Manual For Dams-V1 - Final
Manual For Dams-V1 - Final
Manual For Dams-V1 - Final
Engineer-In-Chief (O & M)
Guidelines for Operation & Maintenance of Dams
Guidelines for Operation & Maintenance of Dams
Guidelines for Operation & Maintenance of Dams
Guidelines for Operation & Maintenance of Dams
4.10 O&M cost for dams where owner and operator are different ................................................................................... 73
Guidelines for Operation & Maintenance of Dams
4.11 Maintenance Records............................................................................................................................................. 73
APPENDIX F - GLOSSARY................................................................................................................................................. 95
Guidelines for Operation & Maintenance of Dams
Acronyms used in this publication are as follows:
BIS Bureau of Indian Standards
CDSO Central Dam Safety Organisation
CWC Central Water Commission
SDSO State Dam Safety Organisation
O &M Operation and Maintenance
DSRP Dam Safety Review Panel
DTM Digital Terrain Model
EAP Emergency Action Plan
The Manual needs to be prepared primarily for the dam operations staff and their
supervisors, who are assigned the responsibility of the physical operations and maintenance
of the dam. It should contain, as a minimum, all information and instructions necessary for
them to perform their allotted tasks. In addition to instructions for dam operations staff, the
Manuals should also include all necessary instructions for other staff directly or indirectly
involved in operating and maintaining the dam.
Emergency Action Plan (EAP) will help in minimizing losses to life and property. The manual
should contain the emergency situations and guidelines for developing the Emergency
Action Plan.
In general, it is a global practice that the O&M Manual is available prior to the initial filling of
the reservoir.
Guidelines for Operation & Maintenance of Dams
No. Function Officers having responsibility
Guidelines for Operation & Maintenance of Dams
Routine data for the following is to be collected in separate forms as per frequency
prescribed: -
1.3.1. Reservoir water surface elevation.
1.3.2. Reservoir inflow.
1.3.3. Spillway outflow.
1.3.4. River releases.
1.3.5. Irrigation, water supply and hydropower releases.
1.3.6. Weather related data.
1.3.7. Surveillance and monitoring
1.3.8. Water quality
1.3.9. Process of Recording and Reporting Reservoir inflows, spillway, River, Irrigation,
and hydropower releases at the dam site
Irrigation & CAD department of Telangana has developed web enabled software application
to store and report the inflow and outflows information of all major reservoirs. The web
application i.e., Reservoir Storage Monitoring System is hosted securely at Central Servers of
Telangana state. The Assistant Executive Engineer should record all the inflow and all outflow
details in prescribed proforma at dam site at specified intervals and communicate the
information to the higher authorities and to Flood control room through SMS, email and
departmental mobile application. Currently all the project inflow data and releases made at
dam site is being sent to Flood Control room and it is also available on demand through a
Mobile application to concerned authorities. Flood Control room officials shall send the data
to Central Servers through a software application. The data stored in Central servers are
available through Reservoir Storage Monitoring system (web application) to all departmental
officials and citizens through the Irrigation and CAD departmental web site.
Guidelines for Operation & Maintenance of Dams
During the monsoon period, the Departmental Engineers shall monitor the Flood situation round the
clock. Engineers shall also be available round the clock in Flood control room to receive the flood
alert warnings and the engineers posted at dam site shall send the hourly data to Flood control room
during heavy floods.
Table 2: Example Proforma for recording flow and water release monthly data
Outflow in Cusecs
Date Water Inflow Irrigation Irrigation Drinkin Indust Evapor Spillw Power Total
Level in Releases Releases g water rial ation ay House outflow
in Feet Cusecs Right Left Main Release Relea losses Releas releases in Cusecs
Main Canal s ses es
• Attendance statement during normal operations – both during monsoon and non-
monsoon period.
Guidelines for Operation & Maintenance of Dams
• Names and addresses of official visitors (e.g., staff carrying out inspection)
• Any other item pertaining to the operation and maintenance of the dam.
In addition to real time data acquisition systems, reservoir and canal operation systems may
be equipped with the remote-control systems (SCADA) that will allow the control of gates
and operation from a control room or other remote areas and, hence, will allow system
responses on a real time basis during floods or any other emergency. This will require
measurement of water levels in reservoirs and off-takes (spillways and canals).
As part of the National Hydrology Project, government is establishing the facilities for
automated data collection, collation, and processing at state level. This includes (i)
construction or upgrading of state Hydro-informatics (data) centers, to serve as hubs for both
real-time and long-term data management and operational control systems; (ii) information
technology equipment and software to receive and process data; (iii) services to digitize
historical data and records; and (iv) data storage servers including cloud servers.
Every major dam shall have all hydrological monitoring systems, which capture and send the
data to central servers automatically.
Guidelines for Operation & Maintenance of Dams
Dam authorities shall maintain the record of Gross storage, Live storage and Maximum
Probable flood discharge and maximum design discharge of concerned dam. The inflows to
all major dam sites in Krishna and Godavari rivers in Telangana predominantly depend on
flows generated in upstream states of Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Chattisgarh and
Karnataka. Respective Dam authorities shall monitor the floods recorded in upstream states
and lag time to reach the flood to concerned project site. Dam authorities should be in touch
with Central Water Commission authorities and upstream dam maintenance officials and
estimate the forthcoming flood well in advance. For all dams where flash floods are common
due to local rainfall it is recommended to establish Automatic Weather station sensors in the
Catchment area to estimate inflows to the dam site.
The following measures are essential for effective management of floods in Krishna and
Godavari River basins during the monsoons. Liaising with upstream states is most critical for
flood forecasting
• Exchanging of rainfall data, water release data from upstream dams, upstream storage
levels etc.,
• Distance to the nearest medical assistance and police station from the dam.
Guidelines for Operation & Maintenance of Dams
• Safety equipment available at the dam would be listed here; (first-aid kits, fire
extinguisher, self-contained breathing apparatus, air-quality monitors, etc.)
Restricted areas which are potentially hazardous could include the following:
1.6.4. Intake or outlet channels adjacent to hydraulic structures subject to surging or rapid
changes in water level during releases.
Suitable warning and restriction signs located at various places around the dam should be
referenced in the Manual.
Reference should be made to the Communications Directory for local police assistance,
medical and fire services.
The Assistant Engineer/Assistant Executive Engineer of the project has to be entrusted the
responsibility of effective transmission of hydro- meteorological and stream flow data
through different means, which include Short Mail Service (SMS), telephone and wireless to
Guidelines for Operation & Maintenance of Dams
Directory of contact numbers of key persons of Civil Administration, Police, Ambulance, Fire
Station etc. should be made available available in divisional office. Regular revision /
updating of the Directory is being carried out.
One display board should be provided containing the contact numbers of the Chief Engineer,
Superintending Engineer, Executive Engineer, Assistant Executive Engineer, and other
personnel related to operation of the dam. The available means of communication may
include landline, mobile phones.
The proper accessibility with jeep able roads shall be ensured to all the vulnerable points for
constant monitoring during emergent situations.
If no facilities are available at the dam site, the location and owner of the nearest phone or
radio should be noted. The actual phone numbers and other communication numbers
should be listed in the Communication Directory for the dam.
A notification for strengthening the alarm and warning system for safety of people from
sudden release of water from dams issued by the National Disaster Management Authority
in October 2015 may be seen at Appendix -A.
Guidelines for Operation & Maintenance of Dams
At the time of release of water from dam, the district administration and press are to be
intimated. Public of downstream areas are informed through mike announcement before
release of water in monsoon periods.
Twelve hours prior to the opening of gates, the sirens should be blown at every 1 hr. interval.
1. Chief Engineer.
2. Superintending Engineer.
3. Executive Engineer. (Concerned Dam)
4. Deputy Executive Engineer.
5. Assistant Executive Engineer/Assistant Engineer
Guidelines for Operation & Maintenance of Dams
Guidelines for Operation & Maintenance of Dams
1.10.2. WEEKLY
Electrical System
• Standby generator (DG Sets)
➢ Run for 15-30 min to achieve recommended operating temperature
➢ Check status of batteries and keep them charged.
➢ Check Fuel Supply
• Drainage systems - Toe drains, Gallery drains etc. (during 1st year after initial reservoir
1.10.3. MONTHLY
Check condition of Dam and Reservoir
• Critical landslides area (During Mon- soon)
• Reservoir periphery (During Mon- soon)
• Drainage systems - Toe Drains, Gallery drains etc. (on regular basis from second year
onwards after initial reservoir filling)
• Measuring devices/Instruments
Mechanical/Electrical System
• Replace fuse light bulbs
• Inspect to maintain ventilation system
• Cleaning of control panel board
• Availability of updated operating instruction
• Check gate air vents
Guidelines for Operation & Maintenance of Dams
• Check condition of trash rack of in- take structure
• Check condition of Outlet works & its Energy Dissipation Arrangement
Guidelines for Operation & Maintenance of Dams
1.10.6. ANNUALLY
• Check electrical conduits, pull-boxes, and switches for:
➢ Outlet works valve house
➢ Gates & hoists
➢ Spillway bridge
➢ Galleries
• Inspect intake structures, trash racks and stilling basin / energy dissipation
Guidelines for Operation & Maintenance of Dams
arrangement, which normally are underwater. This may need to be done by carrying out
dewatering or by divers/remote operated vehicle, as necessary.
Guidelines for Operation & Maintenance of Dams
1. The operation of a dam will involve regulation of its reservoir as per project specific
requirements, keeping records and ensuring public safety. Proper operation procedures are
crucial for maintaining a safe structure. This chapter provides details on how various
elements of a project are to be operated both during normal and emergency situations.
2. Basic Data:
The basic data that should be maintained for each dam is as below:
1. Name of the Dam:
2. Purpose of Project: Irrigation /Power/Water Supply /Multipurpose/
3. Village
4. Mandal / District:
5. Global Coordinates: Latitude: Longitude:
6. Year of completion:
7. First filling (Year/ Level):
8. Benefits to accrue/ accrued a) Irrigation :
b) Water Supply :
c) Power :
d) Other benefits :
1. Top of dam of level (T.D.L) :
2. Maximum Water level (M.W.L) :
3. Full Reservoir level (F.R.L) :
4. Sill level of Irrigation sluices :
5. Sill level of scouring sluices :
6. Spillway crest level :
7. Minimum draw down level :
8. Lowest river bed level :
9. Deepest foundation level :
Guidelines for Operation & Maintenance of Dams
Guidelines for Operation & Maintenance of Dams
• Reservoir operation studies, relevant design documents, hydraulic model studies etc.
• Instructions for operating the reservoir in accordance with reservoir operation rule curve.
• General instructions for the safe operation of the dam and appurtenances.
• Inflow forecasting
Site security is a matter of concern at all major dams. This includes terrorism implications
and preventing structural damage by vandals and unauthorized operation of outlet or
spillway gates. In most cases restricting public access is essential, and in some instances
electronic security devices should be considered.
2.3.1. Instructions for Operating Control Mechanisms
The Procedures should provide instructions for operating all necessary equipment associated
with a dam including the spillway gates and outlet gates /valves. The gate manufacturer ‘s
Guidelines for Operation & Maintenance of Dams
O&M Manual for Gates & Hoists will however govern the overall Gate operations whenever
there as any contradiction with the instructions given in the Manual. The frequency and
nature (e.g., flow test, static test, dry test) of operational check testing of the equipment ‘s
should be specified. Correct sequence should be emphasize d and sketches, drawings, and
photographs to aid in identifying specific handles, buttons, levers, etc., should be included.
Provisions and uses of backup equipment should be outlined.
The correct method and sequence of opening and closing guard gates, gate usage during low
and high flow, and openings at which excessive vibration are experienced, and operating
problems peculiar to a specific gate should also be listed. For gates/valves, a schematic
diagram should be provided showing each component (including backup equipment) and its
place in the operating sequence.
An auxiliary power system such as a petrol or diesel-operated generator or other appropriate
energy source is essential if the outlets, spillway gates and other dam facilities are electrically
operated. This system should be located at levels higher than the extreme flood levels.
Access and lighting during extreme events are essential.
All the spillway and outlet gates should be tested on a regular schedule along with testing of
alarms and associated indicators. The test should include use of both the primary and
auxiliary power systems.
Guidelines for Operation & Maintenance of Dams
• Where more than one spillway exists, the sequence of operation of spillways needs to be
• The general instructions should give the maximum pool levels proposed at different times of
the year, and the largest and smallest carryover storage volumes. Both reservoir filling and
release procedures (Rule Curves) should be available.
Guidelines for drawdown, flushing & sluicing in case of Hydro-power projects need to be
The various important reservoir levels and corresponding capacities are given below for
reference for a sample reservoir:
Live Capacity in M.
Particulars RL. in meters
Minimum draw down level 314.858 M 145. 63
Full Reservoir level 318.516 M 192.50
Maximum water level 318.516 M 421.69
Canal sill level 312.420 M
Crest Level 310.00
Inflow data for monsoon months for a dam site calculated on monthly basis from actual
observed data at a dam and the same expressed as percentage of live reservoir capacity is
given below for reference for a sample reservoir :
Guidelines for Operation & Maintenance of Dams
The reservoir levels to be maintained should be such that the reservoir receives the average
monsoon yields during the month so that it is at FRL by 15th September every year. The yield
during 2nd fortnight of September and the month of October is very meagre and cannot be
relied upon for filling of reservoir.
The proposed reservoir level, live capacity and percentage filling are given below for
reference for a sample reservoir :
The Executive Engineer located at dam site should use his discretion based on particular River
behavior and judgement to make slight variation in the above arrangement in order to
stagger the out flows from the reservoir with floods to safeguard the flood situation.
If reservoir levels increase beyond the levels indicated above on or before the prescribed
dates, the radial gate shall be cautiously opened by issuing warning by sirens and wireless
messages to all concerned authorities as prescribed.
By 15th September the reservoir should be near about FRL as after 15th September, the river
discharge reduces considerably and there are little chances of filling the reservoir after this
During very high flood when reservoir water is at FRL, the incoming flood will have to be
passed over spillway taking care that rate of out flow does not exceed the rate of inflow in
the reservoir. The rate of rise of reservoir water level may be restricted to 10 cm /hour after
FRL so that the flood can be safely moderated and regulated for the prolonged period of
about 30 hours, without crossing MWL, thereby reducing spillway discharge and minimizing
downstream damages. Based on particular river behavior, Project authorities shall take
Guidelines for Operation & Maintenance of Dams
judgement to make variation in the above arrangement in order to stagger the out flows
from the reservoir with floods to safeguard the flood situation.
The above recommendations shall be treated as guidelines for average monsoon and run-off
conditions. The field Engineer should be extremely vigilant and will closely watch the rainfall
pattern, storms and resulting yields and floods during the month of August and 1st fortnight
of September and take decisions accordingly so that excessive releases are not made, nor
water is stored more than required, necessitating heavy peak flood releases in panic.
The knowledge, experience, and ingenuity of the officer in charge of the reservoir operation
blended with fast processing of rainfall and G.D. data of catchment area would provide the
best solution for the operation of reservoir.
The detailed project report (DPR) does not provide for flood protection. However, through
judicious and cautious reservoir operation, peak flood can be moderated to some extent
thereby reducing damage & submergence of life and properties. PMF & MODERATED FLOOD
The designed maximum flood (PMF) in cumecs, moderated flood at MWL in cumecs at FRL
& MWL are RL. in m respectively are to be considered. Rules curves/Regulatory Plan for
reservoirs, if not available, could be developed as per I.S 7323 - Operation of Reservoirs –
Guidelines or as per any other suitable reference and included in the O&M Manual. SAFETY ASPECTS
The public safety is of paramount importance at all dams and reservoirs. The general
instructions in this regard are as under:
• State procedures to be followed for restricting access to the dam or confining traffic to
designated areas. Indicate the procedures to be followed when tourists visit the facility.
• Designate speed limits to keep the traffic within acceptable and safe limits.
Guidelines for Operation & Maintenance of Dams
Surplus waters during floods are released through a service spillway, emergency spillway,
fuse plug, outlet works etc. as applicable.
The service (principal) spillway maintains the reservoir at Full Reservoir level (FRL). Its
function is to pass expected flood flows past the dam safely. It may be gated or un -gated. It
is necessary to ensure that all gates are in working condition. Normally these spillways are
standard ogee, chute, or side-channel spillways.
The gate operation schedule for passing floods safely must be prepared based on the project
layout and the results of hydraulic model studies. The following general guidelines may be
borne in mind while preparing the gate operation schedule:
• The regulation of gates should be based on model studies where such studies have been
carried out. Otherwise, the regulation can be based on past experience of operation of the
gates and design studies carried out for developing the same. The aim will be to ensure safety
of the dam structure including the gate components, hoists, energy dissipation arrangement
and downstream channel while letting out the desired discharge.
Guidelines for Operation & Maintenance of Dams
• The end gates shall normally be opened first to prevent cross-flows striking against the walls
and junctions.
• At any time during the operation of different gates, the difference in gate opening of any
consecutive bays should not exceed 0.5 meters.
• After opening the end gates, the gates at the center should be opened and the other gates
should be opened in symmetrical manner starting from the center towards the end through
gradual increase in the openings.
• While closing the gates, that was opened last should be closed first. The procedure to be
followed for closing gates should be generally reverse of the procedure to be followed for
opening the gates. Complete closure of the gates should be accomplished by gradual
lowering of the gates by 0.2. to 0.3 m in the proper sequence.
• In some cases all the gates will be opened equally especially when the energy dissipation
arrangement consists of solid rubber bucket or slotted roller bucket.
• For all major projects in Telangana, the dam authorities shall mandatorily prepare the gates
operation schedule in consultation with TSERL.
The important reservoir levels such as sill levels of various outlets in the dam, MDDL, Spillway
Crest level, Full Reservoir Level, Maximum Water Level, and corresponding reservoir
capacities should be included (See Figure 2-3) Figure for reference to be included in the
manual. Also it is essential to include Area-Capacity data (both in the form of tables and
curves) in the Manual.
The O&M manual should mention that the reservoir capacities may change because of
sedimentation that reduces the available storage volume over time. Revised area- capacity
curves need to be prepared whenever a new bathymetric survey of a reservoir is carried out.
The frequency of this survey will depend upon reservoir siltation rates and other factors as
applicable (approx. 10 years).
Inflow forecasting should include instructions and procedure for preparing, periodic
estimates of inflow volumes especially for the monsoon season. These estimates provide a
Guidelines for Operation & Maintenance of Dams
basis to plan reservoir and project operations before and during the flood season and to
permit optimization and coordination of water supply and other reservoir functions. Also,
these estimates will help in planning operating procedures consistent with operating criteria
to protect the dam and its appurtenances against failure caused by high reservoir water
levels and excessive discharge rates.
The instructions and procedures should be described in sufficient details and completeness
in a referenced Supporting Document to enable newly assigned personnel to estimate
inflows and to fully implement the procedures. Maps or drawings could be used to show
locations of Hydrological stations in the drainage area where data such as river gauge,
discharge, rainfall, sediment is collected on a regular basis.
Administrative and technical procedures should be included. Administrative procedures
should identify organizations responsible for forecasting estimates and the related collection
of data and conversion of forecasts into operating plans. Technical procedures shall include:
• Instructions regarding at what frequency forecasts are to be made under various conditions.
The supporting document should include a description of the procedures and criteria used
by those agencies and instructions for operating personnel in the use of such forecasts.
Development of inflow forecasting procedures is a continuing process because correlations
are subject to revision as more data become available. Hence, instructions in the Supporting
document should include a requirement to examine the procedures periodically and to make
revisions and improvements where needed.
Guidelines for Operation & Maintenance of Dams
and other governmental agencies, information on potential areas of inundation, plans for
warning and evacuation, and information on resources and procedures for making emergency
Early identification of hazardous conditions at a dam will allow prompt implementation of
emergency actions and procedures. Dam owners and operators should be familiar with the
principal types of failure and their telltale signs. If any of the following conditions are noted, the
EAP should be implemented immediately.
1. The dam is overtopping or nearly overtopping. The dam owner or operator should closely
monitor the level of the reservoir during periods of heavy rainfall and runoff. If the spillway
and reservoir storage capacities are exceeded, overtopping will occur. Overtopping could
result if a large slide in the upstream or downstream slope of the embankment significantly
lowers the dam crest. Blockage of spillways may also cause overtopping of a dam.
2. Piping (internal erosion of soil from the dam or its foundation) has developed. Piping is
usually indicated by a rapid increase in seepage rate, a muddy dis charge at or near the
downstream toe, sinkholes on or near the embankment, and/or a whirlpool (eddy) in the
reservoir. Boils at or near the downstream toe may be indications that piping is beginning.
3. A large slide develops in either the upstream or downstream slope of the embankment and
threatens to release the impounded water.
4. Sudden and rapid failure of an appurtenant structure threatens complete failure of the dam
and release of its impoundment.
Certain key elements of information must be included in every warning and evacuation plan.
Information about potential inundation (flooding) areas and travel times for the breach (flood)
wave is essential to the development and implementation of these emergency plans.
Inundation maps showing potential areas of flooding because of dam failure are especially
useful. The development of inundation maps requires the assistance of an engineer with
expertise in this area.
Local officials and dam owners will have to use common sense in determining necessary areas
of evacuation. Areas nearest to the dam must be evacuated first. Flood Prone Area maps can
provide route approximations of necessary evacuation areas. However, the evacuation areas
Guidelines for Operation & Maintenance of Dams
should be extended beyond the limits of the maximum flood area shown on these maps, as
floods resulting from dam failures are usually more widespread and destructive. In making
these determinations, it is always better to err on the conservation side.
Whenever possible, warning of a dam failure or an impending dam failure should follow
procedures already established for other emergencies. However, it must be stressed that
warning and evacuation times will be limited, and that immediate evacuation must follow.
Warnings delivered through personal modes such as telephones, loudspeakers, and face-to-
face communications are more effective than warnings delivered impersonally, by sirens for
example. Persons delivering the warnings should always say "the dam is failing," and not
"flooding is expected." Warnings should be clear and concise. Residents should be advised to
move to safety immediately. Radio and television news media should be used to the extent
available and appropriate. Residents are more likely to respond if they receive warnings from
several sources.
It is also important to know what types of emergency repairs should be attempted for the
different modes of failure. The following descriptions of possible actions to take to avoid failure
are offered. Caution must be exercised by those working around the dam during the
implementation of any of these emergency measures.
Guidelines for Operation & Maintenance of Dams
Guidelines for Operation & Maintenance of Dams
repair. The reservoir must be fully drained, and a professional engineer contacted to develop
plans for permanent remedial measures.
Guidelines for Operation & Maintenance of Dams
Guidelines for Operation & Maintenance of Dams
seepage, cracking and erosion. Repairs to any project features that did not function as
designed can be re-evaluated and modified to ensure the dam operates according to its
original design.
All the water release facilities including gated spillways, outlet works, sluices etc. are to be
used for control of reservoir levels during initial filling. The O&M Manual should be available
before initial filling of the reservoir.
The initial filling criteria for the reservoir shall be available in a separate supporting
document which shall be referenced in the O&M Manual.
Before initial filling of the reservoir is taken up, the State Dam Safety Organization shall
arrange for safety inspection of the dam either through its own engineers or by an in -
dependent panel of experts, who shall also examine the initial filling program and prepare a
detailed report in respect thereof.
Reservoir filling schedule is governed by the Indian Standard, IS: 15472 - Guidelines for
planning and design of low-level outlets for evacuating storage reservoirs in which the
Guidelines regarding initial filling of reservoirs have been described. It stipulates that the
filling rates for concrete/masonry dams are much less restrictive than for embankment dams
and specify a general initial filling program in respect of embankment dams, which can be
suitably modified as necessary, as under:
a) The first stage consists of filling the reservoir up to MDDL. This filling can be done without
restraint as the hazard potential to the public and economic development downstream of
the dam is low.
b) The second stage consists of filling the reservoir from MDDL to the crest of spillway. For earth
and rock fill dams this stage filling should be done in two parts.
The reservoir above MDDL should be gradually built at a rate not exceeding 3 m per fortnight
and filling should be temporarily stopped at half the height between MDDL and crest of
spillway, for a reasonable time in order to assess the behavior of the structure on the basis
of observed values and to take a decision about further storage and remedial measures in
case of distress.
After a decision is taken to continue the filling, further building up of the storage should be
done in gradual sub-stages of 2 to 3 m per fortnight depending upon the height of the dam
Guidelines for Operation & Maintenance of Dams
and increase in storage capacity. The reservoir should then be temporarily held at the crest
level of the spillway for a reasonable time for monitoring and evaluating the performance of
the dam and to take a decision about further storage.
c) The third stage consists of filling above the crest of the spillway up to the full reservoir level
(FRL). The rate of reservoir filling above crest of spillway should be restricted to sub - stages
of 0.3 m in 48 h. The reservoir should be temporarily held at half the height between FRL and
crest of spillway for sufficient time for monitoring and evaluating performance of dam and
to take a decision about further storage/remedial measures, if any.
Central Water Commission (CWC) Vide letter no.L25/86-DSS/509 dated 13th May 1986
has stipulated reservoir filling schedule in respect of Concrete Dams as under:
The first stage consists of filling the reservoir up to Minimum Draw down Level (MDDL). This
filling can be done without restraint.
The second stage consists of filling the reservoir from MDDL to the crest of spillway. The
reservoir above MDDL should be gradually built up at a rate not exceeding 3 meters per
fortnight depending upon the height of the dam and held at the level of crest of spillway in -
order to assess the behavior of the structure on the, basis of observed data and to take a
decision about further storage.
The third stage consists of filling above the crest of the spillway and up to full reservoir level
(FRL). Above the crest level of spillway, the building up of water level till FRL should be
restricted to 0.3 meter (1 ft.) in 48 hours and the same should be temporarily held at half the
height between the crest of spillway and FRL to monitor and assess the behavior of structure
before further filling resumed. The period for which the reservoir is held at this level will
depend on the instrument response time.
In case of concrete dams having high earthen flanks, the procedure suggested for earthen
dams should be followed
• Release through outlet/sluices on daily basis for irrigation, water supply, hydropower etc.
Guidelines for Operation & Maintenance of Dams
• Outflows through spillway during monsoon on hourly basis and during non- monsoon on
daily basis.
• Records of drawdown with reservoir levels, quantity of water released, draw - down rates,
reason for drawdown.
• Water Audit register to be maintained on daily basis by accounting all the releases,
incremental storage in the reservoir etc.
• Visitors register with complete details like name, address, designation, purpose etc.
Guidelines for Operation & Maintenance of Dams
Annexure I
These elevations are the target reservoir levels to be achieved at the end of respective
fortnights during June to November and respective months during December to May, for
optimal power production without detriment to irrigation. The rule curve elevations are
shown graphically on the following page in Figure 3. The major principle adopted in
developing the working Tables is that, after irrigation releases are made, if the reservoir is
above the rule curve elevation, water would be released through the turbines. This
maximizes the power production on an annual average basis.
Guidelines for Operation & Maintenance of Dams
508 For FRL 519.60 m
June 1F
June 2F
Sept 1F
Sept 2F
Oct 1F
Oct 2F
July 1F
July 2F
Nov 1F
Nov 2F
August 2F
August 1F
Period - ForeNight/Month
Guidelines for Operation & Maintenance of Dams
Chapter 3:
An effective inspection program is essential to identify problems and to keep a dam in a good
and healthy condition. Detailed description on type of project inspections is available in the
Guideline for Safety Inspection of dams: (Doc. No. CDSO_GUD_DS_07_v 1.0), CWC 2018.
However, an overview of the various types of inspections is given below:
Four types of dam safety inspections are to be carried out. For all dams:
1) Informal inspections
2) Scheduled inspections
3) Special (unscheduled) inspections
4) Comprehensive Evaluation inspections.
The frequency of each type of inspection will depend on the hazard classification of the dam,
the condition of the dam and the CDSO regulations etc.
Guidelines for Operation & Maintenance of Dams
[NOTE: These inspections are to be carried out by Superintending Engineer and Executive
Other Scheduled inspections are conducted as per the Action Plan considering 20% of the
projects and shall be inspected by Special Dam Safety Inspection Team (SDSIT)/ State Dam
Guidelines for Operation & Maintenance of Dams
Safety Organization (SDSO)Engineers depending upon the capacity of the dam along with
Mechanical Wing if required .
These inspections will include the following components as a minimum:
1. Review of the past inspection reports, monitoring data and photographs, maintenance
records and other pertinent data.
2. Inspection of the dam and its appurtenant works.
3. Preparation of a report with relevant documentation and photographs.
Guidelines for Operation & Maintenance of Dams
surrounding areas.
d) Review of the instrumentation records and structural behavior reports, if any.
e) Evaluation of procedures for operation, maintenance and inspection of dam and to
suggest improvements / modifications.
f) Evaluation of any possible hazardous threat to the dam structure such as dam abutment
slope stability failure or slope failures along the reservoir periphery.
The main objective of the Panel of Experts (POE) is to carry out an independent expert review
of the overall health status of the dam and to propose remedial measures.
Guidelines for Operation & Maintenance of Dams
3. Village
4. Mandal / District:
6. Year of completion:
Guidelines for Operation & Maintenance of Dams
Guidelines for Operation & Maintenance of Dams
brief details of remedial measures carried out6. When and by whom was the dam
inspected immediately preceding this inspection :
7. Are the items pointed out during the last
Inspection properly attended to?.(If not
State deficiencies yet to be corrected) :
Separate logbook manual for the items 5,6&7 has to be enclosed. It should contain all the
observation v/s Recommendations in chronological order duly signed by the competent
authority as given in para 1 of the decisions taken by the SDSC meeting.
Guidelines for Operation & Maintenance of Dams
Records that may be required for proper inspection and maintenance shall be available
at site. These shall be properly maintained and kept up to date by including latest
information available. Data in respect upstream, gauging station, flood warning system and
communication channels, if installed, shall be properly maintained.
1. Final detailed project report and details of modifications done
during construction and a set of final drawing (as executed). :
2. Index plan of the area in which the dam is located showing important
towns, roads, rail routes and communication facilities. :
3. Index plan of downstream area showing natural flood zone, flood zones
corresponding to spillway design flood and dam
peak flood and all-important towns, villages that are actually
lying in these flood zones. :
4. Contour map of dam site extending upto 200m or 10 times
the dam height (whichever is less) on upstream and downstream,
showing all features of the dam like toe lines, fills, drainage relief
walls, access roads etc. :
5. Records showing Drawing of longitudinal sections
of dam foundation or Cut-off trench showing details of
foundation strata, Stage wise construction of C.O.T
filling and raising of dam section or embankment
zoning details and foundation treatment. :
6 Records showing Drawing of cross sections of dam,
details or foundation treatment, under seepage control,
zoning internal and External drainage, all protective
arrangement and stage wise construction. :
7. Contour plan of dam site with foundation Levels :
8. Contour plan of Reservoir basin and F.R.L. Contour Plan :
9. Contour capacity and area capacity curve. :
10. Reservoir maps showing silted basin if observed. :
Guidelines for Operation & Maintenance of Dams
Guidelines for Operation & Maintenance of Dams
Guidelines for Operation & Maintenance of Dams
Guidelines for Operation & Maintenance of Dams
Guidelines for Operation & Maintenance of Dams
Observations and
Item No. Items of Inspection recommendations of the
inspecting offer.
(1) (2) (3)
1. Are there any Signs of water logging, slushy conditions
or growth of aquatic weeds on the downstream of the dam. :
2. Are there any standing pools of
water in the downstream area of dam?
If so, give their locations and extent. :
3. Are there any boils observed in the Vicinity of the
downstream toe of the dam. :
4. Is the downstream area sufficiently clear and free. :
5. Whether chainage stones are fixed up on the top of the dam. :
6. Whether the B.M. is connected with the G.T.S. :
1. Are the longitudinal toe drains
and chutes freely draining ? :
2. Is the pitching to the drains &
chutes intact. :
3. Is there any weeds growth in toe drains &
chutes. :
4. Indicate other defects noticed in these toe
drains& chutes, if any ?
1. Is the Out fall drain in proper shape and
grade and freely draining? :
2. Is the outfall drain properly cleaned and maintained? :
3. Does the outfall drain show any standing pools
Guidelines for Operation & Maintenance of Dams
Guidelines for Operation & Maintenance of Dams
5. Is the crest free from local slips throughout its length on either side.
6. Do the headers, guard stones and parapet provided at the
edges of the crest appear in proper profile and plumb?
Guidelines for Operation & Maintenance of Dams
Guidelines for Operation & Maintenance of Dams
masonry/concrete Dams.
Observations and
Item No. Items of Inspection recommendations of the
inspecting offer.
(1) (2) (3)
Guidelines for Operation & Maintenance of Dams
c. Monolith joints.
d. Other seepage locations measured separately.
iii). Are the above arrangements Satisfactory?
Guidelines for Operation & Maintenance of Dams
iv) What was the total seepage per square meter of upstream
face submerged during inspection?
v) Is there any excessive seepage from any body
drain or any other location in the gallery?
vi) What steps are being taken for regular periodical.
Cleaning of the porous pipes?
vii) Was there been a tendency for gradual reduction of
drainage through pipes and progressive appearance of
sweating on the Downstream face of the dam?
viii) Has there been considerable leaching from the seepage
water and deposition of lime near the seepage exit spot?
ix) Are the samples of the seepage water and the reservoir
water being regularly tested?
x) Has the total leaching been estimated?
xi) Is the seepage on the downstream face of the dam
measured? What was the seepage on the date of
inspection? What is the maximum seepage during the past
one year?
Guidelines for Operation & Maintenance of Dams
Guidelines for Operation & Maintenance of Dams
Guidelines for Operation & Maintenance of Dams
Guidelines for Operation & Maintenance of Dams
a. Instruments installed
i Are all the instruments installed properly accessible?
ii Are all the locations properly lighted, ventilated and
adequately protected from possibilities of damages.
b. Are all the instruments in proper working order? Ascertain
the cases of instruments going out of order and indicate.
c. Are all the registers of observations posted up to date?
Please take test observations and put initials in the registers.
d. Are the instruments recalibrated periodically?
e. Are the instruments checked for faulty readings, and if so,
corrective measures taken from time to time
f. Horizontal & vertical alignment instrumentation
(inclinometers and inverted plumb bobs etc.). In concrete
structures does the measurements of inclinometers,
inverted plumb bobs or from the existing records of
alignment and elevation surveys indicate any change from
the original position of the structure.
g. Seismic instrumentation, does the existing records of
seismic instrumentation reveal the seismic activity in the
area and the response of the structure to fast earthquakes.
a. Is the air vent periodically cleaned?
b. Are there any structural damage to the intake walls? Such as
leakage noticed through walls.
c. Is there any leakage observed through the conduit,
concrete, or masonry?
Guidelines for Operation & Maintenance of Dams
Guidelines for Operation & Maintenance of Dams
Guidelines for Operation & Maintenance of Dams
of the sluice.
d. Ascertain when were the gates opened for desilting etc.?
e. Please indicate whether there is any leakage through the
f. Is the condition of energy dissipation arrangements
g. Is there any retrogression noticed in the downstream? If so,
give details of nature and extent damage.
a. Are the project officials well conversant with the emergency
action plan, reporting procedures, warning procedures?
b. When was the emergency action plan last reviewed?
c. Are the communication directories updated?
d. Are the concerned authorities informed about the system of
emergency reporting procedures and warning?
e. Are the inundation maps updated?
f. Are available safety spots on the downstream of the dam
identified, and made known to the concerned authorities?
g. Is the communication system working satisfactorily?
h. Are adequate warning devices and facilities provided at the
i. Is the downstream warning system operational (Siren)
j. Are proper arrangements made for security of the dam and
preventing cases of un-authorized sabotage to the dam
k. Is downstream warning system operable on alternative
power supply?
a. Is there a properly constructed and
well maintained all weathered road to the dam site.
b. What is the type of pavement of the access road and its
Guidelines for Operation & Maintenance of Dams
c. Are there properly constructed and well-maintained access
road arrangements to the following components for
inspection /maintenance and repairs?
i. Top of the dam
ii. Spillway
iii. Gates and hoisting arrangement
iv. Drainage gallery
v. Bridge structures
vi. Downstream stilling basin
vii. Junction and abutments
viii. Inlet gates
ix. Outlet gates
x. Toe of the earth dam downstream drainage arrangements
on various access roads.
xi. All saddle dams
d. What is the general condition of all the structures on various
access roads?
Are all the structures on the access roads adequately safe,
for allowing passage of plant/ machinery for emergent
Guidelines for Operation & Maintenance of Dams
Guidelines for Operation & Maintenance of Dams
A good maintenance program will protect a dam against deterioration, prolong its life, and
greatly reduce the chance of failure. The dam authorities and operating and maintenance
personnel must be knowledgeable of the potential problems which can lead to failure of a
dam. Nearly all the components of a dam and its materials are susceptible to damage and
deterioration if not well maintained.
Guidelines for Operation & Maintenance of Dams
listed above generally demand the services of experienced engineers/expert panels familiar
with the design, construction, and maintenance of dams. An emergency action plan (EAP)
should be activated when any of the above conditions are noted.
• Removal of all vegetation and bushes from the dam and restoring any eroded areas
and to establish good grass cover.
• Repair any damages on spillway glacis, piers, energy dissipaters, training/divide walls,
downstream areas etc.
Guidelines for Operation & Maintenance of Dams
• Routine mowing, restore and reseed eroded areas and gullies on downstream face of the
embankment section and general maintenance including repairs/cleaning of surface
drains on downstream face & in the downstream areas.
• Observation of any springs or seepage areas, comparing quantity and quality (clarity)
with prior observations in the embankment section.
• Monitoring of downstream development which could have an impact on the dam and its
hazard category.
• Maintenance of Electrical & Hydro-Mechanical equipment and systems, e.g., servicing of
spillway gates, hoisting arrangements, irrigation outlet gates and hoists, and stand by
• Proper lighting at dam top.
• The surfaces of an earthen dam may deteriorate due to several reasons. For example,
wave action may cut into the upstream slope, vehicles may cause ruts in the crest or
slopes, trails left by livestock can result in erosion, or runoff waters may leave erosion
gullies on the downstream slope. Other special problems, such as shrinkage cracks or
rodent damage, may also occur. Damage of this nature must be repaired constantly.
Guidelines for Operation & Maintenance of Dams
• The material selected for repairing embankments should be free from vegetation,
organic materials, trash, and large boulders/rocks.
• An important soil property affecting compaction is moisture content. Soils that are
too dry or too wet do not compact well. One may test repair material by squeezing it
into a tight ball. If the sample keeps its shape without cracking and falling apart
(which means it is too dry), and without depositing excess water onto the hand
(which means it is too wet), the moisture content is near the proper level.
• Before placement of earth, the repair area needs to be prepared by removing all
inappropriate material. All vegetation, such as bushes, roots, and tree stumps, along
with any large boulders/rocks or trash need to be removed. Also, unsuitable earth,
such as organic or loose soils, should be removed, so that the work surface consists
of exposed, firm, clean embankment material.
• Following cleanup, shape and dress the affected area so that the new fill can be
compacted to the level specified in the technical specifications. Also, it should
properly key with the existing fill. Further trim the slopes and roughen the surfaces
by scarifying to improve the bond between the new and existing fill and to provide a
good base to compact against.
Guidelines for Operation & Maintenance of Dams
• Turfing, free from weeds and bushes, is an effective means of preventing erosion.
Rills and gullies should be filled with suitable soil, compacted, and then seeded for
growing the turfing. Erosion in large gullies can be slowed by stacking bales of hay
or straw across the gully until permanent repairs can be made. Paths due to
pedestrian, livestock, or vehicular traffic (two and four-wheeled) are a problem on
many embankments. If a path has become established, vegetation will not provide
adequate protection and more durable cover will be required unless traffic is
eliminated. Stones may be used effectively to cover such footpaths.
• In addition, steps can be provided/ constructed at regular intervals along the length
of the dam for going from downstream toe to the dam top. All vehicular traffic,
except for maintenance, should be restricted from the dam.
• Erosion is also common at the point where an embankment and the concrete walls
of a spillway or other structure meet. Poor compaction adjacent to such walls during
construction and later settlement can result in an area along the wall that is lower
than the grade of the embankment. Runoff, therefore, often concentrates along
these structures, resulting in erosion. People also often walk along these walls,
wearing down the vegetative cover.
• Workable solutions include re-grading the area so that it slopes away from the wall,
adding more resistant surface protection, or constructing steps.
• The upstream face of a dam is required to be protected against wave erosion. Riprap
is normally provided for this purpose with filter layers below. Nonetheless, erosion
can still occur in existing riprap. Water running down the slope under the riprap can
erode the embankment. Sections of riprap that have slumped down-ward are often
signs of this kind of erosion.
Guidelines for Operation & Maintenance of Dams
• Effective slope protection must prevent soil from being removed from the
• When erosion occurs on the upstream slope of a dam, repairs should be made as
soon as possible. (Refer IS: 8237- Code of practice for protection of Slopes for
Reservoir Embankments for specifications of stones to be used as riprap). The sunk
rip rap may be brought back to its original levels by backfilling with suitable material
duly compacted and with inverted filter as originally provided under the riprap.
Further the riprap must be tightly packed.
• Keep the entire dam clear of unwanted vegetation such as bushes or tree. All
bushes/trees should be as far as possible removed by roots. The resulting holes
should be filled with well compacted earth. It would be desirable to remove the
plants/vegetation at their early stage to prevent their growing into big trees/bushes.
In cases where trees and bushes cannot be removed, the root systems should be
treated with herbicide (properly selected and applied) to retard further growth.
Concerned Government Agencies should be consulted for selection of appropriate
herbicides & their use for control of vegetation on dam structures.
• Further, it is desirable that there are no trees or bushes within 500 m of the toe drain
on the down-stream side of the dam
• Mowing of turfing needs to be carried out at least twice in a year depending on its
• The burrows and tunnels of burrowing animals (beaver, muskrat, groundhogs, and
Guidelines for Operation & Maintenance of Dams
others) weaken earthen embankments and serve as pathways for seepage from the
reservoir. Large burrows on an embankment should be filled by mud packing. This
involves placing vent pipe over the entrance of the den. Making sure that the pipe
connection to the den does not leak, the mud-pack mixture is poured into the pipe
until the burrow and pipe are filled with the soil-water mixture. The pipe is removed,
and more dry earth is tamped into the entrance. The mud pack is generally made by
adding water to 90% earth & 10% cement mixture until a slurry or thin cement
consistency is attained. For bigger holes, bentonite coated stones can also be used.
All entrances should be plugged with well-compacted earth & vegetation re-
established. Dens should be eliminated without delay.
• Different repair measures are necessary if a dam has been damaged by extensive
small rodent tunneling or large rodent activity. Excavate the area around the
entrance and then backfill it with impervious material. This plugs the passage
entrance so that water is prevented from saturating the dam ‘s interior.
• Ants and termites have become one of the most serious pests for Embankment dams.
They both need water to survive and have been found on most of the embankment
dams in India. These insects can create problems in the dam itself and with any of its
electrical components.
• In some habitats, ants and termites can move as much or more soil as earthworms,
thereby reducing soil compaction. Nest galleries can penetrate in a V -shaped pattern
below the nest, penetrating as much as more than one meter deep in the soil. These
galleries can create pathways for surface water to penetrate in the dam, resulting in
internal erosion and collapse of the surface.
• Ants and termites left undisturbed can build mounds that can become quite large.
These can create problems for mowing. However, frequent mowing can induce the
colonies to migrate to neighboring, undisturbed areas.
• There are many options for managing ants and termites. Use only pesticides labeled
as suitable for the location you want to treat. Make every effort to avoid
contaminating water with pesticides. Concerned agencies dealing with anti- termite
Guidelines for Operation & Maintenance of Dams
• As mentioned earlier, vehicles driving across an embankment dam can create ruts in
the crest if it is not surfaced with roadway material. The ruts can then collect water
and cause saturation and softening of the dam. Other ruts may be formed by vehicles
driving up and down a dam face; these can collect runoff and cause severe erosion.
• Vehicles except for maintenance should be restricted on the dam top and kept out
by fences or barricades. Any ruts should be repaired as soon as possible.
Guidelines for Operation & Maintenance of Dams
For a dam to be operated and maintained there must be a safe means of access to it at all
times. Access road surfaces must be maintained to allow safe passage of automobiles and
any required equipment for servicing the dam in any weather conditions. Routine
observations of any cut and fill slopes along the sides of the road should be made. If unstable
conditions develop assistance of experienced Engineers/Expert Panels should be obtained
and remedial measures initiated.
Drains are required to be provided and maintained along roads to remove surface and
subsurface drainage. This will prolong the life of the road and help reduce deterioration from
Road surface should be repaired or replaced as necessary to maintain the required traffic
In most cases, specialized contractors will be required to perform this maintenance.
Guidelines for Operation & Maintenance of Dams
· Gunny Bags, Sand, Boulders/Wire crates, Bamboos / Bali’s, Baskets, ropes, Petromax Lamps
with Spares, Torches with spare cells, Diesel for DG set, Kerosene Oil, Match Boxes,
Raincoats, Gum Boots, Life Jackets, Warning sign indicator, Danger zone lights
The O&M budget for should essentially include but not limited to the following items:
Establishment Cost of Regular Staff -
Salaries and allowances, Bonus, Medical Reimbursement, LTC, Leave Encashment, pension
benefits, etc. (as applicable).
Establishment Cost of Work charged Staff - Salaries and allowances, Bonus, Medical
Reimbursement, LTC, Leave Encashment, Pension benefits, TA and DA, etc. (as applicable).
Establishment Cost of Daily wage Staff - Salaries and allowances, TA and DA etc. (as
Office Expenses –Rent for office, Telephone/Mobile/any other Telecommunication bills,
Electricity bills, water bills, Office stationery, Day to day office requirements.
Motor Vehicles - Running and Maintenance cost of inspection vehicles, Cost of hiring of
vehicles as required
Maintenance of Colony - Maintenance of staff quarters, colony roads, Electricity, Sanitary
and Water supply systems etc.
T&P - T&P requirements for offices, colony, works etc. as applicable.
Works - Painting, oiling, greasing, overhauling of HM equipment’s, Repair/replacement of
gates seals & wire ropes, POL for pumps & generator sets, Electricity charges and
maintenance of Electric systems of dam site, specific requirements for all Civil, H.M &
Electrical maintenance works, vegetation removal and mowing of turfing on earth dams,
maintenance/cleaning of drains in dam, maintenance of lift/elevators in dam (as applicable),
maintenance of access roads & basic facilities, provision for flood contingency works during
monsoon, unforeseen events/items (about 10% of the cost of works) etc.
Guidelines for Operation & Maintenance of Dams
4.10 O&M cost for dams where owner and operator are different
It has been seen that there are many Hydro-Electric Projects in our country which are under
the control of State Electricity Boards and the O&M of their dams and appurtenant works is
with the State Water Resources Departments. Very often the O&M of such dams gets
neglected due to non-availability of sufficient funds. As such, it is recommended that in such
cases the State Electricity Boards should provide for the O&M cost of their dams and
appurtenant works in their annual budget (based on the cost estimates obtained from
relevant Water Resources Departments) and transfer the said amount to the Water
Resources Departments for the O&M of the dams and appurtenant works. In cases where
the State Electricity Boards are paying levy or water charges to the Water Resources
Departments, the same should be utilized for the O&M of the dam
• Description of work performed, The length of time it took to complete the work
with dates, Equipment and materials used, and
Guidelines for Operation & Maintenance of Dams
• In case connecting cables of the non-working instruments are accessible, the manufacturer
of the said instruments should be approached for checking and rectification of the
installations to make instruments work.
• In case the embedded non-working instruments cannot be repaired, the same are to be
Guidelines for Operation & Maintenance of Dams
o Hydro-meteorological observations
o Displacements in the dam by means of survey observations using prism/paper targets fixed
at structures. Tilt meters or repaired plumb lines could also serve the purpose.
Guidelines for Operation & Maintenance of Dams
In general, as each of the above factors increases, the frequency of monitoring should
increase. For example, frequent (even daily) readings should be taken during the first filling
of a reservoir, and more frequent readings should be taken when water levels are high and
after significant storms and earthquakes. As a rule of thumb, simple visual observations
should be made during each visit to the dam and not less than monthly. Daily or weekly
readings should be made during the first filling. Immediate readings should be taken
following a storm or earthquake. Significant seepage, movement, and stress-strain readings
should be taken at least monthly.
The steps required to process and evaluate data, whether collected manually or
automatically, are the same. Instrument data should be processed and evaluated according
to the procedures established by the monitoring program. Accumulation of instrument data
by itself does not improve dam safety or protect the public.
Data collected manually should be recorded on the data sheets prepared as part of the
monitoring program. Complementary data, such as air temperature, reservoir level, reservoir
temperature, recent precipitation, and other information or observations that maybe
important in evaluating the instrumentation data should be noted on the data sheets.
All data should be summarized in graphical form. All plots should include suf ficient previous
data to identify any long-term trends. Furthermore, the plots should be self-explanatory.
Guidelines for Operation & Maintenance of Dams
Guidelines for Operation & Maintenance of Dams
models run on computers. Such numerical analyses are expensive and for that reason are
generally used only for larger dams. Special analyses are made when investigations reveal
weak materials or other anomalies.
Guidelines for Operation & Maintenance of Dams
As features of the dam and appurtenant structures change occasionally, the O&M Manual
must be edited, and portions rewritten to reflect these changes. This important task is often
ignored. Updating information in the O&M Manual should be done whenever major changes
like construction of an additional spillway, construction of dam on the upstream etc. take
Aspects to be considered when updating include:
• Increase/decrease in the frequency of an inspection or the maintenance routine based on
additional data/ experience acquired.
• Changes in the operation and/or maintenance procedures based on additional
data/experience acquired.
• Alterations to the project data because of changes/modifications in the dam by way of
additional spillway etc.
All up-dates/revisions of the O&M Manual need to be sent to all the locations/addresses to
whom the copies of the original O&M Manual had been sent earlier. It is recommended that
O&M Manuals be reviewed/updated after every 10 years by the respective Dam Owners.
Guidelines for Operation & Maintenance of Dams
Dams are delivering enormous benefits to the nation through flood risk mitigation,
navigation, irrigation, hydropower, water supply, fisheries, wildlife conservation and
recreation. Dams store large amount of water; and an uncontrolled or excessive outflo w of
water from dam reservoir may pose unacceptable risks to the lives and property of people
downstream of dam. Sometimes, unexpected release of even small quantum of water during
day-to-day operation of dam reservoirs could also catch people unaware, and cause loss of
lives - recent Lalji dam incident (8 June 2014) is the tragic example which resulted in
drowning of 25 students in the river Beas in Himachal Pradesh. Strengthening of alarm and
warning system linked with dam operations can go a long way in ensuring safety of people
from sudden release of water through dam spillways.
This notification is intended to strengthen the alarm and warning system on India's dams for
safety of people from sudden release of water through dam spillways/river sluices. It is also
expected that the notification will sensitize and guide the dam operating staff in identifying,
monitoring, and responding to emergency situation that may arise at any downstream
stretch of the river due to sudden release of water from dam.
This notification is applicable for enforcement by all dam authorities in charge of operation
of the dams. This is particularly applicable to barrages and independent outlet works which
are directly discharging into the river.
Measures for Strengthening of Alarm and Warning System
1. Reservoir Operation Manual, prescribing standard operating procedures for the day to day
as well as emergency operations of dam, shall be prepared by the concerned project
authorities/ dam owners (State Governments, Public Sector Undertakings, other
government, or private agencies). The Operation Manual shall spell out all possible scenarios
of operation of spill- way gates and other outlet gates keeping in perspective the elevation-
Guidelines for Operation & Maintenance of Dams
storage curve of the reservoir, the annual inflow pattern of the reservoir.
2. The annual water demand pattern of the project; and in case of hydropower projects, the
power demand and impact of load rejection on generating units.
3. The concerned project authorities shall carry out hydraulic routing studies for the down-
stream river reaches for different dam-outflow conditions to identify vulnerable areas in
terms of depth/level and velocity of flows. In such vulnerable areas, project authorities shall
mark danger levels at appropriate places and set up permanent warning posts (in English,
Hindi, and the local language) visible with naked eyes from reasonable distances. Movable
barriers may be installed to prevent the entry of people and vehicles during passage of flood.
4. The purpose of a flood warning service is to detect and forecast threatening flood events so
that the public can be alerted in advance and undertake appropriate responses to minimize
the impact of flood.
5. The vulnerable areas that pose very high-risk levels (e.g., river reaches very close to dam
locations) shall be fenced to bar free access of people. Development of river front from the
point-of view of tourism shall be allowed only at safe places; and in all such place s ample
care shall be taken to prominently notify risks associated with sudden release of wafer from
6. The concerned project authorities shall establish a Control Room to keep watch on probable
water inflows to have advance information and sufficient lead time for protective measures.
A proper coordination regarding releases of water during both normal and emergent
conditions shall be ensured with the immediate upstream and other cascading projects. The
work of Control Room shall be entrusted to duly qualified persons.
7. A foolproof warning system to alert downstream habitants before release of water shall be
put in place. The warning for release of water shall be given through Speakers, Sirens or
Hooters adequately in advance of dam releases (minimum 15 minutes); and all such
instruments shall be directly connected to the Control Room eliminating dependence on
watch- staff stationed at vulnerable areas. The warning system shall be backed up by
alternate power sources in Control Room as well as vulnerable locations to avoid
malfunctioning of system in case of power failures. The Sirens/ Hooters shall be
distinguishable from other common sounds like VIP vehicles, fire brigades, ambulances etc.
Guidelines for Operation & Maintenance of Dams
8. Regular Inspection shall be carried out to ensure all time functioning of sirens, and periodical
mock drills shall also be planned for ensuring efficacy of the warning system.
9. Tourists entering the vulnerable zones shall be forewarned of dangers of sudden dam
releases. A suitable mechanism shall be developed in consultation with pertinen t telecom
service providers to send SMSs to such tourists whenever they enter vulnerable zones.
Attempts shall also be made to send SMSs related to extreme releases of water to all mobile
phones operating in the downstream vicinity of the dam project.
10. For dealing with extreme weather and flood conditions, accurate and reliable hydro
meteorological network, inflow forecasting, and communication mechanism shall be
established by the State Governments. Releases from the storage dams associated with
irrigation and flood moderation shall be planned in advance with the help of telemetry data
available on real time basis, and advance warnings shall be issued to the people. Such
information related to flood estimates and planned releases from dams shall be made
available on Project website and through other means of public dissemination.
11. Concerned project authorities shall develop appropriate mechanism to keep local
administration informed about the extreme inflows, sudden release of water and any other
exigency conditions. Directory of contact numbers of key persons of civil administration,
police, ambulance, fire station etc. shall be available with the officials responsible for such
communications, and a copy shall also be available in the Control Room. Regular
revision/updating of the Directory shall be carried out for its meaningful intent. Preparation
of Emergency Action Plan (EAP) for each dam is crucial for minimizing the loss of life and
property in the event of occurrence of any emergency situation. A typical EAP contains
procedures and information to assist the dam owner in taking necessary actions in time to
moderate or alleviate the problems, in addition to issuing early warning and notification
messages to responsible authorities, viz., District Magistrate /Collector, Armed forces,
Paramilitary forces, Project Authorities and other Central/State Agencies. It also contains
inundation maps to identify critical areas for prioritization of relief and rescue actions in case
of an emergency. Project Authorities shall ensure preparation and updation of the EAPs of
their dams as per Central Water Commission's guidelines available on CWC website at chapter.pdf.
Guidelines for Operation & Maintenance of Dams
Guidelines for Operation & Maintenance of Dams
Name of Dam:
Date Analys
Whet last Observat Agency is of Data
her calibra ions respons data sent to Rema
Since in tion/D maintain ible for done DSO rks
Sl. when work ate of ed data at regularl
N installed ing next (Yes/No) collectio field y?
o (Month/ condi calibra ) n and level (Yes/No
Name Nos
of Instruments Location Year) tion tion processi (Yes )
(Yes/ ng /No)
Guidelines for Operation & Maintenance of Dams
8 Barometer
Thermometers for
air Temp.
Thermometers for
10 Reservoir Water
Weather Station
Reservoir level
12 (i) Staff gate
(ii) Automatic
Other Hydro
Instruments if any
(iii) -
1 Piezometers
i. Stand pipe
ii. Casagrande
iii.Twin Tube
iv. Vibrating wire
2 Uplift pressure cell
i. For permeable
ii. For Rock
3 Strain Gauge
i. Mechanical Strain
Guidelines for Operation & Maintenance of Dams
ii. Electrical Strain
4. Strain Meter
(i) Vibrating wire
5 Thermometers
(i) Resistance
(ii) Vibrating Wire
6 Stress Meter
(i) Mechanical
(ii) Electrical
(i) V-Notch
(ii) Other devices
8 Automation
(i) Data logger
(ii) Data System
(iii) Computers
9 (i) Plumb Bob Direct
(ii) Plumb Bob
(iii) Detachable
Gauges for Surface
Guidelines for Operation & Maintenance of Dams
(vi) Foundation
Deformation Meter
(vii) Inclinometer
10 Other Geotechnical
Instruments, if any
1 Total Station
2 Survey Markers
3 Settlement Plates
1 Seismograph
2 Accelerograph
Guidelines for Operation & Maintenance of Dams
Sl.No Observations / Signiicant Deficiencies Noticedby field staff Recommendations by SDSO /SDSIT Category
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Guidelines for Operation & Maintenance of Dams
Whether action
Sl.No Observations by field Recommendations by SDSO Whether Action initiated completed Remarks/Reasons for
(1) staff (2) /SDSIT (3) (4) (5) pending if any (6)
Guidelines for Operation & Maintenance of Dams
(Central Water Commission, 1986)
All dams should be provided with low level outlets of adequate capacity to lower the reservoir
water level to a specified elevation for inspection, maintenance, and repair, to control the
rate of reservoir pool rise during initial filling and for emergency drawdown.
The drawdown levels, and the evacuation time shall be set forth for each project.
Criteria for Evacuating Facilities
For lowering the water level for inspection and repairs when necessary, the requirement
would be to evacuate a major portion of the reservoir in such time so that after the water
level is lowered, sufficient time is available for repairs before the water level rises due to
higher inflows. For such a consideration the outlets should be at the lowest possible level and
sufficient to cater for the anticipated inflows.
Other factors to be considered are:
To control the rate of reservoir rise during initial filling and if necessary subsequently also.
To hold the reservoir at predetermined levels for stage-wise initial filling.
Emergency drawdown during initial filling or at a future date when distress conditions are
The low-level outlets should be sized to maintain specific reservoir filling rates and to hold the
reservoir levels reasonably constant at specified elevations during initial filling to accomplish
a predetermined monitoring program. The period during which the initial reservoir filling is to
be done has to be decided and a detailed program drawn up. Flood routing studies with
different frequency floods (lower floods) will have to be done. As such the low-level outlet
works should have discharge capacity sufficient to maintain reservoir filling rate to a pre -
specified program and to hold the reservoir levels reasonably constant for elevations above
fifty percent of the height. Inflows in the reservoir should include a reasonable frequency,
flood which would be dependent on the anticipated filling period.
The capacity and level of low-level outlets for emergency drawdown during initial filling or at
Guidelines for Operation & Maintenance of Dams
a future date when distress conditions are noticed, must be evaluated in each individual case
For structural safety the reduction in height of water which gives relief is important. For very
large reservoirs this would mean very large capacity outlets for prompt evacuation.
Sizing of outlets works should be accomplished in a systematic way, considering the
following aspects:
Project release requirements.
Economic benefits that can be derived from using the outlet works in routing the inflow design
flood. This study may result in increase in outlet works capacity.
Initial filling requirement.
Evacuation criteria: This study to meet the evacuation criteria may result in future increase in
capacity which may in turn be beneficial in routing the inflow design flood.
After the above requirements are satisfied, a study to take advantage of the outlet works
capacity for diversion requirements during construction and the multistage construction of
out- let works is made.
Initial Filling of Reservoirs
Initial reservoir filling is the first test of a dam to perform its intended functions. As the sizing
of the outlet works to meet the probable outflow requirements during initial filling must be
fixed during designs, the information on the desired rates of pool rise must also be available
at the time the design requirements are established.
To monitor reservoir performance, the rate of filling should be controlled to the extent
feasible to allow in accomplishing a pre-determined monitoring program. Low level outlets
should be located and sized to provide discharge capacity sufficient to maintain the reservoir
filling rates specified by the initial filling criteria to hold reservoir levels reasonably constant
for elevation above 50% of the hydraulic height of the dam. Inflow into the reservoir should
be assumed as the average of the mean monthly inflow in the selected filling period and
reasonable frequency flood.
Reservoir filling criteria are established on a dam-to-dam basis. In general, the objective as
already stated above is to provide a planned program with adequate time for monitoring and
evaluating performance of the dam and its foundation as the reservoir is being filled for the
first time.
Guidelines for Operation & Maintenance of Dams
The major factors to be considered in establishing initial filling criteria are as under:
a. Type of Dam – Concrete, earth, and rock fill.
b. Geology of the dam foundation and reservoir and land-slide potential along the banks of
the reservoir.
c. Hazard potential.
d. Inflow characteristics – controlled or uncontrolled.
e. Hydrology – flood patterns and seasonal based flows.
f. Release provisions for projects requirements, flood release and emergency evacuation.
g. Type of instrumentation and provision for monitoring – reading evaluation time needed
and response time.
h. Safe channel capacities – downstream of the dam.
i. Characteristics of reservoir – Storage.
Filling rates for concrete dams are much less restricted and are not normally specified for the
bottom half of the depth of the reservoir impounded of the dam. Broadly the stage -wise filling
to be done as under:
The first stage consists of filling the reservoir up to MDDL. This filling can be done without
restraint as there is no hazard potential to the public and economic development downstream
of the dam. The second stage consists of filling of the reservoir from MDDL to the crest of the
spillway. The rate of the filling should be controlled, and it must be specified. The third stage
consists of filling above the crest of the spillway up to the full reservoir level (FRL) which has
also to be conducted in stages.
The first stage consists of filling the reservoir up to MDDL. This filling can be done without
The second stage consists of filling the reservoir from MDDL to the crest of spillway. The
reservoir above MDDL should be gradually built up at a rate not exceeding 3 meters per
fortnight depending upon the height of the dam and held at the level of crest of spillway in
order to assess the behavior of the structure on the basis of observed data and to take a
decision about further storage.
The third stage consists of filling above the crest of the spillway and up to full reservoir level
(FRL). Above the crest level of spillway the building up of the reservoir should be restricted to
Guidelines for Operation & Maintenance of Dams
meter (1 ft.) in 48 hours and the same should be temporarily held at half the height between
the crest of spillway and FRL to monitor and assess the behavior of the structure before
further filling is resumed. The period for which the reservoir is held at this level will depend
on the instrument response time.
In case of concrete dams having high earthen flanks, the procedures suggested for earthen
dams should be followed.
The first stage consists of filling the reservoir up to MDDL. This filling can be done without
The second stage consists of filling the reservoir from MDDL to the crest of spillway. In case
of earthen and rock fill dam this stage filling shall be done in two parts.
The reservoir above MDDL should be gradually built at a rate not exceeding 3 meters per fort-
night, and filling should be temporarily stopped at 50% elevation from MDDL to crest of spill-
way in order to assess the behavior of the structure on the basis of observed values and to
take a decision about further storage.
After decision is taken to continue the filling further building up of the storage sh ould be done
in gradual sub-stages of 2 to 3 meters depending upon the height of the dam. Observations
of pore pressure cells, uplift pressures, seepage quantum, other instrumentation data should
be carried out at each stage after allowing a suitable stabilizing period before going on to the
next sub- stage of filling.
The third stage consists of filling above the crest of the spillway up to the full reservoir level
The rate of reservoir filling above crest of the spillway should be restricted to 0. 3 meters (1
ft.) in 48 hours. The reservoir should be temporarily held at half the height between FRL and
crest of spillway for sufficient time for monitoring and evaluating performance of dam, also
considering instrument response time, and to take a decision about further storage.
Evacuation Time
Guidelines on this aspect should, generally consider the assessment of hazard potential and
risk potential of the dam. However, in the Indian conditions where population growth in
downstream areas is not controllable, the hazard potential at the initial stage and its
subsequent increase cannot be assessed. In most cases the dams would come under high
hazard category.
Guidelines for Operation & Maintenance of Dams
Similarly, risk is very difficult to classify because of many combinations of adverse conditions
that may be involved at a particular dam site, and the type of dam.
Classification is also recommended to be based on the height of dams so far as determination
of risk potential is concerned and dams with a height of more than 50 meters are to be
considered more important than those of height less than 50 meters.
For evacuating storage reservoirs and sizing low-level outlets, three categories have been
suggested as given in the table below. These assume a general balance between hazard and
risk and could be adjusted based on detailed site-specific studies.
Evacuation Time (in Days)
The above evacuation periods would generally be within the overall requirement to
drawdown the reservoir within a period of one to four months, allowing sufficient time for
carrying out inspection and repairs, before the water level rises due to higher inflows of
In some exceptional cases, it may not be technically possible and economically feasible to pro-
vide the required drawdown capability to meet the above criteria because of the size of the
project (unusually small or large) or because of some special feature. In such a case, the
criteria regarding drawdown level or the evacuation time could be altered to suit the site-
specific case if the results of studies so indicate.
These Guidelines were evolved by a Panel of Officers of Central Water Commission comprising
of Shri K. Madhavan, Member (D&R) & Chairman of the Panel; Shri P. Sen, Chief Engineer
(NHPD); Shri V.A. Prakash, Chief Engineer (Designs-II); Shri M.S. Reddy, Chief Engineer (De-
signs-I); Shri G.S. Narayana, Chief Engineer (DSO); Shri Z. Hasan, Director (ERDD-II) and Shri
K.D. Thite, Director (Dam Safety), Member Secretary.
Guidelines for Operation & Maintenance of Dams
Abutment ― that part of a valley side against which a dam is constructed. Right and left
abutments are those on respective sides of an observer looking downstream.
Air-Vent Pipe ― a pipe designed to provide air to the outlet conduit to reduce turbulence
during release of water and safeguard against damages due to cavitation.
Appurtenant Structures ― ancillary features of a dam, such as the outlet, spillway, energy
dissipation arrangement powerhouse, tunnels, etc.
Arch Dam ― a concrete or masonry dam that is curved to transmit a major part of the water
pressure to the abutments.
Auxiliary Spillway (Emergency Spillway): a secondary spillway designed to operate only
during exceptionally large floods.
Backwater Curve ― the longitudinal profile of the water surface in an open channel where
the depth of flow has been increased by an obstruction, an increase in channel roughnes s, a
decrease in channel width, or a flattening of the bed slope.
Base Width (Base Thickness) ― the maximum width or thickness of a dam measured
horizontally between upstream and downstream faces and normal (perpendicular) to the axis
of the dam but excluding projections for outlets, etc.
Berm ― a horizontal step or bench in the sloping profile of an embankment dam.
Bulkhead gate ― a gate used either for temporary closure of a channel or conduit to empty
it for inspection or maintenance or for closure against flowing water when the head difference
is small, e.g., for diversion tunnel closure. Although a bulkhead gate is usually opened and
closed under nearly balanced pressures, it nevertheless may be capable of withstanding a
high-pressure differential when in the closed position.
Buttress dam ― a dam consisting of a watertight upstream face supported at intervals on the
downstream side by a series of buttresses.
Cofferdam ― a temporary structure enclosing all or part of a construction area so that
construction can proceed in a dry area.
Concrete Lift ― in concrete works the vertical distance between successive horizontal
construction joints.
Conduit Outlet Works ― a closed conduit for conveying discharge through or under a dam
for different project purposes.
Guidelines for Operation & Maintenance of Dams
Guidelines for Operation & Maintenance of Dams
f. Stoppage or reduction in seepage or leakage from the foundation or body of the dam
into any of the galleries, for dams with such galleries.
h. Occurrence of any flood, the peak of which exceeds the available flood discharge
capacity or 70% of the approved design flood.
j. Erosion in the near vicinity, up to five hundred meters, downstream of the spillway,
waste weir, etc.; and
Any other event that prudence suggests would have a significant unfavorable impact on dam
Dam inspection – on-site visual examination of all components of dam and its appurtenances
by one or more persons trained in this respect and includes investigation of the non -overflow
portion, spillways, abutments, stilling basin, piers, bridge, down- stream toe, drainage
galleries, operation of mechanical systems (including gates and its components, drive units,
cranes), interior of outlet conduits, instrumentation records, and record-keeping
Dam owner – the Central Government or a State Government or public sector undertaking or
local authority or company and any or all such persons or organizations, who own, control,
operate or maintain a specified dam.
Dam safety – the practice of ensuring the integrity and viability of dams such that they do not
present unacceptable risks to the public, property, and the environment. It requires the
collective application of engineering principles and experience, and a philosophy of risk
management that recognizes that a dam is a structure whose safe function is not explicitly
determined by its original design and construction. It also includes all actions taken to identify
Guidelines for Operation & Maintenance of Dams
or predict deficiencies and consequences related to failure, and to document, publicize, and
reduce, eliminate, or remediate to the extent reasonably possible, any unacceptable risks.
Dead storage ― the storage that lies below the invert of the lowest outlet and that, therefore,
cannot be withdrawn from the reservoir.
Decommission ― Taking a dam out of service in an environmentally sound and
safe manner or converting it to another purpose.
Design flood ― see spillway design flood.
Design life ― the intended period that the dam will function successfully with only routine
maintenance; determined during design phase.
Diaphragm ― see membrane.
Dike (Levee) ― a long low embankment whose height is usually less than 5 m and whose
length are more than 10 times the maximum height. Usually applied to embankments or
structures built to protect land from flooding. If built of concrete or masonry, the structure is
usually referred to as a flood wall. Also, used to describe embankments that block areas on a
reservoir rim that are lower than the top of the main dam and that are quite long. In the
Mississippi River basin, where the old French word levee has survived, the term now ap- plies
to flood-protecting embankments whose height can average up to 15 m.
Distress condition – the occurrence or potential development of such conditions in the dam
or appurtenance or its reservoir or reservoir rim, which if left unattended to, may impede the
safe operation of dam for its intended benefits or may pose unacceptable risks to the life and
property of people downstream.
Diversion channel, canal, or tunnel ― a waterway used to divert water from its natural
course. These terms are generally applied to temporary structures such as those designed to
bypass water around a dam site during construction. ―Channel is normally used instead of
―canal when the waterway is short. Occasionally these terms are applied to permanent
Documentation – all permanent records concerning investigation, design, construction,
operation, performance, maintenance and safety of dams and includes design memorandum,
construction drawings, geo- logical reports, reports of specialized studies simulating
structural and hydraulic response of the dam, changes made in design and drawings, quality
control records, emergency action plan, operation and maintenance manual, instrumentation
readings, inspection and testing reports, operational reports, and dam safety review reports;
Guidelines for Operation & Maintenance of Dams
Guidelines for Operation & Maintenance of Dams
level (Full Reservoir Level) and the maximum water level. Flood surcharge can- not be retained
in the reservoir but will flow over the spillway until the controlled retention water level is
Flood wall ― a concrete wall constructed adjacent to a stream to prevent flooding of property
on the landward side of the wall, normally constructed in lieu of or to supplement a levee
where the land required for levee construction is expensive or not avail- able.
Floodplain ― an area adjoining a body of water or natural stream that has been, or may be,
covered by flood water.
Floodplain management ― a management program to reduce the consequences of flooding,
either by natural runoff or by dam failure, to existing and future properties in a floodplain.
Foundation of dam ― the natural material on which the dam structure is placed.
Freeboard ― the vertical distance between a stated reservoir level and the top of a dam.
Normal freeboard is the vertical distance between Full Reservoir Level (FRL) and the top of
the dam. Minimum freeboard is the vertical distance between the Maximum Water Level
(MWL) and the top of the dam.
Full Reservoir Level (FRL)/Normal water level ― for a reservoir with un-gated spillway it is
the spillway crest level. For a reservoir, whose outflow is controlled wholly or partly by
movable gates, siphons, or other means, it is the maximum level to which water can be stored
under normal operating conditions, exclusive of any provision for flood surcharge.
Fuse-Plug Spillway ― an auxiliary or emergency spillway comprising a low embankment, or a
natural saddle designed to be overtopped and eroded away during a rare and exceptionally
large flood.
Gallery ― (a) a passageway within the body of a dam or abutment, hence the terms grouting
gallery, inspection gallery and drainage gallery
(b) a long and rather narrow hall, hence the following terms for a power plant viz. valve
gallery, transformer gallery and bus bar gallery.
Gate ― a device in which a leaf or member is moved across the waterway from an ex - ternal
position to control or stop the flow.
Gravity dam ― a dam constructed of concrete, masonry, or both that relies on its weight for
Grout cap ― a pad or wall constructed to facilitate pressure grouting of the grout curtain
beneath it.
Guidelines for Operation & Maintenance of Dams
Grout curtain (grout cutoff) ― a barrier produced by injecting grout into a vertical zone,
usually narrow horizontally, in the foundation to reduce seepage under a dam.
Guard gate (guard valve) ― a gate or valve that operates fully open or closed. It may function
as a secondary device for shutting off the flow of water in case the primary closure device
becomes inoperable but is usually operated under conditions of balanced pressure and no
Hazard Classification ― a system that categorizes dams according to the degree of adverse
incremental consequences of a failure or improper operation of the dam. CWC classifies dam
hazards as ―low, ―significant, or ―high.
Height above lowest foundation ― the maximum height from the lowest point of the general
foundation to the top of the dam.
Homogeneous earth fill dam ― an embankment dam constructed of similar earth material
throughout, except internal drains or drainage blankets; distinguished from a zoned earth fill
Hydraulic fill dam ― an embankment dam constructed of materials, often dredged, that are
conveyed and placed by suspension in flowing water.
Hydraulic height ― the height to which water rises behind a dam and the difference between
the lowest point in the original streambed at the axis of the dam and the maximum
controllable water surface.
Hydrograph ― a graphic representation of discharge, stage, or other hydraulic property with
respect to time for a point on a stream. (At times the term is applied to the phenomenon the
graphic representation de- scribes; hence a flood hydrograph is the passage of a flood
discharge past the observation point.)
Inclinometer ― an instrument, usually consisting of a metal or plastic tube inserted in a drill
hole and a sensitized monitor either lowered into the tube or fixed within it. The monitor
measures at different points the inclination of the tube to the vertical. By integration, the
lateral position at various levels of the tube may be found relative to a point, usually the top
or bottom of the tube, assumed to be fixed. The system may be used to measure settlement.
Intake ― any structure in a reservoir, dam, or river through which water can be drawn into
an aqueduct.
Internal Erosion ― see piping.
Inundation map ― a map delineating the area that would be inundated in case of a failure.
Guidelines for Operation & Maintenance of Dams
Guidelines for Operation & Maintenance of Dams
Guidelines for Operation & Maintenance of Dams
Guidelines for Operation & Maintenance of Dams
under, or around a dam by means of a conduit or tunnel. If the upper part of the shaft is
splayed out and terminates in a circular horizontal weir, it is termed a ― bell mouth or
―morning glory spillway.
Side Channel Spillway ― a spillway whose crest is roughly parallel to the channel immediately
downstream of the spillway.
Sill ― (a) A submerged structure across a river to control the water level upstream. (b) The
crest of a spillway. (c) A horizontal gate seating, made of wood, stone, concrete or metal at
the invert of any opening or gap in a structure, hence the expressions gate sill and stop log
Siphon Spillway ― a spillway with one or more siphons built at crest level. This type of
spillway is sometimes used for providing automatic surface -level regulation within narrow
limits or when considerable discharge capacity is necessary within a short period.
Slide gate (sluice gate) ― a gate that can be opened or closed by sliding it in supporting
Slope Protection ― the protection of a slope against wave action or erosion.
Sluiceway ― see low-level outlet.
Spillway ― a structure over or through which flood flows are discharged. If the flow is
controlled by gates, it is a controlled spillway; if the elevation of the spillway crest is the only
control, it is an uncontrolled spillway.
Spillway Channel (Spillway Tunnel) ― a channel or tunnel conveying water from the spillway
to the river downstream.
Stilling Basin ― a basin constructed to dissipate the energy of fast-flowing water, e.g., from
a spillway or bottom outlet, and to protect the riverbed from erosion.
Stop logs ― large logs or timber or steel beams placed on top of each other with their ends
held in guides on each side of a channel or conduit providing a cheaper or easily handled
temporary closure than a bulkhead gate.
Storage ― the retention of water or delay of runoff either by planned operation, as in a
reservoir, or by temporary filling of overflow areas, as in the progression of a flood crest
through a natural stream channel.
Tail water Level ― the level of water in the tailrace at the nearest free surface to the turbine
or in the discharge channel immediately downstream of the dam.
Tailrace ― the tunnel, channel or conduit that conveys the discharge from the turbine to the
Guidelines for Operation & Maintenance of Dams