Digestive System
Digestive System
Digestive System
In consortium with
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The human body is made up of various organ systems that work together to keep the body in a healthy
condition. In the human body, the digestive system is one of the most important. The workings of the digestive
system interest children, who enjoy crunching a potato chip, producing "mustaches" with milk, and laughing
when their stomach growls. Since it turns food into raw materials that create nutrients and power our body
cells. We also know that a healthy digestive system is vital for good health as adults. In terms of the digestive
system, a person's body has a part to play in the system of metabolism. The process of metabolizing
substances is known as metabolism. Metabolism refers to how our cells use the energy we've absorbed from
meals during digestion.
In my personal life as well as a future nurse, understanding the digestive system and metabolism can
help me in many different ways. It can be through my daily life, and mostly my life as an attending nurse to the
patients who are in need. Exploring and learning about the structure and function of the digestive system will
help me understand how the digestive system works and its role in maintaining health. By mastering these
concepts, I can now treat and take care of my patients accordingly and correctly. When I become a nurse
someday, I will be able to describe the gross structure of the gastrointestinal tract along with relevant
physiology. And these concepts will aid me in highlighting several disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and their
treatment and nursing management.
Cleveland Clinic Medical Professional. (2021). Digestive System. Retrieved on August 09, 2021 from
Belleza, M. (2021). Digestive System Anatomy and Physiology . Retrieved on February 11, 2021 from
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