Methodes Numerique

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David Ryckelynck, Jacques Besson

Centre des Matériaux, Mines ParisTech, UMR CNRS 7633

BP 87 Evry cedex 91003, France

scalar a a
vector ~a ai
2nd order tensor a aij
4th order tensor a aijkl
matrices a
Voigt notation a→a

. c = ~a.~b c = ai bi
~c = a.~b ci = aij bj
c = a.b cij = aik bkj
: c=a:b c = aij bij
c=a:b cij = aijkl bkl
⊗ c = ~a ⊗ ~b cij = ai bj
c =a⊗b cijkl = aij bkl
[Einstein convention]

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Displacements and deformation

Stress measures
Constitutive equations

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Displacement and Deformation

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Displacement field around X

~ + dX
~u (X ~ ) = ~u (X ~ ) + ∂ u .d X
~ ) + d ~u = ~u (X ~
„ «
~ + d ~u =
d ~x = d X 1+ ~
.d X
Transformation gradient
∂~x ∂xi
F = FiI =
∂X ∂XI

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Rigid body transformation

~x 0 = Q(t).~x + ~c (t)
Quantities are objective if they are related by the rotation tensor as:

m0 = m
~u 0 = Q(t).~u
T = Q(t).T .Q(t)T

T(n) = ~u1 ⊗ · · · ⊗ ~un objective if T(n) = ~u10 ⊗ · · · ⊗ ~un0 where ~ui0 = Q.~u1

F is not objective
∂~x 0 ∂~x 0 ∂~x
F0 = = . = Q.F
∂X~ ∂~x ∂ X~
B = F .F T is objective
B 0 = F 0 .F 0T = Q.F .F T .Q T = Q.B.Q T

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. . . and invariance

Quantities are invariant if they remain unchanged by the transformation

m0 = m, ~u 0 = ~u , T0 = T

C = F T .F is invariant
C 0 = F 0T .F 0 = F T .Q T .Q.F = C

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~ be an infinitesimal segment in the current configuration. One gets:

Let δ~x = F .δ X

dδ~x ~
dF .δ X dF ~
= = ~ = Ḟ .F −1 .δ~x = L.δ~x
.δ X = Ḟ .δ X
dt dt dt
L can be separated into symmetric (D) and an skew-symmetric (W ) parts:

L = Ḟ .F −1 = D + W

D characterizes strain rate in the following way:

d “ 1 2” dδ~x 1 dδ~x 2
δ~x .δ~x = .δ~x 2 + δ~x 1 . = (Dij + Wij )δxj1 δxi2 + δxi1 (Dij + Wij )δxj2
dt dt dt

h i h
Dij δxj1 δxi2 + Dij δxi1 δxj2 + Wij δxj1 δxi2 =+ Wij δxi1 δxj2

= 2δ~x 1 .D.δ~x 2

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For a transformation such that: F 0 = Q(t).F

L0 = Ḟ 0 .F 0−1 = (Q̇.F + Q.Ḟ ).F −1 .Q −1

= Q̇.Q T + Q.(D + W ).Q T Q −1 = Q T
= Q.D.Q T + Q̇.Q T + Q.W .Q T
= D0 + W 0


D0 = Q.D.Q T
W0 = Q.W .Q T + Q̇.Q T

Note that Q̇.Q T is skew-symmetric as:

Q.Q T = 1 ⇒ Q̇.Q T + Q.Q̇ T = 0

Only D is objective

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R.U — V .U decomposition
The deformation gradient F can be decomposed, using the polar decomposition theorem, into
a product of two second-order tensors
F = R.U = V .R
FiJ = RiK UKJ = Vik RkJ
with (R rotation tensor)
R.R T = 1 U = UT V = VT U = R T .V .R

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Calculation of R and U

C = F T .F ≡ U.U
det C = (det F )2 > 0 and det C 6= 0
Eigen frame for C = P T .C 0 .P
0 1 0√ 1
c1 0 0 c1 0 0

C 0 = @ 0 c2 0 A → U0 = @ 0 c2 0 A

0 0 c3 0 0 c3

U = P T .U 0 .P
R = F .U −1 and R T = U −1 .F T
so that
R.R T = F .U −1 .U −1 .F T = F .C −1 .F T = F .(F −1 .F −T ).F T = 1
idem for V

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Volume variation

Jacobian of the transformation

J = det F = >0
so that: Z Z
• dΩ = • JdΩ0
Ω Ω0

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Some strain measures

Several rotation-independent symmetric deformation tensors are used in mechanics.

Right Cauchy-Green deformation tensor [Lagrangian tensor]

C = F T .F CIJ = FIkT FkJ = FkI FkJ

Left Cauchy-Green deformation tensor [Eulerian tensor]

B = F .F T T
Bij = FiK FKj = FiK FKj

Some finite strain tensors

Objective or invariant
Must be 0 for F = 1
Must correspond to the small deformation theory for a first order Taylor expansion with respect to F

1 1“ 2 ”
Green-Lagrange E= (C − 1) = U −1
2 2
Biot strain tensor E Biot = U − 1
Logarithmic strain tensor E log = log U

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Principal stretches: λi

U and V have the same eigenvalues λi and can be expressed as:

X 3
U= ~i ⊗ N
λi N ~i V = λi ~ni ⊗ ~ni
i=1 i=1

so that:
X 3
C= ~i ⊗ N
λ2i N ~i B= λ2i ~ni ⊗ ~ni
i=1 i=1

One has:
V = R.U.R T = ~ i ) ⊗ (R.N
λi (R.N ~i)

Note also that:

∂λi 1 ~ ~i
= Ni ⊗ N
∂C 2λi

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Some strain measures: examples

Tension loading
ux = (∆L/L)x, uy = (∆l/l)y , uz = (∆l/l)z
0 1
1 + ∆L
0 0
F =@ 0 1 + ∆ll 0 A
0 0 1+ l

∆L 2 ∆l 2
„ « „ «
C11 = 1+ C22 = C33 = 1 +
L l
! !
∆L 2
„ « „ «2
1 ∆L 1 ∆l
E11 = 1+ −1 ≈ E22 = E33 = 1+ −1
2 L L 2 l
Biot ∆L Biot Biot ∆L
E11 = , E22 = E33 =

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Simple shear

1 + γ2
0 1 0 1 0 1
1 γ 0 1 γ 0 γ 0
F = @0 1 0A C = @γ γ2 +1 0A B=@ γ 1 0A = R.C.R T
0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1

det F = det C = 1
Eigenvalues of C

1 2 1 1 2 1
q q
1 1+ γ + 4γ 2 + γ 4 1+ γ − 4γ 2 + γ 4
2 2 2 2
R has the form 0 1
cos θ − sin θ 0
R = @ sin θ cos θ 0A
0 0 1

Solving B = R.C.R T , yields

θ = − arctan γ/2
0 2 γ 1
p p 0
B 4 + γ2 4 + γ2 C
U = R T .F = B γ2
Bp γ 2 C
p +p 0C
4 + γ2 4 + γ2 4 + γ2
@ A
0 0 1

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First order Taylor expansion 0 1
1 γ 0
C = @γ 1 0A = U
0 0 1

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Stress measures and work equivalence

Cauchy stress σ (σij )

Stress measure in the final (t) configuration
Velocity gradient
L = Ḟ .F −1 = D + W
Work Z
w= σ : D dΩ

Kirchhoff stress
w= σ : D dΩ = Jσ : D dΩ0 = τ : D dΩ0
Ω Ω0 Ω0

τ = Jσ τij = Jσij

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Green-Lagrange strain tensor

1 “ ”
E = F .F T − 1
1 “ ”
Ė = Ḟ .F T + F .Ḟ T
1 “ ”
or F −1 .Ė.F −T = F −1 .Ḟ + Ḟ T .F −T
1“ ”
F −1 .Ė.F −T L + LT = D Ė = F .D.F T
Second Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor
σij Dij dΩ = σij FiK ĖKL FLj−1 JdΩ0
−1 −T
= Jσij FKi FjL ĖKL Ω0
= JFKi σij FjL−T ĖKL Ω0

S = JF −1 .σ.F −T or σ= F .S.F T
The Second Piola-Kirchhoff stress, S, is the work conjugate of the Green-Lagrange strain
tensor, E.

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First Piola-Kirchhoff/Boussinesq stress tensor

σ : DdΩ = σ : Ḟ .F −1 JdΩ0 because σ is symmetric

−1 −T
= Jσij ḞiK FKj dΩ0 = Jσij FjK ḞiK dΩ0
= ΠiK ḞiK dΩ0
= Π : Ḟ dΩ0

The First Piola-Kirchhoff stress, Π, is the work conjugate of the transformation gradient F

Π = Jσ.F −T or σ= Π.F T

Π is not symmetric 

σ : D dΩ = τ : D dΩ0 = S : Ė dΩ0 = Π : Ḟ dΩ0
Ω Ω0 Ω0 Ω0

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Interpretation of the various stress measures: tensile test

Transformation gradient — Cauchy stress [final configuation]

0 1 0 1
Fk 0 0 σ 0 0
F =@0 F⊥ 0 A J = Fk F⊥ σ = @0 0 0A
0 0 F⊥ 0 0 0

Kirchhoff stress
τ = Jσ τ = Fk F⊥ σ τ =σ for incompressible materials

Second Piola-Kirchhoff
F⊥ 1
S = JF −1 .σ.F −T S= σ for incompressible materials S = σ
Fk Fk2

First Piola-Kirchhoff stress

Π = Jσ.F −T Π= σ ≈ engineering stress

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Stress rates - Jaumann stress rate

Recall of the relation

W 0 = Q.W .Q T + Q̇.Q T
so that:

Q̇ = W 0 .Q − Q.W
Q̇ T = −Q T .W 0 + W .Q T

For an objective displacement vector ~u 0 = Q.~u , one gets:

~u˙ 0 = Q̇.~u + Q.~u˙ = (W 0 .Q − Q.W ).~u + Q.~u˙ = W 0 .~u 0 − Q.W .~u + Q.~u˙

So that:
~u˙ 0 − W 0 .~u 0 = Q.(~u˙ − W .~u )
This allows to define an objective derivative of vectors (Jaumann rate):

~u J = ~u˙ − W .~u

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Following the same methodology for second order tensors:

Ṫ 0 = Q̇.T .Q T + Q.T .Q̇ T + Q.Ṫ .Q T

= (W 0 .Q − Q.W ).T .Q T + Q.T .(−Q T .W 0 + W .Q T ) + Q.Ṫ .Q T
= W 0 .T 0 − Q.W .T .Q T − T 0 .W 0 + Q.T .W .Q T + Q.Ṫ .Q T

which is rewritten as:

“ ”
Ṫ 0 − W 0 .T 0 + T 0 .W 0 = Q. Ṫ − W .T + T .W .Q T

An objective derivative (Jaumann derivative) is then obtained for second order tensors:

T J = Ṫ − W .T + T .W

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Stress rates - Truesdell stress rate
Recall the relation between the Cauchy and the second Piola-Kirchhoff stress:
σ= F .S.F T S = JF −1 .σ.F −T
As S is invariant the following stress rate will be objective (it corresponds to the transport of
the rate of the second Piola-Kirchhoff stress):
◦ 1
σ= F .Ṡ.F T 6= σ̇
Noting that:
Ṡ = J̇F −1 .σ.F −T + J Ḟ −1 .σ.F −T + JF −1 .σ̇.F −T + JF −1 .σ.Ḟ −T
So that:
◦ J̇
σ= σ + F .Ḟ −1 .σ + σ.Ḟ −T .F T + σ̇
Note that
d −1 −1 −1
(F .F ) = 0 = Ḟ .F + F .Ḟ
so that
−1 −T T T
F .Ḟ = −L and Ḟ .F = −L
One also has
J̇/J = TrL
Finally, one obtains the Truesdell stress rate

σ = TrL σ − L.σ − σ.LT + σ̇

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Stress rates - Green-Naghdi stress rate

One defines the rotated stress σ R

σ R = R.σ.R T or σ = R T .σ R .R

Following the same methodology as for the Truesdell rate, one gets:

σ = R T .σ̇ R .R

which defines an objective rate

Noting that
σ̇ R = Ṙ.σ.R T + R.σ.Ṙ T + R.σ̇.R T
one gets:

σ = σ̇ + R T .Ṙ.σ + σ.Ṙ T .R = σ̇ − Ω.σ + σ.Ω
Ω = Ṙ.R T
Green-Naghdi stress rate

σ = σ̇ − Ω.σ + σ.Ω

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Constitutive equations : hyperelasticity

Hyperelasticity is often used for elastomers

One first defines a strain energy density function W which depends on C
For isotropic materials, W only depends on the invariants of C

I1 = TrC
1“ ”
I2 = (TrC)2 − TrC.C
I3 = det C for incompressible materials: I3 = 1
J = det F I3 = J 2

The second Piola-Kirchhoff stress is then given by:

∂W ∂W
S= =2
∂E ∂C

Mooney-Rivlin law
W = C1 (I1 − 3) + C2 (I2 − 3)
X µp “ αp α α

W (λ1 , λ2 , λ3 ) = λ1 + λ2 p + λ3 p − 3

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Use of Penn invariant for nearly incompressible materials:

F →F = F such that det F = 1
(det F )1/3

C = F T .F

I1 = TrC
I2 = TrC.C
det C = 1

Modified strain energy density function

W = C1 (I 1 − 3) + C2 (I 2 − 3)

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Constitutive equations : hypo-elasticity

The constitutive equations are written in a rate form relating any objective stress rate to the
deformation rate D:
σ J , σ, σ, · · · = Λ : D
These constitutive equations may be path dependent . . . not physical

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Constitutive equations : F e .F p decomposition

One assume an elastic (F e ) / plastic (F p ) transformation decomposition

F = F e .F p

The decomposition defines an intermediate state :

The deformation rate is given by:

L = Ḟ .F −1 = Ḟ e .F e−1 + F e .Ḟ p .F p−1 .F e−1 = Le + F e .Lp .F e−1

Express Lp = D p + W p

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Crystal plasticity
X ` X
Dp = Wp =
´ ` ´
~ s ⊗ ~ns + m
γ̇s m ~ s ⊗ ~ns γ̇s m~ s ⊗ ~ns − m
~ s ⊗ ~ns
s s

~ s ⊗ ~ns ))
γ̇s = γ̇s (T : (m
Isotropic von Mises plasticity
3 T0
Dp = ṗ 0 Wp = 0
2 Teq
T rotated stress (various possibilities)

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Constitutive equations : corotational formulations

The constitutive equation is expressed between the rotated stress

σ R = R.σ.R T

and any stress measure constructed using U

The small strain formalism can be used for the constitutive equation
The corresponding objective stress stress rate is the Green-Naghdi rate.

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Constitutive equations : corotational formulations

The constitutive equations are expressed using:

σ Q = Q.σ.Q T

where Q is obtained so that the instantaneous rotation rate of the medium wih respect to the
frame is zero:
W 0 = Q̇.Q T + Q.W .Q T = 0
so that
Q̇ = −Q.W
The corresponding strain tensor is:
εQ = Q.D.Q T dt

The constitutive equations then relate:

σ Q = f (εQ ) small strain formalism

The corresponding objective stress stress rate is the Jaumann rate.

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