Bending Operations: Chapter 19/sheet Metalworking
Bending Operations: Chapter 19/sheet Metalworking
Bending Operations: Chapter 19/sheet Metalworking
FIGURE 19.10
(a) Shaving, and (b) fine
blanking. Symbols: v ⫽
motion of punch, Fh ⫽
blank holding force.
w Metal stretched
Neutral axis
plane Neutral axis
R t
Metal compressed
FIGURE 19.11 Bend axis
(a) Bending of sheet metal;
(b) both compression and
tensile elongation of the
metal occur in bending. (a) (b)
FIGURE 19.12 Two common bending methods: (a) V-bending and (b) edge bending; (1) before and (2) after bending.
Symbols: v ⫽ motion, F ⫽ applied bending force, Fh ⫽ blank
so that the bend takes a permanent set upon removal of the stresses that caused it.
Bending produces little or no change in the thickness of the sheet metal.
Bend Allowance If the bend radius is small relative to stock thickness, the metal
tends to stretch during bending. It is important to be able to estimate the amount
of stretching that occurs, if any, so that the final part length will match the specified
dimension. The problem is to determine the length of the neutral axis before bend-
ing to account for stretching of the final bent section. This length is called the bend
allowance, and it can be estimated as follows:
a (R ⫹ K t)
Ab ⫽ 2p ____ (19.6)
where Ab ⫽ bend allowance, mm (in); a ⫽ bend angle, degrees; R ⫽ bend radius,
mm (in); t ⫽ stock thickness, mm (in); and Kba is factor to estimate stretching. The
following design values are recommended for Kba [3]: if R ⬍2t, Kba ⫽ 0.33; and if R ⱖ
2t, Kba ⫽ 0.50. The values of Kba predict that stretching occurs only if bend radius is
small relative to sheet thickness.
Springback When the bending pressure is removed at the end of the deforma-
tion operation, elastic energy remains in the bent part, causing it to recover par-
tially toward its original shape. This elastic recovery is called springback, defined
as the increase in included angle of the bent part relative to the included angle of
the forming tool after the tool is removed. This is illustrated in Figure 19.13 and is
a⬘ ⫺ a⬘
SB ⫽ ________b (19.7)
where SB ⫽ springback; a⬘ ⫽ included angle of the sheet-metal part, degrees; and
a⬘b ⫽ included angle of the bending tool, degrees. Although not as obvious, an in-
crease in the bend radius also occurs due to elastic recovery. The amount of spring-
back increases with modulus of elasticity E and yield strength Y of the work metal.
Compensation for springback can be accomplished by several methods. Two com-
mon methods are overbending and bottoming. In overbending, the punch angle and
radius are fabricated slightly smaller than the specified angle on the final part so that
the sheet metal springs back to the desired value. Bottoming involves squeezing the
part at the end of the stroke, thus plastically deforming it in the bend region.
FIGURE 19.13 Springback in bending shows itself as a decrease in bend angle and an
increase in bend radius: (1) during the operation, the work is forced to take the radius
Rt and included angle a⬘b ⫽ determined by the bending tool (punch in V-bending); (2) after
the punch is removed, the work springs back to radius R and included angle a⬘. Symbol:
F ⫽ applied bending force.
Bending Force The force required to perform bending depends on the geometry
of the punch-and-die and the strength, thickness, and length of the sheet metal. The
maximum bending force can be estimated by means of the following equation:
Kbf (TS) wt2
F ⫽ ___________ (19.8)
where F ⫽ bending force, N (lb); TS ⫽ tensile strength of the sheet metal, MPa
(lb/in2); w ⫽ width of part in the direction of the bend axis, mm (in); t ⫽ stock
thickness, mm (in); and D ⫽ die opening dimension as defined in Figure 19.14,
mm (in). Equation (19.8) is based on bending of a simple beam in mechanics, and
Kbf is a constant that accounts for differences encountered in an actual bending
process. Its value depends on type of bending: for V-bending, Kbf ⫽ 1.33; and for
edge bending, Kbf ⫽ 0.33.
Example 19.2 A sheet-metal blank is to be bent as shown in Figure 19.15. The metal has a
Sheet-metal modulus of elasticity ⫽ 205 (103) MPa, yield strength ⫽ 275 MPa, and tensile
strength ⫽ 450 MPa. Determine (a) the starting blank size and (b) the bending
bending force if a V-die is used with a die opening dimension ⫽ 25 mm.
Solution: (a) The starting blank ⫽ 44.5 mm wide. Its length ⫽ 38 ⫹ Ab ⫹ 25
(mm). For the included angle a⬘ ⫽ 120°, the bend angle a ⫽ 60°. The value of
Kba in Equation (19.6) ⫽ 0.33 since R/t ⫽ 4.75/3.2 ⫽ 1.48 (less than 2.0).
Ab ⫽ 2p____
60 (4.75 ⫹ 0.33 ⫻ 3.2) ⫽ 6.08 mm
Length of the blank is therefore 38 ⫹ 6.08 ⫹ 25 ⫽ 69.08 mm.
(b) Force is obtained from Equation (19.8) using Kbf ⫽ 1.33.
F ⫽ __________________⫽ 10,909 N
38 w = 44.5
t = 3.2 R = 4.75
FIGURE 19.15 Sheet-metal 120°
part of Example 19.2 (dimensions
in mm). (Side view) (End view)
FIGURE 19.16 Flanging: (a) straight flanging, (b) stretch flanging, and (c) shrink flanging.
FIGURE 19.18 Miscellaneous bending operations: (a) channel bending, (b) U-bending,
(c) air bending, (d) offset bending, (e) corrugating, and (f) tube forming. Symbol: F ⫽
applied force.
19.3 Drawing
Drawing is a sheet-metal-forming operation used to make cup-shaped, box-shaped,
or other complex-curved and concave parts. It is performed by placing a piece of
sheet metal over a die cavity and then pushing the metal into the opening with a
punch, as in Figure 19.19. The blank must usually be held down flat against the die by
a blankholder. Common parts made by drawing include beverage cans, ammunition
shells, sinks, cooking pots, and automobile body panels.
c ⫽ 1.1 t (19.9)