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ISSN (Online): 2455-3662

EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR) - Peer Reviewed Journal

Volume: 9| Issue: 1| January 2023|| Journal DOI: 10.36713/epra2013 || SJIF Impact Factor 2022: 8.205 || ISI Value: 1.188



Bhaskar A.1, Dr. C. Kusumakara Hebbar 2

1Research scholar, Department of Commerce, Mangalore University, Mangalagangothri, (Karnataka), India.
ORCID Id: 0000-0003-3872-6264.
2Associate Professor (Rtd.) & Research Guide, Department of Commerce, University College, Mangaluru,

(Karnataka), India. ORCID Id: 0000-0002-3711-9246.

Corresponding Author: Bhaskar A., Research Scholar, Department of Commerce, Mangalore University, Mangalagangothri, (Karnataka),

Article DOI: https://doi.org/10.36713/epra12158

DOI No: 10.36713/epra12158

Since e-banking plays a critical role in boosting organisational profitability and customers' satisfaction and loyalty, the quality
of e-banking services is crucial in e-banking studies. Today, the growing digitalization forces the service sector, such as banks,
to offer e-banking services or online banking in order to gain a competitive advantage and dedicate much market share for
themselves. When analysing the significance of e-banking services in the present-day context, the objective of the study is to
investigate the factors influencing customer satisfaction with e-banking. The research indicates there is a negative influence
on privacy and a positive association between the dependent and independent variables related to website quality, service
quality, security, and customer satisfaction.
KEYWORDS: E-banking, Website/Content, Service Quality, Security, and Privacy.

I. INTRODUCTION The services eliminate paper documents and manual

The development of the technology-based system has created processing of bank transactions. It provides online payment
a completely new way for businesses to interact with their methods that allow for direct transfer of funds, and e-banking
customers. The service sector, more specifically the banking greatly accelerates financial transactions and adopting
sector, has seen a significant change as a result of this innovative business models. It keeps minimum operating
innovation in how they interact with their customers. In order expenses. Finally, the development of a creative image for the
to attract tech-savvy customers, improve business banking system that offers its customers the newest technical
opportunities, and maintain customer loyalty, the banking solutions (Milan et al., 2011). Customers receive advantages
industry has made the most of this expansion by building a from the e-banking system in the form of high-quality
range of distribution channels (Raza et al., 2020). The rapid services. E-banking offers cashless services such as ATMs,
advancement of information and telecommunications mobile banking, phone banking, internet banking, Electronic
technology transcends time and space, considerably improving Fund Transfer (EFT), debit and credit cards, NEFT, and
and facilitating the execution of financial or banking activities RTGS (Prasad* et al., 2019).
throughout the world. This integration has resulted in the rise
of Electronic banking. II. LITERATURE REVIEW
Elizabeth (1999) researched the most recent electronic
Electronic banking is a kind of banking activity that offers and services offered by retail banks in the UK and the Republic of
executes financial services to both individuals, businesses and Ireland. She also identified how the banks implemented their
corporate organisations via the use of telecommunications innovative offerings, their organisational approach to
media (electronic support). Electronic banking entails carrying innovation, and their perception of the market both now and in
out financial transactions using information and the future. The adoption of three E-Banking technologies,
communication technology. including automatic bill payment, phone banking, and
personal computer banking, was examined by Kolodinsky
Customers may access information and services related to (2004). The study found that adoption is influenced by six
banking, as well as interactive communications and other factors: relative benefit, complexity/simplicity, compatibility,
advantages, all while having access to worldwide connection. observability, risk tolerance, and product engagement. The

2023 EPRA IJMR | http://eprajournals.com/ | Journal DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.36713/epra2013----------------------------------------------------------------28

ISSN (Online): 2455-3662
EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR) - Peer Reviewed Journal
Volume: 9| Issue: 1| January 2023|| Journal DOI: 10.36713/epra2013 || SJIF Impact Factor 2022: 8.205 || ISI Value: 1.188

study came to the conclusion that while trialability, simplicity, it. In particular, website design refers to all customer-
observability, risk, and safety are not significant with E- interactive elements of the website, such as user navigation,
Banking technologies, relative, advantage, and compatibility providing adequate information & customer order processes,
are significant. Yang et al. (2007) highlighted the present trend information content, information nature, & the type of
and growth of E-Banking application in rural regions, as well graphics are other components of this indication that in turn
as the economic impact on local financial institutions. The favourably affect e-satisfaction. Sathiyavany. N and Shivany.
findings revealed that small and local community banks now S (2018) E-services must be distinguished from conventional,
have a lower percentage of E-Banking customers' awareness. physical services. When it relates to this issue, traditional
As a result, the researcher agrees with the notion that the services have the following features: availability of core
introduction of new E-Banking services would lower banks' services, facilitating services, supporting services, and
operational costs, save time, eliminate paper, and boost complementary services; and quality is determined by how
customer happiness. Small and community banks should well customers perceive the services. In contrast, e-services
accelerate their efforts to adopt new technologies such as have features that allow for highly personalised internet
mobile banking, online banking, and anyplace banking, among communication based on multiple factors. According to
others. Tsoukatos (2008) analysed the fundamental factors of research by Kua et al. (2009) on consumer demands for
consumers' perceptions of E-Banking services, investigated international electronics, buyers pay a lot of attention to issues
the impact of service improvement on customer satisfaction, of security and privacy while making purchases.
and assessed banks' performance in key E-Banking excellence
categories. Personalized service, innovation, accessibility and III. OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY
convenience, and transaction security were highlighted as four To investigate the impact of demographic characteristics on
electronic banking aspects in the study. The survey discovered various parameters that contribute to satisfaction.
that customers' perceptions of banks fall short of being in sync To investigate the factors influencing customer satisfaction
with their customers' expectations across all services, and it with e-banking.
also indicated that specific emphasis should be placed on
increasing ATM security and educating new customers. Ching IV. HYPOTHESES OF THE STUDY
Poon (2008) investigated customer adoption of electronic Hypothesis 1: web design and content quality has a significant
banking services in Malaysia. The study identified eleven effect on customer satisfaction.
characteristics, including ease of use, accessibility, feature Hypothesis 2: service quality has a significant effect on
availability, bank management and image, security, privacy, customer satisfaction.
design, content, speed, and taxes and charges. According to Hypothesis 3: perceived security has a significant effect on
the findings, out of 10 variables, accessibility, ease of use, customer satisfaction.
design, and content are the most important sources of Hypothesis 4: perceived privacy has a significant effect on
satisfaction, while privacy and security are the most important customer satisfaction.
sources of dissatisfaction. However, the availability of
features, speed, service prices, and bank management are all V. METHODOLOGY
threats to the viability of E-Banking services. As a result, the Nationalized banks i.e. State bank of India, Bank of Baroda
researcher must determine the level of satisfaction with and Canara bank customers in the Dakshina Kannada district
security in E-Banking services. Gbadeyan and Akinyosoye were treated as the population study, which is treated as an
(2011) examined how the quality of e-banking services infinite population in this study, constituting the statistical
affected users' decisions about which banks to use. The population of the current study. 400 people are selected as the
approach of stratified sampling was used. It was determined sample size, and their data form the base of the research.
that E-Banking has developed into a significant phenomenon Convenience random sampling was employed in this
in the banking industry and will continue as information and investigation due to the homogeneity of the units in the
communication technology develops further. According to the statistical population. In this strategy, there is a fixed and
study, several security measures should be implemented, equal probability that each member of the statistical
including the usage of alphanumeric one-time passwords, population will be chosen to participate. In order to evaluate
encrypted software installation, frequent password changes, the reliability of the scale, the reliability coefficient was
customer identity card verification systems, and one-time determined. The Cronbach's alpha value, which was found to
passwords. These, according to Wang & Emurian (2005), can be 0.79, it showed the general acceptability of the reliability of
provide the user with a good impression of the website and this scale.
may significantly affect their level of satisfaction when using

2023 EPRA IJMR | http://eprajournals.com/ | Journal DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.36713/epra2013----------------------------------------------------------------29

ISSN (Online): 2455-3662
EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR) - Peer Reviewed Journal
Volume: 9| Issue: 1| January 2023|| Journal DOI: 10.36713/epra2013 || SJIF Impact Factor 2022: 8.205 || ISI Value: 1.188


A. Percentage Analysis
Table 1: Respondents’ Demographic characteristics
Demographic profile Frequency Percentage
18-30 191 47.75
31-40 135 33.75
41-50 48 12.00
Above 51 26 6.50
Male 248 62.00
Female 152 38.00
Below graduate 152 38.00
Education Graduate 223 55.75
Above graduate 25 6.25
Private sector 261 65.25
Occupation Government sector 91 22.75
Self-employee/ Business 48 12.00
Source: primary survey
The above table, the respondents are categorised according to ages, in gender where majority are male, in education
their age, gender, education and occupation. Here it is clearly qualification where they belonged to graduate and whereas
shown that the majority of respondents are between 18-30 majority responded comes under private sector.

B. Descriptive Statistics
Table 2: Descriptive statistics of research variables
Variable Quantity Min. Max. Mean Standard Deviation Variance
Website and Content 400 1.49 5.00 3.612 0.853 0.728
Service quality 400 1.70 5.00 3.561 0.847 0.720
Perceived Security 400 1.00 5.00 3.705 0.805 0.648
Perceived Privacy 400 1.50 5.00 3.816 0.785 0.617
The attributes of a sample or data set, such as a variable's that, out of all the variables, the variable relating to Perceived
mean, S.D., are described or enumerated using descriptive Privacy has the greatest mean (3.816), while the variable
statistics. Based on the above findings, it can be concluded relating to Service quality has the lowest mean (3.561).

C. Inferential Statistics
Table 3: Hypotheses and results
Hypothesis Path coefficient Significance Result
H1. Web design and content quality
has a significant effect on customer 0.302 4.281 Confirmed
H2. Services quality has a significant
0.655 10.773 Confirmed
effect on customer satisfaction.
H3. Perceived security has a significant
0.175 2.187 Confirmed
effect on customer satisfaction.
H4. Perceived privacy has a significant
0.052 0.744 Rejected
effect on customer satisfaction.
Hypothesis1 Results showed a strong and substantial satisfaction, with an impact factor of 0.655 and a T-value of
relationship between website content quality and customer 10.773(P-Value=0.001). It is advised to banks that the
satisfaction, with an impact factor of 0.302 and a T-value of E-banking system should be prepared to respond to customers'
4.281(P-Value=0.05). Therefore, it is advised that banks requests and that banks endeavour to ensure that the e-banking
enable customers to discover their preferred bank website system gives each customer individual attention.
content in the E-banking website and also exert effort to make
the content of the website relevant. It is advised that banks Hypothesis 3 results showed a strong and substantial
make their website easy to navigate and work to uphold the relationship between website content quality and customer
promises stated on their e-banking website. satisfaction, with an impact factor of 0.175 and a T-value of
2.187 (P-Value=0.05). Therefore, it is advised that banks take
Hypothesis 2 results showed a strong and substantial the required security precautions to safeguard the information
relationship between website content quality and customer of their e-banking customers. They should also work to

2023 EPRA IJMR | http://eprajournals.com/ | Journal DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.36713/epra2013----------------------------------------------------------------30

ISSN (Online): 2455-3662
EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR) - Peer Reviewed Journal
Volume: 9| Issue: 1| January 2023|| Journal DOI: 10.36713/epra2013 || SJIF Impact Factor 2022: 8.205 || ISI Value: 1.188

develop an e-banking website that can authenticate users' Hypothesis 4 results showed a negative relationship between
identities in order to meet security goals. Perceived privacy and customer satisfaction, with an impact
factor of 0.052 and a T-value of 0.744.
The objective of the study is to find out the link with factors of negative impact on privacy. Based on the findings, it can be
website quality, service quality, security, and privacy between concluded that the customers in the Dakshina Kannada Taluk
customers satisfaction. Impact of E-banking on customer of Karnataka, build their perceptions based on the interactivity
satisfaction is taken into consideration. The sample size was of the E-service.
400 who were users of E-banking. The independent variables
were set as website quality, service quality, security, and Every culture places a high value on customer service since it
privacy. Whereas, dependent variables were customer’s has shaped how consumers perceive E-banking and, therefore,
satisfaction. After the research, we have found that there exists how they use it. For managers and e-retailers looking to
a positive relationship between dependent and independent capture the retailing sector, this study report is helpful.
variables on website quality, service quality, security and

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