75/- per month per trainee is paid, Free stationery is provided to the trainees and Vocational guidance is provided to the trainees by arranging special lectures. The scheme is proposed to be implemented in two more I.T.Is. viz I.T.I., Pusa and I.T.I., Tilak Nagar for women. 4 posts Craft Instructor are proposed to be created in each of these ITIs. Computers, software and Printer have been provided as per revised syllabus of the course. An expenditure of Rs.21.00 lakh is anticipated against the approved outlay of Rs.21.00 lakh in Annual Plan 2009-10 and an outlay of Rs. 21.00 lakh has been kept for this scheme in Annual plan 2010-11. 6. Additions / Alterations / Improvements in Labs / Workshops and Campus of ITIs /BTC (Rs.300.00 lakh)

The building of six, out of the sixteen I.T.Is., were constructed 30 to 45 years back and need improvements, additions and alterations to cope up the expansion and modernization programme being undertaken as a part of the Craftsman Training Scheme. Environment improvement is also required to be given attention for the campus of these old ITIs so as to provide a congenial atmosphere for training of students. Special funds are to be kept for landscaping and horticulture work to be carried out by PWD. The existing workshops blocks in ITIs, Shahdara, Jahangirpuri, Pusa, Malviya Nagar and Jail Road are in dilapidated conditions: Similarly the buildings of Gokhle Road (Women) and Tilak Nagar (Women) are made up of asbestos sheets roofs. Therefore it is proposed that the present workshops at ITI Pusa, Jehangir Puri, Nand Nagri, Khichri Pur, Shahdara, having asbestos sheets roof would be converted into multistoreyed building having RCC workshop on ground floor and other light engineering trades on upper floors and Malviya Nagar, and the buildings of ITI Gokhle Road (Women) and ITI Tilak Nagar (Women) shall be converted into two storeyed SPS. 376

Besides above there are residential campuses as well ITI buildings which requires continuous maintenance which requires renovations in the labs/Workshops like providing false ceiling, sound proof partitions, providing of Bus-bars, repairs of electrical installations and various other civil works. An expenditure of Rs.150.00 lakh under Capital Head is anticipated against the approved outlay of Rs.200.00 lakh under Capital Head in Annual Plan 2009-10 and an outlay of Rs. 300.00 lakh under capital head has been kept for this scheme in Annual plan 2010-11. 7. Setting up of New Industrial Training Institutes. (Rs.850.00 lakh)

The sixteen Industrial Training Institutes in Delhi, which are imparting training under the Craftsmen Training Scheme of the Govt. of India are dispersed throughout the National Capital Territory of Delhi. However, keeping in view the population of NCT of Delhi we would be requiring a seating strength for about 15000 trainees. Following four more ITIs shall be established during the Annual Plan: 1. 2. 3. 4. ITI ITI ITI ITI at at at at Ranhola village Land Cost Mangol Puri Chatterpur village Bawana Industrial Estate.

For setting up of these institutions, posts of Principal, Craft Instructors for each trade to be opened and other allied posts strictly as per DGE&T norms will be created. An expenditure of Rs.450.00 lakh (Rs.150.00 lakh under Revenue Head and Rs.300.00 lakh under Capital head) is anticipated against the approved outlay of Rs.350.00 lakh (Rs.150.00 lakh under Revenue Head and Rs.200.00 lakh under Capital head) in Annual Plan 2009-10 and an outlay of Rs.850.00 lakh (Rs.150.00 lakh under Revenue Head and Rs. 700.00 lakh under Capital head) has been kept for this scheme in Annual plan 2010-11. 8. Restructuring, Consolidation and computerization of ITIs / BTC (Rs.20 .00 lakh)

There are deficiencies / surplus in the staff strength as per revised norms laid down by DGE&T in the training manual. A detailed exercise has been carried out to work out additional requirement/surplus of staff in the various categories at ITIs.


Following are broadly covered: TEACHING STAFF At present there are three levels of workshop teaching staff namely Foreman Instructor, Supervisor Instructor and Craft Instructors. In the revised structure only two levels viz. Group Instructor and Craft Instructor are provided. A detailed exercise in respect of teaching staff has been made comparing with the laid down DGE&T norms in the ITIs and the RRs of teaching staff are under revision. PRINCIPALS At present three levels of Principals in the grade of Rs.10000-15200, Rs.8000-13500 and Rs.6500-10500 exist. However the grades of Principals to be provided as per training manual is linked to students strength. Since the Institute students strength has increased manifold in the past, these posts of senior level Principals are to be provided after abolition of existing posts of junior level Principals. 9 posts of class I Sr. Principals, 2 posts of Class-I Jr. Principals. 8 posts of Training Placement Officers are to be created. 8 posts of Class-II Principals/Vice Principals will be abolished. To streamline these activities it is proposed to provide sufficient number of computers, printers, CD writers and Internet facility in each Institute. A Training and Placement Officer will be designated in each. An expenditure of Rs.20.00 lakh is anticipated against the approved outlay of Rs.25.00 lakh in Annual Plan 2009-10 and an outlay of Rs. 20.00 lakh has been kept for this scheme in Annual plan 2010-11. 9. 1 2. 3. 4. Entrepreneurship Development and Interfacing with industries [Rs.1.00 lakh] Conduct of Guest Lectures by inviting professionals from Industry on specialized topics. Visit of the students to the industry for training on specialized and sophisticated Machinery & techniques. Deputation of faculty to various teachers development programs. Collaborative agreements at unit level could also be drawn and finalized at Institute's level. 378

Provision has to be kept in Eleventh Plan for meeting expenses as payment of Guest Lecturers, conveyance and remuneration to them and conveyance paid to the staff and students for visit to industrial establishments. An expenditure of Rs.1.00 lakh is anticipated against the approved outlay of Rs.2.00 lakh in Annual Plan 2009-10 and an outlay of Rs. 1.00 lakh has been kept for this scheme in Annual plan 2010-11. 10. Award for Trainers in ITIs (Rs.2.00 lakh)

In order to improve the quality of training and encouraging the faculty to further improve in the field of teaching, it is proposed to give award to best faculty members in three groups of trades like One year Engineering Group of Trade, One year Non-Engineering Group of Trade and two-three years Engineering Group of Trades. There are about 750 instructional staff in 56 disciplines /trades, which includes Crafts Instructors, Group Instructors besides other supporting staff. At present few instructors execute their assigned duties and also actively takes part in the welfare activities of the institutes. Presently there are no motivating factors for other to follow the actions of good faculties. The policies of the department are such, that all the best, good, and average employees are treated in the same manner and get equal perk. Under the present situation staff is not ready to improve their efficiency not willing to update their knowledge. They are also not come forward to use modern gadgets to impart the training in a very effective manner. In order to improve upon the current situation it is proposed to award those Craft Instructors, Group Instructor and their Principal of the Institute who shows best result in terms of imparting training. Proposals shall be invited well in advance from all the Instructors, Group Instructors and Principal for presenting their stake for seeking the award. The criteria for selecting the Best Trainer Award shall be circulated in advance to all the ITIs. The Prizes would be as under: CRAFT INSTRUCTOR CATEGORY : a. b. c. No. of Award :One- from One year Non-Engg group of trades from all ITIs. No. of Award :One- from One year Engg group of trades from all ITIs. No. of Award :One- from Two/Three year Engg group of trades from all ITIs. 379

Prize : Certificate and a cash prize of Rs.25,000/GROUP INSTRUCTOR CATEGORY: No. of Award : Prize : Three -one from each category (a), (b), & (c) above from all ITIs. Certificate and a cash prize of category. Rs.10000/- in each

PRINCIPAL CATEGORIES: No. of Award: One from all ITI subject to condition that his institute wins at least one best CI category awards and one Group Instructor award. Certificate and a cash prize of Rs.15000/-

Prize :

The yardstick to gauge the performance of the three level which shall be thoroughly scrutinized by a Screening Committee. An expenditure of Rs.1.00 lakh is anticipated against the approved outlay of Rs.4.00 lakh in Annual Plan 2009-10 and an outlay of Rs. 2.00 lakh has been kept for this scheme in Annual plan 2010-11. 11 Takniki Shiksha Sansthan Kalyan Samiti ( Rs. 14.00 Lakhs)

A committee in all institutes is constituted having participation from local industrialist, Principal, student, senior staff, and other personalities to look after the day to day work of the respective institutes such as: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Minor Repair work of equipments Repair of Building Maintenance of Equipment Introduction of new course Miscellaneous works related to the respective institutes.

An amount of Rs1.2 Lakh is provided to all institutes under this scheme, and sanction powers lies with the principal after approval of the committee members. An expenditure of Rs.14.00 lakh is anticipated against the approved outlay of Rs.10.00 lakh in Annual Plan 2009-10 and an outlay of Rs.14.00 lakh has been kept for this scheme in Annual plan 2010-11.



Technical Education Community Outreach Scheme (Rs.70.00 Lakhs)

A list of approximately 200 courses is prepared and these courses will be run in the field of basic needs to the community and in participation with NGO, funds to the tune of Rs21000 per month will be released to NGO for each course for 50 students (2 batches of 25 students per batch). Each course will be of 3 months duration. Some of the areas are as under: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Electrician Computer Operator Elderly Care Nursing House Hold Attendant Electronic Equipment Repairer etc.

An expenditure of Rs.65.00 lakh is anticipated against the approved outlay of Rs.70.00 lakh in Annual Plan 2009-10 and an outlay of Rs. 45.00 lakh has been kept for this scheme in Annual plan 2010-11. 13 World Bank Assisted Vocational Training improvement Project (State Share) (Rs.200.00 Lakhs)

The objective of the scheme is to upgrade selected ITIs under a Centrally Sponsored project, entitled Vocational Training Improvement Project with financial assistance from the International Development Association within the World Bank through DGE&T, Ministry of Labour, by introducing new multiskilling modular courses, improving physical infrastructure facilities, adopting new training technology with close involvement of industry and other stakeholders; and, empowering ITIs by providing adequate managerial, administrative and financial autonomy, building up partnership with the nearby industries and setting up of Institute Management Committees. Till now following three ITIs have been upgraded into Centre of Excellence in different Sectors: 1. 2. 3. 4. ITI Pusa ITI Arab-ki-sarai Sir CV Raman ITI ITI Jail Road -Automobile Sector -Production and manufacturing Sector -Electrical Sector -IT Sector

ITI Pusa was upgraded with Domestic funding of DGE&T, Ministry of Labour and other three ITI have been upgraded with World Bank Assistance released through Ministry of Labour. Under another scheme Upgradation of 1396 Govt. ITIs, following three ITIs are being upgraded by ITI Institute Management Committee and respective society of the ITI:


1. ITI Malviya Nagar - Upgradation of ITI 2. ITI HJ Bhabha Mayur Vihar - Upgradation of ITI in Electrical Sector 3. ITI Siri Fort -Upgradation of ITI in Hospitality Sector Directorate General of Employment & Training, Ministry of Labour has given interest free loan of Rs. 2.50 Crore to the society for up-gradation The funding pattern as per the existing scheme is 75% of the total expenditure would be reimbursed by DGE&T, under World Bank Project. DGE&T so far has released Central assistance to tune of Rs. 433.00 lakhs for three ITIs. An expenditure of Rs.200.00 lakh (Rs.100.00 lakh under Revenue Head and Rs. 100.00 lakh under Capital head ) is anticipated against the approved outlay of Rs.200.00 lakh (Rs.100.00 lakh under Revenue Head and Rs. 100.00 lakh under capital head) in Annual Plan 2009-10 and an outlay of Rs. 200.00 lakh (Rs.100.00 lakh under Revenue Head and Rs. 100.00 lakh under Capital head) has been kept for this scheme in Annual plan 2010-11. 14. G.I.A. to Delhi Skills Mission Society(Rs.200.00 Lakhs)

The Delhi Skills Mission Society is to provide skill development training to the Students passing out from schools, Unemployed youth and school dropouts, Informal sector workers. The aims of the scheme are as under :1. 2. 3. The Delhi Skills Mission (DSM) aims to improve the quality, quantity and reach of both long-term and short-term skill training. The Delhi Skills Mission (DSM) will also grant certification to skills acquired informally. To plan and deliver skill development training through a range of organizations, taking into consideration the demand for skill development in various sectors. The range of providers, including public sector institutions, private sector and civil society organizations would provide skill development training. To generate demand for skill training, meet such enhanced demand through high quality skill training and to have the skilled trainees gainfully employed, either through self-employment or wage employment. To grant accreditation to skills training institutes, providers and instructors. Developing a State Vocational Qualification Framework (SVQF) in areas that are still emerging or are Delhi-specific. Develop means for horizontal and vertical mobility between vocational skills training programmes and the general education system. Ensure that persons from the disadvantaged sections are adequately represented among the skilled manpower. To nurture skills that will contribute to Delhis inclusive growth, through wage and self-employment.

4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.


Core Elements: In order to achieve the vision envisaged in the preamble the Delhi Skills Mission will have the following objectives. 1. To enable 25% of the needy population to become skilled in three years and to have 50 % of the needy population skill-empowered in five years. About a fourth of the trainees would come from slum-clusters and a fourth of the total number of trainees would be women, within a period of 5 years. 75% of the trainees should be enabled to become wage-employed or self-employed. All the skill training programmes, should result in marketable skills. To upgrade the existing Industrial Training Institutes and Industrial Training Centres into Centres of Excellence by suitably upgrading the infrastructure facilities, revamping obsolete programmes and introducing new programmes of relevance and demand. Extending the current Center of Excellence Concept, from a part of the ITI to the entire ITI bringing the entire ITI under the management control of the Institute Management Committee. To encourage establishment of new Industrial Training Institutes as fully autonomous entities - having administrative, financial and academic autonomy. To encourage private participants to establish skill and vocational training centres, so as to train larger numbers of needy youth. To develop skills training providers to conduct programmes under multiple modes like, modular employable Skills programme, entrepreneurial skill programmes, etc. To support institutions and organizations both in the Government and Private sectors, to conduct Modular Employable skills training programmes. To encourage all concerned entities to train the youth towards Self Employment and Entrepreneurship skills, with emphasis on bankable skills and to encourage formation of Self Help Groups /Multipurpose Job Clubs; to provide necessary subsidies to the trainees, where there is a viability gap in the funding available to self-help groups of trainees. To bring all the Government initiatives related to vocational/skill development training programmes and related activities under the common umbrella of the Skills Mission, like the initiatives of the Departments of Training and Technical Education, Social welfare, Industries, Labour, SC/ST/OBC/ Minority Welfare and other vocational


3. 4. 5.



8. 9.












20. 21. 22.

23. 24.

training providers (Private Initiatives), so as to achieve a coordinated target within a specified timeframe and to support /supplement / subsidize such initiatives. To establish linkages with evaluating/certifying agencies (Third party) like NCVT, SCVT, BTE and international certifying agencies, like City & Guilds to ensure quality and uniformity in certification so as to make the certified candidates acceptable for wage employment nationally as well as globally. To form expert groups to analyse the demand for skills in various spheres, with periodic estimation and forecasting of the requirement of skilled personnel in various vocational areas. To develop baseline process manuals so as to give guidelines for functional autonomy to institutions, under the guidance of the institute management committees (IMCs). These Committees could further expand on the autonomy granted to the institutions, as per procedure laid down in the process manual. The underlying principle of the process manual would be to exercise autonomy with accountability. To generate revenue through viable training programmes, registration fee, examination & certification fees, consultancy and by providing institution based technical services - with a view to make skill training more practice-oriented. To receive grants from the Govt. of NCT of Delhi, Government of India and any other philanthropic societies/ other organizations/industry for achieving the aims and objectives of the mission. To establish a state level autonomous institution to train trainers for quality improvement and upgradation of knowledge due to changing technologies. To enhance the opportunities for vertical mobility of students passing out from vocational training institutes - from the current limited level of lateral entry to double or triple the existing levels in institutions of higher learning, namely Diploma Level programmes of Polytechnics. To develop suitable Programme and Project Management methods and Management Information System for all the projects of the mission. To generate demand for vocational training courses, through appropriate social marketing initiatives. To address the needs of the disadvantaged sections of society and to support their training, through scholarships, fee waivers, book grants, vouchers, etc. To identify, develop and implement suitable skill training programmes for the unorganized sector workers. To encourage and empower women to participate in skill development training. 384



To provide end-to-end services to needy youth, beginning with orienting them towards vocational training programmes to enabling them in funding appropriate employment opportunities either through self or wage-employment. Linking Delhis skill development activities to employment abroad: One of the major drivers behind the Skill Development Mission is the demand supply gap of skilled workers, internationally. While India enjoys a demographic dividend on account of its young population, a large number of developed countries are burdened with aging populations. The skilled personnel developed through the Skill Development Mission need to be enabled to find employment in international settings, so that true benefits of Indias demographic dividend and efforts in skill building could be fully realized. It is proposed to develop atleast 2 of our ITIs to international standards in collaboration with various country partners. Development of these ITIs to international standards would be planned, funded and implemented through the Delhi Skills Mission. To start with ITIs at Siri Fort and Sir CV Raman ITI at Dheerpur are proposed for upgradation to international quality levels. It is proposed to train about 2.50 lakhs persons in five years.

On the initiative of the Chief Secretary, the department has launched a scheme namely Earn While You Learn for maintenance of Government buildings by the ITIs of Delhi as a Pilot Project under Delhi Skills Mission Society The scheme has been drafted keeping in view the strength of the department in terms of the skilled manpower i.e. experienced instructors (teachers) and the trainees (students). To begin with, the proposal is to maintain all the buildings of the Department of Training & Technical Education except the buildings of the Degree Level Colleges and the residential complexes. Subsequently, it is proposed to extend this maintenance, in phases, to other building of the department and buildings of other departments also. This would provide the students not only the hands on experience (on the job training) but would also give them an opportunity to earn while learning in the ITIs. The objectives of the scheme are : a) b) c) d) To provide cost effective and timely maintenance of select Government buildings with focus on quality. To provide opportunity to the students of the ITIs to get on the job training. To provide opportunity to the students to earn while they learn. To enhance the placement prospects of the students.



The students as well as instructors will not only improve their professionalism but will also learn soft skills like team building, leadership and work ethics.

Keeping in view the age of the trainees and risks involved, it is not possible to undertake the major, hazardous and risky works under this Scheme by the ITIs, but the following civil and electrical works relating to day to day maintenance can be undertaken: Civil Works : 1. Carpentry & Wood Work 2. Plumbing / Painter Work 3. Welding & Steel Fabrication Work 4. Drainage & Sewerage System works 5. White Wash 6. Masonry Work Electrical Works : 1. Repair & maintenance of Electrical Fixtures or Appliances (Except those covered under warranty or guarantee) 2. Replacement of Electrical Fixtures 3. Replacement of Faulty wiring 4. Maintenance of Water Coolers & Air Conditioner An expenditure of Rs.100.00 lakh is anticipated in Annual Plan 2009-10 and an outlay of Rs.200.00 lakh has been kept for this scheme in Annual plan 2010-11.


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