Powerpoint #9: Learning: Cognitive Psychology
Powerpoint #9: Learning: Cognitive Psychology
Powerpoint #9: Learning: Cognitive Psychology
Cognitive Psychology
- All of these make up the field of cognitive psychology
What is Learning?
- In school: the accumulation of knowledge
o Information transfer through communication
- Since you can’t talk to your dog, they must learn a different way.
- Main point of the pictures: There is
The relatively permanent change in knowledge or behavior that comes through experience
Is Knowledge a priori (innate)?
o (Can you have some knowledge without needing to learn)
o Yes: Rationalism (Plato) – to know is to remember the experiences that the soul had
before it entered the body (more modern version of this: knowledge from genetics)
(Plato though that you keep knowledge from your past life)
o No: Empiricism (John Locke) – tabula rasa (blank slate), knowledge derived only from
Innate “Knowledge”
Reflexes: spontaneous physiological reaction to specific stimulus
o E.g., grasp reflex (baby)
Instinct: innate behavioral response to stimulus
o E.g., prey drive (if an animal sees something fleeing, they will try to catch it)
- Textbook:
o Reflex: unlearned, automatic response by an organism to a stimulus in the environment
o Instinct: unlearned knowledge, involving complex patterns of behavior; instincts are
thought to be more prevalent in lower animals than in humans
Learning: Association
Ideas connected over time
o You learn by either connecting ideas that you already know, or when you learn
something new, you connect that to something else you know
4 systematic ways that you experience things (so you organize your thoughts that way)
1. Contiguity
2. Similarity
3. Contrast
4. Frequency
Law of Contiguity – the experience or recall of one object will elicit the recall of things that were
originally experienced along with that object/event.
o Example: thunder and lightning
Law of Similarity - similar experiences get connected.
o Example: Lemon and lime
Law of Contrast – opposite experiences get connected.
o Example: hot & cold and light & dark
Law of Frequency – the more frequently two things are experienced together, the more likely it
will be that the experience or recall of one will stimulate the recall of the second.
o Example: Coffee and donuts
Types of Learning
o Association: temporally related events become connected
Classical Conditioning
Operant Conditioning
Cognitive Approach
o Language
Latent Language
Social Learning
Classical Conditioning
Focus on behavior, mental phenomena cannot be observed
Ivan Pavlov
o Russian physiologist
o Nobel Prize (medicine) 1904
o Trails:
Salivation and digestions
(He would feed the dogs)
Dogs were salivating before presentation of food
Initially though it was “psychic secretions” initially an annoyance
(That the dogs psychically knew the food was coming)
(Every time he would walk into the lab, there was a bell on the door that would
ring, and the dogs associated that with the food.)
o Law of Contiguity & Frequency
associations formed among experiences that repeatedly co-occur
Unconditioned Response
Before Conditioning
Natural relationship
o Presentation of food (stimulus) salivation (response)
o Ringing bell no response
Learning Curve
[Graphical representation of the] Acquisition of a classically conditioned response
Each pairing of CS and UCS know as a conditioned trial or acquisition trial
Repeat conditioning trails, response (CR, salivation) to CS (bell) increases over time
- The graph shows the test after the conditioning trail where you will ring the bell without the
o Other similar neutral stimuli may evoke response
o E.g., clock bell, microwave timer
o Taught to differentiate between previously over-generalized CS
CS+UCS: response becomes stronger
CS-UCS: response becomes inhibited
o Brought about by repeated presentation of CS without UCS
o Extinction does not erase what is learned, only suppresses
If you try to relearn the condition, it will happen much quicker
o Spontaneous recovery
The dog might randomly start salivating to the bell
Conditioned Aversions
From an evolutionary perspective, conditioned aversions may be extremely crucial for survival
o (Ex: eating something, then throwing up (a painful experience) will cause you not want
to eat that thing again)
Some of the most powerful aversions may arise from associations with taste and smell. These
help us to avoid poisoning.
Example: Associate nausea with foods
o Evolutionarily ancient: present in invertebrates.
o Does not require cortical involvement (i.e., “higher-order” cognition)
When extreme and impact daily function, may lead to phobias— Uncontrollable fear of a
specific object or situation
However, conditioning does not explain all phobias
Operant Conditioning
B. F. Skinner
o Coined the term operant conditioning
o Behavior is operant because it is designed to operate on the environment
o Compared to classical conditioning, it is more active learning.
o Learning the association between a behavior and its consequences
o Skinner box: when the rat does a behavior, he will make a consequence (if the rat
presses the button, the consequence is food being put into the container)
Change of Behavior
To change a learned behavior, change the animal’s reinforcement contingencies (i.e.,
Animal behaviors in the box result in different outcomes/consequences
- If the mouse presses the button, have a different consequence for the action
Reinforcement Punishment
Positive Something is added to increase Something is added to decrease
likelihood of behavior (e.g., gold likelihood of behavior (e.g.,
star) electric collar)
Negative Something is removed to Something is removed to
increase likelihood of behavior decrease likelihood of behavior
(e.g., seat belt) (e.g., grounding)
Un-reinforced behavior will be extinguished
In Classical conditioning:
o Brought about by repeated presentation of CS without UCS
o Ex: hear bell and no food
In Operant conditioning:
o Brought about by when enough trials pass that the operant is not followed by the
consequence previously associated with it.
o Ex: press lever and no food
Extinction does not erase what is learned, only suppresses: spontaneous recovery
Loss of response to unconditioned stimulus
o Loss of response to conditioned stimulus
o e.g., bell + no food conditioned response lost
o Loss of response to unconditioned stimulus (e.g., a scary sound)
o e.g., sound + no danger unconditioned response lost
Habituation vs Dishabituation
o Habituation
Repeated exposure to UCS with no consequence leads to decreased response
o Dishabituation
Novel unfamiliar sound can disrupt habituated response
Google: the reappearance or enhancement of a habituated response due to the
presentation of a new stimulus.
Schedules of Reinforcement
Operant Conditioning depends on administering consequences after behavior
Changing when consequences are imposed (i.e., their schedule) changes learning
o Consequence administered after set number of operants
o Consequence administered after a set time-interval post-operant
Example Schedules
Cognitive Theory
E. Tolman
“Cognitive maps in Rats and Men”
o Questioned whether conditioning could explain everything that people do
The way that an animal construes or “thinks about” the environment is just as important to
learning as environmental contingencies
Humans and other animals are always developing mental representations of, and expectations
about, the environment.
These cognitions influence behavior
Latent Learning
10 trials / day for 10 days Count
# of errors (wrong turns)
Textbook: After 10 sessions in the maze without reinforcement, food was placed in a goal box at
the end of the maze. As soon as the rats became aware of the food, they were able to find their
way through the maze quickly, just as quickly as the comparison group, which had been
rewarded with food all along. This is known as latent learning: learning that occurs but is not
observable in behavior until there is a reason to demonstrate it.
Language Revisited
B.F. Skinner
o Shaping: Sounds that are in language get reinforced, others do not. Increasingly good
approximations of words get increasingly reinforced.
Noam Chomsky
o Universal Grammar: Humans produce more kinds of sentences than they’re ever
exposed to. Language develops through experience and innate processes
Locus of Control: generalized expectations on whether our behavior will bring about a desired
o Internal: (control own fate) more likely to take action
o External: (little / no control) more likely to be passive
In adverse events more likely to be depressed and frustrated
Social Learning Theory
Learning does not occur in an interpersonal vacuum
People learn many things from observing others (modeling)
“Good model”
o Authority
o Attractiveness
o Likeability
o Prestige
Example of modeling: Bobo Doll Bandura
o interested in aggression
o Result counter to accepted viewpoints
o Bobo doll experiment demonstrated that children are able to learn social behavior such
as aggression through the process of observation learning, through watching the
behavior of another person
Learning (Overview)
o Focus on overt behavior
o Classical: association of stimuli
o Operant: association of behavior and consequences
o Direct S-R relationship
o All learning is not overt
o Learning may occur “offline” (Latent)
o Cognitive components: internal knowledge, expectancies, motivation
Social Learning
o Influence of others
o Socialization that occurs by reciprocity of behavior, cognition, and interactions with
Cognitive Theory
E. Tolman
“Cognitive maps in Rats and Men”
Empirical study demonstrated that reinforcement alone doesn’t explain learning.
Rats’ experience in the maze caused latent learning – learning that did not appear in overt
o 1. mentalisms affect behavior
o 2. Mentalisms can be indirectly studied
Theoretical Issues
How is memory organized?
o Conceptually as well as biologically
How reliable is memory?
o Are there ways to improve reliability?
Are there separate representational systems for different kinds of memories?
o external world is re-presented in the mind
o sensory - “movie in the mind”
o verbal - conceptual ex: liberty
o motor - motor programs
How much control do we have over what we remember?
o Are there ways to improve control?
Memory Defined
The acquisition, storage, and retrieval of information, knowledge, and procedures for later
Modern conceptualization borrows heavily from the computer metaphor.
Information processing approach
Standard Model
Standard model of memory assumes that memory consists of 3 main systems
Sensory registers
o Immediate perceptual awareness
Short-term memory
o holds a small amount of information in consciousness
o 20 – 30 seconds
o Limited capacity: 5 to 9 items (phone #’s, SSN)
Long-term memory
o facts, images, thoughts, feelings, skills, and experiences that may persist for as long as a
Sensory Registers
Hold sensory information in memory for brief moment after the stimulus
o Typically people able to report about 4 or 5 letters
Memory Trace
o Representation of new memory
o Possible mechanisms:
Presynaptic neurons become more effective in sending signals (amount of
Postsynaptic neurons more effective in receiving signals (sensitivity to
New synapse creation (dendritic spines)
o There is no singular memory store
o retrieval activates several areas of brain simultaneously
o Memories encoded in areas that are related to info
Encoding Types
Sensory Encoding
o Visual Encoding:
Images associated with events get stored
(Ex: making a diagram of something for class, and remembering the picture with
the information)
o Acoustic Encoding:
Sounds associated with events get stored
Can aid in recall, e.g., the ABCs song
Semantic Encoding: Meaning of events/things.
o How concepts are related
o Encoded a bit more “deeply” (longer lasting, easier recall)
o Self-reference effect: relating material to yourself can strengthen encoding
Similar concepts/experiences seem to be encoded together
Organization of LTM
LTM is organized in clusters of information that are related in meaning
composed of interconnected nodes
A node may contain any kind of information (e.g., thoughts, images, smells, emotions, etc.)
Spreading activation theory: Activating one node in a network triggers activation in closely
related nodes
o Contiguity
o Similarity
o Contrast
Node Organization
Hierarchies of associations
o Argues that info in LTM is organized into broad categories, which are further composed
of subcategories, etc.
Cognitive economy
o properties of concepts are stored at the highest possible level in the hierarchy and not
re-represented at lower levels
Retrograde amnesia:
o Problems are related to memories from before an accident.
o New memories form normally
o (Can’t remember stuff before an event)
Anterograde amnesia
o Problems are related to memories from after an accident.
o New memories cannot be formed
o (Can’t remember stuff before an event)
Henry Molaison (Patient HM)
Hippocampus removed
o Normal STM, language, perception
o Above average IQ
o Normal memory of his own past
o But unable to store new explicit memories in LTM
(Ebbinghaus would show people a list of random, made-up words, and then ask people what the
words were after a certain amount of time.)
Transience: accessibility of memory decreases with time, typically through disuse
Enhancing Memory
o Maintenance Rehearsal
o Elaborative Rehearsal
o split information into smaller units
o Ex: 2128675309 212 – 867 – 5309
Mnemonic Devices: tools for organizing related pieces of information
Mnemonic Devices
Help memory due to elaborative rehearsal and increasing semantic encoding
- (Put something in your mind that is deeper than just repeating it over and over again. You attach
more meaning to it. This could be because you attach it to something you know before.)
o ROY G BIV – colors
o SOHCAHTOA – trigonometry
o (Attach a complicated sentence to a smaller, more simpler sentence to memorize)
o mineral wolframite is hardness number 4 and black in color
o black wolf opening the door
Method of Loci
o The content of a physical location that you are familiar with is linked to the items you
want to recall
Intelligence: Cognition
Processes of the mind including:
o Thinking
o Learning
o Memory
o Decision-making
o Problem-solving
o Language
We tend to think of intelligence as exceptional skill in one or more of these domains
D. Weschler
“the global capacity of a person to act purposefully, to think rationally, and to deal effectively
with his environment”
Advocated for non-intellective factors (e.g., temperament, personality) of intelligence
Multi-faceted test; Verbal comprehension, visual spatial reasoning, fluid reasoning, working
memory, processing speed
Structure of Language
Syntax - the allowable ways we can combine words
Semantics - the underlying meaning of the words
What is Yoda getting right? Semantics. Wrong? Syntax
Bits of Language
Morphemes: smallest units of meaningful language
o joyfulness = joy + full + ness
Phonemes: smallest sound units of speech
Phonological rules describe how phonemes are combined
Can you think of a word that is both a morpheme and a phoneme?
Language Development
Critical Period: a time during development in which certain behaviors/properties emerge.
Language Acquisition ~ 5 – puberty
Evidence: learning a second language after a certain age is a different process.
When young, babies distinguish all types of phonemes
After ~ 6 months of exposure, only distinguish between phonemes to exposed language
Russian contains different category names for dark blue and light blue
For Russians, they were able to match the colors more quickly if one was dark
blue and the other light blue
English speakers showed no difference
In English, time back and forward (move ahead in time, move back in time)
In Mandarin, time up and down
Providing participants with a horizontal or vertical prime (top 2 pictures)
affected their responses to questions about time (lower picture: the lower the
bar, the quicker the response time)(an example of a question is the true or false
o loose set of rules or framework for solving a problem
o Working backwards:
o Heuristic as a mental shortcut:
“Where’s the last place I remember using them?”
Functional Fixedness
Once something is categorized into a role, hard to change its function
(Example:) Duncker’s Candle Problem
o Goal state: Mount the lighted candle on the wall at eye height
o Given materials
Tacks in box vs. Tacks not in box
When the tacks are in box, the box is seen as a container
o Not part of the solution
Reasoning Pitfalls: Biases & Heuristics
Functional Fixedness: fixation on singular purpose/function of a tool/concept
Anchoring: bias from the first piece of information
(Ignore an article that talks about eggs being good for your
(Focus on the article that talks about how eggs are bad for
your health)
Hindsight Bias: mistakenly assuming you knew something about an event/thing before it
o Checking the answer to a problem and then telling yourself you would have gotten it
Availability Heuristic: base decision on recent or easily accessible information
o Plane crashes are highly covered in the media, so you might think they’re common
Representative Bias: judging information based on what seems correct, not appropriate logic.
o Consider Laura Smith. She is 31, single, outspoken and very bright. She majored in
economics at university and, as a student, she was passionate about the issues of
equality and discrimination.
o Is it more likely that Laura works at a bank? Or, is it more likely that she works at a bank
AND is active in the feminist movement? (statistically, it is more that one of the two is
correct, and not both)
Intelligent Machines?
“What would be impossible mechanically, so Descartes thought, was to make a robot that ‘would
reply appropriately to whatever was said in its presence’. … to have abstract capacities for
discriminating an infinity of possible inputs and appropriately generating an infinity of
– Leiber “An Invitation to Cognitive Science”, original emphasis
“Thus, I am shooketh”
o Stimulation In Stimulation Out “Node”
Nodes are typically digital – there’s no physical nodes.
If stimulation is above a critical threshold, the cell/node “turns on”
- Output is the network state – the set of nodes that are on/off
o (the one node will have an output of excitatory connections (turn other nodes on), or
inhibitory connections (turn other nodes off) )
Modern AI is very good at detecting regularities in a data-set (e.g., red traffic lights).
But it can be hard to know what properties of the data it is picking up on!
Is ChatGPT Intelligent?
PowerPoint #14: Development
How did you get from this to this?
Core Issues
Early life experience Later life behavior
What changes happen throughout development?
Epigenetics: the bidirectional interactions between genes (nature) and experiential factors
Genes provide some potential traits; environment & behavior realize (or don’t) those traits
Developmental Time-Periods
o Before-Birth
o ~ 9 Months
o 0-2 Years
o Early: 2-5 Years
o Middle: 5-7 Years
o Late: 8-11 Years
o Heart starts as a tube, and starts beating
The beating is what causes it to loop around and become heart shaped –
participating in its own development
Stage 3: Fetal stage (Weeks 9 – 40)
o Most physiological structures are formed, baby mostly grows in size
First Trimester
Second Trimester
Third Trimester
Growth (Mass)
o 5- 10 lbs at birth
o Doubles in 6 months: 10 -20 lbs
o Triples in 1 year: 15 – 30 lbs
o 19.5 inches at birth
o ~ 35 inches at 2 years
Neural Development
o Effectively all neurons are present at birth
o Neural connections will continue to emerge and change
o 2 years: 55% of adult size
o 6 years: 90 % of adult size
Milestones: sequential emergence of behaviors/capabilities during growth
Milestones are typically reached within some window of time. Sometimes associated with
critical periods (e.g., language)
Stepping Reflex
Cognitive Development
J. Piaget
How does language, thought, attention, memory, learning, decision-making, etc. change with
Different stages show different limitations to cognition – when those limitations disappear,
individual has moved on to the next stage
o A-not-B error: (limitation)
Preoperational (2 to 7)
o Ability to use symbolic thought, imagination
o Children lack concept of Irreversibility: can’t mentally reverse a sequence (so can’t undo
something you did)
o Egocentrism: (limitation) can’t visualize the world from another’s point of view
Where do you think a toy might be? Where will Barbie look for the toy?
o Other limitations:
Conservation: ability to understand that some things may change in appearance,
without changing in quantity
Centration: focus on one thing at a time to the exclusion of all else
o Have conservation, ability to see from another’s perspective, ability to think/see more
than one thing at a time. (Covers the other limitations)
o Ability to use logic to solve problems, so long as they are concrete.
o Difficulty understanding the non-tangible (limitation)
o Logical thinking achieved even in abstract
o Inferential Reasoning: using cognitive skills to think about things outside of experience
o However, most adults are limited to those areas where we have experience. (limitation)
o Which is why every time we learn something new it’s best to be as concrete as possible.
Sensorimotor (birth until 2)
o Lack object permanence, making the A-not-B error
Preoperational (2 to 7)
o Characterized by egocentrism & centration, misunderstanding conservation &
Concrete Operational (7 to adolescence)
o Difficulty understanding the non-tangible
Formal Operational (adolescence on)
o Lack Experience
Psycho-Social Development
Freud’s Psychosexual Theory
o Put emphasis on early life experience in shaping personality
Erikson’s Psychosocial Theory
o Highlights social interactions, treats development as lifelong process
Kohlberg’s Moral Development Theory
o Expanded on Piaget’s cognitive theory, focused on stages of moral reasoning
Fixed Action Patterns
Instinct: in-born motivation
BUT really doesn’t explain anything!
o Instinct Motivation
o ? Instinct
o (Instinct might cause motivation, what causes instinct?)
What about all that learned behavior?
Drive: We have biological needs which we meet through our behavior
o Food
o Sleep
o Temperature regulation
o Water
o Sex
All based on the idea of “set point” which we try to maintain
o ‘Motivated’ to return to homeostasis
But we ignore drives pretty often!
Extrinsic Factors
Incentive: Engage in behavior to achieve a reinforcement
Based pretty heavily on Operant Conditioning
Reinforcers usually broken into two categories: primary and secondary
o Primary come from drive theory: food, water, sleep, sex
o Secondary are those that will GET you primary or have been ASSOCIATED with primary:
money, affection, achievement
BUT we engage in behaviors that do not seem to have primary or secondary reinforcement
o Video games
o Painting
o Rubik’s Cube
o Why? Because it’s fun… (because of arousal)
Arousal: General stimulation (not necessarily of the sexy kind) (gets rid of boredom)
Have to meet basic needs (food, security) before can meet higher needs (love, fulfillment)
“Self-actualized”: achieving one’s full potential
o “self-actualization” is a vague concept (Maslow agreed)
little research support as a universal need
o Deafferented individuals can feel emotion without physiological arousal
o Excitement or fear?
Schacter-Singer: Empirical Support