Cursed! Rule Cards
Cursed! Rule Cards
Cursed! Rule Cards
Draw # Discard
Pile # Pile
(HP) Weapons
General Round Flow
A round consist of the following
You may play an item at any point
during the game unless the item
specifically says to play it at a
certain time.
Round End
You capture a monster soul after
defeating the monster and calculating
any sustained damage that round. The
weapons and items played against it
are discarded. You may loot an item
only if the monster guarded a chest.
The next round starts by drawing a
new monster.
FAQ and Tips:
Going over a monsters power with a
single weapon attack (even if an item
is used) causes you to still capture the
soul and take no extra damage
Note on final monster: If you take
more damage than you have cards in
the draw pile that monsters soul is not
captured and the game ends. Hope
you have 8!
Be sure to use your items at a time
that you will get maximum value as
they are meant to be powerful and
mitigate bad luck.
Thanks for playing, hope you enjoy!