Li2016 Article EffectOfHeatTreatmentOnStructu

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Int J Coal Sci Technol (2016) 3(1):53–61

DOI 10.1007/s40789-016-0109-2

Effect of heat treatment on structure and gasification reactivity

of petroleum coke
Chao Li1 • Xin Liu1,2 • Zhijie Zhou1,2 • Zhenghua Dai1,2 • Ji Yang3 • Fuchen Wang1,2

Received: 8 July 2015 / Revised: 31 August 2015 / Accepted: 1 September 2015 / Published online: 1 March 2016
Ó The Author(s) 2016. This article is published with open access at

Abstract Petroleum coke was thermally treated on a fixed bed reactor in a temperature range of 1173–1673 K. The
changes of the elemental composition and crystalline structure of petroleum coke, with heat treatments as well as the
gasification reactivity of the heat-treated petroleum cokes were investigated. The results showed that the petroleum coke
was carbonized and graphitized to a higher degree with increasing heating temperature, while the gasification reactivity
decreased. The treatment at temperatures of 1173 and 1473 K significantly enlarged the specific surface area and the pore
volume of petroleum coke. Both the specific surface area and the pore volume decreased at 1673 K. An empirical normal
distribution function model (NDFM) was found to fit the gasification rates of petroleum coke well. The correlation
coefficient of petroleum coke by normal distribution function model at different heat treatment temperatures is between
0.93 and 0.95.

Keywords Petroleum coke  Heat treatment  Gasification reactivity  Graphitization

1 Introduction Gasification technology offers an effective way to con-

vert petroleum coke into syngas (CO ? H2) with near-zero
Petroleum coke is a carbonaceous solid material produced pollutant emissions (Minchener 2005; Zheng and Furinsky
by thermal processing of crude oil. With a continuous 2005). It is an effective way to utilize petroleum coke to
increase of the worldwide supply of heavy crude oil and the produce syngas by gasification technology. In most gasi-
installation of more petroleum deep conversion processes, fication processes, the heat treatment reaction takes place
the output of petroleum coke is steadily increasing (Ding prior to the main reaction, the thermal reactions of char or
2004; Zhang and Gong 2004; Zhan et al. 2010). Therefore, it coke take place as initial reactions prior to the gasification
has arisen as an urgent issue to dispose petroleum cokes on a (Matsuoka et al. 2003; Ahmed and Gupta 2009; Bao 2010).
large scale, especially for those with high sulfur content. It is thus necessary to study the changes in the properties of
coke on heat treatments.
Some researchers reported that the char morphology and
& Fuchen Wang gasification kinetics of coal char are influenced by the
heating rate, heating temperature and residence time (Bo
Key Laboratory of Coal Gasification and Energy Chemical et al. 2002; Cloke et al. 2002; Ichikawa et al. 2004; Miura
Engineering of Ministry of Education, East China University
et al. 2004). The microcrystalline structure of carbon is
of Science and Technology, Shanghai 200237, China
believed to have important effect on the gasification reac-
Shanghai Engineering Research Center of Coal Gasification,
tivity of char. The relationship between the char structure
East China University of Science and Technology,
Shanghai 200237, China and the gasification reactivity has been the subject of only
3 few researches (Barziv et al. 2000; Zaida and Sheng 2007).
School of Resources and Environmental Engineering, East
China University of Science and Technology, The purpose of this work is to investigate the changes in
Shanghai 200237, China

54 C. Li et al.

the structure and gasification reactivity of petroleum coke desired temperature, and proceeded isothermally until no
with high-temperature treatments. mass loss occurred. The mass conversion (x) is calculated
according to the following equation:
m0  m
x¼  100 % ð1Þ
2 Experimental m0  mash
where m0 is the sample weights on a dry basis at the initial
2.1 Petroleum coke samples
time, g; m is the sample weights on a dry basis at time t, g;
mash is the weight of ash in the sample, g.
Two samples of petroleum coke, a Chinese petroleum coke
(P1) and an America petroleum coke (P2), were supplied
2.4 Analysis methods
by Jinling Refinery Plant in Nanjing (China), and Valero
Energy Corporation Refining (USA), respectively. The
The scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analysis was
samples were sieved to within a size range of 83–165 lm.
performed on a JSM-6360LV electron microscope. The
Their proximate analysis and ultimate analysis are listed in
specific surface area and pore volume analysis was con-
Table 1. Due to the low ash content of petroleum coke P1,
ducted on the pore structure analyzer (ASAP 2020) using
it is hard to analyze the ash compositions. The ash com-
N2 adsorption. X-ray diffraction analysis was performed on
positions of petroleum coke P2 are listed in Table 2.
a JSM-6360 LV XRD device using Cu Ka radiation. The
characteristic parameters (d002 and Lc) of the crystalline
2.2 Heat treatment
structure of coke sample were calculated according to the
following equations (Short and Walker 2003):
The coke samples (7–8 mg) were held in a horizontal tube
furnace, alumina crucible, and then heat-treated in a hori- k
d002 ¼ ð2Þ
zontal tube electric furnace under a nitrogen atmosphere. 2 sin h002
The heating rate was 10 K/min. The heat treatment was 0:94k
kept at the final temperatures of 1223, 1473 and 1673 K for Lc ¼ ð3Þ
b002 cosðh0 Þ0
a certain period of time (30 min).
where d002 and Lc are, respectively, the interplanar spacing
2.3 Gasification reactivity and the stacking height of the carbon crystal, k is the
wavelength of the X-ray radiation, h002 is the position of
The measurement of the gasification reactivity of coke was the peak (002), and b002 is the angular width at half-
carried out on a Thermo-Cahn Thermax 500 thermo maximum intensity of the peak (002).
gravimetric analyzer (TGA). In each experiment, a 7–8 mg
sample of coke was used. A nitrogen gas of high purity
(99.99 %) was purged at a flow rate of 1000 mL/min when 3 Results and discussions
the sample was heated up at a heating rate of 25 K/min
until the temperature reached 1273 K. The gasification 3.1 SEM observations
started by switching nitrogen to carbon dioxide at the
Figure 1 shows the typical SEM images of two original
petroleum cokes and their samples treated at different
Table 1 Properties of petroleum coke
temperatures. P1 is the most layered structure and dense in
P1 P2 texture, somewhat regular in arrangement.
Proximate analysis (air dried basis, %) After heat-treated, P1 was more smooth, and the layered
Moisture 1.80 0.30 structure disappeared. In contrast, the surfaces of the
Ash 0.26 3.04
original (P2) cokes were smooth and dense in texture, with
Volatile matter 9.34 10.32
a barely porous structure. However, the surfaces of the
Fixed carbon 88.60 86.34
heat-treated petroleum cokes were more rough with more
fold structure and some porous structure.
Ultimate analysis (dry basis, %)
Carbon 89.15 85.81
3.2 Compositions of petroleum cokes
Hydrogen 3.72 3.68
Nitrogen 0.75 0.35
Table 3 shows the properties of petroleum coke obtained
Sulphur 2.08 6.10
by heat treatments. It was seen that the contents of moisture
Oxygen (by difference) 4.04 1.01
and volatile decreased with increasing heating temperature,

Effect of heat treatment on structure and gasification reactivity of petroleum coke 55

Table 2 Ash compositions of petroleum coke P2

SO3 CaO SiO2 V2O5 Al2O3 MgO Fe2O3 NiO Sb2O3 Na2O K2O TiO2

34.87 31.51 15.08 8.46 3.31 1.79 1.74 1.25 0.87 0.40 0.33 0.15

Fig. 1 SEM images of petroleum coke samples at different heat treatment temperatures. a P1, untreated; b P1, Th= 1173 K; c P1, Th = 1473 K;
d P1, Th = 1673 K; e P2, untreated; f P2, Th = 1173 K; g P2, Th = 1473 K; h P2, Th = 1673 K

Table 3 Properties of petroleum coke before and after heat treatment

Sample Th (K) Proximate analysis, w (%) Ultimate analysis, w (%)
Mad Aad Vad FCad C H N S m(C)/m(H)

P1 1173 2.08 0.23 6.33 91.38 88.91 0.85 1.45 3.58 104.110
1323 0.87 0.24 3.63 95.27 91.99 0.85 1.41 3.76 107.969
1473 0.44 0.23 2.68 96.57 94.84 0.85 1.36 3.62 111.178
1673 0.16 0.26 2.00 97.62 95.87 0.86 0.78 3.87 111.471
1773 0.10 0.24 2.52 97.15 97.51 0.86 0.52 3.44 113.444

P2 1173 2.22 2.88 8.13 86.78 84.45 0.96 1.51 4.56 88.101
1323 2.85 3.11 7.54 88.10 83.91 0.93 1.16 5.63 90.713
1473 1.31 3.37 5.29 90.04 89.09 0.97 0.88 5.60 95.182
1673 0.27 4.19 3.83 91.72 90.48 0.91 0.52 6.38 99.872
1773 0.46 4.53 4.91 90.10 90.52 0.86 0.81 5.06 105.686

whereas the fixed carbon increased. The molar ratio of 3.3 Graphitization of petroleum coke
m(C)/m(H) increased with the increasing heating temper-
ature, implying the progressed aromaticity or carbonization Figure 2 shows the XRD patterns of the petroleum cokes.
of coke with preferential release of hydrogen (Xie 2002). In As the heating temperature was elevated, the peak (002)
addition, the content of nitrogen decreased, suggesting the reflection became sharp and gradually close to that of
preferential release of nitrogen upon heat treatment. graphite (26.6°) in the diffraction angle (Senneca and

56 C. Li et al.

Sa St
Xa ¼ ; Xt ¼ ð4Þ
Sa þ St Sa þ St
where Sa and St are the peak area of (002) peak of amor-
phous carbon and turbostratic carbon, and Xa and Xt are the
ratio of peak area of peak (002) of amorphous carbon and
turbostratic carbon. The average microcrystalline structure
parameters of petroleum cokes (d002 and Lc) were obtained
from the following equations:
d002 ¼ Xa d002;a þ Xt d002;t ð5Þ
Lc ¼ Xa Lc;a þ Xt Lc;t ð6Þ
Table 5 shows that heat treatment enables more amor-
phous carbon to be converted to turbotratic components,
with the average interplanar spacing decreasing and the
average stacking height of crystal increasing. It was evident
that the polycondensation of petroleum coke was pro-
gressed with the temperature increasing, gradually forming
compact and graphite-like carbon structure. It was reported
that the petroleum coke was thoroughly converted to gra-
phite at a much higher temperature of 2273 K (Sun and
Shen 2004).

3.4 BET surface areas and pore volumes

of petroleum cokes

Table 6 shows the BET surface areas and pore volumes of

the petroleum cokes obtained at different heating temper-
atures. Both original petroleum cokes had lower specific
Fig. 2 XRD spectra of untreated and heat treated petroleum coke surface areas and pore volumes. This result was consistent
samples. a P1; b P2; (1) Untreated; (2) Th = 1173 K; (3)
with the SEM observations. The treatment at temperatures
Th = 1473 K; (4) Th = 1673 K
of 1173 and 1473 K significantly enlarged the specific
surface area and the pore volume of petroleum coke. The
formation of micropore upon heat treatment was probably
Salatino 2002). In addition, the peak of (100) reflection due to the escape of volatile matter. However, both the
appeared for the petroleum coke experienced by heat specific surface area and the pore volume decreased at
treatment at a temperature above 1273 K. It was indicated 1673 K, probably because the ash in the petroleum coke
that the petroleum coke trended to be graphitized to a was melt at this high temperature and the melt blocked the
higher degree with the heating temperature increasing. micropore. The polycondensation of petroleum coke
To further quantitatively determine the degree of induced the structure compact, resulting in volumetric
graphitization of petroleum cokes, the diffraction peak shrinkage and crack emerged. The higher the heat treat-
(002) was deconvoluted to a broad amorphous carbon ment temperature, the more fierceness the polycondensa-
(A) and turbostratic carbon (T) by a method proposed by tion, leading to the increased pore volume and total surface
Wang et al. (2001). In this method, it is assumed that the A area. But when the heat treatment temperature reached
and T carbon structures occur as a Gaussian distribution, 1673 K, exceeding the ash fusion temperature of petroleum
respectively. Figure 3 shows the experiment data and the coke, the ash melting of petroleum coke resulted in that the
fitted data. part of pores were blocked, thereby further reduced the
The scatting angles (2h) of peak (002) of petroleum coke surface area and pore volume.
samples are listed in Table 4. The calculated crystalline
structure parameters of the separated carbon components 3.5 Gasification reactivity of petroleum cokes
are shown in Table 5, where the contents of A and T, in
different petroleum cokes (Xa and Xt) are calculated in Figure 4 shows the mass conversions of the petroleum
terms of the following equations cokes versus gasification time. It shows that the gasification

Effect of heat treatment on structure and gasification reactivity of petroleum coke 57

Fig. 3 Gauss fitting curves for 002 peak of petroleum coke samples. (1) Untreated; (2) Th = 1173 K; (3) Th = 1473 K; (4) Th = 1673 K

58 C. Li et al.

Table 4 Scatting angles (2h) of peak (002) of petroleum coke Table 6 BET surface area and pore volume of petroleum coke
Sample Th (K) SBET (m2/g) Vp (cm2/g)
Sample Th (K) 2h (°)
P1 Untreated 1.1824 0.00595
P1 Untreated 25.32 1173 15.6229 0.01346
1173 25.22 1473 28.5293 0.01782
1473 25.40 1673 3.0254 0.00851
1673 25.50
P2 Untreated 1.9261 0.00443
P2 Untreated 25.22 1173 11.0113 0.01604
1173 25.28 1473 35.1096 0.03336
1473 25.30 1673 7.2068 0.01950
1673 25.36

materials. The reactivity R over the first 50 % burnoff was

reactivity monotonously decreased with temperature reported for different heat treatment conditions, which
increasing for P1. Heat treatment restrained the gasification could be seen from the Formula (7):
reactivity of P1. The P2 sample treated at 1673 K had
R ¼ 0:5=s0:5 ð7Þ
lower gasification reactivity than the original sample,
although the samples treated at lower temperature had where s0.5 is the time required to reach 0.5 of fractional
higher gasification reactivity than the original sample. The fixed-carbon conversion. Table 7 lists the reactivity index
difference between P1 and P2 was probably ascribed to the R of petroleum coke at various reactivity temperatures
different ash contents in the two cokes. P2 contained more before and after heat treatment, from which we could see
ash than P1. Alkali metals (Na, K) and alkaline earth that gasification reactivity was affected by the heat treatment
metals (Ca, Mg) as well as transition metals (Fe) in P2 temperature. The reason was that emission of the volatile
could serve as active catalysts in gasification under certain content in the residual carbon during heat treatment process
conditions. In addition, from the Table 2, we could see leads to a deeper lever graphitization of petroleum coke.
there is vanadium in the ash of P2, which has catalytic Petroleum coke is composed of polycyclic aromatic
action (Yang et al. 2008). When the heat treatment tem- hydrocarbons and rich in aromatics with lots of rings
perature exceeded 1300 K, some alkali metals tended to be (Bayram et al. 1999). So the carbon structure of petroleum
vaporized at higher temperatures and Vanadium oxide may coke is aromatic condensate, with relative higher order.
transformed to vanadium nitride (Yu et al. 2008), which Compared with other carbon materials, it has high degree
might lead to gasification reactivity decreased. of order and crystallinity. In essence, the petroleum coke is
The graphitization was the dominant factor that deter- part of the graphite. When the temperature is higher than
mined the reactivity of P1 coke during heat treatment 1073 K, the petroleum coke tends to be graphite. During
process. And for the P2 coke, the effects of ash composi- the heat treatment process, the higher the temperature is,
tions and porous structure on gasification reactivity should the more conducive to polycondensation reactions between
be taken into account. hydrocarbon side chains. Thereby, the higher the degree of
Reactivity index R is one of important indicators to graphitization and microcrystalline, the more ordered of
characterize the gasification reactivity of carbonaceous the carbon structure. In addition, the pore structure affects

Table 5 Crystal structure parameters of the petroleum coke obtained at different heating temperatures
Samples Th (K) d002,a (Å) Lc,a (Å) d002,t (Å) Lc,t (Å) Xa Xt d002,a (Å) Lc,a (Å)

P1 Untreated 2.66 0.09 1.80 0.58 0.76 0.24 2.45 0.21

1173 2.39 0.11 1.80 0.36 0.56 0.44 2.13 0.22
1473 2.16 0.09 1.80 0.44 0.55 0.45 2.00 0.25
1673 1.95 0.11 1.79 0.66 0.42 0.58 1.86 0.43

P2 Untreated 2.82 0.08 1.81 0.53 0.77 0.23 2.59 0.18

1173 2.40 0.11 1.81 0.34 0.53 0.47 2.12 0.22
1473 2.17 0.07 1.81 0.44 0.61 0.39 2.35 0.21
1673 1.99 0.08 1.79 0.64 0.52 0.48 1.89 0.35

Effect of heat treatment on structure and gasification reactivity of petroleum coke 59

temperature on the gasification reactivity was complex. It

is necessary to take all factors into consideration, including
the carbon microcrystalline structure, the pore structure and
its own nature of petroleum coke.

3.6 Kinetics modeling of petroleum coke gasification

3.6.1 Description of kinetic models

Various models including integrated model (IM), random

pore model (RPM), and shrinking core model (SCM) have
been proposed to describe coal char gasification.
IM is an improved version of shrinking core model
(Yang et al. 2003). It replaces the exponent in shrinking
core model by a new parameter n.
r¼ ¼ kð1  xÞn ð8Þ
where k is the reaction rate constant, and n is the reaction
In SCM (Kajitani et al. 2002), the gasification reaction
was assumed to happen only on the surface of spherical
particle, and the non-reacted core shrunk gradually during
the process of reaction. When reaction is the control step,
the SCM gives
r¼ ¼ 3sð1  xÞ2=3 ð9Þ
Fig. 4 Conversion rate (x) plotted against gasification time (t) at
different heat treatment temperature. a P1; b P2; (1) Untreated; (2) where 1/s is particle consuming time. SCM does not take
Th = 1173 K; (3) Th = 1473 K; (4), Th = 1673 K into account the evolution of pore structure in the course of
Bhatia and Perlmutter (1980) proposed RPM, which
Table 7 Reaction indexes (R) of petroleum coke at different heat
treatment temperatures takes into account the evolution of pore in the course of
reaction. A random overlapping of pore’s surface was
Sample R (910-3 min-1)
assumed to reduce the area available for reaction. When
Untreated Th = 1173 K Th = 1473 K Th = 1673 K reaction is in control step, the gasification rate can be
written as
P1 13.472 9.398 7.285 2.905
dx pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
P2 11.193 34.540 14.425 8.648 r¼ ¼ r0 ð1  xÞ 1  w lnð1  xÞ ð10Þ
where w is a parameter of particle structure and r0 is the
the gasification reactivity of petroleum coke. The smaller initial reaction rate.
the specific surface area is, the worse the reaction is Normal distribution function model (NDFM) was
(Emmerich 1995). developed by Zou et al. (2007). The gasification rate could
As a result of the above results, carbon microcrystalline be given by an empirical equation as
structure was the main factor of the gasification reactivity dx ðx  xm Þ2
of P1, but the pore structure was the main factor of the r¼ ¼ rm exp  ð11Þ
dt 2w2
gasification reactivity of P2. On the whole, high tempera-
ture heat treatment inhibited the gasification reactivity of where rm is the maximum reaction rate, which is deter-
petroleum coke. With the heat treatment temperature mined as the maximum value of dx/dt and can be derived
increasing, the gasification reactivity of the residual of from the curve of x versus t. xm is the conversion at the
petroleum coke decreased. The impact of heat treatment maximum reaction rate.

60 C. Li et al.

3.6.2 Model fitting Table 8 The correlation coefficient of kinetic models

Sample Correlation coefficient (R2)
IM, SCM, RPM and NDFM, were tried to fit the kinetic
data of petroleum coke gasification with CO2. For petro- IM SCM RPM NDFM
leum coke which is poor with pore structure, the obvious P1 0.42821 0.41764 0.58145 0.99691
graphitization is that the gasification rate decreases rapidly P2 0.89036 0.8444 0.89431 0.97244
in the later stage of petroleum coke gasification. So typical
kinetic models without consideration of the microcrystal
structure cannot give good performance in describing the
variation of gasification rate with conversion for petroleum
coke. But from Fig. 5 and Table 8, we could see the IM
and SCM cannot describe the gasification rate with con-
version for petroleum coke well, which have poor corre-
lation. Although RPM has some improvements, the
correlation is still very low, and has some overlap with IM.
The empirical model NDFM can describe well the varia-
tion of gasification rate with conversion for petroleum
coke. The correlation factor R2 of NDFM is more than
The experimental curves of the gasification rate versus
conversion and the fitted data using NDFM for the heat-
treated petroleum cokes are shown in Fig. 6. It could be
seen that the experimental data were fitted well. With the

Fig. 6 r-x curves fitted by NDFM at different heating temperatures.

a P1; b P2; (1) Untreated; (2) Th = 1173 K; (3) Th = 1473 K; (4),
Th = 1673 K

Table 9 The correlation coefficient of sample by NDFM at different

heat treatment temperatures
Sample Correlation coefficient (R2)
Untreated Th = 1173 K Th = 1473 K Th = 1673 K

P1 0.99691 0.97303 0.97706 0.95386

P2 0.97244 0.96002 0.99884 0.93713

correlation coefficient (R2) of larger than 0.93 from

Fig. 5 r-x curves fitted by different models: a P1; b P2; (1) IM; (2) Table 9, NDFM is the most suitable kinetic model for the
SCM; (3) RPM; (4) NDFM gasification of petroleum coke.

Effect of heat treatment on structure and gasification reactivity of petroleum coke 61

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standing academic leaders Subsidy Scheme(08 XD 1401300). Special tions between coal char and mixtures of calcium oxide, quartz
thank is due to Professor Jie Wang for his revision of this paper. and kaolinite. Energy Fuels 15(5):1145–1152
Xie KC (2002) The structure and reactivity of coal, 3rd edn. Science
Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Press, Beijing, pp 94–99
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://crea Yang XF, Zhou J, Gong X (2003) Kinetic and characteristic study of, which permits unrestricted use, char-H2O gasification by isothermal thermogravimetry. Coal
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