Physics: Daily Practice Problem
Physics: Daily Practice Problem
Physics: Daily Practice Problem
(e) 50 m (e) 0.8 ms−1
18. A boy reaches the airport and finds that
the escalator is not working. He walks
up the stationary escalator in time t. If
. remains stationary on a moving escala-
tor then the escalator takes him up in time
t2 . The time taken by him to walk up on
the moving escalator will be:
(a) 10 m (b) 6 m
(a) t2t1−t
(b) t1 +t2
(c) 3 m (d) 9 m 1 2
(c) t2t1+t
(d) t2 − t1
(e) 15 m 1
t1 −t2
(e) 2
15. The distance travelled by a body moving
19. A passenger train of length 60 m travels
along a line in time t is proportional to t3 .
at a speed of 80 km / hr. Another freight
The acceleration-time (a, t) graph for the
train of length 120 m travels at a speed
motion of the body will be
of 30 km/h. The ratio of times taken by
the passenger train to completely cross the
freight train when: (i) they are moving in
same direction, and (ii) in the opposite di-
rections is:
(a) 115
(b) 52
(c) 32 (d) 25
(e) 11
22. A goods train accelerating uniformly on a the top, another stone starts to fall from
straight railway track, approaches an elec- a point 25 m below the top. Both stones
tric pole standing on the side of track. Its reach the bottom of building simultane-
engine passes the pole with velocity u and ously. The height of the building is
the guard’s room passes with velocity v. (a) 35 m (b) 45 m
The middle wagon of the train passes the (c) 25 m (d) 50 m
pole with a velocity. (e) 150 m
(a) u+v
(b) r
u2 + v2
√ u2 +v 2
(c) uv (d) 2
27. A body is thrown vertically upwards.
(e) u−v Which one of the following graphs cor-
rectly represent the velocity vs time?
23. A ball is thrown up vertically with a cer-
tain velocity so that, it reaches a maximum
height h. Find the ratio of the times in
which it is at height h3 while going up and
coming down respectively.
√ √ √
(a) √2−1
(b) √3+√2
3− 2
(c) √3−1 (d) 1
√3+1√ 3
(e) √3−√2
3+ 2
(e) None of the above
24. A ball is released from a height h. If t1
and t2 be the time required to complete 28. From a tower of height H, a particle is
first half and second half of the distance thrown vertically upwards with a speed u.
respectively. Then, choose the correct re- The time taken by the particle, to hit the
lation between t1 and t2 . ground, is n times that taken by it to reach
√ √
(a) t1 = ( 2)t2 (b) t1 = ( 2 − 1)t2 the highest point of its path. The relation
√ √
(c) t2 = ( 2 + 1)t1 (d) t2 = ( 2 − 1)t1 between H, u and n is:
(e) 3t2 (a) 2gH = n2 u2
(b) gH = (n − 2)2 u2 d
25. Water drops are falling from a nozzle of
(c) 2gH = nu2 (n − 2)
a shower onto the floor, from a height of
(d) gH = (n − 2)u2
9.8 m. The drops fill at a regular interval
(e) 2gH = (n − 2)2 u2
of time. When the first drop strikes the
floor, at that instant, the third drop begins
29. A ball is released from the top of a tower
to fall. Locate the position of second drop
of height h meters. It takes T seconds to
from the floor when the first drop strikes
reach the ground. What is the position of
the floor.
the ball at T3 second
(a) 4.18 m (b) 2.94 m
(a) 8h9
meters from the ground
(c) 2.45 m (d) 7.35 m 7h
(b) 9 meters from the ground
(e) 3.40 m
(c) h9 meters from the ground
26. A stone is dropped from the top of a build- (d) 17h
meters from the ground
ing. When it crosses a point 5 m below (e) 19 meters from the ground
30. From a building two balls A and B are of the object
thrown such that A is thrown upwards and (c) at timet = 1 s, the object is at rest
B downwards (both vertically) with same (d) at time t = 1 s, the instantaneous ac-
speed. If vA and vB are their respective celeration is zero
velocities on reaching the ground, then (e) The distance travelled by the object at
(a) vB > vA timet = 1 s is V0 m
(b) vA = vB
(c) vA > vB 34. The following plot gives the variation of
(d) their velocities depend on their masses. acceleration (m/s2 ) with time (s) for an ob-
(e) Not able to predict ject that started from rest at time t = 0 s.
The velocity at time t = 15 s (v15 ) and at
31. When a body starts from rest and moves 25 s (V25 ), respectively are
with a constant acceleration, the velocity-
time graph for its motion is
36. The following figure gives the movement
of an object. Select the correct statement
from the given choices.
(a) velocity is constant (a) 30kmh−1 (b) 13kmh−1
(b) velocity varies non-uniformly (c) 60kmh−1 (d) 40kmh−1
(c) acceleration is constant (e) 20kmh−1
(d) acceleration changes continuously
(e) momentum is constant 46. An aeroplane flies around a square field
ABCD of each side 1000 km. Its
42. The distance x covered by a particle varies speed along AB is 250kmh , along −1
2 2
with time t as x = 2t + 6t + 1. Its accel- BC500kmh−1 , along CD 200kmh−1 , and
eration varies with x as along DA100kmh−1 . Its average speed (in
(a) x (b) x kmh−1 ) over the entire trip is
(c) x−1 (d) x−3 (a) 225.5 (b) 175.5
(e) x−2 (c) 125.5 (d) 310.5
(e) 190.5
43. The velocity-time graph for the verti-
cal component of the velocity of a body
47. Free fall of an object (in vacuum) is a case
thrown upwards from the ground and land-
of motion with
ing on the roof of a building is given in the
(a) uniform velocity
figure. The height of the building is
(b) uniform acceleration
(c) variable acceleration
(d) constant momentum
(e) uniform speed
(a) 50 m (b) 40 m
(c) 20 m (d) 30 m
(e) 10 m
45. A car moves a distance of 200 m. It covers 49. A particle starts from rest at t = 0 and
first half of the distance at speed 60kmh−1 moves in a straight line with an accelera-
and the second half at speed v. If the av- tion as shown in figure. The velocity of the
erage speed is 40kmh , the value of v is particle at t = 3 s is
P starts at time t = 0 and object Q starts
later at t = 30 min. The object P has an
acceleration of 40 km/h2 . To catch P at
a distance of 20 km, the acceleration of Q
should be
(a) 2 ms−1 (b) 4 ms−1 (a) 40 km/h2 (b) 80 km/h2
(c) 6 ms−1 (d) 8 ms−1 (c) 100 km/h2 (d) 120 km/h2
(e) 1 ms−1 (e) 160 km/h2
50. The stopping distance of a moving vehicle 55. From a balloon moving upwards with a ve-
is proportional to the locity of 12 ms−1 , a packet is released when
(a) initial velocity it is at a height of 65 m from the ground.
(b) cube of the initial velocity The time taken by it to reach the ground
(c) square of the initial velocity is (take, g = 10 ms−2 )
(d) cube root of the initial velocity (a) 5 s (b) 8 s
(e) square root of the initial velocity (c) 4 s (d) 7 s
51. The magnitude of deceleration required for (e) 10 s
a body, moving at a speed of 10 m/s to
come to a complete halt at a distance of 56. A ball dropped from a point A falls down
100 m is vertically to C, through the mid-point B.
(a) 20 m/s2 (b) 10 m/s2 The descending time from A to B and that
(c) 2 m/s2 (d) 0.5 m/s2 from A to C are in the ratio
(e) 1 m/s2 (a) 1 : 1 (b) 1 : 2
(c) 1 : 3 (d) 1 : 2
52. An object, moving with velocity 5 m/s, √
(e) 1 : 3
undergoes an acceleration of 1 m/s2 at
time t = 0. If the object has a mass of 57. The time required to stop a car of mass
1 kg, the kinetic energy (KE) of the object 800 kg, moving at a speed of 20 ms−1 over
at time t = 5 s is a distance of 25 m is
(a) KE = 12.5 J (b) KE = 20 J (a) 2 s (b) 2.5 s
(c) KE = 30 J (d) KE = 50 J (c) 4 s (d) 4.5 s
(e) KE = 0 J (e) 1 s
53. An object having a velocity 5 m/s is ac-
58. A ball is dropped from the top of a tower of
celerated at the rate 2 m/s2 for 6 s. Find
height 100 m and at the same time another
the distance travelled during the period of
ball is projected vertically upwards from
ground with a velocity 25 ms−1 . Then,
(a) 60 m (b) 25 m
the distance from the top of the tower, at
(c) 36 m (d) 66 m
which the two balls meet is
(e) 45 m
(a) 68.4 m (b) 48.4 m
54. Two object P and Q, travelling in the same (c) 18.4 m (d) 28.4 m
direction starts from rest. While the object (e) 78.4 m
59. The ratio of distance traversed in succes- bus starts running at 10 ms−1 to catch the
sive intervals of time when a body falls bus. The man will be able to catch the bus
freely under gravity from certain height is after
(a) 1 : 2 : 3 (b) 1 : 5 : 9 (a) 6 s (b) 5 s
√ √ √
(c) 1 : 3 : 5 (d) 1 : 2 : 3 (c) 3 s (d) 7 s
(e) 1 : 4 : 9 (e) 8 s
60. A particle starting with certain initial ve- 65. A particle is moving with constant accel-
locity and uniform acceleration covers a eration from A to B in a straight line AB.
distance of 12 m in first 3 s and a distance If u and v are the velocities at A and B
of 30 m in next 3 s. The initial velocity of respectively then its velocity at the mid-
the particle is point C will be
2 2 2
−1 −1 u +v u+v
(a) 3 ms (b) 2.5 ms (a) 2u
(b) q 2
v−u 2 2
(c) 2 ms −1
(d) 1.5 ms −1 (c) 2 (d) u +v 2
(e) 1 ms−1 2
(e) v −u 2
61. From an elevated point P , a stone is pro- 66. A body travelling with uniform accelera-
jected vertically upwards. When the stone tion crosses two points A and B with ve-
reaches a distance h below P , its veloc- locities 20 ms−1 and 30 ms−1 respectively.
ity is double of its velocity at a height h The speed of the body at the mid-point of
above P . The greatest height attained by A and B is nearest to
the stone from the point of projection P is (a) 25.5 ms−1 (c) 24 ms−1
(a) 53 h (b) 53 h (b) 25 ms−1 (e) 22 ms−1
(c) 75 h (d) 57 h (d) 10 6 ms−1
(e) 23 h
67. A body is falling freely under gravity. The
62. Two cars started moving with initial veloc- distances covered by the body in first, sec-
ities v and 2v. For the same deceleration, ond and third minute of its motion are in
their respective stopping distances are in the ratio
the ratio (a) 1 : 4 : 9 (b) 1 : 2 : 3
(a) 1 : 1 (b) 1 : 2 (c) 1 : 3 : 5 (d) 1 : 5 : 6
(c) 1 : 4 (d) 2 : 1 (e) 1 : 5 : 13
(e) 4 : 1
68. A bullet fired into a fixed wooden block
63. The distances traversed during equal inter- loses half of its velocity after penetrating
vals of time by a freely falling body from 40 cm. It comes to rest after penetrating
rest are in the ratio a further distance of
(a) 1 : 3 : 5 : 7 . . . (b) 2 : 4 : 6 : 8 . . . (a) 22
cm (b) 40
20 22
(c) 1 : 4 : 9 : 25 . . . (d) 1 : 9 : 25 : 49 . . . (c) 3 cm (d) 5 cm
(e) 1 : 2 : 3 : 4 . . . (e) 5 cm
64. A bus begins to move with an acceleration 69. A ball A is thrown up vertically with a
of 1 ms−2 . A man who is 48 m behind the speed u and at the same instant another
ball B is released from a height h. At time takes 5 s to reach the ground, then the dif-
t, the speed of A relative to B is ference in initial heights is (g = 10 ms−2 )
(a) u (b) 2u
(a) 20 m (b) 80 m
(c) u − gt (d) (u2 − gt) (c) 170 m (d) 40 m
(e) gt (e) 160 m
70. Two cars A and B are moving with same 73. A ball is thrown vertically upwards with a
speed of 45 km/h along same direction. If velocity of 25 ms−1 from the top of a tower
a third car C coming from the opposite di- of height 30 m. How long will it travel be-
rection with a speed of 36 km/h meets two fore it hits ground?
cars in an interval of 5 min, the distance of (a) 6 s (b) 5 s
separation of two cars A and B should be (c) 4 s (d) 12 s
(in km ) (e) 10 s
(a) 6.75 (b) 7.25
74. Two cars A and B are travelling in
(c) 5.55 (d) 8.35
the same direction with velocities v1 and
(e) 4.75
v2 (v1 > v2 ). When the car A is at a dis-
71. Two trains are moving with equal speed in tance d behind the car B, the driver of the
opposite directions along two parallel rail- car A applies the brake producing uniform
way tracks. If the wind is blowing with retardation, a. There will be no collision
speed u along the track so that the rela- when :
v 2 −v 2
v1 −v2
tive velocities of the trains with respect to (a) d < 2a
(b) d > 12a 2
2 2
v −v 2
the wind are in the ratio 1 : 2, then the (c) d > (v1 −v
(d) d < 12a 2
speed of each train must be (e) none of these
(a) 3u (b) 2u
75. A car is moving with a velocity of 30 ms−1 .
(c) 5u (d) 4u
On applying the brakes, the velocity de-
(e) u
creases to 15 ms−1 in 2 s. The acceleration
72. Two balls are dropped to the ground from of the car is
different heights. One ball is dropped 2 s (a) +7.5 ms−2 (b) −7.7 ms−2
after the other but they both strike the (c) −7.5 ms−2 (d) +15 ms−2
ground at the same time. If the first ball (e) −15 ms−2