Home Automation System Using Wireless Network

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Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Communication and Electronics Systems (ICCES 2017)

IEEE Xplore Compliant - Part Number:CFP17AWO-ART, ISBN:978-1-5090-5013-0

Home Automation System using Wireless Network

Dr. Shreedhar A Joshi,
Professor, Electronics & Communication Engineering Department
Mr.Sunil Poojari, Mr.Tushar Chougale, Mr. Subrahmanya Shetty, Mr.Sandeep M. K,
7th semester, Electronics & Communication Engineering students,
SDM College of Engineering & Technology, Dharwad 580002,
Karnataka, India.

Abstract—It requires to use new advanced technology in

wireless networking environment for achieving automation in II. SYSTEM DESIGN
daily used appliances. The present work develops a system, which
is intended to control electrical appliances and devices in house The proposed work concentrates on the design of home
with relatively low cost, user-friendly interface and also informs automation and security system using Arduino UNO, a credit
the user about any intruder detection. The purpose of this paper sized computer. Arduino UNO provides the features of a mini
is to demonstrate how simple algorithms can produce useful computer, in addition with GPIO pins, where other
behavior of appliances reducing human efforts. The smart home components and devices can be connected. GPIO registers are
concept in the system improves the standard living at home. The used for the output purposes as shown in figure.1. The
main control system implements wireless technology to provide proposed design also has a power strip that can be easily
remote access from smart phone. In addition, IR sensors are used
connected to GPIO Pins of the Arduino UNO. The home
for detecting the presence of a person inside the room to control
the lighting. appliances like doors, lights are connected to the input/output
ports of Arduino UNO along with the power strip and their
Keywords— HAS, Arduino UNO,GPIO, ThingSpeak,IoT; status is passed to the Arduino UNO.


Home automation Systems (HASs) are becoming very

popular these days and entering very quickly in the market.
But still few end users, like the disabled and elderly people do
not show much interest and accept in these systems. There are
several options like GSM, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth can be
adopted in HASs nowadays [1].There is a large scope and
research possibilities in the area of HASs. HAS has created
new fields in engineering, and Computing. [2] Depicts HASs
with in centralized control of lighting, appliances, security
locks of gates and doors with other systems. This creates
improved comfort, energy efficiency and security system.
[2] Gives more attention towards the capabilities of Wi-Fi. [3]
Presents an automaton mechanism with the current versions of
laptops /notebooks or Smart phones, which comes with the
built-in Wi-Fi adapter. This interface will definitely reduce the
cost of HAS [3]. [4] Develops a technique, which effectively
controls electricity wastage due to human negligence. This Fig. 1. Proposed system design
system also provides proper notifications to users for such
incidences and alerts them via sending messages/push
notifications on their mobile phone. The Home automation model can be built with a cross
platform system which can be deployed on various platforms
HASs can be implemented as a smart home system, which has like Andriod , Windows. Limitation to control only several
various benefits such as good comfort, safety and security to devices as shown in figure.1 can be removed by extending
people. It will also contributes to a significant savings in terms automation of all other home appliances. Even Security
of time and security [5]. HASs can be more affordable, systems can also be included and by placing wireless sensors.
portable and scalable so that new devices can be easily These wireless sensors can detect any kind of unauthorized
incorporated in to them at any time. Even HAS can be very movement and alrrts the user. Scope of this paper can be
easy to use for those, who are having less knowledge about the
expanded to many areas by not restricting to only home.[7]
technology [6].
presents a survey of all such systems. [8] presents a HAS

978-1-5090-5013-0/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE 803

Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Communication and Electronics Systems (ICCES 2017)
IEEE Xplore Compliant - Part Number:CFP17AWO-ART, ISBN:978-1-5090-5013-0

using Intel Galileo that employs the integration of cloud Thing Speak enables the creation of sensor logging
networking, wireless communication, to provide the user with applications, location tracking applications, and a social
remote control of various lights, fans, and appliances within network of things with status updates. The core element of
their home and storing the data in the cloud. The system will ThingSpeak is a ‘ThingSpeak Channel’ as shown in figure.2.
automatically change on the basis of sensors’ data. This A channel stores the data that can sent to Thing Speak. The
system is designed to be low cost and expandable allowing a Channels store all the data that a ThingSpeak application
variety of devices to be controlled. [9] presents a novel work collects. Each channel includes eight fields that can hold any
of android OS running on smart phone connected to a network type of data, plus three fields for location data and one for
cloud that can access the status of home appliances. status data. When entire data has been collected in a channel,
then Thing Speak application will analyze and visualize it.
A. Thing Speak IoT application
Thing speak channel collects all the data that is sent by
Arduino Uno using ESP8266 Wi-Fi module and stores the
Thing Speak is an open source Internet of Things (IoT) data in fields. In the proposed design, we have used following
application and API to store and retrieve data from things fields as per TABLE 1 for processing operations from the
using the HTTP protocol over the Internet or via a Local Area electronic board and the commands being received from the
Network. ThingSpeak provides instant visualizations of data remote mobile handset via internet. That is, when the remote
posted by your devices to ThingSpeak. With the ability to mobile handset sends any signal via internet to the remote
execute MATLAB code in ThingSpeak you can perform server, it will send appropriate instructions or signals to the
online analysis and processing of the data as it comes in. Some electronic board \ Arduino UNO for switching ON/OFF the
of the key capabilities of ThingSpeak include the ability to various sensor connected to the board. React application in
[9][10]: Thing Speak performs actions when channel data meets a
certain condition as per figure.3. In the proposed design when
1. Easily configure various devices to send data to using the Intruder Status (Field 1) data is greater than 1(Indicating
IoT protocols. Intruder Presence) Thing HTTP is called. Thing HTTP is used
2. Visualize wireless sensor data in real-time. to access PushingBox.com. Figure.4 shows Tings Speak
application settings and intruder detection situation.
3. Aggregate data on-demand from third-party sources.
4. Interface with MATLAB to make sense of IoT data.
5. Run any IoT analytics automatically based on FIELD DESCRIPTION OF THE FIELD
schedules or events.
6. Prototype and build IoT systems without setting up FIELD3 DOOR UN-LOCK
servers or developing web software. FIELD4 LIGHT 1 VALUE
7. Automatically act on the user data and communicate
using third-party services like Pushing box.

Fig. 2. ThingSpeak channels setting Fig. 3. ThingSpeak channels field charts

978-1-5090-5013-0/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE 804

Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Communication and Electronics Systems (ICCES 2017)
IEEE Xplore Compliant - Part Number:CFP17AWO-ART, ISBN:978-1-5090-5013-0

B. Pushing Box blocks that specify how the components should behave. User
can assemble programs visually, fitting pieces together like
Pushing Box is a cloud platform, that can send notifications pieces of a puzzle.
based on Application Program Interface (API) calls. From one
request, an user can send several notifications like a Push, a
Tweet or Email. Any services can be added that can be
notified from My Services page. Once this first step is done,
user can create any scenario to add an action, choose the
service to use and eventually write the text to send. Figure.5
shows Thing Speak channels pusingbox settings and API key

Fig. 6. Intruder detection in pushingbox.

Fig. 4. Thing Speak application settings

Fig.7. Design of Mobile application


Fig. 5. Thing Speak channels pusingbox settings.

The android applications are designed for the user interface to
control the door lock. Additionally, when there is any
C. Mobile application design and description: intrusion is detected near or around the wireless sensor, it will
be communicated by the electronic chip via internet to the
Mobile application is designed using Appllication Inventor for mobile application, which indicates the same on the handset
Android operating system is an open-source web application through a pop-up message like Warning!.
originally provided by Google, and now maintained by the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). MIT App An intrusion has been detected as per figure.6. Figure 7
Inventor is an innovative tool that transforms the complex shows all fields that are used for the design a mobile
language of text-based coding into visual, drag-and-drop application. Figure.8 shows the LOCATION, LATTITUDE
building blocks. App Inventor helps to develop applications and STATUS of the DOOR whether in OPEN or CLOSED
for Android phones using a web browser either in a connected status. Figure.9 is an application interface which shows how
phone or emulator. Applications are built by working with the user can control household appliances like light, fan, and door
Appllication Inventor Designer (AID), where user can select as shown in the i.e. application window. As well as it also
the components for his or her appllications. The Appllication displays the SEND DATA status and LOCATION
Inventor blocks the Editor, where user assembles program information.

978-1-5090-5013-0/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE 805

Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Communication and Electronics Systems (ICCES 2017)
IEEE Xplore Compliant - Part Number:CFP17AWO-ART, ISBN:978-1-5090-5013-0

D. Implementation of the Module in Various Scenarios

Initially the system is considered as user not in house, during

this case if any person enters inside the home will be detected
by wireless motion sensor. This case is considered as an
intruder detection situation and the system sends an intruder
warning to the user either through push notification or email
as per figure.12. If the user wishes to unlock the door, then he
has to enter the right password in the mobile application.
Provided the password is correct, the door will be unlocked.
When the user is in home and if motion is detected in a room,
the light will be turned ON. Similarly the user can control the
various appliances such as lights, fan, and other appliances.

Fig. 8. Application block editor

Fig.12. Intruder warning situation.

Employing the embedded technology and based on
Fig. 9. Application interface. microcontroller interface using Wireless Sensor Network
paradigm the proposed HAS design has been successfully
Figure 10 shows the bread board which is having all the implemented. The proposed work is an perfect example of low
hardware components for this proposed home automation cost, rugged, flexible, reliable and wireless solution to the
system design. The board consists of sensors which detects home/office automation. The prime objective of this design is
human presence, a microcontroller, Four LEDs indicating the to use the Smartphone to control the home appliances
status of lights, a door and intruder warning. ESP8266 Wi-Fi effectively. The intruder motion data, light and door lock data
module is connected to Arduino UNO and sends the pre- is continuously monitored. The user will get the alerts about
processed data to ThingSpeak server. The mobile application the appliances conditions and any kind of home intrusion
is connected to the ThingSpeak server, through which the user detection. This mechanism provides safe, secure and economic
can control and monitor home environment. benefits to the house holder.

The authors are thankful to the Management and Principal
Director, SDMCET Dharwad and HOD, ECE Department for
their encouragement and constant support.


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Fig.10. Bread board with all its hardware componants.

978-1-5090-5013-0/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE 806

Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Communication and Electronics Systems (ICCES 2017)
IEEE Xplore Compliant - Part Number:CFP17AWO-ART, ISBN:978-1-5090-5013-0

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Dr. Shreedhar A Joshi from obtained a Doctoral degree

Kuvempu University Shivamogga, Karnataka in wireless
communication field. He has received B.E degree in
Electronics and Communication from Karnataka
University Dharwad in 1994 and M. Tech degree in
Digital Electronics from VTU Belgaum in 2001.
Presently he is working as a Professor in Department of
Electronics and communication, SDM College of
Engineering Dharwad India. He has published many
papers in international journals and conferences.

Mr, Sunil B Poojari, Pursuing Bachelor of

Engineering in Electronics and Communication
Engineering, at SDM College of Engineering and
Technology, Dharwad, Karnataka, India.

Mr. Tushar Chougale, Pursuing Bachelor of

Engineering in Electronics and Communication
Engineering, at SDM College of Engineering and
Technology, Dharwad, Karnataka, India.

978-1-5090-5013-0/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE 807

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