1 Department of Disease Control, Faculty of Infectious and Tropical Diseases, London School of Hygiene and
Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom, 2 Environmental Health Unit, Médecins Sans Frontières,
a1111111111 Brussels, Belgium, 3 LuxOR, Luxembourg Operational Research Unit, Médecins Sans Frontières,
a1111111111 Luxembourg, 4 Public Health Unit, Médecins Sans Frontières, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 5 Water, Sanitation
a1111111111 and Hygiene, UNICEF, New York, New York, United States of America, 6 Global Task Force on Cholera
a1111111111 Control, World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland, 7 Department of Infectious Disease Epidemiology,
a1111111111 Faculty of Epidemiology and Population Health, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London,
United Kingdom
* lauren.dmello-guyett@lshtm.ac.uk
Competing interests: The authors have declared featured in the guidelines. The majority of recommendations targeted community-level trans-
that no competing interests exist. The authors mission (45%), 35% targeted within-household transmission and 20% both.
alone are responsible for their views expressed in
this article and they do not represent the views,
decisions or policies of the institutions with which Conclusions
they are associated. Authors from MSF (RVDB, DT,
PM), UNICEF (GB) and WHO (DL) contributed Recent evidence suggests that interventions for effective cholera control and response to
independently in their own rights of individuals. epidemics should focus on case-centred approaches and within-household transmission.
Guidelines did consistently propose interventions targeting transmission within households.
However, the majority of recommendations listed in guidelines targeted community-level
transmission and tended to be more focused on preventing contamination of the environ-
ment by cases or recurrent outbreaks, and the level of service required to interrupt commu-
nity-level transmission was often not specified. The guidelines in current use were varied
and interpretation may be difficult when conflicting recommendations are provided. Future
editions of guidelines should reflect on the inclusion of evidence-based approaches, cholera
transmission models and resource-efficient strategies.
Cholera remains a major public health threat in many parts of the world [1], particularly in
areas facing complex emergencies [2–4]. Cholera outbreaks generally occur when water, sani-
tation and hygiene (WASH) services are inadequate or compromised [3, 5–14], and cholera
remains a leading cause of disease outbreaks globally [15–17], with an increasing rate and
intensity [18]. Originating in the Indian Subcontinent, cholera spread beyond the Ganges
delta in 1817, and the current and ongoing seventh pandemic of Vibrio cholerae El Tor began
in 1961 [19]. Adjusting for incomplete reporting, some 2.9 million cholera cases (1.3–4.0 mil-
lion uncertainty range) and 95,000 deaths (21,000–143,000 uncertainty range) are estimated to
occur across 69 cholera-endemic countries annually [20]. Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia
account for the largest proportion of global cholera morbidity and mortality [18, 21], with
many cities acting as transmission hotspots [21–24].
Diarrhoeal diseases such as cholera are transmitted through the faecal-oral route. Infection
with V. cholerae can originate from a susceptible person ingesting the bacteria from environ-
mental point sources (e.g. contaminated water in lakes and rivers, or a faecal-contaminated
environment) [25]: this is known as the environment-to-human transmission pathway [26,
27]. Infection with V. cholerae can also occur between infected and susceptible individuals [28,
29], from consuming contaminated food [30–37] or water at the point of use (POU) [37–43]
that has been contaminated by a cholera case or through caring for existing cholera cases, par-
ticularly among household contacts of a case [28]: this is known as the human-to-human
transmission pathway. During outbreaks, recurrent environment-to-human reinfection of the
population may also occur through ingestion of V. cholerae through contaminated environ-
mental point sources, due to sustained contamination of the environment by symptomatic
and asymptomatic cholera cases [25, 44, 45]. Both transmission pathways occur through the
faecal-oral routes of diarrhoeal disease transmission commonly known as the F-diagram [46].
Transmission models that only include ingestion of V. cholerae through environmental
point sources, or environment-to-human transmission, cannot explain the steep rise in case
numbers usually seen in outbreaks [27, 45, 47]. Spatiotemporal analyses of cholera in endemic
and epidemic settings have instead demonstrated clusters of cases within 200m distances of
case-households during the first five days after index cases present with symptoms [48–50],
and a 100-fold higher risk of household contacts of cases to contract the disease compared to
those outside the household [43, 51–54]. Research on the genomics of cholera transmission has
also demonstrated strong phylogenetic similarities among same-household cases [43, 55–58],
and a recent paper found 80% of transmission occurs between people who share a household
[55]. Accordingly, faecal-oral transmission of cholera within the household, predominantly
through the human-to-human transmission pathway, may far better explain the propagated
and explosive nature of cholera outbreaks than community-level transmission from exposure to
environmental point sources and environment-to-human transmission [27, 29, 45, 59–62].
These relatively recent findings suggest that efforts to prevent and control cholera could
benefit from focusing on the domains of transmission: within-household and community-
level. Typically, cholera response measures for prevention and control have included a mix of
WASH interventions, Oral Cholera Vaccination (OCV) and, in some cases, prophylactic anti-
biotics. Strategies that seek to control and contain cholera outbreaks in epidemic and endemic
settings could implement these measures to the household–delivered through case-centred
strategies (i.e. delivery of interventions to cases and their households or close contacts) or case
area targeted interventions (CATIs) (i.e. delivery of interventions to a defined area surround-
ing cases) [47]–and take advantage of the natural clustering of cases within a given distance
and effectively reduce within-household transmission [44, 49, 63]. Whereas strategies that seek
to prevent cholera could implement community-level measures–potentially aligning resources
with longer term WASH-related disease control efforts [64]–and effectively reduce environ-
ment-to-human transmission during outbreaks [65, 66] and prevent disease among popula-
tions deemed to be at an elevated risk of recurrent cholera [21]. Targeted approaches would
also be efficient across resource-limited contexts, as part of a phased approach or in contrast to
mass intervention campaigns [67].
There is currently global momentum to tackle cholera and an internationally agreed road
map to eliminate the disease by 2030 [68]. While it is accepted that large scale investment in
water and sanitation infrastructure in Europe and the Americas led to the elimination of chol-
era and a reduction in other diarrhoeal diseases [63, 66, 69–89], there is a paucity of evidence
to support which WASH interventions are most relevant for cholera prevention and control in
currently cholera-affected populations [70, 90]. Multiple WASH guidelines exist for cholera
prevention and control in both endemic and epidemic settings. However, the guidelines used
in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) vary considerably between and within interna-
tional organisations and it is unclear to what extent these guideline recommendations are
predicated upon experience rather than published evidence. Whilst appropriate cholera
responses will always be specific to the geographical and social context, it is important that
these responses are informed by the best possible evidence and updated models of cholera
transmission or, in the absence of rigorous evidence, a combination of theoretical reasoning,
best operational judgement and documented practice, even if unpublished [91–93].
Given the above, we conducted a scoping review of current, international and accessible
WASH guidelines for cholera prevention and control to analyse consistency and concordance
among recommended interventions, and to assess how guidelines seek to prevent and control
cholera whilst aligning with current conceptual models of cholera transmission, in order to
make recommendations for their improvement.
Search strategy
The search strategy sought to identify all relevant international guidelines (published and in
press) and was limited to English and French languages. The review is reported according to
the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses extension for Scop-
ing Reviews (PRISMA-ScR) guidelines [94]. The review was not pre-registered prior to
The websites of organisations who typically respond to cholera were searched, including
the Global WASH Cluster (GWC), World Health Organization (WHO), United Nations Chil-
dren’s Fund (UNICEF), United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), Interna-
tional Organization of Migration (IOM), Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), Oxfam,
International Committee for the Red Cross and Red Crescent (ICRC), International Federa-
tion of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), Action Contre la Faim (ACF), Care
International, Save The Children, Norwegian Refugee Council, the Sphere Project, United
States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and International Centre for Diar-
rhoeal Disease Research Bangladesh (ICDDR’B).
Reference sections of guidelines were hand-searched for any additional relevant guidelines.
Journal articles did not meet the inclusion criteria for this review and reference databases were
not searched for guidelines. A full list of websites searched can be found in S1 Appendix. Prior
to searching organisations’ websites for available guidelines, a research librarian assisted in the
development of search terms and, in collaboration with the authors, provided advice on orga-
nisations where guidelines could be found. Search terms have been provided in S2 Appendix.
Table 1. Categories and definitions of water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) interventions included in the
WASH intervention category Definition
Improving the access to water sources and/or Any intervention to provide a new and/or improved water
quantity of water supply or distribution system, or both, i.e. to reduce direct
and indirect exposure with contaminated water (e.g.
installation of piped water supply, hand pumps,
boreholes; installation or extension of distribution
networks; water trucking or tankers; and, protection of
water sources)
Improving the quality of water: water treatment at Any intervention to improve the microbiological quality
source of drinking water at the source, including:
- assessment and monitoring of water quality i.e.
microbiological, chemical and physical quality
- removing or inactivating microbiological pathogens (e.g.
water source level water treatment systems, filtration,
sedimentation, chemical treatment, heat treatment,
ultraviolet (UV) radiation or flocculation)
Improving the quality of water: point of use (POU) Any intervention to expand use of or improve the
and safe storage microbiological quality of drinking water at the point of
use (POU), including:
- assessment and monitoring of water quality i.e.
microbiological, chemical and physical quality
- protecting the microbiological quality of water prior to
consumption (e.g. chemical treatment, filtration, heat
treatment, flocculation, UV radiation, residual
disinfection, protected distribution, improved storage)
Improving the access to and use of sanitation Any intervention to introduce, improve or expand the
facilities and reducing exposure to faeces coverage of facilities for the safe management, disposal
and treatment of excreta, i.e. to reduce direct and indirect
contact with human faeces (e.g. latrine construction, pour
flush, composting or water sealed flush toilet, piped sewer
system, septic tank, simple pit latrines, VIP latrine,
defecation trenches or use of a potty or scoop for the
disposal of child faeces)
Behaviour change interventions to improve personal, Any intervention to improve hygiene, including:
domestic and food hygiene practices - promotion of hygiene behaviours, norms or practices
surrounding personal, food and hand hygiene
- assessment and monitoring of hygiene behaviours,
norms or practices, including adaptation of activities
- any named method of delivery of hygiene promotion
(e.g. interpersonal channels, house-to-house visits,
community meetings, mass and social media, targeted
areas or information, education and communication
(IEC) materials, or other hygiene promotion activities)
- any named theory, framework or technique for hygiene
promotion (e.g. behaviour change communication (BCC),
community engagement, social marketing and demand
creation, integrated hardware)
Distribution of hygiene materials or non-food items Any intervention that provides hygiene materials or use of
(NFIs) hygiene materials (e.g. soap, hygiene kits, handwashing
stands, sinks and other facilities)
Promotion or distribution of disinfection and Any intervention that provides or distributes disinfection
cleaning of households and community spaces and/or materials (e.g. chlorine spraying, disinfection of clothes,
materials disinfectants, disinfection of bedding or vehicles) or
promotes household cleaning (e.g. safe laundry practices,
cleaning of floors and furniture)
Improving dead body management and safe funeral Any intervention to improve safe funeral practices,
practices funeral gatherings and management of corpses in the
(Continued )
Table 1. (Continued)
The details of each recommendation, including mode and frequency of intervention delivery,
duration of the intervention and any other factors deemed relevant were also noted. A quality
assessment for risk of bias among guidelines was not performed. A narrative summary of data
extraction and analysis was developed by one investigator (LDG) and then reviewed by all authors.
Search results and characteristics of included guidelines
Searches were finalised on 14th February 2019. The search strategy identified a total of 48 rec-
ords. After de-duplication and screening, eight guidelines met the inclusion criteria for review
and are included in this scoping review. The guidelines were published between 2004 to 2019;
three were authored by international non-governmental organisations (NGOs)–Médecins
Sans Frontières (MSF) [100], Oxfam [101], Action Contre la Faim (ACF) [102]; one from a
non-profit organisation (NPO)–the Sphere Project [103]; three by multilateral organisations–
United Nation’s Children Fund (UNICEF) [104], the World Health Organization (WHO)
Fig 1. Conceptual framework of cholera transmission within the household and at the community-level: incorporating the human-to-human and environment-
to-human pathways of transmission (adapted from recent models [27, 43, 45, 61]).
[105] and the Global Task Force on Cholera Control (GTFCC) [106]; and one by a research
institution–the International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research Bangladesh (ICDDR’B)
[107]. The guidelines were published in English (n = 7) and French (n = 1). No guidelines
were excluded based on language. All excluded records are listed in S3 Appendix, with reasons
for exclusion. The guideline selection process is outlined in Fig 2 and reported according to
the PRISMA-ScR checklist [94] in S4 Appendix.
Guidelines were not restricted to specific contexts (epidemic/endemic, urban/rural), except
one guideline that was specific for cholera outbreaks in crisis contexts such as conflict settings,
natural disasters, refugee camps, and among internally displaced populations or populations
on the move [103].
A total of 95 recommendations were extracted. UNICEF (2013) listed the most recommen-
dations (n = 66) [104], followed by ACF (2013) [102], MSF (2017) [100], Sphere (2018) [103]
and Oxfam (2012) [101] who all had a similar number of recommendations (n = 54, 53, 53, 51,
respectively). Guidelines published by WHO (2004) [105], ICDDR’B (2018) [107] and GTFCC
(2019) [106] had the fewest recommendations (n = 26, 34 and 42, respectively).
access and quality of water, at both source and point of use (POU) and 13 (14%) on improving
sanitation access and use. Interventions to improve personal, domestic and food hygiene, such
as behaviour change or distribution of non-food items (NFIs), also featured heavily (n = 18
and n = 8, 27% combined). Other, more specific interventions, such as disinfection of
households and community spaces or dead body management, featured less frequently (n = 10
and n = 7, or 11% and 7% respectively). Interventions such as management of wastewater and
faecal sludge, solid waste disposal and fly control, were infrequently mentioned (n = 3, n = 3
and n = 1, 7% combined).
Table 3. Number of recommendations listed by each guideline, classified by WASH intervention category and analysed for concordance among guidelines.
Categories of water, sanitation and hygiene Total WHO, Oxfam, ACF, UNICEF, MSF, Sphere, ICDDR’B, GTFCC, Fleiss Kappa Key to
(WASH) interventions (n) 2004 2012 2013 2013 2017 2018 2018 2019 Statistic (κ) Fig 3.
Improving the access to water sources and/ 9 3 4 6 6 6 7 4 2 0.19 Slight 1–9
or quantity of water
Improving the quality of water: water 12 3 5 9 4/1NR 7/ 6 5 4 0.30 Fair 10–21
treatment at source 1NR
Improving the quality of water: point of 11 3 6 9 6 7 8 6 7 0.36 Fair 22–32
use (POU) and safe storage
Improving the access to and use of 13 4 4 3 10 6 10 3 5 0.09 Slight 33–45
sanitation facilities and reducing exposure
to faeces
Behaviour change interventions to improve 18 8 13 12 17 8 11 8 12 0.23 Fair 46–63
personal, domestic and food hygiene
Distribution of hygiene materials or non- 8 0 6 4 6 4 5 2 2 0.25 Fair 64–71
food items (NFIs)
Promotion or distribution of disinfection 7 1 3NR 2/ 4/2NR 4/ 1 1 1 0.24 Fair 72–78
and cleaning of households and 2NR 2NR
community spaces and/or distribution of
Improving dead body management and 10 4 5/1NR 6 7 8 0 5 8 0.08 Slight 79–88
safe funeral practices
Improving the management of wastewater 3 0 2 1 1 0 2 0 1 0.01 Slight 89–91
and faecal sludge
Provision of interventions that improve 3 0 1 0 2 0 3 0 0 -0.07 Poor 92–94
solid waste disposal
Use of vector control interventions to 1 0 1NR 0 0 0 0 0 0 -0.14 Poor 95
reduce flies
Total number of recommendations listed 95 26 51 54 66 53 53 34 42 0.25 Fair -
in each guideline (n)
NR- Not Recommended by a guideline; “Key to Fig 3.” provides the numbered recommendations to be used with Fig 3; WHO- World Health Organization, MSF-
Médecins Sans Frontières, ICDDR’B- International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research Bangladesh, ACF- Action Contre la Faim, UNICEF- United Nations
Children’s Fund, GTFCC- Global Task Force on Cholera Control
Table 4. Twenty consistently recommended WASH interventions for cholera prevention and control.
Recommendation WHO, Oxfam, ACF, UNICEF, MSF, Sphere, ICDDR’B, GTFCC, Transmission
Total 2004 2012 2013 2013 2017 2018 2018 2019 domain
Table 4. (Continued)
Recommendation WHO, Oxfam, ACF, UNICEF, MSF, Sphere, ICDDR’B, GTFCC, Transmission
Total 2004 2012 2013 2013 2017 2018 2018 2019 domain
✓ - Present in guideline; × - Not found in guideline; “Household” and “Community” denote the two levels of cholera transmission and where WASH interventions
would be implemented and used; WHO- World Health Organization, MSF- Médecins Sans Frontières, ICDDR’B- International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research
Bangladesh, ACF- Action Contre la Faim, UNICEF- United Nations Children’s Fund, GTFCC- Global Task Force on Cholera Control
of WASH, and included: improving the access to water sources and/or quantity of water
(n = 2); improving the quality of water at source (n = 3); improving the quality of water at
point of use (POU) and safe storage (n = 5); behaviour change interventions to improve per-
sonal, domestic and food hygiene practices (n = 6); distribution of hygiene materials and non-
food items (NFIs) (n = 2); promotion of disinfection or cleaning of households, community
spaces and/or distribution of materials (n = 1); and, improving dead body management and
safe funeral practices (n = 1). The majority of the consistently recommended interventions
(n = 10, 50%) targeted within-household transmission, three targeted community-level trans-
mission (35%) and another seven recommendations targeted both (15%). Additionally, all
guidelines recommended that interventions and messages should be adapted to the local con-
text and cultural practices of the population.
Six interventions were explicitly described as not recommended for cholera prevention and
control by four organisations [100–102, 104] and all involved the use of chemical products
(Table 5). There was clear disagreement and contradictions between the organisations, some
of which were based on the lack of available evidence to support interventions, including the
provision of disinfection products, chlorine spraying and use of insecticides to control fly
Table 5. WASH interventions not recommended for cholera prevention and control by one or more guidelines.
Recommendation Total WHO, Oxfam, ACF, UNICEF, MSF, Sphere, ICDDR’B, GTFCC, Transmission
(n) 2004 2012 2013 2013 2017 2018 2018 2019 domain
Improving the quality of water: water treatment at source
Chlorination of unimproved water sources 2NR × × × NR NR × × × Community
(e.g. unprotected wells, unlined wells)
Promotion and distribution of disinfection and cleaning of households and community spaces and/or distribution of materials
Disinfection of households with chlorine 4NR × NR NR NR NR × × × Household
spraying (especially vomit and faeces)
Disinfection of non-households with chlorine 4NR × NR NR NR NR × × × Community
(e.g. in vehicles, marketplaces)
Provision of disinfection materials to 1NR × NR ✓ ✓ ✓ × × × Household
households for household cleaning and
disinfection (e.g. detergents,
0.5–2% chlorine solution)
Improving dead body management and safe funeral practices
Promotion or provision of hygiene materials to 1NR ✓ NR ✓ ✓ ✓ × × × Household
households for safe and hygienic corpse
(e.g. detergents, 0.5–2% chlorine solution, body
Use of vector control interventions to reduce flies
Reduction of fly populations through 1NR × NR × × × × × × Community
insecticide spraying in breeding areas
✓ - Present in guideline; × - Not found in guideline; NR—Not recommended; “Household” and “Community” denote the two levels of cholera transmission and where
WASH interventions would be implemented and used; WHO- World Health Organization, MSF- Médecins Sans Frontières, ICDDR’B- International Centre for
Diarrhoeal Disease Research Bangladesh, ACF- Action Contre la Faim, UNICEF- United Nations Children’s Fund, GTFCC- Global Task Force on Cholera Control
Our scoping review of current international guidelines found that guidelines generally recom-
mend all categories of WASH interventions for cholera prevention and control, with 95 dis-
tinct recommendations extracted from the eight included guidelines. The guidelines had poor
to fair concordance, and some had considerably fewer recommendations than others. Among
the 95 recommendations identified, 20 recommendations were consistently recommended by
seven or more guidelines. Overall, the guidelines proposed a balance between interventions
Table 6. Categorisation of WASH recommendations, by each of the eight included guidelines, according to domains of cholera transmission.
Domain of transmission targeted by WASH Total WHO, Oxfam, ACF, UNICEF, MSF, Sphere, ICDDR’B, GTFCC,
interventions (n/%) 2004 2012 2013 2013 2017 2018 2018 2019
(n/%) (n/%) (n/%) (n/%) (n/%) (n/%) (n/%) (n/%)
Within-household 33 11 (42) 19 (37) 21 23 (35) 21 (21) 18 (34) 13 (38) 15 (36)
(35) (39)
Community-level 43 7 (27) 19 (37) 21 27 (41) 20 (38) 24 (45) 10 (30) 13 (31)
(45) (39)
Within-household and community-level 19 8 (31) 13 (25) 12 16 (24) 12 (23) 11 (21) 11 (32) 14 (33)
(20) (22)
Total recommendations 95 26 51 54 66 53 53 34 42
WHO- World Health Organization, MSF- Médecins Sans Frontières, ICDDR’B- International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research Bangladesh, ACF- Action Contre
la Faim
UNICEF- United Nations Children’s Fund, GTFCC- Global Task Force on Cholera Control
Fig 3. 95 recommended WASH interventions found across eight current international guidelines mapped to the conceptual framework of cholera transmission
within the household and at the community-level.
A high number of recommendations does not necessarily render guidelines more useful or
more likely to be used. Fewer, more focused recommendations may mitigate the potential for
confusion at an operational level and incentivise uptake. To an extent, the low concordance
among guidelines observed in this review could indicate the potential difficulty of using the
available guidelines, by practitioners and policy makers, to decide which interventions to pro-
pose or which guidelines to follow. It may also disincentivise uptake or confuse the prioritisa-
tion of interventions among implementers. Only half of the included guidelines explicitly
discouraged specific interventions, which in practice may be helpful to concentrate efforts and
reduce the range of options considered. On the other hand, interventions that have not been
recommended may point to mixed, inconclusive or low-quality evidence. During this review,
we did not assess which of the interventions were based on concrete or published evidence.
There is a lack of evidence regarding the effectiveness of the interventions across the guide-
lines, as well as concerns around timeliness, prioritisation of other interventions, cost-effec-
tiveness and potential stigmatisation of the beneficiaries [101, 104]. All of which implies
evidence to support the recommendations listed are an area requiring further work.
effective and resource-efficient for delivery of interventions [1, 44, 49, 67, 122, 123]. For exam-
ple, hygiene and health promotion and the distribution of hygiene kits at the point of care
have been observed as an effective delivery channel in cholera control [63, 78, 113], and in
other disease reduction efforts [124–126], yet recommendations on the location of interven-
tion delivery was either omitted or limited in all eight of the guidelines. Prepositioning of sup-
plies for distribution has also been noted as an important consideration to allow for timely
response in case-centred and mass-delivered strategies [110].
Our review only included current, international and accessible guidelines for the prevention
and control of cholera. This may have affected how many recommendations were found and
the review will have excluded any context specific or more detailed interventions from national
guidelines and other sources. The review also does not systematically address the level of evi-
dence supporting the different recommendations, and does not factor in which interventions
would be more effective at reducing transmission than others.
In this review, we have considered the risk of transmission within two domains: within-
household and at the community-level. Although the separation of household and community
is potentially more intuitive for practitioners and policymakers to understand and use, the
conceptual cholera transmission framework may diminish the observed overlap of household
and community-level transmission and the associated human-to-human and environment-to-
human transmission pathways. Neither domains nor pathways of transmission are dichoto-
mous and, aside from interpersonal contact, there is a close association of the risk factors
among levels. Human-to-human transmission, or interpersonal contact between infected and
susceptible cases, will also occur outside of the household (e.g. in mass gatherings, community
places) [28]. Additionally, regular cholera outbreaks in endemic settings may be associated
with seasonal climatic patterns (e.g. temperature and humidity) [147, 148], and epidemic chol-
era is often triggered by weather conditions [149], such that it changes households’ behaviours
(e.g. water collection practices) and interaction with the aquatic environment which in turn
increases the risk of community-level environment-to-human transmission [25].
Concordance or consistency of recommendations is not necessarily a measure of guideline
quality, but rather of how much agreement there is among guidelines. Concordance scores
may simply reflect a lack of detail or prioritisation of certain service areas, rather than explicit
decisions to include specific interventions. Nevertheless, the less agreement, the more potential
there is for inappropriate interventions or conflicted decision-making among national govern-
ments and responding organisations, and the more likely it is that evidence has not been con-
sidered systematically when developing guidelines [93, 150], suggesting a need for greater
scientific and policy collaboration among organisations.
None of the guidelines explicitly stated their process for guideline development such as
using the GRADE system [151, 152] or other recommended methods [93, 150, 153, 154] to
determine the quality of evidence for each recommendation. Any new development of guide-
lines should either use and adhere to these recommended processes to strengthen their quality
and use, or clearly describe their methods. Additionally, as the objectives of this review did not
include an assessment of guideline quality, readers may come away not understanding guide-
line quality or which, if any, of these guidelines should be considered in cholera programmes.
However, the review was not intended to make this decision as we are unable to take into
account the specific mission or mandate of each author organisation, which may affect the pri-
ority given to different types of intervention or indeed WASH as a whole.
explicitly consider strength of evidence, efficiency and feasibility criteria when recommending
different candidate WASH interventions.
No single guideline included all recommendations or collated all available guidance. Inter-
pretation of the guidelines may be difficult particularly where recommendations are omitted
or contradict one another. Based on this review, we make five recommendations to strengthen
the development of future guidelines for cholera prevention and control:
• Considering the different phases of cholera outbreaks, WASH interventions should target
human-to-human transmission within the household and at the community-level for out-
break control, and environment-to-human transmission at a community-level for cholera
prevention in recurrent settings and areas where reinfection during outbreaks is likely;
• Limiting the number of guidelines available and compiling fewer, more focused recommen-
dations in guidelines so as to mitigate the potential for confusion at an operational level and
incentivise uptake;
• Providing greater specificity in the language used in recommendations, e.g. specifying the
timing of response, coverage required, minimum levels of service and modality of delivery
(e.g. location, population group);
• Publishing or improving access to programme evaluations and practice literature to
strengthen the evidence base for guideline development, and to support national cholera
control plans as part of the Global Roadmap for Cholera Elimination by 2030;
• Standardising approaches in guideline development to consider the evidence base, from
studies, programme evaluations or models, when deciding which interventions to
Supporting information
S1 Table. All recommendations found across guidelines.
S1 Appendix. Search strategy and resources searched.
S2 Appendix. Search terms.
S3 Appendix. Excluded guidelines.
S4 Appendix. PRISMA-ScR checklist.
Author Contributions
Conceptualization: Lauren D’Mello-Guyett.
Data curation: Lauren D’Mello-Guyett.
Formal analysis: Lauren D’Mello-Guyett.
Funding acquisition: Lauren D’Mello-Guyett, Rafael Van den Bergh, Peter Maes, Oliver
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