Cholera: Key Facts
Cholera: Key Facts
Cholera: Key Facts
30 March 2022
Key facts
Most of those infected will have no or mild symptoms and can be successfully
treated with oral rehydration solution.
A global strategy on cholera control, Ending Cholera: a global roadmap to 2030,
with a target to reduce cholera deaths by 90% was launched in 2017.
Researchers have estimated that each year there are 1.3 to 4.0 million cases of
cholera, and 21 000 to 143 000 deaths worldwide due to cholera (1)
Cholera is an acute diarrhoeal disease that can kill within hours if left untreated.
Provision of safe water and sanitation is critical to prevent and control the
transmission of cholera and other waterborne diseases.
Severe cases will need rapid treatment with intravenous fluids and antibiotics.
Oral cholera vaccines should be used in conjunction with improvements in water
and sanitation to control cholera outbreaks and for prevention in areas known to
be high risk for cholera.
Cholera is an extremely virulent disease that can cause severe acute watery
diarrhoea. It takes between 12 hours and 5 days for a person to show symptoms after
ingesting contaminated food or water (2). Cholera affects both children and adults and
can kill within hours if untreated.
Most people infected with V. cholerae do not develop any symptoms, although
the bacteria are present in their faeces for 1-10 days after infection and are shed back
into the environment, potentially infecting other people.
Among people who develop symptoms, the majority have mild or moderate
symptoms, while a minority develop acute watery diarrhoea with severe dehydration.
This can lead to death if left untreated.
During the 19th century, cholera spread across the world from its original
reservoir in the Ganges delta in India. Six subsequent pandemics killed millions of
people across all continents. The current (seventh) pandemic started in South Asia in
1961, reached Africa in 1971 and the Americas in 1991. Cholera is now endemic in
many countries.
Vibrio cholerae strains
There are many serogroups of V. cholerae, but only two – O1 and O139 – cause
outbreaks. V. cholerae O1 has caused all recent outbreaks. V. cholerae O139 – first
identified in Bangladesh in 1992 – caused outbreaks in the past, but recently has only
been identified in sporadic cases. It has never been identified outside Asia. There is no
difference in the illness caused by the two serogroups.
case of cholera with evidence of local transmission in an area where there is not usually
The number of cholera cases reported to WHO has continued to be high over the
last few years. During 2020 323 369 cases, 857 deaths were notified from 24
countries 3. The discrepancy between these figures and the estimated burden of the
disease is due many cases not being recorded due to limitations in surveillance systems
and fear of impact on trade and tourism.
Cholera surveillance should be part of an integrated disease surveillance system
that includes feedback at the local level and information-sharing at the global level.
Cholera cases are detected based on clinical suspicion in patients who present
with severe acute watery diarrhoea. The suspicion is then confirmed by identifying V.
cholerae in stool samples from affected patients. Detection can be facilitated using rapid
diagnostic tests (RDTs), where one or more positive samples triggers a cholera alert.
The samples are sent to a laboratory for confirmation by culture or PCR. Local capacity
to detect (diagnose) and monitor (collect, compile, and analyse data) cholera
Cholera is an easily treatable disease. The majority of people can be treated
successfully through prompt administration of oral rehydration solution (ORS). The
WHO/UNICEF ORS standard sachet is dissolved in 1 litre (L) of clean water. Adult
patients may require up to 6 L of ORS to treat moderate dehydration on the first day.
Severely dehydrated patients are at risk of shock and require the rapid
administration of intravenous fluids. These patients are also given appropriate
antibiotics to diminish the duration of diarrhoea, reduce the volume of rehydration fluids
needed, and shorten the amount and duration of V. cholerae excretion in their stool.
Zinc is an important adjunctive therapy for children under 5, which also reduces
the duration of diarrhoea and may prevent future episodes of other causes of acute
watery diarrhoea.
Community Engagement
Community Engagement means that people and communities are part of the
process of developing and implementing programmes. Local culture practices and
beliefs are central to promoting actions such as the adoption of protective hygiene
measures such as handwashing with soap, safe preparation and storage of food and
safe disposal of the faeces of children.funeral practices for individuals who die from
cholera to prevent infection among attendees.
Dukoral® is administered with a buffer solution that, for adults, requires 150 ml of
clean water. Dukoral can be given to all individuals over the age of 2 years. There must
be a minimum of 7 days, and no more than 6 weeks, delay between each dose.
Children aged 2 -5 require a third dose. Dukoral® is mainly used for travellers. Two
doses of Dukoral® provide protection against cholera for 2 years.
Shanchol™ and Euvichol-Plus® are the vaccines currently available for mass
vaccination campaigns through the Global OCV Stockpile. The stockpile is supported by
Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance.
Based on the available evidence, the August 2017 WHO Position Paper on
Vaccines against Cholera states that:
OCV should be used in areas with endemic cholera, in humanitarian crises with high risk
of cholera, and during cholera outbreaks; always in conjunction with other cholera
prevention and control strategies;
vaccination should not disrupt the provision of other high priority health interventions to
control or prevent cholera outbreaks.
More than 100 million doses of OCV have been used in mass vaccination
campaigns. The campaigns have been implemented in areas experiencing an outbreak,
in areas at heightened vulnerability during humanitarian crises, and among populations
living in highly endemic areas, known as “hotspots”.
WHO response
In 2014 the Global Task Force on Cholera Control (GTFCC), with its Secretariat
based at WHO, was revitalised. The GTFCC is a network of more than 50 partners
Through the GTFCC and with support from donors, WHO works to:
More about the Global Task Force on Cholera Control (GTFCC) and the Country
support Platform (CSP)
In October 2017, GTFCC partners launched a strategy for cholera control Ending
Cholera: A global roadmap to 2030. The country led strategy aims to reduce cholera
deaths by 90% and to eliminate cholera in as many as 20 countries by 2030.
1. Early detection and quick response to contain outbreaks: the strategy focuses on
containing outbreaks—wherever they may occur— through early detection and rapid
multisectoral response including community, engagement, strengthening surveillance
and laboratory capacity, health systems and supply readiness, and supporting rapid
response teams.
2. A targeted multi-sectoral approach to prevent cholera recurrence: the strategy calls on
countries and partners to focus on cholera “hotspots”, the relatively small areas most
heavily affected by cholera. Cholera transmission can be stopped in these areas through
measures including improved WASH and through use of OCV.
3. An effective mechanism of coordination for technical support, advocacy, resource
mobilisation, and partnership at local and global levels: The GTFCC provides a strong
framework to support countries to intensify efforts to control cholera, building upon
country-led cross-sectoral cholera control programs and supporting them with human,
technical, and financial resources.
Cholera Kits
In 2016, after consultation with implementing partners, WHO revised the cholera
kits to better meet field needs. There are 6 kits:
1 for investigation
1 with supplies for laboratory confirmation
3 for treatment at each of the community, peripheral and central levels
1 support kit with logistical materials including solar lamps, fencing, water bladders and
Each treatment kit provides enough material to treat 100 patients. The revised
cholera kits are designed to help prepare for a potential cholera outbreak and to support
the first month of the initial response.
(1) Updated global burden of cholera in endemic countries.
Ali M, Nelson AR, Lopez AL, Sack D. (2015). PLoS Negl Trop Dis 9(6):
e0003832. doi:10.1371/journal.pntd.0003832.